>>458809 Whoever is against her is probably getting huge modifiers. I checked the various matchups and hers is the one with by far the most flags in it.
Well, Camilla was losing most of the day. She's been ahead for the last few hours, but she spent several hours far enough behind to have a multiplier, too.
>>458818 Everyone in the South is friendly, and everyone in the West is friendly. People in the North like to mind their own business and be left alone. People in the South are less friendly to black people sometimes, though.
>>458825 anything you buy in an airport is going to be really expensive they mark the prices up by like 30%
I wanna get food but there doesnt look there any nice sandwich shops
Kirara 🚗
Where are you in the airport? Want me to look up a map and see if there's anything good?
T concorde
Kirara 🚗
There's a sandwich shop near gate T3 Corner Bakery Cafe, there's also a TGI Fridays across from gate T4, they usually have pretty good hamburgers but they're probably really expensive at an airport
Man this windstorm is cold as all hell. Standing temperature isn't even that bad, but the wind is biting cold and blows hard.
>>458830 TGI is really busy . I might go to subway
>>458830 Yeah, I recommend avoiding any "sit-down" places like these at an airport. Everything is expensive, but places like those take the fucking cake
Stick to cafe-style places if you can, they generally have the most control over how small a thing you can buy. Only real way to save money.
Oh fuck subway is superbusy too dammit
Kirara 🚗
>>458832 i don't see a subway on the map i wonder if the map is old
Where is tescos please I want a nice chicken sarnie
Hah hah hah. I don't think you're in Kansas anymore, Toto.
Go to chick filet They have good chicken sandwiches Despite being an evil company in a less traditional sense
Kirara 🚗
concourse d has a Five Guys
That might be a bit of a culture shock for her, hoh hoh hoh.
Kirara 🚗
Oh, D has a Quiznos Subs, too. There's a place called Charley's Grilled Subs in C.
i worry it might be too greasy for her, honestly it'd probably be best to hold off on greasy fast food until she's in new mexico wouldn't want a bad stomach ache on the plane
Though considering how they overload you on fries at Five Guys, it might be the best bang for your buck in the airport. I would still not recommend it to someone unaccustomed to American fast food though.
Kirara 🚗
D has a "Das Waffle Haus & Pub"
So many sweets and no BLTs I got a club panini from bakery place
Yeah, the sun sets much earlier down south. That might be a little hard to adjust to as someone from the UK. I know it was weird for me when I flew down to Florida.
kirara do you have food? i thought you earn enough for that stuff. every time I heard about food I think that maybe food in america might be really expensive. >>458868 that's too nice. Saku was great. I don't have many memories but they were nice ones.
I only fast for Saku's. I light candles for the others, but Saku's is the only one I fast for. For a lot of reasons.
>>458868 don't say things like that about your girlfriend or she might misinterpret them. >>458869 I think TN did lent and he stayed out of alcohol for one year. but yeah fasting is different.
>>458871 I was talking about fasting for yahrzeit.
>>458872 yeah i only - i know very few jewish people and mostly kirara anyway.
Wow Rude
>>458874 how is that rude i know kirara from way back. i know someone who is jewish but doesnt practice so i guess he doesnt count
i now know
Cause I'm Jewish
>>458875 He still counts unless he's converted or explicitly disavowed it
no he is from family i guess he also doesnt talk about that much..
Also Kirara I just checked You aren't supposed to fast on this yahrzeit because it takes place during passover.
i'm not 100% sure yet i was supposed to go to the store today but i've felt too crappy all day usually we'd just have pancakes or something but i can't eat pancakes right now i might make fish some pancakes and then eat some cheeze with matzo
eat soup it'll hydrate you and feed you at the same time
>>458911 it's that a shigure? I just realized she was.
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@theMasonRamsey/981217660737347585?s=19 can't wait for this kid to be revealed as a nazi or something and let everyone down i know it's gonna happen let's get it over with
>>458925 I think I was going to reply to your post and forgot what i was going to say then thought i was replying to the next post that I went to reply to
>>458932 i should learn to manage it, not fast. but since fast means holding on eating then it can be used on that purpose.
I dont really believe in any faith which means i dont think my suffering helps anyone but myself.
Well, in general, its mot healthy to fast. *not
Kirara 🚗
proper fasting for short periods of time does have health benefits if done properly albeit dry fasting is not going to be healthy for you so don't do what i do unless you have a good reason
Yeah, but in general, do you think people are going to do it properly?
