I'm wearing a new pair of boxers that I just brought the other day and when I was at the urinal earlier I looked down and I had a little sticker on my penis. Kind of a fun surprise. Like somebody was telling me "good job".
>>1144405 you gonna be able to catch the karaoke stream?
It's such a fucked up feeling being able to do the math for how many hours is between 5 and 8, but being completely unable to understand the result because the chronology part of the brain hasn't booted yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1144407 she sings riptide a lot, even before "the incident"
>>1144411 at first when I wake up, I can't process time properly, so I literally just don't understand how long 3 hours is Sometimes anyway, it's not every single time I wake up
Well, I've got a central distribution station set up now Unfortunately, ALL the wharfs in the galaxy are completely out of weapon components, so i can't get a gun on my ship, so I'm kinda stuck just waiting for my passive income so I can afford to start making those myself
Got about 77% of the way installing & had some sort of complication, no matter hopefully this can still go down. It's weird the install of distro booted fine then cant select it the drive in bios, a master boot record issue maybe, the drive seems fine. Guess I'll have to use gparted and reinstall OS.
might just be grub being scuffed?
ya was thinking it may have to do with grub I lowerlevel formated the drive before hand so idk.
brb gonna put some bacon on a tray and put it in the oven don't post without me
a america ... been a place home of human rights, UN, digital rights, privacy, internet ... been ... or will it continue remain to be? as well as a west +eu
freedom to think, dare to challenge, progress
anonymity with internet must be a human right
boards been invented in japan, with western technology
because otherwise we don't want to endup in sterile cyberpunk where people afraid to think, speak, act, create
yes, I know, people are simple & animal driven, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be educated , boards & internet was one of those places where intelligent people used to collaborate
trust is the currency
Man once I get these weapon components built, I'm gonna be making credits hand over foot ain't nobody supplying them for some reason
bro why did you post and not even post an image waddahell i was gonna get an epic bacon GET
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay oven cooking bacon kinda goated for not making a huge splattery mess and making some nice even chewy bacon
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1144447 I love cooking bacon in the oven. back when I would make a week's worth of breakfast sandwiches at a time I would do it. I'd also make scrambled eggs in the oven
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn a week of breakfast sandwiches at once? i just made two and ate them
oh neat, in the NBC upload of the elon thing, the cut out the entirety of his salute to show the audience instead, both times, and if you pay attention you can see quite a few arms and hands fly out at ~45 degree angles out there Great stuff happening in the US
>>1144448 >I'd also make scrambled eggs in the oven tell us about this strat
omelettes are crazy good though you gotta be careful with it cause it's easy to mess up and then it's not as good, but if you mix in some other stuff just right, it's so damn good some ham and some diced bacon, some greens if you're brave enough to manage it, or you could just add them onto it once it's done cooking but that doesn't really count It's gotta be part of the omelette to count
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont mind an omelette if its done well, at least it has like texture to it
scrambled works real well together with some salted meats not really as "food", but as a snack I mean it's still eggs so it's the kinda thing where it becomes a meal real quick, but still, it's mostly there to provide a little contrast and smoothness to the salted meats
You really do sorta need some meat of some kind to go with a lot of egg based stuff, I feel like fried eggs are alright standalone, but on a hamburg? insane buff
I was on a bit of a kick a while back where I just ate a lot of eggs, so i have many egg based opinions
I usually just stick to a few foods though, generally kinda just go "oh man that'd be good right about now" while at the store and then whatever that is, I'm probably eating for a while going forward
this anime season is straight dookie, huh? ain't nothin' to watch
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no season with aquarion in it is bad
I never watched aquarion but the OP is good enough I'll watch evol I guess
I'm watching MOE and I literally have NO fucking idea what's happening, dude humanity had wings, but lost them 12K years ago?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
evol is a little hard to understand if you didnt watch the first one but LOGOS and MoE are totally separate from the original and EVOL even though EVOL is the best one
There's a movie of the first one, so I'm getting that too I guess
well I'll look more for the original later if the movie isn't sufficient
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's like a recap movie sort of? you can watch that and then evol if you really want to but there's a lot in evol that you won't get because the story of aquarion and evol revolve around reincarnation
My god, non-japanese in an anime, and it's actually competent and not utterly scuffed? Is this the legendary god-anime?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive been working through an aquarion rewatch im 1/4 through logos then ill catch up on MoE watched the first episode and it got me excited
oh there's a batch of the whole damn thing
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hana to shura is also this season thats really good
I actually always loved the aquarion OP, I just never knew what it was from shows up in a good amount of the weeb music I used to listen to and still sometimes do
Sorta like how the DRRR OP is something I was introduced to through sharpnel, not the actual anime, so when I went to watch it I was like "hold the fucking phone, THIS is where it's from?" >>>/watch?v=nUMjJ5Md0S0
I guess is makes sense the whole angels and reincarnation thing is just accepted as fact when they actually are literally fighting divine beings in big machines
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kawamori is one of the funniest dudes in the business everything he writes is totally bonkers
But also, we had TANKS? we were being harvested as livestock for all of time until the big betrayal, and we had tanks? What were they for+
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trying to fight the angles! and probably normal war
