I was looking at the lyrics to don't believe the hype and found out I'd been mishearing "I don't rhyme for the sake of riddling" was "I don't rhyme for the sake of Ritalin". https://genius.com/Public-enemy-dont-believe-the-hype-lyrics
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Found out some other interesting shit in their too. Like that the phrase "beam me up scotty" was slang for smoking crack.
can i get one egg and sausage mcgriddle, two hot n spicy mcchickens, a mcdouble with no onions add mac sauce, a 10 piece nuggets with barbeque sauce two orders of hash browns and a basket of fries and do you guys still have that buy one get one promo with the big macs wait nah instead let me get a quarter pounder with cheese and bacon no onions and double tomato
what always bothered me about big smoke's order is like won't most of that get cold before he gets to it? I'll order 2 burgers and a medium fries and by the time I'm done, at least some of the fries aren't hot anymore
i love lappland
>>1025007 you know just because it's written down as one way doesn't mean the author intended it to be only one way one of the most important forms of wordplay is ambiguous pronunciation, where a pronunced word is actually two >>1025017 yeah i do too i just know rei is susceptible to following very strict interpretations of things and sometimes something can be more than just one thing
ya I don't disagree with your point, that's for sure It's one of the things that make music and movies and stuff potentially very powerful In movies it's super common and well known, but it happens sometimes in music too, though I don't have any examples offhand
I'd also suspect it's far more common in rap specifically than any other genre Just by the nature of it
i love lappland
yeah for sure
the most common thing though is obviously just words with more than one meaning like change
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1025020 >>1025021 https://www.instructables.com/Holographic-Rainbow-Chocolate/ I'm definitely going to make this.
Not a fan of the funk mood the music guys in the warehouse are in today But I'm probably just less in the mood to be at the whims of other people's music tastes today
do you have headphones
cellular bang
Wordle 236 5/6
⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 hm
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bring back the dad Rock
>>1025024 I do have earbuds, but I keep only one in because there's enough foot traffic that I want to have at least some auditory awareness And I don't want to be entirely isolated when my manager comes calling
>>1025037 It makes yiur brain freeze and your heart stop?
I'm kind of neutral on it for the most part It doesn't make me feel gooey Some times the dialogue if it's tinged with the right emotional values can feel pretty nice though
>>1025040 I wish I could get into it especially with Fauna since I do like her and it's a big part of her channel content.
>>1025041 Well you could always go for other sources Like Bae is doing an RE Village playthrough for her month of streaming and Fauna's along for emotional support and gentle teasing of an incredibly scared rat
>>1025066 fresh and warm. Enjoy, but there still hot kay...
>>1025054 It was less regulating and that she could keep objects a stable temperature And only by holding it Which is still a kind of useful cooking skill and honestly a big break from the laws of thermodynamics But not the biggest hack for cooking
>>1025068 I'm doing my best at being stable. It would be more helpfull if others were more helpfull. But their has been too much positivity! So I need not complain. Lifes just great w/ the right ears and eyes ( all 3 when necassary) :)
Nothing is stable everything is in some state of flux
>>1025078 My dad really liked it He saw it in theaters three times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a lotta watches
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1025082 It's supposed to be good He was really irritated it didn't get nominated for best cinematography.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It was shot on 35mm amd they used vintage lenses. He was really passionate in describing the cinematography to me but I don't remember the details.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
microsoft is so incompetent i tried to migrate my mojang account over and they wanted an email code of course they didnt send it for an hour and it expires after 10 minutes
A friend and I started a divinity 2 run, and very early on we discovered that merchants you kill drop their skillbooks So, we became murderhobos in the prison camp, left that place a ghost town drenched in blood
i love lappland
it's ya boi, tax return, back with another absolute banger
I have to rebuild a D&D character tomorrow. I was supposed to tonight but waited too long to start and my Adderall had worn off so I didn't get much done.
i watched Burn after reading again for the first time since it came out pretty good prettay prettay good
i love lappland
oh i hadn't even heard of this looks cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
college me couldnt understand the themes at all so it was a nice revisit always fun to see John Malkovich do his thing even if he didnt have much screentime
>>1025257 its ok i just wasn't sure why an image i uploaded before wasn't uploading i got scared that i had HARD DRIVE CORRUPTION
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea its down to 10 mb sorry forgot about that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1025251 I haven't seen that But I really like John Malkovich Mainly because of Being John Malkovich
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cuz he's a boss and he says fuck and gets angry a lot
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
He's actually from the Chicago area He was a member of our best theater troupe Steppenwolf And John Cusack actually went to the same highschool as him and was a big fan Which is why he was in Being John Malkovich When he got a hold of the screenplay before it was greenlit (it had been floating around for years) he told his agent "if this movie ever comes out and I'm not in it you're fired".
