>>166768 I do love the heat but that doesn't mean I'm impervious to it. I'm not August Rika either, August Rika is immune to heat. June Rika wilts a little in the heat.
>>166770 I'm fairly resistant to heat in July. It's not a matter of weakness! It's a matter of specialization! When I'm in winter mode I can run around in shorts at freezing temperatures and be mostly fine. And when I'm in summer mode I can handle high temperatures! But there's a transition period.
>>166806 They don't always hang out in unique areas, that's silly. In fact, I think they usually don't. You're just making excuses!
Oh yeah, there was this really awkward guy at the shop when I was picking up my medicine. The pharmacist saw me and we were catching up since we see each other like once a month, and it started pouring out, and she noted that I didn't have an umbrella So I said "a little rain never hurt anyone" and this guy that was paying at the spot next to me looks over and he's like "s-some times people DROWN" with this super shaky voice and then he immediately looked away like it didn't happen
It was really awkward. Since he immediately looked away, I couldn't even respond to it properly. When he finished paying, he hurried out really quickly, too.
I bet he was picking up anxiety medicine or something.
I believe. I should work on my other cool cavalry guys now. Camus, Xander, Luke, and Reinhardt can all use some love. >>166861 hm. I guess you have problems as soon as HECTOR shows up, huh?
wow you just starting talking about FE just when I decide to start playing again
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>166860 i haven't been getting hector usually draug if i do get hector, i might be able to handle him through cecilia and reinhardt although i kind of doubt it with all the other shit going on but zeph can solo hector easily especially with genny as backup
>>166873 It's pretty late on a Friday night. Maybe not for you, but it is for me! I've been up since 3am. And I've got a big day of work tomorrow, too.
>>166890 I have to administer a battery of tests to someone. If I fail, I'll fail this class that it's for, which means I'm out of the program. >>166889 no way
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>166891 but think about all the free time you'll have if you drop out
it is true that i'm not messin with no broke fellas
>>166897 It's a battery of tests, so I have to administer a few tests. I'll be administering the MMPI-2, WAIS-IV, and Rorschach. It should take about 6 hours minimum. And then I have to score and interpret them which will take about 60 hours.
I'm going to go to bed now. I was going to go about 30 minutes ago but Rika seemed so upset about me getting ready to leave that I decided to stay and honor you all with my presence a little longer.
>>166965 my first choice is Tennessee. my Uni has a sister school in Knoxville.
The only downside to that is I don't think I can do law classes there.. it would have to be for my arts degree, which interests me less. If I want to do law I have to go to California.
you can chill at my place and have a cheap asian whore at the same time spoiler it's me
which fate is worse, marsh having sex with a tall white dude in a schoolgril outfit or not having any sex in the barbeque-scented loft of a radical texan
Yeah well part of the reason I want to save up a whole bunch of money is because as well as studying for a couple of semesters I'd also like to do a road trip kind of thing and see as much of the country as possible.
>>166974 okay how about this then just make sure that you'll be here and available during Middlelands festival next year because that's probably when i'll be taking my next vacation
what time of year is that?
implying i'm a tall white dude where's the proof i'm a strong sassy woman of color and you can't tell me i'm not
it's not my fault if i know how to make a man feel like a man what you got son not shit you gonna cook him an enchilada and play overwatch with him he can do that at home
oh also here's a song i'm posting for rika and rook specifically but also for anyone else oh and former rei, he likes good stuff >>>/watch?v=d37x0Mw95_A
basically i have to read a bunch of self-help books and then i get an extra 800 dollars this month and a few hundred dollars every month for the rest of my time with this company
that's pretty good
i'm trying to make a startup but it's not easy especially when your credit is so bad you can't even open a bank account
Here's one of the questions over The One Minute Manager
The other issue is that a lot of the questions want answers that are direct text from the book. I am not good at that. I am a skim-the-whole-thing-in-5-minutes-and-understand-all-the-concepts-within-immediately kind of person
>>167010 I have 2000$ I could invest in my uni debt or your startup.
you lot were all pretty shitposty when you all showed up and everyone at the time said fuck off newfags it's moreso funny to watch the old new people now complain about new people
>>167027 What if my delicate sensibilities are upset in the meantime?
>>167026 might be Aphids. I hear they're bad down at the moores. Worst in Australia.
Tadaimasu, I didnt win money at the magic thing tonight. First time I didnt in like three weeks.
