idk, a marin awawawa thread was destined to beat pretty much any other thread that challenged it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023749 >>1023750 Sad! Crypto to crypto transactions being taxed sucks. I mean I don't trade crypto but people exchange crypto for crypto all the time because of changing prices and taxing that feels like taxing you when you exchange usd for cad.
>>1023752 yeah it suxxx the profits make up for it but it would be nice if eth were considered the reserve
i think in el salvador BTC is now untaxed?
i love lappland
botnets trading pump and dumps yee haw
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023758 I don't really know the details of the Canadian tax system, but is crypto profit taxed as capital gains?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1023761 i dont really either tbh im new to // nevermind im being an ass
in Canada the rules are a bit different, capital gains only kick in for like passive investment, whereas active investment is considered income it's pretty gray
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1023762 >passive investment What does that mean? Do you mean you get taxed if your stock portfolio increases in value even if you don't sell?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1023763 no, no i know there were some people talkin about that but it's not happening you gotta sell to trigger the tax
passive is like you buy an index fund and hold onto it for however long active is like you're at the pit buy sell buy sell margin call idk the specifics, it's kinda wack in Canada. like if trading is your main source of income then for sure it's not capital gains
US is actually so much simpler in this regard, just hold for a year and you get that sweet long term cap gains rate
this dude is not gonna have time to make this outfit
>>1023781 I was catching chapters of it from early on when it started getting scanlated I'm really happy it's gotten an anime so that more people can see it's charm I think its a series with some really nice messages and some great characters
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Did much better in Mathler 7 2/6
🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>listening to old recording of my friend's radioshow >occasionally hear steam chat notification noise Oof
mathler invented by bill mathler
i love lappland 7 2/6
🟨⬜⬜🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 yeah that was a lot easier than i expected
>make preperations to go to bed >sit down in bed >remember you haven't ran the dryer and the clothes you need in the morning are still in the washer fuck guess i'm staying awake for 53 minutes
i live with other people who wake up before i do and they had stuff in the dryer that i had to temporarily put in my basket
i don't like being the person who leaves my clothes in the dryer like that though i don't really mind if other people are but i just can't leave my stuff for someone else to pick up
>>1023883 Well yeah but unless they're doing laundry first thing in the morning it hardly matters
i love lappland
>>1023888 if they left their clothes in the dryer when they went to bed so the chance that they're just doing >>1023882 is really high i'd rather just stay up an hour than risk social friction like that
it'd probably be different if i didn't care so much about my image in that way or if i was the landlord instead of the tenant
this was probably my favorite scene in the whole show
86 had such powerful moments the first half had some insanely good direction i don't know who exactly is responsible, the key animators or the storyboarders or what but some amazing shots and shot compositions some of the things that i love about this scene are spoilers kind of
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh yeah well if you're a fan then name all eighty-six
i love lappland
1. your mom 2. your mom 3. your mom 4. your mom 5. your mom 6. your mom 7. your mom 8. your mom 9. your mom 10. your mom 11. your mom 12. your mom 13. your mom 14. your mom 15. your mom 16. your mom 17. your mom 18. your mom 19. your mom 20. your mom 21. your mom 22. your mom 23. your mom 24 . your mom 25 you're mom 26. your mom 27 your mom 28 . your mom 29. your mom
i love lappland
30. your mom 31. your mom 32. your mom 33. your mom 34. your mom 35. your mom 36. your mom 37. your mom 38. yo momma 39. your mom 40. your mom 41. your mom 42. your mom 43. your mom 44. your mom 45. your mom 46. your mom 47. your mom 48. your mom 49. ur mum 50. your mom 51. your mom 52. your mom 53. your mom 54. your mom 55. your mom 56. your mom 57. your mom 58. your mom
i love lappland
59. your mom 60. your mom 61 your mom 62. your mom 63. your mom 64. your mom 65. your mom 66. your mom 67. your mother 68. your mom 69 with your mom lol 70. your mom 71. your mom 72. your mom 73. your mom 74. your mom 75. your mom 76 your mom 77. your mom 78. your mom 79. your mom 80. also your mom 81. your mom 82. your mom 83. your mom 84 your dad 85. these nuts 86. your mom
yeah. rn im watching the isekai about bein' a slime. watched an episode this morning.
