>when you're drowning in hoes and just want to hang with bros
>when your connection is so bad that you can't upload an image to start a new thread for two minutes and someone else does it >when you can't post reaction images to show how you feel
do eggs have iron in them or why do they smell like blood
>>410637 eggs have a really small amount of iron in them i am not sure why they smell like blood maybe your eggs are not good
well if they're fresh eggs they may smell like blood on account of being from a chicken
maybe it's blood that smells like eggs then
there might be something in blood that smells like the eggs
Goddammit The o e goddamn time the fucking duplicate detector works.
it always works though
Hrrrm, I know there is something with it where eventually it allows a duplicate tto be posted. I might actually go check the github.
>>410693 yeah but no way is anyone gonna sell my linux for less than a dolla that's not even enough but i want the most people to be able to access dolla linux i'll put the best memes in it and everything
>>410703 It's okay. It's a reverse harem. Very typical reverse harem too.
If you're looking for something with a shoujo feel that's recent and good, watch mahoutsukai no yome instead. Not sure if it's actual shoujo in classification but it feels like it should be.
i feel like a lot of the good shoujo never leave the manga stage sadly
Can't speak for good, but I don't think there's been many adaptations of shoujo in general lately. There was a period for a few years where Production I.G. was putting out one like every two or three seasons, but that seems to have dried up lately. What have they even been doing lately.
>>410708 Bit a curious thing that maybe it is because shoujo in general doesn't sell that well and also isn't that merchandise friendly They do try to bring some into the picture but those don't usually do that well like that whatever show with the kid king and his wife to be who could sing rain
>>410716 i think it's just a style that lends itself to reading much better
Oh I guess there's that show about babysitting that's running this season. I could see that running in a shoujo magazine. But I can't really think of a proper, shoujo manga drama that's gotten an adaptation recently.
There are quite many sohjos that would work as anime, though Maybe it is just how the industry works
>>410720 how the industry works depends partially on how the audience works and there are some things people like to appreciate privately, not on loudspeaker through a television in the family room
that thinking is backwards those kind of anime aren't something that can do targeted marketing it doesn't have that kind of forward investment it has to -- oh okay you know what i was already going to say why don't you just go ahead and tell me then
Nah it exactly is the kind that has target marketting >>410726 the type with money that buy merchandise and the bds/dvds basically anime otakus in general anime too thinks of how to make profuit and the biggest profits a show an do is the merchandising
Well be done with it, yet explain why most anime shows are practically the same every season cause it works and is a safe and secure investment they know the niches and audience they are going for and know they will spend money on their merchandise and fujostuff is guaranteed to bring the fujopeople to spend money on it Now, what kind of merchandise would you attach to a shoujo anime exactly? >>410737 there is the formats and general tropes
>>410733 i'd be happy to explain shit if you weren't a rude fuck that keeps cutting people off
>>410733 As someone that actually watches most anime shows in a season I can say with some confidence that they are not "practically the same".
>>410737 practically the same to a finn!! everyone else just doesnt understand xd
>>410736 it is an imageboard no one is speaking on top of another
>>410743 when you pre-empt a post that's in progress to say "nah" then it's apparent that you've already made a conclusion about what's being said before it's said and knowing you, you're too drunk to finish reading the rest of it can you just stop being a bad poster
>>410733 There are formats and general tropes that exist for every model of media. As someone who I would expect to have read a lot of media I would assume you're capable of looking beneath common traits like those and seeing individual aspects that exist for pieces.
>>410745 yet you can still tell quite much about a series from a poster or such of course they are ment for that kind of purpose and exist here too for movies and shows too
>>410785 well nothing really exists, so that's an invalid answer! now i'm going to say it again even though i hate repeating myself, what do you think ghosts taste like?
guys are wireless headsets worth i keep tearing up the wire on my headset after like a year will a wireless one last me longer
I don't have any experience with the longlevity of wireless headsets. I just have a standing mic and some headphones I can replace the cord for if it ever gets damaged.
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
I have apple AirPods for everday use and they’re the best no more fucking around with tangled wires
>>410831 depends I only use wireless on my computer because of just that
If I bought new headphones now, I'd buy stuff that came with a charger wire though those come with the sad downside of "no exchangable battery" in case it breaks down I have ones that run on AAA charged batteries, so if mine ever die I can just buy new ones for it though i do have the downside that the charging stand is currently broken
i've had a corded pair of Sennheisers for just under 5 years now 558 HD's i had 515 HD's before that which lasted me 2 years, but i was much less careful and actually broke them by stepping on them
The jack on my mdr-v6 is bent because of being hooked up to my phone in my pocket, but still works. I've had them for like four years.
