>>459750 Shows what they know In the far superior country of Nippon, PS2 games are still sold
Japan's got that big retro game thing going on You can just walk into a shop and see famicom games for sale Does Japan have an equivalent to gamestop or ebgames?
>>459773 It's not that, it's just that it's very, very difficult to be awake that long and your body forces you to sleep at that point. And see his other post, they did sleep after all.
At the very least I've been up for 24 >>459775 No I mean there is a period whete I may have slept I'm saying very least and then increasing it until i remember how long ago 7am on Wednesday was.
>>459775 Your body may give you microsleeps at that point, but it certainly doesn't force you to sleep. 80 hours isn't unbelievable at all. I've gone 80 hours without sleep before. A lot of people have.
Anyways, I have spent over 80 hours awake in the past 96.
Also because of my existing insomnia and medication sometimes I just don't sleep for an extended period of time. It generally happens when I'm incredibly stressed.
>>459755 they do? Our EBs don't sell ps2 games anymore
>>459779 I'm not saying it's impossible. Just very difficult, and I know from personal experience that I often miscount hours from how tired I am. >>459780 >>459781 that sucks friend. pills don't help your insomnia?
>>459783 Well, my personal experience says the opposite.
>>459783 Well I know I didn't sleep Monday night or Tuesday morning or Wednesday early morning or Wednesday mid morning or Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning or thursday day. Or Tuesday night
>>459784 Well, different experiences for everyone I suppose. How are you doing today friend?
>>459785 Why is your insomnia so bad? What is your doctor doing to treat it, if I might ask?
>>459787 I am sorry to hear that, is there anything in particular that is bothering you friend? I am well but a bit tired, and apparently not sleeping is a crime upon humanity to my family.
>>459788 Ah I see, sorry about that. Time will fix things, I hope you start feeling better soon friend. I will be rooting for you.
>>459786 My life feels like an endless whirlwind of pain and despair and my graduate program doesn't give me enough time to manage my stress in adaptive ways. Are you in trouble for not sleeping or something?
Actually I could probably get a good sense of when I was awake by checking the last few threads Cause I know i went to bed and came back a bunch of times
>>459790 Not particularly in trouble, my family just gets mad at me. Which I don't really understand, because it's not like I would ever want to be tired or not sleep. School can be stressful, yeah. Is there anything I can do for you friend?
Taokaka is so unimportant and uninteresting and dumb that she does not appear for more than 5 seconds in Chronophantasma's story This is not a hyperbole
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the only redeeming quality she has is being kind of fun to play
>>459802 I declined to cook jambalaya for dinner as I am too tired, meaning the two of us will just eat whatever is in the house that's not a full cooked meal.
Good luck to you friend. Everyone deserves to be happy, don't let things get too out of control.
>>459813 Well that's not good. Try to stay positive at least, things will get better in time I imagine.
I've been eating very limited calories and exercising a lot lately to lose weight for Anime Expo 2018. I don't have a lot of time so I am pushing myself hard to get in shape. Probably a few scrambled eggs and that will be my only meal for the day. I might be too tired to exercise today unfortunately, which is not good.
>>459818 It was going to be a trap character like Felix Argyle but then people said I was ugly and I agree so I will either wear my normal clothes or find a male cosplay, not sure yet what to do.
>>459814 That's not makoto, its Mila dressed as makoto
>>459819 I have a health condition that prevents me from doing anything other than stationary cycling. I tried treadmill last night but it was too painful.
>>459828 Would there be any chance of me seeing your finely toned body? I am a particular fan of tummies and want mine to resemble what I can only imagine yours looks like.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If I can't see Kirara's tummy then you can't either
>>459829 creepiness level shot off the roof jumped down, pierced the crust of the earth, dug all the way to australia and climbed ion top of a skycraper to be high as fuck again
>>459838 oh well, that's ok. keep up with the exercise though, it's good for you. >>459839 hello arisu person. nice to meet you. >>459840 are you always this angery?
>>459844 My parents raised me to treat people fairly and be polite...and stuff. I thank them immensely for teaching me proper manners and molding me into the moderately decent person that I am.
>>459843 Hmm, that is pretty impressive. My lowest was 14% and I think that's when I was underweight, but I also didn't work out, except for sports. Do you know how fast you can run a mile? >>459849 >>459851 My favorite is when Michael shouts "well how about you suck my dick, HMM?"
>>459848 People like to exaggerate my smallness for comedic effect.
>>459845 My fastest mile was almost 6 minutes, but that was when I was younger. Now I usually just run three miles which I do in about 20 minutes if I pace myself properly.
>>459850 yes like best one is when michael is having a nirvana moment about his life and then the doc is "okay that is all the time for today" and then he walks off all "fuck this shit"
>>459850 I guess I took Rin literally even if he's a big guy. Honestly, I like to think I am taller than I actually am... I'm 173.
>>459854 Yeah, but BMI is only really good for generalizations and groups. Body fat index is the best indicator of an individual's health. I think my BMI puts me around 18.2 if I remember right, which is at the cusp of being underweight.