People don't do these things at all. unless you mean me. Which I was trying to imply that if i wanted to, i'd do it properly.
i got a really good investigation earlier where i had to get tempered odoggo and leggy and a normal bettlejuice i was clearin it in like 20 minutes but it was only 4 times all my tempered investigations rn are shiiiiiit
Kirara 🚗
>tempered toby maguire and pukey >tempered barron and beetlejuice >lavasioth >paolumu >jyura paolumi, jyura, and lavasioth are like my least favorite monsters to fight and the other two gimme crap rewards and not much hunter rank xp
Man all these new World nicknames for monsters are wild.
>>458973 get them bounties done are you playing now?
Kirara 🚗
>>458977 just stopped so i can get ready to sleep im on 3 hours of sleep and didn't eat/drink for ever so my body's all fucked up i carted to a beetlejuice three times in like ten minutes and realized my brain is not working lmao
>>458978 oh dang i'm sure we'll play before i hit HR200
>>458985 i'm pretty sure i'll be in the same spot i am right now all day >>458984 they saved it for me the other day after i told them i would catch up but i worked overnight the day after they never fuckin listen to me
i wanna discuss the newest episode with everyone (except rika)
>>458987 You don't know the LENGTHS I need to go to in order to persuade Rika and Squid to watch something after they get it in their heads to save it for someone. It's exhausting.
>>458989 maybe i should have just not said anything and kept watching the last jedi man that movie was awesome
It was so good. The guy who directed it. Rian Johnson, got greenlit by Disney to do an original trilogy of movies in the Star Wars universe because of it. I'm excited to see what that'll end up being.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/condom-snorting-challenge/ they aren't actually but a bunch of news conglomerates are trying to make people think kids are doing it
>>459018 they said they have hormone component as as such could have the same effect women control pills have. you know, the one girls have to take and risk affecting their levels.
Huh 2001: A Space Odyssey turns fifty in about a week.
>>459074 maybe it's like flight or fight effect. you're so tired the body reduces the dopamine or whatever hormone cuauses sleep. >>459076 yes, it's been a thing on twitter at least. honestly, i can't remember a kubrick movie i saw, and that's sad af.
You should go see it, i bet a theater near you will have it for its 50th anniversary.
Did i tell people here i travelled to another city to watch heavens feel? well that. i would enjoy watching 2001 and also the others (is clk. orange kubrick as well, i think it is..)
I actually didn't see that yet. >>459079 Clockwork Orange is also Kubrick You should try to see dr strangelove though It's really good
>that fucking scene with the coke vending machine Strangelove is really good
What the fuck The local arthouse theater isn't doing a screening of 2001 Fuck Well They show it every summer in 70mm
>my local cinema is doing a screening of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical >but they didn't do a screening for Mazinger Z Infinity It's not fair I'm surprised they aren't doing a retro screening of 2001 since they've done a bunch of those
Also they didn't even have the scene with Momon wearing a human face and talking to people What a ripoff
I'm still satisfied with the season though
Eh who cares. Him either being a skelelich or a Black Knight is pretty funny. If he can give himself an illusion of being human that's just boring.
Not many people liked the lizard arc i say it's ok >>459115 he showed face to some shitty guild on season 1 right? also the best unmasking was when he fought clem
Lizard arc was neat in terms of cultural introspection and showing just what Nazarick feels like to be up against on a serious level.
I miss clementine. F ;_;
>>459117 i honestly enjoyed more the lizard stuff rather than the already overdone medieval town shit.
Man I still can't get over the fucking thing with whats her face Like all the lore the guy wrote for her And then >she's also a slut
Albedo wasn't even supposed to be that way in the novels, if memory serves But she turned out that way for reasons >>459143 She is that way in the novels, but I'm not entirely sure if that was the author's own decision or not I seem to remember hearing it wasn't
Albedo is kind of /moe/
>>459140 Are you sure, i read the novels a while back and i thought that was the cas
i think male writters can only write about sluts.
>>459140 We We b novels or the light novels? >>459144 That's sexist
>>459145 the LNs I haven't read the web novels yet
>>459144 For example What if yyour mom wrote an autobiography?
>>459149 no i mean i posted the link somewhere some guy was trying to write "realistic women" but the girl just described herself and then went over details about how hot she was i think that's an incredibly sexist way to see girls and that's why guys can only write grisl as they see them: as sluts.
