i saw a beggar with a sign that started with "the struggle is resl" real
I'm feeling discombobulated but also a lot less stomach discomfort.
ah, so it was a SpaceX Rocket yesterday
Kirara 🕎
it was spacex poisoning our air trying to turn us all into... soy boys
it's okay if you didn't understand the science of rockets turning into strange aerial lightbulbs, Kirara
sk 🖤
PJW doesn't even begin to understand the threat of soy He believes the soy boys are the result, but no Soy boys are but the process The result, friends, is soy girls
Kirara 🕎
i like all the videos of alex flipping out and not letting pjw talk as he actually tries to be reasonable while alex jones is screaming something about global warming being the fault of demons or some shit
sk 🖤
That's gonna be a tweet
sk 🖤
I love those videos, they give me life
There's no oil in my house.
Kirara 🕎
and you can just watch pjw's heart break as he slowly dies
The oil's supposed to be burned already, anyway, isn't it?
Trying to calculate time and understand what I still have. 8 hours work, 1.5 hour commute to get there 30m early, so 2 hours there, then an hour and a half commute back. an hour to prepare the morning of. 12.5 hours 6 hours sleep 18.5 So I'm left with 5.5 on a good day by five days 27.5 then two days off, not counting sleep, +30-36 hours so 57 hours down from 119 not counting overtime days
Normal check pre-tax is 1808.51 Deductions would probably drop it down to 1085 this really is lame timing
Kirara 🕎
that's a pretty good check
lame timing for what
If only I had gotten this job at the start of the year when all the cryptos were a magnitude less and I would have just thrown 20% of my check at them for lack of anything else to do with it
Kirara 🕎
maybe they'll keep dropping until they're affordable again and then rise again
maybe but it's unlikely They won't drop to the point of where I'd want it to be >>372568 There are lots of possible reasons. But we are nearing the end of the fiscal year. Remember when I said, I should cash out now so I don't have to bother with taxes (even though I do because I messed something up)? People are going to cash out their long term capital gains and just solid rate their earning. Now is a good time to do so. Although, it's picking back up anyway.
There was also a good liquid period for Bitcoin Cash now that Coinbase has it available. The price of BCH went up a lot on the day that Bitcoin and everything else was crashing. Although, after two days or so, BCH went into a fall as well.
sk 🖤
What caused the dip anyway? Did someone cash out?
I think I may have lost a few pounds while I was sick.
Also I have a friend who just made a decent amount of money on ripple coin. It offset her loss in Athens rest of her cryptocurrency portfolio. *in the rest
well what do you know, I guess my friend was right. He should have grabbed some. I should have held mine. ...well, no, I sold mine and got it into LTC and the multiplier is higher so I think I'm good
Tentatively we are going on strike in D&D today. Because our dm decided that we got toouch treasure in the last dungeon and is planning on reducing it. *got too much
The plan is for me to run a different rpg at the table without him
Kirara 🕎
oh Westworld s2 starts soon i guess
Hopefully it doesn't end in another tpk like last time I ran this game.
I know of want to make a few different cryptocurrencies who require the solution of different very hard™ math problems to mine the coins.
Like the rsa problem Or traveling saleman
Kirara 🕎
in order to mine kiraracoin you have to say "kirara is cute" three times in a mirror
While I was walking to the train station yesterday, I was going past these middle school or high school girls and one of them was walking away from the group saying "Wow, you COCKSUCKER"
And I didn't pay it any mind, until like five seconds later, when the girl she was referring to said "Well, I AM a cocksucker." It took a lot of strength not to crane my head.
like, it hurt. Physically hurt to stop my neck's reflex.
I came up with a good new open problem in Mathematics. Are there are an infinite number of different classes of prime numbers with weird names?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what the fuck the switch is way smaller than I thought
Well yeah It's made for Japanese
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but it's way smaller than the wii u gamepad
Any of you reading this? http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Sewayaki-Kitsune-no-Senko-san
What about this? http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Jahy-sama-Won-t-Be-Discouraged
>>372619 Of course police should have the right to sexually assault children, this is a no-brainer
It's misleading to refer to it as "should police have the right" because they don't It was part of a court order, so they were temporarily given that right by the order.
sk 🖤
Yeah technically a judge gave the green light to sexually assault a child, and this makes the question very different
>>372622 Anyways the answer is no, they shouldn't. Unless the judge can prove to some sort of oversight committee that its absolutely neccesary court orders like this should not be allowed.
sk 🖤
The alleged crime was against the suspect himself, the cops shouldn't even exist in this equation
>>372624 Thanks for demonstrating that you did not actually read the article.
sk 🖤
What, was he charged, as a 15 year old, for sending A dick pic to a 17 year old, consensually, and for some reason they needed to prove it was in fact his own dick in the picture?
