...bokus all died from a flashdrive explosion... So guess just "C" now--hurrhurr...joke.
a jurassic joke
That's great though -- er not the explosion I had been wondering about you lately. i think i emailed probably last new years i'm glad that you stopped by sugoi just plays wow these days i think he's become a big fat nerd
>>373685 I had only got one an extremely long time ago. If mailed me anymore times than that...then nothing. I've pretty much ignored and avoided everyone though so I hope you don't feel too bad about that.
Currently I am worse in terms of illness, being fucked by the goverment, and nothing I do makes me happy...so...yeah.
Figured though on today, on this whim to check up on people I didn't fucking hate and hung around back when I truely didn't fully hate myself.
I probably am mistaking the email for the long ago one. It's okay, I just had wondered if you fell off the edge of the earth or anything.
I'm taking care of a lot of sick and disabled family members these days, and they die off time // once in a while. It's kind of bleak, but yeah. Apparently we've got some multiple scleroses running through the family, and my sisters' and my health are recently coming into question. had about two weeks recently where i was partially paralyzed from motor nerve damage. but all in all, despite that, i think i'm doing better these days than i was in days of yore
that anxiety problem i had drove me straight crazy. it's good to see you. there's a bunch of feral cats around my yard i sometimes take care of though i know i shouldn'ts
>>373691 It really isn't~ --at least on my side...but I'm known for being a bitch...so avoidance is in charcter...
I've had three grandfather's die recently. End of the year really does gotta love some bleak...or this year really. Now... >scleroses Funny that... That's what I had that. The thing that has fucked me over even now...fuck that shit. Even now on the pain pills for the back pain at the moment.
Better than paralized is still good. Is the anxity stuff still bugging ya?
oh...we got a cat over here now. Pet. He's ... FAT AS FUUUCK. and hates me... typical. But always wants in my windows--cause >Cat
haha oh man i wanna see the fatty take a picture sometime and bring it back! -- Yeah, my oldest sister is the only one who's gotten a diagnosis, but we all suffer very similar symptoms, along with my mother I am not confident in the doctor's opinion that it is MS i think there's likely an autoimmune issue like hashimoto's or something to do with the thyroid-immune interaction
I think that's probably why i thought to email or look for you whenever, because i started having problems and thought, "I wonder if this is like what SC dealt with" anywho that's that and health is never a fun topic
i think (i might make a fool of myself for getting info wrong here) i think sugoi told me you and whoever his name was were getting hitched is that a thing that happened?
>>373699 Yeah, 'lll get one of his fat when I'm not woozy. Instead have this for now...it's him in my sister's closet.
Mine had been found when I was very young (by accident too...by my mother). The aftereffects were fibromyalgia (usually caused by intense phyical and emotional stress if believe the "common cause")...and of course dat cronic pain, gotta have cronic pain!~ Though if it's even that really...only one doc' classifed it as that. The other is "unkown autoimmune similar to lupus"--in my mothers words (she's a nurse). But yeah...what a hoot it is right?
It just depresses people...or makes them oddly intriged.
Souseiseki? Yeah, we got married. Currently living together. BokuxDesu, eh?
>married and living together That's great! I'm so happy for you. It's nice to have someone. Living together by yourselves? Finally free from your parents' talons? Did ya have a big ol' wedding or was it pretty low-key? I'm not the wedding type myself, i dont think.
also you've got skeletons in your closet or your drawer organizer, same thing
>>373707 Nope... With family. Trying to move out, but it's rough with my money being fucked over repeatedly (I had the joy or getting a Socal Sercurty letter today...that had someone elses paper in it...and the lone paper that WAS mine, had all the money amounts wrong). It was low-key...my mother married us then we just turned in the papers and ate Burger King.
Also still not my closet! My is organized. *mine My sister does love her bones and skeletons though...I almost thought the mini-figures of them were in the picture.
>find comic I wanted to dump >it's 180 pages long Ahhh...god whhhy...
Yeah, I understand that struggle. money's pretty tight here too. with that two weeks where i couldn't walk, i missed out on two weeks of work, so my christmas paycheck is unbelievably small couple bills to pay on the second and then i'll have nothin until the 15th again when i do work, i work my butt off so hard but never really get ahead or get to put anything into savings i just try to savor my weekends, but sometimes i have to work those too
going to try to open my own business in march maybe as a market research consultant it's scary to take financial risks though when you're alone and have no savings
Don't sweat it. I probably wouldn't have hung out with me back then either. There was something wrong with me I dunno what it was. My brain just broke or something from all the terrible things.
I'm provide transcription services as my main source of income. I also consult on some people's business ventures, but not to any great profit, just because I enjoy tagging along and learning things that I can do later. As for transcription services, it's mainly market research interviews for pharmaceutical companies, and I document the interview -- basically a scribe. I have gotten quite fast at typing because of it, which I didn't used to be.