Okay But slurs actually exist >>459150 >guys can only write girls as sluts Wow It's like you don't read or something Don't fucking talk shit about half or so of authors ever if you don't want to seem generally ignorant
>>459156 I think he got a pretty ideal amount of screentime. He had his handful of jokes. And then didn't go on too long to get stale. I'm always up for comic relief penguins though.
>>459157 If you read more you would understand why I said that. I take literature very seriously.
but at least you have to admit that LN authors dont have the best writting skills. at least
im not trying to ruin literature or anything i agree i am - okay i'll just shut up im tired
>>459160 Writing skills are something I treasure, but they're also only one factor of several in making an interesting story. Some LN authors have some amazing world building and conceptual ideas. And it's actually a real shame that its made derivative and droll by lousy writing and trite industry tropes.
nevertheless i enjoyed overlord and i would assume the author wasn't just trying to write albedo as a flat character. apparently she is more delevoped in the novels.
>>459170 you bet he wasn't writing her as a flat character bowchickawowwow wink win
I read through all the scanlated chapters of that manga by the author of Bonnouji about not-Magic the Gathering. It's a pretty good read, and it kind of makes me want to get into a card game like that. Real life Magic's probably out of the question though.
bang in love
>>459296 i was learning how to roller skate and within 10 minutes i had broken my ankle
roller skating is sick how'd you break it did you crash
bang in love
just happened on tuseday tuesday >>459299 i wasn't even in motion, i was standing still turning myself around against a wall and i slipped and died s
Have you ever do any kind of skating before?
bang in love
i roller skated and roller bladed as a child, like maybe 8 or so and i've ice skated before but that was so long ago with a much smaller body 17 years later i was barely able to get from one side of the living room to the other
Yeah, I can get that. It's been a fair while since I've done any kind of skating too. Though in my case it's more a lot of ice skating. I'm sure I could get the knack of it fast again though.
i'm kinda sad that in 10 minutes i managed to ruin an entire few months and spend thousands of dollars i mean it's not like the money is instantly gone but i wish the time was i'm going to miss so many shows over this
but it's okay i have someone who's being really supportive and sweet and i'll have help getting through these next few months even if the injury is a lot worse than my last one, i'll have a lot more help this time
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous how frail parts of the human body can be. One dumb decision can put you out of commission for way longer than it takes to make the decision.
Maybe we should all become invincible robot bodies.
yeah and it's not like any protective gear in the world would have helped me here sometimes it's like that
I'd rather unironically die than ironically die I figure. But uncouth jokes aside that's pretty miserable. There's a lots of fun activities that are really fun to participate in, oh that's redundant, but are also really dangerous to do. Sucks that you have to always take at least a small gamble with your life to have fun with them.
Hey Bang. Sucks about the ankle but congratulations on finding love. Hope it works out well for you. You deserve it.
What's kind of funny is that I wanted to get into roller skating because she's super good at it but then i found out pretty quickly that i'm not It's okay, i'll try again when my ankle is better I've heard it's actually safer to learn how skates work on ice and then transition to wheels
Having done both of them, even though it's been ages, I can definitely vouch for that. Ice skates are relatively straightforward as long as you can balance.
I actually learned roller skating first. Haven't done it in years though.
>>459326 Same. But I never learned how to stop with either so I basically just smashed into stuff to stop.
bang in love
I'm thinking about working from home for a while
>>459328 Uhh Roller skates snd rroller blades have brakes though.
>>459330 Yeah on the heel. Mess that up and you're breaking your foot or tripping and falling face first onto the ground. May as well just let yourself roll to a stop or slowly collide with something.
Practice while going slowly or while holding onto the side of the rink.
>>459329 Aren't you still working at Panera? Did you move into the offices or something?
>>459331 Also I don't know about breaking your foot from that, mechanically it doesn't seem super likely. Ankle though, yeah totally possible.
Wait no Roller skates have the brakes on the toe end Where's your excuse now?
>>459334 I'm still at Panera, yeah, but it may be really difficult to keep up with now So I'm considering jobs I can do from my desk There's actually a position for tier-2 customer support with Humble Bundle that I'm currently looking at and may apply for
Oh shit Too bad they got purchased by ign. I have noticed a decent drop on bundle quality since then. *in Sounds like a great gig though
>>459340 >Plow stop >It's the ski pizza technique But that doesn't work. Nobody I know who has gone skiing has been able to slow down with that. It's better to just zig zag to slow down.
>>459343 It works on roller skates, and maybe they just need to git gud.
It doesn't work well on steeper slopes though. Because of physics
I've actually sprained my ankle twice. Until my shouldwr dislocation it was my worst injury.
