Thread #374573
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UQ holder youkai apt souma two car fate kino mahoutsukai blend S animegataris imouto ireba umaru
3-gatsu and Boku no bitch as well.
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we're just waiting on Ika. I sent him a message letting him know.
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I'm thinking fate (ep 23) animegataris imouto ireba blends
Good by me.
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fate 23 oka let's start!
Necromancer does strike a more beer drinking image. The whole biker punk get-up doesn't help.
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These two stayed self-serving all the way until the end.
Mordred is a good Saber clone. And we get Nero next season. Okay well that was his eye.
Taking on Seiramis in the heart of her Hanging Gardens was probably not the most intelligent idea.
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Her flying throne is even nicer than Gil's.
this saber is pretty fun better than the normal saber
He smokes the same brand of cigarettes as the red-haired Touko from Tsukihime and the Kara no Kyoukai series.
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I didn't expect him to die until the final boss.
Time for B E ST B O Y
I hope Astolfo doesn't die tied up like that. After all he's done for the series that would be depressingly anti-climactic.
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I think he'll probably make it to the end. He's weak enough that there's no narrative value in killing him off.
Hah hah hah Shakespeare please.
Giles steadily started looking more and more like his Fate/Zero incarnation throughout that sequence.
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Yeah, he ended up being a weird dude. oh, we're leaving off here. what a shame.
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It's time. Animegataris.>>374606 ikaaaaaa okay let's start!
Will it be worth all the stress of watching this show week to week these past few episodes.
i am alive
Uh. Yeah I don't think this all happened in the previous episodes.
What is happening.
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It's all very weird. I guess Sebas-chan is still around.
Wow shes' being written out of the story.
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Does she not exist now?
Why toadstools.
How is she supposed to become anime. She's already anime.
this show went really weird
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I wonder if it was planned to do this from the start. They've definitely been dropping weird little things since the start. but it's really derailed.
The quality didn't show a drastic change so there isn't really any indication of a mid-series derailment. It just suddenly went from being kind of normal to absolutely not normal lightning quick.
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well I said at the time that them suddenly being idols tested my suspension of disbelief a bit. but then they really went off the deep end.
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Among a couple other notables, this show really likes referencing Gurren Lagann.
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The worst part is that her friends have all turned on her!
this show is probably gonna be at best 5/10 for me at this rate
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>>374664 You don't like all the weirdness?
well i'm glad i'm not missing much i might be around for blendo in time though
I wouldn't say this is a particularly good anime but it's done some amazing things in terms of absurdity.
>>374671 you're available in like 30?
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They took something generic and made it interesting.
Yeah but it was for the most part roughshod and a bit disengaging because of how sudden things jumped the shark.
>>374673 yes probably i was thinking of watching a movie with my dad tonight but he is tired finishing up christmas stuffs atm
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I guess the world reset? and what is up with that athletic girl she like slapped Minoa back to the real world? earlier in the episode?
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Damn it all.
He still got called Aurora in the end. Though there's a normal-ish name if you read the kanji naturally.
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Oh, this is twelve episodes as well. So I guess this is it.
Exhausting to the end.
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I guess Sebas-chan made it to the finish line too. what a weird series.
It was definitely unique.
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well okay imouto ireba okay 2 minute break
This'll probably be the final episode for this show too.
wait gimme 2 mins pls
can we do mahou
i'm down for whatever but i have mysteriously throttled download speed
oh nvm it's finished
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imouto ireba okay let's start!
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hai hai
can we do mahou oh actually nvm we can do it tmr
I still think that she pulled strings for him it's gonna be a shocking moment in the light novels and a bunch of drama
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Who pulled strings for him?
Nayu. Since she overheard him saying how he would marry her if only he could be her equal, and that getting an anime would be a stepping stone to accomplishing that.
oh shit title drop
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Oh, Nayu. Yeah, could be.
Oh this is going to end depressingly.
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Wow, that girl is a catch. I wonder what's going to happen.
>it's already over and he still doesn't know he has an imouto
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>>374729 better be a good little consumer and buy the source material!
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Wow, she got turned down and then turned down someone in the same day.
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so he got friendzoned once and became a degenerate?
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Wow, he became an onee-san hater.
>What kind of pretty girl falls for a guy who likes reading? Yeah, really.
>>374732 I think the seeds were always there for his degeneracy. Something like this was probably a good acceleration though.
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>>374735 oh yeah, this is probably just the straw that broke the camel's back.
He had Zero no Tsukaima and Haganai on his desk there.
OH MAN. That was a 10/10 transition. I love shit like this.
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I wonder what happened to his onee-san though.
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Oh, this is her in the OP.
Toki-san and Itsuki really get along Oh I forgot my greenification arrow. But it's a little surprising that she'd be having such fantasies.
>>374743 whoa was she always there?
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Yeah, I think so. I vaguely remember wondering who she was and thinking that she must be a character in his series.
I don't even pay attention to the characters in most anime OPs haha A lot of them these days are just so clusterfucked with character appearances it's hard to remember who all shows up
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You can often find important clues in the OP and ED though!
Yeah it's fun to scour them for information in some shows.
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I don't usually notice anything unless I like the OP enough to look it up and watch it solely for itself I guess.
This can't even be called satire of the LN industry anymore this is an outright mockery of it.
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i want to play this game!
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They're having fun with it.
they're all getting so many negative happiness points
It sounds like for the writers in the group, their results in game are pretty much what it is in real life.
Plus Chihiro's stalker.
>Itsuki wins by being the least unhappy What a pithy victory.
Nayuta should have won though 7.4m yen
Money can't always buy you happiness!