>>373718 You shut up! You were my friend! Not choosing to hang out with on in real-life is a fucking douche move! Bitch is what's wrong with my head--and still is...and...other stuff. But still--don't you "stealth" hit yourself in front of current me.
Sounds secretary. Jealous of fast type tho'...still crap at that--unless hyped up on pills. Got a fancy typewriter/computer?
I've got a mechanical keyboard, which does help reduce the strain of keystrokes but it's not a particularly good one. not much selection available in-person when i got it, and i had to buy one for that day specifically, so i couldn't afford to wait for amazon to ship a good one out now i'm just eternally playing catch-up with my finances so i haven't had the money for a nice keyboard i did for a little while have some surplus, but my PC went kaput, and i decided it was time to invest in a good laptop, which i desperately needed anyway now i can work from bed or chair or even outside oh yeah, i work from home
>>373726 Well, chilling and doing youtube or music in bed is the best. --if you still perfer music to chill in downtime.
... Yeah you know you're a crap person if can't remember what else your past friend did in their downtime. Write? Read? Read what? What music besides [genre here]?
As for self, I am mostly writing...my own little stories. Hate it. I'd rather draw it in comic form but... whatever. Gotta finish something in case I kill over, right? ...writing/books usually do that for people.
used to listen to music and knit or do some scribbling with a calligraphy pen these days i just lay down with a heating pad for my back to relax and plop on my headphones
You never did end up getting the card I sent you that year did you? It must have been lost in the mail or some random person got it. I remember you thought I was lying about even sending it in the first place. I don't recall what album you're referring to that.
No, I haven't sent any out in a long time. I offered to on here, but /moe/ doesn't care about stuff like that these days. It just gets ignored and swallowed up in other conversation. I thought about hosting a holiday event for /moe/, and having a kind of imageboard murder mystery event, like they do at those big fancy places that people play roles and interact. One person said maybe, everyone else ignored it. Holidays are pretty hard for me these days I guess.
>>373747 Proably lost...one would hope at least some random dude got it. ...not crushed under who knows what...
One of the van Burrun ones...spelling! Wrong! Oh... And the one..."music for home offices" or named similar. ... I've never been good with names of stuff...or people...
Not wanting a card or drawing is weird. ...holidays are pretty shitty though. --besides Holloween best day.
>>373757 Weird, yeah. /moe/ has lost a lot of its spirit. Sentiment is a lost art here. People don't even bother to share an image when they contribute a post. I feel like it had a lot more charm in the old days for that reason. Dumps like this I love because I can read while talking to someone, I can look for images and organize the ones I already have, and so forth. Now it's just a whirlwhind of people linking twitter posts and just using reaction images to complement their post rather than taking the time to want to share something with a little more sentiment.
Speaking of which, have you read dorohedoro? I think it's my favorite thing.
>>373761 I kinda feel that's everywhere. That and kindness >says the self labeled bitch I remember there being a whole lot more pages..and sometimes GASP /2/ threads at once!
>IMAGE board >use like Twitter/Facebook ...need to call in some ~Personailtys~
I wish I still hate the chart of avatarfags and the charts of bullshit nonsense like >what the inside of /moe/ house would look like >who lives my who in what room
Nah, but I been meaning too. It's on my phone~ Phones are magical.. Got me to start reading manga better.
Re: Twitter, it's because of this integration feature for posting tweets >>>/@hayashida_tw/944882097407254528 Which is nice I guess for sharing manga updates and announcements, but when it's people posting news tweets then the board just becomes a news feed during the day, which really isn't very palatable for me. I've seen an episode of Bojack yeah, the first one. It was pretty recently.
I remember threads like this were kind of the staple of /moe/, and when a lot of people showed up later the activity could pick up or do a group activity. Nowadays it seems like we ditch the staple and just compulsively wait for people to show up and then it's too high energy for me and makes me rather anxious. I like things calm and classy. That's when I'm at my best.
>>373769 I actually googled my name (nickname)...and I only got my account on Risk. Fuckin Risk But yeah...dudeos were always trying to do something here. Risk...chess...vidya-games I disappeared around Magic The Gathering duelings. ...nerds...
Didn't you perfer night /moe/ too?
Did ya like it? I really enjoy BoJack, it gets better rather than worse.
>>373861 It'd be a good choice! I dyed my hair bright-ass red...expensive. Now I need new pants and can't buy 'em.
Always go with clothes!
