>>463306 → it doesn't get a lot of online discussion but it's pretty popular with kids and has a moderately successful and high quality mobage
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>463309 That's ok, I noticed at just the right time.
new hxh when
Kirara 🚗
i watched the first 3 or so minutes of mahou shoujo site because the show couldn't go for more than 30 seconds without someone crying blood and i just knew it wasn't something i would enjoy
>>463314 I don't think we've tried that one yet. Is it an edgy mahou shoujo?
Pretty much. It's torture porn with a mahou shoujo skin on top.
It's Mahou Shoujo PUBG, I think
Kirara 🚗
everyhting in the first few minutes was dark, kind of poorly animated, and everyone's eyes were bleeding and then the OP is full of suicide imagery and also more people's eyes bleeding
The first like, 15 minutes are excruciating
It's about some girls that got bullied getting super items that grant super powers and they end up fighting eachother
Kirara 🚗
it's not even the good kind of edgy like raising project
>>463324 Say battle royale or like survival game instead
>>463341 Those were both last season, Mahou Shoujo Site is of this season. And even if we're talking last season, on top of those two shows and FranXX, there's also HakuMiko, Takagi-san, Mitsuboshi Colors, Pop Team Epic, Slow Start, Sora yori mo Tooi Basho, and Violet Evergarden for very good shows that aired last season.
>>463362 I just hope it's fun. More fun than the original, which is super campy.
Did you know that Hideaki Anno directed the live action cutie honey movie that came out in 2004?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>463365 I usually don't do live action, so no. Guess I'll add that to the list. Didn't he also work on the OVA thing, RE: Cutie Honey?
So, is Jojo worth watching?
>>463366 I actually don't know if that one is sny good. I haven't seen more than one or two cutie honey adaptations i don't remember them very well. I've read a shit ton of ttgeir manga though.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>463368 The original series isn't really that good, but it's still fun to watch sometimes. And I miss my spoiler shortcut...
>>463367 The JoJo's anime are pretty faithful adaptations of manga. Not perfect, but they are pretty good.
Depends, I'm wondering if it's as good as Hunter x Hunter, for example. >>463370
I didn't read the manga, my roomate watched it and said it was great.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>463368 I remember looking into it and there's at least three full series, as well as the OVA, and I guess the live action as well. One of the series was geared towards younger girls, I think?
I have a cutie honey figure somewhere.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Is it a good one?
Nah But I got it cheap
It's not bad either, just meh
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Cheap and meh is good, I guess.
It was really cheap, i don't remember exactly how much, but it was under $5. I might've gotten it in a figure grab bag.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Maybe one day I'll get into that. When I have more space.
All mine are boxed up. I don't have that many nice ones. Well, I have several nendos, a few dogmas and revoltechs *figma
>>463400 You should! I wanna see the cute nendos! I wish I could afford to buy nendos
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Too many is a dedicated room for them.
Buying figures for cheap is one of the things I really miss about going to anime conventions
>>463405 They sell them in store at yhe Kinokuniya near me
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>463407 How are the people at those things? That's what puts me off of them...
>>463409 Not super bad, there's so just so many people there that some will be annoying Just pray you aren't unlucky
>>463409 Conventions can be a bit of a mixed bag. You will get the aggravating weebs with no sense of how to demonstrate their hobbies publicly, but you'll also get people that know how to operate in public and be decent. And everything inbetween, really. If you really want to avoid too many exhausting social interactions it might be best to pick out smaller conventions that wouldn't get huge crowds as likely. There likely wouldn't be much in the way of panels worth going to, but if you want to just pick out some common rabble to talk with or buy goods/self-produced art, you'll probably have a happier time doing that there than a big, super-packed convention.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>463410 >so many That might be the real issue then. And when it comes to people, I tend to end up with some of the worst.
>>463436 I'm so excited to see what you come back with! I would have done it longer when I tried, but it was late and Fish wanted to go home. https://www.lightpollutionmap.info Here's a good resource, by the way. Use ATLAS 2015.
>>463442 You should be able to get pretty good pictures in the yellow and blue areas as well as the areas without any light pollution green is good too obv
What do all the colours mean, obviously red seems to be bad and blue seems to be good? I'm in yellow. It'd be nice if I was in blue
Kirara 🚗
>>463444 The colors are showing the intensity of light measured in Candela per square meter yellow, green, blue, black are the lowest levels of light pollution There's a thing on the right side that says overlay legend, and it'll show you the measurement tiers
Yeah, I'm not savvy enough with the science of luminosity to know what all that is. Rei might know what that stuff means.
Kirara 🚗
If you use Stellarium, it'll show you where the milky way will be and when, too.
>>463449 This http://stellarium.org/? I just realised I can't just point my camera at the sky. I gotta be facing the right way
Kirara 🚗
>>463450 Yeah, that. You can, actually But you might not get the milky way When you load up Stallarium on your laptop or phone, you'll see how small the slice of milky way we can see actually is
I brought it. I might walk out a bit, I might need to be careful of any wildlife that comes out at night. apparently I'll be in blue if I walk 16km but I also noticed that there are reserves around here.
Tripod screw things are pretty standard in size, even between SLRs and video cameras, so you should be fine if you can borrow one. I'm excited to see what you come back with.
P5 anime has a really great ed
Kirara 🚗
joker has a really great everything
I guess I'll watch anime next week, now I don't feel like it. but i bet P5 is nice.
Kirara 🚗
>Mobius is a perfect digital world for the imagined benefit of humanity by μ, a virtual idol program that attained sentience and self-awareness. Only humans who are suffering in the real world and strongly relate to μ's songs are lured into Mobius. >Once they enter, people often forget that the real world exists. Regardless of age or gender, they are turned into students and forced to experience school life over and over, which μ considers "the most radiant time in a person's life."
it's got all this jung shit so it's probably going to be dumb as hell tbh
Oh i was reading about that kropto russian guy earlier. he sounds interesting but also a bit too deep for my smol brain
Kirara 🚗
kropotkin? are you interested in reading some anarchist lit?
yes i also plan to join the chilean movements but i need some more info since i think i still read reality in a state-like way. idk how to say it. but. i'm more open to it now.
If you're interested in anarchy from a practical standpoint, I'd recommend Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos. It discusses a lot of existing and historic anarchistic societies and covers a wide range of topics that people usually have trouble understanding how they could work without a state. If you're interested in a theory standpoint, Anarchism: From Theory to Practice is a good book. By Daniel Guerin. It goes into some practical applications but it also discusses the ideas of people like Proudhon, Stirner, and Kropotkin.
One of the important things about anarchy, though, is that it's very practice-driven. Because it's always anti-authoritarian people coming together, mostly without theoretical foundations, it usually ends up straying from "established" theory but generally is very successful
>>463485 I know of it, but I don't really know the details.
Honestly, I really have been thinking of pushing a political career as soon as possible. but im still too green about these things. wouldn't want to fuck up before starting.
Do you know about the student movement? the one who happened here?
They were able to push their way to a rad-left political coalition. they got 20% in last year election. But it might need a bigger push to get anywhere near government. But in case it happened it could be great---
That's cool. I don't really trust states, and leftists that like the state in particular worry me, but I hope it works out. I know there have been some leftish states that haven't been too bad.
>>463487 yes but the point is that the kind of "left" they're been pushing towards is way more closer to anarchism than to ML or other collectivist and authoritarian stuff. really, i think mainstream ML is definitely not my taste and i would rather live free but idk. really. that's why i need to read about it if i get convinced or not.
Oh, that's cool. Anarchy Works is a really good book and it's pretty easy to read. Much easier than anything Kropotkin or the other old theorists wrote.
