--Erai-raws Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 2-4 Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2-4 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 3-4 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-5 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Ochikobore Fruit Tart Episode 3-4
Faiyah Sorry had some slight stomach disagreements
Hasn't really been much time for non-battle goofiness for a while. And the Sister hasn't had a lot of screentime either.
>As long as we have the Sun we have been venerating Hey man don't lay such dangerous flags.
I suppose that's a good realization to have. That faith isn't inherently religious faith or something. There's plenty of more worldly faith to have, like in the people you care about.
Ah that's actually a really nice bit of worldbuilding. A faith that venerates the sun plants sunflowers near the graves of the dead so the dead know the way back to the sun.
This seems like a bit of a filler episode. There's a big plot arc around the corner and they're really taking their time getting there.
Yeah for me it feels more it's transitioning into that next plot arc. They kinda had a very absolute wrapping point at the end of the last arc where they stormed the research facility. Like there were no threads from the last episode that could flow into this one. So they need a bit of a slow episode to set up the setting for the next arc.
Some of these other sisters kinda seem like they're a bit weird in the head.
And there's more of the hinting there's a relation between the Evangelist and the Sister. I wonder what it is-
Most of the sisters we've met so far have been weird in the head
Well if the first half of this episode was filler-y then this one is particularly silly.
I guess every now and then the mangaka wants to write a completely nonsensical and silly chapter. And these spaces between plot arcs are the best time to slip them in.
She! But yeah. Even Soul Eater had some really silly moments to it. Er well it was mostly a much more comedy-oriented series but also had stuff that was just entirely isolated chapters/episodes of being goofy. The Excalibur stuff comes to mind at least.
There's comedy in the middle of a plot and completely one-off comedy though. Enen has a lot of comedy even when things are serious. Like literally whenever Arthur does anything. That second half of the episode was totally a one-off.
Yeah I was just thinking that, hah hah The fact that he dumped this mission on them and just bailed the meeting kinda feels like Onii-sama is having them play as game pieces in a game of chess he's playing.
Man I thought this was a magic series but this is some super sci-fi stuff.
Once you get high enough, both start to blend together
Sufficiently-advanced technology and everything.
Honestly if their world is drawing the energy they need to make magic from other dimensions, and there's entities from other dimensions invading their dimension through black holes. It kinda feels like the entities might have a fair reason for picking a fight with them.
Hah hah poor Lina She keeps getting caught in misunderstandings that make people think she's more evil than she really is. First it was onii-sama thinking she was helping the parasites. Now it's the rest of the students.
Looks like this time it was much more temporary though.
I don't even remember what this is but im sure i will remember quickly
It's the one with the nun girl calling herself Odin who seems to have flawless future-predicting abilities. And is insisting the world will end in like thirty days.
So not Odin, but Satou Hina I can see why she wants to call herself Odin that's about as plain a s you can get with a Japanese name.
purple bow girl cause has good design er purple bow girl has good design
Odin/Hina's cute too, though I don't get particularly charmed by nun outfits. His imouto is nice but her hair feels a bit flat.
What is this movie even. I mean it totally fits for the kind of thing that a middle-school or high-school student would think up to film. But I guess it also got hijacked by Odin/Hina.
More movies eh.
There really is a lot of Manzai comedy in this show though. Everyone seems to tsukkomi off other people's boke.
Oh this one is transparently obvious at least. I didn't get the particular movies her previous two attempts were referencing.
We've seen that Odin/Hina's ability to predict things is mostly legit, but when she tries to help the MC woo his childhood friend, it hasn't seemed to go over well. So I wonder why that's the case. Well looks like this one might've been a win of sorts at least.
>>889314 The quality of animation is pretty good overall, yeah. Looks like there was a solid amount of work put into this show. Maeda seems to always pull high-quality staff to work on his projects.
He wimped out again hah hah Though honestly with how she rejected him that first time I don't think just playing the one song would change her mind.
Twenty-four days remain until the end of the world!
Maeda Jun and Yanagi Nagi seem to have a good working relationship. Even for just musical projects they've worked on stuff together before. It's nice that he's brought her on for the OP and ED too.
Ochikobore oh yeah I forgot that it was key okay let's start this
I'm looking forward to when the KEY antics finally land hah hah. We've been getting some forboding stuff here and there but that just means there's really going to be a shoe that drops eventually.
Also make sure it's episode THREE (3) of Ochikobore. We had two piled up.
I like those patterned cardigans that seem to be a part of their idol or school uniform. Reminds me of the old SHAFT way they'd put patterned fabric into shows like SZS.
Manager-chan is making very reasonable arguments. They're pretty much nobodies. Being able to perform even one song before a popular idol unit's live in exchange for helping out with staffing the live is a good deal. Plus they also get paid.
Oh MC's bustier than her normal clothes lead you to believe.
>>889335 They're definitely not normal eyebrows. I think they give her face some nice unique expressions though.
That twintails girl hiding there. She's their fifth member who'll join eventually.
The rest of the girls are all kinda dropouts for one reason or another. But this new girl seems to have scored really high in her audition. So I wonder what her problem is. Maybe this shyness? Shyness does make it hard to be an aidoru.
She reminds me a lot of Yuru Camp's Nadeshiko. She's cute though, yeah. I also like the blonde girl's design. Which is kind of rare for me since I don't normally get too excited for blonde girls. Her fashion sense and face are good though.
They were told to wear underwear that could be shown but so far none of them are wearing underwear! Oh Pink's being proper about it though. Kinda. The tights were nice though!
Ah okay the two purple-haired girls were sisters. But I was expecting the taller one to be the onee-chan of the two hah hah. I guess I shouldn't've though since all the gags around the short girl revolve around her being short.
The tall imouto's a bit of a siscon, eh. She's definitely a high-level cute though. I really like the shade of purple of her cardigan too.
Looks like the twintails girl is turning into a stalker for Pink though.
She's lucky Pink's already inherently gay. Even though her attention's on the tiny purple girl for the moment.
Hopefully they don't bomb this first performance too much.
I was kinda on the fence if they would or not! It's mostly a wholesome, comfy show, but it also has been playing their incompetence for comedy a fair amount. Them messing the performance up as a comedy bit felt within feasibility.
This series does a good job of capturing the charm of normal life. Silly nonsensical conversations like that sit-up one between friends. Cutting class with friends to just take it easy hiding away on campus.
Uh. Wow.
I'm guessing this lady is Adachi's mother? She kinda looks like her. Ah yeah Adachi-san. I guess being blunt and kinda weird runs in the family.
I do agree with Shimamura that Adachi's mom probably shouldn't talk about her daughter like she was to her friend. But I can kinda sympathize with her mom too though. Adachi seems like she struggles with social skills and probably doesn't make it easier for her mom to understand her.
I kinda miss being able to have laidback conversations like this. Not exactly like this hah hah. But just sitting around talking about random stuff with friends. Don't really get a lot of that these days.
So the alien's name is Yashiro eh. I can't remember if she actually told them. Because I've just been calling her Erio so far hah hah
I like Adachi's sweater. It's not quite a turtleneck but it's pretty close. And I like that shade of green a lot.
Adachi really kinda has overexpectations of what her reserved requests of Shimamura will result in. I mean she is crushing hard on Shimamura but she's pretty good at translating that crush into relatively normal requests of Shimamura.