>>459852 Rin is super tall! He towered over me when we met.
>>459854 Maybe you're running the wrong calculator.
>>459856 it was 18.0, which is only 0.5 under the underweight limit. I am aware that BMI is not a perfect measurement but I thought it was decent at least for most people, unless they have a lot of muscle that adds weight.
>>459858 It's not like it's a bad measure of individual health exactly, it's just that body fat is better. BMI doesn't accurately reflect the health of anyone that does a specific type of activity that changes the body in terms of exercise. So runners like me are underweight according to BMI, but I'm actually at a good weight for my size as a runner.
>>459867 I wish I had that problem. I was underweight when I was on ADD pills, but my body type has always struggled to not gain weight. If I look at a box of Oreos I gain 3lbs. I have to walk through the grocery store with blinders on to keep myself from seeing the candy aisle and becoming 500lbs. People that literally cannot gain weight no matter what they eat (almost) annoy me so much. I am immensely jealous. I have to work hard :( I am hungry every day right now while losing weight and the exercise on top is a lot.
>>459871 I've been on amphetamines all my life for ADHD which helps. I went off them for a month and gained 10 pounds. Went back on them and lost it all within two weeks.
>>459863 am I wrong He's a big guy for you and also for you and you and you And even you
>>459872 Ah so maybe just the meds keeping your weight so well, it completely kills your appetite...I would go 3 days without eating and not know until someone told me to eat. I don't want to go back on them though, even if they also help with weight, they just mess with my head and change me too much. I became a zombie in high school and felt like it dulled my personality and way of thinking. As weird as that may sound. >>459879 Then you just add anxiety pills with them ! :) >>459880 well that's what you get for playing console :(
I am glad i dont have to take add pills, i would probably die from the anxiety.
fucking xbox cancer
Kirara 🚗
xbox heug people
you need to sign in to save your singleplayer game
>>459878 They don't work for everyone, unfortunately. They lower my emotional expression a bit but I was put on them young enough that being on them is basically my default state.
>>459883 That was me as well but I stopped taking them during a bad period in my life w/ depression and suicidal thoughts, and now I don't really think I should go back on them since they change me and I'd rather just be myself, even if I'm not performing as well or something. I think I can work through the ADD and manage it well enough, I don't plan on letting anything stop me from doing what I want and being happy. >>459884 How did you swing that? Not paying for the Xbox Live either?
>>459887 Windows Update is shit and I hope microsoft burns
Oh well guess I will just play the first missions again
I feel weak.
>dealing with bureaucrauts >"oh so you are married" >yes, and here is a proof that my wife is a woman, proof that I am a man, and together we are a man and a wife >"have you been married to anyone else?" >No and here is the proof for that >"this is too unspecified, I want clear specific proof for any women you havn't been married to"
>>459894 I might consider getting back on it but it seems hard to get a script, my doc looked at me like a drug addict when I mentioned it (I'd been on Vyvanse for 10 years prior) I will probably need it for some point in my college education, but so far I've managed to skate by without. You might struggle a little when you come off it, learning to cope with ADD can take time. I am glad it works for you though.
>>459913 That is a very interesting major. Do you enjoy it? I think a lot of people with trauma and mental health problems often go into it, I have a family member that experience trauma and later became a counselor. Psychology is definitely on my list of potential careers. I enjoyed all of the classes. >>459914 Hello friend, it is nice to meet you. How are you doing tonight?
>>459902 not at all several aren't a couple of us just talk about it a lot because we have a lot of the same issues in common anxiety in common with kannagi, kuro depression in common with creamy ptsd in common with kirara, and amphetamines
i used to not have people to talk to about my conditions and medication, so now that i do in my personal social circle, i take a lot of opportunities to do so
>>459915 Psychologists are generally a bunch of elitists whose blindness makes them into annoying assholes so the field annoys me, but I like providing therapy.
I really enjoy the "live" typing aspect of this website, it allows me to show off my superior 100wpm typing speed and look down upon anyone who cannot compete with me and how fast I can type. Thank you moe for enabling me to be an arrogant douchebag that can press keys in a certain order faster than some other people and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Teach me tricks!
>>459918 Helping people is very nice, I agree. I am proud of you son
there are some tricks to it, though which can make it more amusing to use when you know them
>>459916 You know Creamy personally? That list of theirs is how I got here
I apologize if I offended anyone with my friendly joke, I will refrain from making such comments in the future if it will be a problem for you. I am 23 years old and I am sorry if I did not realize that I was the younger type of person here.
>>459926 Hello friend, it is nice to meet you. How are you doing tonight? My name is nezi.
There's some kind of free concert downtown here tonight. I don't know the first band but the second is City and Colour. Not that I really know them either but I recognize the name.