You with bright red hair? I couldn't picture that my sister's is orange at the moment she's a tattoo artist so she does all sorts of crazy styles but she always makes them look really cute
If I ever got a tatoo...would proably be an arm-sleeve on the left...nice cool dragon curled around it...or one of those huge ass yakuza like back portraits.
the monster without a name, from Monster it's a great tattoo i really like it
>>373875 Well...you know about cats too... So you know about down-there too ...proably not good to think about it to long.
haha yeah >>373876 on my upper left arm, not the bicep but like near the shoulder it's about six inches by four inches i guess it wasn't particularly painful on the skin, but the vibrations can be kind of intense on the bone if you're working near a bone but i've got bone pain so
oh man if only you knew she owns her own tattoo parlor and it is fully decked out with cat decorations everywhere it's really over the top you'd love it
>>373890 there would be sanitation issues with that if i get the money to, i can lease the adjacent unit and have a boutique/cat cafe though though i doubt i will ever have the money for that
>>373924 Sounds like my family might see it within the week. Though if I get some time off next week I might go see it myself.
Kirara 🕎
it was definitely different in the storytelling from the past movies and i think it was actually very good but also very unconventional it was clearly its own movie but it was also clearly a part of a larger story and i feel like most of these movies are their own contained movies without a lot of set-up for what's next other than direct plot
That's exciting to hear. I remember a lot of people were complaining -- not unduly -- that the first of the new trilogy was very much a parallel of A New Hope. And that the upcoming movies were going to just retread the same ground in a similar fashion. I wasn't convinced and I'm glad it seems my hunch was somewhat correct.
>>373929 Yeah, that was my worry going in. Not only was the storytelling unconventional, but they made a lot of very unconventional plot decisions. It's for those reasons that I think the film seems very decisive but I personally think that unconventionality made the movie great.
Unfortunately some of the main characters are still kind of shallow, but I don't think they're any more shallow than Luke was in the original trilogy.
Kylo is an extremely complex character, though, which is rare for an antagonist.
Shallow protagonists and complex antagonists is a fun dynamic too. JoJo can get like that some times and that makes a bit of it fun.
The movie was also well-received in the privacy of Disney and whoever saw it before anyone remotely public got a chance for Disney to greenlight a whole new trilogy in the Star Wars canon from the director too. Er what I mean is it was so well-received in those circles that Disney greenlit an additional trilogy for the director to direct. So they were pretty confident in the film even before it got publicly released.
There was a point towards the end of the movie where I thought that it might be the best Star Wars movie yet. I'm a little hesitant to say that before watching it again but that was the feeling I had.
Which movie would you say is the best if you don't account for The Last Jedi?
There were some parallels in the story, I think, for most of the movie, but then it did take a massive turn from it. I'm kind of motivated to see it again, honestly.
Bang mentioned before that they did a really good job of making Luke still seem like Luke, particularly in the way he spoke, and I think so, too.
Yeah, it's neat that they've done that. It's not like Hamil needs to; Luke's like thirty years older and has lived a rough life. I think it would make reasonable sense for him to warp a bit over time. But it's a nice little attention to quality.
Damn it Yoko Taro why is Automata not on Steam. Er. Not on the Steam sale.
Also, this is really weird, but apparently Hamil played some redshirt rebel in the movie, too? And a named one, at that. I didn't notice it in the movie, but he was listed as playing multiple characters in the credits and it really threw me for a loop. Like, Hamil's playing redshirts in a Star Wars movie?
I wonder if it was his idea or someone else's. It kind of sounds like something he'd get a kick out of. I'll see if I can pick him out on a fresh watch when I see it soon. Probably won't happen though, hah hah.
Yeah, seriously. I don't understand the complaints at all.
I guess people /// racists are still mad about Finn being black. I still think it's a little weird for a Stormtrooper to be black but it doesn't bother me much since it makes sense in the new canon.
Which is particularly dumb since Jango Fett was kind of Latino or Mediterranean or Oceanic anyway. It's not like he was white either.
Kirara 🕎
Jango wasn't a human, though. He was just humanoid. He was a Mandalorian. So he kind of escaped that criticism.
By that argument, is anyone in the Star Wars universe actually human though. No one in the galaxy can reasonable trace lineage back to Earth. They're all humanoids of various planetary origin.
>>373950 Technically, most people that look like humans are considered humans. Mandalorians are one of the exceptions because there's a lot of conflict between human republic and mandalorians dating back to the beginning of the old republic. In the old EU, though, black people came from a planet of black humans, originally. I don't know if that's still the case.
All right, I understand. I feel trying to use that technicality to excuse favoritism is dumb as fuck but I feel I'd be preaching to the choir here anyway so whatever.
Kirara 🕎
Yeah, haha. I think it's a stupid distinction. I think Mandalorians have slightly different biology in that they're naturally much bigger and stronger.
>>373955 Yeah That's pretty much it I don't think their insides are different at all biologically They're basically just suped up humans
Aren't they physically super soldiers? I remember enough of The Clone Wars to remember that's why they wanted Jango as the template for the clones.
