I've drank mango+something juice and maybe had it in fruit sald or something but I think I have never had like "here take some mango" and eaten it like that
Mango is good but I don't like it enough to buy it
I don't even know do they sell it here
It's a tropical fruit so anyone in our latitudes have to buy it as an import. That always makes it more expensive.
Dude there's no way you can't buy a mango in Finland
>>80065 Might be like just few months in the summer available like full sized water melons and shit like that
If you're in the Northern hemisphere, you'll probably find mangoes available most often during the winter, actually. They ripen in the summer, but they're mostly grown in the Southern hemisphere. So their summer is our winter.
Though I guess that's more true for North America, Europeans may have a closer Northern hemisphere source.
I wanna watch Beauty and the Beast but I'm realizing the limits of my emotional capacity I've had such a pleasant and serene day so far Do I really wanna get all riled up and teary?
Next time you have bugs, especially large bugs in places you can't reach throw a magazine or book at them stuns and drops them and maybe kills and then you can SMACK them to death >>80088 what has worked for me for 15 years
like fuck im risking pissing off a hornet hornets are like no other bug
did you know that hurting a hornet summons MORE hornets? FUCK THAT
Then again, I have gotten stung by bees, wasps bumblebees and whatnots and one time fell in an red wood ant nest that was bigger than me, so who am I to encourage people to get stung by wasp like creatures cause seriously, it sucks
See this is how you summon shit taste people you imply their favourite characters are shit which they are and they know it very well and thus must defend it fervently
Well, he's just wrong. I don't even like Strike Witches that much, but Perrine is one of the only characters with value. Her loser moe is one of the better cases of loser moe out there. An ojou-sama with loser moe is a rare find.
>>80124 I suppose that's true. I just needed to make a // point out that I felt the same about the show in general too.
is an ID valid on the day it expires or is it already expired on that day >>80128 >>80129 do you guys forget that you live on a completely different continent
I think it should be But dunno how it is over there
i mean I've been buying alcohol with a card that expired 2 years ago, so I think it should be fine
>>80127 Yes, but many western nations still do shit quite similiarly usually when thing is valid from xx to yy, if it is yy then it is valid but when it is yy+1 noope
>>80127 I don't think it would be valid here at least though if you look old enough they usually skip the whole process.
I mean I guess it depends what you're using it for I probably couldn't use an expired ID even on the day for something related to my bank account or something
>>80127 If you get a particularly anal cashier they would probably reject it. That's probably one of those situations where thep -the person at the cashier-
Well it is expiring today right? that means it hasn't expired yet.
>>80133 the scan the code and the system will either let them sell or not
Oh man I can't help then. Here they just give your license a glance over to make sure it's in check.
so funky
>>80137 Or more like glance at birthday and picture and then let it go if it checks up
>>80137 liquor store doesn't usually even card me convenient store folks are lazy and just swipe it and never look at it
>>80139 Nah, here they actually make sure it's not expired too. I have my three or four year-expired driver's license and I can't use that for the liquor store.
And like add some wager going on you are told some shit you need to keep secrfet if you last through it you get a sum of money and also it costs you maybee 10€ or fiver nothing much but still something to motivate you to keep going and not just the profit
>>80172 I liked the "you torture just for yourself" thing the druggie was going on while michael just shoots some guy you don't even know was the right guy? >>80176 What he is fun
>>80174 The entire character of trevor just pisses me off to begin with I really hate the character, and not as in "the person the character is" No, the character
He's a walking cringe compilation
He is pretty much "what gta characters are outside of missions, when controlled by players"
do you believe in the phantom thieves
Yeah but that doesn't fit the game at all Because GTA5 takes itself way more seriously than the rest of the series
It has michael, the supposedly serious guy driving after a woman who stole a film reel and then she gets sucked into a jet engine and all dat shit and you steal a NUCLEAR WEAPON or drive a plane into a plane and all other kind of shit like that
just over the top and ridiculous as fuck
I'm not saying it's not high stakes
But the game has a much more serious tone in general
I mean, it isn't anything like gta3, vice city or san andreas but 4 was waaay too serious and story based and 5 is just 3 dudes having fun with occasional heavy story elements or "thoughtful moments"
And if trevor wasn't in the story, the thing would just end after the diamond heist and that is it there'd be no reason for conflict or anything michael would go back into hiding all rich and shit franklin would continue his move towards up and trying to quit crime and michael would occasionally get used by the FBI and shit.
