Thread #462469
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p5 is out!
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>>462471 yaaay
Beatless Cardcaptor Dame x Prince --Episodes 11-12 FranXX Cooking with Emiya Shirou Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-13 Takunomi Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-13 --Spring 2018 Shows Amanchu! Hero Academia Gegege no Kitarou --Episodes 1-2 Gundam Build Divers Hinamatsuri Lupin III Purse Owner 5 Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online Uma Musume - Pretty Derby
New lupin? Is it good?
No clue. My opinion of the shows in the new stuff section isn't really based off of whether I want to watch or not, unless it looks particularly bad. I've just mostly been keeping track.
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lots of good stuff tonight. Gegege no Kitarou seems to be a short so we can toss that>>462497 well you are in luck because I also want to watch those three. so the list persona 5 boku no hero Hinamatsuri amanchu>>462498 Oh okay. MAL says 11 min but it must be wrong.
oh shit divingu
i want to watch boku no hero, amanchu, and p5 personally
>>462495 Nah it's full-length episodes.
the only reason i know gegege no kitarou is because it was in a DS game with shonen jump characters
>>462495 I do want to watch Hinamatsuri but we really should sub it out for FranXX tonight.>>462500 From what I gather it's an old manga that's a strong bit of a cultural stay in Japan. This is a recent reboot. I'm a little curious about it so I'd at least like to see what it's about.
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Oh, we have a new FranXX? Yeah, let's sub it for FranXX then.
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>>462501 yeah it was finished a long time before the game actually came out i think but it had characters from like the earliest days of shonen jump, all of their most popular manga over the years i guess i am ready to summon my persona and unleash my rebellious heart even though i've already seen the first 6 minutes of this
Also we should do either Cooking with Emiya or Takunomi tonight, and the other tomorrow.
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I did not expect Amanchu to get a second season. This is going to be a wonderful night of anime.
Parse Order Five Reaaaady
person owntre>>462505
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persona 5 we;re orange lets start!
Cas Ino
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so cool
You will never be a third of the man Joker is.
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you don't know that
this is the part where he writes "fuck the police" on the clipboard
He's pretty fucking beat up.
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>>462520 yeah but they beat him up while he was doped up that doesn't seem like an efficient way to get someone to speak
oh they got to put sony on it for real
even joker has a sony phone
Small victories!
i've heard this about 1 billion times that song is part of the ps4 theme
I love the look of parts of Tokyo like Shibuya and the surrounding neighbourhoods.
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oh yeah here we go
So this is Coffee Kotomine.
he doesn't seem like quite as much of a dickhead in the anime compared to the start of the game
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i would go to a cafe for 4 hours if i could listen to this guy talk
Jouji Nakata is the kind of guy that you just always want to hear more of his voice.
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>>462533 He struck me as having a heart of gold from the very start.
>>462541 i think it's mainly the facial expressions he uses make him look like he's angry wow the principal looks even more deformed
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That principal always looked so weird.
he's da blob
the calling cards were such a dumb idea from a criminal point of view i mean
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They're phantom theives! They're more than mere criminals.
ryuji beginning the tradition of getting his ass kicked
He's wearing the mantle and a pink speedo. How attractive.
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I hope that the cat trashes ryuji as hard as he does in the game. The cat trashing ryuji was super fun.
i wish the wasn't the only battle narrator i don't like his voice it got so repetitive here we go
Sudden mask
Holy shit.
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fucking metal
Oh that's it.
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>>462573 to be fair that was like an hour and a half of reading text >>462575 the persona awakenings in 5 were all awesome
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This scene was really intense in the game too.
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Wow, it's nearly over already. It feels like it just started.
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>>462578 the pacing was really fast, this episode was cramming all the setup for kamoshida in I guess. I wonder how quickly they'll clear the palace.
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well lets keep it rolling boku no hero okay lets start
This'll probably be kind of filler recap-y. Hopefully we get to some of the arc content before it's over though.
ok wait
3 .
okie doke
this OP better be incredible after all the hype it got
jan are you here tomorrow i heard this ep was a recap sort of
>>462606 yeah
>OP dims
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that was cool
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My excitement is palpable man. There are some GOOD things ahead.
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soon i will be swole like all might except all the time
Well All Might used to be swole all the time. WATASHI GA KITA
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Looks like it is pretty recapy, but that's fine.
