>>1011500 well ykno what is it 10,000 hours for mastery? suppose you spend an hour a day learning the slide whistle it'll only take 27 years to achieve masteru
>>1011554 Spent some time in voice chat with friends watching them play games, and then yeah, ran the fucking gauntlet of New Year's Vtuber streams HoloEN karaoke, HoloX (and Nene)'s New Year's outfit reveals, Amelia's personal New Year's ringing in and karaoke, some of NijiEN's New Year's streams I had at any given time like two or three streams running Good fun
I've been thinking too, and it's been a good while since I've really slept in my bed hah hah I guess since waking up Thursday morning, since I tried and failed to have a nap on my couch-thing that evening And then didn't sleep for like twenty hours until I had to take another (this time successful) nap Friday evening so that I would survive until at least midnight for the new year And now it's early Saturday morning, I haven't slept in my bed for somewhere around forty-four hours I'm hoping to get a nice good rest now
whys this a gif.gif nvm this guy came out to collect his groceries and almost did but then "we're actually in isolation" so I just put the stuff on the porch but he was a metre away unmasked thanks dood why are people like this
just appreciate people who are straight up the next order was in isolation too but they had it on their delivery note kept their distance, wore their mask
was much more polite
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and how was the kiss?
man I like dials in design and stuff but if you're gonna put a radio dial in a car at least make it so the volume doesn't slide down all the time
actually.. maybe it's like an audio setting that actually adjusts the volume to be dynamic or something I could see that being a thing
three more months
to be received
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip PK
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
put that gom jabbar in my mouf
is there a difference
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it kills me instantly either way so
sign me up lookin forward to it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who up minting they orb?
pondering my mint
how come we've never filmed a subduction zone during an earthquake seems like we should have
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
need lil robo drills driving around monitoring the plates at all times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like some energy-scattering structures should definitely be a possibility too i'll bet someone has proposed it before but it's UNSEARCHABLE
i don't have anything to work on today im sure everyone's enjoying their day off for new years but it's an unsettling feeling for me my mind starts racing with no direction to take it without work to do
Ten hours asleep I guess I really needed it but sleeping like this always makes me feel like the grave
It sucks ass, that's for sure, but like It's possible, and I'd save a lot of money, and from what I understand if I keep smoking it's gonna mess with HRT when that time comes, so I figure it's best to just fucking stop
Most studies don't find those substitutes particularly effective. They work on the false assumption that you should ween yourself off of the psychoactive substance. Technically it's not impossible, but drawing it out with a substitute tends to make it more difficult to stop. It's easiest to just go cold turkey, albeit a struggle.
But to defeat addiction, you have to be willing to struggle. Shortcuts will keep you using. They're just the brain tricking you into giving it the substance it wants.
I've kinda resigned myself to the knowledge that I will, sooner or later, crack again, but I'm still gonna try, and if I do go back to the cigs, I'll at least smoke a lot less, and then try again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nico nico tiiiiine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oops was supposed to cheerlead and instead participated in a nicotine spokesperson brainstorming session
I mean cigs kinda sell themselves, so there being marketing involved at all anymore is strange to me It's hard to really do much to further market a product that has "this will kill you early" on the front, and generations who absolutely know it will absolutely ice them still go "fuck it, give me a pack" when they turn like 20
Cigs for real sell and market themselves so long as they can technically be sold legally
Not wrong honestly People who tell smokers like "you know that's bad for you right" are the dumbest shits out there Like my man, it says so on the pack I took this out of, I'm aware I knew when I started it'd kill me, and I still started, you reminding me like, several years down the road isn't doing a thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also in half of HBO netflix properties every character is a chainsmoker
all that marketing big tobacco was allowed to do last century really got it entrenched into cinema
bigtime and now, since we also know it's REALLY bad for you, it adds almost another layer of coolness to characters, signaling that they're kinda nihilistic about their own life it has been given the "not suicidal, but not particularly concerned with survival" energy
thats why cigarette smoking will never die because most people in the modern world have had times where they arent concerned about survival most people have thought like "if i got hit by a car today i wouldnt have to do so-and-so" everyone is yearning for the sweet release of death even as they fear it
yeah i think the olds just don't want to admit it all these old coots are like "all you can do is muddle through that's what we did back in the day no matter how hard it gets" even though they thought the same things young people fetishize despair though so we're more likely to talk about it our suffering and our misery is aesthetic and young people don't tend to feel as strongly that they need to hide it completerly instead young people turn it into humor
It's also a very simple and immediately important thing to everyone to relate through We all feel like shit, we're tired most of the time, and we're being thrown into a world that's fucked in layers we're only starting to peel back, so going "God I wish I was hit by a car so I didn't need to do this" is relatable for like, everyone We've yet been milled and molded into weirdos who think this is normal and cool, well most of us anyway
My boss is obsessed with "speaking hope into young people" but he doesn't understand the problem. He's always asking "how do we reach them?" and saying that we need to work hard to expand the distance our social media posts go and things like that, and the other week, I just got fed up with it and told him that young people won't engage with the messages he wants them to. It's easy to reach people through social media, but getting them to actually engage with it is totally different. People engage with these things at a superficial level only because everyone is hopeless. Nobody thinks anything is going to help them, especially not a post or a podcast from some cishet white Christian psychologist. It's not about being positive, it's about accepting the despair, if you want someone to listen to you.