i love lappland
oh yeah i watched a couple but got distracted by some game or something around that time premise is cool though i hear good things so i ought to finish it i'm about to blast through priconne anime, already 4 in i brought it up to suggest slow loop >>1023920 slime priconne or slow loop slime is spoken highly of so i imagine it's alright oh and there's another show with slime in the title "i killed slimes for 300 years" or something around there >>1023922 yeah it's very comfy and you get to learn about fishing a little bit too i'd say it seems like something you'd like cute girls doing ____ things is a Marsh genre as i see it
>>1023942 just paid for duolingo premium. that'll do the trick
Machikado Mazoku is also supposed to be getting a season two some time So watching the first season is worth it to get more of it
>>1023944 I know you're memeing, but no, really, no If you want a paid service to help with picking up Japanese, I think Wanikani is your best bet It's a really well-developed, structured system for learning Kanji and their meanings, pronunciations, and some of the most common forms of vocabulary they are used to compose
Its weakness is that since it's a focus on Kanji and vocabulary, you'll be gaining very little grammar and syntax knowledge, but once you understand what words cute anime girls are saying, I think it's easier to understand what they're doing with the grammar to form sentences Alternatively you could look up Tae Kim's Japanese grammar guide, which is exceedingly dry and dense, but is free and teaches Japanese grammar like a normal person would use it, rather than the clunky grammar you learn from things like Duolingo
i love lappland
i think duolingo is fine as a supplement to keep japanese on your mind but yeah i wouldn't consider it they way you learn a language
I don't really agree, outside of the relatively small case situation where you don't care about Japanese media and just want to keep fresh on rudimentary Japanese as a tourist Even regularly watching Vtuber streams is probably better for keeping Japanese on your mind than Duolingo is Anime isn't bad either but you're getting a very narrow selection of communication understanding from it Just like how American primetime TV isn't really going to give you the full breadth of English comprehension But it might be enough to get you by
i love lappland
i think because it's free and takes less than 10 minutes a day, there's nothing wrong with using duolingo as a supplement
i love lappland
laundry done mission accomplished
congrats man that's amazing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta watch mind numbing japanese variety shows for hours per day to really bootstrap that conversational japanese
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what about hours a day watching JAV?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you learn japanese from anime you'll sound like a VA if you learn it from JAV well uhhh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can put the moan in the mona but you can't salmone me
All this talk about laundry reminds me that I ran something in the washer sunday night and forgot about it. It's like 2:30 so im definitely not dealing with it now.
I'm pretty sure there's like almost no available drivers on my side of the city some days for Uber Even fewer who want to make the trip it takes to get me to work There's like a narrow window between either getting to work ten minutes early or late enough that it clocks me fifteen minutes late where I could find an available driver who's not coming from like fourteen minutes away But fuck me if I can't actually find that window
I honestly thought so too, but thinking it over, it's actually a really good move unless you lose like 6 hearts by the time you see your first snail it's REAL tough to beat a 3gold 2\2 to all units purchase but you gotta have a unit you're willing to scuttle >>1024000 SAP
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
What game?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
super auto pets >>1023999 yeah the value is kind of amazing better than the opportunity cost of freezing the shop i guess
if snales showed up at tier 1 it'd obviously be too costly to do, but by the time they show up you've got room in the shop sure you're unlikely to really get any other great animals while the whole thing is snaled up, but I mean, you can buy foods instead and tank up the units that are about to get fucking pumped once you lose
I haven't even turned on the heater all dat day what's even going on, it ain't that warm outside
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@ercwl/1491126576742006789 note to future self if i ever have 3 billion dollars in bitcoin do not leave the private keys sitting around in cloud storage with probably an eight character password
Yeah but when will you ever have three billion dollars in Bitcoin
you can't even fucking look for the result it spits out to be legible when what's encrypted is itself a bunch of encryption keys, so they shouldn't even be able to double check easily or try some other funky shit they gotta just fucking brute force it entirely blindly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no no no well yes you are correct IF the encryption is applied properly 'encryption' is pretty vague here actually >>>/@dystopiabreaker/1491148596544114688 pointed out this could just be the iCloud backup encryption which apple lets the police decrypt anyway