>>463490 Well, if you get an anarchistic society going, then the US will come and install a government for you. Unfortunately.
Wouldn't the big countries of the world want avoid others making stateless countries *want to avoid
The one think i dont know how it would be dealt is just that, the international scale. like, we're definitely not america and if a tiny country would pull something like that they would just isolate them. >>463489 Well i already dealt with the effects of that. like, the biggest ally of states are their own militaries and they wouldn't just stand and let others do what they dont want them to do. others i mean people who dont want the state.
Maybe you'll get lucky and half the military will be anti-authoritarian and they'll help without trying to install a military dictatorship or they'll just go fight while the people start their societies That's what happened in Spain in the 30s, a ton of anarchistic communes got working really well and had a great network going, but then the Spanish military got fucked by the part of the military Stalin was funding and the Stalin-funded Spanish soldiers destroyed all the anarchists and helped to establish a military dictatorship that eventually turned into fascism and is still fascism today. Oops.
I don't trust the military, sorry. I know them enough to know they're the real enemy.
>>463492 Really hate spain. great people on the left tried helping the minorities affected by the war thing. but franco's legacy continues even today. and i dont see any way it will change soon.
>>463494 It's sad to see the Catalans being brutalized by Spain. It's even sadder to see the Spanish people marching in the streets with their seig heils and praising the Spanish police for their brutality.
the worst thing is how they are slowly kind of naturalizing this state of things. idk how to explain but like, Ciudadanos is one of the liberal movements and they supposedly originated in catalonia but they're full for applying the repressive laws against their own people.
and then you get that guy who praised the bus killing on germany as "karma"
It's really hard to watch and it seems like it's getting worse all the time. I wish there was something anyone could do.
If anything I am glad i see things this way and not just accept them as "inevitable" or "neccesary" injustice will never be inevitable or neccesary. I just can't accept that.
Yeah, but if you have a warrant out for your arrest in an EU state, then all of the EU tries to exercise that warrant so they can extradite you. The German courts let Puigdemont go, though. He's back on the run.
>he was detained by a highway patrol in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein, and released him on bail, with the court deciding he cannot be extradited for "rebellion". wow "rebellion"
Kirara 🚗
yeah, spain is saying he broke the law by trying to secede from spain even though there was so much support spain won't let catalonia go because barcelonia accounts for like 20% of spain's GDP
>>463504 he had interpol arrest order against him. but extraditing only applies if the - all the requisites for that apply. >>463507
he is searched for that and because he "used public funds for an illegal eneavor" i think it's embellezement? like, since seceding is illegal he used public money and his authority for it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't do deathless arena to save my life it always gets fucked
>>463507 They claimed it was a false poll but it was only unreliable because the spanish police terrorised voters and were told to be as violent as possible to the voters.
I have a friend on the separatist i know a bit of it all. they kept getting harassed for having polling stations and they also posted false images on twitter about people falsifying the vote. you couldn't vote more than once because the system blocked it or something.
There is no way spain would have let it happen legitimately 20% of their GDP is just too high. There is no legal demoncractic way for them to become independant
spain is incredibly corrupt they would sell their own families to keep in power.
>>463505 *as allowed by local legislation national justice does supercede eu courts in the end
the world is a vampire
>>463506 yup to extradite someone in EU countries takes months usually, but germany thought they had their own rebellion - cold war era stuff - lwas that match the franco era laws that spain wants to fuck him over with apparently they were wrong, good for him maybe the guy made it back to belgium where he should be safe
Kirara 🚗
so lazarus figured out how to open pizza boxes
>>463517 He is learning too fast. You have to contain him or he'll become too powerful
>>463517 wait till he figures out how to order more
>>463517 wow maybe laz should post here instead of you.
>>463520 How do you know Laz isn't posting here already
>>463561 You'll be fine. Just remember, you're still technically learning and making mistakes is part of learning. As long as you do your best, you'll do fine!
if their boobs were saggy enough you could make a pendulum-metronome out of them in case you didn't bring your own
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Nah, they're too soft for that, disappates the energy too quickly.
Kirara 🚗
i think if you were in perfect sync with the metronome that sex would turn into torture
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
What if it's just metronome produced music? Or I should say quantized music.
Kirara 🚗
idk i think the perfect repetition of movement is what would make it torture
I am sleepy. I should nap
>>463566 it could be called performance art unironically at that point
Kirara 🚗
>>463570 lmao a YouTube channel where someone just thrusts in perfect time to a metronome
another person reached out to me on twitter and it's hard to make conversation with them because they're incredibly awkward they were talking about how they're disabled so i asked if it was alright if i asked about their disability and they were just like "go ahead" that was me asking about your disability! get with the program!
Tested through both my normal plug adapter and the power adapter for the Switch, which thankfully share USB-C as their port. It's not registering any kind of power charging.
>>463603 it's startin to get dark there about now, right?
Aaaand there goes the last of my battery. I never got around to moving the Philly Trip and Japan Trip photos off that phone. I really, really hope whatever repair options are available to me won't wipe the phone. Man I really don't want to worry about this. Warranty's long gone and I don't want to pay repair or at worst get a new phone.
Oh.. i have a portable battery and i haven't changed it.
Yeah, maybe you can charge a separate battery and use that so you can make sure you get your photos off the phone, at least. Or you could just have two batteries and replace them periodically like Blue used to do.
I'd need to get something to charge the battery out of the phone; it's the actual USB port into the phone that seems broken or something. Not that there's a mundane way of getting at the battery, it looks like the device is sealed shut to prying hands. dsafdsd
Oh applying force seems to have made a connection. I really hope it doesn't deteriorate more than this too soon.
>>463609 damn that sucks tho. I thought mine was broken but it was just the cable thing.
>I am writing to inform you that you have been nominated for a Student Senate position next year. Congratulations! Please email me back letting me know if you would like to accept or decline your nomination. Once I have received replies from everyone nominated we will move forward with the final voting process. Let me know if you have any questions.
i know i can say no but i don't want to let anyone down i don't think the student senate even has any power and they gotta work a lot but i guess it'd be good for networking and it'd look good on my CV when i'm applying to practicum sites and internship
how can you let someone down if you were never truly obligated towards them in the first place
It is time! Aaah Gotta remember what shutter speed and stuff
I admire people who like the stars. I know I can't bother with it but I like people who know about the space and beyond. I'm too focused around this tiny rock.
I need to change to my kit lens. The macro is cool thouhh
>>463646 I'm slowly, slowly taking to him. That scene where he's chatting to Don Glover about the rumours of Lando's antics, he actually nails Ford's Solo cadence really well actually, I think.
there was another question that they just refused to answer so stuff like this makes it so obvious haha
I mean I'd be kind of surprised if G-rank was coming soon-ish, honestly. There's usually a year or so between releases. My personal best expectations for G-rank is with the PC release, and even then I'd be not terribly surprised if it came later still.
Kirara 🚗
there was a leak recently that suggested g rank would come in about a year that'd give pc players some time to be ready for it too
i gotta agree with this vaal hazak has a really amazing and scary design but nergigante is really fun to fight and xenojiva is absolutely stunning the first time i fought xenojiva, it was by far the most beautiful and exciting "boss" fight ive ever had
Not really, no. It does look like a gorgeous night sky though, I'm envious. Haven't really been out in the middle of nowhere at night for a long while though. I do kind of miss the stars.
How disappointing that wasn't able to figure out how make neat photos. I've a few cuts from the rattlesnake panic, I was a little worried it could have bit me but i think I would have felt it.
Well you've got three months to practice, and three months to conquer a totally rational terror of rattlesnakes.
