--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 2-4 Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Golden Kamuy Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2-3 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 3-4 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-5 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Episode 3-4 Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
Looks like the fighter girl will need some hardening up. Though I don't really blame her for being bad with this. It's good to not become too accustomed to death.
This series seems at times to have a hard time deciding what its aesthetic is supposed to be. Like on one hand we get the kinda comedy bits of them respawning and dying over and over again because they're all kinda damedame, and the gag bits like the MC always rolling trash jobs. But then it also does stuff like the fighter girl being practically traumatized by seeing all that killing, or the MC's extreme cynicism and kinda edgy "fuck the real world" mentality. It flips between them a bit harshly at times.
Oh, that's why she wants to train with him. She gets to cut him up.
Yeah. We saw her be a bit of a blood knight in the fight with the bandits. She's definitely got quite a few screws loose.
;_; If anything it's the other three that are off for adapting so easily into this kill or be killed world. I guess with the other girls they use magic so maybe it helps them keep removed from the feeling. And the MC is already obviously a bit broken. But the fighter girl is hard normal and that doesn't work in a world like this.
It does sound like the fighter girl has the potential here to go a bit crazy too though. She's working hard to rationalize the need to kill.
Yeah, I guess her and the mousey girl have opposite issues.
Even the MC doesn't really seem all to comfortable in his cynicism. As he was talking about leaving the civilians and kid he looked unhappy with it. Doesn't feel like his heart's in it.
They're too dumb for monster magic haha he got wasted
Yeah, I guess even the cool-ish job he got most recently kinda sucks then. What good is being able to command monsters if most monsters don't even understand your commands?
She's getting better at keeping her cool in battle at least. That gambit of waiting until the last second to bring out her sword was clever.
Hard to tell what the right choice is. The gamemaster definitely likes fucking with them and giving them quests that end up being kinda mean or deceitful.
Good to see making a mockery of Shiraishi is still going strong.
I wasn't aware reindeer were so easily domesticated though. That's a pretty big herd of them.
Asripa's dad was pretty handsome in his youth. Though by the time he was her dad he had a scar much like Sugimoto's across his face. And then eventually he got his entire face skinned before he got thrown in prison.
Everyone in this has some insane skill. lots of scars too
Lots of the cast come from a soldiering background, so scarring is probably inevitable. And the ones that don't have often been hunters or criminals, also pretty dangerous careers in these kinds of wilds.
Oh they're worming a bit of real-life history into this story again. That assassination of the Russian emperor was a thing that really happened. And this series is attributing it to the hairy-chest guy.
Poor reindeer ;_;
Hah hah
That was the driest fucking laugh from the sniper guy as they were driving away.
He did take a bullet to the stomach there. Wouldn't be surprised if it struck an important organ or two.
Man these Russians are not smart.
You'd expect their chain of command to pick some competent soldiers for the task of capturing a regicide terrorist. I mean the sniper guy seems half-competent though. Though it seems not smart enough to not get tricked by this bait.
He's definitely on more levels of keikaku than the russian guy was thinking he's probably naked in a bush with knife
I'm currently wondering if he's actually under that blanket with the rifle, and is expecting the Russian to think there's no way he can remain that perfectly still and readjust to find his "real" location. Giving him the hint he needs to get a clear snipe.
Last episode was extremely goofy, like this show's been fairly lighthearted despite some forboding vibes hanging around, but it was -really- silly. I enjoyed it, but I was kinda sold on this being magical fighter planes fighting to save humanity and I'd like a bit more focus on that than obstacle courses between the pilots and their planes.
Hard to tell really if Odin is evil or just mean because he's too wise to be nice. It is kinda true to the mythology though; Odin was always an absolute dick. I mean most of the Norse pantheon were pretty awful characters at some point or another.
Wow that's a lot of fish. Hah hah wow Claudia. Just asking another girl to be your wife. She's really loosened up a lot since coming to this air base.
A bit early to be calling it the decisive battle, isn't it? We're not even halfway through the season.
ah yeah There's gotta be something after the decisive battle that's even bigger assault okay lets start
Yeah Riri
;_; My cat loves to curl up on top of people like that. She's been up north ever since we finished moving. I haven't seen her in like two weeks. I miss having a cat.
How far in the future are they that everone having tablet computers is a "thing of the past" Yuyu acts cool but her actions don't match her care-not attitude. It's a bit of a cute gap moe.
Like she's -really- trying hard to not meet anyone's eyes in these segments. It almost becomes kind of satirical of itself.
Must be nice to just hop on a train and take it like five hours out into the middle of nowhere.
There really is a childish delight in popping the marble cap on a bottle of ramune. The actual drink is about the same quality of Sprite or 7-up
Last week's episode was laidback too. I guess we're getting the mid-season lull before the plot kicks back in.
Both these new girls are kind of cat-like. The green one is very "do what I want" and is more of the social, affectionate cat type. While the one with the ponytail is the stoic, kinda-bitchy cat type.
>>889018 Yeah, it will prob start to pick up around ep 7
Hah hah so Riri's special power is literally just a high CHA stat. Honestly that's still a pretty powerful skill to have though. Those that have a high CHA rule the world!
The lead into OP is always good this one led in fast but it was still good
Getting the two cat girls into the team rounds out what seems to be the main cast at least. I know this franchise has already been a stage play and action dolls, on top of this anime. I wonder if the nine-unit cap to a team is something they incorporated as an eventual feature of the mobage.
This is always a good comfy show I guess she's moved on to causing trouble for the council
Yeah someone's playing
the kazoo Oh a vuzuela or whatever that thing was called.
It is important to burn through your energy during the day so you can sleep well at night. Of course I just solve the problem by barely sleeping so I don't have an overabundance of energy!
I really like the way the Japanese say Alraune. It flows really nicely.
Hime really is the real monster. No demon life is beyond her mission for good sleep.
Well I guess she's accomplishing her mission of getting some activity in during the day.
>But I want to sleep all the time I know this feeling.