>>410842 I've got a pair of 598s They're pretty nice, but the headband is falling apart, so I'm not too happy about the make on them.
>>410842 they look very comfortable but i actually need a microphone i had a pair of sennheisers when i was like 16 and they lasted a very long time and were super comfortable
>>410831 I got a wireless headset recently. It's an Arctis 7. I like it alright.
the main reason i prefer seperate headphones and microphones is replacement, when one breaks you can more easily replace one and microphones are extremely cheap >>410850 steelseries makes good shit i love their mousepads i had a keyboard too but i killed it with beer
i should probably be a little worried actually, with these headphones reaching the 5 year mark a replacement pair is easily going to be 200$ and i don't think i can live without *at least* as good a set as these
>>410852 Check Amazon periodically. I don't know about down there but here Senn headphones go on sale fairly regularly.
These were a little pricey but not having to worry about a cord is nice.
>>410854 oh I guess 558's are old new now amazon says that the 579's are the new 558's, and prime has a good price on them but they're an ugly grey color
Yeah a bunch of this laundry really isn't dried properly. I don't get why no dryer I put my stuff through gets my stuff dried all the way. Maybe I just shouldn't put so much stuff in at once.
>>410860 that last line exactly happened to me at my last place where the complex had a laundry room with dryers eventually I just used it to just dry my socks and boxers and just hang the rest to the "drying room" man I wish this place had such facilities free washing machine is neat, saves you good amount of bucks on the electricity bill
>people who ERP in MMOs
>>410862 Honestly I should probably just do laundry more often. Waiting too long inbetween ends up with a tonne of laundry per load.
Well not everyone vacuums the backside of their fridge atleast once a year either
The way ours is installed we can't. Although the vents are in the front so its fine.
or cleans behind their oven EVER
i fixed our washing machine once it was kind of fun it's crazy how simple they are underneath the big metal shell
>>410879 well newer once aren't that big hazard anyhow but still there are cooling stuff in the back that should be cleaned out atleast biyearly in every model
cause if that catches fire or something, I bet that insurance companies will just go "nah"
I love my current washing machine it is just 100% mechanical when it switches between programs you can hear the gears click into places I just love that kind of simple old design no fucking digital shit no computer crap just gears and wheels
Also refrigerators used to kill people pretty regularly.
>>410886 nearly happened to me twice sicne I moved here well dunno if I would have died, but it would have atleast been quite a fucking experience tog et the fridge drop on me
>>410886 more than sharks, wasn't it I might be thinking of vending machines
Shark deaths are really only like 5 a year or shit attacks happen more oft, but rarely the victim dies.
You might've bbeen thinking of tthis. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/06/americans-are-as-likely-to-be-killed-by-their-own-furniture-as-by-terrorism/258156/
Those statistics don't apply to central europe anymore, I fear
what about you rei wanna watch men in boats?
oh wait you don't have comp
Plus I'm busy tomorrow, ibwipl spend some ttime ddoinh comp repair But a lot of that wwill be waiting ffor wwindows tto install literally hundreds of updates And then I have to do harddrive diagnostics
>$400 rice cooker >$20 dollar stainless steel saucepan
all you really need to do with a cheaper one is just click it on in the morning, though
Anyways in addition to children getting locked in refridgerators aand suffocating, early fridges used toxic and in some cases corrosive gases as their refridgerant, so if there was a leak it would leak into the rest of the house and kill you
Yet someone should explain to me, why would you want internet connected house appliances... also which lack practically all protection that your computer or your phone has not that phones have any protection on them by default
I just can't wait for first heat involved house appliances to come like smart toaster or smart oven and then someone hacks it and torches a bunch of homes for shit and giggles
Advertising's job is generally to convince people that they need something.
>>410917 It's nice to have the convenience of being able to turn things on remotely. In an ideal, tech-savvy world, these technologies would be provided along side secure networks for the users to interface with.
>>410924 I am not directly opposed to smart homes and shit I am just pointing out the complete lack of stopping to think for a moment and not caring about the security issues and so forth, that they just ignore nonstop The tech developers should take some responsibility for the shit they produce without ever telling the customer the risks or maybe they themselves havn't realised the risks they build more and more.
