Did you hear about that vile German man who's training ISIS soldiers and other terrorists with his youtube video where he stabbed a protective vest with a lot of force and pierced the metal protective plate? What a bad man If he hadn't done this, the terrorists wouldn't think to use more force in the stab
If anyone ever dies from a knife now it's his fault because nobody could think of this without his video
Isn't this LITERALLY McCarthyism ?
I never should have dumped this. This is all my fault.
holy shit there are THOUSANDS of knife proof vest tests... interesting that just one of them is TERRORISM
>What happens next is symbolic of a bursting, septic boil of male entitlement to women's bodies, lives and stories. oh I think I know why it got bad reviews
No, people whose opinions I respect said it was shit
Nah I mean it has something like "MAN DOOMS WOMAN INTO DEATH FOR HIS OPWN SELFISH REASONS" Atleast those seem to be the bulk of reviews that I quickly checked on Rotten Tomatoes curiously, audience score is 64% vs 31% critic score
Yes but those aren't relevant to me because they're not something I consider
Dnno I think the issue with the critics who spew that kind of "reviews" don't care how it is portrayed they just get triggered that it IS there and seemingly even walk out of the movie...
>>79213 Yeah he has most of the russians behind him but you know outside of actually ethnic russians, the opinions differ quite much >>79215 Also during his reign russia has gone from "just a big country" back to a major power in the world
I guess just being nationalistic and christian will bag you a LOT of people who are secretly authoritarian
We're watching the DEATH of an entire section of media We're watching blockbuster shut down because of netflix and whatnot, except it's the fucking established news organizations It's something that matters to society and we're seeing it die
Jim Sterling is saying he was at some meeting with Valve, and they might start getting their shit together and cracking down on shit like devs deleting all criticism of the game or DMCAing reviews of it on youtube
I don't know hwo to make tweets that make people do anything
Most of my followers have come through replying to bullshit that then gets a million retweets because of the thick layer of snark Nobody seems to even look at my DEEP SOLO TWEETS
Oh yeah WhereIsTheFairUse #WTFU
Youtube HAS gotten a bit better at that
I was just thinking a few days back what was the thing well a year ago apparently had liked one vid with that in the title
curiously, most of the content I have liked was something I most likely viewed drunk
>TB brings up that if you were on steam in the pre-greenlight day, you didn't really need much marketing as a small guy, because merely being on the steam store was itself a stamp of quality Yeah, that's something that's fucking gone alright
Also unrelated to Steam Isn't it great how everything that was once a JOKE on the 4chan is turning real now? >transnigger is a real thing now with that one woman who's in the news again
I was proud I didn't crack or cringe at it I did eat the popcorn and listened to him ramble about some leftist "Helsinki has made big muneys and profit for the past 10 years, but that money hasn't been used at all" then I go >what if its being spared for a bad day and he goes "but isn't that bad day here?" At that point I just joked "What if the money was intended to be used for that bullshit modern art museum we rejected" and moonwalked off But I was tempted to stay and debate him a bit, cause seriously >bad day Not really, things aren't so bad the city should use all of its coffers for whatever social services the left-wing party things they should be giving everyone. More over, the Capital already gives out money to poorer provinces/cities out of their budget, something the state should do mind you, so them actually being on the black and not RED like every other province/city... I think is a positive thing especially, since Helsinki is planning big construction projects and whatnots, where will that money come if not from the profit stored in the coffers? Cause if coffers are emtpy and money is lacking for projects either a) no project b) raise taxes But from past experience, luckily I didn't stay to debate since7 "depating with eleciton promoters"
Sk phone
I genuinely think Valve really only wants to make money to keep the wheels turning at valve Primarily
Cause for me mid-fall to early winter and then late-winter(when it isn't muddy) to early summer is best time to practice not fucking hot and shit but mid winter... fucking too cold to breath you can actually cough blood from breathing that cold air
That perrine nendo is very tempting. I don't really like Strike Witches that much, but she was my favorite.
And perhaps more importantly, it's 30% off because nobody wants her and they're trying to sell off the merchandise. The fact that Perrine tries so hard but nobody likes her is one of my favorite things about her, it's hitting my weak point.
Speaking of pacers, I suddenly got into a weird position of being the designated driver for my step-father and mother for the foreseeable future since the s-f got a pacer installed into him
>>79325 That's weird. I experience stomach aches and various other aches, but that's all in my abdomen. I don't have a good concept of what heart pain feels like. I'm glad everything checked out, though.
>>79326 I get heart regurgitations. I can't think of anything that's more painful. It's really painful because my blood is flowing the wrong way through my heart for a second and my heart freaks out, trying to fix it, plus that sends my brain into an immediate panic which fucks my entire body up.
