Gee, another fucking Sunday evening where some genius has shut down the single garbage shute in the entire condo How do they keep being this fucking stupid
i got kazuha i couldn't see my wish history because it'd been too long so idk if it was pity or lucky but i got him and i still had tons of primos so i decided to go for freedom sworn and got it so i guess i'm gonna have a beefy leaf boy now
>>1089144 only for tops, not bottoms might be weird but i think its disrespectful to have flags on undies/pantsu
Okay this authentic Thai green curry paste is definitely what I've been trying to find Barely anything else I come across is all that spicy, if not spicy at all But this has some good heat to it
>>1089126 → someone hit it on the corner of our street, we thought it was our cat because it was a dead ringer for our cat i took it to the vet this morning
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 730 4/6
⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟨⬜ ⬜🟩⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
this is cool
>>1089169 better I think no 100% but better lookin like I took the demon blunt from hell the pharmacist asked what symptoms I had and I just lifted up my glasses im sure they hate that but my voice is gone to shit so I just wanted to save my breath another pharmacist remarked that it's going around apparently
The whole game is just an addictive black hole of a time sink for me Like it's everything that was engaging about BOTW turned up to a hundred I can see why the dev team has been saying "We're probably sticking with this format for Zelda going forward"
>>1089199 that doesnt sound based at all, that sound like adding a limitation to what a woman wants too do naturally. Heads up that does not evr end well, trust.
its pretty sweet really this monitor has a Lightning 2 USB-C cable so i plug that into the laptop and it connects the high res 165hz display and all the USB devices plugged into the monitor all at once
I have a usb-c hdmi adapter for tv, but the dang thing wont display any of the devices I linked it too. I made a better external data expansion hub, rather then a paper weight, though. Also usedmit too trick out a andriod for lower level device restore, as well.
messed up sleeping pattern has left me eating a lotta burgers cause I end up sleeping through most of the day but they're good burgers so I'm not really complaining
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 731 3/6
🟨🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟨⬜🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i prepped a bun ch of raw chicken but its late and im too sleepy to cook so late night pho it is
>>1089235 I saw someone quote retweet that saying it shows really well the difference between having media literacy and not Like being able to engage with the visual medium presented to you and understand what you're being informed on, and using that to solve the puzzle, versus disengagement and ending up unhappily brute forcing the puzzle
tbf, DSP is like, kinda doing that on purpose It's his whole thing, being garbage both at mechanics and even seemingly wanting to play games at all, it's why anyone watches him
but there's definitely a lot of people who are like that for real DSP could be that way for real too, for all I know, but he's definitely self aware about it at this point, he's gotta be with how long he's been known for this kinda shit
He just comes off as a lazy, whiny, unentertaining sack of a human being to me
>>1089238 Yeah I don't pretend to understand why anyone enjoys watching him, but somehow that is kinda his appeal, from what I understand He's overall just kind of a shitbag
>>1089248 I bought the logitech g300 gamming mouse the was a promo for another game from yhe the * same company maplestory stared out on. Allways wanted to play MS, good surecif it was a good game or not. Side scroller fun!
>>1089250 Considering the whole thing began with potential loss of life, I suppose your statement holds true But for me personally that initial fact kind of overshadows any comedy involved here
>>1089253 Not sure if it was a good play or not***
>>1089254 I guess I'm just cold or something, I find it hard to really care when people knowingly put themselves in needless danger and then the danger happens it's like the flat earther who strapped himself to a rocket so he could see how flat the earth was, and then he slammed into the ground and died Sure he died but like, it's hard to really feel bad for him, he strapped his ass to a rocket because he's a delusional moron
And it's just like, kinda the same with this There are actually safe methods of getting down there and seeing stuff, you don't gotta pay some Musk-like guy a quarter million to sit in a small metal tube that's welded shut and dropped in the ocean with no tether or anything, controlled by what appears to be a laptop sitting on the floor, and your only visual of the outside is through a fucking flatscreen TV mounted on the wall They even have you sign a waiver like "this ramshackle thing is not approved by any agency, yadda yadda" there's no illusions that this is a remotely safe thing to do In itself people suffocating in a tin can isn't funny, but combined with all the details of it, it gets really funny that anyone would even do this at all
really just the fact they're not tethered or have some way to reliably communicate with the ship on the surface is so stupid it's hard to believe even if you don't think something will go wrong, you gotta know something CAN go wrong I mean, they do know something can go wrong, cause this happened at least one time before, apparently
not being able to open it from the inside isn't really THAT insane, because I mean, if something goes wrong, opening a hatch is instant death anyway because of the pressure and being like 5KM below the surface, you're not gonna make it up even if miraculously you didn't turn into goop immediately But having no failsafes in a sub that can't even be considered experimental is absurd
I think I seen the 1at docu in imax. There needs to be more transparency surrounding the situation, here to hoping.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what submarine
well it wasn't an alein reproduction vehicle, more like a Jacques Cousteau film with an unmand craft maybe cant remmber.