I've been twice during the pandemic I saw Sonic the Hedgehog Then I went to a midnight showing of Mouth of Madness in October.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm sure I'll regret not seeing Dune in theaters.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Almost saw a japanese movie at the arthouse theater in January but the plans fell through. I can't remember the name but its by Kiyoshi Kurosawa It's about mysterious murders all with the same MO committed by different people who don't know each other But the mysterious part is that the police never released much info about the murders so they don't know how these unrelated people are doing the same things They all also deny having done it or something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I remember rentimg it on netflix like 15 years ago Remember getting DVDs with Netflix?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025278 im sure there will be more IMAX showings one day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025277 i saw sonic on release night i think that was just before the pandemic
>>1025356 Columbo's a really good show, but there does admittedly come a point where the primary dynamic kinda gets stale Columbo's really calculating, and seeming coincidences are usually deliberate, but he's always underestimated by the murderer because he appears clumsy
It's a really good bit, and I think almost one of a kind, but it's also the same every episode
Really though, what makes the show actually great is that when you go back and watch it, like, a second time, the only reason you didn't pick up on the evidence that Columbo did is that you were comfortable in already knowing who did it. They don't fake it like SOME shows do, it's actually even more obvious, but they manage to still make it so the audience doesn't really pick up on it because they just show you the murder in the opening
And I think that's really clever
SOMETIMES they do fake some stuff though, by using information that the audience at least weren't guaranteed to have But it's rare
>>1025362 did you see there's an airdrop for all crypto coven holders available it's just a membership card for gallery.so might be worth minting for later
I did not
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's probably not free tho lemme dig up the link https://gallery.so/membership/general
it's not free, but it's not like I actually can sell the eth I have so I do kinda assume this membership card will be meaningless, surely they're gonna have incentive to not even need one later on, or just mass produce them
Though, maybe I can sell it The people who would want one are the people with a collection of actually valuable shit, so they're gonna have money to throw around presumably
on opensea it doesn't even show up as a unique card or whatever, clicking it just puts you on the token itself's listing I mean they are all identical, but still
the crab-stuffed chicken is a chicken breast that's butterflied, stuffed with crab and seasonings, and then folded back over before cooking
i love lappland
my favorite cocktail on that list is the wait it's not there maybe it's on their seasonal menu
well my favorite that's actually on that list is the mexican martini that shit slaps
>>1025391 the 13 spice chicken pasta sounds interesting at least
i love lappland
>>1025396 very good choice Jack Allen had a restaurant before this one and one of the only recipes he decided to keep when he started this concept was that pasta it's quite the dish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025393 id do jack's mexican martini if only i could have the staff enforce a strict limit of one because otherwise i would probably destroy myself
i love lappland
the pomegranate sangria and the tito's sage and grapefruit is also really good
>>1025405 ok can I please get the Tejana enchiladas
i love lappland
alright i'll send em right over
i love lappland
i had the chicken fried beef ribs back when they had that on the menu that was quite a crazy invention the chicken fried new york strip is pretty good too
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
is that just using the oil from cooking chicken? how do you Chicken Fry something
>>1025391 I'd kinda want the trout or salmon Haven't really had a good fish dish lately But either of those enchiladas sound good too
fuck maccas is expensive these days what happened to cheap fast food
>>1025417 Lots of food and groceries have seen their prices jacked using the excuse of inflation caused by the pandemic Also odds are McDick's is still the cheapest fast food option around
Been around since the 70's The current owner took over because in the 70's he had a jewelry business that sold product to they alley and they owed him money so he took over His jewelry business was financed by one years worth of student loans meant to pay for his tuition at Harvard
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The original store had its entrance in an alley That building got knocked down several years ago and a high rise was put in.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I saw a cute girl there with a 6 inch green glue mohawk
https://www.twitch.tv/docoxford gnosia in a few minutes (:
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025455 ive compared one of my high school friends with her so i can see how that might go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i use neverssl.com sometimes when on public wifi to get thru to the captive portal page it gives a randomized domain name to cache bust today it gave me http://splendidyoungclearsmile.neverssl.com
There's definitely been a variety of doujin work and fanart of Haruhi but an adult Especially since the light novel series is almost twenty years old Fans are always cognizant of stuff like that
I guess I'd just never seen that particular version
I know there was one cute 4koma doujin series about her and Kyon's lovey-dovey married life
oh yeah I think I've read a lot of that one a lot of "adult" haruhi tends to just be disappearance haruhi though, from what I've seen Which I guess is understandable to some degree, it's definitely the more mature looking one of the two anime designs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
show us 60 year old wizened haruhi you cowards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sushi get knees get i havent drank alcohol for five days what have i become
sorry not knees, gym*
archive 81 is definitely managing to get more complex with each episode
I thought it was gonna be more like warehouse 13 but turns out it's very different
unfortunately, I'm kind of a scaredycat, and I don't find a lot of enjoyment in being scared, either Like it's kinda stupid, but I'm like closing in on 30 and I'm still actually a bit afraid of the dark, and I'm actually outright terrified of uncovered windows at night I have my curtains closed all the time, partially because I like my privacy, but also because when it's dark, I hate windows
I don't think it's something that is dependent on your age or maturity There's plenty of older people who don't enjoy being scared or horrified And fears affect all sorts of people in different ways My mother is so scared of bridges that she finds even the sturdiest cement and steel bridge, in a part of the world where there is no weather or natural disasters which would reasonably threaten the bridge's integrity, extremely unpleasant to cross Even in a car she gets worried at times that the wind will pick the car up and blow it over the edge
I think the dark is a pretty standard fear too Arguably even partially instinctual When we were no more than ape-like creatures, the dark was full of Very Reasonable threats We didn't survive to evolution by not being scared
i used to not watch horror movies cuz i was way too scared at some point the horrors of real life became too great now i dont watch horror movies cuz i find them humorous
it wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for having to go to bed afterwards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Just fry your brain with too many psychedelics 4Head
i had an Oblivion moment today some guy at the corner saying "The only thing politicians are qualified for is flapping their lips" or something
people randomly talking to strangers in public is so strange to me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a cry for attention
no I mean in the sense that it's an alien concept to me there's one guy who randomly talks to everyone here, but that's just something he does other people don't do that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah cultural thing that's too bad random conversations are a dying breed in this part of the world kind of a nice sense of community and serendipity in it
I'm very much OK with it not being normal, really People trying to talk to me bothers me when I can't easily just disengage but I'm a bit of an exception I guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
That was a great nap.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can always tell people to fuck off it's always correct
it's the final episode of archive 81 and so far they've done a good job but they can always, like a lot of shows, fuck it all up in the last episode many such cases
cute abby mister spammer but I must send you to the shadow realm
well they didn't fuck it up, but it wasn't a satisfying ending either this shit where every movie and every series ends not even so much on a cliffhanger as it does on a bit where it's like "there was no point in any of this if we don't make the sequel" pisses me off so much This is 8 episodes of television that amount to fucking nothing if they don't actually make season 2
of course, I'm gonna watch season 2 when that happens well, if that actually ends the damn show, at least if people are asking when s3 is gonna come out the week after s2 airs, I'm not fucking doing it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The belt is looser on me than I thought. I have to pull it to the last notch. It feels good to have lost weight though.