>>167029 wasn't a particularly bad guess considering how poor of a connection it was it made some sense at least >>167028
i'm looking for like a little bit more than that sorry man i'll let you know if i open up to the public for stocks >>167032 it wasn't even the accents man it was that damned recording using a recorder next to a phone on speakerphone
it's weird because the character is super cute and waifu material but the idea that there's a conscious human being on the other end of the anime girl brings to mind ideas of consent and how far is too far and i feel kind of uncomfortable
ideas of consent? What are you even talking about?
>>167036 had never even heard of cucurbits before you have no idea how much research i had to do on that shit especially when an australian with a rural farmer accent decides to list off a dozen crop pests by their latin name what the fuck am i supposed to do man
>>167039 well people typically don't like it when you creep on them and waifuism is just creeping but it's okay because they're not real so when they're actually kind of real, is it okay to waifu them? are they okay with that?
this is also why i think VA creepers are scum
>>167041 >people typically don't like it when you creep on them this ain't highschool man people got disconnected after that they'll love any attention
>>167041 But it's a character. That's like saying you're creeping on your waifus writers Or like saying jacking to an anime girls voice is creeping on her seiyuu.
>>167041 Ai-chan isn't any more or less real than any other anime character, though. I don't think the actress does any of the animation stuff, do you?
>>167040 I'd imagine that's a difficulty with a lot of transcription stuff People using industry jargon and you have no idea what the hell they're on about
>>167045 it's not an easy job man you listened to like 20 minutes i did seven hours of audio that day all pretty much similar quality and content the pay is decent but man i'll shit on anyone who thinks it's an easy job i want to get into legal but the company i was with for that was kind of garbo and i want to find a better one market research is totally my field and i might find a better contract in time people on the receiving end don't get it though they'll just complain about why it's not super perfect when they don't do anything to ensure the recording is good quality in the first place i generally stick to the pharmaceutical contracts for that reason because they're a little more dedicated and i tend to know the terminology but i gotta move on a whim so i had to take some subpar stuff
>>167044 i thought that was the whole point is that it's like mocapped or whatever technology it actually uses
>>167051 a VA just reads a script though their responses to thing were always going to be what they are/were/will be and also waifu-ing a camwhore is definitely very mentally unhealthy as i see it so i'm still going to err on the side of it being not okay to waifu
>>167055 So you can thank them for performing their duty I guess What are they gonna arrest you for?
>>167058 >jail for traffic violations What? What did you do?
i guess it makes a lot less sense to make that joke without the context that i spent most of the last few years with a couple warrants out for very minor traffic violations warrants that nonetheless would land me in jail if i got pulled over by the wrong cop
>>167057 driving with license invalid and driving without insurance, multiple times at a certain point they just put you in jail until you go to court to figure out what you're going to do and then impound your car it depends on the cop that pulls you over, really
>>167067 yeah okay i'll just stay home and not work
fucking lel
spend the last couple years in my shoes motherfucker try not to kill yourself
>>167071 I said "kind of a shitty thing to do", I'm sure you had a good reason for it. I know people who have gotten fucked over really bad because someone without insurance crashed into their car. >>167073 Blame actuaries >>167074 Even if there is it takes forever for them to pay out
no a shitty thing to do is spend millions on lobbyists to keep the insurance industry the monster that it is i'm not saying insurance isn't generally a good concept but the way it's done is fucking extortion
but there's insurance for when you get hit by someone without insurance! it's a great system i promise!!!!!!
On a different note, has anyone seen any good anime recently that is not currently airing, or did not air in the past year and a half?
deathnote heh
>>167076 If I had a deathnote Id write bang in it right now It would say "bang died from shitposting too hard"to
but it's okay i'm going to push myself through life and into success until i become the very monsters i despise so i can hate myself enough to fucking die
>>167080 Feel free to shitpost though. I shitpost in real life.
Also not sure if you're remotely interested, but a foil sheet from the magic set after the next one got stolen and the guy posted (shitty) pics of it online.
test ** test **test *test ** test ** test Ah, got it >>167095 Complain to same about the lack of superscript italics *Sam test test WHOOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHH test Aw, it caps at like 3 or four #test
I've been really getting an itch to do something lately. But I don't really have any idea in particular that I want to do. Or a way to capitalize on the things I kind of want to do. That sort of inaction dynamic is really frustrating for me.
