you know how theres a phorito some sort of K hybrid a kimchita a fajita recipe looks like it's been done though just maybe not in the same way I'm thinking
you know I really can't tell if you're doing a bit or not
well if I was you would probally know it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres so many korean-mexican fusion plces
was looking up some recipe for radish kim chi and was thinking what if you used wasabi paste in kim chi probally pretty good,
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk some peeps have done it all ready so it's already a thing I'm all for tradition but some things are adoptable it would be good seeing as it's already radish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cooked a big buttery salty steak mm
there you go how so buttery? with actual butter?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya tons of butter with chopped up garlic in it cookin in the corner of the pan, spooned on top
Well, I ended up starting a new game to eliminate variables in my testing, and I'm just gonna stick to it I think I'm in boron space already, so for now I'm just gonna build up rep with them and really get my econ off the ground from the jump I've learned from my previous mistakes, and I'm gonna start dumping down trade stations every 2 systems to daisy chain them
Overall this start is already a lot smoother Part of that is the guided start rather than just jumping in the deep end, but more importantly is the slow build econ strategy rather than just buying the most expensive thing I can afford
I can go to war later, priority one is building up the finances to actually wage war No more throwing a handful of fighters at the xenon to protect HC1, they can destroy the place for all I care, and I'll drop in with an actual fleet to clear it and take over
of course, to get all the production I want, I'll need to befriend everyone before I flip the kill switch They gotta like me to sell me blueprints, so I gotta cozy up, buy the prints I want, and then declare war, like a gremlin
sslow down chill*out* threads movin way2fast I was about to reply to prev today & it's ripped so fast, so I had to post here in new. unfair. i prefer [spolier]reply2[/spoiler] old
you know how images made by AI don't come with copyright that goes to anyone, cause it wasn't made by a human
doesn't that apply to the model itself, too? nobody actually made the AI models, they were made by an algorithm too the algorithm was coded by human hands, but the actual model isn't that much different from the images it ends up generating, in that way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the way i understand it whomever trained the model gets the copyright idk if this is settled case law though
it's not like the technical quality of the OVAs is bad or anything, the production value is obviously very high It's just that the writing is so... bad It's cringe but doesn't lean into it, so it's bad cringe
well, the voice acting doesn't fit the animation most of the time, but in isolation both are really good
>>1143927 league upgrades is sort of like achievements and there is sort of a porfile were you anser a series of questions and and it tell you what type of player you are depending on what you answer, it unlockers a different profile unlocks*
Chrono Crusade is better for sure
people in anime always have such sharp teeth being able to draw blood by biting your own finger is actually kinda crazy
>>1143936 I think the constant leaking pushed Nintendo into a corner of a pretty minor announcement If their full exposé for the console is set for April then I figure their release window for the console is far enough off that they didn't want to go full hype with the PR yet I think getting a better idea of the console in April will be more exciting
The fact that they've had it very clear the console will have backwards compatibility with Switch games was really my only condition for picking one up ASAP though, so bar anything really awful coming up at the April Direct, I'll probably pre-order the console so I don't have to play ball with stocking issues or scalpers
>>1143939 thats a fair idea >> I'll probably pre-order the console so I don't have to play ball with stocking issues or scalpers
who knows maybe if a pre-order is made soon enough, maybe they send out notice too receive it soon then april, like a beta. sooner* It was a smart move for Nintendo to release it in spring, would have been better maybe after sumer B/C of sumer break but B/C of pokemon go was a wise move, it's popular enogh enough* and ppl play it while out and about...
I was concidering getting a a switch but probs get one on a black friday cycber monday or boxing in the years to come and just pick up a used switch too save some $$$.
The period of time between the teaser for the original Switch and its first Direct comprehensively talking about the system is about the same period of time between now and April 2nd, so if we're continuing to extrapolate the similarities, since it took about two months from the Switch's first Direct to its market release, there's a very real possibility we see the Switch 2 come out some time in June
There's somewhat of a trend in console manufacturers to release them around the holiday season, as to get bought by people looking for gift ideas, but Nintendo has also historically not followed that trend Maybe Nintendo will change direction and do a holiday release this time; a half-year waiting period between the Direct and a release feels pretty long though, especially since it's been ten years already since the Switch's release
>>1143941 it's a smart move with hand helds, if you reselse something way before the hollidays then ppl get to see others raving about it or all the vtubes showing it off and get a idea of what to buy in advance plus revenue in those months leading up to the hollies.
