It sounds like there was a big update to how thumbnails are rendered, which makes it run a lot smoother too
>>165725 What version are you on anyway? I was considering installing a version close to the one I was on to make sure my db files worked, but they seem to be worthless without the master file, and mine died in the crash
I'm way behind. Still 187. I haven't updated in a long long while.
>>165730 I'm just gonna fresh install at the current version I have the files backed up, but I think it might be a lost cause, and just starting over is likely my only real option
>let me swap to the other banner. >maybe I can get super lucky with 5* reinhardt >5* Ninian ...uh, this is not the super luck I wanted. But I will GLADLY accept it.
It didn't really hurt that bad. It's a little sore now tohugh.
It was raining at the time, I thought the stings were just raindrops that hit me really hard until I found a bee stuck in my collar. Maybe it was a wasp. It was hard to tell, I mostly just didn't want to get stung anymore.
Considering regular bees can only sting once it was probably a wasp m
Enemy units with less health and in the same column or row as Luke at the start of a turn has their Bonuses turn to Penalties. ...I feel as if they are trying to nerf the Blade meta directly. Elvigar makes the final boss annoying as it is already. Now you've got long range, down chain bonus reversals. Luke also gets bonus attack if he has more health than you too. hm, could be cool. Oh, and he's a Brave user. How nice.
The game also saw fit to give me a Tharja 4* ugh, Leo is the only Red Tome Cavalry unit, huh? Here's to hoping they decide to cool it with the Echoes characters and give me more Cavalry friends
Something in the production of tea in my teapot is creating some pretty gross-tasting tea. It's got this almost plastic-y taste that masks the actual flavour. It's only started recently too. At first I thought it was the water out of our new faucet, but the fact that it's a 50-50 chance of turning out that way doesn't make that add up. Whether the water is filtered or not before being boiled doesn't seem to have a particular effect either. I don't understand why this is happening.
It's got to have -something- to do with that new faucet though. I've made hundreds of pots of tea using the exact same utensils I did before the faucet installation, and this only started happening after it was installed. But I don't know what specific detail is influencing the taste of the tea.
Really? It seems to be that you're just a bit too quick.
back up your claim with evidence i am super slow
my desk chair broke ho hum bother that
>>165856 Well in this situation you can't be both almost perfect and delayed. Since to be almost perfect you need to show up perfectly an hour after. But you were a bit too quick for that perfection.
So I guess the real question is, would you rather be super slow, or almost perfect?
>>165881 I'm just saying it kinda seems like you're memeing. I think it's in the nature of a slippery slope that resistance really isn't a factor because it's supposed to be slippery. But by all means keep on memeing.
People always try to justify themselves at the top of the slope. No one likes to just give in like that so easily. But if that makes you uncomfortable, by all means keep on dismissing it.
>>165895 I think some bees can sting more than once. If it wasn't a bee it was a small wasp.
He did get out, and I was eager to help him out. Which is one of the reasons I'm not quite sure what kind of stinging insect he was. He had yellow and black bands on his abdomen.
>>165901 Nope, I didn't have to do anything like that. I think it stung me around five times. It was a small little thing and the stings didn't hurt very much, I thought it was just big raindrops hitting me at first. It stung me around five times.
>>165904 Nah, I don't think I killed it. It kinda flew away, but it was a little messed up because it got its head caught in my collar trying t o get out.
I was kind of curious as to what it was too, it kinda looked like a sweat bee but those don't sting. it's abdomen was not quite as pinched as what you'd normally find in a wasp. It had yellow and black bands on its butt though.
>>165905 event dailies are up joion 5 event raids for crystals
>>165907 It really just popped me a few times though. The internet said that female sweat bees were the only ones that sting and they don't stray from the hive too much.
>>165907 Is this an accurate depiction of the description?