But that is bit worrysome, in a way. If you get a serious thing or a serious future complication, that just starts off as a thing that is hard to detect and you think it is "normal pain levels". It possibly could turn out quite bad, by the time you realise or some doctor realises, that it is actually a new issue or something.
Coincidentally why is it Worrisome? you still say worry not worri worri is even more awkward to say and then jump into some so why worrisome? anglismakes no sense
>>79327 That sounds like something that would hurt. My dad and brother have some heart issues. Murmurs or something? My heart is fine though. I inherited my mom's heart.
I have mitral /// acute mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation, and a right bundle branch blockage (which means bad communication between my heart and brain) and a tachycardia But aside from that, my cardiovascular system is really strong and has lots of stamina.
ooh, Persona 5 is an april 4 release. I wonder if it will be available at midnight. I guess the PS Store is kind of crappy so it may be 10 am still for new releases.
Speaking of floop he and I have been playing magicka together. It's been fun. Honestly if I can take away all of floop's anger into me I'd be okay with that.
It just exposes the ones that were too WEAK to survive.
best time Iä've had with magica, was with playing with 4 people on xbox with everyone using controllers also everyone using controllers for the first time on it
He memorized one of the crazy lightning combos and then just spammed the crap out of it. I was there to be revived occasionally.
lol spamming just one thing if you want to spam something spam lightning, that atleast most of the time kills your friends or just keep spamming thunder storm
hey marsh i went up and bought a bunch of wine because my id expires tomorrow and i can't buy it without a valid license and they're like "Oh it's your birthday tomorrow is that what the wine is for" and i'm just like yeah because it is but there's nothing to congratulate
That's kind of retarded - that if the license isn't valid you can't use it to prove your age It's not as though not being able to drive ages you backwards.
>>79389 it's because it's harder to verify that it's not a counterfeit ID if you allow people to use expired IDs, because they change periodically >>79391 i probably won't. i just thought marsh would like the story some little 20 year old girl thinking "Aw, you bought some wine to celebrate your birthday" and not "Aw, you're going to binge drink so you dont have to think about your birthday"
Like when I used to buy the 4L things of cask wine and the guy at the front desk would ask me if I was heading out to a party.
y-yeah. that's what I'm doing. Not spending friday night at home on /a/ saving pictures on image dump threads as I drink myself into a coma.
>>79390 don't you have a driver's license or don't that work?
>>79393 that is my driver's license those are main forms of identification >>79395 ive had this same one for eight years
expiring so soon? I think mine expires when i am like 75
>>79392 on thursday i was at whole foods and the cheese lady who is really nice showed me that they sell growlers and craft ales and i did not ever fucking know that so i bought a 64oz growler and she filled it with this deliciously expensive craft ale and she's l // like "Just a note though, since it's all one container, the beer won't really stay well after a week or so once you open it up. If that's a problem you might want a 32oz" yeah okay thanks for the tip i'll try to make sure i can finish off the equivalent of five cans of beer within a week
Though officially, driver's license isn't valid proof of identity here, you need ID card or passport for that actually. But since D-L is given out by the state, pretty much everyone accepts it anyhow.
>>79396 heh. >yeah. it's a-alright. I have friends coming over
the // haha that's what i said i'm like "i have a roommate we'll probably finish it this weekend" i finished it all before quarx got home because it was delicious and i had cheese to go with it the thing was that i went back up to whole foods to buy some pizza slices at their bakery section the next day and grabbed some scotch ales which is at the opposite side of the store from the cheeses and as soon as i show up SHE'S THERE for some reason the lady who sold me the growler the day before. i'm like well shit i pointed to my throat and whispered that i couldn't talk because of the pollen that's around here, which is mostly true, but i could talk if i wanted to but i don't it's one of my major copouts is pretending that i've lost my voice when i'm in uncomfortable situations
>>79413 tch. I didn't think you'd remember the time difference. For a moment I thought I had your blessing to spend the rest of the day fucking around and watching anime.
When I went to buy booze the other day and came up to the counter with for 40oz Mickey's Malt Liquor the guy behind the counter was like "what's the occasion" so I told him I wanted to get fucked and forget about today and he just laughed and said He knows the feeling
Why even bother pretending you aren't just trying to get drunk I even came up to the same liquor store I used to But my booze from on my 21st Birthday and showed them my ID for the first time and they were like well shit I guess what's done is done at least you're legal now
I wonder if watching raw anime is a good way to practice Japanese in a student's free time
>>79425 Maybe just slice of life anime would be good for practicing
>>79425 You wouldn't be learning a lot of practical phrases or conversational Japanese habits. But you might get a better knack on the grammar and it may help reinforce your pronunciation.
