>>637464 every single vanity plate whose registration was rejected by the state of arizona in 2013
.. this whole fight is just hit box bullshit ACtually that is what this WHOLE FUCKING DLC IS hit box bullshit you dodge but you get hit because >hit boxes you have to learn where the ACTUAL INVISIBLE HITBOXES ARE and not what you can see on the screen
reminds me of some fucking fighting games form the 90s
Kirara, the Cat
strafe right
or the first 2hus
Kirara, the Cat
>>637467 isn't that what all fighting games come down to even today
>>637465 cool I should make a twitbot that posts stuff along those lines
>>637470 not actually the character box and hitbox tend to match quite well in most games, after you remove lag that is
when you aren't in range of the red double damage attack but you get hit by it okay let's play with that
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>637471 here's a bunch https://www.muckrock.com/search/?q=Rejected+personalized+%28aka+%22vanity%29+license+plates+in+2013+
let's just go with that let's just go where red is blue and green is yellow and I keep living in the world where those are untrue and dark souls lives in the world where that is true
>roflmao banned these guys really have sticks up their asses
no fun allowed
I mean I assume they work at the DMV after all
okay you can't dodge that one lunge attack either the game just buggs for me but you can't roll left or right far enough nor run nor run and jump to dodge it his fly by just always hits you for 50% of your hp or 100% if you got hit for some reason by that telekinesis attack so game over ther good bos good design we sure playtested it ourselves
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>959 rejected plates with 69 in them oooh off by ten
There is capcom and then there is >we don't know how to make a boss fight so let's just make it anal
considering that there is a boss in bloodborne, who can drop your fps to -30 I think I am starting to see a picture in fromsoftware design or how dark souls 3 has a boss that you have to kill three times
and then there is the fly high and blow fire on ground IF YOU ARE HITTING THAT ASSHOLE WHEN HE BEGINS THAT ANIMATION you can't escape the aoe no matter how hard you run at maximum speed you can't escape the breath
so there is an attack that is unavoidable that can be triggered at random that you can't escape
dark souls 3 has a really cool boss you kill three times yeah
I like how >chrome always has a bunch of reccomended articles on mobile and half that shit is behind a paywall
>>637489 you can actually you just have to run as soon as he flies upward
>>637492 no youi can't you can escape it if you aren't hitting him but if you are hitting him game over
>>637493 stop hitting the boss when he idles thats asking for it
>stop hitting the enemy when he is iddle uhh wut
yes stop hitting the boss when he can decide to hit you
so I have to forget my 25 year odd experience in fighting games, hack and slash games, boss fights, video games, actual fights and so on and NOT damage a boss to win it
Oh I get it this is Canada the boss fight I win by not killing him
In that case Dark Souls 1 won I win
or you mean I slap him 1 dodge doge dodge slap him once dodde dodge dodge slap him once rinse repeat for all eternity justl ike with cuntrias >>637499 No that is how bad video game bosses work
yes that is how video games work you dodge the enemy until you have an opening to hit him
you see ton your problem is that you havn't played much fighting or hack and slash games, it seems
>>637499 >go hit him >he flies in to air >you get burnt so...