>>410928 It is such a fucking problem Like you have no idea It's a problem already, and even in industrial settings there are similar issues.
>>410928 They don't stop to think and they don't care because they don't know these security flaws exist. And they're not particularly receptive to being told of the dangers involved. A lot of people really don't get the concept of e-security. And trying to warn people like that of the dangers ends up with them not really understanding what you're saying.
>>410927 Yeah but this guy was particularly devious one figured out for example how to hack wireless heart pacers from quite a distance away not that that particular model ever got into huge use, maybe thanks to him?
>>410933 I'm familiar with that research. If you ever want some suggestions on places to read about that kind of thing just ask me.
>>410934 nah I did some research into stuff when I watched one ep of gametheory about overwatch ///watch doge and then just went "neat and scary and luckily I am not the type to get this kind of shit"
>>410935 Hacking cars is actually really easy Which is a problem
>>410941 >smart cars >in middle-east yeah maybe in dubai and shit also, nah they won't be ever reported on when there is a daily car bomb that kills 10-100
>>410942 Mossad will fucking get whoever they want to get
Also I don't really care about using it as an offensive spy tool I am more worried that governments use it on their own people.
>>410942 Also shit like that ddoes get reported >>410944 That's a good thing to worry about
Speaking of hacking stuff, one quite ingenius thing was a relay device for the cars that have "keyless doors" you can't I think still steal the car, sincethat requires you to plug the key in or have the key constantly present but you can atleast use it to open the door by boosting and relaying the signal of the key and then just grabbing everything that isn't pulted to it
So makes you think if we give this little shit about our device security just because markets drive and you can make big bucks what will happen when even more risky tech is spread around Robot revolution? graygoo? For all the scifi we produce, no one seems to ever heed its warnings
I mean you even have the black mirror episodes about the social media stuff and so on and people go "this is scary if it ever comes to pass" when at some level it already is bloody true
On a final note, you know what would be a cool game an open world game similiar to say gta, that groundhogs you for a day to up to a week constantly reset on death to the 1st day and then just go day to day finding more stuff that is happening and maybe finally influence it all like in the movie to get good ending and escape the loop or just dick around and see what all you can accomplish, when you know what will happen hard to make, but it would be a cool one >>411006 kinda
So, Majora's Mask but with actual open world to to advances in technology? I'd play the ffucl out of that.
I wouldn't of course have it in real time something like 8 hours for the whole week depending on what you are doing, say you are on mission then time wouldn't scroll that fast something like gta meets postal meets groundhog day
Oh yeah I heard from my dad, that during WWII my grandfather read the new york times cover to cover every day.
I really like it, but it's a pretty big departure from Worlds, in the way Worlds was from Spitfire He seems like he's going to be the kind of artist who reinvents himself in order to make new stuff, but it's great so i'm fine with that
He/his label/his fans are calling it Neotrance the genre, i mean idk about all that but it's good material, and very throwback
oh and at his only Virtual Self live set that I know of, he didn't play any of his Porter Robinson stuff, and he played an edit of a remix of boa's Duvet
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
this is very JRPG soundtrack i like it
yeah it's like DDR, JRPGs, and a handful of molly
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
~ Silent Princess ~
Ghost Voices is the track I've had on the most, it's kinda future house-ish there's 3 more ttracks besides these, they're pretty good i'm just hoping i'll be able to catch a VS show in texas maybe he'll play one of the Something festivals
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
i wanna see lauren one day ... looks like the closest they come is nyc
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
what are the something festivals
Something Wonderful and Something Wicked aare the only ones I know of, but I'm not really into that scene.
There was some paper in a pocket of one of the pairs of pants I ran through the wash. Now it's in shreds all over the floor.
yeah rei named them they're electronic festivals in the spring and fall themed after halloween and a midsummer night's dream
>Midsummer night's dream >In spring
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
you got an issue punk
I mean I don't fault them for not passing up a chance to go for Midsummer Night's Dream. But still.
it's mostly just the aesthetic of fairies and flowers and what not there isn't any direct reference to it and that's actually just my own way to sum up the description
Ah I see. I guess there really isn't a good way to work May poles in to a decent reference. It can't be helped.
For the first time in like...three or four months all my laundry is properly folded and able to be put away. Instead of just being hung and dumped anywhere I feel like putting it.