He was 17 and she was 15 Also yes minors sexting eachother is an issue legally because the eexisting laws have not yet been fixed to reflect the changes in technology
sk 🖤
Oh shit I actually did mix those up
Regardless, the identity of the penis involved is irrelevant
Kirara 🕎
>Abbott later threatened Sims’ lawyer that, if police couldn’t get a picture of the teenager’s erection by forcing the kid to masturbate, he would obtain a photo of the teenager’s engorged genitals by subjecting him to “an erection-producing injection” at a hospital.
sk 🖤
Like unless the charge was "producing child porn", there is literally not a single reason they'd need a picture of his actual penis And if that WAS the charge, it's a crime where the suspect is the victim
>>372630 Man you need to like actually read stuff more closely
No I'm stating that as a matter of fact Unless that is the charge, the identity of the penis is irrelevant If that IS the charge, refer to >>372624
sk 🖤
Like what exactly happened isn't RELEVANT, because there is no situation where the cops NEED to prove it was his penis, unless the alleged crime is one AGAINST HIMSELF
Kirara 🕎
there should be no situation regardless of the charge in which someone is forced into any kind of sexual conduct
sk 🖤
Well yeah, that also
Okay Glad to know we're on the same page And
Kirara 🕎TN !PcAPtAiNJo
Weird to think that tomorrow is christmas
Why is the T in there since it is silent? I mean no one actually says CHRISTmas
Kirara 🕎
people say christ mas here like chris but with a t
Chris T Mass
Kirara 🕎
also they don't actually say the t im just messing yeah it is weird
sk 🖤
Also, I prefer Gravmass
Kirara 🕎
[extremely obnoxious person voice] festivus
For Grab *Grav Mass You're supposed to glue fruits to a tree, not not neccesarily very well because its good for some of them to fall off of the tree due to gravity.
I am kinda tempted to throw "Ton's dreams/campaigns/whatever" in there because looots of dick demons
One of them is a penis head, with a penis horn sprouting penis tentacle hair now that is some dickish imagination miura
Isn't the eclipse part of Berserk just it's Dickesode?
Kirara 🕎
oh today is actually festivus
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh Kirara log into granblue at least today There's some absolutely incredible loot in your crate
I wouldn't actually mind youtube ads, if there was FUCKING VARIETY when you get that one fucking pc advertisement from that one company for the 20th time in a row and it is 5 solid seconds of audible cancer as the background music I am starting to ponder could I sue for mental trauma?
sk 🖤
Lotta Jaguar eating noodles for some reason
noodles are great
Kirara 🕎
i put on some random Netflix show and it started with some dude hanging himself and i instinctively said "mood" and fish got mad
i am too online
>>372663 Well that is a way to start a show But tht is bit of an issue, especially when watching movies with friends, especially with friends with whom you watch stuff and riff it a lot when watching it makes it damn hard at times to not crack a joke
Kirara 🕎
fish was mad because the "mood" or "big mood" thing means "that's how i feel too"
sk 🖤
Not sure what the message of this is Does he like macklemore? Does he hate him? Does macklemore's music actually fuck with his engine?
>>372678 He's been involved in much funnier things Though I'm not entirely sure if HE was among the guys wearing diapers in a public adult playpen, he's one of the big guys in the organization that set it up
Germany isn't particularly beautiful language it is quite rough and precise. I wonder how crap german poetry is?
swedish just sounds gay most o the time.
Kirara 🕎
She wants to use the English audio
but the voices not syncing with the lips fucks me up
>>372681 I know about him. I'm just really laughing at the idea of this guy speeding on the highway singing ONLY GOT TWENTY DOLLARS IN MY POCKET THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME and then going online to post about the failures of every non-capitalist econ system
some show called Dark the description makes it look like a stranger things knockoff
>>372687 Like I can understand >>372675 and I can understand >>372676 but then you put them together.
sk 🖤
It's not a terrible song, but I do not understand how you could slam the gas like Space Boy just came on or something
only got a Jackson and I'm almost out of gas. But WE'RE SWITCHING LANES AND MAKING FLAMES OUT THE ENGINE
Kirara 🕎
the subs don't even match up with the English audio
>>372693 Cause you can't exactly dub a thing, especially live action, and make it 1:1 accurate translation
sk 🖤
Building your brand on glorifying thrift shops is really latestagecapitalism shit, though, so maybe he likes it because of that
Kirara 🕎
>>372694 you can easily use the same script for the dub and subs though which they're not using
>>372696 Or even better you can just have one smoker narrate the whole movie
Kirara 🕎
like the English and subs are literally different words
And that isn't a joke those are LEGITIMATE eastern european dubs for shows and movies some really tired of life old man just nonstop narrating it all
and theys till have th original audio in the background at that point I really just question "wy not just subs" but maybe all eastern europeans can't read
Oh and germany and france do it too but atleast they have "good" dubs but they have, atleast inthe past, had those "one horribly horrible voice just reads out a script over the whole movie"
>>372698 Getting the Xenoblade experience, are you?
