>The lake turns pink every few years. It is believed that the presence of the algae Dunaliella salina gives the water a pink tint.[1] Because of the unusual warm weather which gave the lake its chromatic effect, the place drew more visitors. This resulted in environmental damage to the lake’s delicate ecosystem with large natural salts being dug up which some of it was sold on social media, claiming it as a cure for diarrhea and COVID-19 and unpicked trash being left around.[2] As a result, the lake was closed to visitors by authorities on 20 July 2020.[3] According to the deputy head of the local government Battal Ibrayev, the damage in the lake would take 10 to 15 years to repair itself.[4] Lol good job
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pigs get slaughtered
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do y'all think a 60hz monitor is good or will i regret that
The only reasonable answer there is "how much do you play competitive games, and how much do you care about winning?" If it's A LOT, get 120+ If not, then 60 is fine
I mean, 120 is still sick for anything you can get to that framerate, but like, you won't REALLY care about it unless you're playing against other people $1700 is a reasonable price
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do not play competitive games oh boy
thats good because i'm already looking at about $1700 not counting the monitor
>>889832 been using one from 2007 and not disappointed sure if you do wanna go online fps etc then get 144 but othwerise if you just play games that anyhow hardcap to 60fps and watch stuff no reason to >>889836 >>889836 mechanical or nothing just because of liquid accidents
Get a decent keyboard and mouse before you get a beast monitor, anyway
kirara is gonna have a better computer than me aaaaaaa
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to spend $200 on a keyboard...
>>889837 is that a surprise i am a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL DOCTOR after all (nanchatte)
oh yeah spillage of stuff is reason enough to blow a lot on a good mechanical keyboard the actually good ones, you can spill anything, and if you just run it under water for a bit and let it dry, it's fine again
>>889838 if they sell ADX there I'd recommend that I have ADX firefighter or something cost me something like 50€ tho I got it for half the price as it was a damaged box but they basically do maybe 100 buck mechanicals that work very well in terms of usability just lack any extra buttons, but those aren't that necessary
no keyboard anyhow has 18+ extra G buttons like the old G15 had
it is what you are used to if I ever get a new one, I'd get one with buttons or where you can turn the numpad into a macro button by changing its "docking place" but that is in the future but any game for example that uses 1-0 as binding buttons being ablte to access those like wasd instead of well moving from wasd to 0 is a huge benefit, but then again if you don't play online not a big deal
they're good if you play MMOs otherwise they don't matter
>>889844 also with either ingame macros or just macroscripts you can set so many easy access macros to just the wasd zone anyhow
but I would say that having a separate play/pause volume control etc buttons insteadof having those as function+F-keys is a bonus if they have it
i kind of want to get a fancy mouse sometime
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't see ADX keyboards on amazon hmm
a mouse pretty much needs the basic 3 buttons and the two thumb ones
I can't use a mouse without thumb buttons anymore It'd be like removing the mousewheel >>889851 Back and forward in browser\explorer, and as extra easy bind buttons in games
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you use the thumb buttons for
Oh wow their current products are real shitty looking so don't get them
>>889851 for say fps games ie any fps game thumb one (mouse 4) last used weapon with mouse 5 being toggle iron sight as I like to use mouse 3 as "hold to ironsight"
I used them for HE and flashbangs in CS, and blut\ubersaw in TF2 All my classes had extremely different control-schemes tho
or sometimes melee in mouse 4 depensds on game
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im looking at keyboard reviews and everyone is giving me information like Actuation Force: 45g
Actuation Point: 1.5mm
Total Travel Distance: 3mm
like, damn there really are people that have enough reference data for that to be meaningful to them
Basic rule of thumb don't get Razer overpriced overcomplicated shit
>>889857 for keyboards I *and mice I would recommend checking them out in person before buying tho I don't think the test pieces are available during this rona season but still
I always like to test things out how it feels to just random type before buying
keyboardi s very much about the touch feel and mouse about how it fits in your hand
(honestly my hottest tip is get steelseries for both)
yeah i feel like it would be hard to test out keyboards right now hmmm
For the mouse I can recommend the steelseries uuuh rival 110 I've been using that for a long time now sensei's also real good