The strongest argument I've ever heard for not doing a holidays release is, giving the console half a year or so ahead of them gives a chance for the game library to develop so to actually improve holiday sales After all, gamers have been burned one too many times with shit like PlayStation consoles having no games on release, there's definitely a substantial part of the gaming community who aren't as likely to pick up a new console for one or two games anymore
But with the Switch 2 having backwards compatibility and even Nintendo still releasing new Switch games relatively close to the release window for the Switch 2, that argument isn't as prominent, since even if there's not a lot of brand new Switch 2 games on release, there's a hefty Switch catalogue of even relatively new games to choose from
from the vid I wonder see that the side ports look different what some of the functionality is and can any of it be pluged in too something like headphones or cable. that would be cool if you could use it as a mp3 player, it would be smaller in thepocket if you charged it up and just loaded up some songs and was on the go...
>>1143947 except the part where patients got horribly burned or killed by radiation of course
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like it doesnt even matter what time of year the switch 2 comes out as long as it's a good product and backwards compatible people are gonna buy it
Yeah this is more about me hoping I don't have to wait until the holidays to pick one up, and trying to find the rationale to justify that hope I think I'm relatively confident it'll be a summertime release, all things considered
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just want better hardware so that i can get echoes of wisdom without regrets
Rumours seem to indicate it'll be more powerful than the Steam Deck, which is a pretty capable handheld I've also seen other rumours comparing it's power to that of around the PS4/4 Pro Which for a console inherently gated by having to be portable, is pretty good, assuming those rumours are true
what is happening is da earth getting solar stormed is da shoeman resonance goin manic i feel like the ocean is havin a bad day maybe i should try to cheer it up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
many things happening maybe its the moon's influence
Downloading xiaohonkshuu to get in the hip new thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh nooo bruh cant anyone just make a new short form video upload app on like american soil? or do you have to have a library of filters and music rights just to get off the ground
i wish i had those ol tweets from earlier this or last year where people are like 'when you have ADHD and you have one meeting scheduled today and you spend the entire day just mentally bracing for it"
I got this granola cereal thing and man it's not very good, huh? did I just pick a bad one or is granola something you eat for Health Reasons, and you just accept it's not very tasty?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
granola can be good but idk about a breakfast cereal those are usually loaded with sugar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
granola with yogurt and fruit and maybe a little bit of honey mmmm
hm, maybe I should get some of that instead of milk just mix it together and add the granola last I guess?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as long as the granola is crunchy
well it stayed crunchy in the milk so I doubt that's gonna be a concern
Did NASA also just blow up rocket after rocket back in the day? Cause it feels like SpaceX is having a big fuckup every few months, and while sure there are no people aboard, that's not like... normal right?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yeah NASA prefers to do it with people on board
SpaceX launches much more frequently than NASA did even in its well-funded hayday, so by nature of that, you're going to see more failures, especially with technology like rocket science Since it isn't answerable to a political committee or public outcry, SpaceX also isn't really as safety-conscious as NASA or any other state space department, the argument being that you can collect more data on what to do better if you're also observing the failures And to their credit, yeah, they don't do these kinds of experimental launches with people onboard I'm not really sure where I fall on the situation, on one hand, even without serious risk of human injury, these experimental launches do cause more environmental damage than a safe, reliable launch, and we don't really know what kind of long-term issues will come from vaporizing a sizable number of large rocket crafts in our atmosphere On the other hand though, it is really hard to make scientific progress if you're just only ever working with what you've established as absolutely as safe as possible, and spaceflight tech is something I think would be really cool to be economically feasible, and I don't see that happening anytime soon with the way state space departments are operated and how poorly they're funded
I stole a HUGE cargo ship and strapped like 8 flak cannons and 3 BIG lasers to it, set them to "attack everything" and posted up in front of a gate to the xenon with my cargo drones out Farming machine LODSAEMONE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Clap who would win a giant cargo ship covered in guns or one smol X-wing boi
well the strat only works until the K shows up graviton turrets are no joke, they do a LOT of damage, and the ship isn't particularly weak either it's effective against a lot of fighter ships just cause that's what flak is for, and also it's a Large ship, so it's got an enormous amount of shield, and like all Large (and XL) ships, its shields have no regen cooldown, so they just don't have the DPS to leave a det dent I just can't quite afford a proper battleship yet, is all Gotta go steal a handful more ships and sell them off so I can get one
