Thread #636282
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Boogiepop Domestic na Kanojo Doukyounin wa Hiza Egao no Daika --Episode 3-4 Cooking With Emiya Grimms Notes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka To Aru Majutsu no Index W'z
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Send up the Ikasignal.
Ika might be out for the night.
>>636285 >Doukyounin you monster
Don't worry I fixed it now.
at least i remembered this time
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well i have everything on the list pretty much except emiya
I guess we'll see once Rika checks back in.
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If we don't have ika, what are watching?
Well he's pretty whatever about Mahou Shoujo Asuka, and we could do JoJo's or Index maybe. Yeah I was gonna say Boogiepop's an option possibly. Stuff we should save is Domestic Kanojo and possibly Index. Other stuff is maybe good. Either way he'll probably catch up regardless.
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I want to watch boogiepop does he like that show?
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I do have to go to work in an hour or two, so what are we watching?
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I'm downloadign things but I'm not sure what to watch without Ika. mahou shoujo and index maybe
I'd say something like Mahou Shoujo and Boogiepop, maybe JoJo's. And then maybe Rika and I can do the last episode of Cooking with Emiya.
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mahou shoujo ijay lets start!
mahou shoujo squad
Mahou Shoujo Spec-Ops
>Just Cause
Man having a mighty-morphin' magic gun sure must be convenient.
just put mana in your bullits
Oh that's an unpleasant way to die.
This old war buddy of hers is a little yandere for Asuka.
Everyone in this show gettin' PTSD.
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>>636309 best girl is too genki to get PTSD
Kurumi realizes she has a partner in gay-crime in the tomboy.
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ah kurumi has a mahou shoujo site backstory
Well hers isn't as atrociously stupid as some of the stuff from that series.
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This has been kind of a slow episode so far. oh but there are maids
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>>636314 yeah fair enough
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is that the biggest bed or what
I think she just likes sleeping on the floor.
>>636320 the whole floor is a bed
The world is my bed!
oh no tomboy's dad is gonna get got
Megane-chan's pretty metal. Trying to get over her fear of the situation by doing stuff like that. Oh she didn't do a proper dive though.
>>636325 it's a leap of faith
>>636326 Shut up Peter.
>Eighty-hour weeks She probably isn't even all that wrong.
>>636328 that's only like 11 hours a day
just work every single day or work double shifts 5 days a week people in america do that too
Or just don't work at all.
Oh no she's gotten targeted now. At least it isn't because of Asuka. Probably.
and starve to death on the street
>>636332 she probably got targeted because of her dad asuka is a bonus
Yeah, the man's question was pretty indicative of that. It's an unfortunate coincidence that it also is gonna drag Asuka into this again.
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jojo okay lets start!
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Wow, they 're gonna cut off her arms! Or maybe it's a trick and they just implied it.
Bento Oreo>>636338 Or maybe they do but they MAGIC the arms back on.
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Maybe she'll become a magical specops girl too oh god that was squishy
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Oh yeah this ended at a crazy moment.
Even when dangling against the side of a moving train these gang stars still find a way to pose.
Oh shit Bruno well-played.
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>>636343 it's easier to pose when you're magically locked in place from THE ENEMY STAND
Geez fucking louise.
Hah hah hah. He has some pretty crazy eyes now.
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he's got eyes as crazy as his fucking neck
I'm still no good with this guy's Stand though. Stuff that burrows under the skin is pretty visually revolting to me.
yeah it's pretty disgusting
Wow Bruno you've become a pile of pieces.
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I want this guy with the chin? to die
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>The fact that I'm not doing anything right now shows my resolve Me in a nutshell.
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it's around 5 minutes, number six just stop wigging out
Why is the only narrator we get for this chunk of the episode this annoyingly high-pitched bullet.
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Wow he got lucky
>>636356 because he's the sixth and final bullet the last resort it's pure pottery
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Oh good he's gone now.
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Well I guess not being able to ride the train throws a bit of a wrench in their plans to get to their destination.
>Katakana says Baby Face >Subs say Babyhead Well I guess we know that's a Stand name then.
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hmmmm I don't want to do too much more because Ika will not watch anything we watch without him
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fine by me. I gotta go to work soon anyways. thanks for anime
Ah RIP. I'll keep them from watching Boogiewoogie without you Jan don't worry.
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bye jan
>>636367 Emiya?
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emiya okay lets start
Cookingu THIS should be the final episode of the series I believe.
There's this weird universal constant about VN music that no matter how corny or lame the VN is, the music track(s) composed for melancholic or retrospective scenes are always spot-on.
>Rider doesn't like the cold Greece doesn't get a lot of snowy weather after all I guess.
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I guess this will be an everybody episode if it's the last.
Wow TWO (2) meals in one episode.
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Gotta go big for the end.
Casual Rider is a pretty cute design. Her Holy Grail War outfit is a little silly but these are cute clothes.
This was a cute series. Not as energetic as Carnival Phantasm but still very nice. I'd like to see more stuff like this.
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well thanks for anime! see you tomorrow probably maybe
Well have fun if you're too busy entertaining the bottle.