>>459341 Ah, I didn't consider changing places of employment as part of it. If you can find something that'll not kill you faster to do while your ankle heals you definitely should.
And it was only my fault the first time.
bang in love
I may try to keep working part-time at Panera I'm just going to apply for this position and see how it goes and make a decision with Panera from there
>>459346 Please list all of your injuries in your life.
bang in love
one time i skidded along the highway at 60 miles an hour after being knocked off my scooter
>>459353 Variety of scrapes and bruises and cuts, gash in the back of my head that left a tiny bald spot where it was stapled, sprained ankle x 2, torn skin, shoulder dislocation
I've never broken a bone. Except maybe one of those little bones in the face that never heals properly that often breaks when you get punched in the face. Its like between the cheekbone and eye sicket or something.
*socket I tend to be sort of hyoer vigilant about my surroundings and measure risk of physical injury pretty well so I've never gotten any severe injuries. Excluding a few from when I was really young and then the dislocation, but that was caused by a seizure.
I also did sports and martial arts so I have good balance and don't trip or slip easily. Basically I just worry about getting injuries and try to be very careful.
I really need to get back in shape though. The degree at which I'm out of shape definitely makes me more susceptible to injury in addition to just being unhealthy.
>>459379 True, MtG is way more profitable than space travel
>>459379 Magic the gathering is literally unsolvable because it's turing complete.
>>459375 Intelligence is the product of repetition. Study and you will be smart enough.
Repetition may vary though.
It's also likely provably unsolvable for other reasons too. Neglecting the fact that even if it were solvable actually solving it would be an intractable problem. Chess still hasn't been solved.
>>459390 The environmental government policy class taught me that shit's fucked. All the fish are gonna be full of toxins because we keep dumping stuff and they try to eat it. Then we eat them. We're basically eating our
>>459392 >We Hey I've never dumped stuff in the ocean. Don't blame me for that. What you do is your own business.
Anyways As a general rule I can only sleep on my left side. But, my left shoulder hurts. So I either can't fall asleep because I'm not on my left side or I can't sleep because I'm putting pressure on an injured shoulder.
I copped a pair of rabbit ears and now I can watch tv in my room. The reception isn't too bad.
Reminder of the time the Something Awful owner tried to fight the video games movie adaption guy.
Richard Kyanka and Uwe Boll. Boll has an ongoing "I will do a boxing match with you if you're man enough" thing for people who talk shit about his films.
>>459422 I don't shave inside my nostrils! >>459423 I've only had two nosebleeds ever and they were the result of being hit by sports equipment or waterballoons.
>>>/watch?v=LwVXkM_YxMg >>459444 It's this thing where look at a band's disccography and play songs from it. They also talk about influences and other things like that.
Nah, I'm currently listening to Beethoven. Oh wait, their wiki article said one of their songs was used in the trailer for gears of war 3. I vaguely recall that one.
What radio station? CBC radio 3? (that's the omly Canadian radiostation I'm familiar with)
Double J, it's the child of Triple J, the most popular alternative radio station. >>459454 You are close, Tilde is Canadian.
Oh wait, I thought you were a Canadian.
>>459453 No wonder the person posting as anon who capitalizes the first letter of the sentences has been so pleasant recently. Tilde and I don't get along great. And I'm terrible at telling who's who aside from moon.
>>459453 Oh And Most popular where and according to whom?
Okay, that was anecdotal, my bad. I'm not sure if there's Nielson for radio.
Damn right
Anyways You should check out chirp radio
chirpradio.org They do concerts and stuff and have a record fair, they just got their antenna set up last fall. Before that they were online only.
I'll check it out when I get the time.
Are you in new south wales?
Yeah, the Hunter region, to be precise.
Nito I've been told that nsw is a "meme" region.
Beats living in Queensland.
Fun fact There are mmore people within a 60 mile radius of me than there are in queensland or nsw.
Although I aalso don't live in a ddesert.
You're in chicago at the moment, aren't you? Or are you in Florida?
Around there
Around Chicago I mean. I haven't been to Florida since 2016 I think.
Thought so. Was Chicago the place where the guns often get brought over to nearby states?
Although we're fine on gun murder per capita, we aren't number one. I think we're just number one or so in total number.
But I don't live on the south side so its not really an issue for me.
I'm trying to remember the state where they supposedly have the strictest laws, but you can just go out of state to a gun show and get a gun easy.