>>165918 >it's a slippery slope if you occasionally do something >it's a role playing game if you play a role >it's a sandwich if it's constructed of vaguely food-like items
>>165923 Does that mean it's a slippery slope where you have a new kind of food, don't hate it, and then occasionally have that meal again? Would it be fair to paint someone as some kind of banana split maniac if they had a banana split and then had like one a month after that?
>>165926 But the interval hasn't increased. Moreover, the whole reason I brought it up was because I didn't really want to buy two nendos in such a short time frame. I expressly stated that I didn't like the way this was going down because the interval at which it was occurring. My conflicted state was actually a product of my self-control making me hesitant, which is kind of the opposite of the whole slippery slope thing because slippery slope is a phenomenon where a person has no self control.
Face it, you were just meming.
Weren't you saying like two posts ago that I should accept truth even if I don't like it? Maybe you should re-read that post and think a bit about how it applies to you.
I put fire in the background and learned how to transparency in the process
I might get Lillie but I'm upset that she doesn',t have ponytail
>>165927 You were originally pretty absolute about not getting any. Then it became I'll just get one. Then another came out and you fought- >>165932 Can you let finish the thought and maybe find details are addressed. Let me finish, even.
-you fought over it but eventually caved. Now it's gotten to the point where your struggle isn't over buying one, but that there's two to pick from. You're becoming increasingly complacent in the activity of buying anime goods. That's the slippery slope.
So the only way to really avoid the slippery slope is to stubbornly stick to your original ways of doing things and never change your mind. Don't you guys criticize me when I do that?
>>165933 wow I feel bad for anyone who uses those!
>>165939 It's an inherent criticism. Setting that aside, your definition of slippery slope is lax to the point where there's really no point in even having it. Using your terms, any time you do something and do it again is suddenly a slippery slope.
>>165940 Yeah, it's really just a bad idea altogether.
>>165943 Aren't you the one dismissing things you don't want to hear? You conveniently ignored everything I said about my conflict being one motivated by self-control, which is antithetical to the concept of a slippery slope.
By your logic, every new behavior is a slippery slope, from trying a new food to getting a new job.
>>165945 You'd be fair to think that on multiple levels. Really anyone who has a mario-themed wedding is a cuck on a basic level.
>>165945 Definitely gotta try to sleep with the bride at that point
Also anybody who would put video game stuff on their wedding cake is already a cuck
i went to an egl themed wedding a while ago it was a bit much even for me
>>165946 You seem to believe that people that get on a slippery slope like this just throw themselves off it without self-restraint from the get-go. That wouldn't be much of a slope it would be more of an outright cliff. Like anything on a slope starting from zero acceleration, it starts off slow and picks up acceleration.
FEH tried to secude me back the other day. I used 5 orbs and got Charlotte on the first try. I don't have a lot of desire to play, though.
>>165954 And using that extremely broad definition, any new behavior is a slippery slope. There's an implication of loss of self-control with the whole "slippery slope" jeer that you are ignoring completely.
overwhelming yes I'm gonna block moon's cheesecake rule though I'm getting tiramasu cake >>165963 just one slice but it's a big slice I won't eat it all in one sitting, I tried it once but it was a bad time
>>165973 That is what you're saying. You're saying that picking up a new behavior and repeating it is a slippery slope.
You haven't really provided anything as to why tryign a new food and liking it is different than being on a slippery slope, or why getting a new job is a slippery slope. And you've completely failed to acknowledge the points I made about my current dilemma being motivated by self-control and that such a conflict is antithetical to the concept of a slippery slope.
laughing too hard to type
it's so romantic
>>165972 >wife asks him why >"bitch, you knew I was a snake"
>>165987 Where you previously fought and rationalised for getting only one, now you're struggling with the fact that's there's two releases you want. A previous Rika would have just shrugged off one or dismissed the idea of getting one entirely.
>>165992 aw yeah i'm down for amon tobin foley room was p sick
You're being led around Tilde she's dominating you
>>165993 slightly unrelated but i saw a picture of mike pence holding oreo earlier and got really sad
>>165999 yeah, it's pretty sad i bet he was devestated on twitter, he got a bunch of condolances nobody was mean in that thread from what i saw
One of my friend's just had his dog put down this week.
>>165996 That's a core component of it but it doesn't get thrown to the wind as soon as you buy the first toy. Well not for everyone. There's a gradual release of the self-restraint as it starts getting slipperier and slipperier.
>>165994 And Rika three years ago wouldn't have eaten asparagus but I've since given it another chance and will now eat it. Does that mean I'm now on an asparagus flavored slippery slope, too?
if you hollowed out asparagus and made it bigger it could be a slide
>>166005 Nope. I've always been a bit of a picky eater. I had some asparagus stuffed chicken a few years ago and decided that asparagus wasn't all that bad though. I still have trouble eating it without anything to go with it though.
>>166002 And how is that different from trying a new food or findign a new song you like? Slippery slope comes with an implication that a person falls down the slippery slope and just goes wild.
Is Kirara on a slippery slope because he's been jump roping a lot lately? Are we going to find him in a closet wrapped up in jump ropes and drooling because he's been doing it more lately?
Who knows what the future might bring in that aspect for him. Maybe he will slide all the way down.
>>166013 I think that your issue is probably a good bit more painful. Internal organs really hurt when maltreated. Fat just kinda flops around and is uncomfortable.
They're not, it's still very uncomfortable. I've been using compression shorts but they're basically skintight so it feels really awkward to exercise in them. It's kind of exhibitionistic and I don't like that.
Biking shorts seem like they would offer support like you need. I'm not really an expert in the area but I think that biking shorts kind of do that function.
>>166019 just tuck them back in that's what the native tribes do when hunting in the forests so they dont get damaged
Yeah, tucking or shoving the gonads back up into the little cavity they descend from can damage a person's reproductive abilities. I imagine it's pretty painful too. Having internal organs on the ouside is weird.
If only we had genetically modified ourselves to have removable balls.
>>166025 Yeah, but it's like 85 all the time so if I start jump roping, my internal temperature will raise pretty high and I don't like that. I want to wear as little as possible for it.
>>166057 I already did! It's called jump roping or running. She's free to do either of those with me. I've even been running less because she doesn't want me to leave the house.
I didn't have much of a plan going in an just approached it with my heart rate up for 30 minutes philosophy. I did it outside in almost freezing weather too. Supposedly working out in the cold is better.
>>166099 apparently so
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
do you think that some random index available online is being funded by tobacco companies in an attempt to reduce tourism to entire countries as punishment for not being complicit in the poisoning of the citizens
Someone said they were going to do me a big favor and they're usually reliable, but I asked for an update on it last night, and they haven't replied still reeeee
I can possibly fix it by getting one of two people to help me out
But I'd need them to lie They're the most reliable people I know, probably the only ones I can trust to do this, but they're so honest that they're not suited for this kind of thing
I got some altermol\pinex forte in case there's pain after the tranq wears out, but this should be fixed until my appointment is here and it gets filled properly, now
I wonder if Rob Zombie actually manages his own twitter account or if it's a PR guy I wanna ask him what exactly "More human than human" means Cause there are two possibilities
>>166199 I stopped drinking beer because it contains nu male hormones. It was about 1L a night. Now I mostly drink shochu which is about 25% ABV. I have two tall glasses of it a night, which is maybe 350ml?
Learning photoshops is fun But I can't just look over the options and expect to learn anything, so I just take the opportunity to make dumb images when I see something fun
>>166200 It's not a lot. Nothing dangerous yet. But I have to every night
Tonight my manager had a fight with his girlfriend so he called his Mum
Yeah, hour until I'm allowed to But I mean the numbnesss is still gonna be a problem
At least my jaw isn't locked
He offered to pull out my top right wisdom tooth while I was there, but I figured I might as well wait with that and not have my WHOLE mouth be numb for hours
>>166207 Not reduce. Sometimes I'll go a night without drinking. Usually when I come back from the gym late and have no time to even enjoy a buzz. I'm fine then of course. I don't drink enough for there to be physical symptoms. But the next day I'll surely buy something again.
