Oh there's snow on the ground this morning, ugh I guess that windstorm that came through last night brought more with it than just wind. Apparently the weather's supposed to go back up into the double-digits again later this week, but yeesh For the time being I'm happy I have my scarf again.
>>888768 up to you. Concussion, or enlightment about anything like the nature of things etc. Zen Enlightment comes at any time and is entirely individual - there are no answers that come externally.
This is a problem of masks fogging glasses that I hadn't had to consider before though. When it gets below freezing here the fog on my glasses turns into frost.
>get to work >sit down >open laptop >go to close youtube tabs i had open >open one tab to close it >it starts playing >laptop not muted >IT'S HIP TO FUCK BEES
>>888775 To be fair it is pretty on-message with your hats
Another pretty slow day today. Might be a couple things I'll be able to receive eventually today though. And at some point this week we should be getting a lot of pallets though.
>>888780 We can independant measure colours *independantly So we'd be able to tell we are all looking at the same wavelength however if we all precieve that wavelength of light differently is a good point. Imagine there might be differences in perception that exist that might not be as obvious as colour blindness such as subtle differences in brightness or differenciation of shades of a particular colour
ok nerd wow
>>888779 Receiving shipments into the warehouse and making sure they're properly sorted into the physical warehouse and the digital navigation system for finding things. From the sound of it though the back end of this week should be pretty busy though.
>>888786 Thankfully no, I got access to the company account a few days into the job. The rides might still be being charged to my credit card, not sure, but even if they are I should be being reimbursed for them.
I'm watching The Boys, and it's kinda interesting so far It's like, gritty superheroes, but also it goes really hard on the grit so far Likely gonna drop it eventually tho
I watching just random comedy on netflix atm. while drinking cider. I have the feeling the moment I leave my chair I am probably going to feel sick. oh well
that many down, huh? I got well and proper wasted yesterday night, landlord sent me a text about being too loud again Like half a liter of vodka, maybe a bit less, in a few hours
I'm a proper light weight so not really many down. I got bored and decide by 4 bottles of fruit cider. ended up drinking them all and I feel like I'm floating left and right while sat and just getting up feels like I'll throw up. I don't usually drink.
Ya, know that feeling I'm not as light weight as I used to be, owing primarily to having started going... real heavy on the booze after I moved out Living with my dad kept that shit to like, a thing I'd indulge in sometimes
That, and now it's gotten worse, I guess I dunno where I'm gonna go with this whole unemployment thing Stil
If it weren't for the fact that I dislike the majority of alcohol I'd probably abuse alcohol tbh. Which I guess is a blessing. I don't dislike the feeling of warmth.
I really don't like being drunk, much I just fucking hate being sober And now I'm kinda fucked, so the only reason I'm not deep in another bottle of like 60% bullshit mixed with juice is I'm now broke, and will be broke until I contact the unemployment office again And I dunno if I wanna do that
I don't enjoy being sober much tbh. I'll smoke weed or whatever. There are plently of where I feel better or more focused not sober than when I'm sober because I feel awful and spaced out sober. Alcohol really doesn't appeal to me, It certain affects my motor movement more than I like.
Price of weed here has apparently gone up something fierce, talked to a coworker a bit when I was still at the grocery store Shit's up to like, triple Seemingly due to the difficulty of importing it with the whole covid situation
>>888803 I brought in bulk and got some UV and purpose *uv resistant. built containers for my weed. It has lasted me a while. although I haven't really felt the prices as much since I don't buy on the street.
Apparently though a lot of dealers have been arrested in the UK. when lockdown was in full affect they were sticking out like a sore thumb on the streets desperate for customers.
>>888791 i've been drawing and playing Genshin Impact and now I'm going to sleep and hope I don't miss work like last night
If this series goes the direction i'm hoping, it could be really good So far the main character, well, one of the main characters, just uuuuuh killed a superhero via a bomb up his ass
It's honestly astonishing how we're like, firmly living in a superhero era, in terms of our media now We've got default Superhero Good Guys stuff, like Marvel and DC, and we've got like, Superheroes Who Aren't Big Fans About It All like doompatrol, and we've got Superheroes But They're All Fucked Up like umbrella company And this, which is like Superheroes (but really they're all pieces of shit), sorta like watchmen But watchmen was more than JUST that
>>888812 I wish you had won the geat designer search. Maybe you could've saved magic this year. There's been a banning almost every month this year. I'm pretty sure current standard has more cards banned than any previously.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am the storm that is approaching
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're almost home huh bloodrage
Man nothing has made me so fucking infuriated by the Thirteen Universal Standards problem than working in this warehouse. I want the fucking head of anyone who in the past five years has thought, "yeah, let's make this USB port anything but USB 3.0 or USB-C" Why the fuck are we still using Mini and Micro-USB for fuck's sake.
