Idk. Still deciding. Just playing a bit of Genshin/OSRS for now. Boring and responsible answer is that i should probably clean up my flat and then go do some exercise. Will that actually be what happens? Who's to say. I've been feelin some kind of way recently. It has been a bit of a challenge to organise my thought process.
How about you? What will you do today?
We got the Queen's birthday a bit earlier this year too, right? And a day off for her mourning. And now the King's birthday. Seems a bit like double dipping - not that I'm complaining. We should cycle through Royalty more often if it means we get three days off work every time.
queen's birthday is always 12th of june ain't it? idk maybe I'm misremembering I'm gonna enjoy the peace and probably do some housework roomie's working today and his mom's left too for some reason she's set up a makeshift quarters in the man cave complete with a bed, bedside table and curtains she stays there every time she has a night shift at the local hospital
bleh anyway probably housework and maybe a bike ride
looks like they're doing a media press outside the local police station cause 10 people died in coach bus crash in the area the bus was on it's side so it must have been pretty bad it was coming back from a wedding so that's pretty sad for everyone involved
>>>/watch?v=G41d-2mzLvw savage >>1088463 here's the other photos
>>1088466 Ah no I'm a bit behind on the 3D lives I did see she'd gotten to do a song with the duo from Porno Grafitti though Which is a big deal since they're her favourite musicians like, period
>>1088553 This seems relatively easy to figure out Like if they're removing the posters, it seems to me you could hang up new posters and just like, keep an eye on the posters They can't remove it from afar, and it's unlikely anyone else than the people who took the dog would even see it as a problem, you know?
No matter how bored kids get, it's not like they go around tearing down Lost Dog posters
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
plot twist it's the local private investigator that you pay to watch the posters who's been tearing down same posters
double dipping taken to the extremes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no i cant easily use the fingerprint reader on my work laptop to sign in gotta use my sinister hand instead
________________________________ hold up this is a -----------MEME CHECKPOINT --------- ------------------------------------------------------- you may only pass if you post your LAST SAVED MEME
i hope the bus comes soon the land of the mates do be kinda scary
there's some drunk guy yelling
bluey is here taking care of it I suppose
it's getting messy
oof tazered
i think sounds like it at least on the bussu
>>>/watch?v=Wzf07rJLNY8 cringe podcast brain rot cartoon thank you shorts should be noted it's by a guy who had a crappy cartoon on free to air tv in oz
or diablo hungry jacks are good but maybe it's different in the us because everyone seems to hate it or there's so much fast food options burger king seems mid in comparison
>>1088600 dang those cats are cute i can't help but imagine all of them are thinking 'fuck fuck fuck why am i in the water where is the land'
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
David "The Cat" Schwimmer
>>1088620 FOX BURGER KING has been a thing with her since, like, before Vtubers even had influencer status besides niche otaku stuff She just really likes burgers Still could be PR, of course, but it would at least be PR she's genuinely a fan of
>>1088645 Also Japanese fast food is just consistently better than identical franchises elsewhere in the world Or at least compared to here in North America So it might just be Japanese Burger King has hit it out of the park with these promo burgers
>>1088651 Could be. Could be maybe it's JUST THAT GOOD. like I said, I think it could go either way.
It wouldn't shock me to my very core if maybe there was some kind of paid promo deal with Cover going on too. or. or. They do just genuinely enjoy it.. OR - they genuinely enjoy it AND got paid to give it a shoutout. That would really be the best of both worlds.
I am once again rereading Overlord Probably skipping the goddamned lizards this time though, it's really one of the weakest parts of the series I mean it's really good on a first read cause it's ... I don't even think almost, I think it is actually entirely without Ainz' perspective The holy kingdom arc is like that too, but it's not without Ainz in general, it's just from a secondary character With the lizardmen, Ainz is barely present, which isn't bad or anything, it really is a cool deviation from the rest of the story, but it's just that overall the arc is kinda boring once you've read it once Holy kingdom has a lot of moments that are cool in their own right, but the lizardmen kinda just rely on not knowing what's about to happen
totk really does seem really good the way they manage to keep iterating on the zelda series is honestly real impressive Like they're all very distinct, but each one with a few exceptions does kinda just iterate on the previous one, and they all kinda have the same general structure For all their fucked up business practices, it's hard to argue Nintendo aren't among the most creative games studios out there, which is pretty incredible on its own, but doubly so when they've been sticking to a handful of franchises since like, the 90s or even previous
All the pokemon games are like that too They're all pokemans, and very very similar, but still each one manages to have something that sets it apart, except the first generation I don't even like pokemon, but I gotta respect how they manage to keep each generation fresh and not end up turning it into the same kind of franchise as most other devs\publishers, where it's like The new CoD is just CoD but new, you know?