so your point is >to hit him when he is open and >don't hit him when he is open
Well it still don't matter cause it seems my luck is >each time I go slap kalamatisalad more than once he flies up the air when my second animation attack begins and my sword only deals 50-70 dmg to him per slap
more like dork souls
and i don't have the patience to grind a new weapon just for one boss into +10 etc for non elemental dmg
you could just skip kalameet
that isn't an option it is a boss and all bosses are there to be beaten
you also have the option to get another weapon
unless it is ff7 in which case skip ruby and emerald because fuck those two
my whole thing of >don't get hit kinda just dies when the dlc has been filled with >well I have a bullshit hitbox oh that is nice for you, can I hit you atleast >no cool
dark souls is all about just luck in the end you can learnt the enemy patterns and hitboxes but in the end some fights are just all about luck
i dunno about that my dude im pretty skilled at dark souls
>>637535 I think most skill in dark souls is just the will to go at it again and again and again untill you win
which is shooting pasta at wall untill something hits >>637537 and once again you have not played hack and slash games
that is practice yes
citation needed on my not having played hack and slashes
cause you clearly havn't
youi can't beat some >I do random shit at random times bosses with reflexes, because the game is clunky as fug you can't rely on controls doing what you expect them to do when you require them to do
you can't beat other bosses with >if I do this, the boss does that, if boss does this the boss will do this pattern because they just don't actually reliably react to you or your actions as you would expect there isn't like >I go this far behind them, they will tail spin >I greed under them, they will AOE etc cause they don't they do that shit randomly there isn't a pattern or rule or trigger for attacks, they just do them at random
so you can't neither beat a boss with pure muscle memory reflex or by figuring out a tactic the core two factors of hack and slash games be it devil mayc ry, god of war, or even fucking heavenly sword or whatever
those games clearly reward you for good play and punish you for bad or greedy or otherkinds of missteps
but dark souls, that game just does whatever it wants and shit happens so you might play a boss absolutely perfectly, but the boss might just decide to do
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
huh there's a gitgud.io
>>637539 >air lunge that can't be dodged 4 times in a row and then you get rekt or the boss does the air lunge and LANDS on you and you get rekt
there are definitely ways to manipulate bosses seath will tail the shit out of if youre behind him taurus will jump at you if youre a distance away
Manus was a good boss fight he had random trigger on his aperage grab combo but you learnt to start dodging it or atleast dodge the first move
but take kalamet and arcturius both are just >dodge+slap or rather >dodge+dodge+dodge+doge+slap+repeat and yeas that way you will win eventually, but do you want to fight that boringly what fun is there to just slap them to death like that?
even the annoying flying chimeara was reactive atleast itt only did tailspin if you attacked the tail
ofc it otherwise might do ranged attack spam for solid 2 minutes and shit like that
how else are you going to fight a boss besides dodging it and hitting it are you upset that you can just unga bunga
>>637545 slap it twice or dodge+slap not dodge+dodge+doge+dodge+dodge+wait for that one actually free open widnow to randomly occur and slap repeat
it is boring it isn't stylish it isn't fun it is me pressing circle and trusting the game doesn't clunk or camera fuck me for 5-10 minutes while dealing only minimal damage at a time to the boiss
there is noting fun in that
it is like a Survive spellcard in touhou, but you actually had to kill them in damage
yeah dark souls 2 has some questionable boss design from time to time.
do you know what was damn hard, but learn as you go untill you actually mastered it and beat it real easy boss fight Senator Armstrong
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
alright so here we go sir the things I meant to post yesterday in order
I heard you beat up sif so bad you didn't see her limp so here's a mod that made her a cooler boss https://www.twitch.tv/onlyafro/clip/GentleAttractiveGalagoTwitchRPG
https://www.twitch.tv/onlyafro/clip/CulturedObliviousCrowEleGiggle a way cooler boss >>637566 no need to download just enjoy the sick lore
i am not going to dl that I will next time play this maybe never
>let's make it "cool" by having two i am surprised that there weren't more dual bosses in the dlc
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's not "Let's make it cool by having two" it's "Let's make it cool by having Artorias come to join Sif because it's fucking awesome"
and how does that make sense
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>637569 ???????????????????????????????????????????? Sif is Artorias' dog? >>637571 If you do the questline in Daughters of Ash you don't kill him in the past.
artorius is dead in the past
so you make an annoyin fight even more annoying by having a dog be part of it
ASHGEDHAGDASGHASDHGSD You're not enjoying this properly It's COOL AS FUCK
I am not enjoying fight that is dodge bullshit hitboxes and slap him once when he does one of the 2 attacks that leaves him open and that was artorius fight
there was nothing to enjoy it was just mechanical circle and joystick presing and occasionally getting to press r1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
god you're the worst.
if you wanted to make it fun, you'd add few parry moments, that was like 0,1 second timing or even less a real risk reward that youc ould learn to do
I am still shitting on fromsoftware not the modders the modders only took two parts of a legotower and rearranged it into a more annoying one the chief annoyance is still annoying and boring monotone fight of artorius
There is one (1) parryable boss in Dark Souls 1 and you have not fought it yet
also >you don't find bosses fun if you can't zerg them that is the whole point of a glass cannon type build, not that my build anymore is glass cannon since it wasn't viable from the getgo I noted but the fact that >>637581 >kills seath in 2 combos
doesn't still remove that some das, especially in the dlc, bosses are just montone unless you cheese and the fact that you can cheese/glitch them also shows that they aren't well designed
the game is fun, but it could be a lot more fun if some bosses weren't monotone as fug doing same shit over for 5-10 mins with no variation is just no fun >>637593 yes, but as if I'd ever summon help
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
do you play it with online on?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
how well do you deal with invaders?