>>459923 I am thinking I should probably do that homework I have due today Other than that it's good Tell me about yourself newfriend what japanese cartoons do you like What are your hobbies
>>459931 It'll take like 20 minutes it's not big I liked Silent Voice it was a really sweet movie. I want them to do that fourth Madoka already They teased us with that concept movie >I have a MAL if you want to see I'm curious
>>459934 No you aren't you're gonna die just like the rest of us
>>459929 Oh my god I love City and Colour! please take a photo or something if you can. Where is this? I am jealous, I want to see them live. Little Hell is my favorite song =w=
>>459930 You should probably do that indeed, procrastinating is not very good! I have some as well but it's not due until Monday thankfully. My favorite anime are Kimi no Na Wa and #1 favorite is Koe no Katachi. Some shows...Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Yuru Yuri, Ano Hana, Erased, etc. I have a MAL if you want to see (probably not). My hobbies include music, anime, skating, video games (I am quite good), and I am currently spending a lot of time improving myself in various ways after months of depression. Here is my MAL for you friend: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Neziwi I need to finish a lot of things on my "watching" section...heehee
Another poster and I from my community watched A Silent Voice at my house and we both cried, it was great :) A fourth Madoka? :D >>459933 Oh goodness me that is quite far from me, I live in Florida USA >>459935 My favorite yurr is probably Yui, and my least favorite is everyone's least favorite (Shitnatsu) Himawari, Sakurako, and Kaede/Marie are some nice side characters though.
>>459937 Yui is very mature and I like that about her, she has her own dry unique humor but is sweet and idk I just enjoy everything she does and how she reacts to things, quite amusing. Yui a cute panda too.
I need to end this post this is getting ridiculous omg
>>459936 Oh good >>459931 Yeah they didn't exactly wrap up Rebellion Story and they teased us with that concept movie >favourite is Yui That's a really uncommon favourite. Usually people tend to neither love or hate her I like Sakurako the best she's such a dumb brat I love her
>>459943 >>459931 Chinatsu is too self absorbed for me to like her >muhyuifuckeveryoneelse
There are worse fates.
>>459937 so I guess my life isn't important but my death is
>>459937 I actually have not seen the movies other than most of the third. My understanding is that the first two are just recap of the 24-ish episodes right? Yes Chinatsu is a brat but she's also just plain obnoxious and I am sad that she is obsessed with my favorite character as there is too much interaction between the two for my taste. Her creepy drawings do not help either. >>459946 I do not remember how far I got into the third as it was quite a long time ago, I think I actually watched it at school while skipping class due to depression. >>459951 SAO is shit but I thoroughly enjoyed the first arc, I should definitely change that to an 8 though I think I was being too generous with a 9. That was a veeeeeeeery long time ago and that was my first anime that I genuinely enjoyed I think.
>>459945 I don't think Yui actually likes Chinatsu that much Yui is paired better with Kyouko >watched it at school while skipping class Hot damn we got a rebel
>>459945 I think sao is shit but I really enjoyed the first episode of it Like just the first episode It's a really good setup
but man is fucking xbox controlles BULKY
and the fact that you have to keep your thumbs unsymmetrically bothers me always
>>459951 I am a very punctual and responsible person but my depression was a little too much and I did things I would normally never condone. I have only missed one class due to insomnia this semester and my grades are excellent in comparison to having to drop everything that I was taking in the past. >>459956 I may be a weeb but I still have an ounce of humility I believe. wait is humility the word I want? I hope so. >>459958 I am more concerned with getting in shape right now. It consumes me. I am obsessed with "challenges" through my life. It has driven me to be a high ranked player in every game I play, and I know it will drive me to get healthy to the best of my abilities before I go to Anime Expo. Hopefully my health and confidence permit me to crossplay as Felix or something but I am not entirely sure, I may end up with a normal cosplay or nothing at all. But that will still be okay, I just want to have fun and meet some people from my community.
>>459962 I have never been a fan of muscles, a little bit can look good but I personally do not think muscles look super sexy for whatever reason. I like soft and squishy, slim is my goal but to be honest I am so fat I might not make it in the months left. There is not a ton of time no matter how hard I push myself. I let my weight get way out of control after I got diagnosed and was in pain all the time. I wasn't entirely sure if the pain would ever go away. Typing is hurting right now even, but the pain is a lot less at least.
>>459945 >didn't watch it in school during lessons
>>459944 Well what's more important than if there's material or not, is if the production committee feels it's worth animating more. I hope they announce a second season though, the attention to detail in the show and little stylistic decisions were really well done
>keep the car in good shape >just shortened it by solid 10cm thank fucking god this mission doesn't fail you due to slight damage
>>459957 they gon do it, but they ain't gonna do it next season or most likely season next to that so by that time there will be more material
The bulk goods store around here still had chocolate Smarties and peanut M&M's for 75% off. Needless to say I got even more absurd amounts of chocolate. This ought to keep me for months.
>crashes into a bus while reading a post being typed
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>459961 They were likely discounted from easter, you can get candy super cheap after valentines, easter, and halloween. it is most excellent.