I just think it's really cool how they manage to do that shit I mean I know pokemon is actually not technically Nintendo, but gamefreak, but still I don't know of any other studio that manages to pull this kinda stuff of with their franchise Maybe Assassin's Creed, to some extent, but really those seem really samey aside from the pirate one I'd count Valve, but you can't really do that because the only franchise they have with more than 2 fucking games is half life, and I don't even think the episodes of 2 are even particularly mechanically distinct from 2 Fallout, arguably, but I dunno, the differences there are like, 3, NV, and 4, and NV is a separate studio with practically the same actual gameplay as 3, and 4 is a massive departure from those two to the point where they could probably get away with selling it as a game that just happens to share a similar setting to fallout That, and doing it for like, 3-4 games isn't particularly impressive, Zelda's a long-ass series with an absurd amount of entries
TOTK is actually particularly impressive because visually it literally just is BOTW again, but it adds a buncha mechanics that makes it so damn different
I really should play totk at some point, I just haven't bothered yet I like how they kinda left behind the idea that every shrine\temple\whatever has one particular solution you're supposed to do and have to do unless you're resorting to glitches and stuff Like there's a buncha shrines in totk where it's this intricate puzzle with an intended solution, but you CAN also just attach a rocket to your shield and zoop right over the whole thing and go directly to the end And they meant for that to be possible, it's not like an oversight, I think that kind of thing is admirable
I was hanging out with these other legal people and this one girl was talking about all the cool stuff she was doing and all the cool matters she was involved in and i was like >damn. kind of jelly. maybe i should look into changing areas and then later in the conversation she also just casually mentioned that she was working typically 12 hour days and her boss was working even longer and then im like >hmm. maybe where I'm at isn't so bad after all. (internally, i mean. i didn't say it.)
one of my drives got corrupted for reasons I don't exactly know, but I think it was a sudden power outage that did it, but it's an NTFS so in order to actually fix it I need to make a damn windows install USB and fix it from there assuming it can be fixed and the actual hardware isn't scuffed
I'd like to think it's fixable though, because as far as I can tell, it only impacts the readability of a single folder and the files in it Doesn't even affect the subfolders, only the files in that folder Hell, might be it doesn't even impact the files themselves, only the readability of the folder somehow, because I can't find the subfolders via ls or anything, but I can access them by typing in the path directly
So I'm making a windows bootable USB and hoping chkdsk saves me If it doesn't, man that sucks ASS because that folder has the database file of one of my hydrus instances and it has not been backed up in quite a while
It's also my 4TB drive, so that's another really awful part of it the other two are 1TB each Most of my shit is on the fucked one But, that's not THAT big of a deal, because like I said, it seems like the corruption is only affecting that one folder's listing of its contents, so if it comes to it, pulling everything over to a new 4TB or (probably) larger drive would be pretty painless More expensive than I'd like, but entirely doable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea losing drives sucks i bet you could recover that data somehow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i end up needing lots of storage in this server i'm probs gonna do a proper RAID setup losing a drive is such a hassle that being able to weather the loss of one and stick another drive in would be supreme
>>1088714 Yeah I'm pretty sure it would actually be relatively easy, if it's possible at all If it's not easy, it's not doable without some serious forensics tier shit Cause either the drive still has the pointers to the individual files still intact, and the folder itself is the issue, or it doesn't If it does, then all I REALLY have to do is find out their paths and directly path to them with a move command in the terminal if it doesn't, I'd need to conduct the kinda shit DBAN was created to prevent
If I do end up needing a new drive, I'll definitely get a bigger one though Hell I might get two so I can upgrade the 1TB one while I'm at it The path of the hoarder is to always be pushing up against the wall of storage space, so I've been shuffling around the same 100GB or so of free space for the last few years or so
But hopefully I won't need to I'm fairly sure it'll be fine, I think the cause was just me accidentally hitting the powerbutton on the powerstrip, so at the very least, the CAUSE wasn't hardware failure, though sudden power outage could itself cause hardware failure Though I find it hard to really believe actual hardware damage would result in, again, only a single file's index being scuffed, that seems like it's more likely just the thing being mid-write just as the power conched out, so it should be salvageable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some of my data is 15+ years old im a hoarder only by virtue of having put stuff in durable cloud storage maybw more archivist than hoarder, i tend to delete movies and content pretty quick
I'm mostly just miffed that linux doesn't have any solution that's equivalent to chkdsk Every fucking website and thread on it just goes "give fsck a shot, but chances are you have to run specifically chkdsk through windows" because ntfs for whatever reason isn't so easy to figure out I guess >>1088723 I installed linux after having used windows for fucking ever, so the extra drives naturally are NTFS And as far as I know, there's no way to just like, convert NTFS to another format, I'd have to reformat and lose everything, and at that point I may just as well simply keep them as is and allow them to fail whenever they decide to, you know?