That so scary. Now I'll be terrified that I'll die in my sleep from a bit or maybe s scorpion bitme and didn't notice
Most scorpions aren't lethal to human beans. Their venom dosages are suited more to prey the size that a scorpion can actually eat.
Oh i almost lost my glasses in panic i had look around for them.
>>463682 kirei >>463693 you would be feeling it pretty hard by now i am sure
i think photographing the night sky takes long exposure or something
is there an SC lurking about? moon here i got somethin i wanna show you
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
woop woop
Wap wap
bang in love
>>463727 you're lucky! rattlesnakes are usually pretty venemous and it is NOT fun to be bitten
I know. I am sat here reading about them and looking over my Legs and arms. I hit the tree pretty hard in my panick, it feel pretty badly bruised. I dont any puncture wounds anywhere i can see.
They rattle when they are mad so they at least warn you.
I am lucky it made such a huge noise. I don't feel like going up that hill again even in daylight. I knew rattlesnakes where here but i didnt know they were poisonous.
I am gonna go to bed now. That was truly a horror episode in otherwise fun star hunt.
Rest well Kannagi. Things will be better in the morning.
good night kannagi i am glad you didn't get bitten i hope you are not badly bruised
Had a friend over for anime. We spent like fifty minutes trying to get some DVDs to work in his gnu/linux laptop. For some reason some of them worked and others didn't.
is this the power of free software
More like ththe power of a shshitty distro and shitty drivers
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
is that a euphemism for saying that you had gay sex
>>463911 rofl I used that back in like, 2012-2013 >only for use by anti-semites What
>>463915 Anti-jew or just anti-israel I mean he's probably an anti-semite but there's no reason why you couldn't dislike israel whilst being fine with jewish people You probably know more than me
>>463913 He's super anti Israel. He said that if you support Israel in any way that he doesn't want you to use it. And because mos t anti zionism is thinly veiled anti-semitism.
An untouched diamond that's golden and brilliant without illumination. Your mouth's a constellation - the stars are in your eyes. I'll take a spaceship and try and go and find you.
so we went from a story about a young boy who grows into a mass murdering psychopath with no emotions to an autistic kid who hates the fuckin cops gundam is pretty great
it's so weird that if i were born like just four years later i'd totally be a cool genderqueer instead of gettin beat the fuck up for being some weird pervert or something
Kirara 🚗
you should be entitled to money or something if you get fucked over for doing something that becomes cool later
Kirara 🚗
my professor pulled me aside to tell me he was worried about me and wanted to know if im okay i appreciate the concern but that stresses me out even more
i know right i don't like being worried about even worse, being worried at
Kirara 🚗
i was just like "i don't know" like im trying to get my shit functional again but everyone worrying about me makes it so much harder especially psychologists they all want me to explain what im doing to work on everything i can't explain what im doing, you won't understand it because it will sound like nonsense to you and you'll immediately dismiss it
>what are you doing to improve things? >im drawin pictures of girls with penises in my notebook during class
im tryna work it out and i can explain the basis of it in normal words but it won't make total sense without the context of the ways ive developed this past semester but idk how to describe that development in a way people obsessed with empirically established ways of "conceptualizing the mind" unless i can do it in their words they're going to challenge my conceptualization of my own system and if i have to explain it im going to look insane especially if i can't take time to present it with diagrams and even if i do i don't think they'd be open to it
to make her go out in the desert darkness with rattlesnakes
Kirara 🚗
i got her interested in taking night time photography and gave her a bunch of guides to help her find a good place and didn't consider that there could be dangerous wildlife that she wouldn't be used to
>>464022 Be considerate. Or else it's the Merry Straight.
Ah don't blame yourself! I was dumb walking up a dark hill without thinking. It was just shocking. I think i was treating this place like a sandy, dry England. I'll have be careful in the future! But it was a bit of an adventure!
Kirara 🚗
are you gonna try again?
Uh, I'll stay near the house but I'll have to read up on how to get nicer pictures. My pictures sucked I don't get how to get them sharp enough or pretty background.
Now I'm actually ohio Just woke up again and had to deal with insurance stuff Truly it is An industry dedicated to preventing people from getting healthcqre.
>>463989 Domo I actually know the first song already though, buts its my favorite song by that band.
>>464028 My friend was talking about how The Reels were really poorly managed and as a result the started covers to purposely fuckup because they cost more for licensing. There cover of Bad Moon Rising is one of there most popular songs which is kind of ironic. Their
Has anyone here played FFXV? Considering getting it and I wondered how people liked it.
>>464034 Any reasons why or are you just calling it shit because you call everything shit? >>464036 >I don't call everything shit Name one thing you wouldn't call shit apart from yourself. >>464039 !!!!
>>464035 I haven't played it, but just about everyone I know who played it didn't llike it. And I don't call everything shit, just a lot of things.
>>464042 Windwaker, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Seven Samurai, Chrono Trigger, Daydream Nation, The Queen is Dead, Box Frenzy, Led Zeppelin IV, The Watchmen (not the movie), Meat is Murder, Animals, Stands for Decibels, Up on the Sun, ...
This song >>>/watch?v=ijAYN9zVnwg The Seventh Seal, Abbey Road, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club, Sticky Fingers, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Final Fantasy IX, /moe/, the field of mathematics But not you're waifu, you're waifu is shit.
Kirara 🚗
>>464033 I loved FF15 The story and characters are all really good The gameplay is fun despite being real time Combat is fun I'd def recommend it
>>464029 I am not sure. I couldn't tell if I was or not. I just tried to focus on a single star that my lens could see which wasn't many of them
Never heard of em Anyways the front has a zipper on it and if you unzip it you can see the photograph of someone's underwear. Being worn of course
Kirara 🚗
>>464046 What you want to do is just focus to infinity and take a picture of the sky. The easiest way to do that is to focus on the object farthest away from you, which should be the point at which no matter how much you turn the focus, it doesn't get more in focus. Eventually you'll be able to find infinity focus without needing to use a reference. You also want to be at 18mm, which is the lowest zoom the kit lens should have. Did any of the pictures come out clearly? If not, what f stop were you at and what was your ISO?
The stand Sticky Fingers is also good. Even though I loathe Jojo.
>>464051 I don't think so I used 18mn, 3.5, 30 seconds exposure, 6400, 3400 and 1600 iso at different times to see if it could improve.
U // I think the photos I shared on moe have exif data?
they probably do it should have all the settings in the exif data
>>463669 >>463670 these two are really good >>463682 this one, you had almost 70 second exposure which is why it doesn't look great
the first two, you used 800 ISO, f/3.6, and 20 second exposure which looks like it worked out well for where you were them being resized may have helped them look so good but they do look very good if you're in that area again, i'd try it with the same exposure and f-stop but maybe higher ISOs unless you did something with that but with higher ISO and it turned out crappy
my best ones at the everglades had 5 second exposure times because there was a controlled burn going nearby which contributed a lot of light pollution
I generally consider trap characters to be poorly designed because its usually draw a girl call it a boy. I actually think they did a good job though with Astolfo.
>>464069 Damnit phone. Thanks for all the great advice Kirara! I will try with those settings again. I was thinking of saving for a tracker so I can get some nebula detail.
>accidentally dont friend the feh player “lolihunter” shit
>>464070 I'm not quite an expert yet, so I just know what I've read and the little experience I've gotten. I'll do a lot of it in Utah in May. You'll probably be able to give me advice at that point!
>>464073 I look forward to your pictures! I will practice, I might get a torch so i can see better rather than my phone.
Like an actual torch?
Like a battery operated torch?
We call em flashlights here.
I guess I will look for flashlights in America I wonder how much vocab is different.
You go shooting yet?