Maybe making my room less of a slum will make me feel like not being in such a slump. As if.
I know that feel. I should also do some more cleaning and sorting
I need more drawers.
Or less shirts.
the correct answer is less shirts but the correct answer is rarely the easy one
Honestly I could probably give a bunch away. Much of my wardrobe is over five years old; I don't throw anything away until I literally wear holes through it or out-grow it. And since I'm done growing the frequency of stuff clearing those requirements doesn't happen often. So my wardrobe keeps growing because I get at least two shirts a year reliably because PEOPLE KEEP BUYING ME SHIRTS.
I need tto go through a box of old clothes and see if there's anything worth keeping
one of my favorite dj's is selling rolls of toilet paper with a printout of his twitter feed on them http://www.killthenoisemerch.com/shop/ktn-tweeter-paper
Are you going to invest in some functional shitposting?
Is it just my end? I type like full sentences and then moe catches up Sometimes I have to upload an image to kick it into gear
I press Done and it takes like half a minute before it stops being orange >>411086 Has been like this for days
I get that some times when I'm writing from my cell network. But my cell network isn't the most reliable so I've always attributed it to that.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
i don't know i wonder if you're not using websockets for some reason maybe i should just remove all the fallback connections
/moe/ runs perfect for me EXCEPT when i use "Choose File" and then drag and drop an image without selecting one and using the "Open" button but that's just me being retarded and probably has more to do with Chrome than anything on your end
also i guess it hasn't actually done anything in like 4 months or so
Aside from the issues with typing on mobile devices, I can't think of any issues I have regularly.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
i'm gonna try disabling all the other protocols, leaving websockets only hold on to your butts
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
if you can't post, try hard refreshing or send me an email [email protected]
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
let's see
Oh actually there is one other issue that happens sometimes. If I try to upload a png with a filename ending in .Jpg or a jpg whose filename ends in .PNG it gives me an error.
>>411107 It's feels like Hrrm Like posts will popup and be finished immediately A few did in the past fee minutes *few I can't quite describe it the way i want to, but there is a noticeable difference
Probably going to bed in a few minutes
Check em
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
Well, not yet but really soon. I had something I wanted to ask you but now I can't remember.
It was probably programming related, but also instead of being a genuine question it may have been a setup for a joke.
Anyways I told him about an album entitled "The Difference Between You and Me is That I'm not On Fire" And then he told me a story about a pair of identical twins he went to school with, and one of them commited suicide in front of her sister via self immolation.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
when it's actually fully off? the whole damn thing is off there might be a baseband that pings the cell network once in a while though that's like 'i'm the government and you're a terrorist' stuff though they wouldn't waste that on my stolen phone
Oh, no I meant just the GPS Like you can just turn that off via pressing a button on the lockscreen on mine
Though I'm using a non-default lockscreen I think
>>411143 wow lucky glad to hear you didnt get jacked ...completely did the police rush into his house
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
>>411154 hey you! what's up? they intercepted him using the live tracking feed in the find-my-phone app then they drove me over there so i could identify the bicycle and the guy
And then after the story he mentioned that people from his hometown just don't have normal deaths.
Anyways I have all sorts of stories about people my dad went to school with dying in strange/stupid/tragic ways.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
guy doused himself?
Girl And yes
In front of her identical twin sister.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
wow that's like the ultimate fuck you
He also went to highschool with a girl who later married a Finnish man and moved to Finland. She killed herself after being there for three years.
Imagine the mental trauma from that
Then there was the guy who fled from the police while drunk, because he couldn't afford to get another dui. He went over a bump at 100mph and crashed into the building where his (and my dad's) 35 highschool reunion was going to be held in a week. (he died)
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
test okay
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
how's the transition now? oh good it's cleaner
Seems cool to me
Oh also another person from his graduating class died the day of the reunion in the mental hospital that he had been in for 30 or so years.
Dore dore Ok it's less awful at least
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
but does the header transition colors i don't think it does
I can't tell the full story because the newspaper article could be found with some googling. But basically the guy did too much hallucinogenic drugs and got in a standoff with police.
oh yeah combining way too much hallucinogenic drugs with a gun culture seems inadvisable
Only one of his weapons was a gun.
What if the problem is too few hallucinogens
He was paranoid schizophrenic
Oh rip
And then the fun fact about paranoid schizophrenia is that marijuana and other drugs don't actually induce it in people. It turns out that they just cause it to manifest earlier in people who would have eventually developed it anyways.