You have to remember that therapists are generally people who grew up in good homes, and psychologists especially. They tend to be out of touch, especially when they're in their late 40s or 50s. They don't spend time around young people outside of the therapy room, and young people aren't generally able to look at themselves in the big picture like I'm talking about. So people like my boss, and frankly my colleagues as well, don't really see it.
I mean yeah, it does make sense that it is that way, but jesus it's a messed up way for it to be does explain how the entire field has traditionally and probably still is in large part been used as a cudgel, though
I mean, I have my complaints about it, but I don't think most people really understand the despair that hangs over everyone. Even a lot of people who share that despair don't get it. I think people are starting to wake up to it more though. Young people are really amazing. When I was in high school, we didn't think much about all of this stuff, although the despair wasn't quite as heavy as it is today.
Eh, hard to know if it's just colored by seeing it from the outside though I've been fairly loud and shitty online for most of my life but I think only like 3 people I went to school with even knew I had political views or anything I think that goes for a lot of people, it was just directed online and anonymously instead And the same probably goes for feeling like everything's falling apart, too I guess the zoomers are more open about it since online and offline have merged a lot more for them though, maybe
I think it parallels the changes in Japanese counterculture and youth culture through the 1980s-2000s, where society became increasingly capitalized and alienated, and young people started become more disillusioned with the system and angry and depressed. In the United States, that heavy alienation was there for a while too but probably due to cultural differences, and the size of the United States, that despair couldn't spread as quickly as it could in a place like Japan. The more atomized and alienated we become, the more that despair grows.
Japan had its own economic problems back during those changes which showed /// made people doubt the system, but in the US, it didn't really get that bad relatively until 2008 or so. Well, more-or-less. I think a lot of countercultures, like incels for example, are a direct outgrowth of that because you saw similar movements during the alienation in Japan in the 1980s-2000s.
It's only gotten worse in Japan. That's why there's such a big rise in hikikkomoris and things like that. It's probably the same throughout Asia, where that atomization and alienation started increasing around the same time but I'm not really knowledgeable enough to point to any examples outside of Japan.
I think with social media, though, a lot of the habits built up by the Japanese during those times might translate into behavior overseas though, especially with how accepted anime and manga are now. Those ideas are being transmitted more easily between cultures now.
so we're likely to see an increase in hikki shit? or maybe we already are honestly I don't even really read the news anymore, cause it all seems kinda meaningless to me at this point
I think we're already seeing hiki stuff but it's hard to tell if that's due to covid or culture/society. I'm hearing a lot more about agoraphobics these days than I did even two years ago.
what even is that? wiki blurb just says "fear of places and situations that can make you panic or feel anxious" but I feel like that just means you have a mental disorder, at all
Agoraphobia is basically the fear of leaving your house. People with it tend to stay inside and never leave. Or they try to at least. I think it's different than hikikomori but it's the closest idea we have in the west.