>>459968 No yeah, they -were- discounted from Easter. They're even painted in those dumb pastel colours. But hey, they taste all the same, and I can get nearly 1.5kg for like, seven bucks.
>>459955 so does it hurt to exercise then? I'm sorry if you already mentioned it but do /// why do you have chronic pain?
>>459972 That really sucks dude but I'm glad to hear you're powering through exercise anyway and improving yourself you sound like a pretty strong motivated person
>>459969 peanut M&Ms are the best :3 i love nuts~ >>459971 I have an incurable genetic condition, exercising is very painful, right now I can only do stationary cycling without too much pain. Psoriatic Arthritis :( >>459970 fuck that's hot
>>459970 Probably. That's a bit too extravagant for me though. I like my chocolate simple.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>459971 I'm not very strong tbh I'm just scared of going back to how things were and don't want anymore bad times in my life. I've suffered enough through depression, suicidal thoughts, and carbon monoxide poisoning almost killing me. I just want to get better and be happy. And a good person. >>459976 mentally strong yes I am nezi 2.0 super stronk boy reporting for duty only time i ever waver is when i'm really sleep deprived but I'm using melatonin to try to prevent that lately
If anyone would like to share me some music that they enjoy I would appreciate it, I've been looking for new genres and artists to listen to lately. Here is one of my own if you would like to listen, if not it is also okay. https://open.spotify.com/user/neziwi2/playlist/4cPngNNHRn8G3Hraj8YWLJ?si=GGqyHXA4QMaOXsC8Xv4kNQ
>>459982 This actually seems pretty nice so far. I personally am a big fan of music that I can sing along to, typically with strong or emotional choruses, but this has a nice sound and I am enjoying it. Thank you friend. >>459984 wow you guys sure like your Japanese music :) I am listening now, thankies
>>459994 I apologize but I have been sheltered for a significant portion of my life, I have not seen most movie classics, played video game classics like zelda, sonic, MGS, etc. or listened to a lot of classic artists. I am far behind on all of these things and feel like it would take me decades to get caught up, (also same with anime) so I just kind of watch and listen to whatever seems nice and I'm exposed to without worrying too much.
>>459993 I haven't played any rpg maker games in a while Phoenix Wright has been pretty cool though I just put a snob in prison I'm almost in the bigdick mahjong league on tenhou
Did you play anything interesting lately I haven't played Automata in a while I should go finish the 9s route
>>460001 I heard the 3D yume nikki wasn't very good
>go just pick up a car to drive to 1st actual mission >8 dead cops, 3 busted cars, 1 downed helicopter and who knows how many dead civilians later I actually pick up a car with no cops chasing me to progress the game right now I remembere WHY it takes me so long to complete gta games
>>459997 Let's see... Ah There was the remake for Yume Nikki and My Lovely Daughter on the odd side of things I was going to recommend Hello Charlotte at you again
>>460012 because I spent money so I won't be playing another game for a while >>460020 That doesn't negate the fact that I spent money on something So I won't be playing another game for a while
>>460024 Stop what, my dearest friend? I am sorry if something I am doing is bothering you, I will do my best to accomodate you if possible. How may I assist you? >>460025 Chicken is quite nice. Fried is excellent. I am glad it was decent.
>>460022 Finishing them is a different story altogether. But I can easily throw out ones I don't spend money on Ones that I do take a few days. And I only got this yesterday.
>>460031 Well either way I apologize to you friend, it was never my intention to upset or annoy anyone here, and I will work hard to be kind and friendly to everyone equally. Maybe one day in the future I will annoy you somewhat less. I hope you have an excellent night, I am going to watch Gabriel Dropout on my TV and try not to fall asleep too early.
It was nice meeting you all, I may come back tomorrow if I remember. Have a pleasant evening.
my mum came to visit for a bit left the tv on and i had to turn it off was watching some nibiru shit
how did the visit go?
so from fashion to fins, why did they make the "hide inside car" option only pc, ps4 and xbone option? why isn't that in the x360 and ps3 versions?
so I just wonder how did Michael end up in the backseat of that one car that Franklin was trying to "repossess" did he see franklin trying to sneak around and went "oh he is in for the car" or was he just there coincidentally?
>meet guy lobbying for weed legacy >michale or trevor do his mission >they get fucking super high and out of the world >frankling does it >"the fuck are you selling"
>>460051 Well, i just opened this, and you personally replied. I don't play mobas, sorry. I shortly played Heroes of the Storm and then I probably spent a bunch of bucks.
>>460076 Only reason you would have ever been not liked here, is for well you saw the "new comer" recently today that guy you kinda did a bit similiar thing and that just never sets along with people that well on long term >>460079 but I think nowadays you are more used to boards and much more mature too
>>460077 I mean he calling people friends feels weird since you guys go way back. I appreciate the "mature" thing, I used to be a terrible poster since basically moe was my first online group back then.
Also today I feel more comfortable with my own person and less "trying to be liked" or stuff like that.