>>464078 a lantern is probably what you want a flashlight isn't really as useful
>>464080 That feels super old fashion like Victorian. Sounds cool though. >>464079 Nope but apparently I will. Noy A little nervous about that.
Etekcity 2 Pack Portable LED Camping Lantern Flashlights with 6 AA Batteries - Survival Kit for Emergency, Hurricane, Outage (Black, Collapsible) (CL1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XM8HTIS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_CnvO9ip85Ucxh
this is the lantern I use
[Rechargeable] Anker Bolder LC40 Flashlight, LED Torch, Super Bright 400 Lumens CREE LED, IP65 Water Resistant, 5 Modes High/Medium/Low/Strobe/SOS, In https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072171VHQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_JjV3Bfc7jSzpW
here's my torch
>>464081 >>464081 Torch sounds even mmore old fashioned. Like a stick with an oil soaked rag tied at the end of it lit on fire.
>>464083 Touches are touches, and those sticks on fire are tourches too. >>464082 Wow you are like a travel guru, I will never lack information! Thanks o wise aidoru.
Also fun fact: gas lanterns have a radioactive part in them near the flame eemitting papart. Unfortunately the use of that material is beginning to be phased out.
Specifically the lantern mantle. Which iis often made of thorium dioxide.
>>464084 if you're prepared enough, you don't have to plan much and i don't plan much so preparation is essential
>>464088 I part plan and part deal with things on the go. So I like that sort of attitude unless I'm anxious in that case I plan forever and fret every step.
rein is +6 boey is +6 frobin is +3 s.elise is +2 then a 4* +10 cecilia i feel like they're all a little lackluster i have no clue how to get the last robin for the all cav challenge it seems impossible unless i had like escape route, miracle, quickened pulse just to survive the first onslaught or maybe galeforce or something then bait them out to the hallway
I am absolutely in awe at the fact that your fuck stats will be sold to advertisers and whoever else is willing to pay for it, now This world is a fucking disaster
>>464116 That's not neccesarily true. Not all "health" monitoring devices work that way.
I'd read the contract if nothing else Though why would I want this to begin with, it seems just dumb
Data is cool yo
I need to make sure my dumbass best friend doesnt get this.
Kirara 🚗
data is cool and useful but handled so poorly that it's scary data regarding human behavior is probably one of the most useful things you can have in this life
I think people desperate for publications will just use whatever data and stretch it to fit whatever they like. the amount of times terrible journals are quoted in mass media is amazing, just because something has been published doesn't mean it is absolute unfailable fact.
also I look forward to the data dick *day dick data gets involved in scandals. all over the news about data leaks about dicks
I look forward to the puns used in the register's articles about this.
It'll probaby be things like "Dick data leaked prematurely"
>>464127 The massive dick leak has sparked controversy about privacy regulations
"It is ridiculous that we, as the richest country on earth, do not have privacy regulation for the privates of the people." Bernie Sanders is quoted as saying in a press release
"load of dick data leaked all over internet" >>464133 We actually do, it falls under existing bietric regulations *biometric
More secure, then
Yeah we could use better ones, better enforcement if existing ones would be great too.
Eh, not really. Studios don't have much of a say in whether they do sequels or not. All those decisions get made up by the production committee that's made up of the people who have economic investment in the production.
>>464145 producer and shit I wonder how anime studios actually work as a company from shirobako already they seemed quite curious entities
Studios are contracted to do anime projects. For the most part. Exceptions would be stuff like KyoAni and Ghibli, who are fairly self-autonomous. And then there's probably studios that have special deals with publishing houses, like how Toei seems to get first dibs on most the stuff Shounen Jump puts out. Them and Pierrot at least.
Well if it is an adaptation, the publishers of the original material have a strong input into if it gets a sequel or not. generally they prefer to get more of the original material sales so some animes are made for the purpose of selling more the manga or more the LN and they stop abruptly at the start of the interesting arc to encourage sales.
For stuff like that it can be hard for them to have sequels.
Random thought japs eat a lot of salt in their food, well sodium, right? So do they have high blood pressure or cardiovascular? risks or cases out there
Don't think so Even if they do, they still have the highest life expectancy in the world.
While other places lack thatk ind of work related culture mentality, their stress death levels, especially in the past were way higher than elsewhere so diet might be the final nail in the coffin who knows
I'm imagining some of that stuff will be gotten rid of soon though. Japanese corporate culture is actually a major contributor to the declining birthrates.
>>464155 carreer oriented people, male or female, don't have time for a family
>>464158 The government has been doing some light pushing on industry to give young people more time off. To encourage people to get into relationships. But I don't think thats enough.
Japanese people don't typically have that much in the way of heavy salt diets. eating ramen everyday is actually considered lazy and bad for you like fast food over here. Soy sauce is a dipping sauce not covering things. >>464162 They use soy careful actually, a lot of Japanese cooking is about subtle flavouring. The big health issues for high blood pressure for Japan is actually that Japanese women tend to have small babies and themselves are thin when they give birth so they end up affecting the kidneys at birth
A lot of people over in the UK slather soy sauce all over their food and all over their rice but in Japan you have small dipping bowl for soy typically for meals in Japan. It is too overwhelming a flavour to fit unless it is a big ramen dish or something fast food.
Just pondered, since once industrialisation hit us and salt and butter became commodities, people began to really use those more as traditional celebratory dishes high in butter and salt became day to day meals so cardiovascular disease was killing us left and right gov took action against it and now it is at normal rates
so just thought if japs, since they do have higher sodium intake than average downtrodder, would have some similiar issues. >>464167 yeh
>>464165 I'll be inclined to take a fair bit of soy sauce with my rice at home. But I'll opt for whatever the restaurant seems to assume is normal when I'm eating at places.
>>464168 Same. I pour a lot on and apparently that was shocking to a Japanese friend I was talking to. They thought it was really weird to actually pour soy sauce instead of use it lightly.
>>464166 How much? Genuinely curious. Price differences in commodities is something that interests me a lot.
I dunno from memory but let's say at cheapest something like 7€ a litre
>>464171 Of that's not too bad. A liter of soy will last you a long time.
like actually pouring salt on things some meat dishes etc >>464179 also I actually use LESS soy per meal than the average westerner would pour on it, say it being wok + rice
but really think about it in two months you makle about 40 meals at home you use a slight pour or two per dish, say averaging to 2cl and you ahve about a litre of it used
Yeah I can see that. I do sandwiches for like 40% of my meals though. And then cheese based pasta dishes for another 30 or so percent. So just cause of the type of things I make I don't use it a lot.
hello! Today I come to you all with wonderful news.
Disgaea 5 is getting a PC version! Now you can all enjoy a great game.
Is it Windows only?
>>464189 So they're skipping 3 and 4 to go straight to it? Not that I'm terribly remiss not getting either on Steam. Oh I guess it's a shame if DD2 isn't coming. I've got it on Switch though.
>>464199 you didn't miss that much in wc1 and 2, but a lot in wc3
>>464203 More or less what I gathered. But I did never play them, and I don't really want to deal with ancient UIs anymore. I'd much rather hope at the least Warcraft III gets ported into a modern era design.
>>464202 that is the thing, though it was like 80% completed yet they cancelled it at the last moment
>>464204 wc1, mheh even back then for a strat game wc2, now that was the shit, but man was it RIDICULOUSLY HARD the campaign wc3, da best resource gathering strat game there is
A janitor stole half life 2's source code. So a dedicated enough jano *janitor could steal starcraft ghost's code.
>>464190 It's being released on steam, I don't know.
>>464191 Yeah, it seems so. I imagine it has to do with the architecture of the PS3. Porting those two would be quite a bit more difficult than porting D5.