I could get another 4TB drive and use that as a temporary storage, reformat the drive, put it back, and do the same with the 1TB one, I guess But then, if I ever do decide to go back to windows, I *have to* reformat because windows can only read FAT and NTFS in the first place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah fsck is it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
running NTFS on linux is a bit off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
makes sense
there are some filesystems out there that let you rewrite in place i think super power user stuff tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ wild
>Although I believe this tool to be stable, please note that I take no responsibility if something goes awry! This is also another reason I'm not keen on it I imagine it's fine, but the risk of it means I'd probably want to make a backup anyway just in case, I've got a lot of stuff I don't wanna lose on these things after all And then I'm back at "I might as well do >>1088721 then"
Even ruling out failure on the software's end, there's stuff that could happen to fuck it up The power could go out, that does happen sometimes, or something on the system could try to write to a file (though I guess you probably have to unmount anyway so that's not an issue) There's just stuff that could fuck up, and if it does, I don't just have like, "oh a sector is scuffed", the whole fucking thing is effectively bricked >>1088729 Well true, I mean NTFS is hardly the gold standard it's just that windows loves it But this'd be like, reformating without wiping, and if that's cut short halfway, I can't imagine any other result than a completely, for all purposes, blank, unreadable drive Though maybe the software has a "pick up where you left off" sorta feature, I figure that should be at least doable to implement if you're able to do this in the first place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i wouldnt exactly pick BTRFS as my first choice for durable storage its probably fine but other filesystems have a longer record
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a quality filesystem should never corrupt even in the worst case of a sudden power outage ostensibly. theoretically.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know what that filesystem would be tho lol maybe its ZFS maybe good ol ext4 idk
anyway solution is to RAID, use a battery backup power supply, and offsite backups
I'd really love to do proper RAID, but I just don't have the slots I'm pretty sure Or I mean, I think my motherboard has slots and can handle it, but I don't have like, physical slots to put the drive itself in, it'd have to just lay somewhere, most of the tower's frontside is covered by those big fuckin' fans I haven't looked too deeply into it though, cause by the time I built this thing, i only had 2 extra drives anyway, and I've only gotten new ones because the current ones at the time were beginning to fail
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
need at least four disks depending on raid type i think i forget which one is the rec these days maybe RAID6
I was thinking uh RAID0 I think? Where you just have one drive be a backup of the other one I'm not particularly interested in creating a virtual drive that's just larger, but actually 2 drives smashed together It works fine and all, and it's useful for many reasons, but I'd always worry about the amount of fucking damage done if one of them got fucked up, corrupting files across a slew of programs that would otherwise probably be on separate drives Like if you have a backup of a database or something, but you store it on that same "drive", the database could end up sucked into the ether together with the stuff it was backing up
Much prefer to have each drive separate in that way Partitions are fine, though I've never really seen a real use for them beyond having more than one OS on a single drive Like what is even the purpose of partitioning one drive into 2 if you're only using it for storage anyway?