Tomorrow I might look into the life expectancy for Floridians, and then also the cause of death statistics. I genuinely curious as to how it compares to the rest of the US.
I do like the song though seeing lyrics or anything like that will get it aught in my head
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
is that a good thing or a bad thing
il like to think of it as both
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
me tooo
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
will I be the strong hand keeping you safe or will I break you in half
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
when the pressure's building for a great white hope do you give up things that you love? and the pressure's building till it takes you whole can you go back on your own word?
It's lonely being sober.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
sobriety is a virtue
Yes. And everything good in my life has formed because of it.
But still - it's hard to socialise
at least in certain situations
being stuck around a bunch of dudebros makes it easier for me
ah that's right Rating would shift what you find hmm, maybe I can throw a level 1 on my team and just hate on people who are unprepared to face RES Gwen
If I rolled another Ike, I'd feed him to Ninian. Warding Breath would negate the downside of Lightning Breath. >Warding Breath, Lightning Breath+, Wrath Ninian
its sad that i took a break and missed two seals i wanted iotes and qr
Listening to music, how abut you? Planing on playing some League
what a coincidence, I am also listening to music also trying to download some movies, but they're old and unpopular so hard to get well seeded torrents sadly
Oh, I'll check the one you posted myself. They sound interesting. I'm planning on learning French since I want to know as many languages as possible Going pretty alright at the moment Anyway, I'll be in a match for now, and I'll probably answer when I'm done with it. Thanks for recs.
cool, I'd also like to know more languages, but I don't put in any effort to learn them I hope to work abroad in the future so I'll have to learn it which languages
I watched that one yesterday and it's one of the best movies I've seen
Any of you ever seen Delicate or City of Lost Childten? *Delicatessen
They were both directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who also directed Amélie. >>411369 I highly recommend both of them.
haven't seen either myself,
Another great fench movie I watched some time ago was RAW. very weird, but in a way I liked
Ah fuck, the Holocaust denier guy is running for congress near me. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-arthur-jones-congressional-primary-20180204-story.html
>he was iin a skokie neonazi march I hope he gets run over in a crown Victoria by people dressed up like the Blues Brothers.
I like almost all genres, so I'll check that one out as well
Hey Anon did you enjoyed the album?
yeah it was pretty nice I normally don't listen to music like that, so that was extra nice
Hmmm, do you like rave? Like, techno mostly?
I don't listen to techno much either I mostly listen to things like fleedwood mac and aerosmith right now but also to a lot of anime OP and EDs, but then the full versions also some electronic music like stuff from C80 and shit like that
Oh, damn it, I tought you were deep in Techno, wanted to link you this >>>/watch?v=5fE7c5mlioY
gonna listen to it anyway haven;t listened to a lot of techno, but most was pretty nice
also I can't get used to the new post submitting thing how new is that?
I don't know. I've been here for only two months, or tree
ah so a proper "newfag" eh also which movie did you mean by The Fundation? Having trouble finding it
Oh, no, that's a book. Is a Saga by Isaac Asimov, he also wrote Acually never mind the ''he also wrote'' part, I was thinking about Philip Dick that Bladerunner was inspired from
that explains it then
Yes, I'm new, but I talked to some anons in here that knew Bern, I'm from 2011 avatar threads from /b/
I've only heard stories about them Bern I mean, never heard of those avatar threads
They were a thing on /b/, back in 2011 and 2013, quite popular, Alice threads/Bern threads/Shrine threads, mostly people chatting using an avatar like in here
and a name/tripcode
sounds pretty clique like 2011 is a few years after I stopped browsing /b/ I think, but can't quite recall
watching Overlord 2 and Citrus also started Violet Evergarden, but don't really feel like watching episode 3 so far every time I think about it, I don't do it
>>411402 violet isn't really that good, but neither is it bad I mainly just watch it for the visuals
>>411404 yeah basically would be my only reason too Citrus isn't really good either, but yet I watch it anyway
Hmm, I tried to watch trending_upDeath March Kara Hajimaru fuck, it copied the name aswell. I tried to watch that and Ryuuou no Oshigoto! and didn't liked either.