for keyboards like, really you'll grow accustomed to whichever one you get, probably, just make sure it's got a fucking numpad And ideally, detachable keys If you can't take out the keys, skip the fucking thing, cause you're gonna wanna take out the keys now and then
I've never seen one that isn't but then again I don't check steelseries they don't feel nice to my hand when it comes to mice, I am logitech man G703 is a decent follower to the legendary ms5something
also I would recommend a "wireless chargeable mouse" where you can basically just plug the mouse physically in, but the chord can be replaced
as mouse ususally break from the chord most often, so having that be a replacable part will make your mouse last a lot longer
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this steelseries apex 3 looks nice and is only $50 hmm
i have not used a wired keyboard or a wired mouse in over a decade i will have to get used to having wires again if im playin games >spend $2000 on PC >use wireless mouse
most wireless mice nowadays are fine, really I still prefer wired tho mostly because you can't get the charging port messed up on a wired mouse anything wireless, you can just assume from the start that at some point, it won't be possible to charge it anymore
if you want best of both get logitech g703 or its more modern model it is basically wireless and wired mouse and is not that expesnive either
i have had one for about 3 years now and only issue I have had with it, is that I charred the wireless bluetooth broadcaster and slightly damaged the chord by dipping it in beer once
oh, make sure your motherboard can actually like 1. fit in the box you got 2. accept the components you got Like, REALLY make sure of that one do not get RAM that your motherboard doesn't have a slot for
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://pcpartpicker.com/list/J4HsXb this is what i'm doing right now but i'm still playing around with it it's a WIP
>>889871 and after everything see that you graphic card actually fits in your computer case my friend had this problem and had tothen go buy a metal saw
i have an old monitor that i'll use for the second monitor temporarily basically new monitor will be games and shit and the crappy second monitor will be for browsing internet while i'm doin games
ah, I see, I thought you didn't have one already It's just a waste of a new GPU to only have 1 monitor
Shit I don't likeabout modern processors is how LOW their individual cores are clocked at 2,9? what if I actually need 3,5 for an old game that can't do multicores?
and not to mention Desmume, which can also just do 1 or 2 cores and why no matter what kinda beast your un it on, your pokemon can turn into 1 frame per minute at times
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>889877 yeah i def don't want just one monitor i'll use the shitty one for a while until i can grab a second one that is decent secondary monitor is probably lowest priority for me since i have one i can use it's like 8 years old but that's good enough if i'm just browsing internet on that one
I mean, water cooling is what you want if you wanna overclock, really It's generally just a fair bit better, but a lot of the hype of it stems from how much more work and money it involves
You could also do like a few lads at The Gathering do, where their whole box is just filled with oil for cooling
Ya, whole fucking thing is just submerged in oil Leads the heat away fairly well Idunno if it's better, but a lot of people have builds that are less about performance and more about "the laws of physics allow me to"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
love to start an oil fire in my PC
how else are you gonna play crysis, yknow
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having a container full of oil where i'm playing games would honestly give me a lot of anxiety
Oh yeah if you wanna go crazy you can jam several GPUs in there and like, put them in RAID But if you wanna do that, they better both be nvidia or both AMD
Don't cross breed
but if youwanna go into weird graphic designing or shit like that you'll need the additional power or if you wanna go real crazy, you cn have one gpu per monitor then you can do like say 2 crysises at once
>>889908 No, not other than "you can see your parts lighting up" it's just aesthetics
I have actually duct taped all my towers flashign lights come to think of it, I havn't used it since september since I moved it aside when they replaced my windows
I should reset my server set up
I had this fancy system of an external Storage drive containing 6TB of drives, my PC containing its shit and my laptop that I mainly use nowadays all accessable to eachother through lan so I had all about 18 TB of my storage available to my laptop
though I guess it DOES give you a quick way to see if something's fucked and dust gathers somewhere
uhh no you can use the license to download it from the windows you can download windows 10 if you have a key even now
tho I do have a oh wait sorry it is finnish only
I was about to say I have a windows 10 installer for any version, but as I said it is finnish only cause I had a 8gb stick as a limiter