The more I let myself think about it, the more I think maybe talking to a psychologist at all was a fucking mistake tbh Fucking stupid
It's not like she believed most of what I was saying anyway I don't even really know what I'm trying to accomplish going there, there's nothing actually wrong with me
>>1025497 possibly asking for/seeking help was probably the worst thing i ever could have done they only caused more damage
i think they have good intentions and i think a lot of people can benefit from them, but a good number of people slip through the cracks if they're not in the statistically standard demographic of patients/clients there's simply not enough time to invest in treating people's individual needs despite what the medical/social messaging is there's always going to be a statistical lens on your case so you better hope you're not a statistical outlier
I don't wanna go back again I can't be helped cause I can't describe most of it and I'm probably making most of it up anyway What I'm able to describe just gives me minor depression cause I can't be honest with anyone, I don't wanna Nobody believes me when I say I don't remember stuff everyone just says like it was only 7 years ago or something but I don't remember detail that får back They never trust me they always think I'm lying i can feel it in the way they look at me and talk to me
Treating me like a child along me to draw bullshit I just don't get it It's a waste of time
it can be a little bit better if you pay a premium to have personalized, private care though state-funded services are too overwhelmed though
>>1025500 the communication barrier is a major obstacle to receiving help if we knew what we needed and how it could be expressed then we wouldn't need that help i feel you on that front, doesn't mean it's not a real need
Why can't I just make myself give up It's been so long like this Trying with no actual hope Just doing what I'm supposed to to stop being like this, and it never works and nothing ever gets better and I'm never able to be honest or remember or be believed or anything it's all just treading water over and over but I never fully just give up I can't make myself finally accept that it's just like this and I'll just have to live with it alone forever and deal with it on my own because there's nothing out there
I'm stuck I've given up, long ago, but I still go through the motions
it's all so hard it really is
It's my own fault anyway I don't even have anyone to blame I gotta sleep story for being like this again
it's okay, sleep well i've got tomorrow off if you wanna talk or anything i'll be free catch you later
just watched the lighthouse again woof that's pretty harsh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Today I got no work done on my D&D character that needs to be done tomorrow Although I've decided to take the easy route and just level him up and not rebuild him from scratch
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
We're doing a big battle tomorrow where all the enemies are starbursts and you eat the ones you kill.
are you just gonna keep polling me with random songs or is there an end to this quest
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idc about any of these dude bands man i don't listen to this stuff i like music that's from movies and video games and my life i like women singers mostly, maybe 5% of the songs i listen to have a male vocalist
I've seen my favorite female singer live tgree times. *three Carrie Brownsein from Sleater Kinney Although one of the times was with a band I can't remember the nane of Nmv it was Wild Flag You might not know her music but she was the female lead in Portlandia. She's also a great guitarist I think she's considered to be the best female guitarist
>>1025591 she could have watched it a while after it aired
>>1025596 Sure, but I dunno The way she talks about it with Calli and Irys, I don't get that impression
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025595 i wonder what the tweet was if it existed i feel like this is some deep ironyposting
Snowden did have that take on 86 a few weeks back I assume he shitposted at Elon when Elon tweeted about anime a while ago and now he's feeling a bit hypocritical
no you see big = significant smol = unimportant irrefutable logic!!! it's not like the most complex fascinating phenomena known to intelligent life exists on a micron scale or anything
nothing can be significant or insignificant without a standpoint Nothing matters to the entire universe, sure, but like, nobody gives a fuck about that because the universe as a whole doesn't matter to any of us the movements of anything in a galaxy other than this one is entirely insignificant to literally every human being that will ever live, probably But we're significant to each other
gonna watch Don't Look Up cause I heard it's mediocre, and that's high praise for movies these days >>1025616 I have heard this view as well, but rarely and also I really don't fucking know why is it just selfmasturbatory?
the message is just a banal one people who agree with it have agreed with it for a decade and people who don't won't be convinced but it acts like the message is special and new and that everyone will listen and be amazed wow! look at how stupid we are!