>>460079 I've seen you on tano and shit being all quality and shit and thing just is, that everyone starts as shit posters not just as shitposters but actual SHIT posters but then they get better
>>460071 I think i used her, I used somebody's fMorgan. Though now that I think about it it probably wasn't you because you're probably on some crappy team.
>>460091 wow don't think it should be good to go using daughters like that.
Did yu guys read about Takahata dying. ;_;
Guy who directed some ghibli movies and heidi and marco anime. those are super well known here since they were dubbed to spanish in the 80s. >>460096 I'm glad I'm not cancer because I didn't got your post at first.
he never tries to do people wrong just some wrongh he isn't like michael who does things from himself and his family or trevor who just shits on things for profit
as silly as it is wouldn¨t you actually want to know the story of my rumblings >>460111 I know and which is why not just you but I could profit from it
I could feel from having had shared it and you lot would either learn something or just have "TN pls you told us this actually"
But I am just in the end now asking if I say do it 2 hours a week or a day or few times a week when? and so on and would people be interested
I will just say this, knowing the story, anyone who gets into the story of LoK will stick around it is just that good and that well written
"but tn you have shitposted around that thing for ages" yeah but I have never actually had a lore or story dump not even a TL;DR of it and >tl;dr of LoK hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha
I felt Franxx first cour was great on giving some development to most without focusing on anyone too much. I mean it's obvious 02 is the one with the biggest mystery but every other parasite had their moments and their building. Also it seems there will be a longer arc now, with the other team probably having to work with the guys, and i bet 02 berserkeing. Since it was shown that any franxx can berserk then maybe someone else will have to pull it off.
and hopefully there's an epic revolution arc with the papa regime being brought down to justice.
>>460133 "gosh you are complicated" you half insult everyone to your topic, and then "insult someone not related to the topic of the post" and then just post shit and then continue onwards with shit that isn't just a review but other kind of shit and continue onward with this trend
Thanks, honestly. I didn't see it as an insult. and that's why it's so bad.
I'm so hungry. I mis-read a text and didn't have anything to eat all evening because I thought there was food being made at home. And now there isn't really anything quick to put together or to heat up as leftovers.
>>460218 It's a lot gay, unless they say no homo before and after. If they do, it's just a little gay.
>a woman sexually stimulating a man >gay The butt is just a means to an end Rika >>460223 Yeah saying nohomo instantly makes it not gay >>460226 Or is it a beginning?
>>460254 Sonic seems like it would be difficult to solve with AI. Significantly more so than Super Mario Bros. at least.
Yeah Mario's been done a bunch of different ways. One of the guys who does stuff every year for that joke Comp Sci journal has apso done a bunch of serious journal articles on AI learning to play Mario.
>>460271 is it dying soon? They say every 10bux is another month of life support
>>460288 you underestimate this power How often do you think people actually buy SA accounts anyway?
It's not another month, its probably like another hour.
>>460287 No trust me, because of its old shitty un optimized code he has to run it on a bunch of virtual machines and it doesn't scale well. Most of sa's income comes from shit like avatars and other little forum features that cost money.
>>460290 hahaha imagine spending money on an avatar It's not enough to pay 10bux they have to nickle and dime you >>460296 Is that so? I would've thought doing so instead of just running it off the host would be inefficient. Why don't they just update the code
>>460292 ?? Most websites are hosted on vms dude It's 2018 It's just because of its inefficient legacy code it doesn't take advantage of modern CPU optimizations.
>>460295 Updated code is hard For legacy code anyways
>>460295 Oh also kyanka has been taking money out of his 401k to pay the difference for hosting some months recently.
Also his kids are in like middleschool now I think. I remember seeing on his Twitter something about one of the kids in his carpool knowing he was lowtax.
this fucking mobile game has been in maintenance for 16 out of the last 24 hours and it just went into maintenance mode for another 4 hours just now i'm just trying to play your stupid gambling addiction simulator you chinese bastards >>460313 i don't know they put a patch in like normal and then everyone started losing their character rank ups and such then people weren't getting items they paid for it's like they broke everything somehow
>>460311 Hey Jan while you're waiting for the kuso mobage to stop being broken you should watch Megalo Box. It's a cyberpunk boxing series. Pretty kakkoii.
i'm pretty mad at that stupid mobage actually i just activated my XP and gold boosters i had and got a new character i was going to grind up AAA titles don't even go through this kind of patch day bullshit anymore
Maybe it was all a ploy by them to waste your bonuses so people buy more. 'Cause that's totally a good way to keep people engaged in your game.
>>460320 these guys actually give a ton of the premium currency out whenever they do maintenance so it's not like they'll be totally wasted i'll have enough to get twice as many back when the servers come back up they gave out like 1800 rubies yesterday which is the same as like the $9.99 package
or maybe it's $8.99
Fuck I'm really tempted to get a discogs account But then I'll buy so many fucking records
im so tempted to get a roblox account
For what purpose?
to find an online boyfriend
You're only gonna find twelve year olds and people pretending to be 12 on there. According to legend anyways.