Also separate but related to my current mood, this driver seems to have bathed in his cologne last time he put it on it smells like, and it makes this car kinda suffocating. At least traffic is okay tonight.
bought some matcha green tea pocky never had it before >>888835 no idea how it's pronounced the names are just random I guess looking them up one is African another is Czech
Green tea coating can be okay. I think between it and the Pockey biscuit there isn't a whole lot of flavour there. But I guess if you're not looking for something super sweet and with that earthy matcha flavour, it's pretty good.
Pocky biscuit even. I don't know why my brain thought it needed an E there. Maybe because it rhymes with hockey.
It sounds like the same chord progression but I don't think it's the right rhythm.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how strange
aren't those chords quite popular
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk im no chordologist
>>888846 It's a four-chord progression which is what like 99% of all popular songs tend to follow, yeah, but I mean the actual chords here sound like the same chords that Neutral Milk Hotel song use.
Actually going and listening to the song it's actually literally just the exact same sound just probably distorted a bit because that nerd is playing outside and not in a studio. I hadn't listened to Neutral Milk Hotel's song in a long time so I was a bit foggy on what the rhythm was.
Shoyu ramen is pretty good. There's a ramen place I could go not too far from here but everything is still take-out only here. And I don't want to buy ramen and have to bring it all the way back home to eat.
>>888891 Same There's no food in the house And my parents are insisting that I pick out healthy food at the grocery store. If I lose weight its because I'm going to starve.
I have two options for food rght mow Ask my friend if he wants to go to McDonald's or make pasta And I really don't want to cook at midnight.
i wanna get mona shes got some good art the rolling in this game sucks tho im waiting for brownie to roll again
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
They don't even have that many characters in the first place
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
All garbo 3 star weapons
bad game
Gacha is bad civilization.
From everything I've seen of others playing Genshin it really just seems like a well-constructed grindtrap. You either pay into the gatcha or you spend inordinate amounts of time grinding out the resources for unrewarding results.
>>888923 It's a really good game Just bad rolling.
>>888925 exactly why I stopped playing around level 60 it stopped feeling like I could advance without either spending money or grinding for weeks
It's the grind slog of a Korean MMO without the social functions that might make the MMO actually bearable. People will forgive all kinds of shitty progression mechanics as long as you slap cute characters on top of it.
yeah my biggest complaint is the lack of multiplayer i like seeing people in the world and thr multiplayer they do have ruins the entire gameplay mechanics of seitching chara for cool combos
>>888928 I could have forgiven the lack of progression if combat was more than just "cycle character, use element burst"
im not even at a point where i have to switch chara yet unless theres an element specific barricade
i just use beidou and spin them to death in like 2 hits
>>888943 give it another chance. It's one of the best animays i seen in ages.
name 1 million things wrong with gacha >>888945 >>888945 yhats right u cant >>888946 i like the main girl and the purple girl especially when she rapes that dude on the battlefield and then takes him home
>>888945 I mean I'm in an endless cycle but I don't play gacha
Hrrrmmmm I should make lemonade.
>>888947 It's conditioning you. Like a rat that gets rewarded when it presses a button.
dude once i die im gonna get like 500k usd free i dont even need money
wow lucky when I die I'll probably owe someone that much
I decided im not gonna go to the convenience store. So I'm sitting at the dining room table eating raw pasta instead.
