it feels bad keeping this cat from leaving But he has to get used to being here, and even if we weren't taking him over he can't leave right now because he has open wounds
Yeah we took it to the vet today to see if it had a chip, cause he got in a fight with some other cat last night They said they couldn't give him vac shots though, cause his wounds were too severe for it to be safe
We'll take him back for that and castration in a week or so
>>164711 I will ask for something stronger than OTC shit because this isn't bearable I'll end up spending $100 on just painkillers if this is to last a month
I was until a little while ago I only got up because the pain was unbearable, and also the new cat wanted food He also wants to go out, but he can't go out
>>164710 1.2g is a lot for something minor but it's not a lot i was prescribed 800mg three times a day for about a week before i never really took it, but it's not like it's a ton ive lately been taking about 200mg just to help my finger joints from getting inflamed while working and also to help prevent oxidative damages in my brain >>164720 no it'd have to be way more than that
>>164728 nonsteroidal anti inflammatory any pain that ibuprofen relieves is pain that is indirectly affected by the inflammation that it's suppressing it doesn't act on nociception in any way and is not a painkiller >>164735 you're fuckin stupid dude
nobody's ever tried to kill themselves on ibuprofen
>>164741 surprisingly many apparently, if google is to be trusted.
When you say something like "thats why trying to suicide by painkillers never works out" when you're not talking about a painkiller, and the route of suicide you're referring to which often does not work out doesn't involve the NSAID in question which you're referring to but is a common practice involving actual painkillers that suppress your breathing to the point of suffocating, then it's really clear that you're making some swathing generalizations on two separate ends which don't have anything to do with each and you've done such a thing for no other point than to scrounge around the fuckin /moe/ table like a hungry dog at the table begging at everyone's legs for scraps and it's fucking obnoxious because nobody can even come on to this fucking site and start having a normal conversation with a general pace because some obnoxious dog sticks its nose up everyone's arse as soon as they show up because it thinks every post is there just for him to beg for some scraps and get a pat on the head and nobody gets to enjoy their meal and nobody gets to have fun and everyone just awkwardly shies away from it until they're ready to go home and not come to grandma's house for holiday dinner again for another year and regret that they didnt stay home in the first place
wow >Symptoms are unlikely after ingestion of 100 mg/kg or less, and are usually not life-threatening unless more than 400 mg/kg is ingested. 400mg/kg
>>164726 All I said was that it isnt bad for the liver.
>>164745 >>164689 what made you think that was a good idea to post in any fashion what was the point
Maybe it'd to broach this topic when you're not super stressed out *it'd be better to
What's up? I'm not stressed out, ive had that post set to macro for months it's not the first time ive used it either i just click a button on my razer and it goes
>>164762 People use it ironically with dva because they say slapping her ult and getting a quadrakill takes no skill. I disagree. I work hard to mash that Y key.
>>164772 a work related task it won't take up that much time i can compensate you with a ten dollar amazon gift card if you want give me a few minutes and check your email
Widowmaker's backstory is like... she was kidnapped and mindbroken and then returned. And then she killed her husband because that's what they trained her to do. And now she's an assassin.
her story is such a run-of-the-mill doujin plot that every time I think of it, I wonder how they even let that slide. Then again, I'm mindbroken into realizing such things so I guess that's my fault.
>>164806 Random crap most of the time. One I see a lot of recently is people tattooing the name of their boyfriend on the wrist. but really any wrist tattoo is trash trashy that is sorry rin's mom
i really don't like tramp stamps and gimmicky stuff or people getting like a little star tattooed on their ankle or something stupid like that but there's some really beautiful stuff
A good question to ask is if she was purple before that. But I'm going to make a guess that she wasn't. And am going to assume yes because she's evil now.
Hey Moon when do you need this done by im happy to look at it but can I do it in a few hours?
also Australian accents aren't difficult to understand you racist fuck.
>>164824 Still better than getting your kid's name tattooed on, then having things go bad
>>164828 that was the first thing I tried, OBVIOUSLY... It wouldn't let me. I needed a google account. and then I tried making a quick one then it wanted a phone number then I'm like fuckit. Moon can just know my name. I don't really care.
