My visa photos are pretty unflattering Quite a lot like a sex offender mugshot Probs should have tidied myself up a bit more first
i bet they're a 1:1 representation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have gone pog crazy on ordering parts this is going to be my demise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and have spent more time on youtube learning about watercooling PC builds than i would like to admit but i am not going to pull the trigger not yet at least
would probably have to find a GPU (or decide not to use one) first
mineral oil coolant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mineral oil submerged builds sound so neat but like what about hotspots and god forbid you need to change something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im just gonna get a beeg high quality air cooler and a bunch of fans and see how it goes if its too hot i might pull the trigger on a big AIO
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
solid gold radiator for anti corrosion
And honestly a massive flex
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of course
i wonder if anyone has ever built a gold radiator i can only imagine it would cost like 100k at least, i haven't done the math probably some Saudi prince has commissioned one
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Progress is still progress even if it's slow
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
(posted in the context of Gym goals)
it gets bigger when you pull on it (posted in the context of pulldowns)
Man I got invited out for dinner by the coworkers. and they're fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Good people. But fuck... we're just talking about.. Their kids. The carpet in the new office building. Shit like that. that's what I get for attempting to be more social.
>>>/@SolidEvidence/1665444603829407746 there's some person who lives in Ohio who has evolved their own strain of covid in their body and keeps uhhh releasing copies of the virus into the wastewater systems
>>1088074 Did you see the clip from when she was talking about having encountered gropers IRL before but they suck at it so bad she doesn't get feeling anything
>>1088075 I think I remember seeing the thumbnail and title for something like that pop up on my feed. But I didn't watch it. Because I'm not a sex pervert who can get lured into watching that sort of clickbait
It's a pretty fun clip She talks about the kind of molester books she likes to read
>>1088130 The first thing I do when something uses the internet is look for a way to block ads It's as default as grabbing firefox when reinstalling my OS
If it was actually a time loop there'd have to be some structural condition which makes the narrator buy the time machine Because I dunno, if I got stuck in a time loop because of a time machine and the same lady approached me selling a time machine I would not buy her time machine
oops accidental enter >>1088163 would you get a rin tat or tats
a tattoo meme I think would be funny would be getting someone from one of the yakuza games on your back and Leviticus 19:28 underneath for that little bit of edge
Well, it depends on your definition of "good." At the very least, it would be a conversation piece
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
VR for dogs supercanine telepresence security robots
Could dogs even comprehend VR I think their instinctual reliance on their sense of smell would override what they're seeing, if they can even understand that they're seeing something
smellovision lets go
>>1088174 VR could do some adaptive modular output that reads in a signal source from dogbrain so the visual environment incorporates the actual smell environment
>>1088193 I'm very great! I don't usually pop in here, but I used to be a regular on a (now dead) liveboard so this format is the coziest to me. Hope you guys don't mind a guest this evening.
I got these cute little anime postcards from mandarake, and decided to send them out to some internet and long distance friends. I had an awkward situation where I forgot someone's address I should have known, so I asked their roommate. I didn't want their roommate to feel left out so I said "I was gonna send a postcard to the two of you" When they told me the address they said "you can send both of them here thanks!" ... I meant I'd send A post card for both of you! Now I have to write two! I don't know what to write!
Hopefully they don't use doushio or I'll be super embarrassed.
Well you're lucky that not many people use Doushio in the first place
Also I think clarifying in a follow up that you'd only be sending one postcard is fine Just say something like "I only have a few postcards, is it okay if I write one for the both of you?"
no one cared who I was until I put on the Dysontm facemask
im de-beaning rn except I just realised I rubbed a coffee exfoliating scrub on just then i wonder if caffeine can be absorbed that way through the skin
if so I might have to be careful
>>1088213 I looked that up, those look like scifi bondage toys. >>1088214 Probably! Like a nicotine patch. Actually they might even sell caffine patches.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels like living in the future we got AIs we got VR we got futuristic face masks
I've been using chatgpt as an ai assistant lately. Like, "what are some other words for x" and stuff. It's crazy how helpful it is. I don't quite trust it with facts, so I still use other sources, but for assisting it's great. Future is crazy.
>>1088221 Are you running through their website? Or do you have some other sort of nice set up? I also run stable difussion but that's for specific project stuff, not the daily help gpt provides.