>>411405 I duno how they do the manga, //anime, but the manga is legit trash tier yuri it is just taking the general tropes that make some series popular and stacking them all there without realising that not just having tropes doesn't make the series popular But it does the "every chapter ends with cliffhanger" thing well and has interesting enough "drama" that some less used to the shoujo ai/romance shoujo tropes wouldn't go just "nooope"
Yup, that's the title of the book, my roomate bought it and gave it to me, it was super interesting, finished it in like.. two days, I think. Really got me captivated
Also I'm actually a huge Asimov fan but haven't read any of the foundation books.
I can give you some recs later, i was (and still am) a huge scifi fan. But I did most of my reading between age six and fifteen.
Oh, sure, I would appreciate some recs, I don't have so much knowledge regarding the genre, thanks.
I would compare it to a soap opera you know it is trash, but it just keeps you watching nonetheless
>>411408 I have also read the manga and stopped reading it after a few chapters since it indeed is legit trash it's so fucking bad the drama is horrible and comes out of nowhere the anime isn't that bad so far really, just also a bit stupid at times
My biggest fault was that the characters aren't consistant at all they just serve to drive the plot, not act as actual characters that always annoys me
I gotta go Bbl
Anyone tried watching '' Hakumei to Mikochi'' ?
why aren't you watching it?
Because I'm deeply in love with the quality of your posts and I can't make time for that since I would miss them all
it is tough to be most loved person in the universe
Terrific rejoinder
that is a new word
>>411415 yeah I felt the same way it's more like they had a plot in mind and just mold the characters that way instead of the other way around the anime did that too where Yuzu suddenly decides to stop loving her iirc that happened multiple times in the manga too
>>411424 This is actually a quite common thing in bulk yuri and since yuri and shoujo romance use quite similiar tropes, and I have read my share of some quite clicheish shoujo I can say that it is too prelevant in them too. Of course overtime you learn to detect the "bulk" ones and avoid them
Well shounen and such have their own faults, and most generic is that everyone but main character exists just to react to the main character or vice versa in some school settings, the MC is there to just tsukkomi the waifus
Btw personal favourite thing of mine //temptation of mine is always to point out to peopl who say vice versa as vise versa and then if they say "latin is dead language no one knows how to pronounce it" to just retort with "yeah, but they didn't have K, they had C" "and that very reason is why many latin derivate languages have c changing between k and s" so while we don't know per se how to pronounce it, we know for 100% sure that vice versa is pronounced vike versa
another thing that is bothering me, is how more and more people say et cetera as ek cetera *setera why does the t turn into k?
I've never heard anyone do that that sounds weird af
I have especially in youtube
I think it is a verbal tick of some particular person and it has spread to everyone who has been either in contact with said person or viewed their content still odd
Does english language even have a lot of word shortening like etc or ie and so on like could you go aso and people would realise "and so on" or something like that "oslt"
cause finnish has a billion and one of those.
can't think of many, but I'm also no english native dutch doesn't have many either, just a few
But honestly speaking aside from internet discussion and early sms culture, no one uses "t." alone they make it "yt" ystävällisin terveisin, best regards I'd guess?
mmh well it is a shitposting thing anyhow outside of finnish circles the origin of it in internet discussions is basically someone dumping info or an opinio etc and finishing it off with "t expert on topic" etc like say a dumb about army stuff and finishing it off with t serving captain
And then people just generally started using it jokingly etc untill it got into 4chan too and then it became the insult like >>411438 so but is still amusing to see it get used like that, even if in actuality you basically say that you are that insult
In general in finnish boards, you can tell what kind of board culture there is, how the t. is used it is used to finish off a post by implying why you know about things, it usually is more civil board and not so shitposty but if you see the t. retard thing flying around welp.