>>164846 does chatternoonga have any hipster districts like entertainment districts with all street buskers hangin out and shit i oughtta take you out doin street magic busking is a lot of fun
>>164855 nigga you got no idea even reading it, you have a basis to go from if you were the one doing what i was doing, youve got no baseline sometimes you're not even sure if there was a whole sentence that just passed or someone making filler vocalizations and your brain plays lots of tricks on you man
normally i hold myself to a 4:1 turnaround time standard, meaning if i have one hour of audio, i take three hours to process it and then spend one hour to review it thoroughly and catch any dumb errors. if i'm unlikely to notice the dumb errors after that point, then it's unlikely others would but when you've just been doing it for literally 50 hours straight with two three-hour naps it just gets hard
editing blue's work that i've subcontracted to him has always been a highlight of my work tasks though, there's some quality shit in there >we need to refer to the end of a lacy pea >it looks like we need two turnips in heat
>>164860 We kick them out for being degenerate and they go where they fit in.
>>164863 nah it's most because they realised they can sell their 1 bedroom apartment in Sydney and buy a 5 bedroom house here and still have plenty left over.
>>164865 you do that shit where you play it at slow speed don't you? don't eve // dont ever do that man that's not how human ears work >>164870 well if i got paid your wage for peeling potatoes instead of typing about potatoes i'd be pretty happy but i dont
I'm getting Hashing error when I try to start a thread. I just began up this instance of doushio. The error comes when I upload the image , it's preventing any posts from being made pls help
isn't there like github or something
but there's so few issues on there I would feel stupid putting my problem on it if it's a simple thing I forgot. also GitHub is gay I don't know my account details
The only difference between confidence and arrogance is that one has a positive connotation, while the other has a negative connotation
>>164903 but what context is it that changes that connotation?
actually confidence is more belief in one's abilities being good from a non-relativistic standpoint whereas arrogance is belief in one's abilities from a relativistic standpoint where "abilities" can be subbed out for a few other concepts
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>164900 hi did you npm install with no errors? the hashing thing is called `perceptual`, it's a C executable that needs to be compiled
bourbon is for me
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh no my hand eye coordination
Re=L is just shoving the strawberry tarts down her gullet disgusting
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
zen for lyfe
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
*unzips tennis racket*
wait for me i just got off work after a 60 hour work shift i want to walk to the store and buy steel reserve and drink too on ho your going to be asleep
i'm sorry but i'm probabyl going to die soon i have work in the morning
Lebron on 3 1 2 3 Lebron!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'm hopped up on booze and video game adrenaline I'll be up for another four hours probs
whatcha playin sammy
i reserved my steel water you'll niggas up to
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>164923 OW why are there so many junkyard all of a sudden junkrats
I'm going to make a PSA that i dont think the "ignore it" approach is working and I'm going to put the motion on the board for more aggressive actions to be taken for things that don't need to be here I speak now out of freedom and not out of relevance
>>164980 It's the same story daily for several years now At best it's an awkward inconvenience for all involved It's intrusive and obstructive in all aspects
wow just had the saltiest guy ever on voice chat fucking wish i recorded that shit
was he screaming
was he creaming
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>164957 ow is life >>164985 he was not screaming so i guess not the saltiest ever but just pure snippiness and sarcasm tilt so hard anyway enough of that bad energyyy
>>164994 i know this isn't able to be extrapolated to everyone in some sort of generalization, but ive come to a point where i function better off of stimulants than on them, and am more productive work-wise and otherwise it's been a process a very interesting one, though. although, considering my excessive alcohol and tobacco use I guess it's hard to pinpoint the stimulants in any of it, but i think i understand myself somewhat well
>>165006 maybe we can barter i'll trade you one psychosis for one dependence
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
anyone read The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
super interesting theory even if maybe it's completely wrong
>>165013 my sister got it for me i thought it was a little pedestrian but it was interesting no less i'm pretty open to the idea that ive got things wrong
>>165011 i dont have any dependencies to trade i dont think
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>165016 i heard with DXM it's possible to enter the 'bicameral' state uh oh 20 seconds to round start
>>165019 don't take DXM dude that's a big farce it's just a shitty teenager thing if you really want to explore that mind state there are better ways
it's okay i used my bots to supplant this thing to happen i told you i would do whatever it takes to get my response from louise about philadelphia steak and cheese two more weeks and my goal is complete it's just the motion of the sea
>>165089 If I bought it where the hell would I put it? I don't think I could get it all the way down here. But don't think that won't replace like, 90% of the things in my room when I get one. Holy shit.