Plus who the fuck even wants to learn that filthy language anyway...
mafia have won half the games serial killer the other half
what is serial killer's role?
>>79438 if you were on the mafia's side then probably townie would have won half of the games did you think about THAT huh townies are OP at ranked play, mafia is op at low level play it's not a balanced system for all segments of players. it's primarily competitive
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i get that mafia is definitely OP at my level
it's probably easier to try to outplay the mafia than convince the townies if you're still in unranked if you're investigative convince them you're witch once you find them if your vigilante, shoot randomly and claim you got witched it's super great tactics if you're jester, accuse someone of being immune for you trying to shoot them as vigilante, then claim you got witched when townies are asking why you're random shooting
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i've just been playing classic, haven't seen a witch
oh, yeah classic is harder that ranked practice tbh for town mafia knows exactly what claimspace they have because all the roles are listed explicitly in ranked practice it's randomized to various roles, with set numbers of each role i.e. jailor, 2 TI, 2 TP, 2 TS -- no i think it's one town protective and then one town killing, one town random, neutral any/killing/benign, gf/maf/rando, and then one global any so it's possible for there to be three town investigatives, and the mafia won't know but the townies will
I don't even mind working I just hate working where I do
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
just won as mafia, clean sweep so ez
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
townies are so dumb argh
Sk phone
The best way to win as mafia is to just say you are from round 1,have all your buddies act like you're throwing and hope town takes the bait and thinks you're jester Won a few games that way
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
has /moe/ ever played a game together or is it to susceptible to collusion
>>79491 It could be better. I might finish in time, though. I just took a two hour nap. It's been going rough because I'm not medicated. It's early enough that I can eat and be medicated again soon, though. I'm probably going to start working again in an hour or so.
It's not just that, some things you don't connect with. I always live rationally and within my means, so I can't see the characters as anything but stupid.
>>79550 are you sure about that even the level 30 version is killing my armor knight in one turn.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>79572 my jaffar got attacked by three enemies on the first turn and they all got killed by him
>>79572 where are you advancing through? if you go through the opening in the trees you'll get slaughtered bait his daggers into attacking you at the bottom right and let them move through the forest to get at you navarre will try to come around the opening but all the other units try to go through the forests
Yes, but I don't want to be using crappy 3 and 4 star characters that I don't want while everyone around me gets cool things like bunny lucina from time limited gachas. especially if they aren't giving me free orbs
And on the topic of what samurai said I feel like the gap between me and lucky people is getting wider because 20k feathers to upgrade a unit to 5 star is too much. I'm still nowhere near having a good all 5 star team.
I consider myself to be a generally lucky person but my particular brand of luck is no good for gachas.
They need to start making some better decisions or I really will quit. Removing the daily orbs and the 20k feather cost for upgrading a unit to level 5 are the kinds of things that will drive me away. I'll just play SNES games on my emulator.
I'm also going to be pissed if I don't get any easter units from this limited time gacha. It's easy to say "oh you can play the game with any unit" when you're sitting on a pile of bunny lucinas.
Probably, but someone will have to report it to the government first.
Pretty much every gatcha game lies about their rates and then the government has to tell them to fuck off and fix it. It's happened with every game I've played other than Fate/GO.
The worst part is I know if I were to spend 20 bucks, I'd just get one of those bad draws. You have to spend a whole lot of money to get anything decent.
Wow here I am just tryna eat my salad in peace but the people nearby are discussing their lives, one of which includes a sister the CPS has taken away, suicidal depression and an idiot father who intentionally antagonizes the aforementioned CPS
8 didn't sign up for this, I just wanted to shovel down some pasta and cooked ham
I keep clicking 8 so often I might as well ditch sk and just go by 8
Sk phone
The most annoying thing is really that I can't use this information for anything fun
It's got some player wrapper dealio going on like a javascript player seems to handle it
how can it be bad for you if it's natural it's not even a street drug or something manmade like some of those other things out there it's naturally occuring in nature
yeah so is ebola motherfucker
You're not on /sci/.