other than that, if you password encrypt some data then you can brute force by trying passwords all day or, you could use an old busted encryption scheme
when you attempt to decrypt, you either get the result or an error, so you don't even need to check what the result was
also, bitcoin private keys aren't encryption keys, they're the private half of a private-public keypair. when you have a private key you can quickly check which address it corresponds to
Well yeah, if they used a fucking backdoor then they're obviously fucked But as a financial institution, you shouldn't be using anything KNOWN to have backdoors Because doing that is fucking idiotic and you should be shot for considering it
>>1024046 but most encryption online uses a private-public keypair I mean I know when you encrypt something you do not use that, but I thought the public-private keypair functioned for encrypting stuff too I never looked too closely into it, to be fair, my main experience with encrypting stuff is actually when I bought weed on silk road that one time and it was kind of a requirement by all merchants that you use 3rd party encryption software to talk to them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right we're overloading 'encryption' a lot here but yeah the two main schemes are symmetric (passphrase) and asymmetric (public private) so if you want to send an encrypted message to a seller, then you encrypt with their public key, and only they can decrypt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on the other hand if you wanna store something at rest in an encrypted form, you could do either method the issue with public-private is, now where are you gonna store your private key? are you gonna encrypt that too and put it in a safe? at some point you probably need a password-encrypted file or some other key management system
yaya an your bitcoin key is one of those private keys, isn't it? like couldn't you use your bitcoin wallet pair for sending and receiving messages like that?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1024051 ummm i think you could idk different crypto schemes have different security properties, i'm not sure it's designed for that
well in any case, while I recognize you gotta ultimately store your keys somewhere, it's probably best not to do it in a safe for which every single review online points out it's got a little regular tumbler lock in the back that every police department has a key to Probably best to choose one that doesn't, or make it yourself with your billions of dollars in internet coins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ECDSA used by bitcoin and eth and others is a signature algorithm, not a messaging algo
If people were consistently smart about protecting access to their cryptocurrencies, there wouldn't ever be fun disaster stories like this though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is the nice thing about seed phrases, the 12 or 24 words are converted into private keys for you and you could simply memorize the 12 words. hopefully you don't get a concussion or tortured by the CIA
aren't the seed phrases effectively just a hex code anyway? or some such?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1024057 pretty much, they map to a hex string + checksum, which is then hashed into a private key
what really stinks is you can't easily make a vanity seed phrase cause the seed phrase itself has a random word in it check what version of the wordbook was used when making it and shit like that I was gonna just try "recovering" a buncha wallets by making sensible phrases, for fun, seeing if I strike some dude who made and lost a bitcoin wallet back in like 2010 you know but naw, not an option
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are totally people out there tryna brute force those yeah also, you can easily calculate the 12th word with a script test test test test test test test test test test test junk is a famous seed phrase sometimes money flows into that account but there's like a hundred people watching it like hawks hahah
wait it's always the 12th word? I thought it was a randomly chosen one of the words
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh then you'd need a 13th word just to indicate where the checksum word is
No I mean like, not RANDOMLY, but like, chosen as a function of the other words like, retconned in there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh your algorithm is like self referential yeah retconned you can't have a word chosen as a function of itself and the others unless you do some real fancy uhh idk probably you could mine for it??? i don't even know
look I ain't actually that educated despite probably being more educated than your average internet dweller I really just used to hang out on 4chan and got pelted for being stupid enough that I try to learn a basic amount about a lot of stuff
hey samsam what if we made a cryptocurrency where discovering wallets requires mining, so it's not just coins, but you can sell people the actual keypair too, cause even with the private key you can't easily check the public key
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1024065 getting your algorithm critically examined is a form of respect from an engineer all good >>1024066 you can't sell a private key! it's too fungible!
