>>639329 kale doesn't seem all that appetizing to me but sure I'll take it if it stops the chaos hemorroids >>639327 looks like this album is on youtube I've seen it floating around on the internet before so I might as well give it a listen
>>639330 it's pretty good stuff I like that track and zero pharaoh a lot
>>639453 i still love this album even though heart in a cage is kind of ruined for me since I used it as a ringtone once never changing my default ringtone again
yeah that's a no-no best to keep your ringtone to default or to something you feel neutral towards possibly
i went grocery shopping and only bought vegetarian things i didn't think about it but now i have no meats i have beet burgers and vegetable burgers and black bean patties and tofu and a lot of that kind of stuff
go find a bunny and eat him
it's not easter yet
the early rabbit gets the worm
what the heck there's a crane fly in my backyard an adult one i didn't know they would show up this early i guess it's been warm enough for them to get confused
poor fucker is gonna die in like a day without mating it's gonna get freezing tomorrow
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m gonna KICKSTART some grow your own meet in a PETRI DISH kits meat wow this campaign is off to a rough start
don't worry we can just reel them in with the stretch goals quick name-drop your most prolific acquaintance
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
uh uhh uhh wiz khalifa!!
harness the power of six degrees of seperation
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>639494 grow your own meet n' greet luncheon learn
>>639498 you can't spell JULIAN ASSANGE without AN ASS JUNGLE
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh hey that’s not bad at all
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i hear he doesn’t like feed the fish in his aquarium or something? so embassy staff does it instead i forget
you should tell him that when you nervously shake his hand and he asks who you are
do you know who i am? do you KNOW who i AM?? please does anyone know who i am i can't remember
>>639502 I think he has to do it now or he's grounded hmm where is this article
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>In order to safeguard the sanitary conditions of the Embassy facilities, Mr Julian Assange and his visitors will conserve the cleanliness and hygiene of the bathroom and other spaces that they use inside the embassy. For the same reasons, Mr Julian Assange will be responsible for the well-being, food, cleanliness and proper care of your pet. If the pet is not given due attention, the Head of Mission will ask Mr Assange to deliver the pet to another person or an animal shelter outside the Diplomatic Mission.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>639504 the self seeks to put itself back together but it was never whole to begin with
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
at least that’s reflection on my own ego/identity thing who am i? a pile of habits
uh, yeah, uh, can i get, uh, one McAmnesia please uh, and a side of McBattery and a large probation
okay sir I've got a delirious combo with a mcbattery your total comes out to five phenazepam please pull up to the second window and thank you!
>>639508 i think im somewhere in the corpus collosum subroute, caught in the crossfire of two state systems dynamically conversing
>>639511 okay thanks just make sure you guys don't cum in my food please my doctor says i need to cut down on my intake
>>639513 i can't control what the frycook does he has erected a cement barrier locking himself inside the kitchen we can only receive the food through a small hole
>>639534 I don't like the sound of this. Are you going to go hurt someone? Obviously don't confirm if you're going to break the law, but also, try not to get hurt. If you need help, I'm here!
This morning, my boss asked me if I wanted an extra eval, so I said sure, and she was like, "ok it's at 1:00 today" and i was expecting it to be next week or something I found out yesterday there's an audit by the Department of Corrections tomorrow, and I need to do some paperwork today, but I can only do that paperwork at the other office which is 40 minutes away from here, so now that I have that extra eval, it's going to be more annoying to get that done Then my client showed up for a different eval, and last week, I couldn't get him to do the MMPI because we were out of answer sheets and lo and behold we're out of them again so I had to give him some other testing I didn't plan on giving him and bullshit about how he'll have to come back one more time to complete the testing so I didn't give him the excuse that we're out of MMPIs twice because that would make me and the clinic look bad Also my boss texted me "Hey... when you meet with your team let them know clinical meetings is not a time to catch up on electronic records" I don't have a team, what does she mean by that, is she saying the other students here? and why is it being put on me to do so, am I perceived to be dominant over them? Or did she just have texts open with me already?
Also I might have been able to get through the new eval quickly and head to the other office but a drug screen suddenly got added to my schedule for right after it, so everything is a total mess right now.
I think I'm just going to take the L and have a bad day. At least it's only today that all this is happening, so it'll be over soon.
It's a good thing I took kratom this morning and brought some with me in case I need to re-dose.
Right now, when someone gets a felony, the judge makes them get a psych eval usually after they get out of jail/prison, and we're contracted with the DoC to do those evals. If we recommend treatment, the DoC pays for that person's therapy, which is awesome. I really like that part of my job. But I don't know if the contract would be ending because DoC doesn't think we're doing a good enough job, or if because my clinic doesn't think it's worth the work. So I'm worrying that if I don't get that paperwork done this afternoon, it might be a factor in that contract ending, but I don't know anything that's going on.