Looks like /sci/ to me
i can't really know for sure unless i try
>>79700 opium is naturally occurring in nature and i can confirm that it is pretty fuckin bad for you
it feels GR8 though
pretty sure the bubonic plague occurred naturally in nature too
>>79712 ah i see i got the 5th through 9th off but that's all i guess unless i just don't book a flight back and hang out in philly for the rest of my life
you might think that's a fucking funny joek but it's not like getting a job at WAWA or something is much more difficult than here i walk to work anyways if i lived in one of the townhomes or shitty ass apartments in south philly i could walk to the same job i already work at in a much better place ez
shit dude you mean you could just uproot your life like that and move to another state and just get a new job? that's pretty scary think of all the places you could go how are you going to find someone to stay with until you get a job
>>79715 it's a lot more easy now that my dad and sister have a job i haven't had to pay a single bill for almost two months now i haven't even thought about whether or not i should spend my money on myself or give it to my mom to buy groceries so the rest of my family can actually eat while i'm at work
>>79721 i do, but the only thing preventing me now is some kind of plan for my career i've had boiling in the back of my mind for some years now perhaps there is a highly acclaimed medical school close to where you live
are cat allergy meds something that would work for you this cat's like 16 years old i dont think she's got a long time left she didn't have anyone to take care of her and she's been part of the family for 7 years i couldn't just get rid of her
I'm losing confidence in my long held belief of sentience at my level being the default for humans, with a few exceptions who just aren't self aware
But I'm starting to think I'm the exception because of stuff people do here This isn't even me being spiteful, my fucking world View Is crashing around me
it's my opinion that sentience is a spectrum and not binary
Sk phone
Maybe it's not that I'm the exception, maybe the people who end up here tend to be the exception
The sheer amount of shit i see here that I can only really describe as primal behavior is astounding It's like being David Attenborough watching that orangutan hammer a nail sideways I could go into detail for sone things but at the same time typing a lot on my phone is very annoying
It's not difficult, I wouldn't have problems with it at all But I'd just be getting progressively more annoyed until I'd actually be mad Because there's something about it that fucking infuriates me after a while
primal behavior is my favorite behavior it feels so good
No I mean like The kind of thing you'd expect from someone who never got socialized or something As well as just... a distinct lack of thought put into decisions Inability to learn simple tools and their function
i tried to tell them i couldn't bring this cat with me but there was no hope poor girl would be so scared if i just abandoned her. i couldn't do that to an animal but it makes things really difficult her old owner gave her up after owning her for 7 years. a fully grown cat, owned since birth, just dropped off by its owner. she was so sad and scared. now ive had her seven years and she loves me poor thing
>>79739 that's really good though especially without meds
why not try to get your meds there, though/
>>79746 gotta pay insurance to pay for a doctor visit but they won't pay the thing i'm paying them to pay until i pay for it myself for so much money first, even though i'm already paying them to pay for it first doctor consult est 300 dollar, new insurance plan with high premium and the frustration of my last insurance coverage being a total shitshow, difficulty with a doctor probably not prescribing me the benzophetamine cocktail, then the deductible and then they're expensive meds i can just buy bath salts instead and take a nice bath
>>79747 maybe you should just get a health care provider that covers benzos or amphetamines well and just switch docs until someone is willing enough to give you the right prescription
>>79751 is it before sleeptime of past sleeptime for you?
>>79752 switching docs is the hard part because it's basically 300 dollars for a first time visit each time it's just not conceivable, or logistically possible for me to really be doing that
it's easier to self medicate anyway i'm perfectly qualified
>>79754 i see what you mean maybe it's something that needs to be a long-standing project >>79755 you absolutely are not qualified to prescribe any kind of medication
>>79757 i think despite knowledge of the field and concepts behind it that you should consult with a professional to have an outside perspective and observer to adjust the dosage and applied medication as necessary
that's what i'm here for i wouldn't let me do that to myselves
I could trust a psychologist for that not a psychiatrist though an actual psychological counseling/therapy thing, sure but psychiatrists don't have and won't take the time to care it's a very pragmatic professional shuffle a diagnosis, get the scripts out, ask if any adjustments need to be made, fill out the info in the database can't be relying on them for any credible opinion of me
>>79761 I think you can rely on them to provide you true and honest service intended to improve your mental health as long as you can render to them the true and complete information regarding your mental behavior and the effects of any particular medication applicable. Psychiatrists are hacks. They don't understand the meaning behind the noise. I only understood after several sessions with one person.