>>167134 >>167161 these are both stuff that i like, but i've been VERY DEEP into electronic stuff recently i'll probably swing back around to this neck of the woods eventually but mostly i listen to stuff with very regular or danceable beats or if i am listening to more traditionally arranged music, it tends to be towards the atmospheric or mathy side of progressive and alt rock
>>167167 So how do you feel about noise? Or mixing noise and atmospheric?
>>167175 Noise rock, more. Or just noise. Something akin to Sun Baked Snow Cave, tho.
What do you mean noise? Like noise rock? or like noise metal or like just noise probably not very well if it isn't danceable
Does The Boredoms count as "noise"? What about Boris?
>>167177 Man, it depends on what album you're talking. Vision Creation Newsun is not noise, but that's up Bang's alley ALMOST.
And Boris has a lot of noise works, and then more traditional works. Like, the Solomon set and as I said Sun Baked Snow Cave (with Merzbow) fall into noise. Pink, Akuma no Uta, and Flood fall into traditional.
>>167178 That's basically the only one I listen to on a semi regular basis.
The problem is, I really haven't been in the mood to listen to a lot of music that I used to love I don't know if it's a phase or if my music taste is permanently changed, but I stick pretty closely to EDM and electronica recently trip hop and hip hop sometimes and then albums like The Contortionist's "Language" and Chon's "Grow" I'm also down for post-rock like Caspian's "The Four Trees" or Russian Circles' "Enter"
Hrrrm, have either of you heard the recording of "In C" done by Acid Mothers Temple? Its very good.
>>167186 Which Acid Mothers Temple incarnation? There's what... six? Seven? >Melting Paraiso UFO >Cosmic Inferno >Acid Mothers Gong >Acid Mothers Afrirampo >SWR >the one with the sax dude
Melting Paraiso and UFO http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/21-in-c/ >>167178 Seadrum is probably my second or third favorite thing by them.
>>167192 How do you feel about Wow2? I actually can't really handle their earlier stuff. And then you can look at the Hanatarash stuff... because eYe is weird.
And I apparently don't have that album... I'll have to nab it.
I'd say right now that sonic texture and highly complex rhythms that stick to simple signatures are what I'm into
>>167197 I like the hantarash concert videos, It's been probably over two years since i listened to anything by them other than vision creation new sun I have most of their stuff on my phone and comp though
or maybe it's more simply described as "music i can move to"
"music that feels good when i'm drunk"
"music with a lot of fucking bass"
>>167200 I managed to pick up one of the "live" recordings (that comes with a bunch of elevator music) at a record store here.
>>167208 If you're the anon I am tthinking of, was it at Vintage Vinyl in U City?
do any of you guys like The Japanese House
K. Flay?
>>167209 I'm not the anon you're looking for. I should put a name on, but what's the fun in that? It was actually a local shop. Same night I picked up fucking, all but ONE of the good Lightning Bolt albums...
>>167213 Or you are and just arent hip enough. I'll just assume you atent in St. Louis though. Oh fuck, i need to get my dad somethibg for fathers day. Guess I'm going to the rrecord store tomorrow.
>>167222 I really like Louisville. Even if it is kinda small and doesn't have a lot of cool shit to do sometimes. But it's where I grew up, so I can't, you know, bitch too much.
>>167227 Kentucky ain't so bad until you go too far east... or south... or west... And you can't go much farther north or you're in Indiana and FUCK THAT PLACE.
well that took ENTIRELY too long but now I'm going to get an extra fat wad of cash
Would the testing be applicable across other similar positions in different companies, or is it strictly for within Panera?
No it's just a thing in my franchise, where assistant managers and general managers are eligible for performance-based team bonuses once they've completed some management culture books They're actually really insightful and powerful reads with great advice and strategies for a successful career in management and in general. It's not too hard and the payout is great but I think it's more to be seen as mandatory reading and the bonuses are just part of the benefits of becoming a manager with this franchise.
The bonuses are based on our ability to beat our previous sales numbers and to save money on labor and food cost. I wouldn't be getting this much money on this bonus if we didn't kick so much ass last period.
Have they had you read any books by Peter Drucker?
I feel like there's a finite doling out of those bonuses then. After all eventually within a specific store, there's only so much sales numbers increasing you can get before plateauing. Same with saving money on labour and costs.
Never heard of him. >>167286 No, sales growth is always possible, especially in a growing city like Austin. You can always improve in various ways, too.
>>167287 He's probably the most famous business management book author. Like there was even an anime about one of his books.
