Hi! Gotten through Wednesday Week's as good as over. Or something.
--Erai-raws Akudama Drive Episode 2-4 Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 3-4 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 3-5 Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-5 Ochikobore Fruit Tart
dungeon ikeburo kimi to boku Akudama 2 kuma kuma kuma
Well Thursday brings four shows I think and then there's the avalanche of stuff that drops over the weekend. But yeah, I think at five shows a night we do sliiiightly have more slots than shows we're currently watching. But also if we can get it down to less than a full five shows a night for some nights of the week I'd greatly appreciate it.
;_; Yeah. The monsters were all pretty nice folks last episode too. I guess it was implied monsters have their own cycle of reincarnation but that doesn't bring much consolation seeing them dead.
>Ariadne's thread That's an actual Greek myth. Kinda weird to see it be brought up in this world. Even if all the gods and goddesses are clearly avatars of our pantheons, it's still a fantasy world in every other case.
Spider-lady went hard. Would rather go out with dignity than disgrace.
We haven't really seen Ais at all this season so far. The OP kinda hints Bell and her will come to odds at some point in this season. I hope she doesn't drink the HAET MONSTER Kool-Aid too much.
I t seemed like the sentient monsters managed to incite the bestial ones into a rage too. The sentient ones don't have many to their name it seems, plus that familia of dicks have been going around killing some. So I don't think they'd have the kind of army just by themselves to storm that town in the dungeon.
>The dark faction, Evilus I mean, really. Evilus
From Ariadne's Thread to Knossos Lots of allusions to the myth of the Minotaur all of a sudden.
You start off light to intimidate them, I guess. Also feels like they're a bit amateur when it comes to being organized mob crime.
Donglong more like Longdong
This is some pretty high-level social issues stuff for an anime series. Labour taking advantage of people driven by poverty for cheap work is usually one of those ugly things about first-world countries that gets hidden from view.
Also them addressing severe poverty in China is the kind of thing that's bound to create turbulence. China really doesn't like it when anything tries to call attention to their care for their people being anything less than perfect.
Yeah, big controversy about that recently. I guess they don't care
This Chinese girl is pretty cute though. She was also cute before she got the hair dye but this is a good look too.
>>889670 It's still pretty ballsy! Maybe they don't expect this series to get much attention in China but China is a huuuuge anime market these days. I'm sure it's bound to get watched by some people over there.
Oh his mom's gonna do the legal guardian thing for the Chinese girl. How nice. I wonder
if this happens fairly often in Japan.
It would've been really cool to grow up in Tokyo. There's just so much of it. But well, what didn't happen, didn't happen.
Either he kidnaps his waifu or he elopes with his waifu Wonder which he'll choose.
>>889680 The more formal ones kinda remind me of a Code Geass fashion aesthetic.
She's so tsun she even acts tsun when talking to him in her head.
What a competent meido
>Comes into your bedroom to just lecture you on who you should hate and to insult your art collection What a nice mother.
I might be a bit loose on my bird knowledge but I'm pretty sure albatross are more sea-faring birds. They can fly for days on end because they coast on the thermals off the water.
Not really great combat wear though! The princess' dress is a bit too extravagant for fighting.
They just keep getting more and more in synch, hah hah
This Founder witch has this aura of dignity to her so it's really funny to see her do stuff like wincing and biting her lip. It's a bit of a gap in expectations.
Doesn't really feel like they're all too eager to go back to being enemies.
Episode two (2) of this! I really liked the first episode of this, it had a cool gritty cyberbunk aesthetic.
I wonder if the MC's gonna be able to lean into her new role as a swindler. She's gotten really caught up in something ridiculous. It would be cool if she gets away from the meek and panicking personality and goes a bit crazy herself.
These'll probably be some fun characters. I think it's just the visual designer from Danganronpa who's on board for this project, but whoever's writing the characters also captures that absurd zany nature of the Danganronpa characters.
Okay so I guess it's kind of a dystopia/utopia situation where Kanto enjoys a utopia because Kansai plays them and makes their lives rough.
The blood fetishist is a bit bad with boundaries it seems.
It's kinda funny that there's all these crazy criminals and weirdoes like the foul-mouthed motorcycle guy. And then there's just the MC and that pompadour guy who are just trying to pretend they're as crazy as the others.
Well that's kind of to be expected. They're designed by the same artist.
Oh yeah his motorbike had a railgun mounted on it. I want a motorbike with a railgun.
All the criminals seem to have been fooled into thinking she's a bigshot. I wonder if the cat knows she's about as civilian as it gets though. Feels like it might and is just having fun messing with her.
I guess anything is possible as long as you slap a bear motif on it!
She seems to have a very obsessive personality about money. Even in her real life she was trading stocks or something to keep her lifestyle. And when she first came to this game world she was careful with money.
I wonder if they'll spend the whole episode on making jp food
I joke about it, and it is kind of a trope that gets overdone a lot in isekai like this, but I do kinda like seeing them set up the resources necessary to produce the kind of food they're used to in modern Japan. We take food like that for granted since we live in a technologically-advanced and interconnected world, but to get some of the ingredients she's used to having, it would take some searching and setting up of small industries, kinda like this chicken coop. And that sort of thing tickles my resource-management funny bone.
You really do see this kind of thing a lot if you dumped me in a fantasy world, I don't think I'd have the knowledge to set up a chicken farm
I don't think I have all the necessary knowledge either, but I feel I could wing it. It's definitely the kind of thing I'd rather have staff I can delegate work to though since all the cleaning work and butchering of chickens once they're not laying eggs anymore just isn't worth having fresh chicken and eggs to me if I have to do the work myself.
wow she's really letting him have it seems like he has an excuse though
Yeah. I think with the knowledge she has of the situation she has every right to be infuriated with him. He plays up this generous and kindly lord and if he really was responsible for the poverty of that orphangage, then that's an absolutely two-faced thing for him to do.
But it looks like it was a corrupt vassal of his rather than his own actions. He should still be responsible because a lord picks and monitors his vassals, after all, but it's at least incompetence and not malice on his part.