Kirara 🕎
Yeah. Since the original clone material was lost, newer ones by the First Order use more diversity in material.
I just stepped away from the PC after the previous conversation dwindled off and by the time I'd returned the topic had shifted. I rarely welcome people who come online so it's not like it's a topic I should be expected to participate. And then this "I didn't do anything wrong" subtext renewed itself and I really don't feel like retreading that ground.
>>373978 Rika wants to put the Christ back in Christmas and Tilde feels it's disrespectful to the people that aren't religious but still celebrate Christmas because the holiday isn't owned by Christians.
>>373977 I wanted to clear things up and put the feuding behind us. I don't like it when things are not good on my relaxation spot.
I didn't mean what I was saying as an attack on anyone. I'm sorry you felt that way and I really didn't intend it to be an attack on anyone. I don't think I really did anything wrong though. I don't understand why you felt so attacked by something that wasn't an attack.
>>373979 Sorry to nitpick but it was more that it isn't owned solely by them.
>>373980 Because the way you talk deals in absolutes. The phrasing was very much that Christmas as a holiday was in need of correction because it had grown distant from its Christmas roots. I didn't agree that this was totally a bad thing because there are wholesome, non Christian celebrations of the holiday and acting like those need corrections is offensive. It wasn't until later that the addendums about not refering to non-religious Christmas, only Catholic and such Christmases came about and felt more of backtracking "but I didn't MEAN that" than actual clarification. Nothing in the original dialogue had any aspect of being specific and felt like you were slamming all celebrations of Christmas that didn't fall exactly in line with relgious celebration.
>>373990 I don't do anything this time of year. But since the holidays have become a linguistic battlefield, I had to choose something. >not Jewish >don't celebrate Christmas >black Kwanzaa, it is.
>>373992 maybe that other bottle of wine was a bad idea after all
Kirara 🕎
>>373995 you've been sleeping for three days, dvice for god's sake man
>>373984 Now that I've cleared up my intent and that I wasn't intending to attack anyone, can we put this quarrel behind us? Why would I immediately retreat and try to avoid conflict if my intent had been to attack people?
>>374005 yeah i think viper put ron paul on his album cover
yo vivi what up
just chilling smoked some dank marijuanas and watched a movie gonna start christmassing tomorrow hbu m8?
'Bout time.
Kirara 🕎
That image has been left alone so many times I was starting to think no one actually noticed.
>>374002 I'm fine with putting it behind us. I generally don't believe you set out to belittle too many people with what you actually say. But it also generally feels like you put in very little effort to realize why people get offended or irritated at the things you say flippantly, as if you saying it in a flippant manner excuses it from not bothering anyone. Forgive my choice of words here, it doesn't properly express what I'm trying to convey, but I don't think you ever really "learn your lesson" about it. Instead you just run away or stick your head in the sand and cross your fingers and hope that's enough.
>>374015 I think Irish and Scottish phrases like that show up in subs from time to time. Subtitles will also some times Mark Twain it up and write someone's spoken lines with a lot of character if they come from a part of the world that tweaks their speech a lot.
>>374012 I'm glad we can get things resolved. I try to learn my lesson when I do things that are bad. I don't think it's very easy to speak as freely as I do and not occasionally say things that people take the wrong way. I think what's important is intent.
>>374019 Oh wait wow I really didn't do reading comprehension there. Yeah I don't get why they modified it to donna there.
>>374037 i saw a real hi mark moment yesterday this lady was screaming angrily at a trump supporter and then she saw someone she knew and switched to OH HI!! ♥️♥️ and started hugging her
SC came by last night. It's been a long time since we've seen her.
Yeah, I was almost going to guess it was Souseisexy since they were both before my time and kind of blend together in the super rare occasions I've seen them. And also since I don't know my Rozenmaidens so the hints weren't something I got.
>>374051 It is not funny and it doesn't seem to have any value as porn or otherwise. The only real reason someone would look at that page is if they have a problem that you will never have. You've really outdone yourself this time.
>>374055 I think if someone gets to the point where wikihow articles about problems like this is where they go to get their rocks off, they should lay off it for a month or two so vanilla stuff is exciting again.
Yeah ;_; I was cutting a little close on money during it though so I didn't pick up anything that would have broken a ~25 CAD budget. Just assumed it would be on sale again this time around.
Kirara 🕎
This show called Frontier on Netflix is really good.