Same with DD1. I guess I actually own a PS3 though so whatever. Would make my life nicer though.
hmm has pringles hot and spicye lost some of its spice since last time I bought them feels like it
I finished rereading bad art opm so im now rereading good art opm.
>bad art HERESY
That's generally what it is referred to. I didn't feel like typing out Onepunch Man (with art by One)
I got surprised TWICE today. Very rare. A professor pulled me aside and asked me if I was okay because he was worried about me, and I was like, "uhh, i don't know."
Then a colleague told me she got diagnosed with ADD and wanted to know how I manage to function so well with it, and I ended up talking about how society just built in a way that allows us to thrive easily, and she was like, "so what do we do?" and I said "Uhh, burn it down, I guess."
I'm pretty hard to surprise, honestly since i have ptsd and ADHD i'm hypervigilant to an overwhelming degree and not much goes on in the environment that I don't notice. If I actually get surprised, I jump really high, but that's only if something I wasn't aware of interacts with me, like if someone manages to sneak up on me. If someone I was aware of does something to surprise me, I don't really show the surprise.
I still don't see you as hard to surprise or at the very least, the type that doesn't ever seem susprised when they actually are.
>>464255 > someone I was aware of does something to surprise me, I don't really show the surprise. how is it a surprise then, unless it is the kind of hmm surprise present thing, but
>>464260 that is more of a stratle reaction similiar to jump scares
you aren't scared or surprised you are startled
Kirara 🚗
i think startled and surprised are used interchangably pretty often maybe i'm misusing the word surprise
they are very similiar, but I think deep down the emotional and instintive responses differ
I think surprise is something that is unexpected, but it can be bad, good or neutral startle is always you to reacting something unexpected that may potentionally cause harm to you atleast that is what your brain tells you
I'm jumpy. It's easy to get a jolt out of me through sudden movements or noises. But I'm pretty aware of sounds and my environment outside of, like, maybe twenty centimetres off my body. It takes a fair bit of effort to sneak up on me.
When I was working at the brewery, you'd get people some times who'd drop wooden pallets from standing on their side to flat on the floor. And the impact of that landing on concrete was really, really fucking loud. Gave me an honest heart skip on occasion. I almost feel some of the co-worked probably thought I had some kind of trauma or something. I'm really just jumpy.
also fucking singing that song in karaoke is hard to arrange you can't just do it on the fly and even if you tell em what parts to sing tehy forget it, cause drunk >>464305 what happened to galileo figaro
Magnifico ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
i am just a poor boy nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family Spare him his life from this monstrosity
easy go easy come will you let me go
We will not
what happened to BEZBILLAH?
also it is Bezbillah, No! We will not let you go
>>464299 But yeah the modern "lightning" is a contraction of "lightening" Which if you think about it, lightning is literally a "lighten-ing" of the sky currently storming.
I forgot
I'm actually listening to muaic right now so it though me off *music
but then again I hail from a country and culture thati nvented the word "grammarnazi"
or comma fucker
Your language is also a baby compared to most languages of the world. One that was born in a time when there existed the capacity to bureacratically spread the word about a formalized language now being spoken. English, by the time that time came about, was way too developed and spread throughout the contemporary world, to change. And even then, you can actually see parts of the language which have, after that point, disappeared from use due to standardization.
>>464324 most languages of europe can easily claim to be more than 1000 year old china can say iti s fucking 5000 at the very least jewish is older than god almost but finland 400 years
>>464322 I wouldn't call 1600 sweden, especially the dukedom of finland "well organised"
Coincidentally, while language reforms took place during the Russian Grand Duchy eras, one of the first things we did as an independent state was reform our language and then kept doing that Hell, we still do it every year
Reforming English is a useless motion. There's just too many people that speak it. Too many people that don't care if an office in Britain or America dictates that certain words are improper or are supposed to be used X way and another word Y.
Yeah doing it now is just impossible you'd have to have a culture and tradition of doing it constantly like we have had since early 19th century or even earlier
>>464334 well, didn't work out for the dutch who were trade domineers well I guess it was mostly because dutch just learned the languages of their partners
He's apparently a real decent guy when not being an asshole for the camera.
>>464348 well he is asshole for camera, but most head chefs actually are kinda like that
>>464348 There's this one episode of Kitchen Knightmares where Ramsay feels so sorry for the people running the restaurant that he buys them 6 monthes rent on an apartment and pays their new chef a years worth of salary He's actually really nice Working in the kitchen is fucking stressful so I don't blame him for being a bit of a dick
>>464349 When I worked as a kitchen hand there was a sort of dichotomy between during work and after work chefs During work they'll shout at you and talk shit but after work they're really nice and give you free alcohol It's just the sorta work it is that breeds it. They don't have the time to be nice
Kirara 🚗
he's really funny on twitter he's got a great sense of humor
but really if you want to see more legit ramsay, watch the original british versions of his shit
>>464349 Well you have to expect some obedience and respecting of your kitchen commands in an intense high-cuisine kitchen. I'd imagine getting him out of the kitchen probably makes him an all around agreeable guy.
afterall, you don't get 3 michelin stars and shit for letting your staff easily
>>464350 Chef work is really stressful most professional chefs who don't make it big enough to have big kitchen die quite young due to all that stressful life
big kitchen as in having enough staffs you can just shout at them basically and not actually have to also work I mean you will still work, but not to the same extension
>>464356 It is There's so much shit going on and you have to get food out so fast whilst also making sure it's done well It's a very time pressure industry
well "young" 60 something or early 70s but when you have now more and more people pushing 80s and 90s...
>>464361 Mine are all around that age too. They're doing astonishingly well but I only see them like once or twice a year. I'm worried things can go south real fast in that timespan at their age.
>>464363 There was a documentary on the character Apu and how the character has influenced negative stereotypes of South Asian people. It made some good points and Simpsons responded by having Lisa look into the camera and talk shit about political correctness and then it showed a photo of Apu and it said "Don't have a cow, Apu"
oh and locked in hospital due to being 100% out of it, amnesiac and while being able to walk can't that much, in full care nursery, in full mental health as much as you can be, but after dillion strokes she can't really function enough to live on her own so in nursery now
who needs the kwik-e mart it is a sicky mart
>>464366 >locked in hospital due to being 100% out of it, 1st guy, granpa >amnesiac and while being able to walk can't that much, in full care nurser 2nd grandma moms side >n full mental health as much as you can be, but after dillion strokes she can't really function enough to live on her own so in nursery now 3rd pops side like 1st gramps
My only living grandparent is in pretty good shape.
>>464365 simpsons shouldn't have responded to it is an odd show taht is pc and anti-pc at times anyhow
>>464365 >"Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect... What can you do?" >"Some things will be dealt with at a later date," Marge adds. >"If at all," Lisa finishes, and the pair stare directly at the camera. That sounds like they don't know what to do >>464372 I feel like it's half assing it by trying to support neither side and please everyone but it just ends up pissing off everyone
>>464371 I think it tried to be a joke more than a genuine reply.
>>464371 It's very dismissive, though. Especially considering what to do with the problem is evident.
If you are going to respond tot hat kind of post-facto criticism of your show, then do it fucking as the SHOW MAKER not withint the fucking show
that is just fucking dishonest not towards the criticism, but also towards your audience don't use your show as your fucking message board you twats
>>464374 I remember the simpsons did an indian episode and it was like apu told homer than he had to go visit his cousin and homer looked for an indian guy and they were all indian. in general they pushed the "dumb, unhygienic minority" stereotype a lot. >>464377 it's probably not the simpsons fault but all indian characters have the same traits. which are not good.
but is apu really that racist anyhow? it is morel ike "confirming your bias" than "forming your bias" if you ask me.