but if you are buying windows, go for Pro or nothing don't just stop at home or entertainment or enterpreuner or whatever
I mean you can just get it literally for free from windows and activate it, but you need to have like, a machine to do that is the thing
I have pro on my desktop and enterprise on laptop and there is a huge difference between the two enterprise is basically ment for office work and it is good enough, but as it is ment to be governed by an adminstrator that has a more advanced version of windows and not the end usre it is limited without going wonky and even then, it isn't Pro
and home... w7 home already annoyed me, I don't even want to imagine w10 home
make sure your components come with the necessary cables, and stuff, tho You don't wanna get to building and be like "I don't have SATA cables, this thing is dead"
but for windows if you can skip it from the "buy list" and just buy it online I think it is cheaper and also since you are getting it from microsoft directly, it is the easiest and least troublesome way if any issues occur as you can directly complain tot he fucking company
usually the motherboard comes with cables tho
>>889918 this too I had to plug a sata cable from my dead desktop that I had still laying around one time I attached a new hdd to my current desktop not to mention it gets quite wonky with the cable lenghts once you start to actually have like say 5 plugged in
and read the motherboard booklet carefully, cause you gotta plug in some tiny pins from various things there it's easy to do it but it's somewhat important to get it right, or else you end up with like, uh, a CPU fan that doesn't start
and get dust filters to your fans if they don't come with
>>889922 Hahah aah this brings up memories in 2017 in assembly we did a removal and reinstalling a new/old GPU that I got from my friend as my old one had short circuited *assembly is a large LAN/DEMOscene event party lasting 4 days and we had to do it in pitch black, illuminated by phone torch with very limited tools, as in like no screwdrivers
the pin part was very fun and also mid installing we of course discoverd that my old case didn't fit the new GPU inside it so I had to quickly go buy a new one
ah and to complicate it, I had a rental van with maybe 40 minutes left before I got overcharged at this point it was a quite mad dash to a computer store, get the case, throw it in and drive to the dropping off point with 5 mintues to spare
also during this fucking summer, every actual DIRECT ROUTE was open due to some fucking construction site, so I had to use weird side routes to get anywhere I wanted
good fucking thing I have actually driven deliveries in the city
but going from Messukeskus to Jätkäsaari and from there to Finlandia hall's parking lot I had to drive 5 times on pedestrian walkways 3 times against the traffic and 2 times on tram tracks
also on the same day i had moved all of my stuff from a storage container to my current place and had waken up at like 5am so I can actually get it all done oh and it wasn't just my brother's place, I actually had to drop off at my fathers and mother's place to pick up various stuff anyhow
that was a fun day
and of course once I got home from the event 4 days later, I came to a house where even my bed was still in pieces
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>889915 what's the benefit of pro? unlimited RAM usage? i'll never have enough RAM to warrant that i don't think
>>889926 it isn't just that stuff pro basically gives you a lot more control over windows, tho you will still have to learn a lot about the hidden features but at pro level you have full developer mode unlocked allowing you to, even at the current version, permanently turn off auto updates and several other stuff
I can't really list all the stuff that I have noticed about differences between enterprise and pro, but there are many
but anyhow is just a matter of how much money you want to spend on the OS and how much you care about wonking it into something you like to use if you are fine with just letting it do as it does, then it isn't a big thing but if you want to remove any feature you don't like and you computer pestering youa bout shit then I would rec getting the most "advanced" version
I don't however know at what prices they run nowadays
my pro was a windows 7 pro turned into w10, that both me and my brother got as a christmas gift from my father in like... well when did w7 come out and he got it real cheap through his job
and my enterpreise is also gotten like for 10€ through my father's work
it is useful when you have a lot of amily in IT like forexample the HDD serverrack I have is like a 3000€ server I got it for 30€ and my pop bought it from his job for maybe 100€ or was it tax evasion? I don't remember
okay the 3000 is prolly way too high byt 1000 atleast it was very expensive if bought from the stores/manufacturer
a server used to host important ISP stuff now containing anime tiddies
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what could be more important than that?
