Okay. So when I bemoaned that these adaptations never use the female route, Kirara neglected to tell me she shows up in the first few seconds of the episode. How negligent.
Looks like she gets killed too. It's probably one of those things where the series flashes forward and makes you think she's going to die but she really doesn't though.
This show was comfy last week. I hope it will be again.
heard this was anime original again
I wouldn't be surprised it if was all anime original. KyoAni does this a lot with their novels they chose to adapt. They take the LN concept and work it into a fresh piece of work for the animation. Chuunibyou was the same way, and I think Kyoukai no Kanata was too.
Violet please you don't need to announce whenever someone isn't telling the truth.
Wow her parents don't even understand how they're brute-forcing this. I mean I get in their youth it probably was culturally fine to marry off the kids. But you gotta keep with the times.
i thought it was something more serious this is kind of stupid
It's tough being a mentally-damaged person in a world designed for people who can function normally.
Violet is cute though.
i thought the guy would do something loveydovey before she left
>>407566 Not everything in life follows lame romance cliches like that. Some times when someone says they don't reciprocate your feelings, things stay that way even after you go away. The guy just didn't like her romantically. Such is life.
I don't think Hotaru is necessarily childish. She's just kind of autistic.
I won't deny she's kind of autistic, but she also does a lot of the childish stuff. Her, Tou, and Coconuts' dad all did the "I want to go out and run in the typhoon!" skit.