>>79763 that's way too much information to contain in a 30 minute session honestly if i was going to spend that much on a doctor, i'd much rather but some alpha GPC and racetams along with some choline and 5-HTP/valerian/hops compounds that's like 50 bucks maybe but i'd have to order it online to get the alpha gpc and idebenone
Holy shit i am terminally ill The diagnosis is uncurable boredom and I have like 70 years to go. That sounds like a lot but I'll be bored the whole time
I was on Ritalin and boy did it do a number on me Though I'm probably gonna look into getting the prescription again, since I'm not doing all that much better without it either
Woop this image upload could have gone a lot worse Don't trust recent changes folder
>>79771 my dad was on ritalin when he was a kid the stories he told scared me away from seeing psychologists for a long time and yet tangentially related amphetamines have produced an excellent increase in mental clarity and focus unbeknonst to me
>>79772 I can't relate My problem with Ritalin is it fucks me up and makes me feel less in control Everything is clear and I'm lucid but it feels like it's not me making any of the decisions I make
Right now though, I'm at a place in my life where that would be a relief I wanna go back to just being a passenger in my own life, in my own body
>>79780 on the contrary, i find it quite liberating to be able to even space out white doing something else typically i can't really be focused on any one thing for longer than 15 minutes without drug abuse to render my brain numb. I don't take it when i'm off work, but at work the increase in productivity and attentiveness is pretty nice if i'm just wasting my time playin games there's no real point to taking it maybe i'll just save em up and sell them to stupid teenagers for $10-15 a pop
you don't have to turn to drugs man you could just ask me to abuse you and render your brain numb
It also does shut a lot of my head up, though Which is less of an issue lately, but it was a really big deal one time
And by shut up, I mean it just makes it easier to ignore it when my head goes "hey you know what we haven't talked about for a while, sk? Your lack of accomplishments whatsoever in your life. Let's discuss this at length"
>>79793 i guess i don't really know how stims affect people who don't actually have ADD but i know if it's not simply bringing you closer towards reality then you're probably taking the wrong kind ritalin is pretty garbage honestly something longer acting is a lot better
I am diagnosed with ADHD, just for the record here I'm not saying that diagnosis was necessarily correct, but it was made by a doctor, and I was a kid so it's not like I faked it
Ah. I need to get a new headphone cable. mine has been messing up
out of the 10s or 20s of prescriptions i've tried 30mg adderall twice daily seems to be the sweet spot i would like to just have to take something once a day though >>79806 supposedly this is the prescription typically reserved for narcoleptic patients
that's a lot for me anyway i took 10mg once a day prescribed 10mg twice but didn't like redosing
I can't get adderal easily I'd have to try every other type of medication and then specifically apply for it
That is, my psych would have to apply to be allowed to prescribe it to me
>>79805 don't go abusing it it's such a shitty drug to abuse and such a great drug therapeutically not saying you are by any means and that's not true about it being reserved for narcolepsy i know a couple people on 30 2x but yeah treat it well and it will treat you well
>>79807 Is it harder than getting illegal substances?
>>79808 i'm not going to go about popping addy like they're skittles or anything i wanted this because i felt like it could help me construct a more productive life around myself
and honestly, compared to high quality columbian cocaine, this stuff is fucking child's play
I mean I could probably easily order adderal online and get it within the week, but I'd need a bunch of stuff for that and I wouldn't want to rely on that kind of arrangement
Colombia Columbia is in missouri unless it really is columbian cocaine from missouri
aand I got a new passport 3 days is quite incredible modern society is awesome
>>79813 you can tell it's good shit because it tastes sweet and metallic when you depress the plunger
the sweeter and less bitter it is the more likely it is to be pure
>>79811 you talk hard but it's a totally different drug it doesn't matter whether it's harder or not comparing stims to other stims doesn't work like that
>>79816 i'm aware the CNS symptoms taper off faster than the SNS symptoms do due to tolerance and shit but there's still something indescribable about a good coke high i haven't had any since i started this stuff though. i'm almost 100% certain it is a super bad idea to mix the two.
If you go to a shop that sells stuff like planks and building materials, they'll usually have these big metal tools you could use to kill people technically
SK's terrorist corner Revealing information to ISIS that they would not have otherwise
>>79818 It's got a very different active brain chemistry than cocaine it's not like they just stimulate neurons using a magical stimulator antenna i'd describe it in detail and i would -- and i'm not trying to water it down for you, but i'm literally just working and dont have the time for a long post. i have to finish this shit up in 20 minutes or i'm toast
>>79824 central nervous system stimulants do in fact stimulate the body in question in the same way depending on dosage but the effects of which build tolerance so incredibly fast the CNS effects aren't what helps really it's the other side, the sympathetic nervous system that affects attentiveness and ability to logically conjure thought and all
Also your body still goes through time, so that's not staying young in any sense So which part is the you that's staying young? The person people remember? Even that is gonna fade into nothing, there's a TON of people who died super young and they're not immortalized in anyone's memory Most don't even have graves
There's nothing forever about them
just look at dem lyrics Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad men
Can you imagine when this race is won Turn our golden faces into the sun Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune The music's played by the, the mad men
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever? Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever young
Some are like water, some are like the heat Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later, they all will be gone Why don't they stay young?