Although I'm biased because it's got a bunch of Natives as main characters (takes place before the American Revolution)
>>374092 >$90+ for new releases xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
>>374094 Jesus you're joining us Actually I think NZ is slightly higher I've seen new releases go for $110 Who the fuck can afford to spend that much on a video game
>>374095 Infinite is a fun character I like whenever Sonic tries to be really edgy
>>374096 I love that his motivation is just "Shadow bullied me :("
Canada's been hitting eighty and sometimes ninety dollars for AAA release console games recently. Which doesn't really make sense since the conversion rate has been slowly getting closer to 1:1 on the USD. Maybe USD prices have been going up too.
>>374090 it was fun but yeah now im on the not really worth the price team it's still good gameplay though
I had to shovel firat thing after getting up I'm so thirsty now I keep drinking water But my throat Is parched This must be what it feels like to be blue
I just remembered a physics exam problem I had four years ago about a cowboy dying of thirst
I love when Sonic has 0 self awareness it's so funny I really wish they'd do that again instead of poking fun at itself It's less fun when they're in on the joke
>>374107 yeah that was great sonic adventure battle 2 is probably the best sonic game in terms of story itd say it's tied with some of the gba games in terms of fun i need to play mania still
I was really pissed that my computer couldn't run it without it being increadibly slow
>>374110 I thought Sonic Rush actually had an okay story Sonic Adventure really does the corny serious stuff great though Mania is really good It's increadible that Sonic Team needed to hire some fans And that an Australian and his ragtag team made a better game in a year than Sonic Team made in 4 years with a budget
>>374111 Hopefully this is something more studios take to heart. Unless you're literally some game creation savant like Miyamoto or some of the other veterans of Nintendo, eventually you're not going to provide the innovation and fresh creativity to bring revitalization to franchises. Nintendo is already doing this a bit with their mentorship programs. The old fogies of gaming put out some really good games but they also really need to look to the future creative drivers of the industry.
>>374114 While Manias new levels are certainly creative, I wouldn't call the game innovative since it reuses a bunch of level themes and the physics from the Genesis games But that last point is the best thing about the game Because Sonic Team and Dimps never managed to capture what made the original physics feel so right
I liked what Nintendo did with Splattoon where they just told the new kids to do whatever they wanted
in one corner a small child i dont know how she relates to me in the other my sasquatch uncle theyre playing with a slime that makes fart noises and a machine that makes fart noises
Well Before that, do you know what heat is? Like, what does it mean for something like a glass of water to have heat added to it.
Kirara 🕎
Wow, rottentomatoes lists Get Out at 4th most eccential movie
cold is the absence of heat heat is like particlea rubbing together or something
>>374135 Cold isn't a thing In the strict sense Nothing is cold Things can only have less heat and when A has less heat than B, layman refer to A as being "colder" or just "cold".
>>374153 In fairness I haven't seen Get Out, but I feel that is a really, really heavy honour to give to a film we haven't seen the ramifications of yet. The others have had decades to demonstrate influence over society and cinematopgraphy. Cinematography, even. But Get Out has has only existed for less than a year.
>>374159 >Mad Max Fury Road is 5th I did enjoy that movie But there is no fucking way it deserves to be 5th I haven't seen Inside Out but it doesn't deserve to be 7th
Kirara 🕎
>>374155 I agree with that although I'm not sure if influence is what the list is about. I have no idea of the criteria of it. https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/200-essential-movies-to-watch-now/
I do think Get Out is a great movie but it does feel out of place there under the way criteria you'd expect the list yo be based on
Yeah, I guess I'm muddling the criteria with my concepts here. But what merits essentialism. Sheer quality of camera work? Written script? Social impact? Provision of thought-provoking themes? Necessity within its time period and cultural structure? You tell me something is essential you can bet I'm going to want to know WHY it is before I actually take what you're saying into proper account.
>>374158 >>374160 Anyways it's kg m*m/(s*s) Which is the same unit used for other energy
>>374158 The superscript thing broke my ttext formatting
>>374161 okay so they're all the same unit of measurement and it can be classed into three different types of energy
What it means is that bebecause energy cannot be ccreated or destroyed, only changed So heat can easily come from other types of energy
>>374167 I'm gonna be snide. I want to carelessly disregard numbers.
>Disneys Enchanted is ranked above the fellowship of the ring Was Enchanted a hidden gem I missed or something >>374168 They ranked Fury Road above a bunch of movies Fury Road is ranked above all the original mad max movies
>>374173 Fury Road was a really enjoyable movie with some amazing stunt work and practical effects and stuff It's a good movie and I wouldn't mind seeing it in the top 200 I just don't think it deserves number 5 The list works better if you see it as a collection of must sees rather than a ranking
ToN what RPG maker game should I play after wada Do you know any that are like, really psychological like End Roll was Because I really really liked that game You know what I might even say it's my favourite game I played this year
I just beat Navare infernal. It wasn't as hard as Amelia and Tana but it still took me a few tries to figure out which units to use.