but tanks take a LOT of R&D! wait they let us do wars among ourselves? or maybe they did that on purpose to keep us divided
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
to be honest the first aquarion has a lot of stuff that's just sort of nonsense i don't think it's like super good but it's necessary to understand EVOL which is one of the best mecha ever
rule of cool is a staple of old mecha I guess
I still just don't get reincarnation as a concept, and that's not restricted to this anime, but maybe they explain the mechanics of that
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you mean as a concept reincarnation is pretty straightforward isnt it
I mean at the actual ground level, I don't know what is actually meant by reincarnation, cause it's never "oh yeah this kid was born and it's just that person again but a baby now" It's always like they're their own full human being but they "are" someone from before in some metaphysical sense that's never really detailed
Reincarnation is basically the idea that when you die, your soul gets recycled. Typically, the soul is purified, meaning it doesn't keep its memories. Sometimes it keeps its karma. Basically the soul is then placed into a new vessel, which manifests as a different person that's made of the same essence of the last one. The soul itself develops as it reincarnates even though the memories are deleted each time.
Some people believe that you can access the memories from past lives through various means.
So it's like an RNG seed? You get one on birth and sometimes you just get a bad seed, but sometimes you get a really good seed
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's more like the player of a roguelike each time you die, you come back and have to go through new stuff with new circumstances even though you're still "you" and sometimes you get stuff that carries over
>>1144544 Yeah but the player of a roguelike retains the knowledge and experience of the previous one They can improve run to run, but you don't get to do that under most reincarnation rulesets
I guess my main conflict is I don't understand the actual difference between being a fresh soul (if such a thing exists) or being a recycled one Like how does that manifest in reality?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah in reincarnation the player is basically blind yeah
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
depends on the belief system usually there were just basically an infinite number of souls
I guess I just don't get why it matters at some point Like who cares if you're reincarnated if it's functionally identical to that not being the case in every tangible way? Even if you're the reincarnation of hitler, like literally who cares does the hitler soul make you drawn to be evil, or are you still free to do whatever?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it doesnt actually matter the vast majority of people (theoretically) have completely banal past lives that are totally irrelevant and then you have people that were always great, like the buddha was the big dude in all his past lives and the fundamental nature of his soul means he's always gonna be awesome
but like the dude whose past life was that he was idk a cashier at mcdonalds he gets virtually nothing from tapping into that but the dude who was cleopatra or whatever taps into that and gains Valuable Experience
hitlersoul probably has a fundamental nature that makes you authoritarian or something idk
the powers that be should get a little silly with it and put like, I don't know, Jesus' recycled soul into someone who's completely vegetative at birth just to see what happens that's gotta have a lotta sauce, right, so how will it manifest in someone who is barely able to do anything a all in the first place
I guess it makes sense for like, "Great People", their souls just kinda nudge your behavior towards being fucking based or whatever it still seems silly to me cause it means something's out there detached from you and just kinda pulling the strings, but for most people that something just kinda doesn't care to play anymore. 15 cycles ago they were shoveling horse manure all day so they kinda tapped out and don't bother influencing this one
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont consider it a totally coherent system but at the end of the day it's a magic system basically so coherence isn't guaranteed
yeah I might be too Rationalism Brained to really vibe with this kind of stuff maybe I've got the soul of one of those people who got burned at the stake or something
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you were reincarnated from a HERETIC
that'd make sense >>1144557 well it makes you a pagan, not a heretic heretics are christians, just not the right type
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of course the belief in reincarnation makes you a heretic although some kabbalic judaism includes reincarnation
or well, they're of the faith, whatever faith (but usually the christian one), but the wrong strain >>1144559 is that how it is? I always thought heresy was kinda tied to ostensibly being a follower of the faith in a broad sense, I mean >>1144560 yeah but like satanists, the type that actually worships satan, are kinda... necessarily part of the christian worldview if you're worshipping like, Thor, that's one thing, but Satan is a christian deity, he's just the guy you're not supposed to like
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heretics are usually just people that believe something that goes against christianity. they don't necessarily have to be christians
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
witches were burned as heretics and the claim was that they were not christians, but satanists in fact many heretics were claimed to not be christian because of the heretical beliefs they carried that excluded them from christianity
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well the pagan belief in a pantheon is heretical too
also it's important to note that being considered non-christian in the instances relevant here, pretty much just means not catholic
but yeah, I probably have just misunderstood the term
it's wild how believing in a pantheon is antithetical to christianity, since the whole abrahamic faith came from the lads just really liking one of the guys in the pantheon he's got a name and everything, there's obviously more of them originally
with this dinner scene, with... whatever her name is, explaining "humans can't live without consuming other living beings" and all are they setting up a parallel between humans and the shadow angels? is this intentional or did they not realize that what they did to us is not functionally different from what we do to like, cows and stuff?