Are you out of kratom? I couldn't find all mine so I ordered more, but then I found it. I hid it somewhere and forgot where, lol
ive only got white left and im not enjoying the white so much it's not bad but it doesn't do anything really fairly weak as a stimulant and the white doesn't do anything for my bonemeat
also i didn't even know about the audit until yesterday so i haven't had time to prepare even though it's an annual audit so i could have been warned in advance
>>639560 yeah i don't get much out of white i get better nootropic effects from green and green gets rid of the background noise in my head better too
im back to sedating was like three weeks benzo free then my mom called couldn't handle now i can't shake it again so frustrated good luck with your work it sounds like you are busy
That fucking sucks, it's so hard to get off stuff after you end up back on it I hope you can manage to get off it again soon, let me know if I can help
Yeah, but the only thing I can do until 1:00 when my next client shows up is work on a report. So I'm, like, super busy, but I can't really get much of the work out of the way, you know? It sucks.
ive been so overwhelmed with intense pangs of guilt lately that i can't live without heavy sedation can't take my antidepressants or anything
i feel really isolated from my colleagues because they haven't lived lives full of suffering and they just don't think about the world in the same way people like us do like they don't know how it feels to keep muddling on with all that weight and guilt and pain most people don't it's really isolating
yeah 1 2 cry
>>639565 It's not even necessary to have lived a life full of suffering. Like I haven't dealt with hardships remotely as bad as yours but I try to at least empathize and understand my life isn't a template for which all others operate under.
>>639567 Yeah, that's fair. But at the same time, I feel like you're able to think in a similar way to me because you've suffered too and seen others suffer at a pretty intimate level Maybe experiencing a lot of suffering isn't necessary and just proximity to it is? I don't know I feel like suffering drives people to think more philosophically or abstractly which is really the problem I have relating to others, they just don't have that proponsity // propensity to think philosophically and examine the world or themselves
For me it relates to empathy a lot. Being treated unfairly or being dealt a rum hand or being plagued with constant feelings of //scrap that last one. Those things are powerful lenses through which to understand other people's struggles.
It's also hardly failsafe, some people draw inwards with their hardships and refuse to try to empathize. I think others will also be fueled by those events to narrow the concreteness of their worldview and not consider things very philosophically. Or be mistaken that the absolute view of the world they now have is some kind of philosophical epiphany.
I dunno if there's a particular route to being able to understand the complexity of other people's feelings and means of handling that, but it does feel like it's not something you need to go through a particularly special experience to achieve, to me at least. Being a human bean is hard work.
My motivation to do almost anything has been really, really bad recently. Which is especially a problem because there's a lot of things building up that I need to take care of. But between some poor sleep and this time of year generally being really hard for me psychologically, and probably maybe running out of SSRIs, it's been hard to care enough. And that in itself only makes fixing the problems harder. Spirals are vicious thing.
Did you get an appointment to get a refill on your SSRIs?
Maybe next time, you can get multiple prescriptions in case you can't see the doctor before it runs out? I usually see my psychiatrist once every 3 months and get 3 prescriptions. Although my medication is stable and starting SSRIs is a process of adjusting dosing and occasionally changing the medication, so I don't know if extra prescriptions is feasible for you.
I still need to call to book an appointment. Which is in that pile of things I need to take care of. So of course being an unmotivated sack is making it hard to do. Low motivation in addition to general phone anxiety is difficult. I should really, really do that though.
Something that helps me when I'm overwhelmed by a pile of shit I have to do is making a list and just set one or two things per day until I'm up to date. That is, if there aren't deadlines. If there are, sometimes I can set the days up based on deadlines.
It helps me feel like I have a lot more control and then I can just chip away at the pile over a week, which is slow, but slow is faster than getting stuck.
Yeah, maybe something like that would help. Lists are kind of intimidating in their own right on a whole. Like why look at it and see all the stuff that's hanging over your head like some kind of Sword of Damocles when you can just ... not. Maybe I should cut up all the things I need to do and put them in a hat and draw one out each day, hah hah.
Yeah, they can be. I don't really like lists, but I've figured out that I need them. They really help me stay organized.
Pretty much. I have a fundamental struggle with keeping focus and track of everything that should be done.
I think as far as pre-cooked, frozen for preparation foods go, I think my winning type is dumplings. Like they keep really well and cook easily, and taste really, really good for how little effort they take. And you can even season them in the pan to accent them even more to your taste.
something that always helps me when I have a lot of shit to do is to ignore it and get nothing done again like the trashcan i was born to be
I don't do this often enough but pre-heating my teapot by letting it fill with hot tap water - or well, rinsing it out more accurate, seems to really make the flavour of the tea better. Maybe I'm just false positiving it though.
>>639592 note the announcement in discord if you cant look i work until 730 the next like four thursdays but considering how late we’ve been starting anyway i figure things will be ok as long as everyone’s there like they are now and not there as if i told them to be there at 730 if you know what i mean
>>639597 just tell everyone to show up at 19 and by the time you are home, peopel will actually be there xD
Apparently I'm really popular with the teenage girls in my juvenile substance abuse group I was late for group because I had to do that paperwork and when I finally got in, everyone was like "Matt!!!" And one of the people who was running it when I was gone said everyone was disappointed I wasn't there and said I was their homie
kyaa matt he’s so dreamy god i want him to diagnose me
were it not you and florida that almost feels like it could be one of those “and everyone clapped” kind of things
>>639605 They've got a hankering for that #Mattitude
The start of a new week is particularly exhausting for me this semester. Combined with the dreariness of winter it really makes me wish I could sleep forever.