>>165095 I mean it's not like I've got the use for the size of one by itself. So might as well compensate for it's empty size by DOUBLING the comfyspace.
>>165112 I'm not sure if the chairs on the side are nicer than the whole back just sitting up... But the idea is certainly better than inviting people to just sit in your bed...
Back from the arcade. I got a highscore on a machine and keot trying to beat it, ended up filling the top 6 positions on it.
>>165118 couple of fuckin weirdos more like jay kay
Also they have a silent hill light gun game, but an employee turned it off right after my friend and I beat pyramid head. He accidentally unplugged it while trying to reset a diffetent machine. They also have the metal gear arcade game, it had shitty controls.
>>165126 We actually have fish-themed sheets now We switch them out for normal ones weekly We got a second set of sheets when the power kept going out at night and we drenched the sheets with sweat
in a few days i have to throw my entire bed out it's a shame because it's a really nice bedrame and a queen box and mattress i'm going to have to throw a lot of things out that i dont want to i'm really sad about it but i'll pretend that i'm only pretending to be sad about it
>>165137 I've never had a c at that's made a sudden mess of my bed. All that happens is a bunch of shed hair build up to that needs washing every couple weeks.
>Friday the 13th - Northernlion and Friends Play - Episode 2: Finale Well that got dropped fast
>>165151 you're proposing i store things but in order to store things i have to later make a return trip to retrieve them, or else store them wherever i'm moving to which is no cheaper than moving them to where i'm moving to
first, insert your possession into a durable database
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165152 you can't afford to move them you said so if you store them where you are now, isn't that easier?
>>165155 how is it easier to be paying for storage somewhere i'm no longer going to be if i later have to rent a uhaul or something to move it two ways // or drive here and move it one way than it is to just move it now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165156 because you can get it later when you can actually afford to get it which is cheaper than buying new everything unless everything you own has no monetary worth
>>165157 have you ever driven a uhaul across states it's not cheap
>>165159 it's just a bed and bedframe i already abandoned everything else i owned a year ago
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you only have a bed and bedframe? then what is the "a lot of things" you don't want to throw out but still have to
>>165161 it's my dad's bed and bedframe it has some sentimental value
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
so save it dude
i can't afford that
the other things are a couple of nice maroon chairs that my dad got and they're really nice i'm basically confined to what can fit inside a jeep
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165164 my point is that you might be able to afford it later
i'm already paying for two storage units that aren't really doing much for my mom storage units are expensive and when you have to pay a bunch of money to rent a uhaul to bring things over and it's a lot of physical labor you have to do on your own and a big time investment when you have to work to make your week's ends meet and then the added expenses of cross-state uhaul ($400+) then logistics are really hard >>165168 it's not that i dont appreciate it but i really dont think you understand the logistics here it's not doable
as nice as first month free sounds, it still costs money to get it to where you're taking it and i'm giving myself a stroke trying to make the money i need to get myself to where i need to go that's all it's literally choosing between myself and my things maybe some people can make such accommodations so they dont have to but i cant and it's really not an easy thing i'd rather choose my things and sacrifice myself but that's not really a feasible option now is it i dont even know for sure what i'm going to do with myself
Luke (the new red horseman) and Mist both fairly useless to me unfortunately i already have Genny and also Luke isn't really that great his skills are interesting but not particularly useful as far as i can tell too
My last roll was trash.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've been trying hard to get lucina or nowi but no luck my ike is shit IVs so i have barely invested in him i want a red with high attack for heavy blade
I should buy heroin with BTC just so I have an actual painkiller for next time I sever a limb and I get prescribed 15mg of paracetamol or some bullshit
>>165234 I basically never used more than 12 lines of CSS on any webpage ive ever made. Primarioy because i missed the day of the CSS lecture in my highschool web dev class. I have a book on it somewhere though.
how many codelangs have you picked up that aren't really used anympre?