Granted, some of the reason I "can't afford that" is because I've been dumping like 10-15 million into some trading stations to get them up and running, too They take a bit of time, but after a little time they'll be a good source of income
early bed for me tonight though I think I've only been up for like, maybe 12-14 hours, but I'm tired
>>1144032 To those who find her cute Also her name, 猫猫, is read Mao Mao, but uses the Chinese character for "cat" in the Japanese Kanji lexicon So she's also Cat Cat
you shud write a sci fi netflix series about the rituals surrounding the assembly and dissolution of internet personalities and how the nature of fandom illuminates the artifice of parasociality including case studies on people whose lives were touched by a complete stranger whose facets are really an intangible amalgamation of cultural tropes, and also lots of cyber sex. i think it would do well
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you write it i'll film it we'll do it live
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this 85mm prime is not very good at auto focus
>>1144100 Maybe for people who aren't emotionally engaged, it can, but for people who are, it's still pretty emotionally saddening Even if the talent continues to act themselves the exact same way as their previous incarnation, there's still a certain ending and potentially unreachable social personality that's being left behind when a corporate talent goes indie in the Vtuber culture To date, no talent who has gone independent has been able to socialize again in the same way they did when they were talents in the same agency. There's a lot of culture that gets built up with how talents interact with each other which goes into the experience of enjoying them and their content, and being a part of their community Indie streamers can interact with other talents, even others in corporations, but the social connections she had as Fauna to other talents in Hololive are almost certainly irrevocably cut off with her graduating from that identity. She might, probably even considering her, act the same way with her viewers and community as she did as Fauna, but things are going to be different having lost her social position as Fauna in Hololive
She's always been a pretty independent, do-my-own-thing kind of streamer, so I don't think this is a change that'll bring a negative experience to her or her fans, but it's still a change that a lot is being left behind after, so I think it's emotionally valid for people to be saddened and regretful, at least initially over it
I mean isn't that a lot just due to how the corpos have an iron grip on their own talent? Not that many holos have graduated in the wway where they come back, either, right?
I don't think corporations have a particularly iron grip on their talents, at least not broadly On the IP of the character design, to a degree sure, but even that's not entirely consistent For example, a lot of smaller agencies have been folding in the past year or so, mostly on the Anglosphere side, and for a decent number of those agencies, talents have had the opportunity to keep their identities when going indie And I think a large number of the talents who have graduated from the larger agencies have returned to previous indie personas or started new ones. Coco returned to being Kson, Amelia started up being Dooby, Aqua became Sakuna, now Fauna with Nimi; and on the NijiEN side, Nina, Mysta, Pomu, Selen, in addition to several of the less prominent talents who graduated have returned to streaming as indie identities
It does seem like agencies prohibit talents from stream collaborating with graduated talents from the same agency, although that doesn't carry with talents who retired or changed agencies from other agencies (i.e.; Ina was able to collab with both Pikamee and Henya, who are the same person), but there doesn't seem to be any chance of, say, Kson collaborating with Hololive talents as their Hololive persona Some of this might be internal social politics, but I think especially with Hololive it's also to maintain kayfabe\
Either way this is also a relatively new industry and new culture, and with Hololive talents, it's only recent that there's more than a couple who have graduated/terminated and returned to streaming. Things might change as they establish themselves as indie streamers and there's more external pressure against the corporations isolating their remaining talents from the indie identities of their former talents For example, a lot of NijiEN talents have recently been engaging with their former graduated members, although only in public social engagements and not something like a stream collab. For various reasons, I don't necessarily
think Hololive will imitate that too closely, but as the situation changes, the culture will probably change too
Well, my gameplay in X4 certainly isn't optimized just yet, but it is at least working out Very, very slow, to the point I feel like my approach might be too brute-force Arguably, using large storage for my trading stations might now have been the optimal move not* I can and should manually go in and fix that, I guess, set the max capacity for the wares a bit lower so I start actually making some money, and then slowly increase it over time
for that matter, anything I produce myself, I can undercut the competition pretty heavily on, I guess No reason to maximize profit per unit when as a result they don't move
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Fucked up that X4 isn't a 4X.