There's a foil candybar wrapper that's been sitting on my desk lamp's switch, that's activated just by touch. But the foil conducts the touch sensitivity through it so I can turn on my lamp without actually coming in contact with it. It's kind of neat but I should probably chuck this wrapper.
One of my colleagues, Pee-chan, actually, did an intake for a client where we work yesterday, and then the client went home and at some point between then and now, killed themself. themselves even
Pee-chan was really upset about it, so I was trying to comfort her, and the first concern she said was that she was worried she might get sued. She said she felt guilty about it, too, but that came after worrying about being sued.
Does that seem backwards to anyone else? All of the times someone I worked with killed themselves, my major concern was that I failed and someone died. I never really worried about being sued until later.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>639625 Yeah it does but I get where she's coming from. She probably didn't really invest herself in caring about the patient very much since she'd only just met him. or maybe she'd say the same thing if a patient she knew well killed them selves too. or maybe she's just trying really hard to not think she failed
>>639625 A bit. But being sued is probably a much more immediate and understandable concept for her to wrap her head around, maybe? Where as the emotional concerns of guilt and failure are probably more abstract and potentially difficult to wrap -to not use the same turn of phrase two sentences in a row. But it's a much more complex concept to chew through.
I'm not judging her or anything, like, I don't think it's a big deal that she was concern with herself first, I was just wondering if it seemed backwards to anyone else. She seemed really upset about it overall.
There could also be a temporal element to it. Like, and sure this might be kind of cynical, but guilt and failure as emotional damage are awful, but maybe she knows she can get over them? But being sued could potentially screw over her future for a long time if the monetary damage is severe enough. It's a big ball of things going on I bet.
I think you would be grasping at straws if you tried to sue someone who had so little experience with your loved one
You can totally sue them. Part of our job is to create safety plans with suicidal clients. If, hypothetically, she knew the client was suicidal but didn't address it and create a safety plan, that would be negligence and she'd be in trouble for it.
Of course, we have liability insurance, but still.
it's possible that she only shared that information first she may not have necessarily felt scared of being sued before she felt guilty
I might be wrong but I think people tend to share more practical issues they're facing before they're willing to share emotional ones I try not to judge too harshly when people bring up stuff like that de // due to that belief
i used to wonder why people were so dependent on pets for companionship when other humans existed but then i found out that humans are shit and now i want a dog
dogs are pretty great they'll never betray you until they eat one of your things I have cats though because dogs cooperate with the police too much
finally beat world of light a few days ago last fight was pretty neat but I'm still garbage at this game
Kirara, the Cat
jan apparently got the second highest score he's ever seen in classic mode he's so good
is Jan leffen?? world may never know
Kirara, the Cat
oh it's the lunar new year or chinese new year or whatever it's called
>>639659 I still need to get through the last boss rush. It's a real pain on Hard mode. I can get through most of the bosses but eventually the accumuated damage gets to me.
year of the PIG
Kirara, the Cat
oh no not the piggus
waito piggu >>639663 it's rough on hard yeah I used great autoheal to get back near 0% between bosses
Kirara, the Cat
im tryna git gud at RE2 remake im bad at video games but i got my time for Leon A down to 4 hours 3.5 hours is s rank on standard difficulty idk where i can cut time off though yet
on hardcore mode S rank is 2.5 hours it's ridiculous ill never manage that
I find it really neat how the modern Resident Evil games still try to include arcade shooter-y mechanics like that into the experience. Like you can play them as proper immersive experiences and ignore the stuff they'll grade you on by the end of it. But you can also play them seriously like that and have fun being a vidya game master.
Kirara, the Cat
if you beat the mode where you play as Hunk, you get to play as a piece of tofu that only has knives
I haven't played REmake but RE2 was really all about knowing where to go and when while you just dodge all the zombies >>639669 tofu looks so funny one billion knives
Kirara, the Cat
yeah if i make a checklist of steps i can probably do it i went off memory for 4 hour and i didn't reload when i died so that cost me time i know it cost me 10 minutes at least with the super tyrant
Oh yeah Rook did you see Wargroove is out now?
yeah, I'll probably get it eventually but Feb is looking to be a really expensive month for me car insurance told me my premiums would only go up about $5 a month but I'm paying like $400 more per year than I was in Tennessee lol and I have to save for that trip to Whistler maybe sometime in April I'll buy it
Yeah, understandable. I've got a fifteen or twenty percent off coupon for it on Steam because I bought Starbound waaaay back when. It's only good until the eighth so I'm kind of on a timer for that.
But at the same time my nostalgia for Advance Wars is making me really want to get it on the Switch. I'll probably end up getting it for PC because of that discount and pick it up on the Switch later if I'm enjoying it.