>>167287 Yeah I guess a metropolis like Austin probably has a very long-term limit in sales growth plateauing. Long enough that you'd likely not have to worry about it. I'm still not convinced that saving money on food and labour costs can go on indefinitely.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshidora >What If the Manageress of a High School Baseball Team read Drucker's "Management"?
>>167292 You're underestimating the efficiency at which companies could run compared to how they do that wa s a really confusing way of wording that but basically what i'm saying is that nobody is even close to perfect and so there's always work that can be done to seek out that perfection there could always be labor to trim and costs to dampen there's always better service we could be providing and it would be impossible to manage effectively without constantly looking for those things
>>167296 Never saw it, I have a friend who used to live near one of Drucker's grandkids.
>>167295 It's not really that I'm underestimating it, it's more, I've seen the dangers of trying too hard to cut and trim for the sake of efficiency and lower costs. And I'm cautious of believing that it can go on indefinitely without causing damage to the number of incoming customers and therefore sales numbers.
>>167298 but it's not just about efficiency it's also about how that effects the service that customers receive it's not about just dropping staff numbers to save a quick buck that's retarded i'm talking about not causing damage to the number of incoming customers by maximizing the resources that we do have after we've trimmed them down
associates can always get faster, mistakes can always happen less often, marketing can always be done better i'm saying that perfection is literally impossible and so there will always be room to improve i think it will be decades before sales growth becomes stagnant due to anything but incompetence
All right,you've got a much more immediate pciture -picture of the state of things than I do. So I'll take your word for it. I haven't really had any immersion in customer service jobs for five years or something like that anyway.
We should start a lobbyist group to lobby Sam to make thumbnails with trasparency.
We tried that once
Err, make /moe/ support it.
Hrrm, I'll chat with him more about it later. I thought of a few ideas for things that would look like thumbnails with transparency but wouldnt actually be.
So they wouldnt be aa resource heavy as png thumbnails.
>>167323 There was a Sims 2 game for the DS that had you make a cow give chocolate milk by feeding it chocolate which made it turn brown I wonder if the media which we have given our children is at fault here.
>>167330 It's annoying because though it is exposure and RTs and Likes, it's all in Japan, and none of it is gonna translate to followers
I guess it makes me more likely to appear in those "Here's someone you can follow" lists, though?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>167320 Is it using a spoiler thumbnail over the thumbnail? Er, transparent thumbnail... over the actual thumbnail... Because I THOUGHT about that, but never made our dev do it. Because I didn't want to make him.
>>167345 No, even replies to yourself are often shadowed I see people bitch in my timeline all the time about not seeing all the replies to their own tweets
I started scoring my mom's Rorschach test and she's really messed up
she's got a ton of logic errors and strained reasoning and extremely poor reality testing
So I am pretty sure that someone or some grouo of people have removed the Tsukihime anime from the list of roles on most (if not all) of the voice actors' wikipedia articles.
She's incredibly simple and can't deal with complicated things surprisingly she's not narcissistic but she has an expectation that people will provide for her and she can't handle it when things don't go the way she wants
>>167360 Yeah I saw the post, iirc the way spoiler thumbnails work is that its just the thumbnail of the image with the spoiler image stamped onto it. Its not a png with the spoiler thing and a transparent background overlayed on top of it.
>>167363 If I'm remembering right... Let me check one more thing...
Yeah. So, he overlays it in imagemagick while generating the spoiler. We disabled that on tano (and we have switchable spoilers). Can't remember if it's because of that or because of resource problems...
One of the ideas I had would be to fill the transparent parts with the color of the page's background, but there are different themes so that might not work.
SK, here's an example of data I can pull from a Rorschach there are notes i took when organizing an interpretation so they might be hard to follow but you can probably figure some of it out this isn't everything that can be pulled from it, though, just stuff that the person in question flagged
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>167370 Ours just gray out... I'm talking to Wulf (our dev) about overlaying the things.
>Associates good experiences with bad experiences oh boy
Yeah I don't understand how you can get this from someone describing what they see in a picture
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>167376 tanoshiine.info/radio/ I actually started here, created that for discussing streams, r/a/dio came, something happened and I stopped coming here (but I couldn't tell you what), then drama ensued, then I avoided here, then I went on the trip, and now I'm back.
>>167377 The concept of it is that your underlying cognitive structure is projected outward onto the blot because there's nothing to see in the blot. Everything people see is generated inside their head, so it reflects their inner world.