>>1088223 It doesn't even look like it's worth putting on your face!
>>1088224 Oh sugoi, I'm a very light user in comparisson then!
They finally confirmed aliens in the US By "they" I mean a guy who's going to write a book and make fat stacks in a year's time And by confirmed I mean "claimed"
Friends birthday. We went out to dinner at this fancy korean place. amazing food. Some of the best stuff I've ever eaten. Expensive af though.
only real downside: we split the bill evenly between us and I didn't order any cocktails but you know, you don't want to look like a cheapskate so wtvr. Didn't want to ruin the mood by saying anything. ... not really fair though if you think about it. those things cost like $20 a pop and some people had multiple.
But still. That's a minor observation. Great evening. Nice to see old friends again. Check in on how they're doing.
New Diablo looks pretty fun shame i don't have anybody to play it with.
I never played the earlier Diablo games, so I don't really have any attachment to the genre It kinda seems like the kind of game you can play with your own goals in mind though? Like you basically play RuneScape as a singleplayer experience How would you playing Diablo IV be any different These japanese curry pouch things are so good.
based woolies enjoyer
the scale stopped working at self serve check-out while I was using it so they just gave me the fruit I had leftover for free wasn't much but you take the wins you can get
>>1088300 I think you need to work on the branding a little bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres some kinda stationary mass bicycle event set up outside thats a lotta yoga outfits
a flash peleton mob
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres an array of like 50 bike set up instructors drag dancers corporate sponsors and everything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
been talkin to this girl turna out she's a BTS stan thats almost all she talks about
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay wrll we were talking about other stuff before but the last few days its BTS merch this BTS concert that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
red flag? beige flag? maybe just dearth of conversational topics
oh no the kpop girl my condolences
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
will she ever love me or is that reserved for junkook
All I know is kpopers tend to be genuinely fucking unhinged
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo parasocial unlike me i would never form one sided emotional connections with a celebrity
I really love how proud Elon and Desantis were about that presidential announcement they did on twitter cause it got so many listeners, but when AOC played amogus with a bunch of fucking communists and a sentient egg, her viewership eclipsed it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol the presidential announcement where they weren't paying for their Redis server bill and it flaked out
they shoulda just run their Redis on their local server like i do and then run out of RAM at the crucial moment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i forgor that NL was in that gamr thats crazy along with Jagmeet so much canadian rep
>>1088326 >there aren't even going to be controllers How the hell are they gonna sell these things? It's a toy without controllers for the toy Forget the price, what fucking use case exists for this lmao
I mean if it was less chunky I could see it as like, a new type of phone basically, and I can see the use case for that But like This is not that, yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you mean they have eye trackers its better than a mouse even
Yeah but literally what is there to do with a VR headset other than video games? I guess it can be useful for 3d modeling and stuff?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
3d modelling yea games based on vision, hand motions and small hand gestures you could easily implement >>>/watch?v=irKF1agbHrk hell i think their couch presentation was a direct reference to that scene
i have some ideas for coding based on spatial representations
you could hold a pen in your hand and have a harry potter spell casting game
being able to watch TV or movies on it is also pretty cool I guess
But man, it's the kinda stuff I could justify for a set at like $1000 maybe, and that's generous For professional use like 3d modeling or whatever I can see it though, but that's a relatively small market and unlikely to get anywhere in quite some time I mean shit, there isn't even software for that yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right so they're gonna sell the pro version to programmers and get them to build the ecosystem
I guess so Though I'd expect google is gonna show up in a few years like "we partnered with samsung, announcing the Galaxy Vision pro, 800 bucks" and it does basically all the same shit, but it's android so you can go fucking crazy with it
On the assumption it doesn't flop, that is Which honestly I think it will
I do WANT it though, it is legitimately cool as fuck
I mean the quest 2 is cheap as fuck, and while it's not actually powerful or anything, it's WAY cheaper than practically everything else on the market, and you can just... literally you can just wifi it into your desktop computer for computing power and your VR experience is only limited by what your computer can run
If they pull something like that with this, where it's like "power wise, this thing sucks big ass, but you CAN just run it through your PC over wifi" they can really crank down the price, and who the fuck is out there looking at these things as something to own without have ing a computer, you know?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah there's no way it flops imo it's gonna be the new status symbol for first class airplane passengers all watchin movies and talking to their AI waifus and husbandos face to face
Well, I am kind of a pessimist overall I guess I just don't really see it Though they do expect the price to come down, and at that point I can definitely see it cause I mean, it is absurdly cool and seems like the best headset by far in practically every category that's been made so far From just how it looks to feel wearing, to the specs to the supposedly insane eye tracking The eye tracking is actually huge too cause the single worst part of hand tracking in my own set is that "clicking" something is moving the cursor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i mean as long as they find a killer usecase that isn't just making slide decks and spreadsheets with your face they'll do well
I do think the eye tracking will be really hard to adjust to for stuff like modeling though Like just as a random scenario, if you're adjusting the size of something, you wanna move a slider AND look at the object, you know?
