Oh and going back to napoleon, I gotta hand it to the british FUCKING PERMANENTLY MADE HIM BE TREATED AS A SHORT GUY WHO HAD HUGE SHORT STATURE COMPLEXES despite actually being taller than the average man of the time 100% successful propaganda, though mostly post-humous so makes the war what >egypt >sicilia >mediterraen naval fight >that one where nelson died >penninsular wars >defeating him wholly >waterloo >short guy 8-0
>>408748 Every investment would pay off with no risk You could manipulate it so that otherwise shitty companies become great by being associated with your decisions
>>408751 Basically it is like when me and sk tried to brainstorm how to use death note to make a war strategy that would result in complete victory and 0 losses
How do you counter a deathnote? Anonymous leaders?
Dnno, but what I mean is somehow using death note to make military strategists device a plan that results in 0 casualties as the rules state, you can't order anyone to do something that will result in additional deaths then just the person, so if you snap "make plan that will result in zero casualties" and order some general/etc to carry it out if they can do it, 0 casualties on all sides if they can't, new plan
>>408754 Basically the plan is You come up with plans, and when you have one you think is decent, you make someone order its execution with the death note If they can, there will be 0 deaths If they can't, they heart attack
and technically, at some point you should succeed yes or run out of commanders
>>408756 and best part is, that if you just heart attack + action, they will finish the action and then die and if no action can be done, 40 secs an death you can really rapid fire it too
I would've just used it to threaten enemy commanders >surrender peacefully or your name goes in the notebook
For example, how long after an action does the death note count? What kind of butterfly effects are we looking at here?
Directly caused by the person? Can they set up a bomb somewhere which, to THEIR knowledge, is always empty, which you then fill with people at the invitation of someone unaware of the bomb? Can you use it as a mine detector?
It could actually be interesting to write some sort of fanfiction novel where you just push the rules to their fucking limit on the death note, because even Light didn't go far enough
>>408762 >mine detector Write down "x runs around (field with lots of mines) " and time it so no one else is in the area and I don't see why it wouldn't work
Like look Say you NEED to get into a compound, right? But, you can not risk tipping off any guards at all Nobody can know anyone ever entered, at least not until way later
Death Note someone into taking someone with them, running through the minefield, going in You can use a bunch of people Whichever one dies somewhere NOT 40 seconds from where they were when you wrote it, they are going to use a path you yourself can use
>>408762 Indeed could you basically set up a bombing strike by having so many people take part in it, that no one particularly is guilty of it and then say detonating said bomb yourself thus you just have the pawns make and set up bombs and deliver you the remotes and you yourself actually do the killing
I think in terms of time bombs, they wouldn't work
In that case you just set up a complicated but simple enough chain of commands + additional people who would be "death due to action" but I doubt a clear "find a way through the mining field without being detected" would work unless you use the same method as the general thing just do it enough times untill someone pulls it
>>408774 At the moment L proved that Kira is someone and has limits he should have just dropped that and went all "Okay I ahve a god complex, NOW KNEEL" and kill like "top 10 troublesome world leaders and personas"
>>408776 Nonojnionoo now you made a powerful enemy just simply get on the good aside of the "good" world powers by killing their enemies and such but at the same time making sure they get the message >>408780 anno domini 2018 with surveillance device in your pocket? QUite easily
>>408776 This brings me to: Can the death note order someone to NOT do something which would prevent deaths, if they were going to otherwise?
>>408778 How are they gonna find me, all I'm doing is a heart attack every two years >>408778 >block phone camera with tape How are they gonna tell with my phone seriously They don't know the DN exists All they know is their presidents keep dying every 2 years
>>408782 But I mean Say this new president, as his first order, intends to just end all the war Just like that Can the death note order him to do something else and just hang out for a few weeks?