Kirara, the Cat
the next game im gettin is metro exodus unless you count the REmake dlc stories on the 15th
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>go to check when EOX was coming out since it comes out in February >ships in 2-5 weeks on amazon what why >release date: 2/5/2019 oh
new etrian odyssey? >>639674 portability has me leaning towards switch but either platform would be fine that map editor is neat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah, I was playing the JP version and made a /moe/ crew but there was a slight EXP curve going on and my interest dwindled plus, you know, JP text only.
guess I'll buy this
>only you can see/hear/understand me, protagonist
>>639677 Apparently you can even put in your own cutscenes and writing. So more than custom maps there's potentially outright custom campaigns. That's a really, really neat concept to me.
For whatever reason Tilde, the local wizard in the EOX /moe/ crew, was doing less damage with MAGICAL SPELLS than ToS, local cutest hero and team leader, for about twice as much MP. It was really bizarre
AND that's with weakness factored in AND a passive that buffs weakness damage
>>639681 There's some crazy core strength you need to pull off these kinds of performances. It's always impressive how powerful people can be.
>>639680 oh shit that's awesome not long until someone just straight up remakes advance wars on it though unit spawning seem // seems to work a little differently, you can't move through buildings unless you're a flying unit >>639681 damn that jump was really impressive
>>639680 considering how long, as in still active, say amnesia custom story community is that kind of option is damn good for longevity
with that in mind, I wonder what game can handle most in-game units atm? some strat of course, but wonder which supreme commander prolly is a top contender, handling upwards of 500 units, firing their projectiles at once coming to tens of thousands of things moving on the screen at once
sucom:forged alliance could handle up to 2k per player, though you needed quite a powerful computer
The end-game horde rush at the end of TAB easily has thousands of zombies on map. And by that point it's probably easy to have a few hundred units to your own army too. Plus stationary turrets. And these statistics are from my own choice of difficulty, and I've never strayed into the insanely hardcore difficulties which advertise truly ridiculous zombie numbers to throw at you.
I guess the one thing the game doesn't have going for it is that the only units who have visible projectiles are end-end-game units so you usually don't have many of them anyway. But you'll have hundreds of other units providing you don't stupidly lose most of them mid-game like I constantly do.
hmm total war games can do 40 units x 2 on map with each unit being able to be thrown t some 400 strenght at largest size and those 400 units could fire their projectiles at once and the game might be able to handle it?
Hmm total war prolly with a powerful enough computer gets the "most units on map" rome 2 that is, since it has the most advanced version of any CA engine
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
dorf fort can almost certainly have more units on map than any of those games
anyhow I wouldn't include any games like that nerdtrarsh into it, since it runs really differently than well examples given above
I purposefully left out total annihilation, since modded, it can support upwards of 10k units per player and the modding is basically just removing the "unit cap" from the game
Modded content is kind of silly to take into account because at that point, any game that involves spawning units can technically compete with other games. And it only becomes a competition of whether the engine or your specs can manage it.
>>639713 that competition happens to be what we're talking about
and that really was my question from the start what game has /can support most units on the map, units in this case being real time moving animated objects. without going "boob, error 238947 has occured"
and this is why I included projectiles from TW and sucom/TA because they are units too, animated objects that interract with the world
Honestly whether you're playing a strategy game like an RTS or a simulation like a city builder or Dwarf Fortress, the game engines probably aren't the chokehold. And //Computer hardware would probably choke first.
I dunno have you ever fired thousands of fire arrows in any TW game? the engine just chokes
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
real time boob simulation
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>639719 well dorf fort probably has a maximum of like 9,999 per cubic unit of map space
>>639720 I've never played a Total War game, but if the engine isn't shutting down then it's just poorly utilizing the resources the PC has available. And your question was, as you said, which game can support insane amounts of units/assets. What I was saying was, once you get an engine that knows how to create and monitor units to that degree, you're reaching the point where the chokehold isn't the engine but the computer's resources.
In WC3 when you have enough units in them ap, the engine chokes out and the units start to lag in their animations first movement, then combat the engine has around 120 per player hard cap, and after that it basically divides the 120 "animation power" on say 200 units resulting in units that don't function asthey should and once you go beyond that things get wonky like models breaking up or starting to fuse
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>639721 ah yes Dead or Alive what a great fighting game series.
>>639724 Indeed, but most games have a hard cap set as a default to avoid these issues and those that don't are simulations that basically rely on either you figuring out what your computer can handle or you just do really insane shit, like int he space simulator game whatever its name was
and that first line is my question, what game without modding has the largest amount of units you can field, well it was originally. and I think total war rome has that you can push unit size to "ultra" which is about 3-4x the normal, pushing the average unit size to 400 and with 80 units in the field that is 32k units
by no way most computers can run that, but it allows it and the engine can do it
Pretty much yeah. Putting in a hard cap on units and assets on map at once is an easier implementation than ensuring the engine knows how to monitor ludicrous amounts of them without exploding.
Even TAB, while having no hard-coded limits on units, does have the functional limit of only being able to produce as many units as your in-game resources can sustain and will only generate enemy units in numbers dependant on your difficulty choices. So while there's no hard-coded limit there's definitely a finite number of units you will see on the screen at once providing you don't cheat. That's still potentially an absurd number I'd believe.