It kinda turns into a strategy game where you can join the little guys after a while, though Cause there's only so much you can do on your own, and you're kinda just managing your empire
Once my econ gets a little more set up I'm gonna make myself a nice looking penthouse station with a view Put up some pretty stations nearby and stuff, make a project out of it
But the econ is not set up for that sort of thing yet
DNA reveal is an insane idea i guess they're not posting the raw basepairs.txt but like what happened to anonymity any 23andme employee could doxx them
> This is unfortunate for women in the US, many of whom were using TikTok to raise consciousness of 4B, a protest movement originating in South Korea that calls for women to fight widespread societal misogyny and boycott men. It went viral on TikTok in the US after Trump's win in November and has been steadily increasing in reach and impact since.
anyway 47 gonna reinstate it in a few days to much fanfare i'm sure
yo I saw someone wearing a kekw hoodie today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the laughing brazilian dude's influence on humanity is not to be underestimated he will be enshrined in eternity he already has
can you repost that pic of the guy with the twitch backpack form long time ago i lost it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's so vague i don't know what you're referring to
the one with the amongus guys
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who are the amogus guys like, the video game characters? but they purple?
no the red one it was a candid photo maybe Im mis remembering and someone else took it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro i have no idea was it sexual in nature
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this could easily be from 4 years ago for all i know
i literally have nothing to go on can you tell me anything salient about this photo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is why i need to build my own GPT bot that constructs a mind palace for all my shitposts in real time because clearly it is important we recover this meme
gomen no I will do a deep dive into my memory and take some supplements to try to remember and sleep on it but remind me in 14 hours
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok reminder created
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1144177 isn't that the super misandrist movement (yes)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i saw a random HN comment guess it was just a random drive by comment sounds pretty unhinged
screw it I'm restarting x4 cause the poorly optimized stations were too much of a headache I'm starting out with just a mining ship and that's it
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Informally texted my boss about taking a week off around the end of March and she said that would be fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man it's been twice now in Frieren that mistah stark is like "im so cold" and he's in the winter cabin on the opposite side of the room from the fireplace
oh you're watching frieren? can't wait for you to encounter Ubel and also The Best Magic Tournament In Anime History as the youtubers are calling it
Actually it's an exam but the normies are super excited because it's the first exam they've seen in an anime that isn't literally just a series of 1v1 fights
>>1144219 the vtuber debutante known as nimi nightmare was doing one yesterday but it wasnt dna it was like probabilities of traits
>>1144220 hmmm, okay! dna.txt would be interesting imagine some databroken commit datatheft of it, with public github repo, where dna listed under GNU, and then makes clone *databroker >>1144223 tfw kind of, u got the idea
or dna.txt + NFT I do belive some people would pay big money for acquiring rare dna.txt for datamining, cloning & forking purposes! public need to be informed on this! why CNN is silent about that?!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when your dataherd livestock get databroken by a hacker cyberfox NOOOO
nanomachines, son. clirical usage: gentile operation & no contamination. imagine such bot with btc inside dna dna is bacisally (or literally) distributed computing
>>1144225 We can't verify if this real Kirara, everyone need to adopt an t-code I'm glad you're back! How have you've been? Where have you been? What places have youseen ?
It's just complex to believe Kirara was so quickly summoned & spell worked I'm thinkin about me getting back to zazen or zazen getting back2mii Had read soto sutra this morning I want to meet some community or likeminded collective, who are in to this been lonely for few years
Zazen is the best, you should definitely do it. At least a little bit.
Which sutra is that? The Sandokai?
There are zen centers everywhere, I bet you can find one near you if you look. And there are a lot of online sanghas that do meetings through zoom now. Even if it's not as good as in-person.
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1144018 this foto could be considered safe for work purpuses & legal without depictions of Denmark & Deutschland >>1144229 >online yes, they should move to FOSS solution, though
I can't remember the name of the sutra or url, but I should look more in to this if there is any particular guide article introduction on what to expect or how to start & run temple solo, it'll be nice & welcomed or something like zazen101 course intro tutorial on how to became monk & run monastery, for people in remote areas who can't directly learn from other peson(teacher) and been able to acquire (or order) free textbooks and 56k modem connexion
& I don't even know if I should bother myself on how different schools inside zazen differ from each other.