>>459478 It does violate the law in some states to bring it back and not register it. But ggun shows are a problem. Also semiautomatic rifles really aren't the gun violence problem The vast majority of gun rrelated deaths are from pistols.
Fair enough.
Oh yeah The biggest coal exporting pirt in the world is in hunter isnt it? *port
Coal is bad Mm'kay
Try telling that to the companies.
Fun fact Fossil fuel companies were amongst the first people to predict CO2 emissions from fossil fuels wouod lead to climate change They know its bad But it makes them money
That's not a fun fact at all.
Well There's certain legal stuff that will make it easier to fine/prosecute certain companies and individuals as a result of that
Man, I wish bps would do something with 4-ch.
What is likely to happen in the us with the fossil fuel companies is something like what happened with the tobacco industry They'll be taken to court under the RICO act
>>459486 Is this after the islands disappear and whatnot?
I guess we'll have to see when the rising sea-levels become a "real problem".
I think tokalu or whatever will go under soon
Anyways we really need something like the tobacco master settlement and rico prosecution for exxon, bp etcetera
Because it includes penalties for disinformation campaigns and all their bogus "science" they use to "refute" CO2 emission induced climate change But we really won't be able to do anything like that until Trump is out.
>>459523 Probably Fuck that guy for bitching about people wanting to play older versions of games though. Sometimes people just want to play something again. If enough people wanted it there's obviously a market for it, who is he to be so dismissive.
Honestly I dont actually care that much but he seems butthurt for some reason.
Kirara 🚗
it's kind of a dumb thing to complain about, yeah
Kirara 🚗
in other weird news, there is a legion of TERFs on twitter claiming and passionately arguing that the YouTube hq shooter is not a woman, she is a trans woman
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Although I don't think them to be radical at all.
>>459527 I wasn't 100% sure those were an actual thing. It was something I came up with as a pathological counter example in an argument a while back. I'm a little surprised that they actually exist in a large enough amount to have legion
bit when it comes to gero stories like that, i think it is because they always make the one last push that they live to tell the tale somewhat compared to someone who wpuöd have reasonably so given up after losing an arm to a grenade but then the bunker wouöd have stood atleast a ehile longer and the guy bled out
moon's got some guns ill pick you up and we'll go shoot with him
>>459579 No I didn't have much time to get a phone. It is alright I am not seeing much expect for orange and trees for miles and miles It is a bit bewildering to be in such an isolated place! In the UK you are never far from like a corner shop, bus stop or something There is no bus stop here, I'll take pictures for you guys in a bit!
he was talking about shooting stuff yesterday and defended his place with a ar once He's got a few with him but not all his old ones that are with his sister
Oh I remembered him saying he left them with a relative.
>>459584 That's cause you're in the middle of nowhere. I have like four bus stops within a block of me.
>>459584 That's so cool! I wish I were out there. The west is the best. The desert is a really special place for me where I can experience myself like nowhere else.
Do you think I should try walking to the nearest town? I'm like 6 miles from it, apparently should take 2 hours.
I dunno if I should, I'm scared of getting shot for transpassing or something.
>>459590 I don't think it's a good idea to do that walk on your own until your body is used to the UV in the area and you're more familiar with the landscape.
Also yeah
>>459596 It is so bright here. and dry But more so it is sunny. like there are no clouds This is a different world from the UK where are my purpetual rain clouds
Yeah, you should get sunscreen when you go to the store, or you're going to burn like toast. I would also like to recommend some SPF chapstick or lip gloss or whatever you like, because your lips will get chapped, but if you are outside a while, they'll get burnt, too.
toasted britt with eggs bacon and spam
>>459599 >cold lips chap >hot lips chap >dry lips chap >>459602 at least
Kirara 🚗
The lips don't really chap in wet heat at least haha
>>459604 Automobile culture is a real thing in the States. Services anywhere outside of major cities -- and even within some -- just isn't set up for people who mainly walk or use motorless transit.
>>459611 Nah 3 months is the max without visa for UK to US
>>459610 I wonder if it was built for like horses given how isolated places seem to be. >>459615 I don't really think so or at least nothing like this area. >>459607 But I am a tragedy on a bike I'll kill myself, I gave myself whiplash the last time I got on a bike and rode into a lamp-post
This place was nice I've been all around the west and the colors and formations are so different everywhere you go i could spend an entire life in the west
I went up a hill and came back. it was pretty tiring! I didn't think it was so hot at first and then after a while I realised I was heating up pretty fast.
Did you go up both wys?