Really I'd assume both of those are two different attempts to try to pin down the same condition I'd be surprised if you were able to find a large sample size of people who fit one of the two, but not the other though I guess it depends on severity for the agoraphobia but certainly beyond a certain threshhold, separating it from hikki-ism seems like it'd be fucking futile
Like even if you're not agoraphobic when you become a hikki, you're gonna develop it very quickly, I feel like I know I for sure deal with well, similar stuff, though not entirely analogous
I was there when I dropped out Barely left the bed to get on the computer for a while, despite it being literally like, next to my bed My floor in my tiny little room was like 3 bottles deep wall to wall bottle carpet Only left because I needed food was like that for like, a week or two I think
actually it was probably longer than that, it's more like it was a week or two before I officially dropped out and had to get my mom to come get me which took a while
damn being like that for an extended period seems like, unlivable honestly but I guess at some point you kinda tip over and that concept stops really meaning anything
yeah but they still keep going though even I'm still kicking, despite going through waves of total conviction that there's literally nothing in my future that can be considered positive It never quite hits like, actually unlivable, it just fucking sucks A lot, but still
it's a pretty permanent resolution to a problem, yeah but like, when the problem means you've got nothing to really grasp onto anymore, and it also doesn't seem to be temporary, how do you keep hanging on? I dunno if I would, is all
Seeming is only perception really, and nothing in living is certain In that uncertainty, I think there's relief to be found in hoping things might be better some day
>>1011672 It's really good isn't it? I've got a bunch of that artist's art here, but it's not tagged properly because oh my god I have so many untagged images, so I can't actually find any but that one
I mean I think this is the same artist, but I mean the ones that show the cityscape from above, specifically
They really capture this sort of vibe that's very particular to concrete jungles Never more than a few meters from another person, but still crushingly alone
I haven't actually seen any other artist manage to capture it as well
I clicked on this youtube video that was like >not buying anything for a year and I'm like 'wow. holy shit how'd you do that will like groceries an' stuff. are you diving into skips outside restaurants? what about petrol for your car?
But no. she just meant not buying any new clothes or makeup for a year. psshh. that's easy.
I guess i'm not meant to be their TARGET AUDIENCE.
There's a series I want to watch on youtube behind a paywall. The price actually seams reasonable enough but part of me still doesn't want to pay just out of principle. Also I don't really want to hook a credit up card up to my account.
Hook up a Paypal to the YouTube and hook up your card to the Paypal
forgive my ignorance but I had no idea northern Ireland was still part of the uk kind of weird considering the supposed animosity they have for each other
>>1011797 It's okay. I'm sure all of us have gaps that other people would consider basic common knowledge.
Try not to feel like too much of a stupid retard.
>>1011797 By the time the animosity amongst the Irish for the British boiled over into all-out rebellion, there was, and still is, a considerable British population living on the Ireland island Like, had been there for generations, had families and history there Unless the UK government up and forcibly extracted all British families from the island, the Irish were never going to entirely have their island back
>>1011828 This is why you have a proper sturdy sheath for a sharpened blade! Don't just stick it in a backpack!
>>1011851 yeah that makes sense it's just kind of strange to me
damn I've been had>>1011923 charms eh what are they called?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gamers: NFTs are dumb, games already have inventory systems why not just keep using those also gamers: > I've probably given Square Enix multiple hundreds of dollars at this point paying for a FF14 subscription during months I would have otherwise canceled it for the sole purpose of keeping the house I own.
the charms are jjust good luck charms they write something on them and theyre just those little teabag looking things i got one that says shiawase from the gold temple in kyoto
oh like tanabata?
tanabata u write and put up the good luck charms u just buy at the shrine and they are prewritten and they have pre-determined luck then u keep it on u anime uses it alot in like fighting animes to save lives "omg ur grandmas good luck charm warded off the spirits!!"