>>372690 I don't know what TPUSA is so I'm as lost as you are.
Kirara 🕎
>>372702 Do they do that in Xenoblade? different words for the dub and sub?
Kirara 🕎
we switched to a different show after complaints and it appears to have begun with suicide as well
Oh, I guess I was confused. I was thinking that the subittles didn't match the Japanese dub.
German is quite easy to pick up, if you are good at memorising the articles are challenging at the ebginning, but you kinda get an instinctual grasp at them eventually. and the grammar is just so perfect there are RUURUS for everything even the exceptions of rules have rules
>>372702 tpusa is turning point usa a right libertarian organisation they protested liberals limiting free speech by wearing diapers so obviously they're very serious about their cause
I don't want to pause a movie to go to the movie theater and then come back and finish it
unlimited bangarang
>>372725 actually that sounds kind of surreal like it might actually be cool like if you watch the last star wars that came out pause it halfway in then watch the new one (which i assume you're seeing today) then go back to the other one half way in
as long as i get to admire the rock then im sure it's good
unlimited bangarang
yeah watch jumanji
unlimited bangarang
rip robin williams
I wonder how that movie would feel to watch now I liked it somewhat as a kid, but does it stand the test of time? I recall thinking the effects were quite... bad even for its time
it worked for the spiders, but monkeys and actual animals just weirded me out but giant spiders not exactly looking real oesn't make them well any worse as movie monsters.
That being an actual problem in some horror movies nowadays, the effects just are so good that some of the monsters etc just don't look scary weird enough games too
samu you need to go to this https://www.songkick.com/concerts/32063259-giraffage-at-fonda-theatre?utm_source=24104&utm_medium=partner it will change your life
>>372780 No, he's become calcified. That's why he has CA in his name now.
>>372774 He was a fine and good respectable poster before he broke!
>>372795 yeah nobody understood it and he couldn't explain it
Inuyashiki had a really good OP. This was a good season.
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
imouto aoty
>>372797 A weirdo is a weirdo wonder what blew up in his mind in the end and why was it directed at random targets if I snapped I'd just generally pick a direction and blast everything there not one singular target
unlimited bangarang
i think i already had an aoty can't remember
AOTS is hard to pick.
Maybe Net-juu. I think it was overall best.
Episode of the season would be one out of Imouto or Kino though.
WOW that is an idea play max payne in one sitting that was set during NYs or something in NY man that is still one of my favourite games ever
unlimited bangarang
>>372818 wait i thought the last episode isn't out yet
>>372830 It's not. I just wanted to make sure you didn't get bored of it and drop it because it becomes really great.
If you watch to the end of episode eleven you're probably in no situation just going to drop it there for Animegatarazu.
unlimited bangarang
if you say so
Kirara 🕎Yuu
>>372833 I say so! There are definitely times you probably shouldn't listen to my advice, but you should always tell er you should always listen when I'm telling you to watch anime!
>>372834 I think in some situations it's not okay to not be okay.
A good rule of thumb is if both Rika and I are telling you to do something, it's good advice.
unlimited bangarang
A good rule of thumb is to do what I feel like in the moment
Kirara 🕎
a good rule of thumb is to only listen to me
unlimited bangarang
a good rule of thumb is to fuck rules cut off your thumbs no gods no masters
I don't think I've ever made a strong anime recommendation to someone who didn't like what I told them to watch. I'm an ANIME MASTER.
Also I broke your rule of thumb posting with my self-back patting.
A good rule of thumb is a little under three inches.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
not to mention the new characters including one we didn't know about
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
er, new fighters I should say She's not exactly new In fact she's old as dirt
...which one? Was Mokou not in a fighter before?
Kirara 🕎
yeah jumanji was so good it was fucking hilarious
gonna see star wars too
>Tenshi's theme sounds like a NEETs track >it is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>372894 Yukari wasn't in the previous two, 13.5 and 14.5, though she was in the ones before that. So she's returning. Which is DOPE
>After This They Practiced Like Crazy
Ko-ShiKo-ShiKo-ShiKo-ShiTN !PcAPtAiNJo
fuck your cake
wow rude
with a spiky object
YuuTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
How are we doing tonight
I'm alive.
/moe/ i havent been blogging enough the streets are wild out here
Is it Wildinthestreets ?
Also I was referencing the album, not the movie.
it's that time
Not in the real world.
It's not actually that time here yet either *It's almost that time
We'll be doing our gift exchange in the morning of the twenty-fourth since my sister leaves around noon that day. It'll be the first time my birthday isn't overshadowed by everyone else getting gifts too.
Not that I really have any particular material thing I want.
you should do that every year Or just celebrate your birthday on boxing day instead
It doesn't really matter to me. My birthday is generally a bit of a downer time for me so I don't mind other people doing other things.
It was something that always got me really excited when I was younger. Since the day's also my birthday I usually got to be the one opening presents first, which felt good amongst my siblings that had to wait on me.