>>888962 I guess you're still going hard on the quarantine breadmaking hobby, eh.
it's turning into a problem but soon I'll have even better sourdough, and surely I'll make all my money back on that investment plus I can finally make some black garlic
Well honestly there's always like a universal desire for fresh high-quality bread. I'm sure you could start selling it or giving it to friends once it gets -really- good.
maybe if I can make some good loaves I can save money on buying christmas presents with every passing day this tweet gets more ominous >>>/@ellorysmith/1199180629146890240
do u need someone to talk to well it aint me lol
i hate presidental elextions stop telling me about it twitter im here for half naked anime girls not some dumb usa politics...
no I need a bigger oven and a french rolling pin
Build yourself a brick wood-burning oven in your backyard so you can really get that rustic flavour.
yeah a brick oven only takes 4 cobblestone
I can't I don't own any property
the pizza place next door to where I work went bankrupt though maybe I could sneak in and use the brick oven they left behind
Im going to post three anime girls and I want you guys to tell me which is the cutest.
>>888987 Okay. Make the trek out into the middle of the woods and build yourself a brick wood-burning oven there so you can really REALLY get that rustic flavour.
I had a decent sleep from 12 to 8 until the cat woke me up because my roommate bought me kfc without me knowing and put it in my room, luring the cat in
There's a lot of stuff in media that's like "Oh of course", until you think about it for a second, and it's obviously a thing that only exists in TV shows and movies Like cameras blinking and beeping when they're on
Blinking, no, but most cameras will have a light that goes on when they're recording so people using them without someone behind the camera knows it's recording.
Doesn't that mess up that whole "fake cameras" thing though? Like, when you just put up the shell of a camera, but there is no camera, cause it's cheaper and it does the job of deterring stuff either way?
Know what's also cheap though? Batteries A couple batteries will keep that light on for a long-ass time. A single LED light does not consume a lot of power.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>889087 most people aren't aware of the lights and some models also >>889088
oh yeah that's fair
is it like, a legal thing, that you gotta have those lights on there?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's illegal to film someone without them being aware unless you are a cop or sometimes a private investigator
They never really address, in these kinda superhero shows, how exactly it is that the supes... care about the law and whatever
Superman, sure, whatever, man's literally a fucking saint, morally incapable of going "fuck you, copper" But like Superman, But Kind Of A Powerhungry Dick Why's HE give a shit, you know? Still superman in all but name, could easily literally just seize world domination with a single speech because, again, superman
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>889093 if a cop illegally obtains evidence they can't use it but you can use illegally obtained evidence
>>889094 power comes from acceptance more than it does from being able to lift a car
I mean you say that, but literally nobody could stand up to supes if he went bad The man can not be killed, he can level an army with his SIGHT >>889097 To the end that anyone who doesn't wanna end up hacked in two by a laser beam does what you fucking say
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can kill everyone in the world to what end? if you want a life where you can do whatever you want, it's easier if people love you way easier
I guess
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if superpowered hitler demands you get him a sandwich you're probably not going to put your all into making that sandwich if All Might asks you for a sandwich, you're going to make a much better sandwich no matter how afraid you are of hitler
I mean I fucking will if superpowered hitler has a stack of bodies from the people who gave him subpar sandwiches I won't like it, but like, what am I gonna fucking do?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you'll still make a better sandwich for all might and all might doesn't have to worry about poison or anything
killing people all the time is a ton of work too keeping people afraid takes planning, intention, preperation, wanton cruelty, etc being nice and friendly is the easiest thing in the world even if you're pretending
Oh, yeah, I know that But I dunno, it seems hard to bother with that once you're like, The Supe If you're like spidey, sure, even if you wanna go hogwild, you can technically be killed You can be stopped, you know
Though I guess also it becomes very easy to just follow orders and make bank when you just... can And you can probably get yourself into real social power by running for president, too, and then you can probably just abolish democracy cause like, I mean, you're supes, everyone fucking loves you
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
supes can be killed
Yeah with kryptonite, sure Which I guess would become a hot commodity if he went bad
I think you'd like The Boys tho Well, actually, maybe don't, upon a single second of thought I think maybe you'd wanna skip it
It opens kinda fucking heavy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched the first season when it first came out haha honestly even without that i think it's kind of a bad show although there were parts i did enjoy
I like it so far The ending of season 1 kinda sucked though
I was really hoping they'd like, work their way through the supes, kinda getting rid of them in a cat and mouse game But I guess, a plotline like that isn't sustainable, and nothing's made for a season or two anymore, this is just gonna run until it's not popular anymore I was hoping like, Season 3 finale: homelander's forced into suicide through some contrivance
Also, it took me a while to place him, but Edgar is Gus from breaking bad, isn't he?
