Lot of stuff has ended, after all Mushoku, Tsuki to Laika, Jahy; a lot of the stuff that airs over the weekend has ended in the past two weeks I even went and pulled up the Daddy subs for Blue Period so we'd have as much as we could for the list tonight
There's a good chance we don't see anything new tomorrow ni- Ah wait there's Gyakuten tomorrow. That's probably it though
bang is dead tonight long live bang
(no anime for me until tomorrow
I can't believe you'd do this to me I've been waiting for this episode of 86 for so long
I think this is the Upper Moon who's masquerading as a geisha Maybe it's not, and maybe there's just a bunch who all have those gold pins in their hair
Oh I see The Moon's are more like fan-shaped, where as that lady in the house Tanjirou is working in had circuluar ones
I guess Oiran is an honorific or title for successful geisha
Never thought we'd be getting a ranking explanation from Inosuke of all people It feels like the kind of social system which would escape him
Inosuke's not unreasonable to think the demon is at the house he's working at Since she had one of Uzai's wives tied up there But her "human" residence seems to be the house Zenitsu was at Since they all recognized her as one of theirs
>>1010612 still need to download it i'll start that tonight it's not on bots
Huh, weird Subsplease put out a batch of it They normally do XDCC stuff
Yeah they even advertise their XDCC option on the Nyaa page for the batch Maybe that's just some copypasta but I think it would be weird to not have the batch on XDCC Unless batch releases have some complication with XDCC I'm not familiar with
I'm still waiting to see at least one named female character in this show
This is more J-pop than Visual Kei
Visual Kei does have a lot of make-up Kinda like KISS but not nearly as monochromatic Stylistically they're closer to goth rock or maybe some strain of punk than whatever KISS did
I wonder if the bands have to arrange these back-up musicians or if their magical governing red moon just makes them appeaer
Well speficially Japan Although at this point I don't think there's many other parts of the world which still have humanity
I was under the impression she was the Empress for some reason But she's a Shogun I wonder if the Imperial family has all been wiped out by the BETA
I think some illustrators in the art circles I used to hang with were talking about doing a Muv-Luv artbook Dunno if they set on the idea though
Riding in the cockpit of a mech like that is probably pretty awful without the designed harness One of the inevitable engineering problems of a walking mech is that it's not going to be a comfy ride All that bouncing up and down
humans fighting amongst themselves seems really stupid since they're on the verge of extinction
Yeah, but that's just human nature After all, when you win, you don't want your little tribe of people to be in a position to be subjugated by another tribe of people
Sounds like this Shogun might be more proficient than most of his crew Even if she dresses and talks like nobility
okay u uh I guess deep insanity 6 there's really not a lot to choose from that we don't need other people for
okay lets start
Yeah Though even with Bang being back there won't be too many shows for him either There's the five already present, and then two more that'll filter in over Monday and Wednesday We'll have plenty to watch with Kirara when Thursday comes around though
Honestly their XO is the most normal of these four characters Like this guy with the face tattoos? Discolouration? mask? Hair tendrils? Another one with a cyber eye and the only -the other one cosplaying like she's some kind of priestess
Oh yeah this OP reminds me Tokyo Revengers got its next anime adaptation confirmed Dunno when it's coming out though But they're also recasting Draken because his seiyuu has all but had his career cratered
This guy talks with the Super Gaijin Japanese accent to the point where it's annoying It's hard to consider gaijins even sound like that to native speakers
A bit Or I can see where you're coming from at least Visual Kei tends to lean a bit more into the goth-y kind of stuff So either regal or kinda punk Some of the characters do fit that bill better than others
Their leader does kinda look like a convincing meido A bit tall, but if he keeps his mouth shut he just, well, looks like a tall lady
I'm under the impression this whole society here are people living in the Asylum, the underworld place they've been adventuring in I wonder how they survive enough
Oh he got distracted Not that he feels like the kind of guy who could pull the trigger on a little girl like that anyway
what else do we have that we can do i wonder if jojo is on the bots yet
Does SubsPlease have nothing for Stone Ocean? They have a batch on Nyaa and they normally mirror all their stuff on XDCC
Either way it's gotten pretty late, with all the waffling done we've spent a lot of time not watching anything hah hah If you can't find Stone Ocean for tonight then I'm okay just tucking in for the night I've got work in the morning after all
i found it stone ocean 2 we can do this one and then call it for the night okay lets start
Yeah that sounds good
Aw yeah We get the OP this episode
They put out a creditless version of this on YouTube shortly before the series dropped So I've listened to it a lot already It's so fitting for Stone Ocean
Also it's a return of the 3D models for the OPs Which is great
You know, as a teen, if you'd shown me this scene of a prison warden explaining things to his inmates in an infantile manner with a puppet, I'd have thought it was too unrealistic to even be satire But from what I've learned about what a lot of prison culture can be like, it honestly seems entirely befitting of them
Oh there's the charm again I wonder if it's the fragment of the Arrow in it which keeps dr- What the fuck.
Well I was wondering if it was the fragment of the Arrow which kept drawing the charm back to Jolyne But I guess it's just coincidence if the Arrow fragment is missing
As far as I know there's no ulterior reason for it either Maybe Araki was just watching some American prison drama when he was brainstorming for this part
I don't trust this bird Okay I REALLY don't trust this bird