For example sucom2 hard caps you at 500, for that specific reason. When sucom1 and expansion came out, most computers out there couldn't actually handle the default 1000 unit cap or even 10k /infinite unitcap the engine could, but no one could run them well actually not even the engine could ,eventually you'd have too much shit on the field and it would just go boob
and here is a fun issue the new upcoming three kingdoms total war will have army sizes cut to like 1/4th of what you could have in rome 2 or total warhammers
We indeed live in fun times, when each successful installment in a video game series has LESS features than the last atleast when it comes to creative assembly
>>639731 would be fun to know the exact max number of zombies the game will spawn at you at a given time ofc, easy way to get over these kind of issues is "infinite wave" where units only appear when some die
this is how blizzard games handle maps where you need to have thousands of enemies, but the engine can only support hundreds
and waves ofc are much harder to defeat 10 waves of 100 enemies is harder than 1000 at once since that 1000 can be defeated with aoe /with a less number of aoe shots than the waves
>>639734 As far as I can tell the waves don't spawn segmentally. What I assume is the case is the maps that generate extend far off the range you can see with the camera. And the waves will spawn in full in that range outside the map before pathfinding towards your command center. This does give a slight perception of the waves being seemingly endless towards the end-game but that's just because there's a fucktonne of things coming at you from offscreen.
yeah but you ever think about how fingernails are teeth for you hands?
so the whitebits on then ails are then lips for your hands?
>>639737 But fingernails are made of the same stuff as hair so does that make your hair teeth for your scalp?
>>639743 would I ask you that, if I wasn't lazy enough to google that?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
teeth are bones
and what else is made of bones SKELETONS YOUR MOUTH IS FULL OF SKELETONS
>>>/watch?v=CTvqsXWTlVY >>639748 no your teeth are controlled by the sleeping skeleton inside you that's why sometimes it bites your lip he's trying to break free
>>639757 apparently it flew through lower house with something like 380-80 votes for needs to ofc pass through upper and some special legislation board too, but if its support in yhe lower house is any indication of the political class of france it will pass
i just got a youtube advertisement about how a woman should kiss to drive a man crazy and it's narrated by a man too there's a lot of issues to consider here
how to kiss in order to induce dementia
Who'd narrate that one though?
i would
I got // vote ron howard
How Ronward
ron howard marches ronward
>>639808 how to kiss to induce tonic clonic seizure
>>639947 >>639950 >>639951 Naw if you delete ohio, it will just be a gaping hole n the crust leading straight into the mantle a 40km hole laeding into magma and shit
Etsy https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-02-07/police-use-phone-cracking-powers-home-affairs-consultation/10780996 these new laws appear to be panning out very well /s
>>>/watch?v=S6H1qskbEIg Beastars is getting a 3D CGI anime from the studio that did Houseki no Kuni. They seem to do a good job of getting some kind of weird series to adapt.
The provincial service that provides funding assistance to university students apparently will just bypass the individual student entirely and put the money you're granted towards paying the university your tuition fees, hah hah. I went from owing the university tuition for four classes this semester to having nothing on my balance with them. That's kind of nice I guess.
Yeah. I didn't have any appointments today, but I basically ended up training some of my colleagues that are starting at the clinic I work at. I told them they could ask me anything and it just turned into non-stop questions. Plus only like four people know about that suicide thing and I'm one of them so I'm acting emotional support for that. Also people are still talking about how much those kids in the juvenile group love me which is still weird to me. One of those kids is also pregnant and I'm worried about it, but I was talking about her pregnancy with my supervisor and I realized I'm having a ton of paternal feelings towards those kids, and now I want kids again. Also I have a bunch of work for a research team that I can't put off on the undergrads which is annoying.
>>639989 Did something happen or is it the normal pain?
>>639988 i think i had a seizure this morning god everything hurts just so much more than it ever should like a full body concussion
Kirara, the Cat
>>639990 do you have any bruising or anything? like did you fall i mean or is it the after-seizure muscle pain is your head okay?
yeah the muscle pain i guess i must have been asleep i woke up really really in bad shape and tried to go back to sleep headache so bad i can't bear being awake had to unclaim a lot of work i had set up for today too
>>640001 left is "harvest moon" right is "leftovers poutine" poutine in the style of like holiday leftovers i presume, with stuffing and green beans and mushroom sauce harvest moon is "Cider braised pork shoulder, maple butternut. Bourbon apple jam and collards on garlicky gritz" i thought of you with the poutine
Feels kind of elaborate for a poutine, hah hah. But I've had pulled pork poutine and chili poutine and butter chicken poutine before, so who am I to judge. Mushroom sauce (gravy?) sounds more suitable to it than any of my weird ones. The Harvest Moon one is a pretty appealing list of features though.
>>640025 I hope you can catch up on your work. Being overworked messes up your productivity a lot.