Quitting 4chan, a site all about anonymity, and going to google, a company that spies on your terribly and does not give two shits about whether you want all of your information gathered or not, is a total betrayl!
what did 4chan ever give to moot other than a huge headache and legal fees
>>460358 He didn't betray me, so he didn't betray all of "us". I don't see how him changing careers is a betrayal of his ideals. Him running 4chan is no real indication of ideals.
Hey maria, I found a modern anime I think you would like.
>>460378 I'm being generous in telling you it was the first example I thought of that directly refuted the statement. Don't fucking jump on me for this.
>>460387 I'm really failing to understand what your point is.
You fail to understand everything so just take it as it is Don't talk about stupid shit here and don't drag every concept to a political point
This is an anime board, where does discussion of harvey weinstein come into place? use some common sense for goodness sake
Yeah, nah you're just being a cunt. I can make an effort to try towards this but if you're going to be a douche about it it's not really going to motivate me.
you're the one being a douche see: >>460376 dismissive nature of your response and disregard for the community's receptiveness to your statements basically you're not going to listen to what's outside of your perspective anyway and going to insist on doing what you're doing
>>460394 Two people bitching about one thing I said isn't the entire community bitching. I'll make an effort I guess but I barely understand what you're trying to convey and all it comes off as is "censor yourself to what I think is reasonable".
tbh if one person bitched at what i was doing i would take it into consideration you were being defensive at the start
>>460395 like straight up we don't want to have casual discussion about random topics and then have it immediately brought to sexual abuse scandals every fucking post does that resonate at all?
>>460395 yeah i'm telling you to censor yourself don't fucking do it it's obnoxious
this is not a savory place for discussion of sexual abuse scandals and it's not appropriate to bring it up as counter-examples to things that were obviously not in that realm of context
Does a single fucking name drop trigger you that much?
Well then I'll try to keep that in mind.
There was no relevance to weinstein you brought sexual misconduct into a conversation that didn't require it why? what purpose?
>>460404 No relevance? He is literally a person who had "bad press". That by definition makes it relevant. I don't quite know what definition you use for relevant. Anyways I'm more receptive to specific requests like "please don't bring this kind of subject up" than "stop you're such an asshole omg".
I'm going to go to bed in like 30 seconds but can we please cool it? Let's just take it easy. You don't have to admit being wrong or anything but just take this as a sign that somebody thought the referene was in bad taste.
>>460405 we were talking about moot?? what the fuck is wrong with you man
>>460405 i'm more receptive to people that aren't fucking trash
i shouldn't have to ask you not to bring sexual misconduct up in a discussion about anime imageboards i'm not the one being unreasonable here
like fucking just get your shit together man it's ridiculous
>>460405 i think you need the exaggerated level of opposition here to understand how inappropriate it is like it's not okay at all it was a dumb post and a dumb decision and hopefully this altercation gives you a sense of that
I appreciate the content of the feedback but not the tone.
i dont really care what you appreciate because you don't care what i appreciate you've made it apparent that you dismiss my interests and concerns, so don't expect me to be obligated to you in any way
I'm trying to be civil, but you saying shit like that makes it harder.
You were never trying to be civil don't play that shit
Your very first post was oppositional and dismissive I could feel the heat and irritance that you had when you posted just fuckin don't keep it going man we can end this here and it's fine i'm not angry but just don't do dumb shit like that
We can end it after i finish this post I was asked "why do you feel the need to bring that up" so I answered honestly. I don't understand why you considered my reply to be "oppositional and dismissive" or that it had a feeling of "heat and irritance". I was asked a question and I answered it.
okay i'll let you finish that post for posterity i'm saying this before the post was finished
Anyways what anime are people looking forward to this season?
>>460418 You clearly made a statement intended to heat the discussion up on an unrelated context don't do that man i like you and all but stop doing shit like that it's really destructive
I didn't intend to heat uo the discussion, it was the first example I thought of. Youre reading into this too much. Can we just move on.
Do you not think that taking the discussion from moot as an imageboard moderator to a high-profile sex offender would be acerbic? Like it's just not appropriate please just don't do that don't bait responses like that this isn't /sci/ this is a small, close-knit board
And i'm not reading too much into it you weren't taking enough consideration before you posted
Anyways I'm looking forward to the new cutie honey anime.
I already didnt like this gauntlet but now I like it a lot less
That's kind of funny though. The new Easter characters lost on the right, won on the left. Just having Chrom and Lucina fighting again is probably pretty boring though.
>>460429 I would argue the Xander (Zander?) and Alphonse match-up could go either way since they're both dumbass costumes. But everything else yeah.
It's the exact opposite of what it should be
I guess Kagero is okay
Xander has a tiny hat. He automatically wins. And the outfit is better on Sharena.
It's a dumb hat Blue and you know that's the truth.