Trevor pretty much kicks the 2nd part of the story into the action
I recognize his importance for the story that's told I just don't like him
I like him cause whatever crazy shit you end up doing in the game if you do it as him, it is in character
I just freeroamed in multiplayer instead Cause more freedom
well xbox360 has no FREE multiplayer seriously consoles suck
consoles are the worst I know why they're popular but the reasons are all bad reasons
>>80170 Well this was actually a tweet floating around, he's just parroting it.
>>80193 ps3 and x360 era still had the partial "insert disc play" but towards their later run it became "insert disc, install, play" at which they became just lame computers
the people praising exclusives are probably the worst They're actively cheering on business decisions that are openly hostile to them as consumers
allow me to squee for a moment, but The persona 5 protagonist strikes a perfect balance between the cute girly nature of the persona 3 protagonist and the cool guy nature of persona 5's protagonist. They did a very good job with him, he's very attractive.
>>80196 Sometimes it has its uses when a product is really made for just one thing like windows only or shit, because then you usually know it runs really well on the platform it came out But nowadays "exclusive" is >6 months on exclusive, then on all platforms
Then again the uncharteds, halos and whatnots are practically made by console company owned studios. So there is that too. But that is why they are remarkable games, cause they are MADE actually for that system >>80204 Indeed but at this point I don't really fault them. This isn't like Ubisoft being given last minute 10 million paycheck to make it mikesoft only
Yeah, but they are all making an active decision to limit the game to one console
I don't fault them They're GOOD decisions, business wise
I fault the CONSUMERS who encourage practices that are hostile to them
>>80212 No that is the exclusive that I hate as the game has obviously been partially already made to work on all systems but then midproject or just because they have just had a "runs 1 year only on this shit" contract, they make it anyhow work on all
The point of optimising it to run on SPECIFIC hardware or operating system whatever and the gains you get from that, become moot.
Exclusives are only good when they are legit exclusives, and are actually customised to work for the thing they were made. Otherwise it is just gating the people who don't own it, and baiting them to use money to gain access.
I mean, all kind of exclusivity is that, but atleast when you really make a product that wouldn't be as good if it was made to work on all systems. You have atleast an excuse for it other than "we got paid for it"
>>80215 But even these games are quite rare in the end I mean, take like Bloodborne which ran like shit and crap on ps4 for the first few weeks or more clearly wasn't that well optimised for the system...
As they should! but the whole game-engine wasn't designed with one console in mind, but rather all consoles and pc in the end though the early pc ports were crap So it didn't have any technical reason to be exclusive just a paycheck from sony
Also Microsoft charges devs by the update That's not related to exclusives but it is another console thing
>>80218 Bloodborne isn't a good example for your argument because it still does not have a PC release and heavily, heavily likely never will. It may have been poorly optimized but it was never meant to be a multi-platform release.
>>80224 Dude >But even these games are quite rare in the end Bloodborne as a point was made to point out that even the games that are 100% exclusive aren't really anything that expectional from technical stand point
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Bloodborne doesn't have any release besides Ps4
>>80225 I think that may have more to do with moving from one kind of infrastructure to a totally new one. Internally PS3 to PS4 are drastically different machines. Adapting to the new infrastructure close to the release may have involved growing pains.
>>80227 Maybe, maybe not Didn't stop naughtydog from not sucking once more.
In related news though, apparently there's been update patches for Breath of the Wild recently that drastically improve the FPS rates in parts of the game where it suffered, for both Wii U and Switch versions.
But summa summarum about exclusives on consoles >can be good, if they make use of saved resources that don't get used on making several versions of the same game, and thus producing an overall better final product >are bad if above not true
And >consumers shouting "yaai exclusive" are idiots
Though nowadays infrastructure-wise, there is no difference between making an Xbox release and a Windows PC release. The only difference is the hardware in an Xbox tends to be skewed towards different high points than your average PC. And there's a marginal difference between PC and PS4.