>>374185 dang, i havent played another end roll theres a game by the same maker of wada i played two in fact but one is basically just a less good wasa wada
also my cousin asked me if the utsuho on my home screen was "yandirchin"
was what
>>374212 he was trying to say yandere-chan clearly he watches a whole lot of youtube and it's REALLY bizarre to deal with a child who is only getting information on things i know about through slight video osmosis
oh right that makes more sense
Also there's some fringes of weird anime culture that are starting to register with people that you wouldn't normally assume to know of it. There's yandere girlfriend simulator games that get well-known because of YouTube celebrities playing them and that allows millions of people that wouldn't normally know and of their dere types to suddenly familiarize with it.
>>374218 Yeah, the mangaka of Nichijou drew them something in celebration.
Man the snow is coming down HARD outside. Guess we'll be getting a white Christmas.
Games that play with the relation between directional input and the direction you move on screen always mess with my coordination really bad. Once pressing left no longer makes me move left, or forward to go forward, I lose all sense of how to competently navigate an environment.
it's actually pretty cool right now for summer although I feel like this overcast weather happens around christmas the past few years or so but fuck summer anyway
Rainbow Vanilla is putting out an oppai calendar. like why man why not just a book you mean to tell me you're just going to flip through touhou titties month by month like some kind of fancy pervert you can't even mark it like a normal calendar the art is like 94% of the page
I mean any image calendar like that, I'm going to flip through the entire thing the day I get it. But after that, yeah, I'll hang it up and flip through it month by month.
it's gotten kinda bothersome playing GW2 with the way that things load. I am now pretty good at fighting enemies that I can't even see. I have a build for it. And I gotta use it until things show up
My computer is fine. I don't know if it's the internet or whatever. Or at least I THINK my computer is fine. But it takes like 20-30m before I can see some enemies. I can see their name tags though so I can tell when they're around. But sometimes the name tags don't move so while I know that they are there, I don't know where they are. So I take skills that compensate for that. Like ones that jump in the direction of the target or large AOE skills. Luckily, when i // when the name tags don't move, the damage numbers that pop up show where the enemy is. So I have a decent method of figuring things out.
It has gotten better now it's more like 5-10m but sometimes the enemy models unload or something when I change maps or waypoint so if I can see an enemy but I die and I WP elsewhere, it might not show up again but a long time ago, it used to be really bad. Like during Halloween, when I complained about my camera issues. It was the same thing
Considering it's asset-related and doesn't seem to be an issue with server coordination, it does sound like an issue on your end.
Well, you can replace the dying RAM. If it's RAM that's not a big deal though. If it's your hard drive that is causing the problem, then you should pay attention because your hard drive may be in the process of dying and you need to back up your data.
>>374293 Data loss always sucks. You may thing "oh I don't have anything to lose other than pictures of anime girls because I've backed everything else up" And that may be true. But when it happens, you'll miss your pictures of anime girls, along with whatever it was you forgot to back up.
note the minimap in the bottom right. The map follows your character and keeps it in the center Or more accurately, the map follows your "camera", which follows your character, and keeps your icon in the center. But here, the camera is stuck in the spot that I loaded in, at the waypoint. So the waypoint is centered, and I'm all the way in the distance, invisible, fighting an enemy, also invisible, using its icon and mine as a means to stay in range. Skill 2 on that bar leaps to whoever you're targeting so as long as the icons are moderately close, I can get directly in melee range and apply the rest of my damage properly.
a temporary fix to one of the problems is pulling out my mount. My character "doesn't exist", so neither does her camera. So it stays where I loaded. But my mounts usually load faster than my character does so I can ride them and fix my camera but as you can see... I'm not there
OH. So this one is nice. Right where I'm standing is a spiral staircase. A spiral staircase that I can't see. Fixed with timed flame traps that I also can't see. The top of it has a mastery point or something
Not restricted to 8gb unless you have some fucky version *funky
Oh wait >home basic For what purpose?
I don't even want to think about losing my backups I did a triple redundant backup of my most important stuff warlier this year *earlier
Also due to my mother opening up a box of random crap from 2004 I've determined what anime I was really into that year
It was Tenchi Muyo When I was 11, I had always thought I misremembered when I first saw it. But I guess I was really into it then.
Also I did a book report on One Piece volume 1 that year
ah, I'm limited to 16 maybe I'll get new ones
This live album is great >what the fuck did you just say >no really >what in the actual fuck did you just say There's incoherent yelling in the background
>guy in background yelling t and *at band to hhurry up >singer: you in a hurry man, need to get home, next time why don't you just tape sex in the city you fuck *sex and the city
fuck This one is good http://thehardtimes.net/culture/family-braces-philosophy-majors-return-home/
>“I can’t listen to his shit anymore,” she said while installing a fourth lock on her bedroom door. “He keeps trying to sneak ‘reductio ad absurdum’ into every text conversation we have. I can guarantee you, 100 percent, he has no fucking clue what that means.”