I used to read and comment a lot on riemurasia, but then I just stopped at some point The drama kinda drove me away well drama users vs admins vs owners war rather and it was a long war like 5 wars to be precise
Imagine soemthing like 4chan being filled with only "we want to keep this site decent and this site only profits from us the users and if you don't respect us at all and just constantly shit and limit our freedom of speech and such, we will all stop visiting this" for 2 weeks some hivemind union
>>411452 But there are amusing things too like when one state institution went on a rampage about one whisky site having whisky on their social media the site added so that every sentence ended with WHISKY just to fuck with the censors
I love shit like that I've never really hanged out on dutch sites, just english gaming forums and later 4channel but I know of one technology focused forum that is still pretty active
the problems of the site always spew from the fact that it is also run and owned by Riemurasia oy *inc so it actually has a responsibility to make profit or atleast sustain itself, which at times causes clashes between owners, admins and shareholders if there are any outside of the original staff
>signed on 15.6.2008 my god this is an old account
registered on*
we're lucky Samurai Inc. doesn't want a profit on this site
oh yeah riemurasia "merryment box" is an euphenism for pussy
>>411459 500k registered users meaning not counting dual accounts on paper it has about 9% of finland's population imagine some other site pulling such numbers
>>411458 He's selling our data I bet Talk about x anime on /moe/ and later google adsense advertises you figures from the same show
>>411461 holy fuck that's insane I can t find how many registered users there are on that dutch tech forum it says it gets 4 million views a month, but that's it
>>411462 I do see something from googleapi on this site hmmmm
in the second map, the "never a straight answer" jokes about the eastern dialect speakers somehow being capable of giving an answer that means yes and no and both and neither and all of the above but none at the same time and then again it could be that it isn't exactly so
Phillip K. Dick Short stories: "We can remember it for you wholesale" "minority report" (well its somewhat long so might count as a novella), "Paycheck" "the electric ant" "second variety" "the king of the elves" >>411488 I prefer physical But generally for like light novels and math books and science books and comics i read them electronically because i acquire them for free
Oh, I have a question. Do you usually read books in an electronic format or do you prefer the other way?
Short stories continued: "The Orpheus With Clay Feet" "The Days of Perky Pat" "Adjustment Team" I'd recommend more but those are all the ones off the top of my head that I can remember the title of and what its corresponding contents are. I can think of a bunch of stories whose names I don't recall and names whose stories I don't recall.
Novels: "Ubik" "The Galactic Pot Healer" "Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" "The Man in the High Castle" >>411491 It's speculative fiction and has technology which more advanced than the existing technology of the time. Also I can definitely name PKD books that are even less scifi than man in the high castle.
you are giving out scifi but high castle is not really scifi
>>411490 I really wonder about the germans, though they are good at inventing shit for war and such but during peace time they seem quite bad at coming up with new things
>>411493 Don't use them, I read faster than people speak so it just makes it take longer.
Also the quality over quantity idea is good, but when you lack the capacity to produce said quantity. They would have fared a lot better had they just say produced panzer 3s and 4s instead of tigers or had gone down simple and mass produced STGs
Those are all by the same author, for the short stories I suggest checking what your local library has in terms of his short story collections because there will probably not be any single one that has all of those short stories. And feel free to read other stuff i didn't recommend if you check out a short story collection.
>>411495 who doesn't read faster than speech? even when doing intensive concentration slow immersion read that is still faster than speech
Well not all speech, but the kind of speech that is used for audiobooks and such
>>411499 There are people who do, whether it be due to eye issues or brain issues.
I am thinking of translating Tuntematon Sotilas, unkown soldier and subbing it at some point but damn is it hard to catch the dialog at times I wonder if there is a finnsubbed version somwhere or rather there is, but I just didn't bloody record the subs when I recorded this
Sure, I'll be sure to tell you my thoughts after I finish reading any of the book you recommended.
Oh also the island is full of flower themed body horror The only person who came back from the island had all sorts of tumors and the sprouted flowers. *they
That reminds me of Galápagos by Kurt Vonnegut I mean, the action is on an island
or Lord of the Flies Lord of
I've read that and they're nothing a like. I mean aside from being on an island. Also I'm currently talking about a manga, not anything by pkd.
>Officer, eh, when his head lines with that small hill, then death takes him. So I have decided for his fate and after that the rest will get their share. There they march in a row, them devils, having no idea what is waiting for you. Soon you shall see how Lord calls for His own, if they have sinned, forgive them Father, but do hurry, for they are about to arrive.
Oh, I tought that post was for me, didn't read the posts above
One of the more memorable scenes, where one of the main characters wipes out an entire company. Based on a true story, though in the true story it was two companies.
This is another good one time for a quick translation >you see this is how it is: if you start running, then you can run to the ends of the world, the foe will follow no doubt about that. But if you stay where you are and don't leave, what can he do? You can't both fit in the same hole. That is how you defend
>>411534 No, it is Väinö Linna which may or may not be a real quote from a finnish soldier in ww2
>for offense the strategy is like this. You run, you get shot, you run without looking and the foe gets you. No, you check for cover, you check for foes and you be quick, but don't rush. Aim first, aim well and shoot first. One second lead is all you need.