Also I may or may not pass out before finishing. I got three hours of sleep last night and I've been up almost ninteen hours, chunks of that fighting in the craziest snow storm I've seen in weeks. Seriously I got my umbrella out on the first walk because the wind was literally whipping pellets of snow into my face with winds that felt like -27C. It was not fun.
We'll hurry so you don't pass out! dororo okay lets start!
I promise to stick around for at least three shows but after that we're rolling dice. You all could watch Pastel Memories anyway if you really want to.
I've got to be awake in like five hours again anyway for another early-ish class.
Also I might be a bit sketchy on showing up this week because of the Kingdom Hearts party that my friends are actually running pretty much all week long.
GIVE ME FIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >>637674 So how was the Oh I guess it's still going haha
Damn that's an intense dedication
These girls have been waiting like ten years for this game. There's a sheer energy they have that's beyond crazy.
That said we only got like half an hour into the game because it unlocked at midnight and I caught a ride out at like 00:40. And a goot 85% of that was cutscene anyway.
I have too so I can feel it I need to pick up my copy though
The third in the series (and like eighth in the full series) came out at midnight. After TEN (10) YEARS since Kingdom Hearts II. To say there has been anticipation would be an understatement.
The swordfighting in this show is so nice. And this crazy guy has a super cool sword.
I guess Hyakkimaru has his nervous system back but that still doesn't matter for his fake limbs.
I wonder which would be a worse thing for him to get back, his eyes or his arms. He relies on his spirit-vision to fight but he's also trained in the way of fighting with his sword arms.
>>637697 I think getting his arms back would be easier to make up for You can learn how to use a sword a lot easier than you can learn to not sense demons
>>637700 And the old doctor did train him in how to whack things with wooden sticks as a kid anyway. So there's probably some old habits in there. Where as he's been blind from the get-go and would have to pretty much learn how to understand sight.
Oh it's one of the Claw's old clowns.
Yeah of course the only not-really-an-esper won out against them all.
Oh shit. Reigen sure is pretty intelligent when he wants to be.
This guy's sure going to be disappointed. Mob's whole life is based on not using his powers unless really needed so it's not like anything really needs to chance. Change even.
>>637719 yeah this seems like a really bad gambit I bet he's going to have some kind of revelation when he realizes the most powerful esper tries to pretend he doesn't even have powers
Also those words of his about a change of perspective completely changing the world. Those seemed to be arc words in the trailers for this season so I guess we're kicking off the main plot for the season.