It's so hard to get old without a cause I don't want to perish like a fading horse Youth's like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen today So many songs we forgot to play So many dreams swinging out of the blue We let them come true
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever? Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever?
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever?
I guess forever as far as your mind is the ruler If you're young up until your consciousness goes, then to your consciousness you will forever be young
Isn't it weird how people can never seem to set their return time in time travel fiction? Why are you coming back hours and hours later rather than RIGHT AFTER you left? If you set the damn device properly, you going on a vacation in the bahamas for 15 years before there were even people there is seen by everyone around you as you blinking in and out of existence and aging 15 years in the span of a single planck second
Written during the cold war huh
Actually, there is one time travel movie I watched recently where they did set their return time to like 2 or 3 seconds later It was a fairly good movie, nothing extraordinary, but good It did a very good job playing with the idea and exploring it rather than just having at as a plot device
Red Alert's chrono troops and device BASICALLY do this, I guess
It's not explained this way, it's actually doing something like moving through time itself somehow But you could if you ignore that say they just travel back or forward in time, move to the location, and hit the return button to pop up in the location right after they took off
Well, also any time travel device would need to either be able to teleport you to begin with, OR it would be impossible to move you to a time before the device was constructed
>>79856 no, I mean if it the device tranfers you to the "location of said device" it needs to transfer you in space too as if you go say 2 days to the past to "location of device" you will be where the device was 2 days ago so have fun stuck in the orbit some millions of kms from your planet or space ship or whatever
>>79859 It can travel you along time while both of you remain fixed in relation to eachother It just travels back to an earlier state of itself
I don't really see what you are going about but say the device works by >throwing user to future or past version of the device you still are moving through space and time
Are those even tiles? they look like just wall painted squares with a frame that was taped off or they laid out white tiles and painted them brown? You can't even really paint tiles, they've been glassed the paint won't stick.
I think they are just square pattern painted to the wall
In the newish hitman game, melee combat is a QTE And the button you need to push is like hovering as part of the enemy character And there are situations where you can't see it because 47 is IN THE WAY
Great game design 10/10 would ragequit again
Hitman or absolution
>>79878 it's just like in real life though i usually can't see my opponent because i'm in the way when i'm in a fistfight
You'd think one of these feminist organizations would set up a non-profit lawyer firm that takes all cases of pay discrimination pro bono Dude that's what I'd do if I thought the problem was as insane and rampant as their stats suggest This is a fucking PLAGUE on the nation and all you're willing to do is organize a rally? Niggga take these capitalist patriarchs to fucking COURT and destroy them
They're breaking the law, and with the amount of women they have to do it to to even dent statistics THAT hard, holy shit 71% is not a small dent, we're looking at like at least 15 separate CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS
Wow OK that was uncalled for, I'm not a pick up artist
Sometimes I hear opinions that I don't like but I'm starting to think it's better to not just argue with people on the internet Both parties feel better that way
Also Bernie Sanders has his own web show now On facebook
Despite an initial reluctance to hone in on the video medium, Sanders understands that it is the best way for him to directly engage with his followers.
“What my young people tell me — and nobody over 12 really understands this — is video is increasingly important,” he told NBC News. “And I’m not particularly happy about that. I kind of think it’s OK for people to actually read for five minutes. But I’m told less and less that that’s the case and that people increasingly want to see video. So we’ll do video.”
That's how you can tell someone thought about something and went with what actually made the most sense They're not happy with it, but they're doing it because turns out it makes the most sense
It is talking about the issues, but I'm not sure I even agree with them Not about what the issues are, but that they ARE issues
yeah but what are you gonna do when it's already a trending hashtag
>>79920 i chose the word factors carefully they are contributing factors to the overall situation being regarded as an issue the causes for those factors are misconstrued i believe
No no, I got what you meant, I'm saying they are presenting them as issues, and while I don't disagree that they are some of the reasons behind it, I don't agree that they are issues
I don't think there's a problem in women not being electrical engineers as much as men, and men not being nurses as much as women That's not something I see as a problem, or an issue at all
And even if they were, the solution would be to have the government enforce parity, which I think is a horrible fucking idea altogether
As long as the pay for the same work is the same, and discrimination based on anything at all not directly related to job performance is outlawed, who... why do we give a shit what kind of people end up where in this system? What does it matter if 100% of people with power are women as long as no laws are passed discriminating between people? Like who gives a shit?
So what if 90% of bankers are jews, what does THAT matter?
