Thread #1089164
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「How do i make this 60k according to the interwebs」
like, all the criterias, and the so called algorythms
60 thousand us doll hairs could be yours
just post your OpenAI secret api key
>>1089192 what? what?
what what in the butt
this makes no sense
i didnt understand the OP post either for the record
>>1089262 lol... i m trying to get 60k traffic with my work
60k what? uniques? on your website?
over what time period, for what, what work
this is woefully underspecified
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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60k likes on this post and I'll tell you who my crush is
>>1089334 traffic
>>1089335 over weekly or months. illustration work. social media content
>>1089370 hmmmm
60k followers = 1800 USD
well i dont know anything bout that but good luck you're gonna have to draw a lot every day
maybe someone else on the board can speak to that
heres one 👍
>>1089383 interesting... does it mean i buy or make thst much?
>>1089387 quantity not issue but it seems quality is asked too