well unless bang shows up I guess we're watching stinkers (and jojo) again tonight
jojo 3 okay lets start
No he said to go ahead So I'm going to insist on watching some of the stuff we'd normally watch with him I don't mind putting 86 later for if he does show up but I really, really want to watch it
Okay, ready
>>1010766 Are cases rising in your workplace too? After going pretty much the whole pandemic with almost zero risks, over Christmas the store I worked for had like three or four positive cases come in hah hah Most are in the retail floors where I spend little to no time on, but my manager did test positive after spending a week at home with his positive wife But that at least means he probably got it from her, and since he wasn't in the warehouse at all, we've had zero contact with him
Jolyne's Stand seems to be gradually manifesting, rather than appearing fully-formed like some of the other more recent Stands
I'd like to see the inmates try to place Jolyne in the role of a weak target to be extorted and bullied
He's really trying his hardest to keep her out of this encounter Although trying to warn her by hiding in trash bins probably isn't the most convincing argument
Man she really doesn't like her dad Not that Jotaro ever struck me as someone who'd be a good dad
So even decades after DIO was defeated, the echoes of his hatred of the Joestar family are still going strong
Sure I dunno when we're getting more of it, but it won't be for a while So no sense in trying to ration the episodes Might as well just watch as many as we want
Maybe this kid is in the male side of the prison and knows this Johngali guy is gunning to kill Jolyne But that doesn't explain the more foresight kind of warning he gave her
It's a far cry from the Jotaro who could be absolutely riddled with holes and still march up to an enemy and ORA ORA ORA ORA them I wonder if he's gotten soft in his days as a marine biologist
How did he get a rifle that could be disguised as a walking cane into a prison That surely seems pretty easy to catch
The Joestars now really are very far removed from the Joestars that battled Dio.
It's been a few decades! Maybe only two though Jolyne is late teens, so if Jotaro got busy not long after he got back from defeating DIO, that might've been enough time Still, the world has moved on in the meanwhile DIO is nothing but a memory
Yare yare da
Wow, Jolyne's pretty clever
Doesn't quite have the smoothness of Jotaro though He wouldn't have cut his hand or bumped himself on the way down, hah hah
Man The original Stardust Crusaders theme still rocks
>>1010789 Not only that but they're pretty disconnected from the family Josuke and Jotaro weren't really close or anything
Josuke was closer to the Joestar bloodline than Jotaro though, if you think about it, hah hah Jotaro was Joseph's son through an affair, but Jotaro was separated from him by a generation
okay i have become FREE
Oh maybe it's not weird time shit but just it was all a dream I wonder if this is actually still this Johngali guy's Stand or if there's more than one Stand user involved here
I wonder if there's more of them out there in the world Or if more of them have been incorporated into the Legion ranks They seem a bit unstable to be ideal robot soldiers, but also highly competent at what they do
haha well Given the way the first season ended where we didnt know if they lived or died I guess this would be a note for thme to leave off on
I am convinced I heard Lena in that radio static before the missile bombardment It might have been the lady from Giad though But I also thought the 86 kids were far too deep into Legion territory to be helped by Giad's forces anymore So my heart believes it was Lena calling in the bombardment She has to be out there still
my pizza order was cancelled i'm kinda sad now because i was extremely hungry
I'm pretty sure just one more We're ten episodes in to the second season and we've already lost an episode or two to scheduled weeks off 86 airs for Friday nights so I think they technically get to squeeze one last episode in before the new year rolls in
also im not in a super big hurry bang if you wanna get a snack
Man I'm still electric after that 86 episode
sandwich acquired >>1010830 yeah that episode was crazy i still really want to know what happened with anju hers was the most threatening i think i feel like raiden is dead and kurena is not but i can't tell with anju
Raiden's the most likely to die but yeah I don't think he's dead If they're going to send him off it's going to have to be pretty explicit, I feel He's Shin's longest-lasting comrade now, anything less would be an injustice
Another finale This has been a thoroughly cute show
Uh Sure
the character designs in this are pretty good for how simple they are or rather the fact that they're so good while being simple is what i like so much about them
Plus it's good for the mangaka, who publishes the chapters weekly to Twitter Having simple designs makes releasing colour pages much easier
dang DANG i want soba
Not udon?
didn't the sign say soba
Igarashi said she was having udon though
she can have the udon i want soba
with that really thick sweet dipping sauce but all the places around here don't specify if there's powdered shellfish in the sauce i always have to ask