we already know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're not wrong, I do think there is value in repeating important truths over and over tho thats what the idiots do with their BS exploits a quirk of human cognition
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it also tries to say that it's people in charge that are the problem and not the systems of rule
Oh well good I mean it's still gonna suck, but that much advance notice is like, one of the reasons we have people watching the sky it ain't the end of the world with that much time
Pretty much all media involving politics end up being fucking stupid because everyone's either scared to death to indicate the actual political positions involved, or they're way too into it and everyone in politics is either like, an open nazi or an angel
is this seriously just going to be another 2 fucking hours of "our society is vain and obsessed with manufactured spectacle, and that's bad"? literally the single least controversial or interesting message ever conveyed?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is no room for nuance in politics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025644 there are a few more obvious points to be made yet im happy to read your live post of it, i barely remember half the movie
well so far every attempted Funny is just like I fucking get it You're doing idiocracy, but you're saying we're living in idiocracy because you're liberals
Oh he was in wolf of wall street That's a good movie even though most of the audience got the message that it is actually good to be a conman which is understandable, it's literally based on the autobiography of a conman
why the fuck is there still another hour and 20 minutes left of this movie? They're already... sending a guy into the comet
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's still more hamfisted commentary to make, my friend. be patient
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta pack those cameos in too
You know if it just ended after this scene with them sending the guy into the comet, this movie would be acceptable very, you know, hamfisted but like, still, it'd be an acceptable story and movie
I'm honestly not even sure I can say I agree with this movie's message other than the absolute most surface level aspects Though I guess only the surface level is intentional
lmao imagine actually watching the tv as they launch the thing to deal with the comet I'd be getting absolutely destroyed on drugs or I'd be driving, real fast
I'm not spending what I know to be my last moments watching the TV
I can't believe there's still a full 30 minutes left it feels like I've been watching this for 5 hours like I'm one of the humans in I have no mouth and I must scream
yeah no this is one of those movies I highly recommend never watching I ended up fast forwarding through everything from the moment the actual comet hit the planet
>>1025688 It would actually have been kind of funny if they set it up like... you know a bit earlier than they did the way they did it, the time between setup and punchline was so short, there was absolutely no surprise or anything
I think it would have been funny if they set up the "you'll be eaten by a <unknown animal>" like, I dunno, before the halfway mark, instead of like 10 minutes before the end It would have been an actual callback
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brontorok BatChest BatChest yeah that could have been better
I mean it'd still be stupid overall, but it'd at least landed as a joke Like "OH RIGHT, he did say that, over an hour ago as what we thought was just a throwaway line" but by the time he says it, they've already loaded the audience with the information about the escape ship and stuff, so it's like "obviously, that's an alien on the planet they'll go to." and then it is so it's like yeah, as we assumed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro why are you still explainjng this you wrote the same post three times
because I am very annoyed by just how shitty this was
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fair enough well i mean i agree with the climate change metaphor other than that what did you get out of it that you didnt agree with
I mean the climate change metaphor is cool and good But the rest of it is like, mostly >>1025686 and a combination of "we're all so preoccupied with celebrities and easy dopamine and that's the real problem" and I didn't like the part where MC-chan told a bar the government was gonna mine the comet and they just abruptly rioted like a bunch of dumb animals Nothing even came from that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahah i forgot that happened and then everyone clapped
it's just so... thick with liberal mindrot which of course, to be expected, they're not gonna make a communist movie or something But still, it's that and also so extremely overt with it, it's difficult to enjoy It's not even wrong about most of the message, but it's attributing it to "stupidity" like a fucking child
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yep it's pretty artless sigh anyway its a beautiful saturday evening and the barge still hasnt been chopped into pieces
yeah It does veer in the other direction, politically speaking, but it managed to actually be funny and make its point about authoritarian creep very well
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Thnaks to the tip by Tyler Durden the barge was disassembled and many gulls were saved. Tyler was sentenced to two years on a house boat.
what da barge doin'?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it got BEACHED ERE during one of those crazy storms late last year, atmospheric river or something and it just wont leave the greatest tourist attraction on earth
huh I assume the contents have been removed at least tho, so it's just an empty container on a beached boat?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was empty to start
vancouver has a famous park (in)formally called Dude Chilling Park because of a piece of indigenous art in it now this beach is Barge Chilling Beach
i made brats the sub rolls my mom bought for them are kinda big tho
>>1025605 dude you ever think about how there's like dozens of stars in the sky and hundreds of other galaxies each with dozens of stars it's insane how big it all is
cellular bang
it's both amazing and terrifying to ponder sometimes
i think about how there's a massive war of trillions of cells going on inside me at all times pretty self-absorbed i am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aussie joke written by GPT3 Joke: My wife and I went on our honeymoon to Australia. Unfortunately, I had to dial the help line. "G'day this is Tim, you've reached the Aussie help line. How can we help ya?" I told him, "We were in the ocean and my wife was stung by a jellyfish on her lady parts. Her vagina is completely swollen shut. It's our honeymoon, and well....ya know." The guy on the help line replies, "Ah, bummer mate!". I say, "I hadn't thought of that! Thanks for the advice. You've saved my honeymoon!"