tho I do think I will have to replace 1 or 2 hdds on it someday soon it is using that weird "uniting different HDDs into one giant big thing" so even if one gets busted, the whole 5TB thing still works but at like 2 busted it will start to go bork and at 3 you lose data and one was flashing yellow or red light when I last booted it up so
on a completely different note I am still amazed how a norwegian can do such a perfect british accent
and naturally at that
I guess it is just a matter of use they do teach the british english or used to here too this including the pronounciation
archwarhammer? that guy's accent is heavily put on lol
ye but legally he can't use the warhammer part anymore
>>889942 nah is what I thought too, but watching him live etc he never drops it so either that is way too much commitment or he just naturally does it at this point whenever speaking english
he's good at it, but like, it's not how his english developed naturally, there's no way ll
No no it most likely took a lot of effort to get there but his family does run some robotics industry that has lot of foreign business so I guess it came to him naturally even before he started youtube
but if you do watch his early vids and his modern stuff he has changed his way of speech quite a lot
yeah I was about to say like His old videos... it's obviously a developed accent, at best
but it is natural at this point just like how I like to lower my voice most of the time I speak without thinking about it
I do like how each year that I have lived here my speed during rush hours has gotten WORSE
a whopping 1 mb/s considering that the promised speed is 100mb/s and by actual state set requirements, at the very least a consistenr 30% of that should be delivered if I actually wanted to, I could sue Telia
tho I would lose it because they would redefine "consistent"
and point out that by measuring it average in my area they would get consistent 30mb/s when added in the DEAD HOURS when nobody uses the 4g here
but ofc during rush hours when everyone is using you'd think you'd get atleast 2005 connections of 10mb/s and not 90s DIILUULII KRIIIK RKRIIIK TULII TULII TULIII BOOOO connections
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bind Jump to M5 usually melee attack to M4 but it depends hammering on the spacebat is bad mmkay
oh right yeah you should make the godmode folder once you get your PC up and running, too That's a fairly standard thing to have
>>889954 rooook what do you think of this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/J4HsXb
also hi
>>889953 adding to this get a separate about say 250gb SSD for your OS it is a good choice to have your OS on a separate drive than basically everything else you run on it ofc you want to have enough space to accomodate all the main programs and drivers etc technically youc ould do this with just a 50GB drive, but why not just go for a 200+ at that point the prices are about the same anyhow
I think I might go buy Pikmin 3 on my way home today. I'll be back up north for the weekend and can't really bring my PC, so I do kinda want something to do while I'm up there. Plus then I can bring my Switch stuff back home with me.
would y'all believe i owned shares of nintendo two days ago and decided to sell because 'gotta sell something i guess' what the fuck kind of crack was i on this is nintendo's greatest year ever they just destroyed earnings
>>889969 >>889970 And here I thought 4 more years of trump was the most amusing result I mean it would have lasted longer but this is something else
My oldest friend I guess I'd still call him my best friend Even though we live in different states now so i don't see him very often
on the surface he seems to be doing so well got a hot blonde instagram model gf rides his new motorbike everywhere got a job working for some fancy government science lab
but he texted me yesterday saying he's been in a really bad place i guess we all have our demons
Ah, it's an OS thing? I would have assumed win10 would have it by now, it's been out for a while And it works on the twitters Which I guess just means twitter manually did something >>889998 Ah, like discord
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apple only just released support today. they're usually first
twitter has their own versions. they replace emojis with lil images
Man cheese tarts are great There's a Japanese place downtown here that does some super tasty ones. Also had a seasonal apple-cinnamon one that was just delicious.
president elecet biden is still not fully confirmed isn't that 100% the truth?
tho i mean by this point it is in fact "future president biden"
doesn't this make him the first vice president to be president?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nothing is confirmed?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude nothin' is confirmed yet they're still counting
and by that I mean president didn't die >>890014 yeah counting votes and it is confirmed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gerald ford became prez after the resignation of nixon for like half a year
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no wait 3 years
>Ford is the only person to have served as both vice president and president without being elected to either office by the Electoral College. well that is fitting for a Ford
It truly would be awful if people misunderstood what the polls meant though, that has huge ramifications on literally nothing if you're not an investor, so it would be a real problem
Wondering if I should lay down, maybe do a short nap for 2 hours, or power through it and sleep after criticalrole Probably powering through it, short sleeps fuck with my head
Short sleep is like all I've gotten the past two weeks!
my condolences Everytime I sleep for like, 2 hours, I feel like it'd be better if I hadn't slept at all
That said, I rarely sleep longer than that in one go, I just, you know, go back to sleep quickly afterwards during the average night
Red Dead Redemption 2 has almost finished installing tho, so I'll have something to do
Dunno if it'll run well or not, but I'll see in a few minutes here
this website access is denied in accordance with usssocom cyber security policy :/ guess they hate the japs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the FUCK BIG MONKA am i a sleeper cell agent now
let me try saying the sleeper phrases
did they work?