Nowadays though the day is a little more melancholic for me and while I don't dread it, I can't really say I look forward to it anymore.
Yes We don't generally use >>372978 Fug you Anyways we don't use homebrew because the system is broken enough already We do use some third party stuff though
unlimited bangarang
kill yourself
If you need homebrew for D&D then you're probably doing it wrong.
>>372985 holy shit that guy on the right has a weird lookin hand
This card is fucking great. >>372986 Read the sign.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh golly cute girl or annoying lizard
Cute girl who bonded her soul to yours to save your life, or, Devoted partner who has been with you and supportive of all your endeavors all your life.
I could use headphones that don't lose their inward tightening so easily. If my head's bent down to look at something they slide forward, if I push them back along the top of my head they slide off the back the moment I look up from whatever. It would be a lot better if they would clamp more firmly onto my head.
>>373024 Well, I turned down the requests to do anything illegal for this.
But all I'd be doing is sending in some tips and evidence to the local news. This would happen after the employees have replacement jobs lined up so only the administration would be getting heat, along with two employees that are also evil.
>>373026 You probably shouldn't expect people who don't have to talk about Chicago on a regular basis to get that. I wouldn't expect people to get what I mean when I talk about T-Dot.
lmao Apple is getting sued for purposefully slowing down older phones to encourage people to buy new ones
of course they are ah well
Kirara 🕎
In other news >A Florida man now living in Bali is fighting for his life after he fell from a roof while chasing a monkey that had stolen his favorite Pittsburgh Steelers cap. >Villagers took him to a local hospital, where he was diagnosed with severe damage to his spinal cord. He currently is paralyzed from the chest down.
>Rand Paul Gets Into The Holiday Spirit With A Festivus Tweetstorm >Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., took to social media to poke fun at his political colleagues including an "airing of grievances" about government waste, President Trump, Fox News and Washington politics overall in a tweetstorm on Saturday. >"HOW IS IT YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THE ALIENS, HARRY??!!"
Apparently my sister and her boyfriend will be driving from Ottawa to Pittsburg to go to a club or something in the near future. I don't know why the fuck they'd go all the way there. And why Pittsburg for that matter.
It's kind of troublesome that I have a reputation of someone who can do things like this even though I've never done it before, though.
The burden of competence.
Be good at things in general and people will generally expect you to be good at things.
Kirara 🕎
I feel like people expecting me to be good at things and people expecting me to take down a nonprofit organization are a little different, though.
Yeah, it's a bit of a dirty deed you're being asked to do.
Kirara 🕎
Exactly. I don't know where I got a reputation for stuff like that since I haven't really done anything that dirty. I mean, it's not like I'm unwilling to do dirty deeds, but having a reputation for it before I even do anything is a little troubling.
>>373178 Well it's supposed to be celebration of the birth of Jesus. It's been a bit dragged away from that by pointless commercialism, but the world is an evil place so it makes sense that it would try its hardest to corrupt this holiday in particular.
unlimited bangarangKirara 🕎
>>373179 That's right! And that's why it's a crappy holiday. We know that it's unlikely that Jesus was born on December 25th. Most modern estimates place it in March.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean that you can't celebrate his birth on another day.
My family's pretty much totally atheist so it's never remotely been about Jesus for us. It's a time for familial reunion for us, and a chance to exchange things between each other. The fact that it's store-bought stuff, I would say, is mainly a facet of ease of access and that my family has always been well off. If my parents had been less well-off I believe we would have still had gifts, but it would likely have been more affordable things produced through less expensive means.
Kirara 🕎
That's super ridiculous. Just move it to the proper date.
If you don't know the proper date it's fine just to pick one. I don't really have a problem with the date.
The biggest problem with the holiday is that a guy who wears red with a name that's suspiciously similar to satan promotes widespread commercialism!
Kirara 🕎
Do you think Santa is Satan?
>>373181 who cares just have it as a nice celebration near the end of the year christmas is way beyond its religious origins now
Oh right, and that it's a tradition to lie to your children for the first decade or so of their lives!
>>373188 >lie looooooooool Rika you ain't getting shit from Santa you so salty you deny he's real 😂😂😂
>>373186 I'm not saying that, but it does really make you think doesn't it?
Kirara 🕎
>>373190 No, not at all. But all of the really, super duper religious flat earth people think about that a lot.
>>373190 Not really, no. I think trying to make that connection is pretty dumb, really.
>>373187 Yeah, pretty much. There's plenty of people in the world that don't register the religious aspects of it in the slightest.
Fuck the religious aspect of it and just enjoy the familial bonding.
>>373191 >>373192 It's quite a coincidence though, don't you think?
>>373198 It's kind of weird that if you can spell Kira with the letters in Rika. That's quite the coincidence, don't you think? Maybe Kirara and Rika are related somehow.