The correlates of all the variables are empirically derived, and there's over 100 years of research showing its validity. It's a good test.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>167374 I'm super excited to do it now. I almost want to drive down RIGHT NOW.
stock photo Natalie Portman lookalike wall cladding tar pit high heels guava
oh no
>>167394 That's not my issue, right now its looking for running in the 90s mashups. And getting no pertinent results, but still getting results. I would rather get a page with "no results" on it than 8 pages of results that have like one to three words (not adjacent to each oothrr) in common with my six word search string.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORUSearch [iqdb](13 KB, 155x224, 14396701.png)Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>167395 I bet that image exists in exactly one place.
>>167447 i don't have much monhun experience the game looks really cool though
it might get annoying if your target keeps running away all the time although i know that makes sense that they should
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
oh he brought it to a bigger enemy
Yeah that's a new thing you can do In the previous games if another monster appeared it would just target the hunters, but now it looks like some of them fight each other sometimes
I found a chrome addon that lets me save twitter images without the -orig at the end I have to remove every time But it defaults to saving images to the download directory of chrome and can't be changed independently
...so I made a batch file that moves all images from that folder to my image folder, and put a shortcut to it in taskbar
It's interesting to me because I'm not as big a fan of Koume as SK is, and I don't know a huge amount about the character either. I look at that outfit and see an outfit that fits the character to me, but SK doesn't like it. So it's interesting to me because I don't know why.
>>167521 /moe/ is people talking about things whereas stuff like facebook is just random assortments of all kinds of stuff that leads into more stuff and it just sucks you in if you aren't careful. How awful. I'm glad I don't use it.
I think informing people about politics is a dead end to begin with Politics is 15% of the population talking, and 1 of those 15 using the information from the discussion to create propaganda, because 85% of the population legitimately doesn't care about politics
Yeah I don't really post personal stuff on facebook
>>167532 People keep stopping me in the hallway and commenting about how they enjoy seeing my politics posts but don't want to like them because they're usually depressing and stuff I think people appreciate it at least a little If only one person actually takes my posts to heart, that's enough for me at least
>>167533 I guess I just think outright propaganda is gonna be way more effective
Convincing people of anything through argument is something that only seems worthwhile until you realize how insular the community participating in argument on any level is
This kinda stuff is why I somewhat want to start a bloggu I wanna put these views into writing, maybe make people more effective in enacting the change they want to see
>>167547 Just dump it on twitter I've held back on even doing anything like this for a long time because just writing a blog is pointless if you can't get people to read it AND give them a way to easily share it with people
And twitter accomplishes both
Good idea, but don't have twitter sadly. I'll prolly post it on the dutch reddit or something
Make one Shitposting about politics gets you followers fast
I want to do a travel or anime and manga blog but I guess I am too lazy and also I don't know how to appeal to normal people and feel slightly put off by the chance of young people posting comments.
I'm at 194 Most of it's padding though, not people worthwhile in terms of what I'd like to write about Lotsa japanes, a lot of anime people, some journos, a few normies
Also a few people who would probably unfollow if I do write the stuff I do From both sides of the spectrum
Because a realistic approach to politics excludes some ideas from being brought into reality anytime soon You're not realistically going to have communism in our lifetime without a violent revolt
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe my brand should be "anarcho-totalitarianism"
lol is that like anarcho-capitalism?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>How radical? When, in 1980, David Koch ran for vice president on the Libertarian Party ticket—a race he also funded—his platform called for the abolition of Social Security, minimum-wage laws, gun control, all personal and corporate income taxes and much else. A worried William F. Buckley Jr. called it "Anarcho-Totalitarianism." haha wow it's a thing
>>167568 What's the totalitarian part though Total anarchy?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>167569 corporate control probably it'd basically be shadowrun
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
since it's the koch brothers they'd basically be working to eliminate free thought
I think it'd still have a government to protect private property (through violence) maybe that's the bit
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah anarcho-anything is retarded
especially anarcho-feudalism
Anarcho-* are all literally the same thing because once you eliminate the state you're left with just the people and no way to make them be either capitalist or communist
I don't really agree with that. Anarchy isn't necessarily against the state because it's the state, but because it enforces a hierarchy that cannot be (I forgot the word for it). In an anarcho-syndicalism society the workers in the factories determine where and how resources related to that factory or production is spend. You'd still have some sort of state-like aparatus, but the idea is that the hierarchy is justified in away.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't think anarcho-*s necessarily mean elimination of the state but more near-total freedom of the people within the state
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
holy shit new tracks in hero academia and they're good music
>>167575 Yeah but then it's not anarchy, it's libertarian at best
The word control is probably the wrong word to use. It'd be syndicates or communities where // with free association that make democratic decisions on where to place resources.