I got a text saying a place i visited had an exposure but I never checked in with my phone probs a manual check in so could be that I never came across this >>1011938 used to be Bluetooth but now it's a qr code system you can write your name diwn with a pen if you don't have a phone on you or something
nice a good atlante (the boat) doujin came out this comiket
dont u have to dl a app to ur phone in ur country if u have bluetooth on theyre gonna stalk u!!!
ah japan does the same thing but only if ur flying qr code and fill out a thing and keep it for 2 weeks
ok time for the twit test thats where u load twitter and the first anime girl is cute // the first image is a cute anime girl then u have good luck for that day hm wip bbut cute i guess
my jap sees me browsing ttwitter sometimes and its all anime titties and shes all like "uwakimono" (that means im a cheater) but then she says for 2d its ok
>>1011980 nah she says 3d videos is ok too i have cosplay lewd people too ill just beat her if she tries to say anything beat my wife beat my kids simple as
no on stops me from looking at anime tits do u know who i am? i literally DOMINATE everyone here i wear a jap XXXXL LOL
I've been getting a couple Uber drivers lately who have been sniffling or breathing a bit raggedy Now this is perfectly normal cold / winter flu season but all things considered it definitely puts me in edge
>>1011998 my jpg is growing in value and I do not fucking understand the mechanism responsible It's like I'm in a casino but the roulette keeps spinning until I take my chip out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all of the valuable jpegs are hideous mutated apes or cute blobs i think betting on half decent art is better than nothing idk
Hard not to just cash out, but also it's easy cause when I cash it out, it turns from an asset without value into actual capital gains, and that's income legally speaking So I gotta sell it for more than the government would give me that period (because they'll take away my payout for that period if I get more than like, a very small amount of income)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not even associated with ur name just let it stay in crypto form foreva idk this is not finance advice this is just a joke
That'd be a viable way to do it if I could actually pay for shit with crypto I'm tryna get money for Cool Stuff, like full body tracking or whatever, not be some bitch who just owns a lot of theoretical coins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true there will be more use cases for crypto it seems inevitable at this point i actually bought some hardware with some litecoin i had lying around
basically this thing has to be worth $1100+ before selling it is, for my situation, not a net loss in money And even that's literally scraping exactly by at profit in a theoretical sense, it doesn't account for my real bank account being down half of that month's income Which I do have a buffer for, but I hate being below like 10K NOK I need the buffer to feel safe >>1012010 I'm probably cashing this thing out if it hits a whole eth Sitting on it longer might be wiser, but it could also end up with a situation where I just have a worthless jpg I can't sell And a whole eth would be a really good feeling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am hoping it'll be worth at least 1 eth sometime this year, floor prices do be rising but who knows when the music stops
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea gotta take the gains at some point time value of money anyway i hope the casino stays open
I do feel conflicted about being involved with this shit at all, but I also like being in the casino Not having a comfortable amount of money for a whole year has kinda screwed with my morals I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it'll be nice when this stuff is eco friendly not too long now...
it'd definitely make it a lot easier to resolve the conflict in my brain Who knows if eth ever actually will be though, or more specifically if \\\ importantly, if it will stay not-awful as far as carbon output goes it's one thing to go into PoS, but actually staying there is another thing, cause from what I understand it is less secure than PoW
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eth is kind of bad in terms of carbon output right now, the electricity has increased a lot in the last year still less than bitcoin, and bitcoin's not going to change for a long time if ever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1012014 there's a lot of FUD out there from bitcoin maximalists who are afraid of what seems inevitable to me at this point nothing happens on bitcoin anymore
well, once it hits PoS, I'll presumably be able to stake my eth too, and then I'll be fucking pogging if I could stake a whole eth with a decent apy I'd feel so much more comfortable about using money in general
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea you could cash out and delegate your stake
is price going to jump a shit ton when PoS hits from everyone trying to increase their stake or not really i get what PoS is but i'm trying to imagine what the market implications would be
It's definitely possible it'll spike, at least in the short term hard to really predict though The Big Money likely have already been stocking up on ETH for a while now, so who knows how much of a run there's gonna be
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the staking APR will go up, surely idk if it'll drive the price up or down, maybe it's already priced in?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it's bullish cuz lots of people have doubts about whether it'll work