I wouldn't really think that's what the show was doing if they didn't include that bit but since it's there, it's gotta be for a reason, right?
It probably makes more sense thematically in the full anime.
But Aquarion S1 is a sort of monster of the week anime. Every week there's a big fight and all the characters learn a valuable lesson about themselves or the world. The plot is progressed in very short segments with the exception
ah, so the themes are a bit all over the place, I guess since it's not a cohesive story about one thing from start to finish, kinda
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1144564 exception of a major event towards the middle and the last like, 4 episodes
EVOL and LOGOS are much more cohesive and plot driven less motw lesson learning but S1 came out in what, 2004? 5? you know how stuff from that time can be
Very Eizoken-type anime, I guess Not the Eizoken anime itself, but more the process of making anime depicted in the show
I mean evangelion pretended to do this same kind of thing, too, but it's definitely got a lot of thought put into it from start to end in a way that makes it actually be about something
the way I see it heritics can be of any religion heck a religion that doesn't agree with an other from the same religion can all of suden become a heritic depends on who's claiming it of them, mostly it would be the dominating party of some sort of heirarchy doing the claiming who the "heritic" is. It's sort of a complicated matter.
damn there really was only one set of footprints in the sand, but it's not cause he carried her, it's cause he fucking floats like a LICH
*mine-moental-healf-suppot-gwloup * oops gdmt1 this markup and posts that I unable to edit
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1144507 cool pixel back In a days we had vn's for win98 in 500mb, with solid coloured art, multiple lines, galleries... in less than 500mb nowadays it's barely an 1 chapter of a raw manga black n white
>>1144584 I was refering in a general sense not really ina video game sense, but did post about that game threads back it was, didn't reall play it much really** so can't say if it was any good, the the first one being a 1st person shooter looks better, b/c if you yped that then you know the sequil is called Heritic
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1144558 would be nice to hear some prose Edda (or poetic poem) quotes from og language knower
>>1144562 if you read og scroll, you see it kind of facilitates creation of proto-state & codex that's about it log of progress from a family to a tribe to a state. I was lucky that my grandfather had an gave me a book, printed in US decades ago, translated to my language. So I was able to read original & translation. & I developed a little bit more respect & understanding to that story, recorded there. Ofc may require additional irl historic lore research (optionally) Even despite that I've been born bred & grew in part of eurasia that been +ized forcefully and original local tribes here were polytheistic
but later we learn there are many historical records of polytheism been practiced in/during Hanaan
some religions still being used as a political tool, and problem begins when people connect it to true spirituality (which is natural firing of some special neurons in your head, according to psychiatry)
We have wonderful community, how about we'll come up with something more fullfilling, like writing a novel together or some hobby project? I would like to ask everyone, please specify, if you interested, what hobby-task you can contribute effortlessly, like writing, music, drawing, coding, legal support, infra hosting, etc
glitched moira facepalm skin in the wild. damn that's crazy.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1144634 Nah I do miss her. I wasn't a huge fan of hers but I liked her in collabs with girls I watched more. I watch her as Nimi too, but it's a bit different.