yeah but they stay in the water if it stays in the water, it stays away from me
what's your guys' preferred duration for a youtube video say it's evening leisure time and you just wanna find interesting videos to watch do you want a bunch of 5-10 minute quickies that jump around as your attention jumps around or like a 4-hour behemoth supervideo or anywhere in between
nah just kidding if its actually the kind of video i enjoy like northernlion bantz ill binge a 20 minute ep no problem
i wont watch a long form educational video though, i can't stand the format personally, would rather read than have a guy explain at me for 20 minutes
educational vines eh
>>1025724 They have very specific spawning locations One being in Strongholds in the End Portal room because they have a spawner there And then rarely there will be infested blocks in mountain-y regions under a certain Z-level
>>1025733 im ok with long storytelling but with informational stuff yeah i consume much faster by reading and i don't like other people's lenses through which they view/present the info it just reeks unbearably
what's sometimes really interesting is well produced SCP readings they can sometimes have this feeling similar to an old-timey radio play Takes me back to listening to Mountains Of Madness
>>1025730 No real preference, I think, as long as I want to watch the material I watch a lot of stream archives but also more concise stuff like food making videos And then some times something more informational that might range from twenty minutes to an hour People's let's plays can run as long as they want and as long as the creator is enjoyable and the game is interesting, I can watch any length for those too
>>1025737 yeah i remember binging some of those in my first week coming off alcohol it felt so good to just enjoy something for that long at once
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025736 yeah that's just me tho lots of people are into it of course
i also cant stand any hint of asking for subscribers or sponsor shit instant turnoff
im thinking about making some information videos through -my- lens just because it's something ive never found and i think it's sadly missing i don't expect a youtube career but i assume if it's something im interested in, there's probably someone else somewhere who's interested in it and doesn't know it exists yet
>>1025738 yeah let's plays are a different beast altogether i didn't even think about those i watch more of those than i care to admit im currently working on a xenosaga longplay just since i never finished the series myself years ago and had always wanted to got a bit repetitive though with the way it's being done
information videos can be fun the topic needing to be something I'm actually interested in makes most kind of not fun though cause my interests are broad but narrow at the same time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025741 thats cool i hope you do it everyone has a unique and special view to bring to this world
i agree i think so too and there's only so much words can do video platforms give you the unique opportunity to provide conceptual visualizations, but it doesn't always sync up with people's attention spans i really think VNs hold some superiority in that regard but that's a bit niche to our weeb communities
the problem with VNs is you gotta actually make an engaging story and incorporate your message into that, so if the former part isn't something you're interested in for its own sake, it's a difficult medium to use
>>1025742 it sucks when i'm looking for some deeper understanding and watch like 8 videos on a topic from different creators that all say the same broad things and seem to follow the same formula i get why it happens but i don't think i'm the only person who feels that way
>>1025745 yeah idk about as a vehicle for a message, but just as an experience VNs kinda take the cake for immersion i think doesn't really fit the educational format, but for storytelling i think it's pretty unrivalled
they're really great vehicles for a story yeah they're sometimes beaten out by regular old books, but mostly that's because it's more work to make a VN than a book So the longer something is, the less likely it is to be a VN instead of a book Unless the author wanted to make a VN specifically
verbal storytelling is strong too sadly i think it's a bit of a lost art these days to hear it done really well though is pretty amazing
I think VNs also come out on the far end of length too Umineko when translated, runs something like twice the length of War & Peace, which is already reknowned for being a massive tome of a book There's simply a point when you can't reasonably make a single book in a physical format, and outside of like, fantasy, and a few other niche genres, you can have a hard time selling a multi-volume piece of fiction to a publishing company
Which is probably one of the other benefits of VNs, that they can be published and put out for sale without needing to go through a publishing house Sometimes that's not a good thing, as there are concrete advantages to a publishing house and the editing that a work would need to go through to be put out But the advantages of having the final say in how you shape your work and not having it tied to a company must be nice
I suppose the mid-ground here would be publishing as a web serial or e-book, but I think successful web serials are fairly few and far between, and if you try to push a 3000-page e-book on people, they probably won't bite
Well true Umineko is one of those stories that wouldn't even work as anything other than a VN I think, it's just so particular, it kinda needs the sort of atmosphere and Culture of VNs to exist
Homestuck is also an absurdly fucking long work, even just counting what is primarily pure dialogue If it had to actually describe everything in words too, it'd be unreadable
One thing that makes me really like VNs is that characters have like, art I'm bad with names, so when a book goes like 100 pages without mentioning a character again, then suddenly they're back, I often go "who.. who is that? I'm supposed to know, but I don't" With a VN they throw the cute anime girl on screen and I'm like "Oh right, it's that girl from the early part!"