bogdanoff might just dümp the whole fucking thing just as PoS hits to rake in the scraps, who knows I hope this picture of not-sailor moon I've got picks up in value before so I can pick up a bit of eth and then ride out the transition
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's just a conspiracy meme the bogdanoffs secretly control all crypto markets
the guys wih the face
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i thought they died
damp eet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1012026 i like how i immediately knew who that was
oh they have both died now, wow i knew one did a few days ago but the other one did just today apparently within the same week
oh damn I had no idea
what does one do to make an image into a token
if i were, for instance, making pretty topographical maps and stratographic columns through rigorous geological survey instead of selling them as maps, couldn't they just be tokens instead
>>1012032 i mean maybe maps are pretty, i could see people collecting them
doya intend to sell them as collector's items or something?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats a big subject in terms of putting them on chain you spend eth to do it whether you pay an auctionhouse for the normal format or deploy your own code image hosting is another consideration, ideally you pin the images in IPFS or just have openseq host them
I mean the main issue with it is that you're still gonna need to upload them somewhere, so unless you intend for this to be like an art project that you get cryptonerds to throw money at and collect and trade among themselves, you don't really benefit in any way from minting them as NFTs It costs money to do it in the first place Well, it costs eth or gas or whatever
sounds like just selling them normally as normal maps would be more worthwhile
It's probably gonna be a better way to go about it, yeah If you're already well established, or launch a whole fucking collection at once, NFTs possibly can be a way to rake in a bit more money, but I couldn't tell you for sure I know some have a kickback to the original minter (you) for each transaction, but I dunno how common that is or anything
You're also gonna need to do a lot of marketing to make your NFT pop With regular art sales you can just make a post on twitter and @ some DnD guys and stuff, and they'll shuffle it around and maybe someone will catch interest
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are so many NFT collections sitting there dead it's not easy to get eyeballs without some kinda angle or in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the collections that come out with 8000 randomly generated ones usually pay to get a spot in rarity.tools and they have a whole twitter engagement strat not as easy to do that for a small collection
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on the other hand, most of them suck ass so there's lots of room for good ones
the sheer number of "variations" they have is kinda key to the whole operation though If there were only 10 apes, nobody would give a goddamn cause no more than 10 nerds could ever own and hype them at the same time You need the people who own the monke to do marketing for the monke
i don't think anyone would go for them unless they were like novelty LOTR maps or something anyway at least with real maps you have practical uses for them
Idunno man, there's a surprising amount of people who really like maps But I don't think many of them are also cryptonerds, so you're probably gonna fare best just selling them as regular art pieces map nerds don't buy them to show other people that they own them, after all, they buy them cause they wanna have them on their wall or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you make them into art, ideally shiny video files, it could be good
I am alive. Things are still not going particularly well for me but I'm in good spirits. Although I'm pretty much completely out of food. I have some canned soup and enough stuff to make one sandwich, but I'll need those for tomorrow since I'll be walking 9 miles. So I'm having some beef jerky for dinner.
A little of both. I'm blowing all my savings on my car repairs so I don't have much money right now. They also forgot to pay me for like 6 sessions in December so I'm waiting for the rest of my paycheck. But it would take me an hour to go to the store and it's dark out, and my carrying capacity is pretty limited without my car. I could have gone over the weekend, but I was too stressed with the 1st being my 5 year sobriety date and the 2nd being Teacup's death anniversary. So it can't really be helped, you know? But I can survive as long as I ration properly. And I can go a few days without much food if I have to.
Yeah, understandable If it gets too bad, reach out tho I'm not exactly swimming in money either, but I've helped others out with at least a little bit before Though I never figured out how to use paypal, so I'd need some other method
>>1012055 Sankyuu I appreciate it I can afford pretty much everything I need this month honestly but I have to be really careful about spending because if I'm not, I might not be able to afford everything next month since I'll have to pay like $1500 in taxes for 2021 probably.
Well the offer stands anyway There's kind of a limit to how much I can chip in, but I can at least help out like, a little bit if it gets to the point where you feel you need help
I tried to get an update on my car today but I couldn't get a hole of my car repair's case worker. I hope I can get an update tomorrow. I had a very nice uber driver tonight but I've also had a bunch that ran red lights and stuff. The one this morning had the ABS and check engine light on in his car.