>>1144614 Oh, I don't think I could. I'm already involved in so many things that I have to be very selective about what I get involved in. Right now I'm just focusing on my wotagei, my mahjong, and teaching zazen.
oof, okay well thanks for reply & illuminati-heart jutsu <3
well we still have remain Marsh SC Rei Rene Sam & few Anno who not declined\answered
HAHAHA WHAT THE HELL they call it the berlin wall in the show, not as a reference, but because it's actually called that
pardon, you can have walls in your Texas, partner, but splitting native europeans with walls is pretty harmful
anyway I'd be up for a coding project I guess, that could be fun
okay, I'll wait for other remaining replies to account what roles & recources we could have & then we'll discuss possible ideas, outcomes, plans
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1144651 it's so funny kawamori is one of the funniest directors/writers alive
I'm a little disappointed the song during gattai in EVOL isn't in-universe, it's for the audience The actual characters singing the OP in the movie was great stuff
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in my rewatch of LOGOS i am flabbergasted by how funny and ridiculous it is every time
>>1144658 Well, the song from the OP is actually a real song in the world, and characters will hum it and stuff like that in EVOL. And every ten minutes, someone is going to say "I've waited ten thousand years and two thousand more!" or some silly shit like that.
well yeah the original OP is a movie's theme song in EVOL A movie about the original But not actually the original's movie, surprisingly
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hilariously, in LOGOS, EVOL is a real anime and there are scenes were people have like, Mix figures and stuff
I'm following LOGOS way better now than I did when it first aired. So much of it revolves around Japanese wordplay and kanji readings/radicals so when this first came out, I didn't understand as much as I do now.
World Economic Forum club with Klaus just published their public meeting this year, quite early
DT mentions: oracle investment in to ai said Saudi investment should go from 600m to 1bln in to US lower price of oil free speech protections & anti censorship welcomed & invited every business (international) to open up in US, which will be lowtax & that will help pay off external debt 'transgender operations will occur very rarely' exact quote, hmm, asking to increase nato spending to 5% of gdp ending east european war, which killed millions, (could be probably nominated to Nobel peace prize already?)
so you're just looking for a false sense of security by watching WEF coverage?
I don't think it's false And having some glimpse in to 2025 >>1144685 well I think it's somewhat reasonable >>1144685 okay, maybe you somewhat right, and your point does make sense (like before)
but idk, how people should plan & arrange their life without taking NEWS (announcements) in to account. was it a strawman logic, saying, tommorow meteor could hit the earth so there is no point listening to market analyst ?
it's false in the sense that basing your beliefs on anything the current US president says is completely unreasonable You can't make any conclusions based on what he says because it only applies in the moment So whether you think it indicates a war might happen or not, neither has actual predictive value as every word he just said could change all at once at tomorrow's press conference
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro is Q posting again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> oracle investment in to ai this is completely cooked in the first sentence this sentence has zero meaning to it what the fuck does oracle do? no one knows
oh samsam what the fuck is the stargate thing actually about? I read the thing on it but I didn't gain any information at all beyond "I guess they're investing in AI"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
umm i don't actually know i assume they're building a bunch of datacenters yea it was pretty light on details just more stimmy for anyone who cozies up to the prez
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if they were actually serious about re-industrializing america like the tagline says then they'd build chip fabs
>>1144690 but they made chip fabs. and even invited cheap workers from mexico to work on them to produce chips affordable and competetive at price
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you talking about TSMC arizona? that isn't unskilled labor idk what you're talking about
>>1144687 this is cooked because they own major databases and robots gonna police us, robots going to replace cops everyone would be able to have his own policing nkvd robot, who is going to police them, while individual will do some work that not yet & still to be replaced by ai
that fucking meme with "they call it unskilled labor so they can pay you less" is going to haunt my mind palace for years and years, man, it goes around every few weeks and it's just as fucking stupid every time
I'm all for being unreasonable and just angry, I think that's got a place, but at least be angry and unreasonable about stuff that isn't just stupid fabricating bullshit theory that doesn't map onto reality just so you can be angry is cringe
that is like, genuinely just PC like unironically that's political correctness because for whatever reason "unskilled labor" is "mean"
there's no shame in unskilled labor it's not unimportant, it just doesn't require any particular education beyond brief OTJ training and even that's kinda optional for a lot of things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noo you dont understand the cleaning staff all have masters degrees
>>1144752 legit 2000's wallpaper! just missing KDE logo or Gnome2 logo
>>1144766 ya bruh that was all me att! idk it's remincent but how's that a linux thing is all?