>>1088702 mate i hate cyclists because they take up half the road doing a fraction of the speed AND if you accidentally clip one of their fragile little frames you're doing 10 years in jail for manslaughter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro you're the one taking up the entire road! with the giant steel chassis
RAID0 is where you fuse together two 1TB disks to make a virtual 2TB disk and if one fails then all the data is lost lol its like the opposite of all the other RAID types the upshot is you get double read/write speed
Ah, I had it mixed up then RAID0 is for living dangerous and desperately needing to store a REALLY big file in one place Oh yeah you get potentially double read and write speed, yeah Though, that's not guaranteed, since the file being read could be stored entirely on one drive and then you just have that speed anyway lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah its kinda hilarious >>1088737 nah the data is all striped across every file has pieces on both drives
also holy SHIT it takes fucking FOR EVER to make this USB It's like 15% done or something and I've had it going the whole time ...fuck I think I put it into the USB 1 slot
This isn't gonna be done today at this rate so I'm just gonna cancel it and try the other port I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
your usb drive flash might be fucked they do degrade after a while i had to get a new key recently
naw, it's good to go, I used it like, a month or two back to fix my shit after I accidentally removed the graphical interface from the bootup procedure gigabrain moment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats nice in Linux is using LVM for your partitioning scheme then you can easily add a new drive to your system and add its space to the existing logical volume group and expand existing partitions
although i guess if one drive fails, the whole LVM // volume group is fucked
Oh yeah, swapping the port did the trick, the speed has increased like, 6fold I keep forgetting I've got 2x USB1 and 2x USB2 on the front of this thing I think I've got a USB3 in the back too, but I'm not entirely certain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta love usb3 the blue ports idk why new computers still come with a mix of USB2 and USB3 ports
Probably some USB stuff doesn't play well with the newer ports for whatever reason I can't really imagine why, but that's the only reason I can really think of That or maybe it's more expensive to actually make them, like they need more parts or take up more space in the circuits, something like that
pretty much idk how much i can trust this GPT hallucination but sounds legit
Like I imagine there are USB thingies that basically have the same reaction to USB3 as my JBL earbud case had to getting juiced by my overamped battery pack (It fucking melted, as did the cable itself)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usb3 ports are supposed to be fully backwards compatible im puttin it down to cost mostly
cost is the most realistic culprit, yeah Though, I wonder how significant the difference really is I guess it matters at scale, when your end users are gonna be using a good amount of USB1 and USB2 shit anyway aint no mouse ever gonna need USB3 or even have a fucking use for it with the exception of coked up gamer mice that only really do it as a marketing strat, letting the box say "USB3" implying it's better, and faster, and more accurate which it probably could be in a technical sense, but there comes a point where that level of precision is utterly worthless for human beings who aren't using bullettime
>>1088750 bandwidth and supported power levels are so much better on USB3 theres really no reason not to use it other than yea for mouse and keyboard on two cheaper usb2 input ports and usb1 is so dang old at this point
it's really just that there's a lot of USB peripherals that simply don't have any use for the increased stats it's a lot like looking specifically for an ethernet cable that can handle 1500GB/s but your fucking router can't do more than 1000GB/s I don't even know if those are absurdly huge, I just know direct ethernet connections are absurdly fast, or at least capable of it >>1088755 That's very true I do want more USB3 For one, it'd charge my phone faster than USB2
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally any flash drive or removable storage benefits tho so its annoying when half the ports in the back of the PC are usb2 and i cant easily tell which
anyway i just want USB-C everywhere at this point
at least, I assume it would I don't actually know if samsung lets you do that or if it goes "no this isn't a SamsungTM charger" I know my battery pack does speed charging for my phone, which is why I often just charge the pack with my PC's USB port, and then I charge my phone with the pack lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah assuming the cable isnt a PoS it should negotiate fast charging with any usb3 port
I actually don't know what that 02:01 at the left means I thought it was the predicted time to complete the thing, but it was 1:37 or something with the USB1 so it's definitely not that And it's static, it was 02:01 when I plugged it in and it's stayed there
Maybe it's like, a hardware address or something, since it doesn't have any other sort of name showing
Just give me a motherboard with twenty USB-C jacks
Oh fuck, is it (USB)02:(port)01?
