Hello yes anime It's Thursday! The weekend's practically upon us
Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 7-11 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-10 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 9-11
A flashback? Well it's almost scene for scene what happened at the start of the show Oh but she had money here and didn't get chewed out by the lady for trying to pay with her stamp
The fancy black thing might be a supercomputer but what's with the rest of this environment Like there was some weird stuff that happened the last time they boarded the Shinkansen But it's hard to tell what's even reality here.
Swindler's maturity and character growth has been really good during this series though. It's wild to think of the girl she was in the first episode.
yeah I think this show will kill characters right until the end love live 9 okay lets start
Rabu raibu
Love Live really likes to make their student council presidents into school idols Though this one is a bit different from Eli and Dia in that she's keeping it secret ... somehow.
Technically she's even first girl since he rescued her from prison like a year before he met Alice
Looks like Alice gets to go on vacation too That'll mean she'll bump into Iska as usual.
I feel like this oldest sister, the green one, is putting on an act She's acting the meek and wavering one to woo people into helping her Her lines just feel too perfect for the situation.
Excitement! I can't wait to see how this fragment all falls apart
They're really playing up the villain of Satoko's uncle this arc. I feel more so than either of the Rescue Satoko arcs from the original Higurashi arcs.
Hah hah hah If not for the child protection services being kind of dicks I'd feel a bit bad for how much of a nuisance they're all making for them
I don't recall if Keiichi ever sat in on the village council either
Ah okay It's been a while I'm probably a bit fuzzy.
One thing Higurashi always gets so well is how insular and static these kinds of small towns end up being They refuse to change becase they thing everyone else refuses to change Think, even. It's like a weight being dangled off an edge that won't fall because the weight itself doesn't let the leverage give way.
Time for the kids to bully these old fogies.
Rena is a great weapon in situations like this She's so good at saying venomous things with a smile on her face.
Oh wait no they're just talking about the old Sonozaki head.
Though even if they convince the council they've still got this miserable old lady. It's hard to not sympathize with Shion killing he r in several fragments.
though I do kinda remember a scene like this the first time
I feel like it didn't happen in the original arc this one is tweaking though. And instead happened in the Answer arc that reflected it in the second half of the Higurashi series.
Though to be fair so far this new arc has been a melding of both those arcs anyway.
Hah hah Keiichi gonna pick fights with an old lady
>who will bring good change to our village See that's the problem though Irie. Old ladies like this one don't care for change, good or otherwise. She just wants things to remain the way they were in her good old days.
Wow Keiichi's got three Sonozaki women chasing after him now. How lucky.
I guess things fall apart then next episode. Ah but that would air on the 24th That's getting awfully close to Christmas. I guess a crazy, disastrous ending to this arc would make for a great birthday present for me though hah hah
Do you think you'd be able to watch anime next Thursday night? It'll be Christmas Eve so I wouldn't be surprised if you're busy.
I'm gonna be alone for Christmas personally hah hah I don't really want to go up north where my family is for three days, even if it means not being around family for Christmas And there's the pandemic going on so it's not like there's anything to do.
As far as normal Christmas activities we'll be doing them this weekend though.
>>903351 Not sure. We both have high risk jobs when it comes to covid exposure so we may call it off if we think we'll get the rest of the family sick.
Very safe and sensible. I'm sorry it means not spending time with family for Christmas I don't know about you but Christmas is definitely family time for me. I'm okay with it if we get to do it a week early or a week late but it would kinda suck to not get any of it one year.
This fortune teller girl is very particularly designed. There's no way she's a plain character. Something about her is relevant.
It'll be nice if Adachi could be a bit more assertive though She does kinda just let happenstance run over her. Though it's definitely weirding out the other girls hah hah
Man I really really like Shimamura sticking with her natural hair colour. Brown hair and purple eyes is a great combo.
Aaaahhhhfsddss So close You ALMOST hit the mark Adachi
I love how actually alien the not-Erio is Like Erio was always just a normal girl who was convinced she was an alien. But this one is actually an alien.
I have a long-time love of brown hair and purple eyes as a combo. So it's less I think it looks good on her and more I'm just excited to see it period.
I guess them coming to terms with Shimamura wanting a bit of freedom from only being Adachi's friend is gonna be the finale. From what I gathered from the chatter about this series, the romance climax actually hits fairly late in the novels. So they might not hit it before they reach the end of the next episode. So there might just be a less satisfying climax for the finale.
Yeah, I imagine so. This doesn't feel like the kind of series that would hit us with a downer of a last episode. Even if it might not be the big climax you expect out of a romance drama. Not that it's really been dramatic. Kinda closer to a romance SoL