have you guys ever listened to those drama CDs that come with the animes man those things are weird
>>1025750 it's all so convoluted between publishing and marketing and all that i think if i were to write stuff, i'd simply put it on the web for free and self-promote on twitter and youtube maybe make them into audiobooks and upload to youtube, and prop up a patreon or something
at least that way i could actually get exposure and build a following nobody's going to pay just to read something i wrote when they don't even know who i am
I've never really had the motivation to seek out drama CDs I think I might've listened to a bit of one of the Steins;Gate ones that got translated and uploaded to YouTube
Recently I've been listening to the occasional dramatic fiction podcast, which while not entirely the same thing, is kind of in a similar wheelhouse
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1025753 yeah i listened to the ones on the FLCL ost memorable but pretty much content free
i remember the FLCL ones and the Ah my goddess ones holy shit AMG had so much stuff since the three main voice actresses formed a trio and made a bunch of songs very prolific, like 20 some albums including drama CDs and yeah there's no actual content to any of it, it's so weird
fan doujins have a shitload of content but the official dramacds don't have any at all
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
drama alert
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*places tiara on drama llama
>>1025753 I know some authors who publish online get access to physical media markets by building interest online first That's pretty much how any popular isekai and many popular fantasy LNs/novels in Japan are made, first the author publishes it online as a web novel and then once it gets popular they get picked up by a publishing house On the English side of things, I know that's how Andy Weir published The Martian And when I was working in a bookstore a couple years back I remember seeing a youth fiction book with a sticker on it saying it was first published on some popular site for that kind of thing
I've definitely given thought to that idea in the past, but I think if given the opportunity I'd still like to get a physical release through a publishing house I just really like physical books If I could see something I wrote in physical copy in my own hands, I don't know what else would bring me that kind of satisfaction
>>1025761 i think i'd enjoy just releasing verbal storytelling on youtube chapter by chapter once a week or something or short stories it'd be fun to continually write it as i build a following but the AWFUL pitfall one would have to avoid is swaying to appease the fans and just letting the crowd totally control the direction it goes
but i feel like that would almost even be more profitable than traditional publishing maybe it's different these days but not long ago getting published was a miserable financial venture unless you're NYT bestseller, you're not really making anything close to a salary
it's really impressive on a technical level, too it's all made in blender, but until the monster shows up, it convincingly seems like they used a big-ass actual building and camera trickery or something
you could make some VRchat horror worlds based on that if people haven't already i wouldn't be surprised if they have
>>1025764 I'm pretty sure it's still tough goings, but once you're a one-time author, it's much easier to become a two-time author You're not likely going to be set for even more than a few months off your first publication unless you're the moonshot of a runaway success But with every good publication you put out, it's cumulative
A digital service like a YouTube series or a podcast is probably easier to get to self-sufficiency though You might take longer to get to a point where you can live comfortably (assuming identical levels of quality between the two methods), but I do think with consistent YouTube views and some kind of service like Patreon, you could probably get to surviving faster
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro VR horror is fucking terrifying you can just take a model of a person and delete the face and that's already creepy af
>>1025770 some of the blender models are pretty fucking horrifying too even when they're not supposed to be
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i laugh at horror movies on screen but the visceral presence of a person near you in VR can be absolutely terrifying maybe i just need to get my vr horror legs
>>1025769 it'd have to be in parallel for me it sounds totally feasible to manage and operate a weekly serial release while supporting myself normally especially if it's storytelling, since there'd be minimal video editing going into that you could add some illustrations and stuff but don't need to do anything too much
it takes fucking years to build a following on youtube that'll be self-sufficient though probably i don't know but it's what i've heard and who has YEARS
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its nigh impossible to build a youtube channel now you need a viral wave to ride or something or to have started in 2011
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or be the best in the world at something or be a hot girl theres just too many people out there tryna start a youtube
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
speaking of tubers who were lucky enough to get started ten years ago and kept producing content steadily >>>/watch?v=eil0jhUkMss
I think that's why things like Patreon or other tools such as donations and/or merch are popular though It might be really hard to get the several hundred thousand views a week you'd need to be sustainable solely on YouTube But if even a few hundred of those views are giving you like five bucks a month through Patreon, you can comp the rest of the sustainability you'd need through that
yeah but it's the wrong 5star and getting her resets the pity Counter
>>1025775 i think there are some unsaturated fields to fill like im noticing that the kind of stuff i'm looking for hasn't been made to the level i'd like so i'm going and looking into it myself for my own purposes i may as well document and catalog it since the archiver in me says "i cared about this so someone else probably will too, sometime"
not exactly booming with a big salary but it's enough motivation for me to do it from that alone
Is the Big Game on tonight or is that tomorrow Because someone in my building is hooting and hollering like they're watching sports It's kind of ridiculous
that's tomorrow maybe they're watching trucks
there's also winter olympics going on? i think? i could imagine canadians hooting a bit aboot that
yeah alpine skiing happening sounds pretty canadian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eth gas at sub 30 gwei? i guess eth is dead now rest in peace
The other one I could figure is maybe basketball but I don't think there's any games going on With the rise of the Raptors a few years back Toronto really became a basketball city for a bit
After all it's not like the Leafs are going to do anything any time soon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
minted a membership card for 9 bux hecc yea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kind of want to hit da bar but also feelin tired af after al those stimulants today i should probably just try to lie in bed for five hours
>>1025811 yeah but it's like midnight even if it's basketball season, no games are happening this late i don't think my bet is olympics since it's like noon there ofc they could even just be playing games or something
maybe their buddies came over for superbowl weekend and they're pre-gaming with madden 2022
>>1025816 Yeah could be There's a unit on my floor that regularly has a bunch of people over for rowdiness They all seem amicable and the guy renting it has even said if they're ever being disturbing to let them know Generally I can't hear them from my bedroom but if I don't have anything in my ears and I'm at my desk I can usually hear them
I don't think these hollers are from them though, this definitely sounded like a bunch of mates watching sports or something and the guy on my floor has a mixed variety of people over
the hamster will start demanding luxury cages and equity
they'd be hoarders they already are but with human powers it'd become simply unreasonable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hoarding is one of those funny tricks of the mind always good to cultivate a mindset of abundance if possible, but for some minds this seems to be impossible?