Kirara 🕎
wow if you google "santa name" one of the recommended searches is "How did Santa die?"
>>373199 Well, it is kind of thematically interesting that our names are so similar.
Kirara 🕎
>>373204 That's true, but I don't think the same can be said for Santa and Satan. Especially considering Santa is a Saint with his own feast day.
Well all I'm saying is that it really makes you think. Christmas is a bit off point these days but it's still a good family holiday.
No, it doesn't. Quit piling your shitty paranoia on us.
Kirara 🕎
It doesn't make me think at all.
And they should move Christmas to March. It's not like it snowed for the first Christmas or anything anyway, where Jesus was born.
I don't think they should do that either. Christmas is no longer just the possession of the Catholics. It's a celebration that a massive portion of the non-religious part of the world participates in too.
>>373212 If they want to add in a new holy day in March to celebrate Jesus' birthday, that's fine. But I don't agree that moving Christmas is what should happen.
Kirara 🕎
Oh come on, that's not what I mean and you know it.
Kirara 🕎
Christmas is the birth of Christ, so I think the name should go with the date.
The 25th can have a different name.
It's also much more than that now. The name isn't solely the possession of the Catholics; people aren't going to just stop calling it Christmas because they want to move it to March.
What's going to happen is we're going to end up with two Christmases and that's just going to annoy everyone.
>>373216 So much of the English and European language has religious connotations, it takes a particularly insufferable atheist to swear off using words just because they have them.
Kirara 🕎
sure but the very name has religious connotations
Kirara 🕎
You shouldn't culturally appropriate the Catholics
well maybe one day Christmas will get back on track. Or at least will be less commercialized.
Kirara 🕎
i saw a dude flip his shit over being told "happy holidays" today it was hilarious
>>373222 It doesn't need to get "back on track" stop acting like it's only for religious people anymore. That hasn't been the case for a long time now.
Kirara 🕎
put the christ back in christmas 🙏🙏✝💪
>religious holiday called easter >it's not practiced in far eastern countries like Japan or China WTF
Kirara 🕎
more like wester amirite
>>373229 A holiday for people to watch westerns all day
Kirara 🕎
that's my kind of holiday I'll watch james stewart flicks all day
I guess aniem is cancelled.
I don't understand why he got so worked up at me.
when does the new anime season start I might actually watch something
Kirara 🕎
I guess Tilde is really sensitive about Christmas.
Yeah, I feel that it is a bit unfair. If I were Jewish or something lamenting about how I felt a felt that the point of a particular holiday was being forgotten, I feel like this wouldn't have happened.
Sometimes I feel like it's hard for me to state my opinions around here without being demonized.
Kirara 🕎
I'd be upset if non-Jews stole Hanukkah and fucked it up, I'd be upset, so I understand what you mean. I think Christmas has been thoroughly corrupted.
I don't maybe
seems like a lot of projection going on here
Well apparentely thinking like that is a controversial opinion that ruins anime.
Kirara 🕎
It's weird how worked up people get over Christmas, though.
Seeing a guy lose his shit over being told happy holidays really made today special, though.
Christmas is a day people hold pretty dear That guy overreacted though it was hilarious
Well, I hope we get to the point where people are killing people in the street over opinions so that things can get back to normal and I can anime normally.
So now I get villainized for this huh.
>>373240 Your "controlversial opinion" that gets me workedup here is how you act like Christmas can only be a religious thing. That it "needs to get back on track". It doesn't need to be a fucking religious celebration there's plenty of people in the world who treat it as a non-religious, wholesome experience. And when I try to express that opinion you dodge and hope I'll just forget it.
>>373244 I'm not trying to villainize you but I am a little cheezed because I don't think I was being controversial. Like I said, if it were anyone but a Christian saying stuff like this, we wouldn't be here.
I don't really know if that's the case but that's how I feel around here about some of the opinions I have.
I hope we get to the point where people are killing people in the street so that the government will give us free VR headsets to pacify us And also drugs
Kirara 🕎
>>373242 It was so good. Hearing him get so mad and screaming MERRY CHRISTMAS full of anger for something so insignificant
>>373244 I mean, what did you expect me to do? I was trying to not make you mad so we could keep anime going. I don't think it's a controversial opinion.
Do you think this post is also unreasonable? >>373238
This IS what I expected you to do. Just because you fall right into my expectations doesn't mean I won't get angry about it.
don't forget to name your orig
>>373248 I do, in a sense. I don't think it's been thoroughly corrupted, so thoroughly corrupted that it's only something to be demonized and in need of correction.
I really, really don't appreciate the way my family has enjoyed the holiday being made out to be some corrupted aspect or needing to get back on track.
I can't wait until boxing day when all you Americans shout merry christmas at me a day late
>>373251 I don't think there's anything wrong with someone expressing that they think that their religious holiday has gotten off track. I didn't say anything about non-religious people in anything I said. but once again, I have been made to regret expressing my opinions. I will endeavour to learn my lesson and not doing not do it again.