no trust me it'll be a non-fungible wallet! THink about it we'll have the first cryptocurrency where mere PARTICIPATION in the economy is gatekept The ape guys are gonna come rushing in like little gremlins and we'll harvest so much ETH we won't even know what to do with ourselves
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow so exclusive much VIP
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that kinda sounds like uhh whatsitcalled urbit sekret obfuscated neo-nazi crypto monarchy
It's absolutely the stupidest shit I've ever thought of, but I also know the currency unit is gonna be worth at least like a dollar 5 years after launch because the majority of the crypto community are fucking morons the novelty alone is gonna have it pumping like crazy, and people are gonna wanna get in early to mine wallets to sell for top dollar down the road
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
proof of booru your key is an image that has an exact set of danbooru tags
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you dont have an image of hu tao with purple hair tortoiseshell glasses and a parka you gotta commission one
I'm so tired I mean probably most of the warehouse is; the physical space here is already past the point of being sanely filled up, and yet more stock keeps arriving Transporting is becoming more challenging, maneuvering some of the larger items is difficult when you can't even swing a cat in this crowd
But also fuck all them this is my spotlight and I'm absolutely exhausted I didn't sleep great last night and the four people who are supposed to staff receiving are down to just two again, me and one other guy I just don't have the energy to tackle all this work, and it's not like it really matters, I won't make a positive dent in it anyway And even if I do receive it, where am I supposed to put it? The shelves are almost as full up as they can manage
do you remember/did you ever see Nife? as far as i remember they started the whole laser eyes meme by producing hundreds of those i know i've lost it images on /a/ i was involved in a gamedev project with them briefly back in like 2009 before abandoning it
I'm still pissed I was so young when bitcoins was dirt cheap cause I'd 100% have bought a bunch just as a bit if I could, and then probably sold when they hit like a few dollars realistically but I'd still be real fucking well off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024080 Rude Sakurafish was kino. Err Based Not kino Not sure if people can be kino
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay lets be real laser eyes were probably not a direct result of DtB memes thats just my headcanon
it basically tastes like pear, but with carbondioxide mixed in there for spice on the level of like, actually replicating the taste it claims to replicate, it's a pretty resounding success only issue is I don't like the thing it tastes like
most stuff labeled as tasting of lime or lemon actually taste like neither of the two, and are more just a slightly more sour orange flavor, and for this I think there should be legal precedent for suing their ass class action "this isn't fucking lemon" lawsuit
I don't think you could really build a valid lawsuit on taste alone Taste is a highly subjective sense and you can't
>>1024109 Can you let someone finish their point before being a snarky, impertinent, unpleasant brat
any jury you build not literally employed by these companies, I could just give a lemon and the product and tell them to fucking have a taste
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This is neat.
>>1024117 Yeah I saw that earlier today It's kind of a weird change Sunrise does work a lot with Bandai Namco but I wouldn't have figured they'd ever be brought into the company
>>1024122 yeah tomino was really upset when it happened and then they started making executive decisions about gundam which is why episode 1 of victory gundam takes place after episodes 2-4 because bandai demanded that the titular gundam show up in episode 1 but the episodes were already made and they had to recut everything to meet bandai's demands
they got like 10 minutes into episode 1 before a beta fucking kills someone on-screen The VNs had you read Extra AND Unlimited before finally showing *a beta* at all like halfway into Alternative You ain't even seen the fuckers until that point, I'm pretty sure
they build it up like crazy for like over a week of you reading it, and then when they finally drop one in front of you it's like "oh jesus oh fuck oh man" Even Takeru loses his cool, which tbf is kind of... weird, when taking into account The Day After, but those were written after Alternative in fairness
It's actually, because TDA is canon, outright astonishing just how piss poor a pilot Takeru is in Alternative He should be comparable to a deity when he's got the new OS installed and set up
damn 26 minutes when a tweet would do the spice dao was so dumb hahah
i love lappland
>>1024135 the fact that she doesn't look like an instagram model and she talks like a normal person makes this much easier for me to watch than most female youtube "vlog with jumpcuts" channels
>>1024139 I thought you meant the apex legends guy until I read it again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hah i didn't know they had such a champ
he's a korean hackerman who doesn't get any play because the game is so centered around quick movement and his abilites make him sit still and locate enemies
i love lappland
yeah he's a tactical big-brain character in a ritalin monkeybrain game
i love lappland
he's way better in squads he's actually pretty useful in squads
>>1024145 yeah he's great but most randoms just hold W until they're in an enemy's asshole so he ends up falling behind hopefully the new buff makes him more useful in aggressive plays
>>1024160 noooo sadly just doomscrolling might hit a J in a sec (copium copium)
i love lappland
sometimes i eat a serrano with my food and i'm disappointed and sometimes i eat a serrano with my food and i feel like i'm going to die and yet i must continue to eat a serrano with my food
I don't really do the doomscrolling thing at all. I
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I barely read any news cause it would drive me crazy if I did. When I was in highschool I was addicted to reading news and would do it for hours everyday so I decided to limit myself to technews and Vice.
i love lappland
i avoid twitter and similar social media because it's mentally damaging to pay any attention to them for the most part i occasionally peruse mainstream media outlets but with an extremely guarded lens
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Limiting yourself to vice is like going on a diet by only eating out of the garbage
And a timestealer Although I dunno if my ADD is enough to be clinical Either way I have a decade of probably depression which has also burned away at my life
I should probably report an issue on github for this app It takes at least 5 seconds for it to download an image. No matter the file size This was not an issue on my old phone with the same version of the app.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
But recovering my github account sounds like a pain in the ass
been listening to television's marquee moon a lot what's your opinion of that album
these antivaxxers have been putting their stickers everywhere i just rip them off lrn to graffiti properly like a nonpussy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024293 I love it It's one of my favorite albums I actually own an entire book on it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh wait That book is ky dad's *my I bought it for his birthday last year I think
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024293 You heard of this series? I own a few of em. I also have a canvas bag sized for carrying vinyl with the logo on it.