>>1089263 A submarine owned by a company offering paid tours to the wreck of the Titanic has gone missing I'm not actually sure if it's public information if there were any passengers onboard the sub at the time, but the fact that its disappearance has prompted a search mission belies concern
Titanica is a 1992 IMAX documentary film about the RMS Titanic. The film was directed by Stephen Low and narrated by Cedric Smith, Anatoly Sagalevich and Ralph White. The film mostly focuses on footage taken at the wreck of the RMS Titanic, also featuring footage of the expedition crew searching the wreck[1] as well as interviews with Titanic survivors Frank John William Goldsmith and Eva Hart.
>>1089265 loss of human life, not ever a good thing.
>>1089265 there's 5 people on board
>>1089265 Its almost like a morbin easter egg, to the whole orginal story if there fatality involed.
>>1089268 Ah shit While a reasonable assumption, that's really awful There's no good way to die in a sealed metal tube at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean
Rei !p8eYCadcMoSearch [iqdb](51 KB, 1080x1098, 1687314592876.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Do you think it's a bit... Money hungry for gura to just cone back from hiatus for a birthday stream?
Nope If anything she was probably pressured a bit into showing up for it There's been a bit of social chatter about "WHERE GURA" and even some people acting like they're entitled for her to show up for her birthday stream And looking at the stuff she aired during the birthday stream, she has been doing offline Hololive-related work She's been having issues that is preventing and/or inhibiting her streaming activities and respecting her privacy around that is important too I'm pretty sure if she hadn't been compelled by social pressure and/or Cover to do something for her birthday, she probably would have preferred to keep offline
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
she has a lot of health issues (physical and mental)
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1089286 Yeah but that's still Cover being money hungry
I feel you're being intentionally persnickety for the sake of proving your point Money isn't the only currency Cover is concerned about, they run an agency revolving around social interest in their talents While corporate Vtubers have shown an impressive resilience to the content creator rule of thumb that irregular content schedules and extensive hiatus are bad for channel sustainability, talents still have to provide regular social interaction with their community or risk gradual disengagement And acting like Cover is the only pressure on her to stream dismisses the other part I brought up, that there is a considerable chunk of her fans that are wondering why she hasn't done anything publicly for a fairly long time, and are starting to make public chatter about it
>>1089295 oh no my name it's ok, takin it easy just had a whole week off but now I have a big wine exame on sunday that I'm definitely not ready for and then I get to go camp out in the mountains overally pretty good, how have you been?
>>1089298 Tired, most days Stuck in my dead-end warehouse job not really knowing what to do It's not Amazon-bad, thank goodness, but it's low-paying, long transit, keeps me cooped up in a century-old basement I'll be travelling to LA in a week and a half to go experience AX with Kirara, Ton, Pan, and Blue, so I've got that to look forward to Maybe after I get back from that I'll try and figure out what I can do to quit my job and actually be happy
>>1089298 Also, a wine exam? Is that like ... a wine-tasting thing?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
wine tasting is a spook
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1089300 nope he's russian and lives in new york and 0% jewish
>>1089304 kinda, it involves evaluating two wines based on taste but the majority of the test is about grapes, regions, and DOCGs where they're grown along with brewing styles and blending partners my job paid for it so I'm trying to do well but I guess if I fail it's not a big deal
dunno what AX is but if you're going with those dudes it should be fun!