resourcefulness is a very primal gratification we're very task-oriented and love to toil and plan collecting natural materials and understanding them and discovering purpose for them is how we made tools and got where we are
the compulsion is there, and some people just don't have the need to meaningfully catalyze those compulsions for their survival the "holding on" to things and refusal to discard them is a separate driving force i think that tends to be amplified with loss and trauma losing loved ones especially, you just want to save everything and preserve it whether it's reasonable or not
luckily we live in an age where digital hoarding is a much more sanitary outlet for that compulsion and it's easily archived and shared with function that way too
it's really the key way we find patterns and build understanding of the world we live in find something special, hold on to it, try to understand what makes it special and with enough of that understanding, one can arrive at a point where they can produce things of their own that they want to exist but don't already it's a really gratifying feeling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hold onto deez nuts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive never had much of an appetite for grinding i did play like some RPGs as a kid but somewhere along the line i rationalized or cottoned onto some kind of grind=bad mindset which is good and bad really, maybe i dont waste as much time on an MMO or something, but also i have less patience to br a beginner and put those hours in so as a result i dont really have any new skills beyond those i learned as an adolescent
is the grind really a necessary factor i think it still happens naturally
a lot of like mechanics and engineers had that traditional childhood fascination with mechanical devices, taking them apart to figure out how they work i assume for you it was coding/programming or something, finding those special things and taking them apart, repllicating things and eventually designing your own things for me it was probably algorithms, i was pretty bad with physical things despite my family's best efforts i'd just tune everything out and think in that mathy world of pure abstraction
so finding algorithms in things that exist always felt really special and it takes a lot of tinkering to figure out why it feels special
i think i did that with music too, but probably everybody has that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i fell into programming but programmin is all about automating repetitive tasks away
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my parents also forced me to learn music now theres a fuckin grind probably scarred me for life
yeah i can't think of a better way to kill that fascination than to put a kid through that my musical journey was entirely exploration just scouring endlessly through things which already exist and coming across amazing things that i would have never imagined existed and just diving into that rabbithole until i've satisfied myself with whatever current fascination i had
i wish we embraced learning that way it seems so natural and curious instead of whatever this politicized crap public school is
at least let kids learn their family trade and carry on the tradition or something
and that was my day off, so short it was have a good one see yall in the next world
>>1025846 Watched pretty much all of it Chloe's pretty good at getting rough ideas across in English
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
"passion english"
I liked when they were trying to explain fanfiction to the Japanese girls and came to the sensible conclusion of doujinshi And Chloe pipes up with "I read doujinshi"
if she's sweating why doesn't she just get in the pool?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
D&D rocked tonight was awesome tonight We had a huge battle against 108 enemies. 90 of which were represented by starbursts and you got to eat the starbusts representing the enemies you killed. I also killed the bbeg and got a giant bag of Skittles for it. I don't plan on eating all of them though. I'm just happy I earned it.
I can't believe they managed to find a way to have a child in a movie without having to deal with child actors (notoriously awful)
>>1025890 they hired a bunch of British VAs to the do the dub iirc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta love HN sometimes a guy finds a bug in a Layer 2 on top of Ethereum and they pay him $2,000,042 as bug bounty then you get genius black hat commenter wondering why he didnt just exploit the funds and launder the money https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30321712
I mean It's a valid question, though two fucking million is still a LOTTA money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some thoughtful replies by the bug finder
>Yeah... and as the person in question who found and exploited this particular bug ;P, I can definitely state that I would not feel comfortable betting the rest of my life on my ability to safely launder a giant pile of crypto back through to fiat (and then, further, keep that secret for the rest of my life, which shouldn't be downplayed).
>I am much happier being able to get a bunch of clean money and then be able to give talks on the subject at conferences and get a lot of "street cred" in the tech community for my effort than spending the rest of my life wondering if there's someone from a real-world mob out there trying to hunt me down to recover the $100M I "owe them".
also a fair concern, though he wouldn't need to worry about that if he never tells anyone he did it the coins just disappear into the network, he walks away with a lotta money but again, 2 fucking million is a LOTTA money, and he gets bragging rights
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just never tell anyone about the coolest thing you ever did your whole life 4head and then evade the feds like that idiot married couple forever
yeah it's an astonishing lump sum the taxes on it have gotta be insane, too, tho goddamn
when the bounty is that high, the potential of just exploiting the bug instead is entirely hypothetical, you'd be insane to risk it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it takes a very specific type of black hat hacker probably with a seething hatred of the IRS to spring for that option incredibly clever in some ways and also awfully unwise
it would be unprecedentedly hilarious to just send all of it to a burn account though it'd be possible to prosecute you, but the money could never be recovered
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jokaire option
people were discussing, how do you launder 3 billion dollars in BTC? one option is to just send it everywhere scoop up millions here and there the hero of the people's option
>>1025909 I think it's the kind of thing where you'd have to disperse it around, preferably to many many accounts that already have a lot of BTC so it can't be locked out of swap exchanges without raising an enormous stink, and then take the amount you yourself go in your account and slowly, over time, swap it for something like monero you'd never want it tied to your name directly, that's for sure
yeah taint everyone's wallets so that nothing's tainted then just say you got lucky