I slep
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't hear it
wait wake uo up
(Can't wake up)
one od
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're ordering chinese food BBQ duck i'm gonna have big sleep
u want eggroll? also get oj chicken lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we got lemon chicken on the way sooo much sugar
u shouldve gotten generals tso
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck did you just call me bitch? i'll have you know i
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tfw can't even remember cuz the pasta too old but uh yeah we have our own regional canadianized chinese food i guess don't think i've ever had oj chicken
Weird, orange chicken is pretty easy to get here. We also have General Tso's too. I really like both of them, at least when the place does them a bit crispy. I've had sauce-sogged orange chicken before and man it is underwhelming.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, orange chicken is a thing idk about the juice part
we have orange chicken and general tsos here in japan at panda express
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what IS general tso's let's see ginger chili garlic rice vinegar soy sauce hoisin sugar
Honestly kind of a mystery. But it's a bit spicy.
orange chicken except they add one more chili to it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this mf recipe doesn't even have orange in it j
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well i've been to panda express and i think pf chang's once ever panda express probably 10 times so i've had all the usual stuff
ive seen it garnishrd with oranges before
I don't know if I've ever been to Panda Express. It's not a thing here in east coast Canada. Might've had it when I was in California but I don't really remember.
It's a bit weird though, we don't really have Chinese food chains here. There's like, one I can think of, and they're more of a micro chain.
ok but heres the real question in and out or whattaburger
Never had either, so dunno.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>890236 i can't remember what whataburger is like uh in and out is ok idk why people rave about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shack burgers pretty good still prefer to eat a bbq burger tho
>>890236 >>890236 >>890236 >>890236 Never had either I was in Texas for a layover and there was a whattaburger but their line was super long.
>>890237 its the epic cali vs texas meme i dont think either are particularly great
>>890259 oh i don't know if i have probably but i don't remember next time im in chicago ill check it out
Inb4 somewhere lame like Naperville
ya close enough like rly close in fact :)
meningitis has been observed in up to one half of all systemic anthrax cases therefore you must consider it in all cases
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am rooting thru the coins to see if we can't summon enough cash to get this food desperate times
need me to venmo u
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cashapp no it's 10% off if we pay w cash
is there not a atm for infinite money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoa you just gave me an idea what if we stole ... the whole atm??
its been done
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i remember the day my roomie was moving out we saw two rather grimy lookin dudes just casually wheeling an ATM down a street didn't even look like workers super sus
well, game crashes after a while, so I'm gonna pump the graphics down and try one more time, then give up if that doesn't fix it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, it seems like my PC can't take it but I'm not sure exactly what goes wrong Memory's fine If it was overheating, it wouldn't be the game, but the whole fucking OS that crapped out
It's in different places too, so it doesn't seem like there's a corrupt file or something either
Ya, updated today Well, yesterday, if you wanna be pedantic It COULD just be an issue with the game tho, pirated games are unstable sometimes, but not very often
Fuck I wish I had money, I'd get a new rig
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit finally iOS has widgets i can see what twitch streams are live
It's fucking TIME It's been like, 2 or 3 episodes of setup now, so this episode's probably gonna be a ton of fun Sure there was a battle in the... previous episode, or maybe the one before, but it wasn't like, A Big One, yknow
the japanese girl i work with has a neice that aways tries to talk to her aout deemon sayer and shess like umm i dont know the characters sorry
so she saw my can ad was like you like demon slayer? then shes like
>>890444 What was she like? You have me on the edge of my seat.
sorry my rest timer went off then the cardio bunny asked to s*ck me off but i hd to decline cuz its november
ok shes all like i dont really know animes but i watched dragon ball as a kid and i wass like haha i dont like dragon ball very much then she talked about something else the end there was more but rest timer seeya
ok im back shes like i dont really know animes and told me a story aout how a town called toyota in japan pved a road wider so that the dragon ball dude would keep living there ad py taxes there
Why did he need the road to be wider?
i dunno he just didnt like the narrow road i guess so hes like im gonna move
shes a funny japanese girl shes reqlly blunt
my blood pessure was 104/62 today i wonder if that 3as accurate i5 it was a wrist cuff
>>890454 was this the girl that smonk weed in Jamaica
yeah my office is right next to the front desk where she works so we talk a lot shes makin me hot coffee every morning and teachin me jap so i teach her a few american things like how not to tear the skin by using smeone elses mouth
she really wants to date a pilot or a rich persson that can py for her to travel should i sow her my bank account or...
you do have the military bux they pay well over there?
"sorry we cant travel this month gotta roll for this png in fgo"
for someone in my position aka no oother bills the pays decent but if i had awife or kids im sure it wouldnt be as god
they always show the airforce dudes that run the radio shows on tv ane they all look and sound like goobers lol