Yesterday was really stressful, I had to run around all crazy to prepare for an audit and some other stuff. One of my groups is a juvenile drug group, and it's full of teenage girls, and for the last few weeks, I've been complaining to my colleagues that I have trouble with them because I don't understand them at all. But yesterday, I was late for that group, so I had someone else run it until I got there, and when I got there, everyone got really excited and was like "Matt!!" And after the group, the person I had run it for me told me that they were all really upset that I wasn't there. And now I feel really weird about that because I've felt totally disconnected from these people, but apparently they absolutely love me, which is weird and sort of uncomfortable, but also flattering? Also one of them is pregnant apparently even though they're only 17, and I'm worried about that. I realized today that I'm having a lot of parental feelings.
If it helps with your discomfort any, even 17 year old girls don't understand 17 year old girls. I don't think it's really that possible to connect with a moving target like that, if that sentence makes any sense.
>>640028 Well, the discomfort comes from them being so fond of me, not that I don't understand them. Although I was really surprised to hear they like me because I never really got that vibe from them, and I'm the kind of person that assumes everyone likes me usually.
Me, being a 25 year old, adult guy, having a bunch of girls 10 years younger than me being really upset that I'm not present at a group is just uncomfortable to me. I told my colleague it's probably because I'm the only reliable adult male in their lives so they just latched onto me, but they didn't buy that theory.
>>640033 These teenage girls are different from young girls! I understand a maiden's heart, but these girls are far from maidens! They're girls who tried to show one of my colleagues a video of a teenager having sex with a dog. They're not maidens at all!
The one that is pregnant at 17, she already had a miscarriage, at age 14!
it's nice to know that if I ever run into anyone feeling down about them being fucked up, I can always direct them to Kirara so they can hear about people who are way farther on that spectrum
One of them tried to show me provocative pictures of a teenage girl on instagram, too. I had to explain that I'm an adult and I'm not interested in children, and sharing that kind of image is extremely inappropriate. I managed to avoid seeing those and I avoided the bestiality thing, too.
I wish I could adopt these kids and raise them properly. They need proper parenting. Their parents are all super drugged up all the time or in-and-out of jail. For drugs. Most of them use drugs because they're trying to escape the horrible situation they're in.
Even the girl who got pregnant is excited to be pregnant because it gives her an opportunity to move out.
>>640039 Yeah, but this stuff is on a different level.
My paternal feelings towards them are annoying, too. I don't usually like to work with kids because I get really paternal. Also I want kids really badly. I wanna have some kids right now.
fish is also kind of mad that i'm offering emotional support to pee-chan right now but it's not like it's anything weird i'm just listening to her talk basically
now that i know they like me i'm gonna call them out more when they're being dumb as shit
one of them was talking about her boyfriend who is a drug dealer and i was like, you're on probation, is that a good idea? what do you even like about this guy and she was all "he calls me his girl" and that was it i should have been like, wtf you are the dumbest motherfucker
I was really mean to someone the other day, Monday, for some reason. I'm not sure why. I felt really bad about it so I had to go apologize. I don't think they were mad at me about it, though.
I dunno. Sometimes I'll have a good dream about Fish and I'll wake up in the mood I was in in the dream and I'll continue on with it even though obviously she didn't experience my dream.
I really hate those ones, though just recently I had a dream where I finished my day went to sleep and began dreaming and the dream was normal enough untill I realised it was a dream andw oke up from it and then went to start my day, but realised I was in my former appartment so I woke up from that in my current one began to start my day, but then weird shit began to happen and I woke up from that too and then was real confuse fora while
and then to mix shit further on, the very next night I had a dream where I headed out to stay few weeks at a cabin in the woods, and i encountered a "living" suffed winnie the pooh bear that was stalking me I captured it, filmed and shit to prove it and eventually woke up from that dream went to my phone, only to notice that all the pics and videos were in the phone and the winnie the pooh from my dream was in my bead and then I woke up actually
I get a lot of dreams of what feel like real life when dreaming. Though I'm sure if I remembered all the detail after waking there would be obvious discrepancies. But during dreaming and after waking there's such -in the first few minutes after waking there's such a vivid feeling of it being normal life that it's kind of surreal.
Which is why I somewhat enjoy being sick, as then I dream a lot more fever dreams are the best
apricot juice was not a good choice of juice to buy
I'll bet
That does sounds like the kind of thing that would be miss or hit pretty heavily.
>>640076 sounds some kind of health fad if you ask me
actually it's not that bad I guess aftertast is a bit pungent >>640079 I don't see it
I dunno how well I'd take to it. Maybe it if was blended into a multi-fruit juice but it feels like the kind of thing I'd have a hard time enjoying as its own thing.
>>640080 few years back here, lots of "creative" juices were sold as health juices overpriced ofc from fucking sauerkraut juice to just carrots but there were some weird picks there indeed, so solo apricot juice reminded me of those.
Well the liquid from sauerkraut is known to contain some very healthy compounds. Sure not panacea-healthy, but there are good reasons to drink it. Of course there's also good reasons to not drink it, namely it being SAUERKRAUT JUICE.
also the sauerkraut juice was well horrible
yeah but it's just fruit as a juice weird fruit to pick maybe but not as noteworthy as sauerkraut
>>640083 yeah they were all genuine as in high vitamin etc content, but still they weren't any healthier than normal juices but the sheer insanity of what they stuffed into bottles kept them around for a year or so I think there was a full SHELF like 200 types of them at one time
but the sauerkraut etc were basically just meme/joke ones to basically get people intrested in the brand the other stuff is what they expected to sell dunno what happened to it, the brand isn't around anymore, but I doubt the company died
I might aim to move out by the end of the month hopefully I can get my stuff together >>640092 or how moderately hot it is the cold months don't come until june
>>640091 Lucky. I've still got two months and change before I can expect mild temperatures. And it's still a fair ways off 'till summer.