>>165242 Memes, in the traditional meaning of the word. OOP got forced super hard in industry along with Java. It also somehow got a lot if emphasis in CS/programming education. Part if it was cause it was write once run anywhere because JVM, but the existence if *of usable binary translators and cross compilers combined with the fact of less OS/ISA diversity makes that kind of a moot point. >>165245 Counter point: basically no one in industry uses Pascal anymore
Well I mean, at some point it will fall out of popularity It's not a permanent thing, eventually it's gonna stop being popular
>>165246 Fortran, Lisp an C are all still used. *and C For those is less of a matter of "they're popular" and more of a matter of "they continue to be useful for problem solving"
Oh yeah, quick question for you cat owners. If you are sleeping in your bed with your cat next to you, do you often dream that the cat is with you? Cause about 30% of the time I fall asleep holding or next to my dog I have her with me in my dream.
>>165248 nope never, but i do wake //did wake up always to the revenge bites for kicking her in sleep
>>165264 Yeah, Annie is definitely not German >>165266 No, not really, but it's weird for this last bastion of humanity to have origins from all over the white-ish and Asian planet when it's roughly the size of Germany
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
does the "origin" of a name actually matter if for example germans occasionally name their children annie then annie is a name used in german
Well in Annie's case she -looks- Slavic.
Also yeah, Annie is slav in appearance, not name really Annie isn't a name used much in the slav parts of the world, I think
>>165265 spoiler it's in no way the last bastion of humanity
>Data is published that says Monsanto's RoundUp weed killer is linked to cancer >Monsata /// Monsanto fires back "that review isn't fair because we have unpublished data that says it's not linked to cancer!" ok
>>165270 Sure you do and I have unpublished data conclusively proving my own sweat cures cancer I'm not gonna release it though because that would let me make too much money
Can't fall asleep, which is probably a good thing. Since it woukd ruin my sleep schedule even more. But I still want to fall asleep.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why did twitter change the buttons to look so much shittier
it's already bad enough that people can delete inconvenient tweets
Oh yeah, that reminds me of a good idea I had the other day. Block Block chain vBlock chain vverified tweets. >>165284 Blame Sam for his site making text input garbled on android Anyways Block chain verified tweets
>>165289 there are no problems with chrome as long as you turn autocorrect off in the /moe/ settings unless maybe you have a really old android version
>>165294 Yeah I probably shoukd have said "which do you recommend (that arent chrome)" Also I do have autocorrect turned off, im on the second neeest version of android
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165293 i can literally say, "okay google, tweet i'm gay" and it'll tweet "i'm gay"
Oh they removed the tweet via thing, there used to be a lityle thibg at the bottom (outside of the tweet text) that woukd say "via $twitterclient" But they took it out in 2012 If it were still around (and I tweeted) i would try to mess with the API to have it say silly tthings. Like "via toaster"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it uses the app, so it just says tweeted via twitter app
>>165331 it breaks charity money gathering legislation >>165332 kimi wa koko?
>>165330 Yeah, but I doubt ill make that much. If I make over $1000 I'll look into it, but even that shoukdnt be enough for me to have to pay taxes on.
>>165330 that is actually d4batable here you could argue it is donations, and that is tax free under gifttax laws up to 4000€ from one single party during a 3 year period
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>165319 Are the box, calling herself a genius, and such in your notes already
Well, after looking through a few user pages of people who over similar services, i tthink i have a distinct advantage over them in that I am fluent in English and can write a description of the services I offer that doesnt sound like it was machine translated from Chinese.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165341 you're literally being given money in exchange for a service
though if you asked the tax office aboiut it, they'd advice you to startna 1man company and file all earnings to thay entity
Big man tyrone got started on fiverr and you can too
>>165343 depends really how anal the tax office is the day they bust your ass which i said abpve "prolly taxfraud" we are bit behind on internet earners in tax legislation
Wait bust your ass for kickstarter or fiverr I'm confused
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165346 i don't understand it's literally just being independently employed why does the money being given via the internet matter
>>165348 i said "you could argue" implying in court we have had cases like that about moonlightees in the past and few have manages to actually bullshit partially out by sayong "i didn't pay for his work that was just voluntary stuff. and then the money he got, that waa birthday present"
Now I'm extra confused, fiverr seems like a pretty cut and dry "offer x service for money" There's little/no ambiguity there What kind of loophole causes that to be as donation?