I guess this is the recap part
>it dims for kaminari appropriate
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That guy's quirk is literally "has a tail"
The Quirks do vary in, well, quirkiness. A lot of people in this world have quirks that just make them like an animal or something. Like Tsuyu.
it ranges from stardust crusaders stand to jojolion stand
>not going to venice anyways
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Invisible girl in a swimsuit may be more lewd than invisible girl naked.
Even a swimsuit like that?
Hah hah Iida is such a dork.
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No that one is actually pretty fine.
damn everyone is so swole now
Keeping fit is probably a really good benefit of striving to become a hero.
The OST for Hero Academia is so god-tier.
Happy Ochako.
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uhh isn't iida and kero going to win by default
Todoroki's like "what did I do to catch this guy's attention"
todoroki was just chilling
Hah hah Iida. Holy shit Deku is outswimming literal ROCKET LEGS./
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He swam really hard.
I hope they replay Todoroki's super explosion.
>>462645 i'm surprised that he didn't destroy the whole pool
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Icyhot became such a bro.
Aw.>>462649 Yeah he really warms up after the athletic festival. He goes from being kind of an ass to being a kind of endearing autistic dork.
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The Stain arc was so good.
i wonder if all might died in the manga yet
>>462651 stain is a cool villain
Aw Eraserhead is spoiling the fun.
no fun allowed
i surprised hard guy is so friendly with bakugou
He likes the cut of Bakugou's jib.
>>462660 they're both tough guys they get along ez
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that was still pretty entertaining for a recap
I like it when shows with recap intertwine it into the series instead of just cutting and pasting stuff for a whole episode.
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Yeah, it was good for a recap. Part of why is that they had such a good series to pick and choose good scenes from.
Atarashii geimu hajimaru da
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franXX>>462673 why? We have Jan here now. okay franXX let's start
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hayai oh no a schism
DAARIIN>>462673 Hell no. I'm veto-ing this HARD.
>>462670 lets do hina instead franxx tomorrow oh ok
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I'm very interested in hina too but I think this will be a good episode of franXX
time for mc to become bakemono
>The Beast and the Prince
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The numbers represent your ability as a parasite, that's interesting. They have been using them as identifiers, but there are more than 99 parasites, I assume, and two kids could have roughly the same potential as parasites. It's also interesting that 02 is 02 and now 01. Is there a 01?
I remember wondering about a 01 in the past. Not sure about it though.
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I guess this here is kinda touching on the idea that the kids may not have unique identies due to the numbering system.
And Hiro is kind of throwing that all out the window by giving names.
the adults are so emotionally dead they don't even understand why they want a name
The kid Zero Two is pretty cute. I like the way her eyes GEEZ MAN WHAT THE SHTI.
>>462688 HOLY WOUNDS
Even as a kid Hiro was a fucking HIIRO
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when hiiro learned what a gay was
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Hrio was really cool as a kid, but he grew up to be kinda loser. I guess he's a special case among the parasites.
Like what the shit.
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Hiro seems really able to just wander around with impunity. Shouldn't they like lock the doors?
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holy shit what
What a good kid. The best kid.
Oh she bit him huh.
And he's the one that turned her onto her sweets love too.
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I wonder what causes her to become not red.
Something to do with her hunting the mecha-dinosaurs. At least she believes that, from her dialogue last episode. I guess there's a good chance she's getting misled by the adults.
Oh geez that water is probably ice cold. In the middle of winter. Not good.
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I'm not really sure if she has the same range of temperature tolerance as anyone else.
Yeah, but he fell in too there. Oh man he's drinking her blood too. No wonder he's special.
so that's why he's compatible?
Probably? Given what we've seen so far, it makes sense.
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They suggested that he was special earlier in the episode when running tests on him. I think he is special for reasons more than just licking her blood at one point. That's probably why he's compatible with her, and why he was such a loser that couldn't sync with anyone until 02.
Yeah I think he's special for reasons why he was getting tested. But I think he's compatible because he has a bit of her oni DNA. They're two separate things.
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I imagine they will do a thing where she becomes more human and he becomes more monster and they meet halfway.
that was a great episode this show is really heating up now i'll be right back before amanchu though
Yeah its made me really excited for next week. I wonder if it'll be a happy reconciliation now that they remember each other.
that was a good episode
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Amanchu!>>462729 It's takunomi 12 right? yeah we can do that as long as we aren't orange for this for another hour ika and jaaaaaaan where are you okay lets start!