>>166209 Trying to reduce the amount is probably a good first step. If you have 350ml a night, try to reduce it to maybe 300ml for a few nights, and if that's okay, then try to reduce it a little bit more.
I was a binge drinker so I'd usually just consume 1-1.5l one night a week I realized I had to stop when I started doing it more than once a week though The last straw was when I consumed 1.5l of vodka in 1.5 hours
>>166212 I quit cold turkey, but I was only psychologically dependent on it, and not physically dependent on it. It was difficult but I had some friends that helped me get through it. I still get cravings all the time, though.
For people that drink regularly, tapering it off is better because the sudden change in the amount consumed can freak your body out if you do it too quick.
>>166217 It kind of depends on how long you've been doing it and genetic factors. If you think you can go cold turkey, I think it's the most effective way to do it if you're not physically dependent on it.
>>166219 Genetically I'm just like the rest of my family. My parents and grandparents also consumed/consume about as much as I do every night. Not dysfunctional alcoholism, but uninterrupted drinking. Sometimes they quit for Lent and it's fine, but it's usually about 1L of beer a night
I had to pour out what I had when I started, although I have sake in the fridge that I use for cooking still. I also kept a bottle of rum to give away since it was unopened, but my flatmate hid it from me to help me out.
>>166222 ok, ok after this bottle is finished never again lads
I recognize that it legitimately isn't possible for a rainbow to have black in it because black is the lack of light, but it's a racist symbol now
The worst thing about it is..... people are gonna look @ it after xe posts it... & xey're gaynna say "wow cool pic can i save??" and xe will be like "yea" but that motherf*cker never asked in the first place???? gtfo
Eh, Panic Ploy has a very specific problem. It engages at the start of your turn, after enemies have chosen their place to stand. Zephiel is armored so he has little mobility but... Hm... ...Obstruct is a B skill right?
My issue is that I do not know how NPCs react to seeing it on an opponent. Dodging Panic Ploy is likely a low priority.
I didn't think about that problem I felt like it might be kind of a waste though because you could probably put it elsewhere on a unit with lower HP since you only need 1 HP more than the enemy
and i also feel like it's only going to be particularly useful in area
PP requires bait though. High Def/High HP is probably the only way to utilize it at all so it makes sense to drop it on Armored. But in a situation like that it becomes something to dance around. Mages at diagonals and sacrificing large buffs in order to not be countered. Hm.... The unfortunate thought in my head is that the best way to utilize Panic Ploy is if you have MULTIPLE Panic Ployers. >Legion comes with Fury/Obstruct fuck, I thought he'd be a PP
It's a map where reinforcements keep coming in. And they generally have all forms of breakers. Also the Archer at the top with the Brave Bow is a piece of shit.
If you have an Eliwood or Laslow, I highly recommend putting that Axebreaker skill to work. Someone gave Axebreaker to Klein and went to town. You have four or five Legions that show up throughout. So it's very useful.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
I'm probably going to 5* Cecilia after this PVP week ends, and then after that, I might go to 5* Legion. I have only 2 green 5*s right now, Anna, and Minerva which is good but for stuff like tempest, i don't seem to have enough
Tempest has been kickin my ass but I got 4* marth at least
Cecilia would be useful on the map. Hm, you know I NEVER checked if Gronnraven would have been a good option. One of the biggest issues on the map is the Archer at the top. There are two Blue Tomes (one at the start, one that spawn at the bottom) and one Lance Knight (spawn at top) Killing the Blue Tomes are easy but surviving the archer was very difficult for me. Most of my problems came from being unable to survive it even while standing in the Defense Tiles. It has Brave Bow, Moonbow, and starts with the Special ready.