as for kickstarter to gather money like that, you need to ne a permitted non-profit foundation so, unless you are one, k-s is out patreon is fine as is, as it is "gifts", but >>165344 applies if you asked any official about it
>>165351 >>165348 fiverr also is bit problematic in terms of earning there isn't really "self-employed" here as a tax model if you want to be a dreelanxer you fpund that 1man company *freelancer *found
Part of my tinder bio is just "I need someone to take dance classes with" And for the first time, someone i matched with actually mentioned it and I don't know what to say Because now I gotta find some dance classes being offered in my area
On the topic of doing things I don't want to do to get girls I hate maurijuana but I gotta get some now so I can have an excuse to meet this girl and be in a non-sober mind sstate with her
maurijuana the weed of nz
>>165359 Oh, I tthought you were looking I forgot what iI was saying
Fuck, If I'm going to do this shshit on Fiverr im ggoing to need to get a mathematica license again.
It's small time compared to some Google or Amazon stuff.
>>165365 Yeah, I ddont even give people links to google stuff anynore because of that.
I really want to ttroll the peopooffering to solve *troll the people who offer to "solve any math problem" by asking them to solve (reworded to prevent identification) unsolved problems in Mathematics.
>>>/watch?v=u8klx34R8m8 One of the unspoken highlights of getting a new Metroid Prime game is that we might get some of the awesome OST music that was prevalent in the original trilogy. I hope they get the same composer for the task.
>>165420 It's already on the Wii U eshop, so with the release of Prime 4 it definitely seems like a smart move to get it on the Switch shop when they get more virtual console stuff up and running on it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wtf this guy in akashic records got naked with his tulpas
What's so weird about that? >>165422 Oh sweet, I'll get a chance to play it too then I only played the first
akashic record with tulpas... /x/ the anime
>>165423 I mean how else are you supposed to properly envision your tulpas into reality.
the /a/ tulpa crowd weirded me out back in the day and i was a heavy /x/ lurker then
The best part is when an anons tulpa takes over and starts posting for them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow the ending of akashic records was depressing as hell
>>165424 I never actually played the first Prime game. Started with the second. As far as I can tell the first one was mostly standalone, while the second and third were moreo -more of a concrete plot.
Prime 2 was so fucking HARD for me as a kid. But it made finally beating it so satisfying.
>>165434 2 was hard but it was so good finding everything to scan was really fulfilling
i remember trying to scan that butterfly boss was hard as hell
>>165434 The first is still worth playing, it's a great game I don't know how well it holds up compared to the other two though. It might be hard to go back to
>>165441 I loved how they'd hide scan-able stuff in tricky locations. Or how you'd have like, seconds after entering a room to pull up your visor and scan stuff before it goes away. All the lore involved in scanning the things was really satisfying.
I have a tab open with my followers, right It says 190 followers The LAST follower in that list is "White Male"
But in tweetdeck, it now says I have 192 followers The last follower is "White Male"
What the fuck is going on
I liked getting water or fog on the visor and going TECHNOLOGY
>>165442 The popular opinion seems to be 1 > 2 > 3 in terms of game quality. So by that alone, it probably holds well in playability since then.
>>165446 There's this one bit early on in 3 where you're exploring a derelict space station, and you open one door only to have this space-mummified husk fall out on top of you before disintegrating into powder. Combined with the quality of immersion with that zone, the whole experience gave me a pretty hefty freak-out. It's the first time I'd ever had played games like that and it was amazing how they pulled it off. At least for like, 2007.
playing metroid prime 4 with VR is probably an amazing experience i wonder if they'll ever do VR with it
Considering Nintendo's persistent disinterest in VR, probably not likely. HUD-based FPS games would be a fucking blast in VR though. SONY's the only one of the big three that really seems to give a shit about VR anymore; why aren't they working on some HUD FPS for that.
imagine steel battalion in vr
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i want to play a VR Halo ODST
That would be so good. ODST is easily the best Halo single-player game.