>>464377 It's a white guy voicing him and playing up an indian accent At the very least it highly exaggerates traits associated with Indian stereotypes
>>464377 For someone who has never talked with someone from South Asia, Apu may be the only actual person of that heritage they have ever encountered. Especially in some hard-white parts of America where The Simpsons is broadcasted. In that case Apu would very likely be their first impression of someone of that heritage.
>>464378 like, the family guy playing the black guy. but that show is meant to be offensive.
>>464378 well the accent is actually damn real many of them have an accent similiar to the "traditional 'racist' indian accent"
>>464380 this is actually a fun thing as a point you have people going "boooom" when a character is whitewashed or voice acted in case of cartoons by a white but when the opposite happens... "nada"
>>464381 just curious but how many Indian people have you actually talked to
>>464383 I've talked to a bunch and many of them sound like Apu. Particularly the ones that operate convenience stores.
>>464383 how many have you give me a precise number
if anything, hapanese have a much more benign stereotype of indians. like that girl from code geass.
>>464385 None I don't talk to many people >>464384 Why is it that convenience stores are always operated by foreigners It's a thing here too
Kirara 🚗
how many breads
I had few classmates, their parents, some service calls i have made some random encounters like during hiking who called me "mr touhou" which was damn weird >>464388 >>464388 >>464388 >>464388 basicalyl this who fucking expects someone to keep track of this shit
>>464389 >mr touhou that's great >>464393 What do you mean It's just a normal day on /moe/
>>464387 In South east asia there is a phenomenon where families will pool money together to buy a franchise in the us (or somewhere) and then go operate it as a business. So culturally they have something that encourages them to move to amother country and operate a franchised business.
>>464391 who calls someone "mr. first name" >>464393 why are you here?
>>464391 Ah, well, tano's dead, and I had /moe/ open for a bit earlier. Came up with a uh... I don't want to call it a song exactly ?
I had a COMPLETELY different picture in mind when I was setting stuff up, but after setting up the vocal effects, I had too much fun doing percussion with the mic for a good 11 minutes. After that, I hit the distortion pedal and messed with this octave generator in conjunction with the rainbow machine and got some hella trippy sounds out of it. >>464397 Mmmm, maybe. What time ? >>464398 >just came in to see what everyone was up to and maybe share some music? mkay then.
>>464392 considering they can sell food, which production values raise up by like say 100% for 500% the price than in their homeland yeah the insentive is quite reasonable
There's also a lot that operate motel franchises.
>>464400 really? well motels are bit rarer here in the old world and about always operated by locals but that is funny
Oh and most of them have the last name Ptel *Patel So its the Patel Motel Cartel
come on who names their business like that USA for sure has anti-cartel legislation aye?
What Yeah I was joking, it doesn't have a name It just rhymes so I strung it together
Kirara 🚗
the hotel we always stay at in bensalem is run by an indian they have a big painting of the dalai lama at the reception
still america sounds much more interesting compared to here. we have like 2% of migrant population and people are already wanting walls and other shit. but chileans are just as bad.
Ours don't even enter illegally They enter legally and then don't leave when their visa expires.
the school issued a statement saying that they stand by their decision to do that
Oh wait did they do the cross pattern thijgM *thing? >>464432 I read a thing saying that err From the district, that they agree something should've been done, but that what happened was inappropriate.
okay now read the tweets there is a way to enforce a dress code and then there is a way to be a fucking brain dead moron what the fuck?
>>464435 who cares if people wear bras or not bras are uncomfortable for a lot of people people shouldn't be expected to live in discomfort so a bunch of guys aren't distracted by the human body
I remember my middle had a dress code that said skirts couldn't be more than six inches above the knee or something like that? Several times a female teacher would get upset over said skirt length and would measure the skirt-knee distance.
>>464440 well yeah, but a school can enforce a dress code, but saying "you got to wear bras" is silly rather, "you got to wear X amount of clothing that doesn't show Y-Z stuff" anyhow but the point is still standing why would you waer that kind of clothing and why would you solve that by fucking forcing them to wear BANDAGES ON THEIR NIPS?
>>464440 what about back pain? i thought thats a thing
>>464440 If I wouldn't be allowed to freeball in sweatpants then she shouldn't be allowed to go braless.
>>464443 Only particularly relevant over a certain size. And even then, the bra may relieve backpain, but bras also generally cause some discomfort because of the generalizations that need to be incorporated into the design. If you could afford to buy a custom-made bra, you could most likely kill both back pain and the discomfort. But not everyone has the freedom to afford or even find an outlet to acquire one of those.
Kirara 🚗
a guy's nipples can poke out of their shirt and nobody causes a fuss the breasts are not even sex organs they are not the equivalent of genitals
>>464442 she didn't wear it because it's uncomfortable and restrictive which is totally reasonable, who cares about the other horny kids
>>464447 Looking back, yeah, it was. In high school though, nobody gave two shits about what you wore unless you... hm, nevermind, I can't think of any disciplinary actions involving clothing in high school. FFS, we had trans folks there.
>>464445 back then all clothes were custom made especially expensive ones like coats.
>>464446 Anyhow the reaction of the staff is just the fuck I knew several cases like this in middle school and yeah dealing with it is fucking a mess each time for the staff and board but you have to do it not just because it is "indecent" or shit, but because it will actually distract the male half of the student body in the same room from fucking learning
Kirara 🚗
i don't understand why so many places seem to be staffed by people that think it's acceptable to do things like make a minor jump up and down so you can see their breasts jiggle
I remember this one op-ed someone wrote in my school paper about the dance team/various women's teams couldn't exercise outdoors in bras when sometimes the male atheletes would sometimes take their shirts off during practice if it was a hot day? It was just that one girl that wrote the article that wanted to have the school allow it, the vast majority of the girls didn't want even MORE male attention than they already had and liked the fact they could check out guys, but the guys couldn't really check them out??? shrugs I don't really remember much about the "controversy" anyway.
>>464451 Because Florida teachers are paid in dirt
>>464451 some people think schools should be fascist centers or at least as authoritarian and punishing as they can.
And really think of your fucking self as a middle schooler or first year high schooler and if someone in your class with big hooters wore a revealing outfit with no bra
that would quite much distract you from the lesson at hand
Kirara 🚗
>>464453 ah yes that ever common problem of poverty turning people into sexist assholes
well i guess it makes sense if we call them dirtbags haha
>>464456 Nah it's more that people who are actually good at education related jobs will go get employed elsewhere Leaving the people who aren't as good to be employed by public schools in Florida
>>464456 nah, it's the school system. here rich schools are worse and have called the cops on students for stuff like weed.
>>464451 What I don't really understand is why they just didn't send the girl home. I don't agree with drawing a line here, but if they are going to do it, don't force her through some riduculous resolution. Send her home, asking her to put one on, and if she refuses, then that's an issue to take up with a discussion between her family and the school.
>>464459 uyeah fucking this send her home and ask her to wear clothing that doesn't reveal her nips a bra maybe, some say sweater or whatever that doesn't show em poking who cares what just that the "decency level that is agreeable" is reached
Also I would fucking take the guy who asked that under scrutiny what level of school are we actually talking, I am presuming High school but anyhow the guy seems schleesy as fuck and might actually be a phile of that sort
>>464464 They're insecure??? Get off on authority????
>>464466 this is why we have to abolish all coercive authority
>>464467 I see, they must steal a lot of sand from the beaches
Kirara 🚗
as someone who has worn bandaids on their nipples, i can assure you that the resolution would not even be effective
I think the person just thought they were doing the right thing. Some of the worst things are done by people who think that they're doing the right thing.