Cecilia was my vantage person. Remember though, the space up top is ALSO defensive tile. He has high def and low res so a mage is most useful. I think Gronnraven, B Tomebreaker would be good. Maybe. I haven't tested this. But you'll take less damage from the archer. If you get Cecilia to 5*, I feel she should be able to survive that.
Confirmed. Cecilia KILLS the archer with Gronnraven.
>>166335 yea that's cool but why can't I GO BACK eeeeaaa it should display me going back & deleting too....that would be epic u could never post & have an entire ironpilled.... now i just look like a bigger raytard xan I usually am??? hair fuck
wwwww Like I said. Panic Ploy works best when people don't realize you have it. Which is the only reason I lost that map. The last Legion had it and three of my team members were in that fucking row. Otherwise, I'd have hosed it far easier than all the other attempts. >let's line everybody up to TAKE MASSIVE DAMAGE. Okay Koi. You got it.
That said, I AM very familiar with the map at this point. So it becoming this simple feels more like... experience than anything. Knowing what units spawn where and their abilities. That last Legion has only ever spawned twice for me though. I always died before it came out.
>new posters gross. I'm going to take a shower. >>166377 Good luck. >>166381 I have been focused on mobage tactics But I think we're doing a recording today. So I gotta prepare
I'm surprised you didn't notice. Unfortunately, I have class in 20 minutes so I won't be around to inform them of the rules if they misbehave, though. Hopefully Sam and Rika won't have a lot of work later.
>>166442 You stole my pic, you never asked, you never apologized & now you want me gone????????? wtf.......ur evil
So I found an app that tou use when you hook up your phone to yiur car, it makes it so that your music volume increases the faster your car goes. I'm gonna set it up for >>166449 I guess i'd better read my friend's car's manual. Anyways we are tentatively going to blast Eurobeat on the highway in the midfle of the night on Saturday.
that's already an option on most cars newer than 2010 it's in the console settings
Also my friend said that the Initial D arcade game did not have running in the 90's on its soundtrack.
>>166455 The first half on the island was laugh out loud bad, and the real world scenes while significantly better felt very synthetic and manufactured. Standard DC affair. The only parts I liked were the Ares, god of truth reveal and the Scottish sniper. I ended up rating it the same as Batman V Superman.
>>166457 Second half was a lot better than the first half tee bee ach.
The smart thing to do would be to just keep the information close until I need it Since they won't change the passwords for another 150 or so days
>>166464 I thought the island was awful but brief, and the real world stuff was good. I liked the fish out of water interactions between Diana and Terry, who honestly carried the movie.
The tooth my dentist messed with feels really really smooth The other two with the temp filling don't feel smooth at all, they're more like porous feeling
Any of you guys into racing games? I hadnt played any in a while but I went to the arcade the other day and had a lot of fun with F-Zero GX. I did really well, im not sure if i was previously this good or just forgot.
I enjoy racing games, but rarely for the racing itself
Oh I just found a bunch of financial information here Why does everyone trust me
>>166481 £2 extra per panel is actually kind of a lot. If it were an extra 30 pence per panel it would be >>166485 It was a direct result if the combination of a faulty sprinkler system and lack of fireproof panels.
>>166481 these fucks got potentially 100 people killed in a fucking fire
>>166482 doing it would have saved them a lot of money
>>166482 The entire building burned to the ground as a direct result of, and exclusively because of this decision
also because they put gas mains in the fire escapes, a lot of people died
>>166498 Yeah the whole building was on fire On the outside
I'm still really surprised about the gas mains . If that wasnt against building code already it shoukd be soon. The one sort of good thing that should happen as a result of this is better regulations and people getting shit inspected sooner.