p2 mask kinda sucks worse than a normal mask gets real sweaty I hope it was the mask's fault my nose started dripping like a tap and not indicative of something else
it's possible I guess I ain't got any allergies though in terms of physical illness, this flesh vehicle is a damn tank, doesn't get sick all my illness is up top in the computer
>>1024368I like this image, looks like digi water color and pastel chalk
I accidentally stole a bell pepper using self checkout the other day I tried to input it, but I guess I did it wrong or something cause it ended up not being on the receipt
>>1024380 i am looking forward to the next episode might even get too impatient and read the manga
>>1024402 probably a while if you had some fat stored to burn and only ate a pound per day you'd get pretty sick though and probably suffer from a calcium deficiency which might kill you before you run out of bananas
the new receptionist at work is fresh out of college so she is young and impressionable, its her first job out of college and my boss is going to slowly try to increase her job duties and she'll end up overwhelmed ive seen my boss do it three times already lol so i started telling her yesterday that she needs to set firm boundaries and stuff she seemed receptive but she didnt really know how to do it so i had to teach her i hope she actually does it my boss wants her to collect client urine which definitely isnt something a receptionist does
pokemon like mimikyu are real weird cause the pokedex entry kinda obviously is about one specific mimikyu, but it's explaining something all mimikyu have in common with it There's no way all mimikyu saw specifically pikachu be super popular and then fashioned a costume of pikachu for themselves, if that was real there'd be the occasional mimikyu who's like, you know, a chansey or something
In some of the non-game content, there are mimikyus that disguise themselves as other pokemon. But it's usually Pikachu because Pikachu is the most popular pokemon and Mimikyu is an eldritch abomination that desperately wants to be loved.
I only bet 10% now and my point financials are looking much better as a result OCCASIONALLY I'll drop 20% on a bet, but it's rare now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm feeling really something right now Not sure what it is Last time I couldn't tell how I was feeling it was the feeling of not being depressed But I don't think its that today
this is why I need a big downward trend before i doubt on sap granted, once I get like 20K points again, I'm probably just gonna doubt from then on, using a very innovative strategy known as "digging in deeper for each loss" Because EVENTUALLY he's gonna lose, and that payout will be big enough to cover everything you've lost until then as long as you keep upping the ante a little bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly an anime magic girl reskin of this game would do numbers
>>1024519 Fake anime thing nade by rooster teeth >>1024521 30's I think So Anyways His girlfriend wanted to get a cat But he was allergic So she convinced him to start taking a medicine that would help prevent the allergies And he had an allergic reaction and died
how old was this person
that's an ooF
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Reaction to the meds
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I've never understood why doctors don't do allergen tests on their patients with whatever med they're considering starting before actually prescribing it.
Okay Well I understand why It's that its a pain in the ass and insurance would probably not cover it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usually idk man you can't test for everything there's only so many hours in the day that's an unfortunate reaction
psycho streamer
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024525 No I mean Like If my doctor said "we're gonna try this new medicine" And then I got an allergen test just for that one meduciny *medicine Before starting to take it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that would be good idk that's pretty fucked up i'm sorry to hear about them
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024528 It was a while ago I'm not actually a fan of his stuff aside from early red vs blue
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also you're probably not going to find a confirmation of that story anywhere I saw it in a tweet by one of his friends
there was so much hype pre-reveal that some poor suckers bought for as high as 3.5 lots of discount tent in the discord, the team even had to apologise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
europe is getting closer to fusion power oh heck yea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>There's huge uncertainty about when fusion power will be ready for commercialisation. One estimate suggests maybe 20 years. Then fusion would need to scale up, which would mean a delay of perhaps another few decades. cmon just go faster
>>1024561 Coming up with some dumb study like this and then spinning the data like "men know cool, useful words for serious jobs like engineering and skilled trades, while women know flowery, poetic words for arts and culture" Playing into the notion that one field is statistically better-suited for one gender / sex
>>1024560 Depends on what definition they're looking for when they're looking for- >>1024564 That's a bit different, yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah there's certainly some dudes out there who say shit like that i didn't really think about them at all
Wait the methodology isn't even about knowing the fucking word, it's literally just whether you know that IS a word or not That's the criteria
Also language is highly geographical, after all, go to Japan and what percentage of the population is going to know katana is a word, regardless of sex or gender Or what age groups make up your study base There's way too many weird things here for this to really be of any statistical worth
Trying to tackle the ever-present mountain of stuff to receive here is really starting to feel like a two steps forward, five steps back ordeal I was getting close to having gotten through two pallets of stuff that needed receiving, and a few other pallets had been cleared out But then the loading dock sends down two pallets of stuff that needed sending down here that had been sitting upstairs And then there's apparently an arrival time in like ten minutes for another three pallets of stuff And another shipment of unknown quantity (they usually ship two or three pallets) due sometime "this week" Oh and there was also another two pallets that showed up unannounced just earlier too
Theeeereeee issss noooo spaaaaaaaace heeeeeeeere
>>1024558 all I get from this is women know more french
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024558 I know all those words except aileron But I know it's a word I think its some kind of thing on planes
I read some of the study They polled people online Like 200k people They also analyzed it by comparing results from British participants and American participanrs. And the way it worked was each one was given 67 words and 33 non words and they were asked to determine whether or not each one was a real word Definitely reminds me of the "what words ought to exist" paper.