Sammers you're a Nintendo Boy You should get one of those RC mario kart things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im the video game boy speaking of that, an old college friend i used to live with saw the RC mario kart thing and emailed me with fond memories of our mk:dd days
how dare tv shows show flashbacks and recaps at the start of the final like I didn't just watch the whole thing in a single sitting don't patronize me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i actually watched a recap segment yesterday picked up mr robot again after a week and had forgotten everything
More Cintiqs coming in today. Wacom products, especially the smaller (read: cheaper) ones really do fly off the shelves.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
errybody's gonna be an artist streamer vtuber
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Gen C >The generation born after January 1st 2020, preceeding Gen Z. Named after the viral Corona Virus, this generation is destined for a life of turmoil and confusion.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the UD votes have it DESTINYYY
undead votes?
>>889136 i am still confused by all these terms and gens
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive never heard anyone say Gen C so idk i happened to google "genc" and saw it today
but that wasn't what I ment I don't even know what I am supposed to be not to mention that about all but maybe the most recent one apply only to americans only pretty much
Hah hah this Uber driver is my kind of person November third and the radio is already on a Christmas carol station.
I had a wheel+pedals like that as a kid the wheel adjusted to how you were driving etc, of quite rudimentary this being like 2001 but still it wad amn cool >>889147 haha this is true vibration uses surprisingly lot of power >wireless more like, constantly charging
I didn't realize that was a feature, I thought the guy was showing off how his controller was bugged I can't think of a single positive from the actual button fighting you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
PS6 will stab you permadeath
>>889150 immersion in dark souls 4 when you die, you die
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or some kind of fighting game where you punch shit if you get blocked you get physically blocked
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you try to mine bedrock the controller snaps your finger off
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Fug man I have an exam tomorrow and ii just spent the last hour reading the news
when you fail blame america or something
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'll blame the taliban For attacking a university in kabul
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy shit guys i got elected as president of the united states of america!!
did u guys know it was election day? be sure to vote :)
This is pretty much the worst possible day for mangadex to be down.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Cause I'm stressed out because of the election and Ivwant to distract myself with manga.
>>889179 she's cute don't know anything else about her though
nitta chan is cuter
>>889167 i did not haven't looked at mtg much recently just hearing some things here and there
>>889182 R&D is out of control There's been bans almost every month this year. In the new commander set they are printing a vard that is literally black lotus but only for your fommander(s). *commanders Wizards is killing every format.
TThey'd never print mana drain in a standard legal set. >>889195 There is a planeswalker (who can be your commander) with partner and -10 gain control of all commanders in play and put each commander from the command zone into pay under your control.
oh shit if you get a big strong guy you can turn them into the midget and the big guy from thunderdome
>>889197 good Jeska fucking deserves\ they did her dirty >Jeska's Will I would like to understand what's happening in that image because if it is what I think it is, that's a REALLY WEIRD NAME for the card art
The former coworkers still seem to be on good terms, and Suga responded to Eda's thoughts with care. That is why he decided to reference Demon Slayer as the prime minister said the following:
"Since I am dealing with you, Mr. Eda, I will use ‘total concentration breathing’ in delivering my response."
The clip of Suga's addressable has gone viral thanks to the popularity of Demon Slayer. Even the chief cabinet secretary commented on the moment, saying, "I know that this ‘total concentration breathing’ is a breathing method used in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba but I don’t know if the Prime Minister himself has read the manga."
or just press A without a direction while drifting thru the air
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that lil foot move is your Nair very fast to come out and lasts a whule
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can also side B in the air haha lots of moves your best kill move is your Bair sorry, "back air" which is pressing A+ the oppposite way you're facing while in midair
haha what the
gonna try a non floaty char work on recovery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good plan practice your fast falls too ill try a shoto i never play em
zoot soot
samurai uses y to jump u cant lose to that dude
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she has a third jump, down B
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
youll have to be able to turn around in midair too to recover sometimes it gets tuff
It's like 13°C out But I need to be cool to sleep So I sleep with my fan on and the window open aand the heat vent closed. I sleep best in the deep winter.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one thing i think youre missing is turning yoyr character around just nudge the stick left or right for a moment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doesnt work in midair tho you can drift sideways instead in midair
Sam, whenever I see you chatting with people on /moe/ while playing smash with them, it akways makes me think about how watered down Nintendo online services are.
