A lot of PriConne kinda reminds me of the ridiculous antics of the gang from KonoSuba Although KonoSuba drifts more into crass humour and mockery But that same frantic adventuring energy is shared between both series
>>1024816 i have a couple left but i'm gonna watch them after this no work tomorrow, just working out so i can sleep in
i love lappland
>>1024817 it definitely had that same party-based comedy and questing vibe has* speaking of konosuba didn't they announce they were beginning work on something at some point in the last year
Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Cue! Episode 4-5 Futsal Boys! Episode 4-5 *Hazozume *Koroshi Ai *Leadale no Daichi nite Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin *Tokyo 24-ku
>>1024820 I can't recall any news to new KonoSuba work
Oh yeah he ended up with a sniper shot to the chest for his plot Poor guy
Red's got some good friends
... Are we supposed to be cheering for the cops here or something. I don't think so, this really feels like clear cut police maltreatment and over-policing But it's hard to tell with Japan's cultural differences
Ah this old lady She's not going to be able to understand her grandson is dead Man Green's sinking pretty low in my books right now
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uh oh UH OH it's gonna be like minority report isn't it
Land in Tokyo feels a bit on the precious side to just leave a condemned old burned-out school up for so long really Maybe they're not in a good place economically in this near future though
Bread crusts aren't really great for nuitrition No wonder Red was trying to steal apples
kinda weird press conference where everyone is sitting at the desk with a laptop
Maybe it's normal in this near future for laptops to have pretty good built in mics for recording conferences Although you think people would just use their phones
The message is being pretty clearly painted on the wall here
Oh fuck It's not just her brain It's her entire body Or well what was salvageable Man this guy is fucked
They dropped the Asumi is the brain of the supercomputer reveal earlier than I thought they would
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and then there's still this carneades guy going around what the hell is even going on
chateau is kidnapped right now, right? by spiderface
oh yeah and last week we found out that the person in the front seat of the car that chateau was found in was named ryong-ha and had a passport with his face on it
>>1024847 The long-ish recap at the start of each episode is pretty useful for remembering everything last episode\ It's nice to not have to recall every show we're watching in the first two or so minutes
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holy fuck the OP felt so jarring right there it's so tense and grim and serious and then JAZZ
The OP kind of makes out Chateau's boss and his secretary to be much more relevant to the story than they've been so far Maybe they just wanted to fill out the visual cast But I also feel like they could have put Hou in there or even just had it be Chateau and Ryong-ha
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i think the secretary is gonna turn out to be secretly important like he's part of some criminal underworld thing or something
I kinda want Ryong-ha to M. Bison this guy >The day I murdered your mentor was the most important day of your life >But for me it was Tuesday
This is a josei so it's kind of nice they're not entirely relegating her to the damsel in distress role Only just mostly
Oh no a bloodthirsty shota The worst kind of shota
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dangerous kid
The thing about highly skilled always-paranoid assassin types like him There's no way he let her get a hand that close to a mending wound of his without knowing So it's hard for me to not see it as anything more than him "letting" her get the poke in
Secretary-kun's broken Japanese is a great bit for me I love it
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Fuck cruise ships All my homies hate cruise ships
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i've never been on one but it doesn't really seem like something i'd like
They're rife with employee abuse and poor working conditions, and cruise ship companies have even worked pretty hard to get ocean law on their side when employees disappear at sea And the actual ships themselves are obscene pollution monsters, burning through insane amounts of fuel and contaminating the waters they sail in All just so some rich people or elderly people can feel like masters of the ocean I really do not like them
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there's a a mudershota among us
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i love lappland
wow next episode looks exciting just the idea of everyone being stuck on a cruise ship with her boss and his assistant there and then that assassin is there
That said they are one of the last remaining reliably closed-room settings for a mystery plot Not that this is the kind of series that would rely on an actual murder mystery
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yeah when the murder happens i don't think it'll be a mystery more likely a public massacre
Or a thriller/suspense moment We know who the killer is, But the characters don't
There's something somewhat assuaging knowing there's other adults who are barely functionable messes
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Hah hah hah RIP That was a great moment
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i think maybe these two should be at their own mixer
I think maybe these two should be in their own love hotel room
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she absolutely would not have an issue with a cockroach
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this is the best
It's a wonderful disaster in the making
So she's trying to downplay the policing part of her job I guess that might work against the Japanese gender standards of a nice, gentle Yamada Nadeshiko
Yamato Nadeshiko? Ah yeah
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do they really not have lives outside of work huh
That feels kind of accurate to a lot of Japanese careers though Your life is your work I could imagine public service like policework is probably even more demanding than most
Hah hah It's kind of charming how fast Afro and Seiko switch promptly into work mode
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Seiko just wants to see her former squadmates get lectured
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i love lappland
minamoto pls
Being Kawai is suffering
That poor car All for nothing
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"i'll take the heat for you" said the most fucked squad leader
Wow are they actually fired
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probably not but that would really amp up this series like where the hell would it even go
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seiko would probably do fine as a bounty hunter minamoto too yamada might be okay you know i'm not sure if kawai would be okay but i don't think she would try
I think she still leans pretty hard on Chaotic Good Her antics aren't all too damaging to the overall stability and goodness of the land and other good people And she was also pretty firm on her granddaughter seeking out the weapon skill herself rather than just freely giving it out
i could see cayna leveling a city if she got pissed enough
I dunno, I think for all her overpowered reactions to things, she holds out on either things which can take her beatings (like her children), or things which have been irredeemably awful The latter of which is kind of where things might get a bit touch and go, but I think she understands the finite nature of life enough to not go overboard on anything which isn't evil
Tiny! She's really, really small for a middle school student
They've got a whole spy squad going on now
This show gets pretty well some of the innocent fun antics of being a kid It's kind of like Takagi-san in that way Just a nice way of remembering what it's like to be a kid again
I wonder when others will join her in wearing sailor outfits
Maybe not It seems like the school doesn't officially provide the sailor uniform anymore, so unless they have a tailor like Akebi's mom, getting a suitable sailor uniform might be tough Although she could always recommend her mom as a source for others hah hah
I've never been so stressed or anxious that I've had stomach pains It's the kind of thing where every now and then I wonder if it's even a real thing
also i hope some of the others do get sailor uniforms the ED makes me think it will happen
Her face also kind of potato's from time to time too
The ED could also be something like memories of her mom's time at the school though Back when the sailor uniform was the standard uniform there Since the girls in it seem to all be random schoolgirls and not Akebi or any of her classmates