I could definitely see myself ending up driving kinda recklessly if I got into ubering people around as a main source of income I already have an unhealthy amount of fun when my car skids out on the winter roads around roundabouts and sharp turns, after all
There's GOTTA be people who are like, really into racing, who's car is like, super expensive and stuff, who do gig driving just for an excuse to drive, though, right? Like imagine getting picked up by a nissan skyline or something with an engine that sounds like a jet engine
I vaguely remember my dad talking about him and his buddies setting up something like that when they were younger It didn't have two, but it did sorta just release the plate at the top so it wasn't caught on cameras
At least I think it was my dad, maybe I heard it somewhere else, it's kinda muddled They got up to a lot of wild shit when they were about my age and down
main issue with doing something like that now is having to take your car to a workshop to get it serviced used to be you could do most of that shit on your own, so you could also mod it in highly illegal ways
that as well I guess though firearms have always been very regulated here Could add a few ww2 relics though, I suppose Ain't no tracking those things, I'd wager most people who own them have never told the authorities Well, probably everyone who owns them, cause chances are the authorities don't let you keep them
You could probably add a caltrops dispenser relatively easily as is, I think you really just need a latch hooked up to a radio receiver and an activator you can tape to your dashboard
Just make sure you attach the box somewhere out of sight under the car maybe spraypaint it black so it blends in attaching it shouldn't be too hard though, you'd probably just need some tape and a couple of those octopus arms with the hooks on 'em
certainly a possibility, but I feel like you'd only need to throw the spikes in a situation where them seeing a kid in your trunk would only make your situation a lot worse
isn't matsuri the one who's into ryona (but boys)?
I'm currently archiving 99% of sms and MMS I've sent or received to my microSD card to transfer to my new phone. There's no progress bar or completion estimate. It's been almost 5 hours and the archive file is 8GB. 5 hours to basically just copy 8gb of text, metadata and some images sounds incredibly inefficient. Seriously though, it's probably not even compressing them. It wouldn't even be terribly inefficient to make each message a json include it's metadata and tar them all I have no idea why it's taking this long. I'm not a software developer but I feel like something went horribly wrong somewhere in the development of this app. Maybe it's an issue that only comes up when archiving large amounts of text messages so it didn't come up during testing. But I've only had this phone for like 4.5 years, I don't think 160k~ text messages is a lot.
>>1012104 that looks like more than one milliliter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk it looks like a 1 gram cart
well 1gram of water at STP is one ml but for an aqueous solution of mass 1g at STP it must have a volume less than 1ml because its water mixed with something else
>>1012107 yea i was thinkin its weird cuz wouldn't THC concentrate be heavier than water but then again water is fuckin heavy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also no what if the water is mixed with uhh idk CO2 lmao
>>1012110 I actually have a chem textbook within arm's reach so im going to check
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
clearly water is not at the absolute extreme of liquid density right? anyway it's basically water its a bunch of suspended RNAs in water or something right
>>1012112 some research suggests that whether or not the volume of an aqueous solution increases, decreases or stays the same depends on properties of the solute
but in general for dilute solutions the change in volume is negligible and therefore ignored which is probably why I thought that there was no change
i like claire de lune a lot for shorter pieces, it's between claire de lune, rachmaninoff's moment musicaux no 4, and rachmaninoff's arrangement of liebesleid for my favorite there's this really nice kemassi washington version of claire de lune >>>/watch?v=KqJJ-2cRR0M that one's fun
wow i totally butchered spelling his first name
I mean you just threw an extra 's' in and messed up an easy vowel more people butchered my name than that before I was 5
that's like ~30% wrong tho it be like if someone called be bnage
damn i never saw the video for gimme summn fuck that's trippy and whacked out to all hell im glad im sober watching it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow what a video
>>1012211 the first time I saw captain murphy was also the first time I ever tripped on acid I had no idea what I was watching while my friend babbled about how this video would instruct us on how to properly start a cult wonderful time all around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trippin on acid and watchin a bunch of babies become stumbling old men who dive into a metaball and get amigara fault'd would probably be traumatizing
that other video is pretty psychedelic too drip drip
>>1012229 noooo don't join a cult ur so sexy haha >>1012225 this is also my first time seeing it wtf
how do i learn about like modern music progressions my training is all classical
huh what do you mean especially by the word progressions like you wanna learn chrod progressions or like how music has progressed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i just want to learn about like all the different sounds and tones that modern music employs common drum loops and micro tunings and well know effects and samples and all that my head is just full of like "d major A# minor wee woo dominant chord"