>>464470 Even putting aside perkiness, if your shirt is tight enough for them to poke through the fabric, it's also probably tight enough to have bandages be apparent. And then you'll have everyone staring at your undershirt bandages.
>>464470 why did you wear bandaids on your nipples
>>464481 considering it was a woman who dunnit and their "we stand by this" reaction I can guess what kind of people populate their staff
I'm also assholishly happy that this isn't a Canadian thing. I saw it a Tweet from the Toronto Star and I got worried I'd have to feel somehow at fault.
>>464485 Schools are allowed a fair bit of remediation for dress code violations here. My highschool had a bunch of dumbass guys that ran around shirtless one June or May or something and my school got pretty mad at them for it.
your legislation wouldn't allow it
silly canadians
Kirara 🚗
i think canadians have enough sense not to do that
Generally we don't have dress codes here just on the "what is publicly acceptable" line.
>>464484 Lol We had track guys running shirtless all the time. Your school sounds prudish.
>>464490 I'd say my high school's was pretty close in line with "publicly acceptable". The way I saw it,i -it, it was as strict as a restaurant that has a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy. Which is pretty much normal.
>>464491 my high school did PE with "shirts vs shirtless" on team games with one teacher everyone started to suspect him of being gay, when the next PE teacher pulled out "shirts vs blue shirts" for everyone, and we found out our school DID have sport shirt stuff for us to wear
>>464495 this guy looks so "lefty journalist" as one can
Kirara 🚗
>ULYANOVSK, Russia — A Russian woman reportedly died after a routine procedure when hospital workers mistakenly injected her with a drug used to preserve dead bodies. >Ekaterina Fedyaeva, 28, underwent surgery last month at a hospital in Ulyanovsk, in western Russia, to have ovarian cysts removed, according to state-owned television station RT. >Hospital staff realized the mistake two minutes later and tried to wash out the formalin, but it was too late – the embalming fluid was already making its way through her body. i am screaming
>>464494 post it? >>464495 >when folks here do a free the nipple walk It's just mainly an excuse to see topless women in my opinion. shrugs >>464503 *plays curb your enthusiasm theme*
>>464503 Honestly if she didn't die it would be worse. Err, immediately She'd have serious health issues and die painfully
Kirara 🚗
>Abdullov said the mix-up at the hospital happened because the medical staff “did not read the name on the vial,” according to RT. >Abdullov said the mix-up at the hospital happened because the medical staff “did not read the name on the vial,” according to RT. >Abdullov said the mix-up at the hospital happened because the medical staff “did not read the name on the vial,” according to RT. >did not read the name on the vial
>>464508 they fuckin woke her up while her organs were shutting down too
>>464510 I knew a christian communist. >>464511 >get waken up after surgery >in excruciating pain >WTF HAPPENED?! >we dun a bad did n now you're dying, want us to call any relatives/a priest? #sorrynotsorry AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>464503 >western russia who actually says that "russia" is the european part" and rest is places you need to specify
>>464510 Yeah, but wearing a cross is "oppressive"
>“Mom, I’m dying,” Fedyaeva later told her mother, who thought she wasn’t being serious at the time, according to RT. Fedyaeva was rushed to Moscow’s A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical and Biophysical Center where doctors administered multiple drugs in an attempt to counteract the formalin, according to Tass, but they were unable to save her. >At one point, doctors brought her to back to consciousness and Fedyaeva’s mother said she opened her eyes and whispered to her, according to RT. In the end, however, Fedyaeva’s organs started to shut down and she died Thursday.
>>464509 wtf russia should be deleted from the earth.
>>464536 the docs might not be bad, but the hygiene standards of the hospital mightb e
>>464532 Anyways one of the reasons for that is that they'll give the person larger fake breasts than would be allowed. In the US there are rules regarding that stuff.
>>464543 see >>464544 but basically russia is bloody barbaric country in a sense they lack so many basic standards, rules, legislation, and so on for shit you think would be normal >>464547 it is actually more of a problem nowadays, with putin in power, tha they don't have them and no one just has realised they need to implement them than not enforcing
the "bribe cop to get free" isn't so viable anymore, atleast as far as I know atleast smuggling from russia isn't so easy nowadays
it's like how after you smoke every day for decades, it takes a long time for your lungs to heal only in this situation, the smoking is actually being a marxist-leninist state
You get the right cigarettes and it can smell nice. It also does put you under a mild influence and can make you feel better. By no means is it advisable or worth it but to say it isn't pleasant isn't objectively correct.
I actually like the smell of cigarette smoke.
I don't smoke though.
Kirara 🚗
i don't particularly mind the smell of the smoke but i hate the smell that lingers on people's clothes
>>464551 Same I love it I don't like smoking but I do like the smell
I just meant smoking. I tried bunch of times and then I couldn't breathe.
Kirara 🚗
i mean i don't have a problem with people who smoke as long as they're aware that it's bad for them i'm cool with people doing pretty much anything to their own bodies as long as they're competent
>>464556 you still have a heart issue or was that solved or medicated somehow?
Spike Spiegel smokes Don'tcha wanna be cool like him son
>>464562 i guess i remembered it somewhat. My dog trip to the vet ended up with we getting heart medicine to compensate it. she will end up taking it forever.
>>464556 this is why I am for total freeing of all substances, save for stuff like antibiotics and shit whose free spread can have dire circumstances let people use what they want on their own and deal with the issues on their own
>>464561 what is the difference between being dead and not being born yet when you think about it we've all been dead for thousands of years
Kirara 🚗
lmao yeah i didn't think about it before but antibiotics are probably the most dangerous thing people put in their bodies
>>464566 As per the poetic irony that pervades so much of human culture, we're really good at slamming intense restrictions on the things we don't really need to, and let slide with way too many things that would be better to control.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>464566 do you know how many people call in going "yeah can my doctor just call me in an antibiotic without me being seen"
>>464566 yeah i guess we should just die when we get sick uwu
>>464572 still, there's better ways to get better from illness than antibiotics so yeah. especially ones who are put on crops and animals.
Kirara 🚗
people die when they are killed WE GOTTA RETURN TO NATURE
>>464573 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Enjoy dying of a bacterial infection They shouldn't be used on livestock though.
north america used to be pretty much free of the infectious diseases that killed so many until somepeople not naming names here brought them to north america and they killed everyone
>>464578 i sincerely can't buy this. infections were the main cause of death until very recently.
No, he's technically correct. Infections are worldwide, but the ones that killed so many people were contained to Eurasia because infectious diseases tend to have a hard time crossing oceans without assistance.
>>464581 i was trying not to name names but i actually mean westerners
americans were so happy they had to kill each other for a change. also the only real "state" in americas was the Inca who dominated the whole of southamerica. others .. m rightr, city states are states.
It balances out because we sterners eliminated smallpox
>>464583 Whoah Check your privilege What about the Maya? Otlr Aztecs? Or the mound builders?
>>464584 >create problem >proceed to eliminate it WE DID IT
Kirara 🚗
none of those civilizations had a state in the traditional sense of what a state is
>>464586 westerners confirmed for bioengineering smallpox
>>464588 spread it >>464587 And I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling jews
>>464587 lol no one in europe either had a state in the traditional sense of what a state is back then
But really, tahuantinsuyus were basically the closest thing to an empire and they colonized the other tribes and built fortresses on their lands. they also did that incest royal thingy like egyptians.
Kirara 🚗
>>464590 in the 1700s, what europeans had was much more close to what we now consider states than what the north and south american civilizations had, though
>>464592 fucking incas and aztecst and what nots where killed in the 16th century
>>464602 how much have you actually studied european history in terms of statecraft?