But if everyone is going to be unhappy you might as well have the most money
Aaaah yup. I was wondering when this was going to happen. Myaa becoming an editor really felt like it was going to develop into her goal.
that adage pisses me off anyways money is the easiest route to what makes you happy
I agree that it's not really a truthful statement as people normally use it. But I do think it's important to not identically equivicate money for happiness.
Itsuki really resonates with me on a couple details. His refusal to be satisfied until he accomplishes things the way he wants to is really good.
oh no his drive will die if its revealed
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His fans will be shocked when he retires and gives the reason that he has a little sister now.
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>>374777 money doesn't buy happiness but lacking the money to attain what makes you happy is basically the same thing
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That was good though!
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this show was exceptionally good as SoL not what I expected from it really fun all the way through 10/10 S2 when
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Money can't make you happy. Not having it can make you unhappy pretty fast though.
It's pretty depressing that it probably won't get any more adaptations.>>374794 Shows like this are very much promotional material for the LNs and even if it sells okay, it doesn't always guarantee another season. And Silver Link generally hasn't been handed season twos of LN adaptations they've done in the past so there's somewhat of a precedent here.
>>374793 why not
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It's an anime adaptation about an already popular LN, so unless it gets stratospheric sales unexpectedly I don't foresee any S2.
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okay blends! okay let's start
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i like how the romance in this one progressed i want to see more ships tho>>374805 hell yeah motherfucker nayu bes
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Which is a shame since it means we won't get to see this ACTUAL SPOILER animated.
Whoops I'm also ready.>>374804 Hell yeah motherfucker you know it
this music is giving me SEGA vibes
what happened to sadistic oneesan she literally disappeared forever
>>374813 I know right.
>>374814 Probably working on manuscripts.
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I walked barefoot in the snow for a bit last time it snowed.
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picture of tilde irl >>374818 are you crazy
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actually maybe that would feel really cool
what time
>>37482530:5 3:10 3:15
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>>374822 I complain about the cold a lot but I did grow up in Ohio. People from the north can just do stuff like that.
Maika with front-side braids is pretty great.
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>>374827 The last time I even had to walk on snow was like 3 years ago. It doesn't snow here enough, it's still mysterious white stuff to me!
I wouldn't walk on snow unless time was so pressed I couldn't slip on a pair of shoes. The cold isn't so bad but I HATE HATE HATE H A T E wet feet.
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>>374828 I think braids in general are cute when they're fluffy and not ratty looking. All the braids this episode look cute.
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i like when they braid their hair into a jillion little braids
I haven't been snowboarding in a while. That's a little nostalgic.
i haven't been snowboarding in almost 24 years
Get fucked Hideri.
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snow deito
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I can ski but when I tried to learn to snowboard it ended in disaster.
Tsundere-chan is kind of reminding me of a childhood friend of mine. Her hair was brown but the thick fluffiness of it and her outfit here really remind me of her.
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this kind of stuff makes me want to take a vacation to a ski resort
Convince Kirara to drive the two of you up to Ontario and I can find us a place.
>drive to canada no way i can get that kind of time off work one of my coworkers is changing to part time so we need even more people now too and you don't get mandatory paid vacation working at a franchised store unless they deign so
;_; I know.
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Hideri's place in this group is so weird.
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surprise is really good that's the real surprise
>>374852 He's like the gay friend but he's not the personality of a usual token gay friend.
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he's just a boy going through a really weird phase
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when they mess with your ships
Why do we need a recap of the episode in the middle of an episode.
Wow the actually me in the show had the exact same thing to say about it.
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manager reached deep inside and found his balls
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yeah I knew it She was going to be asleep.
It wasn't like they were being particularly subtle about it. She was visibly nodding off as they were talking.
>girl says she's tired shoulda taken that ho back to your crib and laid her into a comfy bed for a good night's sleep
Dino's endearingly dumb.
Man I want to squeeze tsundere-chan's braids so bad. They're so fuwa fuwa.
>Loving Hideri You're making a MISTAKE Maika.
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I can't help but relate to this girl from time to time.
>she softly rejected him in her dreams
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>>374880 i thought you related to a different character
Christmas skit on Christmas Eve. Oh I forgot my greenifying arrow again. But it's pretty rare that these actually line up like this.
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wow, did she just confess?>>374884 Mafuyu too, yes.
>How do you talk to a real girl again? Honest struggles.
Dino what the fuck were you thinking.
hahaha im surprised he didnt get arrested
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>>374897 thankfully the loli he abducted really needed to find work
Oh is this a different take on the OP? It sounds like the guys are doing background chorus kind of.
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okay so now the most important part rate em boys miu > mafuyu > hideri > kaho > akizuki > maika > owner > dino it's hard to choose between hideri and kaho though
mafuyu is overall best green x yellow is best shipping
>>374901 Miu > Kaho > Mafuyu > Maika > Akizuki > Dino > Owner > Get fucked Hideri.
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It's hard to rate them since they all have redeeming qualities. I think Miu has the most relatable personality. Kaho is the cutest because she's so fluffy.
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>>374906 im sure you'd love to nigga
Akizuki was literally me in so many cases it was weird. I don't normally get such a personality match in anime. I get a lot of the stuff Miu has on a personality level too.
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needed more akizuki and kaho / akizuki and hideri interactions tbh
mafuyu > kaho > akizuki = miu > maika = hideri > dino
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>>374911 i'm sure you can make a basic tier list you've posted on /a/ i'm sure you've rated things arbitrarily tons of times
Real talk Hideri would be fun to hang out with. But get fucked Hideri.
i dont like manager's personality much at all hes boring
He's endearing, in the same way a dumb dog is endearing.
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Lots of final episodes for really good series tonight.