This is just the natural result of all super natural media The author never really goes deep into it, cause they're trying to tell a story with a gimmick, and a lot of the audience wants the gimmick with a story
>>408789 It is the problem of one author per story and setting only stuff where they have multiple people working on the lore and setting and shit over a long period of time can in the end come up with Just compare like Warhammer stuff to star wars or other short lived scifi or well star trek too
>>408791 Also without IP authors don't really make money out of their works though how in the end most of that goes to publishers etc is pure shittery, but gotta feed the artist
enforce copyright only when someone's trying to make money on it
It'd be easy for the DN author to just do a series of twilight zone esque one offs involving different people getting a notebook in parrallel universes
well fuck you cloudflare >>408795 >>408797 Just do an anthalogy or such where you let other people write with your IP many sols do that bloody oft so why not do it with some more serious stuff there wre some blackjack anthalogies like that and even a mushishi one
That is a weird idiom too cause up untill 20th century everyone was practically always "under the weather" or maybe it just refers to being miserable in the rain
there are some really weird sounds outside it sounds like some people playing the bongos but like, someone that actually knows how to play it and it's not coming from anyone's house and i can't figure out where the sound is coming from they're so loud that they have to be close but i can't find them
Well the end of the world isn't just boom only sign would be the so called rapture but that isn't per se mentioned in the revelation anyhow even after the horns blare, it will take a good many years untill the actual final end
Now I am bit bothered cause I doubt the revelation even mentioned gabriel being the one to blow the horns come to think of it, did the revelation name any archangels by name? I should reread it
Hey mostly Kirara and Maria maybe since Maria likes things I like for no real reason I got bored and compiled most of the music I used for my campaign and slapped it into a pastebin https://pastebin.com/TABSzaqs
>Shin Megami Tensei Imagin Why'd you have to reopen this wound
>>408898 It would be mildly surprising but it's important to keep an open mind.
I have a statue of Gabriel
Angels are good at music so if Gabriel showed up with drums I would only be surprised about a literal angel showing up. Talented instrument playing, however, would be expected.
I just ate a piece of this fudge my mom brought home and it feels like it's going to decay me from the inside out what kind of abomination of sugar is this
Kirara 🚗
I just ate like 20 fruitbursts and I'm gonna eat 20 more
Nah, it's not a waste. Improved Raven just means that colorless won't bother him and all colorless types are ranged. CC is about countering the things that would bother him. That said, 26/30 is on the border of maybe|maybe not
>>408924 Lucina should be coming back into style soon.
>>408927 Yes I did but you would not use distant counter er close counter on superfaye because superfaye's gimmick is having extremely high distant defense. You don't want her being hit my melee.
I dunno! Her stats are pretty okay. I mean, she's great if she's all you have. But compared to a lot of other sword users, she's quite lacking.
Her claim to fame is that she was amazing when the game started. That was because her stats are well rounded. Now? That doesn't matter as much. You can make an amazing sword unit that has 30 speed by inheriting skills. By doing that, you get a better unit, too, with better def/res and often higher atk.
Among the Falchion users, she doesn't really shine, either. Her low RES is bad.
Well, yes. If you merge even a bad character enough times, they will have stats similar to a better, unmerged character. A decent unit like Lucina is the same. Merge her enough times, and she'll be usable.
But even if her stats were the same as Mia's, Mia would be better.
>>409004 no it's in that middle ground of being infrequent enough that it's not seen as something bad enough to to a doctor for but still inconvenient for me
We're about 50-60 hours in and haven't even unlocked all the content yet, so it's definitely at least a dollar per hour.
Monster Hunter games have consistently had a lot of content packed in. They also tend to incorporate a bit of a grind, but the grind also coincides with you perfecting your hunting method against specific beasts, so it's still kind of engaging.
Monster Hunter easily gets into the triple digit hours
They're adding more monsters in as free DLC soon, too. I don't know why they weren't in on release, but they said they're adding some.
Oh that's surprising. >>409040 Honestly the reason they'll never tell you is that they were behind release schedule and had to cut some from the release before it went gold.
That's sort of what I figure, but I dunno. They're adding the Deviljho to one of the areas and I think some other things. The area they're adding it to is fucking PACKED with giant monsters already, like things bigger than Rathalos. It's so dangerous there even though it's the first area!
Well the Devil Joe is a bit special, at least if it's kept the same from previous generations. It tends to not be roaming around and will only show up by chance in the middle of a quest to give you an "oh shit" moment.
It's easy to get sleepy with music...
Needs to be the right kind of and volume of music for me.
>>409037 I feel like if I buy it and like it on PS4 I'll end up buying it again on PC. Not that that's really a problem but it is still a consideration!
>>409050 It's doubly funny too, since he's, in a sense, not that scary at first look. In a game of creatures with weird appendages and dragons, he's just a t-rex.
And then it turns out he's a t-rex on rage steroids and he just wrecks your shit.
You can't see the future and you can't know what people are holding in their hearts.
eku was around like a week around and was super happy, or at least as happy as usual. a week ago* and honestly, i wouldn't have met any of you or came into the boards if it wasn't for them.
>>409109 The more you try not to think about it, the more it's going to intrude into your thoughts. The healthiest thing to do is to let yourself think about it but know that >>409117.
>>409121 Even when there are signs, there is not much another person can do.
The decision to stick around or not is one of the most personal issues a person can have. Trying to help someone is all you can do, but I've found that it's really something that comes down to the person themselves.
yeah i just need to accept her choice i guess. but it definitely hurts. when you don't know why. >>409125 this
>>409123 When there are signs, you can help by encouraging them to get help and supporting them. It may not seem like a lot, but it is. I don't think this is an appropriate time to argue about it, though.
I just didn't want to put in effort. I don't trust people when they say things are okay. Or better. Because I already know what that sounds like in my head. Can things continue to be okay or get better for the next 80 years it's more like hope than trust and I just go with my laziness even when i'm worried. i'm like this with my family. I hate it.
Yeah i am really used to not caring. or just caring half-assedly.
Well, as someone who constantly worries and someone who constantly imposes on people, let me tell you that it's impossible to force your way in and force people to be okay. You can try and sometimes you may end up helping, but if you're able to do that it means the person was open to it in the first place. Some people will let you in just a little but still keep you away from the problem area no matter how you are.
You can be there for support, but you can't actually force your way in and fix people.
And then you'll try and you'll try and you'll try and you'll eventually hit your wits end, or ast much as you can handle. And then when something bad happens, you'll think "I should have tried harder" even though at the time you were pretty much at maximum capacity when it comes to dealing with it youreslf.
It's just how these things are. I've gone through this with people from here, too.
It's not bullshit. I went through this with an internet person I guess it was like two or three years ago now, and I tried to help until I was pretty much mentally unstable over it to. too
I was a nervous wreck trying to help and worrying that I wasn't doing enough.
In the end I really wasn't able to accomplish anything and ended up in a place where I couldn't deal anymore and had to run away.
You can't help someone you didn't know needed help. actively
I know it feels like you should have done something. Even if you can see there's nothing you could have done, that feeling is still there. We all cope differently, though, so I think it's important to let your brain do what it needs to do right now.
>A truck driver in Peru damaged the 2,000-year-old Nazca Lines, after officials said he ignored warning signs and drove over a portion of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
>>409142 Kirara did you heard about the fake elections Maduro wants to run on Venezuela? i hope he can be stopped before his own people consider those fake elections legitimate. they aren't even allowing the opposition to run for office.
I used to be one of those people who shit on him, and I just can't help but feel partially responsible. I was an edgy idiot. I patched things but never fully. Never explicitly. I owe but can't pay.
I might be visiting a friend I haven't seen in a while despite historically visiting him every other weekend. Cause he lives over an hour away by car. And he basically refuses to come out here and visit us because reasons.
I need to go by train though.
Also I bought the soundtrack to shrek for my friend whose birthday party is tomorrow (and did not invite me).
>>409152 i'm going to be working on superbowl sunday
Noice Are you a football fan or no? I'd assume no, but I can't know ffor sufe.
where's superbowling sunday where we all the lanes
I prefer Superb Owl Sunday
Anyways even if I had been invited I probably wouldn't go because people usually drink a lot at his parties.
Probably gonna head to bed soon. In like 30 mins or so.
Or now Yasumi
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you might yourself getting super sleepy oyasumi nasai
>>409190 did you find a bugggg >>409191 i'm 90% not i'm here for da tech not da gay >>409189 as much as i am a fan of FE gunter, not the saeeems
I don't know, maaaybe. Usually each time I open firefox and come here...it's in /gar/ them when it should be in /moe/-theme <*theme. Easy fix with switching to anything else then clicking /moe/ theme again...but stiiiiiiill...every time! Or almost every.
>gay for tech
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you got any like privacy plugins installed on your firefox or something? it should remember normally
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>409193 i'm workin for fuckin coinbase now gay for buttcoins
I got Stylish and Tampermonkey...but no scripts should be tapping on /moe/'s sweet ass. AdBlock also shouldn't do nothin'.
Installing a hidden bitcoin miner on /moe/ when?
>>409195 neat im trying to be a ppc specialist and adwords account manager i hope to find some new accounts so i can make some big boy dollars
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>409196 when i invent a moecoin but what would it do
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>409197 oic oic cool i hope that works out for ya
Also things like this make me wanna learn codin' https://github.com/winsomniak/kagero-calc/
>>409198 instead of trying to hash out 72 zeroes for proof of work with the sha 256 whatever have it, uh, try to closely illustrate moe anime girls in columns of zeroes and ones
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
my dream is to make a coding environment in VR like the program executing is visualized as a few blokes walking around messing with books and boxes and shit one day everyone will understand what the fuck is happening in their CPUs
i would like a VR workspace for digital stuff like text editing and spreadsheets
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>409201 so rather than proof of work, proof of moe i seeeeee
but that means we would have to cr eate a moe oracle
is that going to be a pane l of people judging images or a machine
>>409204 a panel of people who select candidates of moe quality, then a machine that compares the likeness of the work to the original to a certain value it can be pretty forgiving at first is the proof of work something that has to increase over time or is that just an arbitrary thing that has been done historically
>>409202 Like this? http://store.steampowered.com/app/240440/Quadrilateral_Cowboy/
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you know what it should never be a machine it should always be a panel of connoisseurs of moe
generating moe images is a value in and of itself we could make a currency about this
>>409207 doesn't that sully the concept of a decentralized ledger to have persons verify proof of work
Mad scientists in action.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>409208 if the person selection is truly random then.. it would be cool but that's hard to accomplish...
if the panel just puts the standards in place, then the machine determines the degree to which standards have been met, that seems fine
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i feel like wait if there is a machine learning algorithm and it is sufficently smart then it'll eventually learn the features that constitute a moe image but there needs to be competition between different instances of the algorithm like a human panel judges which of the AI contestants submits the most moe image
and the AIs that win the contests get to pass on their genes to the next round of the competition
i'd like to see the images be official somewhere would they be stamped on the ledger would we have physical representation coins with the moegirls on them or moeguys if it's necessary
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh god let me think about this okay if they're on a ledger then they have to get replicated to a whole bunch of computers on the internet or maybe only a few computers, if sharding but still how do we incentivize randos to host hard drives of anime pix
gotta get me some milk for my kratom and some beverages because i get so thirsty ive been drinkin a lot of pepsi lately which is strange for me but it's okay
>>409225 Was half expecting for a j to just appear in the background of the site...
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
that is possible i wonder how much effort that would take heh i'm on the wrong computer right now tho
>>409226 i love it but i don't drink it a lot if i ever wake up in the middle of the night with dry mouth, apple cider is the best for soothing my throat
>>409227 Proably not alot...either just a image j in background code-space or...some hooha with just a typed letter j! But still...nooo...don't dooo it! Is kinda funny tho', that you havn't implented some like...RNG tiny /moe/-smily to appear randomly somewhere on the page--like that RNG turning off the light in Yume Nikki...just muh-/moe/-face like by >Lock to bottom
>>409228 I was gonna say "but why don't you drink alot?"...but...I sure as fuck don't. Have you tried any of those little bottle things that flavor water? Also Sprite vs Mountain Dew?
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
what's happening party people
Oh nooo! Panic!
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
press alt-F for party times
>>409229 mountain dew has caffeine, so it depends on if i want caffeine i dont drink it a lot because it's really sweet i guess and i dont often think to buy sweet things and it's not carbonated like soda
>go to front page in other tab >it's in /gar/-theme
Oh nooo! The madness never ends!
Bellefaire is really pretty can we try it
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
it is done
Dem "n"s.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. a mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent.
oh that's got a classy feel but i think the first one was actually prettier
Whoa--if we got West and East side...does that mean we can RPG attack the opposite side?
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
dammit an RPG is a lot of work
Ewert is really pretty
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
curly curly curly Q don't we all have spaghetti to fork on you
>>409317 lol nice do you score points for eating ramen more skillfully in VR
>>409319 you know, a boiga like a hamboiga or a cheeseboiga
>>409320 i was thinking more like a metroplex setup where you could order dishes online and have co-delivery to multiple addresses but with some special bells and whistles for vr or other stuff >>409323 you want a ramenboiga sure we can do that
Is there good Ramen places in SanFran' or Sac' anyway?
i dunno about san fran, i lived in berkeley but yeah there was a really good one Zabu Zabu in berkeley i've been craving a long time it's technically a shabu shabu place not a ramen place though a little higher end than a simple ramen shop but it's a great hot pot place i would like to have a /moe/ hot pot dinner there
How about some Indian joints? I also got a new love of Indians rices and kabobs.
The noodle places around here are butts...
>>409339 hmmm i dunno i went to one indian place in berkeley but it wasn't anything special honestly if im cravin indian food i just buy some curry mixes or rice dishes or whatever and cook it i haven't had good thai food in a long time
Why do I sometimes forget you can cook? Also...why a hotpot? /moe/s fighting over the meat in it would bring about only madness!
that's what's nice about that place is it's all you can eat well sorta you pick out all the ingredients you'd like and the meats, and they've got people regularly go around with big plates of veggies and mushrooms and meats and stuff and you can always just refresh your pot
I dig mushrooms. --it's shitty lots of /moe/s are so scattered about. I'd like Rika and Marsh for a /moe/ meet up. >Miss Secretive >an Aussie Hardest pokemon catches!
Also you made me hungry...hungry for meats! Ohhh... Would I have to use chopsticks?
Well I don't know how--can I just stab things?
Hey...Samurai is moving anyway! Doesn't that mean only two /moe/s will be in Cali'? ...it's always two...for some reason...
i might try to get a job at the AAU in sf but it's probably a bad idea i don't really handle art students well, especially rich ones
Dude the tumblr-time we live in has badly effected artists as a whole... It's fucking gross.
yes most definitely i dated a graphic designer and they were a wonderful person, but all the art people i knew from my high school and from her colleagues in art were obnoxious
I am the greatest.
I thought you were a fan of the D! I can imgine tho'...I don't get it either tho'--it was like...sudden and violently the change in just Artists. And it leaks into business too...like >Steven Universe Have you seen how badly it goes off-model and not following character design? As an artist...following something with a damn character sheet is the easiest thing... Not to mention...not following the creators designs and sheets is fucking insulting.
oh the AAU filled that slot anyway for the job i was looking at i couldn't afford to move out there so i didn't bother applying
There's some mobile homes with fancy insides around Modesto for 60k and under!
>>409352 i've got like 40 dollars in my account and terrible credit i do transcripts for the city of modesto actually it's pretty coincidental
Where you at now anyway?
southern missouri i was in tennessee, living with quarx but he wanted to move to phoenix so i came back to missouri temporarily it feels like i'll never get out though
You bounce around so much, dudeo! In truth tho'...proably not wise to want to be in Cali again... Everything here is so bloody expensive all the damn time. Then if not near one of the cool cities...it's expensive AND nothing to do!
believe me, i know i wish i didn't have to it's out of necessity
im thinking i'd probably like to move to las vegas i at least have friends there so it's not so isolated far more affordable than california it's just hard since i have bad credit, it's hard to get a place to live
Never been. But isn't it like...hot as shit there? Also dangerous...cause >Vegas Can't just bunk with a friend?
nah i dont think anyone can or would
Just kill one of them and take their house! Simple~
already accepted it i dont really know what stuff is other than what client it comes from until after i accept and download oh well i've become a pretty resilient person
I really can't understand anyone who eats snacks they can't touch without getting it all over their fingers snacks should have dry surfaces you can touch or they're bad snacks
Kirara 🚗
i fucking know right that thing doesn't even look like you could use it with a napkin
I guess I can make exceptions for like Donuts with sugar and stuff drizzled all over them and stuff like that stuff that's like, not gonna leave marks on everything
sugar is dry anyway
Kirara 🚗
sticky shit all over your fingers is a no go like if a napkin isn't enough, if you gotta wash your hands after a snack, what the fuck
Okay, my friend really liked his birthday present.
I bought him the soundtrack to Shrek on cd.
Kirara 🚗
oh hell yeah i used to have that cd probably still do somewhere
I think the only movie soundtrack I have on cd (not counting stuff in my family's pooled together cd collection) is the soundtrack to The Matrix.
On vinyl I have the soundtrack to Caddyshack and 2001: A Space Odyssey and True Stories. And maybe one other thing somewhere.
True Stories's soundtrack is probably Talking Heads's worst album. But it has the song Radiohead on it. So without it, Radiohead would have had a different name. Like Thom Yorke and the Chucklefucks.
what's worse that album or the entire discog of Radiohead
Ooh That's a hard question. Cause it's not a bad album. Its just Talking Heads's worst album, but they're a really good band. Also the soundtrack is also called True Stories.
Cool My friend i made plans with for today is not responding to the texts that feature questions that need answers of yes in order for me to even leave. Like "can your dad (or someone else) pick me up from the train" or "can I stay the night"