Kirara 🚗
>>464604 enough that i can say that "the europeans of the 1500s lived in what was closer to the modern state than the inca and mayans of the 1500s did" it's a fact
Yes Inca and central american states were behind europeans in general when it came to statecraft but it isn't that much
>>464608 My friend owes me a v A box of those He asked me to do something and I refused, he said "would you do it for scooby snacks" and I said hell yeah I did the thing months ago and he still hasn't paid up
>>464605 the "modern state" anyhow is based on the ideals of enlightenment and after that so modern state is based on european ideals anyhow it isn't like they actually weren't some of the best around but it isn't that they were objectively best around anyhow
so of course a statehood developed completely separate of whole of Eurasian and african continets... of course it is going to be quite different from what we know of
but in the end incans, aztecs monarchies
>>464609 He also owes you a 360 controller He needs to pay denbts
>>464612 wow a whole family indebted I hope you're charging interest
>>464613 No So his brother owed him a 360 controller, but I purchased that debt by giving him the 360 controller Also he's bought me shit tons of great birthday gifts over the decade or so we've been friends so I wouldn't charge interest
>>464610 they were pretty much at the same level ancient time civilizations were they were advanced and complex but they lacked the "teachings of failure" we and chinese and so on had gathered
Kirara 🚗
>>464610 i think it's a little misleading to call them monarchies they were described as monarchies by the invaders who didn't study them enough to look at the actual way the empires were run, but we know today that they weren't exactly monarchies in the way european monarchies were
>>464592 hm.. my point was that the inca empire was closer to what egypt and persia had on the ancient times. obviously the spanish kingdom was a bureaucratic monarchy which influenced how most of the americas understand the state even know. basically, it's an extension of the idea of the king.
>>464616 we have MORE data of them from themselves nowadays than from the invaders, dude
Kirara 🚗
>>464618 and that's one of the ways we know they weren't monarchies in the european sense
Okay But why did they have roads and no wheel?
>>464619 and chinesew eren't monarchies in the european sense or japensese or indian states or africans or so on and so forth everywhere monarchy just means a certain kind of ruling system, where the crown is passed along blood ties *state leadership
>>464619 there was a recent discovery of a mayan metropolis. but those guys were more like the daimyos, feuding clans.
Kirara 🚗
>>464621 aztec "emperor" wasn't even a monarch the only thing they did was organize war efforts and demand tributes they were more a religious figurehead they had next to no control over the normal going-ons of the empire
>>464622 i read about that, it was pretty interesting
the real "stateless communities" in the americas were either in US territory, or in places like the amazons and the patagonia. they were a myriad of clans who agreed on working together to fight the invaders, at least the mapuche did. they still do it today.
Also the inuit And native Canadians
>>464625 inuits yeah. they were so away from empires they kept living the same as they always did.
>>464623 there is comically missing the point, there is missing the point and then there is purposefulyl missing the point
Hey Do you ever just Undomesticate the dog?
Monarch and theocrat are slightly different i guess. in our western tradition, the emperor represented the "temporal power" and the pope "spiritual power" but on other places they were one and the same.
Kirara 🚗
>>464628 the aztec ruler and crown was not passed down through blood rights to it
>>464631 and neither were for example swedish, hungarian or polish crown or holy roman emperor crown
imo "aztecs" were just the people who lived in tenotchitlan. they exhorted tributes and sacrifices from the other clans on mexico.
Yuuka-tan's Peninsula
>>464634 i wish i had finished that aztec anime. Rokusomething.
Kirara 🚗
>>464633 yeah, basically the empire wasn't actually an "empire" it was only called an empire and is called an empire because westerners don't know how to conceptualize things that aren't western and seek to find similar analogs to what they have
many of these "empires" were just the spreading of religion or the creation of communities for trade and they would work together for defense occasionally
a bunch of TERFs have been trying to push that the youtube shooter was trans it's so stupid and annoying they don't want to admit that women kill too
>>464653 I know the origins. I wonder how can you conclude this is an effect of gaslighting. women can be evil jjust as much as men do. the issue is that men have been evil for like 99% of history. there weren't enough bad girls .
it was basically just a very strange girl but i can't imagine her not being a girl. even if she had been AMAB the issue is that terfs are mad they lost the moral superiority of "all mass shooters are male".
wait was she trans
Kirara 🚗
no they were AFAB and female when they did it but she has muscles so the TERFs are saying it's a man
>>464692 i was like >today is the day >what date? >you know saku's day >yeah and? >so buy saku beer instead of bear beer >but bear beer is better >but is saku day >nah that was in march or shit, aye? >uuh, not sure >so I buy bear beer
>Yoko Taro: I think the question also asked why weren’t there romantic scenes, I actually think there was, where spoiler and spoilers are kind of stabbing each other. Isn’t that kind of romantic? I want to be this guys friend
>>464694 last year on the philly trip, tilde and jan bought some saku beer and never drank it so i ended up bringing it home with me and it's been sitting in my fridge
>>464697 you should have left it by his grave I would have fucking refunded you for it even
>>464697 Neither of us are very good at remembering things, I feel, hah hah. I'm a little surprised you didn't pour it out or something. It's not like it was crazy expensive.
rest in peace and when we meet in afterlife I will say "I told you so"
and as unpopular as it was at the time and as undecent as it is to say right now not even a death of good friend like saku or someone else will change my policy on drugs and their treatment
I think he only missed the last episode. It might have been the last two that he didn't watch, He was behind and I think he was gonna finish watching it with Dash.
Spiders can be cute they can also fuck you really badly.
They are never cute.
Both her and her brother are really doing a good job of following their father's legacy though. They're both pretty involved in animal protection and helping public awareness of critters, whether that's fighting assumed stigmas or bringing awareness to animal plights that people might not know of. They both seem like pretty great kids.
>>464736 it isn't full moon it is almost new moon don't awoo
>>464731 why would the spider bite her spiders are chill
Kirara 🚗
look puttin a turantula on your chest is dumb whether it's likely to fuck you up or not
I saw an interview with a bit time conservationist once, who talked about his friendship with Steve Irwin. He said that prior to meeting Steve, he thought the man was a complete idiot who cashed in on doing dumb stuff with animals. He said once he met Steve he was very impressed with him after Steve took him aside, dropped the act, and explained that doing dumb stuff with animals was his way of advancing the agenda of conservation. The guy being interviewed, I don't remember his name, said that Steve's way of doing things was very effective and that they were friends for life after that.
>>464740 It's very impressive I like people who can mix the "silly things" with a serious compromise for making the world better.
>>464740 I believe I read that same interview at one point. Or something. I know what you're referring to at least. Irwin really did a lot of good with his work, bringing awareness of animals to people who hadn't previously known, an awareness which really helped people care more. He was a real solid bloke.
>>464746 It would have been pretty great if the marketing material for John Wick portrayed it as one of those corny feel-good movies about a man and his dog. Subverting expectations can be a lot of fun.
>>464747 honeslty i think not many people would go watch a show - movie abour keanu but he does have a charm.
I hate it when people leave juuuust too much in leftovers of something super popular in my house, just too much for me to take what I'd like as my portion. Because then my choices are take less than what I'd prefer, leave a pathetically small amount left, or take all that's left and both feel kind of greedy and kind of oversatisfied. It's not something with a preferable option for myself.
>>464748 Don't be silly, there is a huge amount of people who would watch anything involving Keanu.
Neighbour feeds pigeons and they are all over the place.
Yeah, they'd probably be pretty bad too. My neighbourhood's pretty suburban-y so I don't really see many 'round here. Get more of an arrange of bird species instead of an army of one. But birds are pest-y, but raccoons are actually a danger. You don't want to have to worry about raccoons picking a fight with your cat, I tell you.