Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 7-11 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-10 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 10-11 Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Tonikaku Kawaii
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-19
I totally wasn't lazy and only grabbed what we always watch Sunday nights hah hah
They really hit heavy last episode. I feel bad for that movie nerd Itadori was befriending but it also looks like he's going pretty berserk right now.
This series really likes using fast-forwards for big cliffhanger impacts. Then rewinding a bit to show the events building up to the cliffhanger at the start of the next episode. They did something similar when introducing Glasses at the end of an episode a couple back.
Hah hah hah He's totally using Touma's "You're not living your life correctly" Punch!
It's kind of a neat philisophical thought Junpei would rather believe people don't have hearts rather than believe they could be inherently evil Or something like that. Though it's also heavily influenced by the nihilism of ... well, this guy.
>Am I an idiot? Yeah come on Itadori you're only questioning that now
He got turned into a pretty gross creature. But I guess that's par the course for this guy's power.
Sukuna seems to have a different personality each time we see him The first time he was practically bestial, the second he was kind of a witty (almost) anti-hero villain. And now he's just a troll. Maybe it's just all facets of the same cursed monster though.
From the sound of it, yeah Having to carry Sukuna around seems to have helped him develop an inherent ability to harm this guy where others struggled.
It seems that damage is all he can do though The cursed spirit doesn't seem to feel the hurt from the hits he takes. Which still makes him a hard fight.
Oh I saw some of the WIP animation frames from that scene on Twitter. It's really amazing how well they animated it
Now i dunno if its a translation error or a choice but the book switches who says that line
i like both conceptually and while reading interpreted it as VElaina pleading with MCElaina to listen to what happened
Even Elaina can recognize she's a rather self-centered girl
There's a plantgirl version of here there too hah hah I guess she got fooled by the flowerfield from way back early in the series.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
As it happens, Ghoul Elaina is a reference to a chapter in book 2, but Goo Elaina is just Goo Elaina
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
these credits are one of the funniest things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Now they skip the entire demon plot for this but according to that demon, all of those Elainas are "real" they aren't just part of her imagination. Moreover, Elaina stays in the field to read the book in the book's ending, but this is also fine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And now for content that isn't from book 3.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hello character I look forward to reading about.
Yeah this is a real tease of a plothook to drop for the final episode.
OH oh her name is amnesia she probably really needs that book
Yeah I'd bet With a name like "Read This When You Wake Up In The Morning" I wonder what kind of content it has
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
So the small things that don't matter for that chapter are that: Elaina meets spacey cash elaina earlier and they hang out They run into Demon Elaina who is an actual fucking demon Demon Elaina lets Elaina leave because Demon Elaina is from an earlier chapter we didn't
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow I got owned uh Demon Elaina is from a chapter we didn't get animated so it makes sense to remove it.
I know nothing about Amnesia except that she's popular enought o have gotten art before the anime came out. But I'm guessing she forgets everything every day. Which would suck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Once we do gochiusa I made brief summaries for the chapters we didn't get I'll post in another thread I then made even briefer summaries that I'll actually be posting in that thread.
Oh and, yes I am extremely happy we got that chapter animated. It finishes up Elaina's character development from the Selena-Estelle chapter which is why I was so expectant of it after they showed episode 9.
I honestly expected this to be the finale but Erai-Raws has a thing where they mark all final episodes of a show with END and this one is lacking it. So I guess we at least get one more episode after this. I haven't seen it on the charts for next season so I don't think it's two-cour
Especially since this is a pretty climactic moment for the show. Like Nana just kinda showed, she could just leave Michiru to die and it would be another Talented off her list But it looks like she intends to save her.
I'll read them when I'm less occupied Currently trying to buy tickets with the rest of my attention.
Nana you could just say you were trying to see if Michiru had cold medicine somewhere. She really does get a bit worse with her lying and plotting under stress. But well that's pretty human of her.
You're losing your touch Nana!
Oh this green-haired girl is being waaaay obvious here. She's spilling sus all over the place.
Yeah, that's pretty obvious as a viewer. Nana obviously hasn't realized it herself though.
Ah okay I really don't like this green-haired girl. If she's using cats as bait Especially injuring them to the point of pain.
Hah hah Nana That's not the kind of reaction you give to someone you're supposed to kill!
Yeah look at these two Who'd confuse them for anything but friends.
>They seem to just be random numbers Hm So it might be that the kill numbers are just all made up to make her think she's justified in killing the kids? That's pretty evil.
>I guess what I did was inappropriate I mean I think licking anyone's leg is kind of weird. Honestly she kind of got a raw deal with her power needing such a specific method of use.
This kinda also shows how easily Michiru slid into the subservient role around those two gyaru girls at the start of the series. She's probably a bit comfortable being under the wing of a tougher person. Subconsciously she probably recognizes Nana's got an intense personality and likes her because of that.
Getting cancer as a kid must be really tough Especially a serious one.
That probably seals it for Nana. There's no way she can kill a girl like Michiru now.
Weird to see him talk about work I mean I guess he probably needs to work since they've got to make money some how. But this whole show they haven't really done any actual work.
They're doing that thing where they hint she's really weird but then don't really do anything with it until waning interest in the series prompts them to make plot happen!
Natsu matsuri episodes are always stellar I can't get enough of this aesthetic.
Goldfish scooping seems fun but I don't really need a goldfish. Maybe if I was actually competent in Japanese I'd try it and return the goldfish back to the stall after catching.
Nothing wrong with a little making out!
Title drop! Tonikaku Kawaii!
I guess in the end they didn't even hint that they boned on camera. I'm like 90% certain that was at least hinted at in the manga before the takoyaki party chapter. But maybe I'm wrong. I guess they had to be even more conservative with what they show in the anime. Even though they're both over eighteen!