Again, we should also probably watch either Takunomi or Cooking with Emiya tonight as well. Yeah, last episode of it. Hopefully Jan didn't get mixed up and think we're doing another show inbetween before Amanchu or something.>>462732 No Amanchu first. I just think we should watch it tonight.
taku amanchu
Time for COMFY diving.
she's leading you you fool
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Pikariiii UPYON
>We are BUDDY
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the deformed faces in this anime are always funny
They're amazing. I love it.
Peko's hairstyles always feel a little goofy when she's not super-deformed. They don't really suit her face.
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It's really nice to see this get another season. I am really surprised that it idid.
It did get the OVA episode a few months back. Shows that get an OVA episode like that which aren't a final BD volume special or something usually do so because they're getting a new season, I think. Or there's a corelation at least.
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this show is really great
>"Me time" is never seasonal Good principles. Hah hah she's topless. How terrifying.
Peko to the RESCUE
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She doesn't seem to really care that she almost had an accident though.
She was caring pretty hard while in the tub though.
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so hungry
Oh man summer barbecue party/ I want it to be summer already.>>462751 Yeah I haven't had much not-snacky food today. This is really getting me craving.
>Grilled onions AaaaaaaahhhhIwantsomesobaaaaad.
images broke! what does yakuonigiri taste like
>>462756 It's a bit like toasted rice. Reminsicent a bit of Rice Krispies? At least the outer layer, while the inner layer is still mostly like a normal onigiri but nice and warm. And if the onigiri has some kind of filling like a bit of fish or something that's often been warmed really nice by the grilling too. It's a really nice carbs side if you've got something like a soup main dish or pile of meat. Yeah I could really go for something like that right now.
>only people with a special bond can come together for no reason at all isn't a special bond a reason
>>462757 i haven't eaten much today so it all looks amazing to me
Demo demo
Wasn't Peko the one that always
doubles up on works like that.
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We should be back in business on images.
>>462773 you just got cut off by rika she basically slapped your post in the face
>>462777 Pretty typical of Rika. She's got the awareness of a slab of concrete.
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I'll have to look out for her right hook if her slaps can actually cut you in half.
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I do not have a lot of control over when it resets. It's not like I meant it to reset during your post. I just have to kind of smash it until it works and eventually it does. I started trying to fix it as soon as someone noted that images were broken.
You can't fool me with your LIES.
Oh yeah this is one of those works by J.C. Staff's comfy studio or something. They're the ones that did Frying Witch too.
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It's 100% true. That's why it always takes me a few minutes to fix images when it happens.
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>>462782 well she didn't post after i said it was broken her alibi is solid we got nothing on the books
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oh a new character i bet its a boy
It does look quite a bit like it should be. But it's definitely in that realm of uncertainty.
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It's good that this is back. takunomi 12>>462788 yeah it's probably a girl okay let's start!
ah shit
Time for the last call. Last chance to get your drinks in before we close for the night.
Going from one comfy show with foodservice to another comfy show with foodservice.
Oh maybe it's just a snacks episode again.
a snack food episode with the beer equivalent of snack food
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this seems like a bad way to relieve stress
It's far from an uncommon method though.
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Its like, not even animated in the same design as most of the show. More like a picture of it photoshopped in.
it's like a photo yeah so funny
What weird customs.
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Nomikai manners
the japanese business society seems like a hellish place to live
It's pretty fucking crazy. I don't know if I could do any business societies, let alone Japanese ones.
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then again my parents and society didn't put any pressure on me so i became myself there may be merits to this workaholic society
Well I'm sure it works for some people. Many people do suffering intense life disatisfaction operating in the Japanese office life society. Do suffer, even.
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workaholsim leads to alcoholoism
i'm impressed you misspelled both of those words
in different ways too
you gotta lay off the bottle rika jeez louise
wow RIP makoto's career
Too preoccupied with drinking, couldn't pay attention to a word her superiors were saying.
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>>462816 hm hm shachou alcohol approves you're hired
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ok well it was a fun night see you next time
Yup those were some pretty good shows. Thanks for amine
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thanks for anime!