Cause on xbox, PlayStation or pc you could just use a mic.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mind BLOWN
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>889336 you can charge ZSS's gun to stun longer then you gotta run riiiight into someone's face before you up-B them
Well I'm sure it's not entirely their speed's fault they're getting beaten. But I bet the ping from Fucking Nowhere, Australia is absolutely atrocious.
I've been too stressed out by the election to get homework done That plus the stress from moving back to my parents' place has been giving me headaches.
>>889456 he wants me to go the Richmond Rail museum, his selling point was "I think you don't want to go, but I think you'll end up liking it" >>889460 not that I can remember but we had a good Irish population at one point
Oh speaking of u boats I've been inside one. They have a restored one at the local science museum.
Oh jesus OH RIGHT The switch has internal storage I guess it and... arguably, the Wii, are consoles I've owned with download space
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also CoD is 80-90gb on an HDD so if someone gets that on the series s - which most buyers will - that leaves them with like nothing if they also play destiny for example, which is like 60gb or if they download any modern game which is 50gb well RI{
I guess then it's sorta in the ballpark, but still >>889511 Right? SSDs are not really that big a deal for games cause MOST of the bottleneck is processing power anyway, not read speed There are some exceptions, sure, but for most games the loading time isn't the game struggling to pull the bits from your HDD fast enough Unlike your OS, where that's like, 99% of the loading time
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but like you dont need SSD for an xbox to store games even on a PC you aren't going to see people storing games on an SSD unless they're fucking millionaire modo
>buying incense on amazon >amazon recommends other purchases >medieval chain mail and leather bracers ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
the greatest QoL purchase I've made from Amazon is buying a headphone cable that's taller than me. Now I can bend down and pick things up from off the floor without damaging the cable. my other one got so bad that it wouldn't pick up any sound from people on Discord calls if it wasn't bent a certain way
i've spent like $200 on incense in the last 30 days
this is what it means to have disposable income, huh
im gonna start putting in orders for PC parts today i decided that since i'm making like $3000 a month and just got a side gig that will get me an extra $1000-2000 a month i'm just gonna go all out and spend like $1800 on a PC lol money sure is dangerous for someone who lives in the moment
>>889520 just come here it's still 80 degrees although it was 72 yesterday!!!!!
lol this person i've been occasionally letting use my office at work started calling it "our" office told me she needed to use it on thursdays and i said no because i need my office and due to company policy she can only use it after 5:30 from now on she got upset and is like "i'm going to talk to the boss about this" have fun you're not even an employee of the company you're an independent contractor
Well, I've been exploring new ways to express myself at work, you know. So I have a hat that says "TOP GRANDPA" like top gun, a hat that says "I'd rather be squatchin" and a hat that says "women want me fish fear me" But three hats isn't really enough, you know? I need more variety.
I mean, there's the reasonable answer, and then there's the dipshit answer Like, probably the ratio of mail-in votes being in favor of democrats is due to democrats being more likely to expect not to get to go physically vote, at least that's a possibility But the dipshit answer that every supporter that man has believes is that The DemonRats and Their cronies tamper with the mail-in ballots to secure the extermination of the one true messiah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's actually looking possible that neither candidate will reach 270
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like the woeding its like he became an english localization contractor for a japanese rts gam >>889549 269 vs 269 would be a fitting way to conclude this year
Do they have to choose between the tied ones? Or can they wildcard it? Is this how Bernie can still win?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think it does have to be from the candidates
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dems and gops are 47/47 right now in senate so there is a slight possibility that dems could take the senate too although id say its unlikely they will dems will def keep the house
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
electoral system glitched annoying goose installed as leader
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even better than biden pence though would be trump kamala
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit. i should get a milf hat
Does the veep even like, really do much? Barring presidential failure to perform, does the veep actually DO anything?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
VP gets to be the tiebreaking vote for senate and some other stuff
I guess it makes sense for the veep to not really have a lot of power, but it does feel like how you have a role in a video game that just exists for theme, and the stuff you actually get to do as that role is barebones to put it mildly Like, the entire game can be played without anyone filling the role, but if you have enough (too many) players, the last one can be that and at least do something
...legally speaking, could republicans run Trump Biden 2020, and the democrats Biden Trump 2020? Like, can the same person run for pres on one ticket, and veep on another?