>>165450 not exactly there was some technical leak of switch r'that implied it might have vr capacity or it could easily be turned into a vr mavhine mpst likely nintendo is playing ot safe or developing their own vr in sikrit
Imagine a vr spiderman Think of the motion sickness
>>165454 Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if they're at least looking at it. But there's a difference between looking into it and actually marketing it. Like SONY is pushing really, really hard in the VR field, and Microsoft at least has similar fields in the Hololens or whatnot.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they do have a VR patent at least
>>165450 There's that mech game for psvr Not quite metroid prime as far as what I think you're looking for but it's a start
>>165459 i think they are fence sitting to see if vr really kicks off is so expendive atm so the market is small
I saw an article yesterday that felt the need to explain what "critical" and "stable" condition meant in the news I read it because I thought it would be something not obvious It was the obvious
Stable means "not dying" Critical means "might die if not treated right away"
>>165459 msoft holo is quite cool, but i doubt it becomes a gaming gadget/platfor,
>>165462 That's how I think they're going about too. Whether VR ends up being a fad or a serious gamechanger in the industry is still uncertain. And it's also still a bit wonky/expensive, and Nintendo likes both polished and cheap hardware for their devices.
>>165465 It has way more potential for other fields of practical application, and merges with those fields much better than VR does. But VR is definitely more applicable to gaming than it.
vr will stick around, but i think it won't ever or atleast in the foreseeable future become big kinda like simulator games and their custom rigs, ie wheels amd flight cockpits
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
VR will probably become big and cheaper - it is being utilized quite successfully in medicine and there is a demand for improvements
I can't wait until VR evolves to fulfill its true purpose as a give-up machine Escapism never looked so achievable
>>165466 a finnish office designer company is using it to sell their wares they bring it along their pitch and let the customer see how their wares would look in their office
>>165468 q3 last year i had a client doing big scale market probing on that, talking with a variety of surgeons most urologists for some reason
>>165461 Cool, so they're keeping it in mind at least. Hopefully the concept sticks around for when VR becomes complex/affordable enough for me to consider it.
>>165470 Yeah, lightweight augmented reality stuff like that is really where stuff like the hololens can thrive.
VR is being heavily used in psychology now it's actually more effective for exposure therapy than actual exposure
>>165473 but the actual device was so.. proof of concept like the screen was tiny like jmm hold glasses 5cm away from your eyes that tiny area that it worked on only
oh i got feedback on the presentation i did the other day
one of the notes was "great jokes but you need to let the audience stop laughing before you continue speaking"
bitch what am i a fuckin sitcom
A part of me thought VR would be a meme but then I tried a vive That shit is real as fuck Way more immersive aand fun than I expected
>>165474 they're getting pretty big into AR for therapy too aren't they i guess only for more extreme things but it sure would be cool to have it more accessible
>>165475 Well first products are never perfect. Unless it's Windows 95.
>>165477 vive is neat but man ypu need space for it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165478 i haven't heard of any AR applications in psychology yet
>>165481 Yeah, biggest downside for sure but I think most consumers would be able to clear a large enough area The first time I tried VR was in a fairly small room and it was only a minor inconvenience
sony vr has imo the best headset so far, though the res7 demo they were running on it was fun to play i got spooped super bad at the end
>>165482 aren't they doing it for combat related ptsd therapy maybe i am inferring more than is true
>>165510 that sounds like a fun challenge then do you know if he's been to philadelphia mister stalker he'll be my next target after louise maybe i'll make a pitstop by gowdy because that seems pretty satisfying
did anyone else play the DS Prime Hunters game? That game had the best death matches
>>165522 target acquired this one's gonna take some real prep work
I'm actually pretty hyped for the metroid 2 remake too That game was really good despite being held back HARD by the gameboy's hardware With some nicer looking environments and hopefully a map system of some kind it could be as good as the other 2d metroids
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm gonna have to get a switch
Apparently demand for Switch units has increased considerably with E3. Despite Nintendo of America still at the same output rate they were pre-E3. It's gonna be the second happening of "where can I get a fucking Switch!?"
>>165527 it's times like this when i wish i had a kid so i could yell and them and say "DONT MAKE ME GO GET THE SWITCH" and then just hand them the switch and they won't even understand
>>165528 nintendo did have a strong presentation afterall
>>165526 The gameplay demo of it during Treehouse showed a self-generating map on the touch screen.