Remember when mutlipliers were triggered by 10% differences? Now it's 3%
I still insist that's the biggest "it's a swimsuit not underwear" bullshit I've seen in a while.
Who the fuck would wear a plaid two-piece swimsuit. Who the fuck would put dumb bows like that on a swimsuit. It ain't a swimsuit it's fucking underwear.
>>460436 I only made it to shortly past the first all time gauntlet before I spaced out on the game. I didn't even have time to care about the mechanics of how...were multipliers even a part of the gauntlet yet? I caaaan't remember.
it's hard to care about mechanics on the gauntlets anymore. No one I like really shows up. I just do five of them and run enough flags so I can get around 20k rank for feather purposes The important thing to grab is the Sacred Coins 45 per tempest round That's enough to get a Third Tier finished
It all seems to be forced fair fighting anyway because no one likes to lose a popularity contest in a long-term landslide.
>>460442 I dunno man, between arbitrary accomplishments in a phone game and arbitrary popularity contests, I'd weigh the more important thing to be winning that popularity contest.
>>460446 You ain't winning nothing, it's all just bits of code. But a popularity contest, that stretches further out beyond just the small portal of your phone screen. Wars have been waged for popularity contests. Empires have fallen.
though it doesn't look super interesting, ynever know
https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/bp-claims-an-oil-spill-off-australia-s-coast-would-be-a-welcome-boost-to-local-economies-20180406-p4z867.html Here's the daily hell planet
>>460457 I thought this was gonna be some sort of satire article like the onion But this is real What the fuck >>460459 Yeah it's so good It's so gritty and cool looking
The artstyle is nice in this show
>catria lost this word is shit
world too
What a stylish show this is so far It seems to be animated in a really low resolution though Unless the horriblesubs release is just bad
This season actually seems to have a fair amount of shows to watch Impressive
>>460462 oh yeah i noticed this too not sure if it's intentional or not but i kinda like it gives it that retro feel maybe it's intentional to help capture that ashita no joe feel
I love that the concept of the show is like "It's boxing, and we're gonna find out who's best at it by uh, letting what mechanic arms they can get their hands on determine it"
Gonna use my power fist to beat someone wearing brass knuckles and claim this makes me a better fighter than them
I actually expected Junk Dog to be like "If you wanna compensate me, let me compete in your thing despite not being a citizen"
>>460470 Yeah I thought he was gonna ask for a way into the tourney too I guess after he gets his ass blasted by Yuri he'll get special treatment for having potential or something from his coach
it's supposed to be some kind of spiritual retelling of ashita no joe so i imagine he'll fight his way to the top and die in the ring like a man
>>460469 This just creates potential for hype underdog fights where he wins with shit equipment
Well yeah, from a narrative perspective But as plot, it's still really dumb
Like nobody in the show's universe could possibly buy this as a legitimate tournament to find out who's best
It's like race car driving. It's a combination of who can build the best machine and use it the best. JD just happens to fight in the shitpits where people probably care more about seeing someone lose their teeth than any real sportsmanship
Maybe I should just go to new mexico from utah after we're done at zion or maybe after summer classes end ill drive to new mexico and then colorado and then wyoming and then over to philly
>>460537 What color are hydrants in UK? they're red here
That's right. They were all over the west. They're the ones that built homes into the cliffsides in Colorado which still stand today. They're also responsible for the type of building material New Mexico is famous for, like >>460532
>>460553 Thats cool! I did get some Americans tell me how very old some buildings are but to me they are fairly young still. I mean i walk past stuff over 1200 years old all the time
>>460554 last year there was an earthquake in Mexico and lots of buildings fell since they weren't prepared for seismic ac activity
also the Mexican government is terrible
Kirara 🚗
Oh yeah, i remember that
they faked a story about a missing girl to distract from their extreme negligence
>>460427 how tf did sharena lose she's the best one
She is.
Hey blue Long time no see Are you still working at best buy?
they're going to dump "treated" sewage from a nuclear reactor into the aquifer that supplies south florida with fresh, drinkable water
>>460569 Wow i guess your going to have fallout: florida Edition Supermutants in your rivers instead of crocs
Kirara 🚗
i hate this hellworld and this hellstate
>>460560 i'm glad someone else realizes spring lucina wins over lucina? gimme // over sharena? gimme a break
>>460555 it looks like you're havin a really great time! are you instagramming these ima go check them out
>>460538 i am prolly not going to be able to go to zion really wish i could but the urgency of getting out of here has been more realized and i may not be able to afford doing so if i spend money on a trip
>>460572 I might . They are pretty bad photos It was neato walking around but stuck in the house is boring. I dunno how americans this far out live. I like being able to walk to the shops and stuff. I didn't think I'd be so rural here !
Kirara 🚗
>>460572 damn ill haveta find a time to come see you this summer
>>460578 Cars are like optional in the UK. I shocked an American by saying i have never driven a car . He was like at my age it is unheard of. >>460576 Oh? Are having to move?