I don't think so and if it were possible, you'd have to launch two campaigns. I'm really not sure though.
naw, it can't actually tie anymore, can it? Hell, can it even tie in the first place? considering states always give 100% of their votes to whoever got the most in the state? Like sure, if there's 20 votes left to go, it isn't literally impossible to get 10 each, but if 1 state has 15 and the other 5, then I mean, one will get 5 and the other 15 at best And I don't see a constellation of the remaining states that results in a tie
well even if the electoral college ends up with someone winning this way or that way it doesn't necessarily mean that candidate wins the electors can always fuck shit up if they want to after everyone votes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gah power outage looks like the street lights and surrounding blocks are dead too
mere equity can never take priority over an equitable proprietary interest. the exception to this is if the party had actual or constructive notice of existing interests before hand. Registered title is presumed to be good title. A registered interest will always take priority. The only departure from this are the listed exceptions in the act. these are known as 'paramount interests'. they include easements, in-personam rights and leases under three years. if proprietary interests are equal in all ways than the interest that arose first in time chronologically will take priority.
Yep. Nailed it I'm ready.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
gl hf
What does any of that mean
Shipment of "professional recording and streaming" microphones came in. Plus considering this store's focus seems to be cameras I bet they've got some webcams too. Bet I could find everything I need equipment-wise here to start up streaming. Except maybe like an audio mixer or streaming deck.
how often do GPUs get back in stock if i wanted a 3070 how realistic is it to think i could get one
>>889582 Eventually! I'm looking at hopefully moving somewhere if I can get an appointment on a few good apartments I looked into the other day. And if that falls through I can rent the spare condo my parents have, at least. Once I've got an actual place to livev I'll look into what it takes to stream.
>>889584 Hard to say, when I was shopping for my 1070 I was watching a site that tracks product availability across various online shopping options for a while. Can't remember how long it took for me to get one; it was tracking 1070s from a bunch of manufacturers too, I think. I'll try to remember what the site is and link it your way if I find it.
most of the websites i look at that give example builds are just saying get a 3070 and not really giving me alternatives but i don't know enough to figure out alternatives on my own haha
i may just go with RX 5700XT because it looks good enough for what i want to do even if it isn't as good as 3070 and it's $100 cheaper
3070 is more of a model type that Nvidia prototypes and then produces some before letting a bunch of manufactures produce their own version of the 3070. Like for example my 1070 was manufactured my MSI, not Nvidia themself, but there were also 1070 models by Gigabyte and other computer hardware manufacturers.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>889583 uh oh is it possible to go use so far as more like
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RX 5700 XT is exactly what i have it works well, but it doesn't seem great for VR, so i might get a nvidia if there's any on sale
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh that's good to know i do want to do some VR hmmm >>889587 i see i see
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
another card i see a lot of people saying is great is the GTX 2080 super but that one is out of stock too i wonder why it's so hard to find a GPU you'd think they'd just make a lot of them so people can buy them like normal products
>>889591 surely there must be some lightly used ones around or maybe not maybe they all get funnelled into the ethereum mines until mechanical failure
I know a lot of people trying to buy into the cryptocurrency game buy up a tonne of GPUs whenever new stock comes available, yeah. Though I kinda assumed that had calmed down a bit in recent years since cryptocurrency has kinda fallen a bit out of the popular spotlight, but maybe it's still going strong.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have any of you used those fancy curved monitors before is there any benefit to it
>>889596 The only thing I know is the desk space utilisation. You can with a curved screen put two together and have an interesting set up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have a curved monitor it's not really a difference at all i think the Big ones are more useful
Three different people's Ubers all showed up pretty much at the exact same time, including mine. The pick-up spot in front of the store isn't normally that crowded hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should have all switched or swapped your plans for the rest of the day
No way my plans for the rest of the day are eat, sleep, and not doing anything requiring effort. Eight and a half hours at work leaves me with little will to do otherwise.