bitcoin has a wallet model dissimilar to etherum actually though, bitcoins are actually non fungible when you send eth to someone it just increments their account balance (funged) but bitcoin keeps every tx output separate for some reason
oh right, there is actually such a concept as "clean coins" in bitcoin I dunno how it works, but I do know you can, technically, track individual coins if you want to
another poster was banned for this take >You could have been insanely rich but instead you chose 15 minutes of clout gone in the blink of an eye and barely enough money to buy a 1 bedroom meth shack in Austin. You are the most insanely idiotic motherfucker on the planet. I hate pathetic pieces of shit with no self-respect such as yourself far more than any hacker who would have hypothetically exploited this. Drop dead, dipshit. lmao
>>1025945 isn't this line of logic really similar to victim blaming without the victim dynamic you're just seeing something and reacting with unwanted behaviors, blaming the thing you're reacting to instead of yourself can we do a yoga about this maybe and clean up your chakras
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1025946 getting more Constellations for ganyu, obviously
>>1025957 i only made $30k in 2021 and i have $172,666 in debt i'm on track to start making good money, i'll probably make $5k in march but i'm not there yet
i love lappland
uhhhhhhh that's a lot of debt sir
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
graduate school be like that
i love lappland
for some reason i feel like the graduate school didn't really earn the right to charge you that much but higher education is kinda fucked and i guess that's not really news
>>1025961 yeah they absolutely did not the first year of my grad program was good but the next three years were all busywork and garbage and my dissertation even when it comes to therapy they didn't train me to do therapy i had to figure it out myself basically what i paid for was networking which in hindsight was not really worth it
honestly though probably 25% of those loans were the loans i had to take out so i could pay my rent and buy food and stuff though
my boss has all his ducks in a row for starting the second business ya boy's gonna be busy as fuck in 2022 and then at some point the dollars will start raining in if all goes to plan unless our expectations gotta start reigning in and i become a broke man
i don't like thinking about the possible bad outcomes though at the very least i'll be _mostly_ shielded from them and my boss will be taking on the brunt of it
but i guess the other side of that coin is that he'll be making mad mad dosh and i'll be very gratefully advancing from lower-middle to middle-class
If I can get my seminar shit going, I'll be making an extra $2k a month until I can get fully licensed in June or July, then I'll make an extra 10% of everything I make or so.
tinted the living room of an indian's house last week and they were making some kind of food the spices were so intensely aromatic it was hard to focus on work i think it was vindaloo
Most Mandalorians don't have a problem with removing their helmet, but Din is from a sect of them that doesn't. But even within that sect, removing the helmet is permitted as long as nobody is around. They can remove it in private to bathe, eat, etc.
mando really is careless when it comes to his ship
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what episode are you on
4 he had it stripped for parts by jawa not too long ago, and now he just left it in the middle of nowhere again and fucked off to some remote village the jawas are gonna get to it again
a lot of time people don't want to fly their ships to villages and starports bc it'll result in your ship being scanned and then you can be tracked easily especially the razor crest
yeah but this village hired him for like, incognito lodging
they don't even have anything that could possibly scan anything, their most advanced tech is like, a droid that carries baskets of fish for them
Even a droid like that can be used to scan a ship. In Star Wars, you're not really going to find a village that can't scan a ship even in the poorest planets in the Outer Rim. Because everywhere you go in Star Wars, people are poor and downtrodden and looking for anything that can make them money.
oh, someone just bought like 28 million of it >>1026015 my spend on ONG is like 10 dollars, even with this big jump I can get 20 bucks at most, and I'd have to transfer it back to binance and login and stuff I mean it's not literally nothing, but still
it strangely seems to be actually holding I wonder what they're gonna do with that ONG that's like, a LOT of money to just dump into a gas token >>1026019 Well ONT is what I have a non-trivial amount in, and that's both staked and unaffected by this jump the staking pays out in ONG though I get like half an ONG per 2 weeks or some shit, it's not a whole ton, but I figure if I just have my eggs in many baskets, it doesn't matter too much that each one individually isn't paying out a boon from heaven
It's really strange for the gas to deviate this heavily from the regular token though it's worth like 150% more than the regular token atm, though again it seems to have been some huge spend all at once if I had the financials, I'd maybe grab some more ONT in case that follows right about now but I don't
yeah it's honestly probably just a pump'n'dump happening to target ONG right now I wish they'd target shib some time so I could dip out with a big gain
according to my extensive technical analysis shit will consolidate for a few more minutes and then go either up... or down
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1026024 Everything I learned in Calculus based prob+ stats makes me concur.
I dunno, I think it will go down... or up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1026025 Bro you don't need Calculus just look up your sun sign and moon sign
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also D&D was awesome last night. We had a huge battle against 108 enemies. 90 of which were represented by starbursts and you got to eat the starbusts representing the enemies you killed. I also killed the bbeg and got a giant bag of Skittles for it. I don't plan on eating all of them though. I'm just happy I earned it.
I don't understand your confusion. The lekku should fit through the neck hole.
she'd have to put the two hornline tentacles through a hole the size of her neck, at once, and they're at opposite sides of her head as it is, there's no way that works, it's leather-like, no way it stretches that much
Lekku are prehensile. They could just put one in at a time like putting on a tight fitted shirt or something. Twi'leks have been wearing headgear like that since they were created
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tfw you turn on noclip to put on your lekku and get stuck halfway thru the floor
My other fears about signing up for Twitter is that I have an addictive personality and easily get obsessed with things. So I'm afraid I would spent way too much time on it.
man that droid just straight up sinks in lava, huh? heavy motherfuckers, those droids
Man that was good Pike getting her big damn heroes moment crashing the undead horde was a blast And Scanbo Man