Holy shit Trump cancelled the trade deal with Cuba that Obama set up on his way out? The fucking madman
I feel vindicated almost, because I fucking called this from the start, and then I was taken in by the meme I fucking said it, it's in the archive
Trump IS the big business corrupting the politicians
yeah because his competitors hotels got better deals there than him
>>166502 Not only did he do that, he just completed a $12 billion dollar arms deal with Qatar, a country he had very recently called a sponsor of terror (After the saudis told him). I mean it's not even been a week and Xe has flip-flopped
Well, I knew he would start pulling shit like this. >>166506 Where would they even get $12 billion? Nvm, oil.
>>166506 to be fair he said that because he didnt realize that the largest military base in the middle east is there our biggest base, that is
What if instead of png thumbnails, every thumbnail is a one frame looping webm
>>166522 Sounds good, im assuming its like lazy evaluation >>166524 Or he could just use webp (which is the same compression as webm but for images). Also there was a guy on /g/ that set up a bot to take large image files and then make losslessly compressed 1 frame webms with them and post them as a reply.
>>166530 I have a pretty unconventional way of thinking My thought processes are way different from the other people in the program and I atte /// attend to different things
Personality tests like MMPI-2, PAI, MCMI, Rorschach, TAT, etc would be able to indicate that
Hrrrm, do you know which if any of those would be done as part of a full psych workup? Inb4 all of them.
What was the purpose of the eval? Social security?
>>166545 Academic accommodations, but it was really weird and exhaustive. Weird because I had already had diagnoses and recommended accomodations, but there was some bueracratic requirement of a full psych work up for accomodations. Might be a state thing.
>>166546 It's unusual to do personality testing in that context, but there might be an MMPI-2 or MMPI-2-RF. PAI is used as an alternative for MMPI, so that probably wont be there unless the psych preferred it to MMPI. TAT and Rorschach definitely shouldnt be there. MCMI is used if there's suspicion personality disorder so that probably won't be there either.
Hrrm, I'll look into it later. I dont personally have a copy of my eval report anymore and we moved so I dont know where my mom's copy is. Ill look for it on sunday
If you do find MMPI-2 data, and have scales rather than just a report, you can check Scale 8, Sc 1-6, BIZ, BIZ1&2 Those are the scales most likely to reveal strange thought processes
Oh also I do have reason to believe that I qualify for autism bux. But I don't feel that I currently need them and don't want to further tax our soon to fail any day now social security system.
if you tried, you'd definitely get an MMPI-2 done haha
>>166553 I've talked with some people from state agency and i am pretty sure tgey said I woukd qualify.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. Did you ever read that thing?
Million Dollar Murray and Power Distribution article *The
I read some of it but havent finished it Interesting stuff though
>>166558 Okay, was just wondering. I'm glad you found it to be interesting. Mainly because that means I'm able to actually tell (sometimes) if you woupd be interested in something. Which can be very hard for me to gauge because autism.
I have access to a lot of financial information here including information about grants and student accounts.
SwiftOnSecurity would be crying if she knew.
Become the next Reality Winner
>>166560 You probably shouldn't go out of your way to look at any of it . >SwiftOnSecurity would be crying if she knew It's an open secret within the IT/Security/technical ... communities that most organizations (even ones that especially shouldn't) have incredibly terrible opsec Asking other people for their passwords and claiming it was for work was how Snowden got most of his stuff.
I can't resist the call of interesting information It even says in my file that I explore as much as I can and try to learn what I can
They must have known that doing this would just feed me information although i wont infringe on stuff about other people since that's unethical
>>166563 You ever been to Scotland? I have a sort of online friend who owes me an Irn-Bru, and I'm wondering if I shoukd follow up with him on that.
>>166565 Just a warning but all of this is probably being logged. Although because poor opsec/infosec even if you do something you shoukdnt theyll probably never look at the logs.