Kirara 🕎
I think it's sad to see a religious holiday lose its meaning. I'm not Christian but the modern expression of Christmas is like spitting on a lot of what Christ taught in some ways. So I think it's reasonable to be upset about it.
I don't like gifts for Hanukkah for the same reason. It's not what it's about. It got tacked on later.
>>373263 Don't act it out on me! I was on your side!
ok bye now
there's this constant flow of a woodchip smell that comes from the hill I guess that's one of the benefits of living here because it's quite nice
>>373263 If this is all I can expect out of you, why should I even come around here.
>>373267 I don't think I'm unreasonable in feeling upset about this.
I don't think I'm unreasonable either.
I think getting so mad at me for an opinion was pretty unreasonable. You got mad at me for dodging for the sake of avoiding conflict, to. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation.
Your opinion effective trivialises and to some degree demonizes the way my family experiences the holiday. I haven't been asking you to engage in it the way we do; I would just like for it to not be something that -needs- correction. And of course I'm going to be even more annoyed if I'm obviously being ignored under the pretense of trying to stop something f from happening.
>>373271 I never said a thing about how your family spends the holiday. I don't even know what your family does on the holiday.
What the fuck
sk 🖤
I can't make heads or tails of this discussion
probably best not too I guess
Also daily reminder that Hannukah started Err The Maccabean revolt started out as terrorism against Hellenized Jews (they were barely Jewish at that point desu senpai)
I said that people have forgotten the reason for the season. That's a controversial statement and I should have kept my mouth shut. Now the comfy pyramid doesn't have a top.
>>373286 well if i like the episode enough i'll watch it with you guys too
Well hopefully we'll sort it out by tomorrow, otherwise group anime could be in a bad place.
unlimited bangarang
is it something you're willing to swallow your pride over?
sk 🖤
's a dumb argument anyway
>>373292 I don't think that's really an option here, I didn't even do anything to swallow my pride over. I literally just said that Christmas has lost his way and he got mad.
unlimited bangarang
that's someone who isn't strong enough to answer "yes" to my question would say what*
No, if I could capitulate and solve the argument I'd do it in an instant. I don't see how I can really do that though.
unlimited bangarang
well for starters, apologies and recognizing the offending behavior usually helps get it started from there, discussion
So Buddhism is listed in the religion section of the summary pane on the Seleucid Empire article on Wikipedia. And I'm really confused
>>373297 I don't think that will work but it sure would be nice if it did.
unlimited bangarang
did you try yet
>>373300 I didn't explictly apologize, but I did say it was a mistake for me to bring it up and the ensuing conversation didn't go well.
sk 🖤
I mean if I were to take a stab at what exactly the problem is, it's probably you seeming like you want to impose 'the right way' of celebrating christmas on others, because Christmas has somehow been changed?
I dunno, the two of you seemed to switch positions at some point in that exchange and I'm not sure if that's because there were 2 anons or what
unlimited bangarang
if your answer isn't yes, then your answer isn't yes
unlimited bangarang
i'm 100% sure that whatever you said didn't look like swallowing pride because i honestly don't think i've ever seen it maybe once or twice from anyone on this board ever tilde has feels
Yeah, well, Rika has feels sometimes too. Sometimes she doesn't like being treated like shit.
>>373309 Must be a shitty sportscar if its only $30,000
sk 🖤
It's a sports car, not like a lambo
he's not even gonna use it for sports wtf
35k for a nut is abad price if you ask me.
Sorry $35,000 >>373315 Dollars, not euros 35k isn't a bad amount for a car, but its not gonna get you a "dream sports car"
sk 🖤
>>373315 It's an extremely good price considering you have to find someone who even wants it The supply isn't high, sure, but the demand can't be high either
>>373316 35k in euros would be 40k dollaroos almost
>>373324 There are also laws against selling organs.
>>373324 Can we reconnect someone elses testicle to another persons? I wonder
sk 🖤
Oh ye, that's true I guess it doesn't really apply when you have enough money
Huh You can get a camaro for under $30k Like not a great one, but still a camaro I guess that explains why I see them a lot
Anyways $35k can't even get you a new Corvette Which isn't really a great (or terrible) sports car But it's pretty meh It's what you get when you want to soend a lot of money but not enough for a Porsche And you can get a porsche for under $100k, so its not like "a lambo"
sk 🖤
Yeah it's not a lot of money for something you only have 2 of I'd want more
But it's still a good deal of money for something you're gonna struggle finding A buyer for
Kidneys go for more iiirc Depends on your health and other factors though
Also it's your fucking testicle Like what the hell I wouldn't sell mine for $35k
sk 🖤
Testicles are overrated Lotsa people pay to get them removed
If I was like, trans, $35K for my nut would be an exceptionally good deal
If you're looking for a vasectomy Maybe you can just sell your testies So that way you actually profit
>>373336 maybe the average person is afraid to lose them But the point SK's making is that there's a reasonably sized supply of people who're willing to get rid of them Which is why they're only $35k
>>373334 And plenty of other people get trauma for life for losing them in accidents and war "lotsa people pay to get them removed" really isn't a good excuse here
sk 🖤
>>373336 I don't think the trauma there is for losing your nuts specifically though
>appear here again after months >don't have bokus ...guess I'll just die...