>make thread last night >all you fucks are here living in it But why?! This isnt your home theres better places to beee like a >new sexy thread >not old cake thread fucking monsters
Yeah, phoneposting is broken as fuck. Eventually you can get the knack for doubletapping all your first letters but it's an annoying thing to have to work around.
>>374358 Nah, any food is good food. Do you got full dragon team?
>>374359 Ninian. Even though all dragons are scum of the earth.
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
hi i've been absnet for a few days absent* but im stopping by to say hi and merry chrimsasasmsmasa before i go to sleep :3 xoxoxo hope everyone enjoys their day/night !!!!!!!!!!
>>374366 I don't actually use Black Knight too often. I worked some on building him out today though. The cornerstone of my armor team is Amelia.
My flyer team is Halloween Nowi, Summer Corrin, Cherche, and Palla following along as a buffbot. Cherche and Corrin are the mainstays of my armor team.
I didn't have much of a chance to play recently since my phone is broken and my replacement phone doesn't have enough space for it and any other app. Please live out my disappoint ment and rage for both of us
>>374369 >>374373 Your salty tears are delicious I hope Tharja gets added to smash
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Everyone knows that Priscilla is the best.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she protec but also atak
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
everyone knows the best DEF is a high ATK
*gets oneshot*
>>374372 Whats there to build? Fury+Vantage for days ...eh, I feel Armor Match is overrated in arena. >>374380 Its always Fury!
>>374379 when I get a new phone, I'll be back in the fight I'll be playing catch up though. I don't have any of the good new seals. My phone cracked when I was about 2k points away from reaching the seal during the Black Knight Tempest Trial
>>374382 This is my Amelia. She's probably my best unit.
>>374387 IV? Slaying Axe which upgrade? >Moon/Distant/Vantage You love watching the world burn too it seems. But she ~fine~, could only think of backup Repo' cause...everyone deserves Repo'. #fuckSelena
>>374388 She's +spd - def. It's a decent IV for her.
I like swap for her. One of the nice things about swap is that you can use it to boost the mobility of an armor unit by having them swap with someone a tile ahead of them.
>>374389 Wanting -RES someday? Or -HP? Also >but Slayer Axe!
The rotating square of death...
you guys also not seeing Marsh thread. i wont put words in his mouth by saying "hello"
>>374390 I acutally like her res where it is. She tanks a lot of magic users too since I use her as an enemy turn unit. /i think -def is okay because her def is pretty decent as it is. I usually have her wifed too, since she benefits from having a lot of extra stats in every area.
>>374391 >liking your women young or dragons I see how you roll...
Do you have Summer Corrin? Or is RNG a fucking bitch?
>>374392 Yeah, I have her. I am still using mostly default skills on her though. I am going to give her a blade tome soon, I think.
>>374393 Still good. I couldnt roll Xander or anyone... >pity breaks by trash
Same for this banner -ATKs and no Robin I am also not a mad man trying to get Tharja outta dat massive RedPool #moreredswordslol
when I was recovering stuff from my broken phone, I managed to get in and link my account and then i had a bunch of extra orbs from logging in and whatever and I got a Leo So now I can blade tome in Red finally well, when I manage to have a not-fucked-up phone where I don't have to plug in my mouse and bend an adapter into it until the failing charge port reads it
>>374394 Which Xander? I think there's three of them now. I was taking a break when the bound hero battle horse Xander was up. I have the spring Xander though. I haven't done anything with him.
Blade Tome Cavalry is my signature offensive force. That said, my other two BTC (ha) members have far more SP than I know what to do with. So after I give him Blade, he'll get pretty much anything else afterwards.
It's been a while... Cecilia Eldigan Ursula and a fourth that changes depending. Sometimes Ninian, sometimes its whatever the Arena bonus or Tempest bonus is. when I need MAXIMUM BLADE TOME BOOST, I have one of the cavalry healers with Fortify Cavalry. Eldigan has Hone. That team is really just for bursting stuff down. it's lovely and effective.
I got my deactivated frag grenade back My mom took it away from me like ten years ago
>>374400 No Brave Lyn and Roy? Cecilia and not Titania. Hot older women tho'... Horse dancer when right?
>>374402 Shes amazing. But i watched a man spend 70 dollars to try to get her with Red Sniping... getting only a Gray, Chrom and -ATK Ryoma... Red pool should be feared.
>>374403 >Brave Lyn you're trying to make me cry, aren't you all those orbs gone only for them to announce my real FE wife, Nephenee, afterwards. And not make her the Tempest reward I would have taken B.Lyn, but I had no green physical characters that were 5* and capable. B.Ike was a valuable choice and I don't really regret taking him. I just regret wasting all those orbs on rolling grey balls and getting endless healers
>>374412 Everyone on /moe/ has a countless number of Brave Lyns and multiple Nephenees and I'm telling you right now that when my phone broke I wasn't even that angry about it.