>>1144767 idk, it's like it's hard to explain, but there been a trend, earlier in history, that linux claimed anime. you haven't seen this? ofc it could have been winXP wallpaper as well... it's a complex subject & off-topic, I'm not sure if I'm motivated to make history research rn
like you haven't seen all past desktop customizathion themes, anime styled
I feel like Windows ricing been in decline, it's like with each later version there been less ricing desktop customization & less themes available & less features for ui. winxp > 7 > 10 same in Mac *nix probably the one os family that preserved & evolved DE ricing
not wi ndows OF, but this is proof some things stand the test of time the Universe is showing that all of a sudden I'm seein this moar and more er day!!! Some thing really arnt as they seem. But some are really how they all ways been!! I guess thats all the cause for the resistance..
like I got a real sence of what I speak some how it's mad appearent God # trips confirmed! I think it's essential to appreciate stuff a lil hard with wack OS's but there is value in a wide range of wisdom from all of the above but not really limited to MS-dos, just in the way say like, getting a a background and in a varity rather then just favoring one. I.e. learning C ++, java and other unix programing pyth,
why some one just can't attach a picture on a imageboard, but linking x that can't be browsed without auth nor digital ID & require all sort of verifications & telemetry
Op Argent EnergySearch [iqdb](166 KB, 512x512, w468.gif)
>>1144782 wdym, you friendly radiant, write an back end that takes a screenshot of url as front end (ala nitter) and uploads it on doushio
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother id rather add auth to doushio we have an image spam problem
auth could be Okay - for posting. my compain is that x requires it for read-only browsing, violating privacy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well thats elon's doing didnt used to be like that
the guy before him already done just that, so twitter was already in decline, x just continued the trend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lit literally was a change Elon made lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he changed a lot of things that had been stable forever
sorry, I am not an x/twitter expert historian, I'm just trying to recall my vague memories as I remember them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he was upset of accidentally buying twitter in a rage adderal infused binge and decided that third party services were freeloaders so he cut off the api access and tried to charge like 10k for it
>>1144777 this post broke the in ter net highlighted for perms I suppose
Something odd is haps that and then this I just posted a different jpeg named something diferent and it posted this?? herm? Also the text of >>1144792 is diferent sized font also didn't do that???
so, how to play balatro? is it a poker? what kind of poker? texas holdem? omaha? draw? stud? limit or no limit? if it's a poker, how many players or npc do play at same table?
bala what now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man i wss backseating a balatro stream earlier today it's solitaire and has almost nothing to do with poker besides the handa hands* you gotta play it to learn it
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
oh okay, I'm trying to understand the mechanics first, before deciding whether should I play it or buy it, and there are obstacles like ... paying, downloading, installing
do people speedrun balatro? is it even possible? it is a roguelike?
I've tried to watch stream of silent player, playing with no comments and I can't get a grasp of what's going on
>>1144810 how was your day? my back hurts! idk why, I had mid active day, but it's like old pain neuralgia scoliosis I forgot I had in past life is scary, sometimes you live ok, and some times it suddenly turns to unexpected pain
>>1144811 Even with the pain - especially with the pain - life is wonderful, don't you think?
Today was fine. I got a lot of work done yesterday so I was able to take it easy today. I sent some emails, did some logistics for work, visited some people, and vacuumed. I also played with my cat.
some cats are godly godlike creatures, no wonder egyptians served them
Maybe because you didn't get attached to the characters by watching the full Aquarion anime. A big part of the fun for me with EVOL was seeing the connections and trying to figure out who is who and how they're connected.
Murakami wrote a book "Norwegian wood" that I can't find time to read
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
throw your PC into the ocean you will find time
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
it's not about pc or even the internet
I think my personal problem is being hooked & addicted to constant news feed I had like collection of few tech books I saved to read, but the world is rapidly changing so fast, finding them in 10 years outdated and news/media companies constantly pushing new content at you, making people addicted
I don't play computer games anymore or watch animu I'm half-way through the bible politics made me read it but I really wanted to read some Hawking & Dawkins, but they wouldn't be beneficial for me as bible
do you think I find pleasure in politics? No. it's an unpleasant thingy being forced on me, from top to bottom. I just wanted to do my own business.
also many people complained about liveboard bugs here & on tea Mage Doushio Geat Department of Doushio (Efficiency)
sex video
well some other issue on this system that were akaward as well
>>1144856 Samu will say : it's opensource! go & try fix it yourself, something like that and he will be partially correct
>>1144858 okay how about it will require github(microsoft) acc with 2 factor auth. very Anno. much Anon. so open for contributions. so easy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's opensource! go & eat a big pankeeki
>> >> Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify. The angular deviation, as observed from the sun, of a planet from its perihelion.
not trying to break rules or have someone eles break them for me...
