Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku *Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Episode 5-6 Futsal Boys! *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru *Vanitas no Carte
i love lappland
priconne is so good it has no right being this good
It has every right to be as good as is! There's a total labour of love that has gone into the series
I was trying to figure out what was missing from the normal Sunday lineup We don't normally do Girls' Frontline tonight
i love lappland
oka y i'm ready now
I still continue to be confused as to the ages of people in this series Henry is old enough to have a minimum teen son but he's chasing the pants of Richard who is ??? years old?
I did some research to refresh myself on Richard III, at least as Shakespeare wrote it The play doesn't actually start with his brother, the current king of England, dying, but it does happen pretty early on Although his brother does still need two sons as heirs before he dies to keep on track with the plot of the play
>>1026317 Problem is a lot of people are doing this believing they're as good as Jesus
i love lappland
then they REALLY need jesus
No one needs Jesus! He's just a man two millenia dead!
Warwick is like the best villain in this series He's just trying to keep England on the most reputable and most stable path Everyone else are just drunk on power or revenge or thinking with their dicks
i love lappland
is there anyone in this show who ISN'T a villain though lets see henry catesby anne big oyrk york*
this is some madoka-tier darkness that's been summoned
And despite the seriousness of the situation they're still butting heads
i love lappland
awww they're definitely in love
i love lappland
i love lappland
roland is one of my favorites
i love lappland
i guess they all are i love this show
i love lappland
dude's got a 40k chainsword
Noe please
I want to see more long-haired Jeanne
i love lappland
getting 20 minutes bits of shows like this one can be so painful this is absolutely a show i wouldn't be able to stop watching until it was over i might just rewatch it when it's done
is it time for the amidonian princess to appear? she appeared in like the first or second episode i think she's had a scene every here or there throughout the whole series
She got herself built a whole-ass house down here in the dungeon
Or he could marry into the Maxwell family That's not entirely uncommon for prestige marriages
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matchmaker king
i love lappland
dragon-bone theft must be a big deal
We haven't even heard of dragons in this world before, have we? Not that I'm surprised they're real But if they're a rare enough creature to not get brought up much, on top of probably being the usual danger a dragon normally is I could see why dragon bones are such a serious commodity
reminds me of the kind of stuff i eat when my bank account goes under 3 digits
To it's credit, it's a pretty filling meal A lot of fried rice, chicken, weiners The natto probably helps sustain your digestive system even if you're not eating terribly healthy It's definitely not a great idea for dinner, but it probably keeps her full and not unconsciably mal-nourished
Wow that's a late OP
i love lappland
it was so late i waws like "what no it just started it can't be over"
Side note: jii-chan used no gender-specific language there Gojou has no clue what kind of person is here
alright i officially like and approve of this show i was holding onto my skepticism but all my doubts have been allayed i was thinking it was possibly just a guilty pleasure but the way they decided to handle marin's reaction to gojo saying she was beautiful has convinced me fully that this show is actually good >>1026419 regardless of the character's body type, the use of the walking-in-on trope is actually so far my biggest complaint with the show but there have definitely been worse usages of it my other big complaint would be how often he ends up at home without adults being around but his grandpa is an important enough character that i'm willing to overlook the "parents who are dead/never around" trope at least
Funny that it took you to the lolicon fanservice episode to come to that conclusion
It was executed well in that she slipped and fell down and the view was censored well and generally puts the audience on notice that she's a character with bad luck
The "silky smooth" bit made me laugh a bit too I'd forgotten about all that from the manga
Man I wish it was atsui here I'm tired of winter
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it was like 70 out today these last few days have been beautiful kind of concerning for it to be like that in february but i think it was just a heat wave
I turned the heat off in my apartment a day or two ago because it was pretty warm here and honestly I rarely need the heat on to get my place above 22C, which is sufficiently warm for me in winter But I woke up this morning feeling it was kind of cold and it had worked its way down to 20c in here And it was -10c outside
A gift of a fishing rod is a pretty sweet gift Those things can be really expensive
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i think the only time i had mahi-mahi was at a sushi bar when i was kinda blitzed i don't really remember what it tastes like i've heard it's delicious
You probably want to catch some really nice fish if you're going out to ocean on a boat like this And a lot of them too Gotta make the fuel and other costs of boating worth it
i wanna go fishing out on a boat it's been a long time
also it looks really cold and everyone is dressed warmly except the one girl in a tanktop
I'd like to go out on a boat out in the ocean like this Although I don't have an interest in fishing
>>1026430 They were complaining about the heat at the top of the episode so it's probably pretty warm I'd guess they're dressed up to keep the sun off more than to stay warm