>>80232 From OS point really, but if you make it run perfect on Bone, and optimise using that system as the base it is easier to make it a solid product than making it for pc and bone
And if you make it just for windows, it will just generally be better because no consoles dragging it back
Or you could go Projekt Red style and develop for PC first while still taking into account the necessary procedures needed to make it work for consoles.
That should be how you do it make it for pc and port it from there much easier than the opposite
It's not really "easier". Some things are more straightforward. But there's a lot of stuff that's involved with tweaking games from platform to platform and you don't get a free pass on them just because you made your game function on the highest functioning platform first.
are we really having pc masterrace conversation it's 2017
I get whatever I have games that I'm interested in on. Hardware doesn't matter that much. The most pressing question is always one of if it has fun games.
Do they fluctuate prices there much Most people use a "one price entire year" but I used to do "market price per day" saved me quite pretty penny at times but winter could cost me fucktons >>80269 A month? 4
Well its not like it is competed here, but state requlations and whantots also helps that most power companies are 50% state owned Aside from FUCKING ONE THIRD OF OUR POWER NETWORK fucking EUcucks
did you all get p5 yet i think ill do it now maybe
>>80282 sometimes I have to reconsider and think deeply about my shitposting and if it is worth it to continue but you're always there to remind me why I do
>>80296 I'm trying! It's hard. It's not like a lit essay I can just bullshit my way through and smash out in a few hours every single assertion I make has to be backed up by research and case law an' shit which takes heaps of research. Those 400 words were HARD WON.
The appeal of a law degree is it's flexibility. You can use it to work in heaps of different places other than a law office. I'd slit my wrists before I became a solicitor drowning in paperwork and chained to a desk for the rest of my life. I'd rather keep scrubbing dishes.
Anyway. This isn't about what I'm doing with my life.
This is about s(55) which prohibits taxation and non-taxation elements from being present in the same piece of legislation and how that applies to the current case.
Rika, stop distracting me.
Would a constitution be considered a legislation? Because then that would be paradoxical. Hoh hoh hoh.
but there aren't any tax provisions in the constitution.
>>80333 the dude on the left is a basketball player and he's such a memelet he has a little youtube series where he just goes around playing sports that aren't basketball (which probably explains why his team never wins a championship)
I was supposed to get this training material back to legal law works corporation (not their actual name) today i didn't i dont understand what they want me to DO i already did it, then they sent me finalized versions, told me to finalize mine, then send them back in like what, they were already finalized when i sent them in the first time. you sent me someone else's finalized work, do you want me to just copy it character for character why am i even sending it back to you then
They didn't like me starting new paragraphs from the same speaker on the sixth character (first tab) of the line when it's normally on the 11th for a new speaker I went through the new joysey pamphlet to find the rules and it says START ON THE SIXTH CHARACTER SPACE and then in the example transcript later from the official rulemakers for new joysey they don't even follow their own rule i'm so confused
What I really should do though is start waking up a little bit earlier I don't have a lot of time to really wake up in the morning
Sounds kinda like a waste of time if you are managing to get out of bed right now.
Yeah but it's nice to have some time in the moornings
>>80365 Sometimes people need extra time.in the morning to process what's going on.
ohayu o
I've started to take showers at night instead of morning and it's been really giving me more time to get ready for the day when I wake up
I got contact lenses today and it is a beautiful world
I'm literally excited to be able to put them back on tomorrow morning
I prefer lenses that don't come in contact with the eyes.
You are a baka I had glasses before and earlier today, before my appointment, I was actually thinking "oh it's pretty much gonna be like wearing glasses" It's actually the opposite You don't have to deal with the frames, flare, reflection, adjusting bullshit It's like wearing glasses but without the glasses You ever see Sci-fi stuff where people have augmented eyes and shit? That's actually real life For me
>>80369 I used to exclusively shower at night, since I like long showers and those can be hard to manage in the morning in a crowded household. Nowadays I just shower regularly whenever I can fit it in.
>>80373 But at the price of putting stuff in your eye!
>>80375 This is actually a pretty reasonable complaint
Either way I'm with >>80375 and putting stuff in my eyes is a big no-no for me.