I kind of heard there were multiple teachers, buddhas, authors, modern & ancient scriptures, but idk which one should I read NOW, or in which order, or how to categorize & classify them
>>1144230 If you want to become a zen monk, find a teacher under them for many years until they are // study under them for many years until they are willing to make you a monk. If you want to run a monastery, you'll have to become extraordinarily rich in order to build one. You'll also have to be a master so you can create monks to live there. Altogether, it's probably a twenty year commitment. Monasteries aren't popular in zen, anyways. We have training monasteries but you're only supposed to spend a year or so there and then you go actually do something. Sometimes teachers spend their lives teaching in monasteries but there are also a lot of teachers that look down on that. If someone sits zazen properly and clears away their ego for even a moment, they'll see what a filthy thing a monastery is. There aren't really any guides other than to ask a monk or a teacher (there are teachers that aren't monks) for how to do things.
If you're interested in starting a serious zazen practice, I have a // I have some instructions that I send people who ask me to teach them zazen that I can share with you.
Reading isn't really important. One of the most influential zen masters of all time was Huineng, the sixth patriarch, who was illiterate. There are tons of books but most of them will lead you astray or just be confusing until you've started recognizing and moving through dharma gates.
>>1144232 just try thinkin in reverse like counterclockwise chirality clock go forward with time resist the clock & walk backwards slowly
good luck bb
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time may trace me but i can't trace time
cuz it's fake anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cooking for someone is such an intimate thing it's like being a prostitute but with food
you know the brain extends all the way to the gut you get to see ssomeone's true self by watching them eat
I kind of know what you mean, eating foods someone took the time to prepare and enjoyed it not sure what my reaction was but if I could be in that sitch again maybe my face would reflect it, now that I think of it this way...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> cooking for someone is such an intimate thing > it's like being a prostitute but with food
he's miyazaki posting now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro i need those doctor fish get me to a fabulous onsen right meow
>>1144237 moon was real true hidden master among us, smarter than I thought
I once heard an idea from psychologist: to visualize a thought as an sparkle that goes around surface of ellipse, and send it backward counter clockwise
Sometimes, I just don't want to just sit & do nothing, I want to socialize, zzz with other people who have same interests
Kirara got the vibe of my adhd, I'm physically unable to read long texts now, but I appreciate short sutra/mantra
>>1144269 yus, that's actually nice idea! need to try that tesseract ... colrabi-miau hyperspace solving Rubik's cube in mind could be good koan my internal gpu isn't that great with rendering, unlike my mental AC97 Realtek, gotta train those neurons
what's important is to avoid Super String ova theory, while meditating, to not open a portal to hyper dimensions that folks see in lasers sacred geometry If some one fails at that, it immideately spawns an UAP
>>1144271 a lot of the gpu throughput is in the superior colliculus and the lamina of the thalamus that's where we construct a topological manifold representing the external world around us, and where we spatially orient things in our mind both orienting the external world as it's projected around us and orienting our own body in relation to our selfs (proprioception)
i have a lesion in my colliculi so sometimes when i close my eyes and just try to feel my own body, i end up externalizing that proprioception and see my self from an outside perspective my vestibular system gets tricked into mapping the sensory perception of my body in space onto the external manifold of my environment because the signal pathway carrying that vestibular signal is a lil damaged like referred pain kinda but my body refers the pain all the way outside of my body because it can't really tell where my body is or isn't on that map
it's cool for the colliculus and midbrain stuff but it gets fucky when it gets up to the temporoparietal juncture in the CEREBRUUUM oooooh that's where you start doing subconscious visual processing for like faces and crude image recognition and filtering for binocular perspective from having two eyes with cross innervation guess what your brainstem just gets the throughput from the optic chiasm so binocular visual perspectives start deviating from the binaural construction of topological space that your brainstem is working with
ears are way faster than eyes anyway it's your vestibular system that really navigates space and time the eyes just kind of color in the graph that's already been mapped out. for me they just kinda get in the way
Doushio is 1 single social media app I'm using >>1144274 this tells me, if I'll find myself addicted to digital media again, I'll send imagenery myself to procrastinate in parallel universe, while myself doing the work doing two things at the same time, in parallel, chicken & egg solved. no pain, all gain
with gut things may get complicated, with D2 in stomach, and HTP down the guts... oh... if those by accident got dysregulated, it takes divine deity to fix
obviously the chicken came first, since the chicken /// whoa there moon a hen can lay an egg even if a rooster didnt cum my bad i didnt think about that
They don't need a rooster to lay an egg. It'll just be an infertile egg without one. And they lay more eggs with a rooster around.