I have IRN-BRU on my desk right now 2 ltr bottle! I have been to scotland. It is a pretty place but some places are utter shite. Accents can be hard to understand
Yeah, they won't look at the logs. I used to have a lot of power when I worked here a few years ago As long as I dont make changes, it's fine
>>166568 I gave myself admin acess on my highschool user account. I removed it a minute later though. It was a really way I did it too. The student accounts had the cmd locked (there were ways aroubd it), but what I did was I logged in onto one of tge OSX comps (for my design class whose work i finished early), and then accessed the Windows user account settings from the terminal, so because I was using a non WindowsOS to access them the security locks and permissions did not apply. Ihink it was also the first time I ever realky used bash.
When I worked for a bank I was allowed access to nearly everything, I could see the monthly forecasts for financial information to the directors and alsort of neat stuff they had a shitton of practice exams for all sorts of exams in nearly everything especially IT. I did the Linux Admin exam on the systems
I did find some good information about something, though Useful information about an // a study that's being considered that I might want to get involved in before it gets off the ground
also info about grants that they keep from the students even though we need that information to plan things
>>166570 'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
Nice, I don't need to go to /g/ to get my dose of terrible pasta. >>166573 It was easy peasy lemon squeezy
>>166574 What cert was it for, I'm probably going to try getting a cert later this year butI dont want to havr to get the A+ if I can skip to a more useful one. Since the A+ has a bunch of super useless stuff (much of which I know) on it
Kannagi@Ganbaranai It was this
Not sure if it is useful to you but there was a lot of different stuff. there was A+ and a whole bunch of Cisco. >>166577 Redhat, Slackware, Ubuntu, Debian
What distribution have you used? *distros Fucking auto correct
>>166579 If Slackware was easy then why did you use Ubuntu? Also I'm glad you didnt say Linux Mint. Because it is the unofficial distro of antisemitism and hypocritical antizionists who think that they aren't being antisemitic.
Different points in time. Older to newer pcs and whatever distros I had on had. *hand
I did want to try out Arch Linux since /g/ has a sort of boner over it, not sure if they still do.
>>166582 I hear its stable now but I still shit post about it not being stable. Also how do you feel about SystemD?
>>166580 is that true of all trash? >>166581 >>166582 oh are we talking about intro to linux ubuntu is dope i keep it on a flash drive and it's been useful many times good way to save files from a computer when the OS dies or certain hardware dies
The initialization system? I prefer it to windows way of doing things. I can hit that daemon anytime to modify anything.
>>166584 Ubuntu is bad and you shouod ferl bad. *should feel If you want to boot something of off a usbstick put the ubcd iso on it instead It is literalky designed for data recovery , testing and repair
I haven't masturbated in 3 days
>>166586 ubuntu is bad for a lot of things but it's not bad the way that I use it
i get that but it's not so simple that your 14 year old sister can finish her history project with absolutely no training on her "broken" laptop
>>166588 My family only ever had Macs until I was 17. Also if thats what you use it for then do that, but for pc repair/data recovedy use UBCD or shell out the $5 for a PartedMagic ISO.>>166596 I did that with ubuntu (I was 15) and then backtrack
>>166595 Not all of us can live the ascetic lifestyle of a jewish aidoru
>>166592 I mean there's a lot of different options but I consider a usb stick with ubuntu on it to be kind of a one-size-fits-most fixer for whatever I'm not going to claim to be super well-versed in this stuff but I've fucked around with it a bit and it's been useful
>>166599 Then put both on the same usb stick, trust me on this, UBCD is really really useful
>>166616 Redhat should also be there. The fact that all those listed distros have "companies" behind them and Redhat which also has a company isnt on there despite being one of the top five (or so) popular distros is fishy. >>166620 Fedora is free Redhat, also Debian shouod be the one you get certified in since Ubuntu is a Debian fork, and in general mastery Of debian demonstrates proficiency in a wider range of distros than mastery of ubuntu
>>166615 Stay safe and may god save you from the horrors. I hear there are giant crocs in the sewers of florida.