But maybe the hand tracking is also so good, you can confidently and accurately "slide" that option with a hand motion without big hiccups I imagine hand tracking has also gotten insane in this fucking thing, it seems overall extremely competent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah if t he hand tracking is precise then like, if you could just look at a vertex, pinch, move your hand a bit, and release, and it moved precisely with no lag, that would be insane
I do find it weird to not even intend to make controllers though You're basically just keeping a lot of people unable to use it as a result, for seemingly no good reason
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the handless population?
people with hand coordination or usage skills in general I mean I guess it's a relatively small population, and they tend to not be the wealthiest, so maybe Apple just considers it fine to lose out on them >>1088348 Lots of the people I met on vrchat were using the headset and the controllers cause it actually made it possible to socialize in a "face to face" type way, despite their hands being fucked A controller doesn't care if you're a bit shaky, after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
those people aren't gonna be good with a thumbstick anyway! what's more intuitive than moving a finger around
idk it all depends on how tight the feedback loop is will only be able to tell when it comes out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
none of this seems inherently aided by the controller tho apple is pretty good at adding all sorts of accessibility modes anyway you could easily imagine a motion smoothing filter for body language
i wonder if the headset does full body pose estimation or just hands for now
I mean the hand tracking could address it, I guess We'll have to see
holy shit if it's able to extrapolate your full body pose with the built in cameras, then VRchat furries are going to buy out their whole warehouse day1 3500 is suddenly cheap if it can do that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yaya probably not in V1 but i'm sure its coming they put two high powered chips in the headset for a reason
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're already scanning your head and face shape to generate a 3d talking model of your head in real time avatars are around the corner
I'm not interested if I can't be the vrchat cat girl
they already have the holographic face reprojection display on the front of the device how long until snapchat filter API >>1088356 no it's some kind of re-rendering a pure camera feed would look ass
Isn't that lterally just a camera feed though?
dude what the fuck is apple DOING? WHAT WERE THEY COOKING?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i know they're fuckin goin full minority report on this shit
but really its just like their usual play watch vive and meta come out with dorky ass headsets where you can't even make eye contact with people in the same room and get made fun of
spend 10 years making a socially acceptable version
I generally don't respect apple, but I have to respect that they, much like Nintendo, will just go fucking balls out and Make A Thing that is fucking... just out of nowhere the most insane thing I mean they were the ones who brought us the smartphone, even if at this point I think you're kind of dumb if you're using an apple phone when you COULD be using an android
marketing wise on this though, I think they should have dropped the VR term from the marketing material Because this isn't just like, a VR headset It's something else, it's just shaped the same
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they called it AR
yeah but I'm saying I think they should have ONLY called it AR Like, just left the VR bit out Even if it can do that too, it makes it come off as a VR set that can do AR as like a bonus, you know?
And considering how much more advanced it is, just having the clear distinction would be good
But I'm not a marketing person, so what do I know, I just think it'd overall be a better message to get people to give it a closer look
>>1088365 Usually we get to make fun of the UK because they can't handle winters, but now they're conching out at 30C? The absolute state of the British
>>1088369 Good god those are huge, or at least they look comically large But they're not THAT much larger than the fans on the front of my case ...those are behind a door and dusty AS FUCK, but still, they're almost that large, just scaled down because there's a little air filter thing at the top
>>1088378 No they're literally in the front, behind a door, they blow air out the front I'm p sure Though, admittedly, I should be cleaning the back fans and internals more regularly than I do (at all)