I wish twitter artists would adopt some sort of hashtag or something they put in every post with art rather than pictures of their food >>167583 Sure, but at that point you've just shrunk down the state into bite sized chunks It still exists and makes decisions, there's just more states and they're smaller
>>167584 The state isn't encessarily the problem, it's unjustified hierarchy. The workers controlling the means of production have a justified hierarchy over non-workers at that specific plant and can allocate resources through democracy.
I saw a thing about Hero Academia a little while back that I kind of agree with despite liking the show a lot, and it was talking about how the writing is actually really poor in the arc we're currently in The show itself even addresses how stupid the current arc is, outright Deku literally says it The whole sports festival is retarded in execution, even from within the universe. Especially within the universe. It focuses almost exclusively on combat power and speed, despite also showing us that the majority of the big heroes aren't fighters earlier in the show
It's also fucking awfully directed during the team game with the headbands There's no sense of space during the entire thing
Yeah. The author really just wanted to develop his characters and have them fight each other.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i want a hug from all might
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
everything gets way cooler after the sports festival honestly it gets cooler and cooler all the time
soon we'll meet Gran Torino I think and Deku unlocks FURU COWURU
>>167594 What I really like about Horizon was that they showed the evolution in warfare in the universe. Like the switch from big, slow and strong to speed and how it became to dominate the 1v1 combat.
like SUNEATER he can take on the qualities of whatever he eats so if he eats octopus, he can morph his body into having tentacles and he can do like hundreds of traits from his food all the time and pick and choose them too he's so strong
He should eat a dick so he can be Bakugou
How much does he need to eat anyway? Seems mad OP if he can just eat like, anything with DNA in it
Just eat an allmight hair
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
not too much he's pretty insanely OP he's >>167608 the guy in the back
he has really low self esteem though and is super depressive
but people say his quirk makes him stronger than a lot of the pros '
>anyone here could have ended up on the podium OK All Might
what do you guys use since nyaa died? TT?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i use XDCC but you can still use nyaa.si
ah cool thanks also the old nyaa site offers some client, sounds sketchy
I don't use an accoun t for bakabt I just search for the anime and download it without an account There is also animebytes if you want a different private tracker
the fact that every day thousands of people in a tiny african village are starving but for no more than the price of a cup of coffee a month you can save them did you know that
Also you don't get to bring kids in >>167725 Oh that's true We'll just have to have the water be exchanged and cleaned gradually and constantly Like a water filter for a fish tank
>>167724 there sometimes a good /g/ headphone thread
>>167741 Invite her to a highschool club in search of time travellers, psychics and aliens
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>US sailors missing after a DESTROYER collided with a MERCHANT SHIP off the coast of Japan >The commanding officer of the destroyer is missing yeah i'd fucking disappear too
Watching NL videos is such an experience in the fleeting nature of time Last week can both be actually last week or like over a month ago While remaining perfectly accurate, because he records all these things a long time before they go up
>>167776 Ah but my darling, truly that is merely your own RADIANCE.
Ohio /moe/, my mom jjust ggot back ffrom the ER. Apparently her rib is not broken, but it is bruised really bad.
Oh yeah koi, could you do me a small favor? Could you zip up a (sub 400mb) Touhou Eurobeat album aand upupload it to mega for me? I have aeed for Eurobeat later but no access to my comp.
*a need for
Anyone else could do it ttoo iif tthey so wwant, I jjist tthink it wowoukd bbe mmore llikely ffor blue to hhave touhou eurobeat.
Oh, are you asking me for my own music? Because I got rid of the giant collection a long time ago. Didn't have space nor externals to throw it on. So, I don't really have Eurobeat stuff.
Oh, RIP WELL, if you feel llike it ttry tto find ththis https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/TOHO_EUROBEAT_presents_THE_REVIVAL_MIX It should be on nyaa, but i dont have time to find it right now. If you'rr busy ill find iit llater and link yiu Bbl
short break from testing client is in bathroom
holy shit she talks so much my hand is so tired from writing everythibg verbatim
What do you need? I have a whole bunch >>167784 I'll have a look.
Eh I can't be arsed to fine a file host here is a link I found on doujin.co https://mega.nz/#!lN5iXAgT!giP-FCWM_iMtvTmCyLBcCUNiq1BRBtgi8zwZ9aqUYlg Touhou Revival Mix.