no then the previous one wouldn't make sense well, who gives a fuck
simply make one of those demon machines that are submerged in oil at all times I saw pics of one of those from TG back when I was in highschool I think it had like, 4 fucking GPUs or something, it was fucking insane custom built type shit, legit a damn aquarium this motherfucker brought to a LAN party Must be heavy as a motherfuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that would be pretty funny if you had the USB-Cs on the motherboard submerged in mineral oil gotta roll up your dleeve to plug your flash drive in
>>1088765 Just get a USB3 extension cable or rather, a bunc h of them, and hang them out the case
Really it is kinda messed up how we still haven't actually standardized the ports on the computer so everything just has one port it uses I should be able to just have a bag with 50 identical cables in it, and I can use it to plug in whatever I want from headsets to a mouse, or a monitor, or speakers, or whatever
There's a relevant XKCD comic for this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tis messed up i hope someone comes out with a universal usb c cable soon might have to waot for all the standards to fully bake thi tho
anyway i have a couple cables that handle pretty much everything besides high res Thunderbolt
alright time to reboot and try to fix this damn drive hopefully I do not accidentally fuck up my linux install somehow
>>1088772 schizo to schizo communication strikes again
It appears to have succeeded, though it's not done and this next part seems very time consuming
I dare not cancel it Or maybe it's safe to do so?
Google consensus is no, that's bad to do. But I mean, it does say it's looking for bad clusters, not actively doing anything with them Guess I'll give it some time
I'm risking it Ctrl c cancelled it and I imagine that means it's not a problem
seems like it's good to go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thank god I didn't have to go through the bad cluster search that shit was at 500 of like 128K or some shit for minutes I bet there are a buncha bad sectors in there, too, it'd just take like, a day to go through it, and I'm not sure if there's a point to it cause the drive works fine
>>1088840 yeah it closed down my post too, had too mod wepp to jpeg, came back to moe/ and jt posted half a sentence, boo. :( Oh and green text engaged! Saul Guda.
I'd actually first heard Yakushimaru Etsuko performing the EDs to stuff like The Tatami Galaxy and Penguindrum, and then years later I found I think that exact album on YouTube and was thinking how similar the vocalist was to Yakushimaru It was funny when I went and looked it up and found they were the same person, hah hah
>i used to be a fuckin degenerate alco and i was day drinking all the time for years and years and the only thing that got me to stop is my little brother killing himself
do I want to have that conversation with my employers? Not really. So I'll just politely decline. and then deal with .. them thinking I'm no fun.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gigachad energy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oof ouch yeah the peer pressure to drink is insidious
>>1088893 I'm glad to hear that you're all still alive and kicking. I've been wage caging for a while now... uhhh went to tail of the dragon in Tennessee, got some mild CO2 poisoning again...that's about it I think
kobeni konbini konbeni?
>>1088922 how tf you gonna let some co2 poison you
you can attach a little piece of plastic to one of your wheels on a bike and it'll go brrrrrrrr so you can pretend you've got an engine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do wish i had a new induction cooktop so i could be properly sanctimonious but alas its gas really fucks up the air quality sensor i installed next to the stove too shits crazy
i love myself
>>1088935 we used to ride over soda cans sometimes it grabs the soda can just right and it makes a brrrrrr sound other times it would deform poorly and just crush the can
oh and i remember kids would use playing cards too >>1088936 induction tops are great i loved using the one when i was rooming with my friend one of the neatest parts (that i don't think a lot of people think about) is that because it's a lot harder to scorch items onto the cooktop, cleaning is almost always a very easy affair
thisi is also one of the more annoying things about gas (and god forbid, electric coil) stovetops cleaning is usually a bit more involved
the conduction stovetops with a glass top are okay but stuff (especially liquid) still gets scorched onto it from time to time you forget and your water boils over and you're in for some elbow grease getting it back to clean
>>1088930 >>1088931 When one compairs and contrasts, the difference the implailer and exducer of a forced induction boost unit, two broken alternators, plain in compairson.
>>1088949 umm okay I'm not gonna cheat and read samu's chatGPT okay 10 point roll cage pretty obv...stiffer chassis safety etc. drag suspension is some coilover setup probably fuel cell being some custom fuel tank in the trunk or whatnot new fuel pump...fuel injectors...machined block and forged pistons/rods/etc umm idk what a balance shaft is... racing clutch that probably drives like shit kkkkk idk much about valve springs but I know that's an engine component cammed, nice nice...upgraded rad, new trans with Limited slip diff uhhhhhhh manifold and TB spacer okey....omni map sensor I have no clue MSD? no idea.......3 step ? what's 3 step...surely you mean 2 step unless there's some bullshit 3 step... HKS I know them....BOV is blow off it's a hit of 150 nitrous
yeah this thing sounds mean.....and very expensive....idk half of those parts though please enlighten
The "Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen" (YGL), or the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, is one of the four fundamental laws that make up the Swedish Constitution. It was adopted in 1991 to supplement the Freedom of the Press Act, extending constitutional protection to newer forms of media.
This law guarantees freedom of expression in Sweden for all media that is not print-based, such as films, websites, and radio broadcasts. It sets out the rights and responsibilities for these types of media, and grants them protection against censorship and the ability to communicate information freely.
However, the Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen also stipulates that in cases of certain severe crimes (like treason, agitation against a population group, child pornography, etc.) connected to what is communicated in the media, liability rests with the "utgivare" (publisher), who is expected to be a named individual, hence the term "ansvarig utgivare" (responsible publisher).
It's important to note that while the Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen offers broad protections, it doesn't mean that everything can be communicated without legal consequences. There are restrictions to protect against things like hate speech, defamation, and incitement to crime.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a word anyway ima stop spammin the board with AI generated gunk
>>1088970 I dunno, it always feels weird that we have so much geographical space but less than an eighth the population of the States But I get comparatively we have pretty garbage geography for city growth and development, and there's only so many people who grow up or emigrate here and want to be farmers or loggers/miners or otherwise hole up in small rural towns
>>1088972 at least we got like four times as many polar bears as they do
Yeah until they go extinct
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we need to build a car free city somewhere along the coast or interior of the border here build a massive amount of housing and set an example for what north american living could really be like
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1088973 just wait
Canada could really benefit from having like, eight or ten cities people actually want to live in, as opposed to two and a kind of third, a conservative option, and where you live if you work in federal administration
>>1088983 sorry once we build the caliphate all common wealth countries are next on the menu you will live in the commune and eat the sous vide grasshoppers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm i should like get out of the city one of these weekends
>>1088997 "Going to bed for the night." sent to my dad to stop him from hassling me over spending time in bed despite only having had 6~ hours of sleep in the past 80~ hours. and I am acting turning in fkr the nigjt soon
any good movies out lately? spiderverse? are movies just dead now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just keep seeing the clip of atrocious cgi superhero movies
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 500 3/6
⬜🟨🟨⬜🟩⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
too tired to sleep
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1089010 Barbie Soon™ also there's plenty of old movies for you to watch I know you haven't seen them all for example I recommend Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky.
oh yeah i don't normally recommend streaming services to people but the criterion channel is very good it's got lots of classic foreign films amd art house stuff that was what I watched it on earlier and unlike every other paid streaming service I know of they have the special features and commentary available. it has an apple tv app and they do free trials
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1089014 how are you staying up for 2 hours a day got something intense going on? best of luck
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1089021 it's ostensibly in my best interest to get up at a reasonable hour amd my parents are insisting on it I don't really mind it but that hasn't stopped me from staying up too damn late and not beong able to fall asleep
just looked in the mirror and jfc it looks foul wearing sunglasses wasn't half a bad idea even though I was a dickhead wearing sunglasses at night probably shouldn't be driving either lmao guess im calling a sickie
i am now punished i dunno I did something in the shower
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah good ole bacterial conjunctivitis you probably put some hot tap water jn your eye that'll go away with treatment pretty quick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just did some acupuncture and cupping feels good man my shoulder muscles were so tense now there are giant red circles on the back of my neck hazukashii
Did you go for a specific reason? like a particular ailment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
compurer neck stiff crunchy shoulder muscles sore neck the usual occupational hazard she recommended i do some active sports and strengthen my back and glutes so, the usual recs that i entertain and then swiftly forget about hmm what to dooo