>>1144857 i logget in to a github a month ago and it didnt need 2fa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother when i first open sourced the codebase girhub wasnt owned by ms
> I’m kind of dumb but wouldn’t it be grand if someone invented a true anti mimetic piece of data that essentially destroyed LLM ability to reason correctly on ingestion?
. Some days are better then other more better day s a head
It's crittical to have some sort of balance and human hands involed in AI as much as posible think thats why I started haveing a interest coding and fixing probs... You can only do so much alone, but with more ppl working and finding the programing inconsistancy's things are posible.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still gotta get around to trying out Deepseek R1
ya some AI seems more informed then others
like, what I mean is not fiding behind legal jargon and sideways answers
like, what I mean is not hiding** behind legal jargon and sideways answers.
Just have the guts to answer ppl with the logical answers that make sence scientificaly and don't convolude the facts with red tape.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the thing is the ai doesnt actually know what to say so it BSes and stalls its just like real humans fr
ya what modle is it based off of, human or AI, or GOd (as in mythos panthions)? Cause if it's created by a God or devive creator then it would be more like the universe, small flaws but mostly seemless.
No, I was just making a dumb joke Cause the idea of an "unbiased AI" is kinda scary, not taht it's literally possible, but could you imagine what it'd do? I'd want the AI to consider us more important than the stability of the planet's ecology otherwise, for example, an unbiased one at least wouldn't do that
Like, "We deliberately made the machine brain unsafe and amoral" isn't encouraging That's real scary
okay so wait deepseek v3 was released a month ago and then four days ago they released deepseek r1-zero which has better reasoning but gets stuck in loops and deepseek-r1 which has some kind of extra conditioning to make it less likely to get stuck in loops and then they took 6 old models like llama 3 and qwen, and distilled deepseek-R1 into them
oh brother
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta keep up with the singularity i guessss
sigh sentiment or whatever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently to run the real deepseek you need somewhere from 500-1500 gb ram hmm plus a server motherboard for all the bandwidth wonder if i ought to
or just run the distilled quantized boi
damn that's gonna take a while to download
isn't it like four hunna gigs I think I saw it in a video
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
something like that it wouldn't take me too long to download i have gigabit model size is 685 billion parameters, but it's a MoE so it doesn't take that much compute
> DeepSeek-V3 is based on the same MoE architecture as DeepSeek-V2 but features several improvements. V3 uses a new auxiliary-loss-free load balancing strategy and a Multi-Token Prediction (MTP) objective.
wow that's so true bestie
> DeepSeek-V3 keeps the DeepSeekMoE architecture of V2, including the Multi-Head Latent Attention (MLA) scheme. Because it's a MoE model, only 37B of the total 671B parameters are activated for each token during inference.
is that even desirable? You'd get sand in the cake
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
[Verse 2] Goddamn See you lickin' frostin' from your own hands Want another taste, I'm beggin', "Yes, ma'am" I'm tired of all this candy on the dry land, dry land, oh (Uh, ah)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1144934 are you okay brother? Please answer me honestly. This is a safe space.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cmon its me im fine if i wasnt okay i'd say something insane like I'll be Diddy you be Naomi
in any case another episode of aquarion I might be eating with my dad later, or I'd get something to eat too still might, something light macaroni or something, just for the sake of eating, not so much nutrition
they should invent a super powerful uv light for the kitchen that you can put on full blast after closing the door to nuke every living organism inside
> after Cook and the crews of both ships, HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery, left the islands, the festival season had ended and the season for battle and war had begun under the worship and rituals for Kūkaʻilimoku, the god of war.
> Although Cook's sequential visits may have coincided with native traditional seasons, the natives had soured on Cook and his men by the time of Cook's initial departure.