Kirara 🚗
cars are optional in big cities but you need them e // everywhere else
I get people I haven't even interacted with sending me weird stuff now and then And I dunno how to do conversations so I probably seem really standoffish and cold Cause I don't respond
I'm following 663 people and my twitter just went fucking silent The TL anyway DMs still going off, but the last tweet on my TL has been my own for 4 minutes
Actually everything's stopped Notifications too, though obviously I could just not have gotten one in 5 minutes, but it's been steadily more than one per 5 min for like 2 days now
spooky twitter support doesn't respond to my dm either Really strange
Japanese twitter is all about a recent incident where a man collasped in a sumo ring and female first aiders were giving him CPR while being shouted at to leave the ring because women aren't allowed in the ring. Lots of angry tweets!
suddenly a lot of notifiations but no timeline update yet
>>460640 oh that is old I hope for the best for her
>>460643 Yeah, when Rei was talking about their dog i also felt my dog is living her last years but i didn't expect it to be this sudden. even if she survives it will be that, surviving..
Also dogs don't get insurance plans or pensions :c
I am optimistic about your dog since you've said that its condition is treatable.
let's do a spontaneous waterpark trip in new mexico this weekend and snag up kannagi i dont think they have waterparks in the UK it's the american experience
Magic: The Gathering, that card game? I've never played, is it similar to pokemans?
>tn parking >sideways on handicapped spot and on the neighbouring car
>>460682 Maybe a little bit, I never played the pokemon one. However magic is tge original trading card game, the companies that made yugioh and pokemon card games got sued and lost in the 90's. I think it got overturned but they did have a patent on "trading card games".
Pokemon TCG had far too many coin flips
I'm sure it's better by now but those were tough times
I doubt its better
I'm pretty sure it still has coin flips
No I am actually very sure it's better. I know it has coin flips. But the sheer amount of them was ridiculous
The manga hits so many anime episodes quickly which I GUESS I should expect. I don't usually go anime -> manga Manager-san is taking a trip to McDonalds. She's lovin it
that one tweet about terfs has gotten me like 15 followers although i also got follow friday'd
i remember once i posted something and they replied that why was i saying shit i dont even have 10 followers (I had 9) i dont think people really take following as "people i want to hear about" and more like some kind of e-peen
This is a memory. I remember this one. I remember being so mad. They had this really dramatic scene like twenty seconds prior. The most drama that the manga ever has. And then after he steps out of it, they just cut to a pantyshot and I'm sitting there like
Why would you do this? This is one of the only serious moments you've had. At least let the tension drop. Change scene first. Let the panty brush its teeth first.
Honestly the whole scene is a mess. He finds this girl he likes while he's on vacation, by chance. And he thinks she's about to commit suicide off the waterfall because she walked past a restricted area and there's a suicide note at her feet. But it was actually just the mountain guide map. And she was going to throw away some engagement ring. And the guy convinces her to keep it and fix her shit even though he really likes her and he's all emotionally disappointed. And once he leaves he goes to hug his sister and the camera figures it's a good time for service.
>>460721 I should add that these scenes are split into separate volumes. Him thinking she's about to kill himself is the end of volume 3. er, herself* and then it's all "lol, that's just a map soz"
>>460724 The anime ~faithfully~ reproduced the scene.
but I don't think it had an episode split down the middle there. lol, that wouldve been funny as hell
(no it wouldn't)
spent the first two hours of my work day trying to restore internet access DNS issues tried to call up the ISP and it just rang no answer, no automated system, no hold, no ring count limit just endless ringing without an answer
>>460730 yeah had to call someone up and get a ride to a location with internet just so i could do my work ended up missing deadline by 30 minutes, and now there's an issue with the automation but my client's not around to manually do it so i can't do anything just waiting what a shitty day
>>460734 Base CKII is all right; Paradox does regularly add new mechanics and features whenever they drop a new content pack. But like, the vast majority of the content is in the paid DLC. Still, I guess free is free.
>>460748 i mean people hate the current president but you know, if he does that he is breaking the law
Kirara 🚗
i don't know much about brazilian politics did lula lose an election and is refusing to give up power?
>>460750 lula was found that he has to go to jail yesterday. even if he's a candidate for the elections.
Kirara 🚗
what is he supposed to go tto jail for? corruption?
yeah having received money from companies illegaly. but like, the current president (rightwing) also did that. they're being obviously unfair and politically pursuing him.
>...the Magical Girl Apocalypse. There, it’s fight or die, against a seemingly endless array of savagely adorable, frilly-skirted killing machines, each armed with magical powers and an unquenchable thirst for blood and chaos. This is what we PLAY FOR
>>460754 the worst thing. like 3 days ago the army chief of brazil made a post on twitter calling the judges to respect the constitution and whatever. it was took by everyone as a soft coup like when the militias gathered in a palace to influence their shit.
>>460764 kind of like Craigslist, but it was used for some human trafficking stuff in the past idk if it was still used like that that controversy was like 10 years ago, i was still in high school