>>165531 Seriously, conservative marketing strategies. Nintendo has gotten seriously burned by terrible marketing choices in the past. No one expected the Wii to be such a smash hit that it was after the lukewarm but still positive Gamecube, especially considering it was a serious downgrade to the other available consoles. Then they got egoistic with the Wii U and that hit them hard in the face. Combined with a general low mass-interest in the Nintendo family of home consoles, it just doesn't make sense to over-provide them.
>Millennials in their 30s >2017 :thinking:
>>165532 Thank god The game has a huge map, it was easier to get lost in 2 than it was in the original I had to look up a map online to navigate most of the time
i wont need a switch for a while so its probably fine
I'm gonna wait until the Switch is super cheap unless it gets something that's AMAZING
>>165532 but no othet region has the same problem...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe i should cancel my father's day plans and set up my GC and play metroid prime 2 instead
I was going to get a switch if monhunXX was announced for the west but I guess that isn't happening I'll still get one eventually but it might wait until next year/this holiday season
>>165542 no, his hands can't video game he'll be in pain
>>165535 Well I took the other side of the coin and got one once the demand kind of cooled off of release hype. Works out either way.
>>165539 I'm still not convinced they're not bringing at least the Switch version over. Monster Hunter doesn't have the same excitement here that it does in Japan, but I think it has a lot of extremely passionate fans that would buy a Switch for a MonHun release alone.
>>165537 If you consider the major markets to be Europe, America, and Japan, I think it's mostly reasonable. Europe doesn't have as massive a console interest as the other two do, does it? I always figured they were more strongly int -in the PC field. And Japan will undoubtedly have a huge Nintendo demand so they can plan accordingly. America has both a high potential of customers and a high potential for non-buyers.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i bought him some pots because he likes growing plants and stuff
>>165547 this probably goes without saying and doesn't mean much after so many times but sorry for the spaz it wasn't you i was angry at i dont think you're a bad person i just get fed up sometimes
>>165544 Well I certainly hope they do since I'd still gladly buy a switch for it, but it doesn't seem likely to me I hope I'm wrong because the deviant diablos and malfestio look like really fun fights At least now if it doesn't get a NA release I have worlds to look forward to
>>165549 don mind it i kinda figured it a good while ago that iam some form of verbal punching bag for you at times doesn~t bother me
>>165573 I'm tempted to do the same but I read that you can't transfer your save from Gen to XX You could // wait that sentence wasn't going to make sense I need to sleep
>>165551 you often remind me of someone i don't want to be reminded of and a tired brain is quick to generalize and quick to dismiss it's not anything that's your fault
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165572 the game always throws shit at me that i'm weak to tempest a shit
while i was working, gowdy got appointed chair of house oversight neat but why is he unshaven and why does he try to make his hair as tall as possible when his face is already so ridiculously tall
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
congress is in a pretty bad state right now most of them aren't shaven
I remember thinking lavagirl's pink hair was super cute
>>165608 isn't that alone a pretty good deterrent for corruption
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165610 an extremely biased person won't deter the people he isn't biased against away from corruption
>>165611 i dont think he has a bias towards corruption though you know the scene with more depth than i do but, at least the public face of things, he seems like he treats anyone in the sphere of the bias as something of a betrayal if they fuck up but i'm pretty surface level, i am not really privy to how these things work internally
we need extremely based politicians
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165612 he's more likely to go after democrats while ignoring republicans unless it's something REALLY bad anyone in a position like house oversight chair should be an independent imo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sam probably doesn't want extended political discussion though
oh okay that's fine we don't need to extend it just real quick though, do you think it's more like a blinding bias, like he's too obsessive over aspect 1 to see aspect 2 or that it's a conscious bias and he sees them both and goes after 1 over 2
hmm rate this idea for a drinking game basic concept, like a music/song guessing game, but instead of guessing who is playing and ehat song you have songs in foreign language no one present speaks, and people have to guess is ot sad/cheery/love/etc song take a shot if you guess wrong
>>165619 i like him. it seems like his heart is usually in the right place it'd be pretty bad if it wasn't, and you had your heart like where your gallbladder is supposed to be
I only managed to get Live to Serve 1 on her because I really needed Rehabilitate. >>165630 It's the greatest offensive setup. Particularly with Cavalry since you have high mobility and higher buffs. Infantry units don't get +6 boosts like Cavalry and Armored do. So I sacrificed Infantry Blade Tomes to my Cavalry mages.
