100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Golden Kamuy Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 7-11 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-9 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 7-11 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-19
A lot of things might not be available through Erai and you'll probably be looking for them from SubsPlease, or any other source you're familiar with.
Kamuy! As a side note as you probably got this from Subs Please, it should be episode 35 They haven't been breaking their numbering into seasons like Erai has.
>She's with me You're probably like an hour from her at this point man.
Oh yeah all the pieces for the map to the gold are coming together. And the danger is increasing.
This guy with the fish eyes seems like a decent guy, but then you have to remember he's a loyal soldier of Lt. Headplate. He might act nice but that probably comes second place to his loyalties.
You know I've never actually watched an episode of a Pretty Cure series. But I've seen so many parodies of it in anime and manga that I kind of already understand its essence.
Did we miss an episode or something? Because last I remembered they finished the mission while hanging out with the blade-crazy lady knight. I guess maybe even- Oh nevermind, apparently they're still doing the mission.
Oh no she's on thin ice. I guess she'll be dead too before long.
She's not wrong. Being basically just a Berserker doesn't really help in anything but battle. And even in that it kinda makes for as much trouble as it does help.
Oh wow this is kind of some Eldritch shit though Amplying a skill that grants birds-eye view until you can see EVERYTHING
ooh yeah this one was kinda just filler stuff anyway I guess it's going to pop off soon
senyoku oaky lets start
I think last week the girl Riri and her onee-sama adopted must have either gotten killed or abducted. So we kinda missed some important stuff for the show hah hah
Surprise surprise It's harder to kill a god than just hitting them with a hyper beam
Oh a natsumatsuri episode How nice. I miss summer.
It's hardly an episode. She's in her bedroom and changing clothes I think it's pretty normal to be in your underwear!
The cheersquad don't even get names they're just Shades, Shaggy, and ... well I missed the other one.
Yeah pink had some good character growth She's become a fine young lady.
I wish I could be someone as earnest and optimistic as Miyako That kind of radiance is way beyond me.
Though it's kinda funny how she's the one main character who hasn't really had any character development in the series. She was already at her strongest when we met her!
Oh I really like what Claudia has done with her hair. It looks really nice.
Kinda funny they're in such dire straits and we're going into frestival episode
I mean they did say that was pretty much the point. It's better to have moments of joy and festivities instead of just tossing and turning about the oncoming fight
are there any OAVs or movies comin out to look forward to over the hollydays i gotta go BACK shortly after newyear
Back? Keeping track of OVAs is hard since they don't come out predictably. But from flipping through the site I use I don't see anything that's a standalone series coming out in the foreseeable future. Movies are even harder to track since they both need to come out on hardcopy and get fansubs. I could suggest some older ones I know of though.
It's really funny how much care the Maou's castle puts into Hime's wellbeing They basically called to action the entire executive council to save her from her nightmares.
Oh no, snow Go away snow I don't need more reminder it's winter.
Last episode next week eh They should really do more of it, it's a good show.