I'd prolly have to pay 4x the purchase price in taxes to use it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
EU thing?
Finnish thing
to use acar in finland, you have to have it registered in finland and to register a car in finland, you will have to pay all the car taxes so say you buy a car in germany and pay all the germoney taxes and it costs 100k (a luxury car) bring it to finland and suddenly, to legally use it, you will have to pay areound 150k in taxes to get it registered
Darou? is why luxury cars are rare here, cause no one even imports them here they cost around 4x the market price compared to central europe, due to our ludicrous tax system on vechiles >>640126 a lot
Another fun finnish thing is that if I go to germany and buy 100l of alcohol and then come back I don't have to pay any extra money for it but if I order them from a german company or even a finnish company to do that I will have to pay not only the attached alcohol tax, but also customs for it
this is actually against several EU directives, but they know we will never make it EASY to buy alcohol
>tfw you are about to go to slep but then get bothered by "huh did this character actually have different hair style or at the least different hair accessories in every episode of the series" and start checking it out, conclude "yes, yes she did" and then question what thefuck did you jsut spend 10 minutes on
>>640126 like 6 to 12grand is reasonable for new ones
well that's for a good one you can ride a pile of trash for a lot cheaper
you can get a shit one for like 800 bucks I'm sure i would be buying the shit one personally
Night Oh neat Marsh posted pics of the summit he's on
I've been getting the frustrating feeling of having a feeling to want to do something but not knowing what a bit again recently. It's an annoying dichotomy of having energy to put towards an activity but no actual will to do any activity that comes to mind.
yeah I get trapped in that feeling a lot I'm not good at breaking the cycle
It went away for a while, but I don't really know what solved it. I got really busy for a while, which probably helped since it's hard to lack a direction to put energy towards when there's so much you need to. But it might also be the effect of the SSRIs I was taking. I can't really remember if I was actually doing anything during that time though.
oh this feature actually works on firefox >>640297 y'all still sell the McAneurysm? nvm actually the double combo sounds good lets do that
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
why am i drinking wine on a weeknight lmao
just a wee knight
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
drinking wine and watching some apex legends
drinking champagne and it tastes just like coca cola c o l a cola
>>640300 new shovel knight dlc explore the weedknight stage and get the pipe item makes it really hard to remember why you were fighting all these knights inn the first place
twitter videos aren't loadin for me right now i saw another post commenting on this too
I did mention that but my graphics card is also fucking up too I think
>>640307 i didn't find the pepper shaker one to be that hard the sautee one or whatever was really hard until i put the gourmet bracers on >>640311 >>640312 it works for me on chrome/win8 and chrome/android
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i wonder if i need to upgrade the twitter integration or something
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
weird maybe my ad blocker is actin up or something
>>640323 started off with a bit of a generic leg but it's gotten really great again after the first bit of rehashed content mob went ???% again and it was bad ass
I just got Welrod finallllllly I've been trying to get contender forever though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>640347 for armored I used UMP9, NZ75, Springfield, Nagant, and uhhh Tar-21 For regular enemies I used Ribeyrolles, UMP45, Scorpion, uhhhhh P2W lady and Makarov
>>640344 I've never been more ready for it all to end in my life man >>640341 the combat and the general gameplay in each world is so good the story finally tying everything together is cute too the Caribbean was AMAZING that ending movie after you beat the boss might be my favorite cutscenes
>>640349 Oh I forgot Pirates of the Carribbean was disneyverse that's pretty cool
>>640351 I guess if you've already beaten the game I'm just waiting on Jan to finish before I can start gushing about it. I have a lot on the mind about the game that I haven't really had anyone to talk to with.
>>640353 I been trying but didn't work out Decided to just do leveling in 4-3E
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>640356 because of which kh games I have played, there was a bit of closure in that final sequence that really really really resonated with me and I was super happy about it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>640357 yeah that's what I did to get through 1-4 and now 2-1
I haven't beaten aaaany of the games, I've only played part of Chain of Memories. But my friends had me watch a good enough summary of Kingdom Hearts before we started playing three so I got the gist of the long scope of the plot.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>640360 ah well then my games were CoM and ReCoM, then KH2, then 358/2 days So seeing the Roxas, Xion, and Axel stuff come together was really 'fuck yeah' for me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh and I watched my boy tietuesday play througha fair bit of 1 and CoM is basically just '1 but not'
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
AND I read a synopsis of all the games too like there was an article or so
Kirara, the Cat
>>640359 you got AUG yet? hope you been saving up surplus xp bc one of the phase 3 things is use combat reports
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>640364 Yes AUG and I can save up my current combat reports Since I'm not leveling currently
Kirara, the Cat
oh you're going hard im at 1400 points
AUG is pretty much one of the best ARs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean I only have like 20 I've been using them
I'm at uh 1980
yeah Aug just buffs everyone so that's pretty solid I guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Not including her other perks I mean The fact that she has a support everyone tile skill mixed with not being a gun
>>640370 I didn't play much of kh1 when my friend had it, but I played a lot of 2, so when I had a ps2 I played 2. and I started BBS once on emu but didn't do much with it
https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/eas-head-blames-marketing-development-delay-for-low-battlefield-5-sales-1203129986/ >7,3 million copies >almost half a billion in sales >disappointment
Kirara, the Cat
>>640403 game is normal time tonight, yeah? and then subsequent ones are new time?