Like oh no, women make less than men on average You know who also makes less than men on average? THE POOR IN GENERAL Like please
Why is it relevant who occupies what parts of a system? Isn't the most important thing, the only important thing, that the system functions and improves itself? Like let's focus on things that are inherently a problem rather than some bullshit about how a certain part of the whole system is affected differently from the failure. It's affecting everyone, come on.
Depends on your life philosophy.
You can pick any two demographics at fucking random and surprise motherfucker there will be earnings differences And that's fine
>>79927 it's a space that's being occupied which is part of the organic growth of any informational system, to have elements resting at their lowest energy state thinking that's harmful to the system would be favoring guided growth over organic growth, which i don't think any element of a system is able to be capable of doing more accurately than the organic growth but i could be wrong
Like if I told you the majority of lawyers have blue eyes, would you give even a SLIGHT fuck? But somehow people care if you swap blue eyes to a penis Like now it's a problem
>>79931 i don't think that's true though there are so fucking many female lawyers the males do tend to occupy more of the highest status roles and partner roles, but i think that's because we're still a generation behind on that. that's the folks who were doing it when it was still male-dominated field actually lawyers is a really broad field i'll refine that to like proper court attorneys and stuff not the greasy ones
I just picked an occupation at random, but now I learned something new too
You also picked a near-meaningless visual factor of the human body and one that determines drastic biological and sociological impacts on that person. Eyes and reproductive organs are by no means equal in terms of impact on who you are.
My point is that as long as it's not\\ Look, if the discrimination on eye color was shown to actually BE discrimination, I think we'd be up in arms over this I don't know why we're skipping the part where we show it to be discrimination and go straight to outrage instead
We have studies that show that there's some bias in hiring people with obviously black names That indicates a problem But there simply being fewer black people in whatever jobs this covered doesn't automatically mean discrimination, there's so many possible fucking reasons and we're just going "YEAH IT IS THE WORST ONE AND WE SHOULD MAKE AWFUL LAWS TO RECTIFY IT"
I think it would have [been impactful], regardless... Does that make you feel better.
Not really Would have been, if what Why that and not was impactful still don't think it does but that's okay
Again, would can also be used as a past tense of will. Which indicates an inevitable happening. Your reproductive organ has an inevitable effect on who you are.
Yeah, it's okay.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i would say your reproductive organ has an indirect effect on who are
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
mostly due to the environmental differences between the way a boy and a girl is reared
I think the terminology was impactful I think, for me, any impact was mostly negligible
>>79960 You know most big weapons can be taken out quite simply by one saboteur and even the biggest air carrier, can be sunk with a well placed torpedo and luck, by what is equilevant of a jetscooter with a torpedo strapped to it
>kids raise up against trump seriously? Stop flling children's heads with politics there is a good reason voting is 18+, because younger people don't really know better and aren't even ment to know. And now you have some kindergardeners or shit being told to "say this and this about the MEAN MAN TRUMP" Then again, equally ugly is when the opposite is done and kids say positive stuff they are told to say about some politicians etc.
But how does "this guy is eviiil and must be opposed" in terms of political preaching to kids differ from "god is good and X is eeeviiil and shouldn't be done" Kids don't know any better an adult, parent or any figure of authority says something to them, they think it is true.
>>79974 I never asserted it was any different. It's essentially the same. I'm saying it's part of being a parent. Teach your kids to recognize bad things.
No way, that just means you abdicated your duty of teaching them ideas to someone else. It's either you do it or someone else does it. These things don't come out of thin air.
Also a good parent let's the kid form ideas about politics and world views on their own, and only corrects them when is needed And that would be a good teacher too, but then again >modern teaching in schools
>>79977 Yes they don't come out of air they come to them when they are taught in schools in tax payed or private paid facilities with quality requirements, filled with people who earn their living by talking about this stuff
If you want them to believe in the ideas that your tax system spends its money on, go ahead. If you want to teach your kid how to identify when the system ain't right, you have to do it yourself. This idea that parents should just let their kids find things out on their own isn't necessarily a smart one because it does not make anything better. It just changes who tells them things.
Such an ideal would only appeal to people who don't really care about how their kids turn out.
hornet remained localized to one area for four hours i go downstairs to take a shower come back up 30 minutes later hornet is nowhere to be found i am gonna die
Also having kids infront of cameras saying htings they clearly have no clue about, but are told to say is just equally cynical as hiring big celebrities etc, to promote your shit, regardless how they think about it. Thinking that "since this guy approves of it, the masses shall follow". Of course here it doesn't go with the "sheep will follow" thin, but rather the idiotic "think of the children" card
Or "if a child thinks it is so, then any adult that disagrees is inferior"
>>79981 So according to you, parents who leave the political and societal education of their child mostly to teachers, don't care at all about their kids and are bad parents?