have only been invaded twice
and one time I spent hour trying to GET invaded or INVADE someone else with 0 luck
But back to dark souls the game just feels >this is good enough so many times instead of the developers actually finishing up something properly be it enemy AI or hitboxes or at times level design
a similiar shit design came to mind from DMC3, the "final boss" blob he was a damage sponge, that had annoying as hell attacks to dodge and then midway through him, you get nerfed by having your style removed and replaced with forced gameplay mechanic for just that boss fight
which makes dealing with said boss damn much harder, as now you can't either hit hard, block hard or dodge hard so you now need to use your basic attacks to slowly kill that health blob a dodge+slap fight in devil may cry game thankfully it isn't the actual final boss
i filed m y tax returns and they charged me $40 to get my $315 tax credit that was promised for signing up for healthcare this year bastards they tried to get me to deduct it from my return but the process of doing so would be done through a third party financial institution that also wanted $40 to process it goddamn this country is full of leeches
I hear taxes are a pain to do over there dunno how it compares to here but I hear they try all sorts of tricks to get money
it's really dependent on what kind of major purchases or expense you have and if you have self employed income or other sources of income electronically filing for myself is rather easy but even TurboTax tries to obfuscate expenses and plus-sell their products that most people don't need because people are scared of FORMS i don't have many tax relevant expenses or anything though so it took like 20 minutes they almost got me good with that bank shit though
today is the first time i filed my taxes without being drunk or high i think probably a good thing
I never reach the income bracket to be taxed >>637653 yeah that's good man you doing alright with sobriety?
>Spot some bootprints going up and over a snowpile >"Oh I can probably match those prints to get over the snow neatly" >First step onto the mound >Boots sinks in all the way to my knee
The city is still really crippled by yesterday's storm. But so far I haven't received any notification from my university of closed buildings or anything from my professor of today's class, so. At least the public transit is operating under a facsimile of functionality.
He is not using and he can't use sandstorm it needs to be a new song for the contest also eurovision requires there to be lyrics, so he has to team up with some neverheard >darude song with vocals
cool location for a demon lord's castle, but in a fantasy world where people of mass destruction exist, what if his foe just blows up the cliff side and collapses the castle? I mean it wouldn't prolly hurt him that much, but the poor castle.
nice quads
>>637776 You get a lot of snow over that way? It was bitter cold last night here but today it's decently warm for winter.
>4 barbarian camps in 16 turns spawning on the point where my cities/units vision ends what are the fucking odds
Oh huh, this snow hellstorm this month marks the twentieth anniversary of the snowstorm the city suffered that was so bad, the mayor at the time called in the military to shovel us out. It became a joke that followed him for the rest of his time in the spotlight but really, we were snowed IN. The whole city had effectively shut down.
just work being garbage mixed with my mom not being able to find kh3 that was delivered today so ill have to run over to see if i can see t
a free touhou fangame i was waiting months for was finished through stage 6 yesterday but i didnt notice until this morning so im stuck here until 830 wanting to go and do that too it’s the kind if thing that makes your day drag
tony+spidey interraction is so great I wish there was an alternate marvel verse where they are actually dad and kid
my fucking god my phone turns off its oh it just pulsates that would have been way too col if it was true >it only turns "fully charged light on" when you approach it
>I have mastered the art of standing so still, I have become invicible DRAX IS BEST
>>637792 iphones light up when you hold them upright
and it is a lake on an isolated single city-state country why is there a huge drydock?
>universe is finite but energy isn't well in a way it is, but Could any civilization ever actually use the full energy of a universe? kinda doubtful
so thanos' argument while in a way makes sense, isn't solid just develop tech to better harness energy and voila, problems sovled
HAHAHA Peter Dinklage as dwarf that is the size of a giant AHHAHAHA that is funny
>>637798 Or, you know, just use the Infinity Stones to double the available resources in the universe. Thanos' problem isn't that he's correct or anything, it's that he's so maniacally obsessed with the self-righteousness of his mission that he refuses to see any other solution as feasible against his.