>>166618 But aren't those 3 distros free? Maybe the just don't have anyone capable of certifying Redgay WOW hat fingers slipped wow
t and h and y and g are all right next to eachother
>>166619 I can't die here, I have too many things left to do!
well I definitely agree Debian should be on there
but wait, what are these certifications for, anyways?
also i'm more or less defending the statement "we're completely distribution neutral" i think it's too much to assume that they offer those three OSes out of a bias of opinion rather than a lack of resources or something else
>>166622 Don't worry you can't die you are protected by plot armour. As long as you don't trigger death flags you'll be fine!
Also SUSE isnt free. Oh nvm on some of my complaints, I forgot that CentOS is the free redhat based one. Fedora might be kill.
>>166626 Youre right. There is also something I have to tell you when I return...
>I can't die here! Major death flag
>>166627 well like I said, maybe they can't offer certification rather than don't want to i doubt they'd limit themselves because they want to kill redhat or something being distro neutral, unless it means something i don't know that it means, probably means they just don't feel strongly about things
The Linux Foundation has a huge amount of corporate backing, I just find it a little bit odd that they have a cert for SUSE (which is an enterprise distro) instead of openSUSE, and not Redhat (they have CentOS instead, the "freer version".
Well what do they require themselves in order to offer a certification permission from the creators of the distro? manhours spent on creating the course/tests for certification? demand? i'm just saying that maybe you're not giving them enough benefit of the doubt
>>166628 You've done it now. I will refresh the major news sites to see what happens. I hope you don't get infected and become a florida man.
>>166632 I honestly don't know. Although now >>166635 A little, its just sort of odd, also im pretty sure more people use Redhat than Cent
Well then maybe I should've given you more benefit of the doubt and you actually are just angery because reasons.
I'm willing to bet money that Redhat would prefer to offer their own certifications
A lot of big companies use RedHat.
>>166636 That might be it, also i almost got into GNU/Linux shit when I was like 12. I got a big box of books for cheap and it had redhat stuff in it, but my mom took those books away abd said that I didnt need them (she did not like that i acquired books in very large numbers)
>>166676 I don't claim to understand what they meant with all the "how this gets done" they wrote up about it. But it reminded me of a wooden take on those synth light shows media players always used to put on when you were listening to only music on them. So that was pretty cool.
>>166682 In fairness there's a decent number of cars in the other direction. Feels more like you just got lucky and the traffic flow was not where you were travelling.
The fear was kind of exciting though for me at least
Frantically trying to figure out how and when we can speed with Jan trying to figure out the laws
Fear is generally kind of exciting. I tried to explain it during the trip but I dunno if I did it well. But it's not impossible to be having fun while simultaneously be panicking.
There are so many people that can't appreciate that rush, though. It's sad.
Like that time I almost got in a head-on collision while driving those two girls to the airport, and it was so exciting that I couldn't stop laughing And I laughed so hard that I thought they were laughing, but they were actually too scared to say anything That was such a rush
>>166720 that was the kind of thrill with my stormchasing days on my motorcycle i don't feel it so much anymore but i'm sure i would if i was there again i like to slow things down nowadays when i can
>>166725 I stay safe like 99% of my regular life. Every now and then I need to do something pretty ridiculous or I'd probably go insane from the inanity.
>>166725 >not entering Gensokyo in a blaze of glory doing something FULLY SICK
I am pretty sedentary that I am probably in danger from blood clots.
>>166727 And the image of you sitting in a muddy puddle laughing instead of moving someone relatively dry was pretty funny. I was worried but also somewhat amused.
I have a cat that is fluffy and has cat ears on it. *hat wow that spelling mistake
I would HOPE your cat has cat ears on it.
I don't have any hats. It's hard for me to find a hat that feels comfortable sitting on my head. I think I have a weirdly shaped head or something now.
I tried to phase the hat out but it's basically part of my identity Everyone gives me shit and asks what's wrong and stuff if I do anywhere without it It's too much trouble to phase out the hat might as well be the real me ;_;