When I was a kid my piano teacher once told a horror story involving contacts that happened to her and I think that probably has a pretty heavy factor in why I will never wear contacts. I will sooner save up for LASIK if I really want better eyesight before I invest in contacts.
>>80379 When I was a little kid I found an old contact on my living room floor AND I remember seeing them in cartoons So i put the dry, dusty, death lense in my eye and instantly died And then I went to my mother in a crying mess And I didn't know how to say "contact lense" in our language so I couldn't explain what the issue was And somehow the death lense slid away from the center of my eye, to somewhat up under my top eyelid I don't know how the fuck we managed to get it out but truly it was a traumatizing experience
But now I have my own, moist, clean contact lenses and theyre grest Great
>>80381 Yeah that sounds pretty terrible. By the way we've got some people around here that are really, really not good with eye stuff. So if you could do us a favour and not go into exquisite detail like that concerning it in the future, it would really be much appreciated.
Like Really REALLY not good with eye stuff?
Alright ill keep them in mind
Kudos, mate.
There is more than one person really bad with eye stuff?
Nope, just you
>>80388 One particularly comes to mind, but I would not be surprised if I'm forgetting others. Either way it's not exactly the most engaging of conversation, and it probably makes a good number of people uncomfortable. There's bound to be better things to talk about.
>>80512 Well I can only collect images when I'm at home and usually I'm too busy. Right now I'm at my friend's house on his computer where I usually post the same 50 images particularly my favorites like that shigure in a dress up above
I've been hanging out at my friend's house the past couple days and playing it a ton
There's so many little fun details in that game Like how you can kick the skeleton heads off of cliffs
world is a fuck
My favorite way to take care of packs of skeletons is to throw a remote bomb at them and detonate and then switch to the other bomb and throw it and detonate consistently kills almost any skeltal
>>80550 I like using the bombs when dealing with bokoblins on cliffs Just lure them to the edge and blow them off
world is a fuck
>>80554 no she's still in a different state she'll be back in austin in a few montshs
world is a fuck
>>80556 they're super good for keese too it's funny to fry whole packs of keese bombs are my favorite ability it was so nice of nintendo to give free bombs
You know, when people scratch a cat and dig their nails into their skin, the cat enjoys is and usually responds so. But when a cat digs their nails into our skin, we respond with sharp sounds of pain and/or outrage. I wonder if this is confusing to the cat.
>>80601 Ad is one where a woman sees a protest, grabs a Pepsi, joins the protest, and gives the Pepsi to a police officer who's in one of those relaxed barricades just ensuring the protest happens properly and remains legal
Here's the ad I'm genuinely lost as to g how anyone is offended The protest isn't even visibly about anything in specific, much less cops
This may seem pol but man it's mostly confusion
Clearly she gave pepsi only to the cop instead of sharing it with the common people. And people are celebrating the fact that the cops got everything. Wow what a message.
>>80605 Well it's one can Given to one of the people there not ALLOWED to leave
The main character of the ad is clearly rich and privileged and has access to many cans of pepsi. Yet she takes only one and gives it to the cop clearly, to protect her position of power. Notice how the cops are not concerned at all about her approaching while being weary of the protesters.
I dunno I took mostly the symbolism from it Cops are people and if you treat them like hostile actors you're gonna be in for å real bad time
The whole ad is weird but I don't understand how anyone can be offended without trying
Cops are clearly the enforcers of the current order, the can of pepsi is power and the protesters are a force of change. The rich gave the cops the power to make the protesters complacent with their situation and give up happily.
I didn't even really have a morning I was almost falling asleep for the first hour of work, until like 8 when I had a cup of coffee to wake up a little, and then I came online for the rest of the day Not quite tired, but beat
I know it's uninteresting to hear about dreams but anyways Last night I dreamt that I Google searched something like "drawing without dots, lines, or curves" and I found a video of just a white screen with a normal dude talking over it, saying something along the lines of "hello, the title of this drawing is blank page with demon telling you to kill your family" and he kept talking but his voice got really evil and he started saying really evil shit and I got an overwhelming urge to kill my family
Obviously i tried to find it on Google just now but apparently dreams aren't real
Clearly this means you have frictions in the family which you want to solve without leaving a trace.
