Thread #80410
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so I see Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine
harem fujobiat
Yeah the latter is a shota-MC gay harem. I'm not sure I even want to try it.
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Does that mean you guys want to skip the fujobait?
I'm sure Squid's dying to get his hands on it.
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dead night mightas well try it i bet rikas dying to
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Let me skim it real quick to take a look.
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i could go either way. Do you think Ika wants to watch it more than Tilde doesn't want to watch it?
lemme skim it
Fine I'll download it. If it's stupid enough I can just shut or ignore it and pick back up when the Battle Harem LN adaptation's time comes 'round.
doesnt look super gay lets try it
Yes hello.
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okay fujoshit>>80435 no vetoed fujoshi! let's start!
lets watch harem firs t
Hell no. We're getting this fujoshit out of the way first. Also because I looked into the Battle Harem earlier because apparently the MC is fnuny. Funny, even. But it's still kind of stupid. The girl's school uniform in it is the most fucking hideous school uniform in a series I've watched.
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The harem will be a little more comfy. Gotta observe the comfy pyramid!
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I flipped through it and the main heroine/protagonist? was cute.
Yeah the characters don't seem terrible. But I am really REALLY bothered by that school uniform. It's ridiculously horrible.
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i saw the short hair blonde she looked cute
Well that's not the voice I had in mind.
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I would not have wanted to watch this if the protagonist were a true shota.
>>80445 >>80445
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You don't have to doubt everything I say. I dislike shotas.
But you told me in the past to doubt everything you say.
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Well, you don't have to doubt this. I do not like shota.
Ika's favourite on the far left.
the one with the bangs?
The one who was looking off into a corner broodingly with his coat fluttering on his shoulders.
Apparently this already got a stage play. Or a live action something.
Totally Ika's favourite.
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These guys really don't want to be tutored.
blonde seems like the loser prince
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This one seems like a baka.
He's the dopey kid of the family I guess.
That window wasn't open previously. It was closed when he made the dash for the door.
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that episode wasnt gay at all poor rika
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I won't engage in the fujobattle today. let's watch the harem okay let's start!
Rodger dodger
o k i think theres a few harems this season battle harems
MC has a rat tail i think
I think it's more of a ponytail than a rat tail.
Like look at that uniform. It's stupid. Really stupid.
are those ears
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This purple haired girl is cute.
wow these uniforms are so bad what do the males look like
I KNOW. The males actually look totally generic, I think.
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Didn't she JUST say that magic was forbidden outside of the academy?
If those gloves are part of the male uniform its not that bad but the girl uniforms still look as slutty as shimakaze
Maybe you can excuse magic in defense.
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>>80503 You like gloves, huh?
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [Leopard-Raws] D-Frag! - 06 RA(…).jpg )
it looks stylish wait thats a teacher unitform
Oh I guess the boys have a weird short cloak as a part of their uniform. But they still get full-length shirts at least.
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I wonder if the witch lady is a haremette from his high school days.
I think she's his onee-san, biologically or not. She was in the shadows when he was reading that book as a kid.
Oh wow she's bringing the sass. Though I don't know why he's takin- Oh. Wow.
This glasses guy is kind of fnuny. Funny even. He's a background character but he's acting all important.
now its time for MC to btfo her
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>>80524 I really get him. Amusing things are the best.
>>80525 I hope we get to see if before the episode ends. This isn't a bad show but it needs a hook like that in the first episode or it's otherwise a really boring pilot.
10 dollars says he ends up groping her
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He'll either grope her or lose miserably. They're kinda setting flags for him losing miserably.
Wow he just took it. Hah hah hah.
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As expected, he lost miserably.
I'm still convinced he just ate the attack and lost on purpose.
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theres like 0% chance of him actually being weak
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Yeah, he's obviously going to be incredibly strong. I'm surprised they had the self-restraint to not reveal it in the first episode.
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the characters arent bad so far
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The purple girl is cute.
>>80551 Good characters in ugly clothing. Such a misfortune.
we'll get used to it
I don't want to get used to it.
thanks fora nime time for p5