part of the reason i like electronic music so much is all that experiment with timbre and "sonic texture" and shit it's part of why i end up gravitating to trap and dubstep so much - because those genres tend to have way more willingess to experiment with new sounds but yeah i don't know how i could help you that shit is some arcane science developed by laptop-wielding british ninjas or something >>1012243 oh i'd just call it a pretty typical dnb beat it might even be one of the more famous samples for a lot of it some dj's or producers might be able to name it for that you really just have to listen to a shitload and read stuff about it too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like the drum loop in >>1012235 is super popular but i can't even give it a name or anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i wanna spend more time building out my mental models cuz i like have a musical brain and i know what i like very well but little ability to replicate or articulate
>>>/watch?v=cG7cRDcPY3k here check this one out it's one of my favorite dnb tracks of all time and it has that beat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it would be good to talk to some of those british music producers they do seem to be good at the doing
part of the reason I like electronic music so much is I do a big drug and dance around
you don't have to be in the wrong to be a bitch about something
tru bitchest be right sometimes
>>1012265 holy FUCK i didn't listen to this song for like a whole two months and i can't believe i missed it this bad god it's so good the little repeating cuttoffs at 0:35 fknsyd's performance is killer that twisted vocal sample this is the perfect 100mph on the highway music
it's okay the airport is only like 45 mins away so it'll only be like uhhh probably like 2.5 hours of driving total
wow ruff
we don't have the BEST public transport, but it's still just 5 bucks to take a train from the airport to downtown, or any station in between
none of us live in austin proper even the long-term proposed public transit wouldn't really be able to help either of these parties out one of the parties is my friend and his wife and kid so public transit with all their luggage would probably be kinda awkward if they were to all take it at least, i would feel awkward taking a bunch of luggage on the bus but maybe it's not that bad
my car is nice and i'll just crank some bangers while i'm cruisin so it'll be fine
Luggage on the bus isn't so bad Especially if you haven't been on like a three-week trip and have a huge suitcase But like a normal sized one that's good for a week or two or you just pack light anyway It's pretty manageable
a family of three on a two-week trip though i feel like that might be kinda rough
Man this Uber driver had a whole lot of confidence accelerating towards a narrow gap to overtake a streetcar I can appreciate the haste to get me home but gosh that had me anxious for a moment
>>1012348 isn't genshin under a different company now, technically the same people are working on it, none of the staff changed but they transferred the game to one of mihoyo's related companies or subsidiaries or something because chinese gaming laws are starting to get really restrictive Yostar or something like that wait not yostar that's a differnt company Cognosphere will be the publisher outside of china now i would imagine the privacy policy update has to do with that
if your problem is that you have too many tabs opened that you haven't go to then there isn't really any reason at all to feel sorry for this entirely avoidable and unecessary situation you have expressly created (and devised even) for yourself
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1012354 it isnt a problem theyre organized in tab groups
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
the problem is that my new phone refuses to update chrome which is probably why it wont sync tabs
on second thought, I will simply go to bed instead of staying up it sucks to miss the event, but I'm so tired I dunno if I'd really enjoy it much either way
Shoulda slept in a lot more today
probably a good idea, there's always next time have a nice rest
i worked alllll day and now i'm home i havent been eating much lately bc of my finances and lack of transportation but today my colleague gave me a whole box of protein bars and an orange so i'm doing fantastic
Yeah, I get paid monthly. But all of the money I'd usually use for food is going towards my Ubers because I still don't have a car. And Uber is ridiculously expensive.
her new outfit is kinda cute tho i still prefer the old one rosaria got absolutely ravaged tho damn the jean and amber changes are so slight i have to wonder why even
>>1012362 yeah i'm glad they're doing it i was worried they'd try to just make the global version china-friendly but they're self-aware enough to know that the community at large would be pretty pissed about it
>>1012390 They run those User servays that ask what people want to see more of in the game. I'm pretty sure like 80% of players put degenerate answers about thicc hips and milkers.
>>1012399 don't worry they literally transferred publishing rights to their singapore subsidiary for the express purpose of including shotas and thicc af thighs
cunts can get the day off work to watch horse racing for the Melbourne Cup but I can't get the day off work to watch the Hololive Mariokart tournament? This is some form of discrimination.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I got the screen protector on almost perfectly Unfortunately due to my ocd I can see where I messed up and it irritates me.