>>165625 So is blade buffing the big strong meta now?
>>165630 i want it on my olwen because -5spd on dire thunder when she's got natural 38 speed is pretty fucked with her low atk sadly i'd have to unlock potential on odin just to get the blade+ because i'm not wasting my time on a 4* blade that makes it kind of unfortunate
>>165629 I thought about trying something similar with fliers and spring camilla but I didn't have the resources to build her properly It wouldn't have been as generally successful as cavalry too, when I was still playing most fliers we're pretty eh Subaki did me a solid though that nigga saved me all the time with saph lance/swap/quick reposte
>>165631 I'M not even using Blade+ The regular is REALLY GOOD. But if you can save up to 5* Odin and then pass it over, it's worth. I got extra Odins and Ninos so I was fine with tossing it away just for the regular Blade. >>165634 Iceberg? Yeah, DT Glacies is pretty powerful.
>>165633 yeah but dire thunder olwen with glacies is pretty sick or not glacies, the -1 special countdown version of it yeah iceberg that triggers every player phase attack pretty much i don't have a b skill for her yet and i'm hesitating on what to put i have her and reinhardt on the same team so it's some pretty massive output between the two of them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>165622 it would be pretty bad to have your heart in your thigh or something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently panic ploy, luke's new skill, debuffs all enemies all cardinal directions around him no matter their distance from him
Nah with the HP limitation it's nnot that bad Plus it's a buff reversal not a straight debuff It's very useful but it doesn't seem busted And it's very clear they made it as a counter to blade buffing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it'd be ok on zeph MAYBE
i think it's useless on luke
luke? more like uke
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
If unit has at least 3 more HP than enemy at the start of combat, unit receives Atk+6 during combat.
luke has this one too luke's stats are pretty mediocre though
i love running up on tharja and // with olwen and seeing my 29x4 damage can she sstill walk???
eh, I have enough feathers to upgrade Nino and toss her Tome to Cecilia. ...but do I really want to
5* feathering is always such an ordeal. It's like, yeah, do the thing. But you'll have to wait a month to do anything else. +4 damage is really weighing on the mind right now. I can 5* a number of other Cavalry people.
unless you're running a cav team with the cav buffs i wouldn't like leo olwen cecilia and reinhardt is my dream team i guess there are only three cavalry buffs aren't there are there four? then fuck yeah i'd put a blade on each one of them worth pointing out that the bonus damage from blade is factored into the specials like +30% atk, making those specials slightly better than moonbow and such in those circumstances
>>165695 four I don't have Jagen for the last buff though. He's the only one with Fortify Cavalry >>165697 They gave me like six Cecilias and three Gunters instead. >>165698 Was that the +7 one?
how do you not have jagen i have like 12 jagens
did i show you my cecilia
yeah haha she's still worse than a 5* though but i have literally no green 5* and it's really aggravating so a +7 cecil whittakers will have to do
...You know, I can just drop G Tomebreaker on Cecilia and run that girl's fade every single time. >>165702 huh? It doesn't work?
I wanna sleep
you CANT fucking DO THAT >>165701 i guess you also cant but i was talking to blue are you doin okay man >>165700 only red can use g tomebreaker as far as i'm aware i specifically tried to do something like that once and i couldn't but i was going against the triangle so maybe that's the issue?
>>165702 Green can use it too. It should be able to. You can't put a breaker on the reverse. So I can't put G tomebreaker on ursula since she's blue tome but I can on Cecilia.
>>165704 that's probably it then >>165703 hope you can get some rest >>165704 can you put ursula on cecilia instead
I have Vantage on Cecilia w She doesn't use it often. G Tomebreaker would scalp the last boss. I guess I'm putting Gronnblade+ on Cecilia after all. She'll need that +4 damage to do a OHKO.
>>165707 i wish we could battle each other since the battles are all deterministic i could probably write an interface so that we could do that outside of the game but that's a lot of work it would be really fun i think to battle each other
>List of Heroes with G Tomebreaker >Henry >.... >DASSIT WHAT