it was pretty awkward tbh interviewer seemed pretty unimpressed we just didnt vibe all good
This Uber driver has been playing Christian music that over the course of like three songs has composed of nothing but different statements about worshipping or praising Jesus in different keys and accompanying instruments
I'm not a fan
you can live a date but you can't date a live
Joke's on you, I can't even live a date
>>1024695 like modern Christian music? that's i had growing up
I wouldn't know, I was raised atheist I don't know what consists modern or contemporary or classic Christian music
what what i had ** well it's usually that or old timey kind of Christian music
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024696 Yes you can That's literally what the main character does the whole series
cern's opendata is pretty amazing this will fix my data vacuum but it's a lot of learning just to use the software systems hoping i can figure it out
not that there's any material profit to be made on cern's data but it'd be a nice feasibility demonstration on large datasets to stuff in my portfolio as a proof of concept
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
One thing that always bothers me about liches in Japanese fantasy works is that they never have phylacteries.
>>1024735 D&D phylacteries not real phylacteries And no one but like Christians who studies the Jewish *who study Jewish culture call them that Jews call the tefillin.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow vinny is reacting to the direct now tuning in to weigh his disappointment Fun fact Putting a cross on your governmental seal is unconstitutional. Not that anyone cares enough to challenge it in court. But it violates the establishment clause.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh well it was only the first direct of the year
still no mother 3 :(
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reggie haet mother 3 :( i wonder how bowser feels
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Never gonna happen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh well it's fine we have a top tier fan translation
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024749 Yeah that's part of why I don't think it matters that there's no official release. And I genuinely doubt the current localization team at Nintendo of America would be able to do anywhere near as good a job.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Urg This is actually kind of hard
is there something intrinsically special about your toothbrush? i mean the bristles are designed to be more effective than other things but it isn't intrinsically more or less disgusting than any other object if anything, unless you're replacing your toothbrush every week it's probably more gross than a lot of other random things you could use
>>1024767 When the first season came out I think the mobage had either just come out or not even yet So there wasn't even a vibe from the game to go off of guessing what the anime would be like Although honestly the mobage and the anime are two wildly different things
Which is to say, I don't think too many people expected much from the first season and then those first few episodes hit and I'm pretty sure almost everyone went "Wait, this is amazing"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i often skip brushing tbh idk why my teeth are healthy
i love lappland
floss + mouthwash is the most important brushing is good too though
I like to attribute my strong dental health despite the circumstances to the amount of calcium I consume I figure this to be at least 90% incorrect but it's a fun thing to be probably incorrect about
a lot of dental stuff has to do with genetics and some people are just lucky and some people are just fucked
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1024778 Yeah I got my dad's teeth genes My sister got my mom's so she constantly gets cavities despite probably taking much better care of her teeth She has a really weak enamel layer My mom's teeth are constantly getting work done on them I won't be surprised if I find out that some are more filling than tooth
Pretty much I think my whole family has pretty good dental health Although there's a few other trade offs I get canker sores pretty easily from who knows what, which I get from my mom And our mouths are kind of small with high ceilings, which means pretty much all my siblings and me needed corrective dental work growing up Too many teeth in too small an area