Adachi to Shimamura Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 7-11 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-9 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 7-11 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ochikobore Fruit Tart
The OP makes me kinda thing sword guy hasn't scaled well he's always just standing on the truck with his sword out
I think Arthur was kind of OP to begin with and the power creep has been catching up to him His big problem is that he's literally autistic and can't fight at his best unless he's seriously in the King Of Knights mentality. And that for a while he can also get deceived pretty easily because of similar reasons. But his natural talent seems to always overcome it.
Arthur's fights have always kind of either been "he fumbles around for like twenty minutes before getting in the mood and one-shotting someone" or "he gets tricked for twenty minutes before adjusting his autism to the situation and one-shotting someone" Either wa y his victories have been contingent on him rather than his enemies.
>I can feel my own life burning Normally that would be a metaphor but in this series I feel it could be taken literally and that's not a good thing.
Having horns sprout from your eyesockets must suck.
Feels like a last episode, yeah. Weird to do powerup arcs right before the end but it's a good sign that there will be more
Yeah, I was thinking that last week. Training/powerup arcs are good material for starts of new seasons too since it's an easy excuse to showcase the main cast. But maybe they couldn't pad the last plot arc that was at the end of
Hold the fucking phone. Nani the fuck was that. Wasn't that the Soul Eater moon.
Kind of I mentioned it last time you dropped in a month or two? back but nothing really new since then. We finally moved out of the house I'd lived in the past two decades For the past two or so months I've been living on the pull-out couch of a condo my mom's renting, working pretty much full-time during the week. It's been kind of a lot.
Things been okay for you?
Guess they'll have a graduation ceremony for the finale I always get a little sentimental when watching graduation stuff.
>>902855 is that a permanent setup, where you'll be able to stay reliably? >>902856 there's been a lot i dunno really things are weird
I could probably stay here indefinitely, unless my mother and I finally can't stand being stuck in close proximity to each other. I'd really rather have somewhere I could be on my own though. I got sick at times being stuck around my family so much back at home and not even really having a place to retreat to here is difficult at times for me. Though thankfully my mother goes up north during the weekend so there is that.
Somewhere down the line my parents should be receiving a condo unit they bought into ages ago that's been in construction forever. I can probably rent it from them once it's available, which will be some nice privacy at last. But the availability date keeps being pushed back. Previously it was early/mid-January but now they're just going "yeah we don't know when it'll be done lol" Having the date known was a big relief for me since I'm not too happy living here, but not -now I don't have that.
ive been pretty deeply invested in my work but it's gotten hard to socialize since nobody really intuitively understands my work and research so i just kinda bury myself in it
Have you been able to do anything for leisure or work-unrelated entertainment? Even if it's satisfying to work on it, I feel it's good to at least cycle through a variety of things.
>Spy a girl with powerful magical talents >Make her a maid Though it also looks like Auntie will be having her do some good ol' fashioned espionage.
>>902867 talking to people is difficult and people are being extra crazy lately so ive mostly just been minding my own business ive been working with a patent lawyer for a while and that's like the only person i interact with semi-regularly besides my mom
Time for probably the big fight between Bell and Ais
sorry for interrupting
Wow, hime-carrying Haruhime
>>902874 It hasn't felt like an interruption for me. I'm just not sure what to say. I know if I just prattle off the top of my head I'll probably end up sounding a bit preachy. And that's not what I want to get across! I'm happy to know you're well. And to know your mom's at least still managing. I've been thinking on occasion about you and if she's been well.
Oh can she self-cast her level-up buff I wonder if she's even got Oh she just put it on her old friend. Either way that means it's probably not on the elf girl anymore.
So this means Bell will have to fight Ais without the buff too. I wonder if he can surpass her without it.
Though looks like Haruhime will be able to catch up with them eventually anyway. So maybe with the buff he can go toe-to-toe with her.
So much for romance in the dungeon Regardless of who wins this fight I can't imagine they'd easily get back on good terms afterwards.
People kill people too! Yeah Bell's right. Honestly it's kind of weird to imagine Ais being so anal about having empathy here. She's been a bit autsy throughout the series but I thought she'd at least have some sympa Wow ow Man Ais look what you made her do
I'm a bit disappointed though hah hah Since it looks like the fight between Bell and Ais will be resolved with this. And I did kind of want to see a more concrete victory between one or the other.
I guess the next plot arc or the one after deals with the fallout from Ais being morally defeated there. Since she looked exceptionally miserable having to admit she was wrong there. It wasn't the face of someone who's had a positive epiphany about the world. But rather someone absolutely dejected that her beliefs were shaken. She's probably got some backstory for why she HAET MONSTER so much
Though regardless we'd probably have to wait at least half a year to several years before we see any more. This show weirdly gets consistent adaptation seasons but takes a long time between each season.
looks like they aren't out of trouble yet and yeah it is weird that this keeps getting seasons
i mean it's not bad but it's not super good either it must be very popular over there though
love live 7
okay lets start
It's a long-running LN series that's pretty popular at least. But even then that's not really a big reason to keep adapting it. The weird part for me is they don't even try to catch up to the LNs, like this could've easily been a two-cour season for the show and still not catch up to the LN volumes. So they seem to just whenever throw out a new one-cour season and leave it at that until they do it again.
Okay I think it's sleepy girl's episode this time around. She's been fun so far so it ought to be nice.
I guess she's always sleepy at school since she works most of the week too. She's much more genki here than she's been before.
I always kind of relate really well to the MC She's become such a school idol otaku in only like a few months. And is just always so enthusiastic about them. That's kind of how it's been for me with Vtubers hah hah
Daaku Horse kinda comes really close to sounding like Duck Horse
How does Kasumin even live with being herself
For being sisters they don't really look too much alike. Different eye colours, hair colour, even the hair is pretty different with sleepy girl having more straight-ish hair and the imouto's looking a bit more wavy.
showing her tights down like that while she's on the toilet is kinda lewd
This show seems to have a somewhat weird fascination with pee There's been more than one occasion where it's had a girl on the toilet doing her business. And the MC's anxiety problem where she needs to pee when suffering stage fright.
Call and response is a nice thing. I don't think this is quite the accurate definition of it though
Wow that must be embarassing.
It must be nice to have such a supportive imouto Hah hah the MC is more than happy to play along to sell more CDs though
Nothing wrong with being a bit of a comedian
This lady sure disguises well as a grade schooler There aren't many people you can just slap a randoseru on and look like a grade schooler.
Japanese songs often have kinda stupid lyrics in reality too
Well that's pretty universal though There's plenty of English pop songs, probably the closest thing we've got to idol culture, that have dumb lyrics too.
Wow early ED There'll be like four minutes of show after it.
Okonomiyaki! I wish there were more places near here that made okonomiyaki Though I guess I could learn how to cook it myself. It's probably pretty easy to make at home.
I didn't actually know there were divisive differences between regional okonomiyaki types Though it shouldn't be surprising I guess. For such a small country Japan was really good at establishing clear cultural divisions between its various regions.
I was thinking "oh, saving their program from getting cancelled would make a good final episode" But we're only on episode ten! There'll still be at least one episode after next week's.