>>373421 Same ol', same ol'...depression, love of oranges, manga, anime--just without the bokus. ... Fuck cheapass fucking garbageass flashdrive explosions.
--I just wanted to check up on the place and certain peoples/faces.
Fuck Can't go to the record store tomorrow to return the dvd they gave me by mistake Err today
Announlimited bangarangYuu
>>373426 We're still here! You should come by to see us more often! It seems like things are going more or less well, that's good!
oh apparently it might be because i still have tonsils and the violent movement involved with sneezing can knock gross stuff loose out of your tonsils that's gross i want to die please kill me
Aren't you meant to get those removed Bang that sounds like a bitch to deal with
unlimited bangarang
isn't that typically a surgery that happens during the years of life in which you are supposed to be cared for because i haven't been cared for my entire life
>nu/moe >some willing to sell off their balls for cash >some dying of illness
>>373439 You only get them removed if you need to. I have mine and theyre not an issue.
>>373432 I don't know, maybe Ika and I are a little less radiant these days. I'm sure he misses your company as well!
>>373445 yeah it all was a drream this is still 2014
unlimited bangarang
radiant ika? is it 2014?
>>373439 Also they are a somewhat useful part of your immune system. They aren't a vestigial organ or anything
>>373446 what do they actually do Does anyone else here sneezs like 5 times in a row instead of just once
>>373449 They make T-cells Have m-cells on their surface to intercept possible threats you inhale Other miscellaneous immune stuff that is too detailed to really explain
>>373449 Yeah I will sneeze at least ten times sometimes fuckin hayfever
unlimited bangarang
>>373449 nobody deserves anything everything must be earned this is the human experience some are lucky but no one chooses to be you can only choose to work harder
>>373452 Well you can debate all day over who deserves what, but ultimately working harder is all the individual can do
>>373448 Ika has matured a bit over the years so that sort of thing is natural! I'm just me! I don't know if I'm that radiant. We've both missed you though!
unlimited bangarang
oh shit i just saw a webm from animegataris and i have a bad feeling i'm gonna need to marathon it
>>373457 Oh, where did you see it? Also, don't spoil yourself.
unlimited bangarang
it was on /a/ i didn't know what it was going to be when i clicked on it
You were! Not sure on now. --Maybe went all Hardened Leliana! (>implying you've played DragonAge >implying you'll even get the joke) And if it's Texas-Bang of before too...sure sounds more misanthropy than "normal".
... It feels like I've stepped through a portal and just flashed to this moment here... Feels funkyjunk, dawg.
Hrrm Maybe I should repair this blanket tomorrow I won't get anything important done so I may as well do this
It's got a four foot long tear in the outer layer and a bunch of little ones all over. And it's my only heavy blanket
unlimited bangarangFormerRei@mobile
Although I use it all year round cause in the summer I fight the heat by covering myself in a heavy blankey *blanket
>>373460 I think he took a French class recently but I'm not sure that he got much out of it. I think I'm about the same as I've ever been.
I think Bang has matured some too. He's worked hard!
unlimited bangarang
uh oh
>everyone is mature Stop these timeskip tropes at once!
Just because some has matured does not mean they are neccesarily mature .
well thst was fun scare: thought my phone broke as it refused to turn on/off/respond since morning
Also Reminder that every single Garfield strip since fall of 1989 has been the dream of a now stray Garfield who lives in the decreipt remains of his former home.
>>373509 Maybe it's that Citrus was just constantly making people angry. I remember there being a huge blow-up over it on /a/ but I don't remember what it was about specifically.
I got a bad feeling about it so I stopped reading early. I thought the blonde girl was cute though.
>>373538 What? No Cats and dogs don't get along And Garfield's a fucking asshole That's why Garfield dislikes Odie And actually if you read the comic he eventually gets along kuch better with him than he did originally
We're just a little deficient on high energy posters at the moment. We've had a big batch of newer posters show up recently though, some of them are promising.
sk 🖤
>>373539 There's CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT in Garfield?
>>373550 bang is just a stupid shitler only memers like maria or jan respond to most of his posts
sk 🖤
What I don't get is why is garfield still in the house with Jon and Odie gone? Who's feeding him, the house is decayed
>>373549 No I had seen it But seeing it again it's still weird
>>373552 He's a stray cat living in denial He obviously gets his own food somehow And blocks it all out Also fuck you garfield minus Garfield still updates, it updated in September
Next you guys will be talking about the lore or Peanuts or something...