>>637800 Thanos' motivation blows apart, if he isn't trying to get into bonezone with lady Death it hsa a utilitarianistic point to it but a much more utilitarianistic way of doing it, is to take over the universe and control its resources, including MANPOWER and force exces population of each planet, to migrate to new colonies this way no life or work hour is wasted and all possible resources are actually used
force civilizations to spread their technology to every other one so that everyone benefits from every single discovery and advance in science
and so on Simply said force Stalinism across universe
but without the purges, well some would be needed but with the power to SNAP out every dissident... I doubt there'd be that many
btw damn MCU does beautiful scifi planets the dwarf space station the Knowhere dead celestial head the whatever planet thanos and gomorra are now on
few good machinegun positions and artillery and mortarr support and this would beover in uhh 3 minutes
and then mopping up the stragglers for around 30
oh they can actually shoot with their spears so why not make them guns? with bayonettes those would be way more easier to hold and accurate, by the factor of easy to hold than a spear and also function as a spear with the bayonette
It makes no sense to me that super advanced civilization would endu p thinking that spear is the ultimate weapn and thus gunspear is sthe best thing
that never happened in our history anywhere not in china not in japan not in middle-east not in india not in europe all who in a way indepently developed gunpowder weapons of their own with middle-east, the nroth african islamic nations are also added to that and egypt
so why would wakanda still have fucking gunspears and not some futuristic plasmaguns whatever they are using
makes 0 sense
though I gotta say tI love that they are using scifi phalanxes essentially but still that is retarded in terms of actual military strategems
>let's pen up a hole >and then they charge to melee combat WHY you had fucking good firing lines extend those more and form ak illzone and just KILL EVERYTHING that gets through the opening you open
what the fucking flying mantaray?
hahaha for all their advanced science you could I see actually defeat wakanda with fucking BC tactics if ou have enough manpower to throw at them
it's based on cartoons dude
AHKSHULLY it's based on the esteemed literary medium of Graphic Novels.
So I was in session with a client today, and they go "You're pretty good at figuring out people, right?" I'm like, I hope so! He goes "how do you make people who aren't social more social?" and before I can talk about how that's a bad idea, he clarifies "my dog doesn't like other dogs"
your regular bomb is like TH11 where it just disintegrates shots you get a ZSpell that I don't know how to consistently charge which is a megabomb by pressing C
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
ugh I much prefer the old school bombs that get everything on the screen.
If you like regular bombs, Riverbed Soul Saver not only has spellcard bombs but LIBERATE MODE which is a megabomb that also superpowers your shots AND prevents you from dying unless you have no bombs left, but if you're hit will consume all bombs in stock
This series is where Iesua is from Who I love to death
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
huh your mom would be proud of you for loving jesus I mean
Oh I'm so tired. I don't think I've gotten more than seven hours of sleep since Sunday. And that includes having to hike through snowbanks up to my knees in blisteringly cold weather.
it's cold my keyboard is cold and my fingers are cold and it's making my job very hard
>>637948 sadly it's just the wind chill when the actual temp hits like -40 (only been in it once) there's usually no wind at all once it's settled in the air is thin and very still so it doesn't move around too much everything's really quiet because of the air and you can hear things like miles away just from how the sound travels you dont really feel a tangible difference between -40 and 0 besides quickness, it doesn't feel "colder" it just feels like the cold persists through more layers, or feels like the cold hits quicker and lingers longer i actually really like it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
*hits a fat -50* coughcough damn this shit lingers y’all this chill OD
tfw when the wind chill temperature is higher than your credit score crylaugh emoji
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
this particular street on hoboken is a clusterfuck we’ve been blocked by several machines a truck is bullying us and a police is making little woop woop noises to budge through i think everyone’s just tryna get on the highway
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
thank god we escaped the truck behind us was huge no way it’ll make clearance on the overpass wtf that’s going to be a whole other level of clusterfuck