>>1089305 common belief among people who don't know shit about wine can't blame you though there's too much stupid smoke and mirrors around it, the court of somms should just be more pragmatic and let people know some of the concrete tasting structure too much of the wine world is posturing
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
In Australia you just down two bottles and decide which one got you more fucked up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sommelier seems like a good job when i get replaced by an AI
AI can't taste YET
>>1089307 AX is Anime Expo, the biggest convention for anime, manga, Japanese games etc., in North America Probably Europe too It's a bit of a holy ground for weebs and otaku A lot of stuff comes over directly from Japan to premiere there Like Studio TRIGGER is going to have a panel where they're talking about their Dungeon Meshi (might even preview the first episode) adaptation, and it seems like they'll be talking about a Panty & Stocking season two And that's just one offering the con will have
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1089307 it doesn't hold up in blind studies
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heres comes rei with da links sasuga
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1089308 thought it came in bags you hang from a clothesline
>>1089312 yeah, too much is posturing like I said you can judge what grape was used to make a wine and what style though and pairing is an acquired skill
>>1089313 bro I read a study about it trust me bro
>>1089311 neato burrito I've been wondering when the dungeon meshi adaptation would come around, feels like years since they announced it >>1089319 >tfw no pear shaped gf
>>1089397 It's lengthening season all year round for me if you noamsayin'
ima go to the barber once my eyes are clear enough get a nice cleanup
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1089380 widely considered to be one if the worst songs of all time was voted worst by Rolling Stone readers and Blender
>>1089449 The last visitor to South Pole Station couldn’t find the actual comet plaque – but it is probably just under the ice, as staff there are pretty sure no one stole it.
>>1089475 Be nice to Kokomi. She's my best healer girl and a vital part of the Ganyu freeze comp. >>1089475 ah. ok. Well I'm about to head off to work but if you're still around later then sure. No voice chat though Fuckin... hazukashiiiii
i love myself
i don't have one so my freeze team is ayaka/xinqiu/diona/kazuha i have a ganyu but i don't have any good bows at all so i haven't invested in her yet >>1089477 i'll be home from work in about 5-6 hours probly
>>1089508 I used to wear a lot of hats with the logo of a certain college sportsball logo on it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
also I would not wear a yarmulke in public unless i was at some sort of Jewish event I have enough problems already I don't need to make myself a target for public harassment
>>>/watch?v=nP9Uke_tw-4 Still incredible to think about how far vtubing has gotten since Kizuna Ai showed up
what the fuck my drive fucked itself again somehow am
I think I'm gonna have to replace it after all
I mean fixing it is quick... for now but it's likely not gonna get better, since it came back it's pretty safe to assume it's a hardware issue
weird that it's fixable at the software level though, in that case
I guess I could try to convert it to a different file system in the hopes that at least makes it easier to fix without having to boot into a windows install session, but that's still kind of a temp fix
>>1089526 well yse yes hence the "temp fix" part it's just that I don't have the capital to invest in a new drive at present, and this being my largest drive, I can't actually back it all up to another drive even if I wipe the other one completely
reformatting it as is would really just be to enable linux' disk fixing utilities to cope with it until I can get a new one >>1089527 I guess it's worth a shot, maybe it can fix the underlying issue at least, potentially The actual error when it shows up can only, seemingly, be addressed by chkdsk though, from what I can tell. Somehow there's no linux equivalent capable of fixing this particular issue on ntfs, though I can't say I understand why Is NTFS like, proprietary and somehow shrouded in mystery as to how exactly it behaves, so there's no real way for anyone outside microsoft to figure out how to fix certain errors? I don't really understand how file systems behave
>>1089528 sometimes it takes a long time on mechanical drives but very worth it in the end. Hope you get sitch sorted.