>>374417 Because Neph is the strongest and sweetest I'm an FE9 child. Lute is cute and worthy of lust but Nephenee stabs things like no other and that was a valuable thing to have. That they brought her signature skill, Wrath, into the game with her specifically made me really happy.
It didn't make me happy when I was caught with zero orbs though.
>>374418 >wanting to roll on "sometimes" Youre a mad woman! Reds too strong! Too many! I got a -ATK Leo...!
>>374420 They truely know how to make people suffer with Banners. ...Ike doesnt desereve #1 still though. Boring... but not worse than male Corrin at least.
Yuu quit when she didn't get Ninian for a while. I ~quit~ after failing B.Lyn and Neph. Ika didn't quit. Ika just got absolutely nothing. The game quit Ika.
>>374426 Hopefully great things and good fodder skills not lockee BEHIND HOLIDAY UNITS!
>>374427 >pure nothing Forsaken by RNG is worst TimeLine. Its where only choice is to start from scratch and reroll till a sexy Splus graces you and a usable second... then pray RNG loves that Save for the rest of its life
most of the deep burgers i know have been unbanned the reason i believe i have not been is becasue the weekend + christmas so probably from the 26th onward they'll start unbanning more my time is coming i'll totally get the christmas rewards totally
>>374422 green ike is cool. I don't mind his being boring. I like that they gave him his dad's axe though. I would love to see them make Greil playable. Now THAT would be a Tempest. But it would be redundant with Ike being there, I guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>374431 My SSR rate for the free rolls so far is 10%
>>374431 >playing more than one gatcha ...Id only be tempted by FateGO, but i know that life is suffering.
oh yeah, that's right. I missed Mia too. I'll never get my favorite FE9 trio at this rate. >>374434 I don't need more ?MarTH? but I also don't want more Ike. I just want more people from Ike's game. Like ILYANA. And LETHE ...I have no idea how they'd do the Laguz though. I guess they can just give them arbitrary colors like the dragons.
>>374435 I want ZeroBerserker, Saber normal and Mordred.
>>374436 If only there was trading...cause have given over out of hatred for her. but nope! had to eat her then have sacrafice be irrelivent with weapon refining
Yeah +14 soft buff is really strong. I can't believe they did that. Chrom and Robin are something else. I'd sac them to my ... yeah, it's really been a while. I don't remember her name anymore.
>>374455 Do you forget who i am?! Im anti-cute remember!
Id much rather have fed her Lucius...but didnt have one at the time--cause RNG thinks its fun to not give me a favorite chatacter for months. *to him MuhTrap
Geeze, +3 already? Or was that a forever-wait getting the +2?
I love Ninian but I never wanted another one after my first one. +SPD/-RES is second only to +SPD/-DEF which I am fine with not finding. But I just keep getting her over and over This isn't really a complaint though. Higher Ninian stats is better for me. And she doesn't have any skills that I want to transfer to anyone so the only thing to do is feed.
What will you do when the day comes where she is +10?
Also, it wasn't a forever-wait. I got my Ninian on the last day of her first banner in a one-shot with my last five orbs. After that, it was just TELEPORTING DANCER OF JUSTICE >>374462 I have her paired with Ursula. It was useful during the Tempest Trial when both Ursula and Ninian where bonus characters.
Yes, my Ursula is Bladed. Although, she doesn't have Blade+ I haven't taken the time to upgrade someone to throw at her.
>>374464 ...huh? OH. she's 4* I was wondering why her Atk was so low I really should get a new phone. Or maybe just a tablet to play the game on. And do nothing else with. $150 FEH machine
Yeah, I was going to mention that but I think you understand the difference.
>>374485 okay but the last time you ate a hotdog did you hold it horizonotnalty?
unlimited bangarang
merry christmas bitches
Happy holidays, nerd.
>>374489 okay not horizontally but like, the bread is on the sides wheras in a sandwhich the bread is on top and bottom Now you could hold a sub that way but I don't think it's meant to
>>374495 Well then it becomes a sandwhich Which you can say is dumb But that's how I see it
>>374499 I spent so much time explaining where different things would land that everyone believes I am full radical. but I don't actually believe that poptarts are sandwiches. Water, however, is a sandwich.
>>374500 rough to agree with tortillas and bread are pretty much made with the same ingredients
A BLT is a sandwich, a chip butty is a sandwich, and a sub is not really a sandwhich but I'll technically allow it in the same way I allow people to misuse the word literally. An ice cream sandwich is an exception to the rules.