>>373558 Nigga I read berserk I read manga that hasn't had new chapters scanlated in five years And still occassionally check back on mangaupdates to see if its updated So don't say shit like "hasn't updated in a while" for a measly 3 months
>>373560 Actually it's supposed to resume again soon
>>373562 There's a problem there too. His endings are usually... ... Disappointing.
>>373561 Bang I have never memed once in my entire life
>>373563 Dude come on Really It's adapted from a fucking book He's not rewriting the ending
>>373565 I'm just sayin' from past wooork! I hope it's fucking decent at best.
Farm arc was...too damn long... And if burned by him again, I'll chop off one of my own hands.
From past work he adapted from other mediums and fucked up the endings of? Or past work with shitty endings that were present in the original material?
I'm going to fall asleep.
>>373563 It was good seeing you! Drop by again soon.
>>373578 Nah Not often I mean like reading the ln the manga is based off of Getting like eight times as far as the manfa is Then dropping it cause its shit Or whatever
Well I never did drop index I just put my reading of it off
>dropping things >ever
Chen !jERk4EVaAoFormerRei@mobile
I rarely do I just forget to resume reading it Or stop reading it so i can read a bunch at once And then put it off indefinitely
Chen !jERk4EVaAo
For you, anon-san.
>>373576 Why is Kamille putting his visor up in space he'll die
Although in the case >>373586 MAL is for losers Also I can remember literally scores of ln's and manga I've put a moratorium on the reading of So it's not for lack of remembering
Although I honestly have put a bunch there as a buffer of stuff to do next time my life starts to get really shitty
How many of these have you read?
>>373589 Top left two I think ive read a bit of the others but didn't get ibto them I'm into different stuff at different times though
Just catch up on litterally everything so you can in a contanstnt pain of waiting for everything!
My computer isn't fully functional atm so I can't get into a good sort of "work mode" for that much heavy reading Fuck I had a much better term
>not reading manga on your phone
>>373593 I do that too But WORKFLOW THATS THE WORD
Anyways My phone cannot support that sort of work flow And does not have a ui that lets me get anywhere near it either
Also you should know how vagabond will end anyways You seem like you've read a decent amount of manga and should know a fair bit about Jaoan *Japan
Here it's always either samurai movie guy...or cowboy movie guy...
Or those sick bastards that watch both.
I'm actually really into movies in general. Also
Hopefully not superhero ones or Transformers...
Nope I'm into cinema
I get it from my dad My mom bitches about how he would never go see movies with her and his family (parents and siblings) around cchristmas And she says "your father doesn't like movies, he likes cinena" And his reply is "I'm not interested in spending money to go see shitty movies"
Cause usually they'd pick a movie he didn't want to see
Also the only Transformers movies I've seen are from the 80's.
Anyways you seem to share some taste with me in manga and what not so i hope you continue to cone by. I've had fun chatting Going to bed soon though
Your father is a correct man.
>"share taste" DO I!?
Alot of older movies are nicer. >>373626 but >caring about score Anime has rotted me in that space...just cause the ones who like shit anime cause muhJmusicIsHOT.
>>373623 the 80s transformers movie was really good from what I remember. Really great 80s animation and score Unicron was sick asf
Have you read Koroshiya Ichi, Freesia or Jiraishin?
Ichi the Killer? No, cause I heard the stuff and the things about it--but I will get to it. It's on my phone right now! For Freesia. Never heard of Jiraishin but it looks good.
>>373631 It's not like a MASTERPIECE or anything, I just remember it being fun and the music was a part of that. Well used music can be integral to a movies tone
>>373633 Ichigo the Killer is really good Freesia is probably in my top 20 (I've read over 1,000) Jiraishin is also very good
>>373634 Fun? Ha...movies being "fun", silly thought!
>>373635 Yeah, I always hear that about Ichi the Killler... ... Don't remember the opinions on the movie though.
So I was going through the list and saw a lot of stuff id read And then noticed that it wasn't all stuff you'd completed.. Err The stuff listed So I switched to the completed only view
>>373652 Well the ship endings on /a/ were fucking great.
I was ichiruki though Well Kind of It was more of I expected it to end that way (I am almost a decade behind in bleach and will probably never go back and finish it) And I was bothered that it didn't
That's Bleach... ... and so was I...fuck Orihime...
So that was way less fun on /a/.
The only naruto ending thing that botheted me was whats her face getting fat at the end Ankit Mizurashi *Anko
Ha! Yeah. I was more bothered by >Sasuke >Snakeman getting away with litterally everything >true big bads are aliens
Wait really
I barely kmow anything about the ending Wait I have a vague recollection
Okay sorry i really need to go It's 5:30
BACK IN MY DAY! /moe/ was active till 4 in the morning (my time: it's 3:20-ish)
[insert osomatsu-image]
all al my friends are dead
Aw shit... I should have put that in my thread... Damn I'm dumb!