This art is cool but they probably oly picked it because they are going out of their way to reprint cards with new art to replace Terese Nielsen art versions.
Did you hear about te Terese Nielsen thing?
yeah thems the brakes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did not
The tl;dr is that she follows some right wing conspiracy nutjobs on twitter and then people stsrted spreading rumors that she was a terf. And then wizards ended their relationship. Although according to a leaker from wotc corporate is going to approach her about doing art again at some point. A lot of interesting stuff from that leak but i cannot be bothered to summarize it here. Oh also Next year there's goijg to be Cyberpunk Kamigawa. This is confirmed. It's called Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.
Oh wait, thats in 2022 Next year is the (ugh) D&D set Although if wizards gets into a legal battle with ed greenwood the same way they did with the Dragonlance people the set won't happen. Their contract with Greenwood (creator and owner of the forgotten realms) is really weird and can easily be broken by WotC if they fuck up. I kind of hope they break the contract Just because D&D and magic shouldn't be combined like this. Oh also it would show them what a huge fucking mistake they made to switch default D&D settings from Greyhawk + Planescape to Forgotten Realms + ? (I don't know what cosmology they use in 5e).
workaholic till i motherfuckin die brand new wheels lookin motherfuckin fly payin off debts like it's not a fuckin thang shitpost on moe cause i'm motherfuckin bang
Apparently the Netherlands doesn't pay you for finding bugs in their government software but does give you a t-shirt that says "I hacked the Dutch government and all I got was this lousy T-shirt." with the logo for their cyber security department.
Are Chichi and Videl's full names technically Son Chichi and Son Videl? Since they're both married to, and presumably taking the surnames of Goku&Son?
ye tho videl may have kept satan
i mean, every woman in the Saiyan extended family has fair reason to keep their own family name, really
Like Chichi is literally royalty Bulma's... the daughter of what appears to be the single most powerful and wealthy corporation on the planet Videl is Satan's kid And well, I mean I guess 18 isn't married to a Saiyan, so nevermind that one, besides she has no last name that we or she is aware of, probably >>889768 Oh, it's a stage name? I thought that was his actual name
well we actually don't know videl's last name hercule satan being a stage name
Does Krillin even have a last name? Actually, most of the cast don't have last names, do they?
Vegeta's probably got one, but like all royalty since time immemorial, only technically and not really Like, our royal family's last name is Rex, but that's trivia, not like, real
Yknow, since their titles are so much more powerful in all social contexts Hell, all contexts
Naw, true to tradition, the royal family all use names nobody else fucking uses Like Märtha Louise And other dumb shit like this I guess Harald and Ragnhild are like, normal
Though in some ways, Märtha isn't royalty anymore She is, like, bloodline wise, but I think she yote herself from the status, likely due to pressure because she's a kook
>The Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume includes interviews with Toriyama, and he is asked about Mister Satan's real name in one of them. Toriyama mentions that Mister Satan is just the character's ring name reminiscent of that of a pro grappler and that his real name is Mark (マーク, Māku),[2][5] which is a romanization of a rearrangement of Akuma (Japanese for devil). Since the region where Satan lives does not split up names into given names and family names, his name is simply "Mark".[5] found it
Possibly, Saiyans are only so dominant because of their broken-ass genkai bullshit, and their biological drive towards violence Krillin's a manlet, that's probably why he's not that strong
>>889782 and lazy generally tien would be stronk but japan hates him so like piccolo post androids no cool
There's also a real chance Krillin stopped taking it too seriously after a while because the only person he could really compare himself to was a space alien born with a powerlevel above that of the strongest human being at the time, so like, it's hard to keep motivated, you know? >>889785 I think he probably 'gave up' way earlier, but that was the final straw
he prolly gave up at android saga aftet everyone got floored
but he like yamcha were just warriors sevond in the end tien was the only true budoka
Well yeah, Tien's whole life kinda relied on and revolved around his strength, what with Chao and shit Krillin was a jock and Yamcha was a... criminal?