have you ever seen a truck fail clearance firsthand and slam into that shit it's so loud
i sneezed and a client was like "don't do that!" geez lady chill
there is really bad flu going around i understand her apprehension lots of folks are dying really suddenly from it like just going to take a nap and not waking up really bad flu wish i could catch it
Kirara, the Cat
i mean sneezing is pretty involuntary though i can't just not sneeze
>>637962 sometimes people tell me not to yawn when i yawn I'm like haha whoops i gotta stop doing that but I really wish they didn't say something like that
we should just start stabbing people for saying obvious shit until they learn
>>637970 why bother recalling not like you could tell
Kirara, the Cat
>>637971 lemme just stop these involuntary processes ill just destroy my brainstem
>>637974 there's only one way to stop this behavior for good we need to address the root of the problem. breathing
>>637974 are you sure she meant the sneeze and not the handling of the sneeze like don't sneeze into the air
Kirara, the Cat
>>637976 i sneezed directly into a tissue we talked about it afterwards and related it to the interpersonal problems she's having in her life
you sneezed into a tissue and then you were her tissue to sneeze her psychological distress into
Kirara, the Cat
damn,, that's deep
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>637969 there is a big snacc complex in the middle of it surrounded by gates
Kirara, the Cat
>>637980 have you been to vegas airport, McCarran? it's like a damn mall but a mall with CASINOS
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yee i been poor gambling addicts can’t escape it anywhere! buyslootboxfromchair
>>638007 I used to wear my headphones out and about but they've gotten way too degraded in recent times for me to want to wear them in public too often. In the end though it's a pretty short-term annoyance though. Ears warm up fast once out of the cold. I can't brush my hair out once it's dry or it gets comedically poofy so cold ears are worth the nuisance.
They still get cold though, of course.
Also I'd rather have messed up hair than frozen ears. Maybe you should think about your priorities.
Dressing up for the cold isn't about looking good, its about staying safe.
you need some email with a code in it If you have the game card, you have to redeem your points first but I bought it straight from the store. It's automatically redeemed and people are saying that the code could have been distributed super early like around the time that you actually bought the game. But I'm not seeing any kind of email about it anywhere.
I don't even see the email where I BOUGHT Smash Bros Ultimate which is leading me to believe that I might have deleted it and a bunch of other emails in that time period.
If you have the game card you need to register it from the main switch menu
I don't I downloaded it My points were automatically given to me so I could have gotten the code within like a day of buying the game or something And I'm not seeing it at all
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah that sucks
Kirara, the Cat
maybe you can contact support? i dunno how it works
i'm curious about the context i tend to be very patient with how people communicate via text because it's not intuitive to follow the social norms in fact i generally detest texting and don't really like to judge people much on it over voice or face-to-face comms
i did end up choosing proud mode but it feels like it's easier than KH2 and BBS proud maybe I just got better at vidya or something >>638064 flynn is a good boi don't muscle in on his territory >>638068 when hearts are consumed by darkness they send their vestiges of light to a dimension of holy power so basically jehovah's witness thing
Kirara, the Cat
what's a kingdom hearts sounds like a Jehovah's witness thing
if you just open your heart to our lord and savior Yozora you can escape becoming a shell of a person and losing your heart to the Organization
god damn first I hit a fox and then I nearly hit a bird of prey this is the most animals I've come across and it just happens to be when my dad lends me his car
>>638098 just don't hit a moose and fucking die >>638099 there's cats and dogs running around my neighborhood every time i see them in the street it scares me a bit
wow im a little surprised you thought of it there was a minor collision, not a major one, with a truck full of fish yeah and when the collision occurred, hundreds of fish went flying off the cargo and onto the road everyone was fine but the fish
what an ichthy sight i've never seen a cargo spill as far as i can remember at least not in person anyways at least it was biodegradable cargo
I saw a bunch of escaped chickens on the way home a few days ago. that was an unusual sight.
my kitten is in heat again god damn she won't shut up
you gotta be kitten me
i aint even lion
did you manage to get Piranha Plant jan?