This lemon honey ginseng tea could taste a lot more of lemon and honey. If only my bottle of honey hadn't turned solid and was too much of a pain to pour out. I don't really have lemon or ginseng readily available though.
It was like half-off in store though so not really a heartbreak.
don't you hate when you get a bruise on particularly annoying part of your body I've had this bruise on my knee for lke a week or two and it just rubs me tge wrong way
>>640449 I guess I was lifting the orders close to my body and when I went to put one down my dick got in way so for like half a second I had the weight of two soda can packs on my dick
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm just confused as to how you managed to do this without having your dick out. unless you were like wearing sweatpants or something
that could be it it's not like I'm a grower or shower either
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I think the moral of this story is don't wear sweatpants.
I opened a game before eating dinner but laid down to nap shortly after eating and forgot to close it. So it's been running for like five hours. No wonder my PC didn't put itself into sleep mode at some point while I was laying down.
>>640478 Comes with some DLC weapons that can be picked up in Nero's levels randomly Alternate title screens, some DLC music from previous games, and whatever "an upgraded weapon" means for cavalier? i guess it probably hits harder or something i doubt it's just a red recolor
>>640484 oh yeah, wonder who the black emo kid is was he dante's kid or has Vergil been around more than just Nero
>chad Vergil vs virgin Dante
that is actually true in devil may cry 3 most likely...
dante doesn't even know what sex is he just wants to eat pizza and kill demons
wonder did he ever bang trish that would be damn awkward
i worry a lot i dont know whether it's necessary worry or not but i worry a lot that's about it i have some beet burgers with homemade tomato basil garden cheese
are beet burgers just a big slab of beet or do you make it into more a burger texture somehow? the cheese sounds tasty, I've never made my own
the beet burgers are premade, frozen i havent tried them yet i was going to but had no appetite i think they're probably beet-based with soy and other vegetable texturing to make them burgerlike they're not just a slab of beet although that would be good too beets are good, just like turnips
cheesemaking is pretty fun i think you'd enjoy it
I gues you'äd have to run the beets through a blender or something to get them mushy and drain some of the liquids
i think you could just dice the beets andpack them into a soy paste
hey yuu, can i ask a question? i guess ive never thought about it do you read mangos or are you anime only?
I bought some chocolate Smarties from the bulk store earlier today and the bag ruptured in my bag on the -in the time since buying them. That's the first time it's happened, how annoying.
>>640508 well it's better that they ruptured the bag and not ruptured your stomach right? gotta look on the bright side also thanks but i dont think it makes any difference
Doesn't cost me nothing to try.
Well I'm just hoping the ones I picked up from the bottom of my bag won't rupture my stomach. There probably isn't anything toxic in there though, hah hah. It's just a small hole too, so I'll probably just use it to get into the bag and keep the proper opening tied shut.
have you read my lesbian experience with loneliness, t? it sounds like a lewdie but it's not it's a really good mango
Yeah, I might not have read all of it, but at the least I've read most of it. It's a pretty short collection of chapters if I remember correctly though, so there's a good chance I got the most if not all.
I remember the first or second tankobon was getting a bit of spotlight when I was in Japan a couple years back. It was a neat, unique piece.
a second volume came out recently it's actually so good i cried i think you'd appreciate it, though i think most guys probably wouldn't i think the new one came out this comiket? im not sure if it's -- no it's a comiket thing nevermind my roommate went to japan for comiket and came back with it though i believe
Well the first volume would have been selling around the Comiket I was there for, so that checks out. I only saw it in Toranoana though. Some people who set up at Comiket, even in the non-corporation halls, can put out some really high-quality books though. Like not just quality of story or art but physical quality.
i know you're watchin animes so i'll stop being a bother now thank
Well the show at the moment's not too engaging so it's no big deal. I'm used to multitasking during anime anyway. I don't really respond out of obligation.
It's just been a while since I read Lesbian Experience so I'm a bit fuzzy on the particulars. But I do remember the feeling of enjoying it. The style was unique and I remember the main character being unabashedly a depressed sack. Which personally is really easy to relate to. A lot of the panels made for good image bites for posting places, or just as succinct mood expressors.
i beat the DMC5 demo a few times now, I'm satisfied with how Nero's gameplay feels compared to DMC4, so probably gonna preorder that big fat deluxe the devil breakers seem pretty situational, though Punch Line seems imba for racking up both damage and style compared to the other two in the demo gud gam thanks capcom