> During Cook's initial visit, he attempted to barter with the Hawaiians and ordered his men to remove the wood used to border the natives' sacred "Morai" burial ground, used for high-ranking individuals and depictions of their gods. Ledyard says in his journals that Cook offered some iron hatchets for the wooden border around the Morai and when the dismayed and insulted chiefs refused, Cook proceeded to give orders to ascend the Morai, chop down the fence and load the boats with the wood.
> While the Resolution was anchored in Kealakekua Bay, one of its two longboats was stolen from the ship by the Hawaiians > testing the foreigners' reaction to see how far they could go with such a significant loss.
> To try to obtain the return of the stolen longboat from the Hawaiians, Cook attempted to kidnap the aliʻi nui of the island of Hawaii, Kalaniʻōpuʻu. Possibly being quite sick at this point, Cook made what were later described as a series of poor decisions.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Captain Cock
Captain COCKA
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang they tried to ransom and kidnap the king of Hawaii dude went with them willingly at first because he thought they were just gonna go for a meeting on the boat but then they figured out what was happening and mobbed him and his crew
I'm just so tired of seeing that stuff, man Which sucks cause it's like, all I'm seeing except occasional anime girls on my social media because I have made my own hell online
what stuff?
nazi propaganda followed by people treating it as though it matters if it's refuted in some sort of factual manner it's just so much
Yudkowsky the nazi propagandist?
he's the latter part of what I said, in this instance I don't know shit about the guy
he's a secular Jewish ai guy
anyway the point I'm getting at for this in particular is responding to the whole "the germans are shamed for their people's past" with "they're not, they're just being taught of the evil of the past" is nonsensical, because everyone knows that, it's just that the people saying the former *consider learning about past evil to be an attack on their person* because they're fascists
those aren't distinct things to these people It's very visible in the US too, it's not exactly a bipartisan effort to keep learning about slavery out of schools it's one very specific type of person who wants to erase from everyone's memory the evil of the nation's past And it's not a type of person you can reason with
well you can take it or leave it I'm just tired of seeing the same thing on repeat I'm not without sin either, it's a compulsion deep within us, I think, to refute the easily refuted but it doesn't do anything
my pet peeve is ppl endlessly hashing over things that happened centuries ago while ignoring that the US has commited more war crimes than any other nation on the planet over the past 25 years very little discussion about that and its dismissed as whataboutism
well I can't speak to that, every time I see mention of the US' atrocities it's met with a barrage of +2 just as a result of the circles I'm in but it's also one of those things that maybe has become a bit stale for everyone cause it doesn't generate much conflict to bring it up, since it's just stating true things and that's not a great way to farm notifications on social media
well, that and there are new warcrimes being done all the time, so bringing up the old ones feels scuffed like saying something like "did you know in 1987, the US military..." only to be met with "did you see, on the tv today, Israel leveled a school with the ground for the 3rd time this week?" it just doesn't have great vibes
tbh would be interesting to watch a putin style interview where trump rambles about historical justifications for 2 hours >did you know, it began in 1534 with the Barbary raids >I have the archive documents right here!
it can't handle youtube very well at all though the videos get all choppy and the whole system kinda hangs, though the audio doesn't cut out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe he can yt-dlp the videos then watch them in a native player with some deft cli typing
yeah, I might get on setting up an easy way for him to do that at a later day ideally set up a batch file on his desktop he can just drag and drop a youtube link onto and it'll do the whole process and open the file in vlc or something for him so he won't need to deal with any cli bullshit My dad's computer literate to a degree far above his peers, sure, but he's not my level, especially with linux so I wanna make it as easy as I can on him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.remlab.net/vlc-plugin-ytdl/ quick google
ah, neat I guess the approach I was imagining wouldn't be viable due to youtube having made it so complicated to download videos a while back
get it twisted you CAN fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed
she will be open to it once she fixes me Copium
if it isn't broken, don't fix it
>>1145096 are you going to use that thing that lets a USB stick function as extra swap ram or however? might help if he needs to open a single chrome tab and the lappy starts smoking
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephoneSearch [iqdb](240 KB, 997x1018, 1000009145.png)
At first I thought this spam text was kind of sus but they certainly know the lingo
besides why would we use a usb stick for more swap when we can just put more swap on the internal drive
idk I heard its bad for the internal over time to have a constant swap file and doing literally anything modern on a computer in current year will be using over 2gigs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1145115 i thought that was a windows only innovation and they scrapped it after realizing it was really dumb