yeah i played around with him a bit last night got his classic mode cleared and got some lucky wins online he seems pretty good but his special attacks are kind of gimmicky his regular attacks are all pretty fast and do decent damage though, and his recovery gives great distance but leaves you open if you don't go to the ledge
i think he's pretty fun to play but it's hard to gauge how good he is
the down special definitely seems like the most unique attack he has, you can angle it if you start it in air to charge up and chomp people from across battlefield stage length and it gives you hyper armor while charging i got rekt by somebody online who was good at it
I seem to be getting more shifts as of lately before this I was getting like two shifts and at least one of those would be cancelled because of something weird with the trucks maybe I'll actually have some savings for a change
nope 9 4 at the beginning 5 at namek, 6 when goku arrives back, 9 at android saga after 3 year time skip (+1 year in time champer) so physically 10 16 at buu saga after 7 year time skip
and uh goten and trunks are 13 and 14 respectively in db super at current timeline don't look or act like it
>PS4 hooked up to monitor doesn't output sound through hdmi and monitor's aux port >have to plug pc speakers into controller for sound that isn't from the monitor wtf sony
on everything else i've plugged into my monitor's hdmi i was able to plug the speaker aux into the monitor aux and get sound but the PS4 won't output sound to the speakers through the monitor but why
Also >no sony console ever has supported plugging headsets directly into the console for audio
>>638219 yeah but the monitor i'm using HAS speakers so usually plugging an external speaker into the aux port of the monitor will work just fine it does with the switch and all other systems but not either of my ps4 or ps4 pro
i guess it doesn't matter too much because i'm not trying to use this stupid controller that dies in 3 hours wirelessly but it doesn't make sense
it has been -5 here for past few days and because of that, all the beautiful icicles fell from the yard lights the heat melted them off faster than they could refreeze poor icicle they had just reached 1/3rd of the posts height
i'm going to max out at like 10d12+22 on melee i think plus maybe 2d10 or 4d6 or whatever the fuck the final form of strength of the gods gives i forget
regardless my max hit would still be less than 150
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Secret Hitler continues to be an engrossing game
Those kinds of games make for good party games. Mafia is another one like that.
>>638277 soil bomb stronk it would cap at 210 with 1d6+5x3 per lvl
quite fucking nois dmg
even currently its min dmg is 40 well actually 45
god i wish the 16+ chain would drop to 12 on epic etc
Woah, so it wasn't roto-scoped? Or I guess it could have still been and these are just the post-filming storyboards.
Kirara, the Cat
Yeah, I think it might be legit. I'm not sure. It doesn't look rotoscoped from the line animation.
>>>/watch?v=tjiHufVEc7g This has heavy spoilers for every Kingdom Hearts game before the third but it also does an amazing job of putting EVERYTHING ABSURD into context. My friends had me watch it before we started KH3 and it actually kind of helped me understand what exactly was going on. As far as ... you can understand what exactly is going on.
>>638395 >>638394 it looks the same as the finished ED almost exactly i guess the rotoscope feeling was just because they expanded 20-40 keyframes per second to even more frames or just stabilized it one of those moves had 47 fucking frames
the animation was awesome either way though idolshit take notes
Knowing them, probably. They got contacted at a convention they were selling art at by the devs, in person. So I imagine AL offered them some kind of commission or whatnot.
nice! maybe they'll get to work on more official stuff
>Invasive lionfish are turning up in state waters from the Panhandle to Fort Pierce with ulcers deep enough to expose muscle tissue and researchers are so far stumped as to the cause.
>>638416 Oh no the G-virus escaped quarantine and is spreading.
Kirara, the Cat
speaking of which i started RE2 remake yesterday It's honestly amazing It's legit spooky and gives me anxiety especially when Mr X is following me and I'm trying to find a place to hide
>>638416 that's fucking scary >>638419 I loved RE2 as a kid wonder if I'd like the remake
I've been watching a play-through of the game and it looks pretty solid. Keeps the -most of the iconic mechanics of the game while updating it to a modern engine and doing away with some of the dumb stuff like the static cameras. I don't really know about scary but the visuals sure are grotesque and unnerving in that aspect.
Kirara, the Cat
there are definitely some spooky parts the dark hallways can be pretty spooky especially the first time you go through them it's pretty survival-y which is great ammo is pretty scarce you can find stuff to craft it but that's scarce too and it can take anywhere from like 3-10 headshots to take a zombie down and sometimes they get back up anyway the lickers are really good at sneaking up on you
overall it is really good im gonna go home and play some more in a few minutes im on leon's story, in the lab right now
i still have clair's story and then after you beat a story, it's supposed to unlock a bunch of new stories where you play as side characters or something for a little while
they redesigned the police station and lab so even if you played the original it can be hard to predict what's gonna happen outside of major story events
>>638422 re2 had kike like 2x claire 2x leon one or two ada and tgen several extras i think total 7 or 8 if they have them in the remake, would be neat
Unless you've pre-ordered before something like this week, Metro Exodus on Steam, the game now is in a ONE YEAR exclusivity deal to only be on PC on the Epic Games launcher. This really deflates my excitement to play the game. Maybe they'll put it on sale when it finally comes.