>>79988 Yeah pretty much it was either kids talking to each other, or political history or history of movments lectured by teachers/discussed in school and I might have gone talk to my parents or other adults I knew about shit, but it usually was just "that's nice, but did you know that you are quite wrong" with an amused smile about "how dumb this kid still is"
When Obama ran in 2008, everyone at school was excited and talked about it, but there wasn't even any discussion about it We all just rallied around the idea of Obama running even though we didn't understand any of it
It /// Even after I started studying politics really intensely, nobody ever really talked about it except for people online
The only things I thought about politics were the politicians with same names as my friends&family or similiar names and Itsevaltiaa - Autocrats a political satire cartoon, that was fun even if you were a kid and didn't understand the satire.
and of course "äänestä Ahoa, muuten saat Halosta" president election slogan of Esko Aho running against Tarja Halonen in 2000. "Vote Aho, or you'll get (struck by) a log" Halko - firewood/log
And I remember some teachers of politics/societal stuff being biased about some things, but it usually just shew up as jokes and shit, clearly stuf that wasn't ment to be taken seriously and wasn't part of the curriculum, but the teacher just being a human.
>>79994 It might be. Among all the poor white families here, there was always just this sort of understanding that none of it mattered because we didn't have power over any of it.
My grandparents were pretty political. Or at least, my grandfather was. But I didn't really get to know him well until I was 18.
I mean my parents never really talked about politics with me and my siblings. But I think that may have been a casual indifference to politics from them, really. Plus we were next-door neighbours with a federal constituent for a party, so I think they voted for him since they could trust him to understand their frustrations and concerns.
Or perhaps a fragment of American Christian thoughts. Teach a child in the way they should go, etc. but I'm sure it's a combination of the two. There's no escaping politics when black. So you learn it.
Did you know that in traditional christian way, it was the responsibility of the godparents, to teach the child how to grow up to be a responsible moral adult and a christian. The parents brought up the child otherwise, but questions of morality, and spirit and christianity were the responsibility of the godparents.
I don't have godparents. I have a lot of people that I considered older brothers and sisters and extra parents but no one has the title of godparent for me. That said, it was essentially the job of the "whole church" to "raise us".
>>80000 Just tossed that your way since you said "christians" Pretty much all branches of european christianity have godparenting still going on strong. Even in the traditional way
Nobody really taught me anything about morality. I've always just sort of did what I felt was right. My mother was terrible, which probably helped me learn to be moral.
I was never really instructed on it (aside from the one time I shoplifted when I was in a store with my mother) as a little kid. But I can see a lot of my parents' morality in me. But at the same time there's also things that conflict with them that I've picked up.
I neer really remember having any big discussions or lectures about shit from my parents I did something wrong, I got spanked or chastised for it and told why it was wrong and shouldn't do it and if I found something weird, I asked a question and got explained the matter the best it could, by the adults present. And I think most people are pretty much raised up like that.
The OP is so good. I can't wait for the full version. I haven't read the manga, but apparently it originally had trouble getting published because it was too scary.
>all their (presumed) esp-kids sit without seatbelts umm Yeah Maybe try to keep them alive in case of car crash >>80019 Yeah so far can't say but... they are asleep and I presume their bodies are the same as normal humans and you can't really react in the about 0,1-2 seconds that it will take for you to DIE from a colission, when going from "asleep to flying in air"
they can probably survive if they get ejected from a vehicle they're pretty stronk
the cgi is bit jarring
also there are some errors like hearing "sitting down" sfx before the guy sits down and now in car scene, the background was moving, implying the car was moving (seen from windows), but it was actually standing still
I want to defrost some meat but I don't know where that hornet is. \ If I try, it might be attracted to the meat and I'm not sure if it'd be able to get into it.
I don't really care about its quality, but rather on just virtue of being in a bottle, will keep it colder and from going stale longer. So you can just drink it from a glass as you go, and pour when needed without needing to go order more
There's a microbrewery near my place that sells some of its beers in bottles that large, actually. It's either that or 500mL bottles.
>>80043 do it >>80044 i thought i wouldnt like the show cause of the designs but i liked it
Do what?
Maybe in the future. Right now I'm aiming for Breath of the Wild when the Switch finally gets a stock that lasts more than five minutes. And Yooka-Laylee that releases in under two weeks.
It is actually bit realistic portrayal of people I think. Since some people instead of gawking or panicking go into that kind of mindset when facing weird stuff