Plenty of stuff to watch after the weekend though!
--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 2-4 Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Bloom Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2-3 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 3-4 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-5 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-17
I still have just enough lines in a /moe/ post to fit them all though hah hah
It's a shame MAPPA doesn't really do long series like you'd expect from Shounen Jump. Getting a n adaptation of this that lasts longer than a season or two would be so good. Even if they did like Hero Academia and adapted it in contained seasons.
I wonder if one of the Jujutsu sensei will come to their rescue. I don't think black-hair can take on Sukuna by himself.
Oh nevermind, he managed to help wake Itadori back up. I guess that means he's the one of the three students who "dies" in this arc.
Not that, realistically, there's any other resolution to having your heart ripped out.
Looks like these are our baddies, hah hah Buncha weird youkai and some priest who ringleads them.
And looks like the Jujutsu organization is rife with politicking. Blindfold-sensei seems to figure Itadori's death was a set-up by someone higher up in the organization.
Having your heart ripped out is a pretty big crisis but I'm still surprised it wasn't solved this episode.
Not to mention he still doesn't seem to have a heart in his chest. Even if his soul or consciousness is still existing somehow presumably thanks to Sukuna, once he revives, he's going to need a heart again. Though Sukuna seems to have no issue regenerating stuff. I wonder if Itadori will figure out how to get Sukuna at least a bit on his side and take advantage of that to get a functioning heart again.
I think he's going to have to make some kind of deal with the demon, or come to an understanding. Otherwise he will just pull his heart out every time he surfaces.
Munou okay lets start!
From spiritual curses to cursed kids
Nana's up against quite a predicament this time, going up against someone with pre-cog powers.
>my infallible future predicting photographs are showing that this girl is going to kill me >I have decided that I will use this information to blackmail her into being my girlfriend
>>888580 Maybe he's the kinda guy who wants to be killed by his girlfriend.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Though from how he was talking last episode it also kinda feels like he's convinced his prediction photos are inevitable. So he already knows he's gonna die soon. Might as well get the most value out of the situation as possible.
Yeah he's going into it again. He's confident he can blackmail her for as long as his photos imply he stays alive.
He's so relaxed about this And he's stringing her along
He must know something about his power that she doesn't.
I get the feeling he's laidback because he's given up caring about things. Like, y'know, it's the kinda thing that spawns that kinda hedonistic nihilist attitude. If you know you're going to die, then why bother caring about anything?
Well we got his first money shot. Now she's free to kill him any way she pleases. But first she needs to get out of this pickle.
This is the first time she's dropped the act so much around someone too.
Oh. I guess I should've seen this coming. That's a good trick she played on him.
Looks like he was trying to metagame the future too.
She has to play a real fine line now. Especially with how Kyouya is extremely anal in his questioning.
He's so good at catching on to her line of thinking, hah hah. Every time she tries to play something or ask a question he instantly zooms in on the real reason she says it.
>>888599 He's the kind of genius who's both exceptionally smart and exceptionally stupid. He can get in her head almost perfectly in some ways but refuses to actively suspect her without solid evidence.
Also I guess this explains why they got Hana Kana for Fran. There's no way they'd only bring her on for a one-episode character.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh yeah Fran is absolutely a recurring character. Though they're cheating this episode and I'll tell you why later.
Or it could just remain a mystery.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's just fun trivia!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
[magic table noises]
It's probably important for magically-hovering things like tables to make noise. Otherwise you wouldn't notice them sneaking up behind you and bonking you on the head.
Kinda like how fully-electric cars kinda need artifically-added noise so they make sufficient noise while driving for people to notice them.
The only kind of magic you need is time-reveral magic!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't want to make magic bubbles I want to make magic swords
Visually this blonde guy and this brown-haired girl remind me of Shirogane and Iino from Kaguya-sama. Personality wise they're a total miss though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Elaina continues holding hands with girls.
The author was actually really happy about the student characers in this because they were basically faceless npcs in the novel. He was happy to see they breathed some real life into them despite them not even having mentioned names.
Sasuga Elaina Taking every chance she can to flirt with the girls.
Wow poor fish. It doesn't deserve this abuse.
>>888635 Sounds like the Harry Potter influence comes from the animators then. There's a lot there that feels like it draws from the series.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's pretty easy stuff to draw from, especially with it being a literal // there's no need for literal, it's just a magic school
Butterflies are okay Dragonflies are better though.
Harpsichord is a nice sound.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It really is. I've been thinking from episode 1 how much I want the soundtrack when it comes out.
This sounds like a book end point.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's because it is! This was the final chapter of book 1, chapter 14.
However, the beginning, middle, and post-credits threw me for a complete loop, because all the Fran-book stuff is chapter 10 of book 2!
You can't fool my eye for narrative structure so easily. I can see an ending coming from a mile away.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's why I said they were cheating They covered two chapters with fran at once.
>Beer hall I don't think you can serve beer to high school students!
Oh I guess after all the stuff involving Rize and Syaro's school last episode this one will showcase Cocoa and Chiya's school. Making it harder for Chino to decide which highschool to go to
Funnily enough this episode would've come out while it was still October. October for Oktoberfest!
Tomboy vs. Tomboy arm wrestling action!
And here's the uniform swap to pair with the uniform swap from last episode.
Hah hah Chino's also trying to muscle in Rabbit Horse advertising.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
gotta reel em in one way or another
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask
Oh so Chino did make up her mind to go for Cocoa's school. That kinda plays into my theory that they might edit the ED so the trio have high school uniforms when they move into high school.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't believe Syaro and Rize are the sacrifices for those who are close...
Though well if they're doing the culture festival episode they're still only in like October/November, and the Japanese school year doesn't start until something like April.
Yeah with how the other two girls are together and Chino was running up to join them. I figured Chino would go solo to Cocoa's school and the other two would go to the fancy academy.
I still wanna figure out what her deal is with the author being who he is, that's going to be a slow burn
Yeah, nevermind this is probably just a single-season adaptation of a running manga. It's rare you really get revelations about a big secret like that in an adaptation like this.
Well we got a Kawaii there but no Tonikaku
Wow. In a conventional romcom gag anime that would've been a moment that the kiss got interrupted. But I guess since they're married there isn't really a reason to play that card.
Well that's a romantic interpretation of the wedding ring. I think it's nice to believe it's something like that.
Important or otherwise though, I'm generally pretty contemptuous of the absurd prices of diamond rings. Diamonds aren't actually nearly as scarce on this planet as their pricing might lead you to believe, even before the more recent advancements that technically make it possible to artificially create them. But the companies that mine and refine the diamonds control the rate at which new diamonds enter the market so that there's always a manufactured scarcity. It's real bullshit and that's before you address the fact that those companies tend to use immoral labour to mine the diamonds.
Tsukasa has an economically pragmatic approach to money. Sure she's maybe an alien but it seems like she grew up in an ojou mansion. You'd think she'd have not as firm a grasp on money as she does.