Thread #373062
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UQ holder youkai apt souma two car fate kino love live 3 gatrsu mahoutsukai houseki no kuni kekkai sensen
All right, what's your cravings, Rika.
love live houseki kekkai sensen blend S
All right.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
okay love live ika where are you? ok lets start
Rabu raibu
I remember commenting on how Ruby hadn't said her ganba-rubi quote much at all this season. And then the episode after that it seems she started dropping it again every episode. Why this.
I've been at this temple!
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How does it compare in 2D to 3D?
I was there for New Year's so it was really, really packed. They keep it kept good looking in 3D though. The inner sanctum area where you toss money and pray in feels a little more enclosed than I think it looks in the background though. It's not claustrophobic, but it is more of a courtyard than an open space like it feels like in the backgrounds in the show.
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I see another gaijin in that picture. Were there lots of gaijins there?
Case in point for both points.
Do you mean the person ahead with blonde hair? 'Cause that might've been a Japanese with dyed hair.
I can't remember if there were a lot of gaijins at the shrine, though I think I remember seeing at least one or two in the pack. But Akihabara has a lot of gajins wandering about at least at that time of year. Oh speaking of A KI HA BA RA
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Oh, I guess that could be the case. It's hard to tell.
It's kind of cool to know you've walked the parts of the city that they're walking right now though. The place they're standing right now I was walking with the most of my friends I was in Japan with. We were getting a tour from one of the Japanease guys we knew.
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I like when they do scenic stuff like this in anime.
Now she won't shut up with these ru-verb Ruby puns.
Oh it's thirteen episodes.
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okay houseki! okay lets stary
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Pretty please corporate gods of anime production, give us a season two of this show.
>231 years >A new record [implying she's been asleep for extended periods of time like this before] Just how many years has this been going on.
Paparacarena needs to fix her socks. One isn't pulled up with the other one.
>But now you've shot past me And all it took was some PTSD-inducing trauma.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 10 [7(…).jpg )
Yeah, Phos has had a lot of stuff happen.
Alexandrite is a real fanatic. I guess Phos is getting a realization of how much she's forgotten from losing her parts.
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I hope Phos gets her old hair back soon.
Actual spoilers: it gets ever further from her old hair.
Oh we're getting some pretty good camera work again.
Oh well that is creepy.
I guess Phos has remembered again why she was doing all this in the first place.
Also if this is supposed to be Earth then why are there two satellites out in space.
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Well, it seems like it's Earth a long time from now. Maybe stuff happened.
I think it's a pretty safe assumption to figure some stuff happened.
Who would have thought when Phos and Cinnabar first met that Cinnadar would be the shy, kind of effeminate one of the two.
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Yeah, Cinnabar was the more boyish one at the start. It seems like the tables have turned.
The long grass in this show always looks so loveingly rendered.
Well there might be some stuff after the credits.
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This needs another season.
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>No after-credits stuff Dude what the fuck.
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well There were enough plot hooks dropped this episode that I think there's a decent enough chance that there will be a second season. It really needs one to be a complete story.
And 3D models can be easily re-used for future filming. Though I guess if Phos breaks something again they'd need a new model for her either way.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 09 [7(…).jpg )
time for a bit of tonal shif shift kekkai sensen! okay let's start!
Leo are you asking for a beating or something.
TRUCK'D I guess he's just mad at the world at the moment.
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Wow, Leo is on the edge tonight.
So his TRUCK-ing of those punk guys was a plan to get weapons, eh.
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Leo is usually so weak, it's nice to see him handling things on his own since he's being serious.
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Oh we got to see the other siblings for a second too.
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The anti-seizure darkness messed up some of those scenes though.
that was cool
I missed pretty much the whole episode.
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wow, there's Black.
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The anti-seizure stuff damages the quality of this show in particular a lot. okay blend S ugh
blends wait what happened i thought we all started kekkai
Keep watching I'll be back tomorrow.
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We did, we finished Kekkai. I made Tilde mad in the other thread by talking about Christmas though.