I need to make these pictures smaller to be able to upload them
I'm a bit jealous I don't think ive ever actually been to a desert.
I was scared of all the dry wood on the ground. I was worried there might be snakes hiding there were burrows on the ground it looked like though and a lot rabbit poop.
Check it out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-tailed_jackrabbit
Kirara 🚗
>>459638 Yeah, make sure you bring some water. At least a liter.
I'm back home. I got sufficiently scared of work introductory meeting that I will probably ganbare to not fuck anything up the good thing is that I got assigned to my "commune" which is like a part of a city. the bad thing is that courts are on the city center so i'll have to go all over the place anyway. :)
Huh They could be owl burrows
Kannagi, do you like animals?
Kirara 🚗
>>459650 the only poisonous snakes out there are rattlers so you'll have some warning most likely they don't tend to hide like that either
>>459650 Hi.!! you're on New Mexico now right? >>459662 wow you're a nerd. i like that
>>459661 It's a common mistake The way to remember is that venomous animals inject venom into you And then poisonous animals get poison in you when you eat them or lick them or whatever
>>459663 yes but correcting mistakes says a bit about someones' personality. some people are especially obnoxious over that.
>>459665 If they were poisonous snakes you wouldn't have to worry about them though. Unless you plan on eating them.
but for example, plants can only be poisonous plants or mushrooms whatever.
also i think ther'es 2 types of venom necrotic and those who attack nerves. >>459668 just like everything else you know :T they feed on the ground or whatever they parasite,
>>459671 Not all eukaryotes have mitochondria Also I'm now having flashbacks to biology in highschool
Smells like owl pellets
Mitochondria are cool though
>Living in open grasslands as opposed to forests, the burrowing owl has developed longer legs that enable it to sprint, as well as fly, when hunting. Neat
today’s an unhealthy week and i have accepted that and will repent foodwise
Kirara 🚗
>email saying i have to cancel my client for tomorrow after 3:00 >again i fucking hate this clinic so much
>>459687 any reason why or just that they hate you?
Kirara 🚗
no reason given they're just closing the clinic early because there won't be a supervisor no reason why there won't be a supervisor and no reason why they're telling me last second
he provided the basis on which most therapy came to be based on and his model has shown to be somewhat effective
i mean there's nothing really right or wrong about a model in the first place it's just whether or not it's useful the predictions of a model can be wrong but ultimately a model itself is just observation of patterns
>>459697 hey, what does clinical psychology consider homeless i know that's not a psychological illness but i think it's probably a metric used a lot maybe legal definition of homeless would be a better expression do you actually gotta be out on the streets or is it just not having property or a lease in your name and not having // being a dependant of someone else -- ie couchsurfing or being given a room temporarily by family and stuff
Kirara 🚗
usually just the lay definition, someone living out on the streets it's not considered a useful thing past being a metric of socioeconomic status generally
I'm homeless if it counts being dependent on someone else
>>459701 you're a dependant under your dad meaning you depend on him that's exclusion criteria from what i suggested homeless if you're not a dependant
e.g. adult children staying with their parents is probably not considered homeless an adult orphan crashing on someone's guest bed for three months while they do day laboring and save up for their own living quarters probably would i mean, i dont think homelessness goes away if you've got a roof to sleep under temporarily as it relates to psychological distress, it seems more related to the long-term lack of a stable living environment
yeah a dependant still has mostly stable living conditions like, i wouldn't consider a homeless person to now have a home unless it's either property/lease in their name, or it's long-term stable being in temporary housing or living out of a series of week-stay motels is not really a home
if you don't have // if you can't install a VR setup to use VR chat it surely can't be considered a home
Kirara 🚗
>>459705 that's the legal definition if i remember right
it was yesterday but i'm celebrating it today with a benzo triple dose ive been so fuckin frantic lately i think i need to be prescribed sedatives i mean lorazepam is, but not that kind the kind of sedatives they give crazy people to not be crazy anymore
ima bring back the haldol shuffle for the new generation and make it a new dance crazy DJ Hurty Bones and the haldol shuffle harlem shake gonna get btfo
im reporting all knuckles VR chat video suggestions on youtube as violent or repulsive content they keep suggesting them though
American bread is like brioche a bit like cake. >>459712 Yep
>>459713 Not much! I'm surrounded by trees and sand as far as the eye can see. I tempted to walk to town but it is pretty far and I might get lost. although I do have my phone for GPS
I accidentally ate part of a plastic fork and nnow feel like I might throw up
I'm sure iill be fine, but I just feel really gross.