But what the fuck Deep Silver.
Kirara, the Cat
looks like epic games keeps less money from the purchases than steam that's probably why exodus is going to be cheaper on EG than it would have been on steam
idk this seems awesome to me albeit they should have set that up earlier
>>638425 Fundamentally I don't want to deal with multiple programs to handle stuff with large libraries like games. It's annoying. If I'm forced to maintain a program for the sake of running a single game I'd rather just not play that one game. Secondly, Steam's cut of games sold decreases as games are more and more profitable. This might make Epic Game's launcher more appealing for indie producers that aren't making millions of dollars in profit, but for a Big Deal game like Exodus, the improvement in profit>>638427 Can you please let me finish before interjecting. I was getting to that. in profit becomes rather negligible once you consider how spurnful gamung culture can be towards situations like this. Sales and interest also tend to for the majority, drop off steeply after the first few weeks of the game being out, as new games constantly come out to distract attention. Maybe the renewal of interest will still be there in a year once the game comes out again on Steam? Maybe, but that feels like a particularly unsafe bet to go with a platform which has a drastically smaller consumer base. Steam's cut also does drop to 20% for games of profit over fifty million though.
There's also other concerns, like Epic Game's launcher's security breach that allowed eighty million accounts to be accessed by people without them needing the password, or that their refund policy is without the guarantees like Steam has and ultimately is up to Epic's discretion. And that the launcher lacks some rather nice features to have like offline game launching from the launcher, cloud saves, and anti-cheat support, among others.
It's a lousy competitor for a market that predominantly doesn't -want- a competitor amongst consumers and the fact that one game I want to play on it is exclusive on it for a year does not sway me in favour of it and only damages my excitement for the game.
Kirara, the Cat
epic games gives bigger cut of the profits than steam's highest cut tier eg keeps 12% and steam at best keeps 25
Epic Games are the producers for Fortnite, who've used the explosion in popularity and funds from the game to produce their own game launcher, a la Steam or Origin or whatnot. One of their biggest selling points is that they only take a flat fifteen percent cut from profits of third-party games as opposed to Steam's that starts at thirty and decreases depending on the profits of the game.
Oh wow I precict them large success like Origin and Uplay
Kirara, the Cat
>Epic Games itself recently received an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau. lol yeah i guess this does suck
I mean I don't want to wank Steam too much because thirty percent as a cut is really asinine and is probably in part to blame for the increases in game prices over time to where they are. And they have a lot of shit on -that's their fault. But at the same time you've got stories like all the people who got Subnautica for free on the Epic launcher and needed technical or similar advice support, only to find the Epic launcher has no forums or means of means of easy communication for games in that fashion. So they all just started asking on the Steam Subnautica forums.
>>638432 reminder that developer/publisher platforms ALSO sold their games at "market prices" when they get to keep 100% of the selling price
speaking of vidya I gotta say that the freeze boss fight in arkham city was damn cool
damn solid game, though there are some boss fights where the bit clunkier controls become key elements and then it becomes bit "DODGE" or "CAN'T YOU AIM BATFREAK" the fact that dodge roll is direction+jump+jump and not just direction+jump already makes it slower and well less accurate to do
also some boss fights are kinda annoying, in the sense, that when a next stage ebgins they just suddenly throw a thing at you, that you basically can't predit and dodge on the first try ever so you then die and then you restart from that phase
so it is kinda weird to have it be not that punishing for failure, but at the same time have challenging bosses, on the hard difficulty atleast
I had a pretty busy week, too. I did like 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday, and then 15 hours Mon-wed. And then U // I had a meeting about whether or not I get to continue in my program or not today.
My week was pretty busy too! Though it was filled with less work-heavy things, hah hah.
Well, it's the first meeting I've had with them where they weren't talking shit the whole time. I guess they're finally realizing that I actually am doing things properly Or they think I'm "getting better". Even though they only think I have problems because someone tried to sabotage me and because the program chair is high all the time.
>>638478 Data on attitude change. It'll be self-report survey data, from a pre and post intervention test. There will also be some questions related to a vignette I'm giving as part of the intervention.