>>1144287 That's a spirit of imageboards! Image need to be framed with motivational 'advice dog' background a true wisdom comes when Anon speaks from a heart/guts >>1144286 There was a movie where Arnie Swarzn-r got pregnant
>>1144289 no one is really able to cum, because cum is an illusion
sadly, I don't even have not even a one cent on a card/bank and you live in another state, far away
maybe ill be an r18 vtuber one of these days thatd be cool
you better not postpone this dream, in this/your niche, I've seen a few vtubers on adult sites, VERY POG pretty much OP if you'll grow quick, could make couple of grand, but need good vfx talents of course or artist/rigger
but with things heading now (Florida & few others), future is foggy
Our cook at the upcoming sesshin can't cook for us this time. So it's up to me and the other senior monk to pick out the menu and cook all the food this time. I'm excited. I haven't had an opportunity to cook for people in a long time.
raviolli dumplings gyozaa! nice font, moon some times I wish people should be able to practice calligraphy on webboards, there is so much, emotion, art, expression, font, what a default keyboard driven input can't represent, over handwriting
i used to have a calligraphy website called sailor venus with a pen but i couldnt afford to keep it open
it's on solana too, so I gotta watch that chart in the coming days, see if it moves in a big way, cause then I gotta pull out and come back in later cause I mean he IS going to dump, that's the whole purpose of this thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he already dumped the second $melania launched which means it's all up from here 2dam oonnnnN!NN
naw I think the trump coin is lcoked off, so he can't actually dump yet there's like a 3month thing, though I'm not saying anything for certain
The melania hit was literally just people going "OOOH fuck I should be on that scheme instead cause it got RT'd by Trump" Like obviously everyone buying these things are knowingly entering a ponzi scheme
I mean granted, basically all crypto is ponzi schemes the whole way down, but meme coins are JUST ponzi schemes, they don't even have some facade of use beyond "hey if you buy this for 2 dollars, you might get a different sucker to buy it for 3 dollars"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@buccocapital/1881065353050222672 it is kinda crazy that this is all just balatro math number of shares * valuation per share humans love multiplication
yeah I mean it's obviously not liquid for 50 billion dollars
samsam, is there reason to believe SOL will get more valuable due to people trading these trumpcoins? or am I just being stupid?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i think all the cryptos are likely to do well depending on what kind of legislation that guy introduces
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i haven't paid solana any attention because like i assumed it won't scale normal people can't run a solana node at home you need a real server and insane bandwidth
>>1144367 building up my X4 empire, slowly but surely I've expanded my mining fleet, and In a short while I'll have the capital necessary to make my own powercells, and also I intend to make a standalone station exclusively for mining Just an absolute beast station with a TON of storage, and then I assign a mining ship to run between it and whatever needs the resources Should be a lot more efficient than each station having its own fleet of miners
is that tbs about aliens? xcom?
X4 has aliens, sure I'm playing as a lizard man, and the race is very much based on the Icke type of lizardpeople
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aotenjo is soooooooooooo good
>>1144373 what's that? >>1144372 furry male > lizard since when lizards had genders? I've thought they didnt
>>1144374 man as in humanoid, not as in male The character creation uniquely doesn't have genders listed for the lizards, though they do have genders ingame There's no way to tell which one the player actually is though
>>1144376 MAHJONG BALATRO?! this dopamine spike I didn't see coming need probably to check it out some day, when I'll have time
MAHJONG BALATRO, does that even exist sounds like not though I mean the word balatro is a word that means some other then the name of a newer card video game
I don't understand the connection to hitmen contract killers sleep the same way everyone does, I imagine, with a tshirt and a pair of boxers
I think the idea is people who live that kind of life need to get ready to jump and run at a moment's notice It's kind of a movie image of a hitman since people who do contract killing in real life are usually associated with a crime syndicate of some sort If you're talking with someone who's just like, a random guy who kills freelance, they're almost always a cop