Actually, I think we can safely say he wasn't human, since like I mean the motherfucker flew without any sort of training or nothing, hell he never really walked Wasn't even particularly strong, and the motherfucker flew
I mean, it's not impossible, but if I had to guess I'd say he might be a descendant of like, an old, replaced guardian of earth >>889794 Exactly, so it wouldn't be particularly weird for there to be some bloodline somewhere, treated as effective deities, who are actually aliens >>889795 That's also possible, for sure
my head canon is still that db takes place like 50-150 million years in the future with humans once having had a galactic/intergalactic empire that then collapsed explaining the weird anarchonism of basically no tech to physics breaking capsules
they have fucking houses in capsules but no space flight to speak of
as for the king? the early chapters of DB have bulma say, I think it was "that the previous person who gathered them became a ruler/king" or something so it is likely that the King Dog's family ascended that way originally
Maybe humanity was actually destroyed by Majin Buu during one of his rampages >>889799 this is actually a good question how would the "make me the ruler of world" wish even work? the dragonballs most likely can't mind control people so wouild it just do it by having you suddenly have a legitimate claim to the world and people would go "huh"
I mean, it is within Shenron's power to like, have Kami pop down and go "ALright so, this guy's got my backing, and I kind of am a big deal. Divine right, yadda yadda" So it could work
Also since it is "what the creator of the dragonballs can do" as a limit in a way if there is some strong fighter, say goku in the way they wouldn't be able to grant the wish
oh well
this does beg the question is Prince Pilaf like ruler of some small vassal state or actually related to the royal family?
well, it can grant immortality, even though Kami or Dende themselves can't actually do that, so It seems to be a different type of 'ability' it comes down to
Ox King most likely was just a warlord and not actual king per sense just some guy who went "I am king, give me money or I give you axe"
>>889803 Maybe if they cosntantly healed you nonstop you'd never die of anything but yeah it is bit weird like "hopw would they restore a planet" I guess in general they cand o anything, but if the creator can't force an individual to do something, the dragonballs can't do it IE not being able to teleport goku back to earth from yardrat and so on
And also, SHOULDN'T that mean Pilaf's gonna like... croak sooner or later? He's got immortality, sure, but like That was Kami granting that one, and he ain't around anymore
no pilaf's just young not immortal that was the movie guy garlic
gotta remember tha mai was like 15-25 when DB began
also I do like the GT nod of pilaf&gang wishing goku into a child and in new continuity they wished themselves into kids eventho I don't really like super
it has potentional that was never really fulfilled the manga adaption is quite lazily drawn, art is good, but the guy is just same posing everyone and the anime on theo therhand goes into 5 minute territory way too much not to mention tossing any scale of "who is how strong" out of the window
frieza coming back and becoming stronger, neat idea, but maybe actually make him for example having been backf or 3 years or use a time chamber of his own
zamazu was damn cool idea, but the end fight was meh manga did the fight better, with vegito being way too stronk and goku and vegeta doing it also way better and no weird trunks bullshit at the end, but then zamazu just began regenerating from bits into more zamazus which was silly anime was unconsistent tot he end, but the weird zamazu giygas was a cool idea
beerus I have nothing to complain about, more world building and a quite cool character
the tournament of power was neat idea but badly done in pretty much both iterations
universe 6 goes into the same category, you now have saiyans who never went into barbary>pirate so maybe do something with it instead of having lamer versions of goku (female) vegeta and broly/gohan also having a good frieza and then him actually being evil was just meh
and as for golden frieza a new fucking sparypaint job?
maybe actually play with the forms start with the cooler's armoured form then go into some turbo of that and then go into golden/whatever following the original logic of the reduction forms weakest being small, then big, then big and monstrous then back to simple and small but just a fucking new spraypaint...
also the red super saiyan god is lame form too ssb is fine
But in the end DBS is just like Boruto's Dad's sequel lazy and uncreative and unnecessary continuation
DBS is better than GT; but GT atleast introduced consistently cool villains each saga once they got into the serious part bebi, super 17, the shadow dragons, especially omega
oh and now they are fighting a monkey tho his initial introduction was neat, but he is so inconsistent in what he can do that it isn't even a joke but the initial idea of them going against a sorcerer instead of just punching their way to victory was neat but then it just developed into "punch until win"
if they make xenoverse 3 which I hope they do I hope they will finally add BEAM STRUGGLES ffs
also maybe finally have a dbz game where it isn't just >one side punches, other side blocks/evades/takes hits and instead has like trading blows like in the show
dunno how you would make that work, but atleast TRY