Also this is unrelated, but still an annoyance I've had with linux for a while now I mean I guess it's not technically a "linux" issue, but still
When you install stuff through, you know, apt-get or synaptic, updating stuff is real easy, cause there's just a service running and checking for updates for all that shit and it gives you a little notification like "hey, stuff can be updated, click here" But with the "software manager", which from what I understand uses flatpak(?) that process is more obscure Generally, it seems to just autoupdate stuff on its own without needing my input at all, which I suppose is nice, but there's no option to forcefully make it look for updates, that I've found, and so I've actually had to manually remove and reinstall a few pieces of software in it just to forcefully get the latest version That's real annoying Also honestly annoying that I don't get a notification about updates for stuff there, cause I really do like being able to go "no thanks, I'll do that later or not at all"
But at least the option to manually check for updates would be real nice
I don't know how to use this testdisk thing though I'll look into it later I suppose, but I doubt it's able to fix the issue on this thing >>1089533 I mean, I would definitely assume so, but I haven't found the option to do it maybe it's just a command I gotta use and there's no GUI button or whatever >>1089534 Ah, that's good to know at least Though does that update the actual like, flatpak software itself, or the flatpaks you've got installed? Cause the latter is obviously the useful one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely one can manually trigger a flatpak update
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it looks like you can go into terminal and type `flatpak update` yea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah self update would probably be called `flatpak self upgrade` or something and most software doesn't upgrade itself in general
I mean I guess flatpak itself is handled by the package manager to begin with, so it's like sudo apt-get update flatpak or whatever
I don't entirely understand the purpose or benefit of flatpaks being completely honest, it seems to me like it'd be more sensible to develop some sorta way to automatically add the sources for the software and its dependencies into synaptic or whatever package manager is being used, rather than this whole separate layer, but I'm not exactly the most advanced Just would assume it's generally better to have it all handled by one software managing thingamajig
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup that's the usual way of things
idk i don't use flatpak but sometimes i use snaps which are roughly equivalent
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
only real advantage I can think of for flatpaks is to statically compile them with like different versions of libraries than you currently have because of whatever reason.
Oh yeah, that's true, you can run multiple software that use mutually incompatible dependencies I would guess you probably CAN technically do that anyway, but it's certainly easier when the flatpak just kinda has it all in there also doesn't rely on those dependencies remaining available, though that's not likely to be a particularly important issue
Does come with its own problem though, with stuff like security vulnerabilities in the dependencies that won't be addressed without pushing a new version
I'm actually kinda confused by how gpt3 is so damn good at like, text stuff and rummaging through its learned information, but sucks absolute ass at math I'd kind of expect that if it's able to answer questions so vague a human being would actually have no chance, stuff like identifying a video or movie based on practically no information, it'd be able to actually learn math through association Like you can ask it how you'd go about calculating something, and at least in the limited testing I've done, it will give you a viable method But ask it to actually do it itself, and it fucks up big time, and it doesn't fully understand various instructions when even basic math is involved Like I asked it to calculate, essentially, the average, minimum, and maximum final balance of an investment given a minimum and maximum %return per day, for 10 days, and it just could not keep that shit straight at all It's not a particularly demanding calculation, and I'm sure asking it how to do it, it'd give you the correct answer, but doing it is utterly impossible somehow
bro i went out for dinner with friends last night and we were at one of those food-court type places where you order and then they give you a beeper buzzer thing that goes off when your order is ready to go back to the counter and collect it. and my friends who ordered AFTER I did got theirs, even though we ordered pretty much exactly the same thing but my beeper just did not go off, i even held it right up to my ear and there was nothing. and then i waited like another 20 minutes or so before i decided to go back down and check and they were all like 'yeah we buzzed you you probably just didn't hear it" and im like "no. I guarantee you i was holding this thing in my hands the entire time and it Did Not Go Off. I would place money on it. Your device is broken in its beeper.' and then they're just like OK wtvr here's your food. and by that point it was all cool and dirty tasting. Shit service i tell you. but i just sort of went with it. what are you going to do - fuckin yell at the teenaged cashier? make a big scene? ask for money back? get them to cook it fresh? i just wanted to get out of there. i gave them a little.. head shake.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1089544 it makes sense to me since GPT just predicts the next token based on the previous tokens so associative information falls out naturally
but any math that requires a few seconds to mentally line things up and do the mechanical work of adding digits or what have you, there's no space for GPT to do that in unless you ask it to break it down step by step, then it actually has more scratch space
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1089545 oof ouch they should have sent someone to go fetch you or find out what happened to your buzzer after a minute or so