I think that's the CIA mind control Invest in tin foil
poor beruka is getting mauled to shit
i dont know it
oh well then
Did you expect him to be not real?
I didn't expect him to be this real
The OS from god.
>>80679 wiki says he had a bad mental hospitalization and hasn't been the same since was atheist prior to all of that poor guy could have had a stroke or something
http://atlus.com/note-persona-5-streaming/ >This being a Japanese title with a single-playthrough story means our masters in Japan are very wary about it. Sharing is currently blocked through the native PS4 UI. However, if you do plan on streaming, video guidelines above apply except length. If you decide to stream past 7/7 (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT DOING THIS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED), you do so at the risk of being issued a content ID claim or worse, a channel strike/account suspension. kek
Openly threatening illegal retaliation against people who put up videos of your game
I don't care if they warn you or not and their warning is more of a threat anyhow, good luck enforcing it, just doing it is 100% pure dickery and will cost them.
>>80738 Well you could just have them send the tapes in and then make a decision based on that
Besides, we're a completely different culture dude Most people here never steal anything their whole life
>>80739 here, they have to file a report at least can probably go up and do that yourself but then it's the shop owner's wasted time to report a loaf of stolen bread
Other than you know, MAYBE candy as a kid Or movies, games and music
I've never stolen anything physical from a shop I've taken like a few blades for my knife at work from other co workers, but to be completely air, they'd never use those extra blades because they don't know they exist
>>80740 Here you file a report if you find someone has pickpocketted stuff but usually most thieves are caught on the spot, as far as I know. Would imagine other scandis do pretty much the same
yeah i know what you mean
Anyway they have a small compartment inside with 2 extra blades If I take one, they'll never know, because first of all they'll likely never find the compartment because they're all DENSE And second, even if by some miracle they did, there's still one blade there They'll never know
Usually when someone is caught pickpocketing there is something like this written >early retiree was caught trying to sneak a tv from the store under her dress
that's shoplifting pickpocketing is stealing from passersby
Most pickpocketers here are from eastern europe for that matter shoplifters are from any nationality, usually kids/teens or gypsy And of course, there are the "beer runners" which don't get labeled by the people as shoplifters, but beer runners But yeah they are shoplifting too
pickpocketing is a really intense skill theyre really elaborate me being an amateur magician and living in thugville, i talked with pickpots a lot because we're all into that sleight of hand shit they have really elaborate setups with a marker, a mover, and a deposit
one hangs out far away, watching people, and marks them and signals one man moves it and drop it at a third man not far away, not more than a few steps that way the guy who did it has no evidence
>>80756 Norway too remore from eastern europe to get targeted even sweden is hard to sneak the stolen stuff out but finland with ferry to estonia and border with russia...
>>80755 I think most common tactic,. or atleast what the cops warn people about is something like "guy distracts with map or merchandise while partner steals item" and there usually is a drop guy too
yeah you can have a distracter in there as well, but it's gotta be really normal type of encounter basically the major tactic, what someone told me who's been doing pickpocketing for like 20 years, you ask them to try to utilize their recent memory like something about activating them to think about an event that happened recently, like maybe where they just came from or going up and saying "what did you say to me?" (not aggressive), the person thinks back for a second to think "how did i make this guy think i said something just a moment ago" when the brain does that, for some reason we filter out a lot of noise around us, like a light tap on the back or being brushed by someone's arm the brain just can't do those two things at once for some reason so it stops listening to all the excess stuff in your current physical sensory world and someone can just slide that wallet right out
I don't think I've heard that much about pickpocketing just one summer when there was a huge wave it was big news Cause no one here was that careful There never was a need to be careful But then pickpocketers landed and wham suddenly have to be mindful of thieves in fucking finland...
One time I was at a circus, one of the performancers was one of those show pickpocketers I really wanted to get picked as a "victim" for him to steal stuff, since I had my chain attached wallet on me It is really hard to remove, especially since the lock-mechanism thingie is bit broken. Would've loved to have seen would that kind of pro been able to remove it.