Thread #371036
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Annie May
UQ holder youkai apt souma two car x2 fate love live konohana and actually we have two episodes of fate, 22 and 23
Yup. As well as the sex jokes show.
okay so I was thinking love live fate 22 two car 10 konohana
All right.
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okay love live okay lets start!
Oh whoops
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A school closing festival is sad.
I'll be pretty steamed if they do some cop-out miracle at the end of the season and they don't have to close the school. It would be a nice departure from the original Love Live to not have everything work out the same way.
Wow that's pretty gay.
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They try to have like this super emotional moment every episode.
That's sort of a depressing song to have a bunch of school kids sing at the closing of their school.
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I'm sure they'll save their school at the last second. fate episode 22! okay let's start!
I'll be pretty mad if they do. That would be really shitty storytelling. Not that Love Live has ever been particularly exemplary narrative quality but that would be a crowning jewel of shit.
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>>371076 Love Live is so cliche. I wouldn't be surprised if they really did it.
Apparently the studio animating this pulled out a lot stuff for this episode. There's a bunch of QUALITY but there's also some pretty crazy stuff.
>That makes you fit to pierce with my spear I beat you'd like to do that, Karna.
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>>371084 Gotta give fuel for the fujos.
It bothers me a lot though that the animation is so inconsistent. One second it's pretty good, the next it looks awkward as all hell, or is barely even animation.
Jeanne's banner unfurled for the first time there, but we didn't get to see what that does.
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This archer lady went really super crazy.
Well the war needed another Berserker after losing both so early.
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Did lancer just shoot lasers out of his eye?
Yeah. I think Karna is some embodiment of the sun or something so it kind of works.
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Oh, there's best girl (boy).
Astolfo has really done a lot of work during this show.
>Our Caster [Best Boy William Shakespeare] will kill her Finally Shakespeare gets his time in the spotlight.
Karna was pretty cool. Out of all the Heroic Spirits he is very much one of the most.
Erryone's dropping like flies now.
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That's just how these things go! two car ep 1 10 okay lets start!
2 that episode weas pretty cool
Okey dokes.
>>371134 Yeah. I wish the animation had been a little more consistent but there was a lot of action going on there.
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It looks cool when the quality goes weird like that but the battle is really great. also the coach has the voice of that teacher from youkai apartment.
Yeah, his seiyuu does a lot of these sorts of late-twenties ikemen characters.
These two are exhausting.
Like REALLY exhausting.
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They're scheming big time.
From last to first, eh.
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oh no
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He's getting married!
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okay, konohana! oikay lets start!
Gay Foxgirl Hotel Attendants
Sakura was spying on the rest of them to know when she had to stop praying.
Oh no.
Yuzu has a problematic tendency to wander into strange places.
This Inari is pretty laidback.
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>>371197 She's kinda similar to Akari from Aria.
wait is this hte finale or is it 2 cour
Should be the finale. I haven't seen anything about a second half.
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This definitely seems like a finale.
That was a very good series. I'm a little sad it's all said and done.
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Yeah, it was very good.
>>371212 Hate to kind of change the subject but your pic reminded me, has there been any new episodes or OVAs of Infinite Stratos at all?