>>1089546 I guess that does make sense Counter-intuitive though, but that's mostly because my intuitive understanding of how it works isn't accurate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's counter-intuitive you would think the neural nets would have easy access to the base calculations facilities of the CPU but they don't, not inherently, at least they only [ predict next token so if the input is "5 + 7 =" the answer is determined by pure wordcellery or whatever kind of weird arrangement of artificial neurons there is somewhere in those billions of parameters that is good at predicting the results of math equations
It also doesn't help that maths is like, the one thing you sorta expect computers to fucking crush It's the one thing they were originally developed to do, after all, and really everything they do is math at the base layer It's just that once it's abstracted all the way up to text, it ceases to be "math" to the gpt machine, and it's actually just like, text that happens to be digits
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah exactly but then this is where the plugin system comes in so then the neural nets are like "[scotty please use the calculator on this:]" and the software hands off to calc.exe for a second
have you been keeping an eye on the open assistant project, by the way? they're basically crowdsourcing an open source equivalent (though likely it'll never be nearly as good just due to data restrictions) with the intent being allowing people to implement it into whatever they want Like a beefed up version of Cortana, but open source and capable of interacting with arbitrary software
It's a real cool project, hope they're able to make something competent Would be really cool to reach a point where you can tell your computer like "this here is the search bar, and this is the sorting button, remember this" and then later tell it to search for whatever and sort by whatever and it'll do it cause it understands
PROBABLY it'll be limited to API usage, but even that's super powerful if you can actually teach it beyond the base model
the dream of a computer that can actually understand you is upon us exciting times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've been following r/LocalLLaMa mostly all sorts of different personal assistant llama derivatives are popping up i think the Wizard ones are highly regarded but idk its bleeding edge stuff, new models keep getting released
pretty interesting stuff, guess I'll keep an eye on that now and then too Though, being entirely honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'd even use something like this for when it comes down to it It's super cool stuff and really exciting, but I really don't know what I'd use it for Just can't think of anything where it'd be preferable to tell the computer what to do for me rather than just do it myself, though I suppose it'd be real handy for cli-only stuff, having it understand what I want done and spitting out a command that actually accomplishes it without me hunting through a thousand ubuntu forum posts That seems pretty absurdly advanced though, so maybe that's just not feasible, since at least so far, none of these things really "understand" what you're saying in the proper sense, they're just able to generate a response that's appropriate, and to do that with something like "make this software do this" seems like it'd kinda need someone somewhere to have asked for that specific thing in order for it to generate the appropriate command
though on the other hand, gpt3 can make surprisingly advanced python scripts to specification, so maybe it's not that far fetched
i have some ideas the holy grail is just straight up AGI of course but until someone figures that out i would like to make some chatty bots
actual like, effectively sentient AI is probably REALLY far away like, as impressive as it may be, so far all we've got is really advanced prediction algorithms, be it text, images, or whatever else I guess technically an AGI doesn't need to like, actually be sentient and have thoughts, but at the same time, I'm not entirely sure if there's a meaningful difference once it behaves as though it does particularly because like... how would we even tell? We're kinda heading towards a situation where we really gotta figure out a way to solve the p-zombie "problem"
Cause I don't think we actually have any way of determining whether a piece of software is actually sentient rather than advanced enough to appear sentient Though again, maybe that distinction isn't actually meaningful in the first place. Arguably our mental processes are just really advanced and appear capable of thoughts and whatever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it becomes philosophy after a while who is to say a 220B parameter neural network doesnt experience some kind of restricted subjective experience
we only need build some artificial mind that is able to interact with the real world intelligently
exactly I can't even come up with a hypothetical way to test it, though I guess that's kind of the point of philosophical zombies It's just that with other humans and like, organic life, we sorta vibe it out and just decide all the ones that approach our size, more or less, are sentient and have inner lives But really, we have no way of actually proving that for anything except ourself as an individual
But if we don't do that with AI, we kinda run the risk of treating actual sentient beings we've created as like, just tools, which is kinda fucked up and something I'd like it if we managed to avoid as much as possible
man what I love seeing in my algorithm is videos of 12yr old showing immediate regret and remorse after stabbing her 9yr old brother to death that or baby found in trash can after 19 yr old mother suffocates it i enjoy these seeing terrible tragedies please show me more mr al gore
>>1089640 violent crime is bad but that's still kind of based ngl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guy must have had a death wish but then rolled a nat 20
i love myself
>>1089638 okay she's cute but does she keep her room clean
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ seems like this is the latest and greatest for running a local assistant
>>1089645 oops >>1089644 >is uncensored and can produce illegal and unethical content, if you ask it to. I really hope this dev isn't American. the idea of text being illegal is mind boggling to me and yes I'm aware that other countries without freedom of speech exist but I still find it incredibly silly.
mom bailed me out so I'm making rent once more I forgot to send in one of those report cards I gotta do every other week, so I got 0 for that half month
Akira Kurosawa Akira Kurosawa was a Japanese filmmaker and painter who directed 30 films in a career spanning over five decades. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema