>>245961 I'm not trying to rain on your parade just because I'm Rika in this case but I did not find it to be a very fun game It kind of combined things I didn't like about mobas with thigns I don't like about fpses.
>>245974 as someone who likes mobas and FPS i found it to be a pretty fun game it combined things i like about mobas with things i like about fps
there is something about it that isn't as great as its constituent parts alone however the action of a good arena fps feels dulled and the customization of a moba is absent something about it is weak but it's addictive
One of the things I dislike about mobas is the ultimate abilities and the fact that everyone gets a chance to get kills. The smooths out the difference between good players and bad players.
I don't really like how mobas are just collections of broken characters, and overwatch definitely has that feel to it.
>>245985 i don't see how it makes a significant difference having the ultimate abilities in overwatch specifically none of them are good enough that an idiot is going to make a huge difference just by pressing the button they're all pretty situational and the different in ultimate generation between a bad player and a good player is noticeable
i think i understand the second part though every class has some kind of enormous advantage over the others in one way or another
I haven't played in awhile but some of the ultimates were game-changing bullshit where people could change the flow of the game by hitting a button. Reaper's ability was really strong, so was Mercy's. Then there were characters like Winston with awful ultimates.
>>245992 Reaper's ability needs to be timed and positioned right. Really most of them do. They aren't really "game changing bullshit" so much as they're powerful when used right.
>>245992 reaper's ult can be shut down by a lot of characters mercy's is probably the most game changing
>>245996 Fucking this I headshot reapers all the goddamn time as Hanzo or McCree when they ult Same with 76 and roadhog and McCree and Anna though
Back around the time I quit everyone was using that old sniper lady to boost reaper and then reaper would ult and wipe the entire team while flying around at a million times the speed of light.
>>245994 I think "you need to use it right" is one of those obvious statements that doesn't really need to be said. Some of them have ults that suck no matter what though, like Winston.
Another huge flaw with overwatch was how that little black rollerblades guy was required in every game. He was boring as sin to play but somebody had to bite the bullet and play him or you'd lose.
the game gets really different when you're playing at a higher level of skill a lot more team coercion required a lot less carrying
>>246004 When did you last play? Are you talking about comp?
>>246007 It's been awhile but I'm sure that if he has been nerfed, someone has taken his place. It's one of the realities that any team based game like that is going to have classes that are better than others. Even TF2 has a set in stone team comp for competitive play.
>>246012 I bet you're blowing smoke up my skirt. I bet if I google something like "overwatch tier list" some stuff will come up with 2-3 heroes that are required in every high level match.
game is pretty balanced right now tbh orissa is a little annoying and dva will always be even if she's garbo
>>246016 Meta heroes are meta even at mid-level play. One of the aspects of mobas is that the skill curve is dulled by abilities.
>>246011 the south korean team at some bullshit overwatch tournament recently used every character in the game at some point during their matches except for one i think google that and you'll get a few hits i'm sure granted they're south korean so they are bound to be good at this crap
Reminds me of a DotA team that at a relatively recent tournament, used every hero from the list they possibly could throughout the tournament. They took first place at the completition too. It happened because at a previous competition they got chewed out by people criticizing them for picking pretty much the same heroes every match. So they said "fuck it, let's pick them all then."
On a side note I think that's a pretty good sense of balance if you can pick from the entire roster and still win enough games to take first place
>>246024 they played with two of their players picking random shit against everyone including the like one other asian team they're just the best and they can adapt instead of all being meta maybe that's why they're the best
>>246034 literally the only way i was able to play comp dota
I think there's a fox in my backyard. At least I don't know what else might be making these yipping noises.
I hope my cat's not picking fights.
>>246036 what do you think would happen if you tried patting it
It would run. Or try and bite me. Also foxes stink like fucking hell and a half man they're only cute from a distance.
>>246034 Something like that kind of happened at the most recent major tournament actually. A hero that hadn't been picked much or at all in the pro scene got picked up by a team, and the panel that was watching the draft was going all "well this hero isn't very good, but I guess we can see what the team does". And then that team proceeded to win the game. And then win another game where they picked the hero.
>>246034 I usually build my mtg decks outside of the meta, so sometimes there are normally really good decks that I just absolutely destroy. I really need to retool my deck though
>>246038 Tilde pretty much identified the two likely results. Either they will run or they will bite you. They carry disease too so you don't want to be bitten by them.
i wouldn't want to be bitten by a non diseased animal either!
>>246044 Well, that is true. When you get bitten by something like a fox, it will run away and then you have to get shots like it was diseased. So whether it's diseased or not you're going to suffer.
Yeah, it's best to avoid situations where animals bite you! The test for rabies involves catching them and chopping their heads off too. So it's best if they don't bite you for their sake too.
dang it now that i'm trying to do hotel shopping during free data hours kirara isn't here i don't know whether it's more important to have two beds or to have one bed but have a jetted tub
Deluxe King Jetted Tub-This spacious room offers guests 500+ square feet of living space, equipped with a king bed, sitting area with queen sofa bed, and a large work area. This room also includes a refrigerator and wet bar, in addition to a spacious closet and Jetted Tub
oh shit there's ALSO a queen bed that's not a bad deal at all
it's advanced rate purchase meaning i pay and it's done but i get a better deal so i'll wait for kirara i guess to make sure? well i'll at least sleep on it and take a second look
>>246054 Why are you calling me a pervert? My sister can't get pedicured because her feet are too ticklish so I thought maybe it would be something like that.
Anyways, get learned https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_fish
WEll I slipped while trimming some too long hairs that came over my ear and gavemyself a near baldspot and then I just went "fuck it, shaving my hair to 1-2cm"
what is that even trying to say? "Don't become a log management admin"? Is that the whole thing? Someone paid for a billboard to discourage one specific career path?
It's probably the most disgusting part of this whole system. Why do we live in a system where it's a threat to people if their job isn't necessary anymore? That's insanity
That should be the goal of every job. Rendering itself unnecessary.
Then tell me why unemployed people have highest depression and suicide stats, even in countries like ours where you can easily live on the state wellfare?
>>246162 Because they're unemployed in a system where your value as a human being is calculated using your job
>>246163 So an utilitaristic system like communism would value not doing anything? then you are useless
No, it wouldn't. Of course the goal is for nobody to NEED to do anything, but that's like super late game shit But isn't it better if a system encourages automation because it benefits EVERYONE rather than just whoever owns the automated business? >>246166 That's a complete non sequitor and it's literally happening right now anyway
And then you have it even worse >>246167 Because of leftist policies
The US doesn't HAVE those
not on state level
No you don't understand here The US doesn't HAVE a left in power They have democrats and republicans, both of which are on the right on just about every single issue
The one where fringe groups from the left rose up and as a counter to that fringe groups from the right banded up and now they are clashing simple shit
the one where schools, bureaucracy, administration and many levels have become filled with leftist leaning people who can only see what they have been taught about the world and everything clashign with that is "fascist nazi racism"
>>246178 It is result of them pushing back and radicalising over time eventually the "weakest" give up or get alianated by the more radicals in their groups and then those groups become the same as the ones they oppose, just in different colours
I doubt youc ould cure cancer by just rewriting dna, though well I guess with the tech you have, you'd eventually figure it out but if you just make the tech and can only turn people into dinosaurs, you wouldn't know how to do it.
Huh? Cancer is the genes going haywire, of course if you could rewrite their code you could stop cancer
>>246184 but which cancer you start with, is the problem and most likely over time other haywires would occur and new types of cancer would emerge
If yer smart enough, maybe you could make cells detect and attack cancer cells
kirara i wanted to talk to you about it before bookin a hotel because i'm gonna do a NO REFUNDS advance purchase to save dollaridoodles
i'm not sure how to difficult parking will be at this particular one though it may be paid parking which will run us like 20 bucks a day probably and be a little stressful
>>246199 paid parking at a hotel is pretty unusual i dont mind $20 a day though there's a few of us so that's doable if we gotta
also since jan is coming in on the 2nd, I'm thinking I'm probably going to come in on the 2nd as well so that'd be 2-3 and 3-4 just two nights of hotel
if we pick up a rental car after noon on the 2nd and drop it off on the 4th before noon that'd take a bit off the price of that too
>>246201 well hold up i didn't show you the thing i had to go attend to potatoes uh, >Deluxe King Jetted Tub-This spacious room offers guests 500+ square feet of living space, equipped with a king bed, sitting area with queen sofa bed, and a large work area. This room also includes a refrigerator and wet bar, in addition to a spacious closet and Jetted Tub for some reason the one bed king room also has a queen sofa bed
we can do this or we can do two queens plus a queen sofa bed (???) both for the same price but the two queen doesn't have a JETTED TUB
it'll be st louis city center hotel, which st louis parking is pretty rough because of all the businesses everything is paid parking and gotta do the ticket validation and all that crap
>>246202 this works for me but the festival starts at 10am on the second. we don't have to be there early but it's kinda cool to umm yeah, that all works just let me know what the plan will be i'll have to coordinate something i'll hold off on the final non-refundable purchase until i'm sure we're not doing the first
>>246204 i'm fine with either of those I'd prefer not to share a bed but i don't think jan minds that haha so the tub might be better idk anything about the parking though
hopy shit http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/things-to-do/events/pokemon-go.aspx haha fuck there aren't SHIT for pokemon out in this rural af area i can't wait i'm gonna have a blast >>246205 i'll sleep in the fuckin tub i dont care
Do you know what time Jan's flight comes in?
dw about the parking it's just a side thought >>246207 im not sure i gotta take off i'll be back in a little while text that idiot and ask him what time i'll take another gander at hotels i feel like it's a waste to even get a car almost but it's not i don't think we'd have time to go to old town saint charles and have ice cream at the river hmmm that would have been fun i'll try and figure it out
alright I'll try to find out his times yeah
if we can go everywhere we need without a car that's fine with me but i don't mind chipping in on a car
yeah 200 (and less if it's not on the 1st) ain't bad is it okay if you rent and i pay ya for it i just dont want the hassle of trying to get temporary personal insurance
kirara and jammy http://v.fastcdn.co/u/86975b4d/20565481-0-JFest-2017-Schedule.pdf here is the festival schedule
>>246203 if we drop off the car before noon on the 4th i think that means we won't get to be at the festival on the third err on the fourth* we'd miss kauro watanabe i guess that's okay
i want to make sure i get you guys out to old town saint charles for an ice cream deito at the river but it's like 40 minutes away drive
This manga is good. http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Yogen-no-Nayuta
>>246229 the opening ceremony is at 11am on the second if it's possible i'd like for us to go to that but i dont even know if jammy's flight will be in by then let alone if we try to rent a car after noon we're not gonna make it from the airport to the festival without a car
when you get the time take a little gander, pick out the things that seem good to you i know a few that are must-do events
i want to try to get us to old town saint charles for about an hour or two we might just do that first thing when yall arrive
if we're not making it early for the opening ceremony, there's not much to miss and it's gonna be packed as heck anyway on the 3rd we'll want to get there early for easy parking we might have a long walk on the 2nd but that's okay
>>246268 sometimes i wonder if the RNG isn't so R on the enemies oh gee i pulled my young tiki out instead of athena so i can save athena for the end if i need it suddenly julia and dragonslayers on every map
>>246270 The past few days it has been like pretty much default units that died easily. Today is was super units with lots of custom skills that were very difficult to kill.
ive been getting memed by wings of mercy so much i want to cry by the random enemies even, not even in arena i really need to double check their skills but i get so impatient sometimes i have not a lot of time when i do take breaks so i wanna pack as much in there as i can
Yeah, those were all really tough. I wonder if there is a unit score thing going on there.
I was getting As and Bs for speed and survival, even though I was taking a lot of turns and going through 3-4 teams. Yesterday I was getting nothing but Cs and Ds even though I was clearing maps in 2-3 turns and using 1-2 teams per run.
>>246277 my flight would land in st. louis at 12:38 pm and I'd have to // and my flight home would be 7:35 am that's the only flight available that isn't ~$300
>>246283 okie-doke and that's on the second? i'll book the hotel, you schedule the car rental and i'll pay you for it jan'll get here at 1130 or whatever and we'll chill at the airport til you get there if for some reason your flight is delayed i can show jammy the metrolink and we can chill around the city til you get here but that shouldn't happen
looks like we got a plan boys
yeah, the 2nd car will be $150 or so my flight is frontier because i hate myself
yeah that's fine ill cover it just try not to get somethin too shitty or i'm gonna make fun of it the whole trip
they'll probably give us options for the vehicle when we arrive all we can do online is pick a type of vehicle
i could borrow a ride but for three days that would be an inconvenience i was thinking i could just pay someone that 150 bucks to lemme use their car i'm insured on for a few days but if there was an emergency they'd be screwed out here in this rural shit so i decided against it
i know my way around the city but you might have to drive since it's your rental? im not sure how that works st louis drivers are fuckin cray cray just fyi i think you'll be fine though
>Hot Take Hour Cville
>>246292 i can put you on as a driver maybe I'm not sure I'll see
kirara are you still here? another note, because i still consider this a work trip any filming that we want to get done, we'll probably want to come pre-festival hours on the 3rd, like at 9am we can do that on the 4th too i guess before we take jammy back
it obv won't work if we want to film one of the events, but that might be difficult to do anyway so maybe we'll stake out a spot on the 2nd that we say "oh this would be a great film spot" and just capture the garden instead of one of the events maybe the wooden bridge in the japanese garden by the koi pond
we just need to get 10 or 15 minutes right we should be able to sneak that in people feed the koi fish all the time and they're real pretty, tons of ducks too although tbh i've seen one of the koi fish eat a duckling before it was scary that's probably not what we want on the recording
i told cortana "stop searching the web" and she searched the web for "stop searching the web" and the top result was "how do i get cortana to stop searching the web"
this is fuckin looney tunes shit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sounds like cortana isn't very self aware
sounds like cortana's a fucking cunt from h*ck
are you still travelin samsam whereabouts you at now
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>246337 west coast of canada gon check out the eclipse tomorrow morning what's up with you
>>246338 i live at the apex of where the eclipse is supposed to be THE BEST and i'm fuckin tired of hearing about it news, stopping at the gas station, radio broadcasts, it's everywhere i hope it's cloudy as fuck and ruins it for everyone like the weather currently predicts tbh i think it'd be way cooler on a cloudy day the colors on the clouds would be amazing we only normally get to see that at sunset
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
am i detecting hints of spite yeah that must be a little annoying, it's such a rare event so i imagine everyone is talking about it
i don't think it's that interesting to be honest maybe i've been disillusioned from the romantic ideals but man majoring in physics you just feel like so what this almost happens every month
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
uh huh solar eclipse every month ok
almost ecliptic plane makes it not so easy i don't like it i already fuckin hate going outside okay now there's a thing that's gonna blind you if you're outside
i'm just not much for the experience i guess i'm not much into astro either but even if i was there's plenty of people collecting the data i'm not much of a human these dayss
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sounds like you're going through some rough times
i don't feel like it i just feel really cynical all the time i've been too obsessed with data i guess i dont think about things right anymore
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i used to feel the same way especially 2014-2016 getting out of my routine and into nature has helped ground me a lot
i'm growing radishes and rutabagas and hopefully turnips but they're being shitheads and probably won't grow it definitely plays a role in something but i'm not sure what i'm not sure if i want to work with data i think i just want to make doll clothes i'd probably be a happier, poorer person
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
spending so much time with abstractions seems to have an unbalancing effect on me i used to be so stuck on models and ideas that i couldn't appreciate some simple life experiences and shrugged it away as all being bs
i try to enjoy nature but i just think about the bugs and critters and how the ecosystem is playing out in the soil and what protective species i should introduce to my garden in order to combat the unwanted ones and then i have to take care of all these feral cats so that they can protect me from rabbits and moles and voles and oppossums and i end up getting worried about them on the individual level and it makes me distressed because i have to think about them on the ecological level and stuff
even why i try to relax my brain is trying to order things in a dynamic system interplay and understand how the systems developed it's fascinating but i don't even feel human most of the time when i'm doing it i feel so robotic
i know what you mean, i can get stuck staring into the abyss sometimes thinking about feedback loops and systems and my place in them all i used to be super anxious about them all the time i'm not sure how i escaped that mode but therapy and dropping acid may have played their part and mindfulness stuff
and i can't program for shit i have no formal training there it's hard being a mathematics person interested in data structures when i can't code for fuck
nobody wants to take me seriously and i don't know what my boundaries are i just want to make normalization algorithms for cleaning up audio channels and i can put an algo together to plan for that but i can't stitch together the seams of how to make a computer do it that's why i'm always asking and shit i don't know what i can do or cant do i can probably figure out the way to make it work but i dont have the time to do that kind of problem-solving while on deadlines you know
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
screw formal training write a little program that does something silly
My CS friends wwere always really confused when I would ask them about algorithms that weren't operating on "data structures".
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>246353 i believe you can learn those little details you just have to start somewhere with something small that's the way i learned, i was self taught by trying to write text adventure games
Leaving for eclipse roadtrip in llike fifty minutes.
>>246354 i wrote a program in python that solved sudoku puzzles in the slowest possible format i was gonna write about it but i realized i couldn't prove it was the slowest possible way to solve a sudoku
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>246357 oh good luck i hope you make it past the gridlock
>>246359 Already checked traffic Well, we're going halfway tonight, another hhalf in the morning, but wwe aarent going to Carbondale sso it should be fine.
>>246361 i have a really hard time keeping it together for more than like three hours i'm constantly consumed in something else i have a doctor's appointment next month finally after two years i'm hoping i can be put on some meds to help me out again
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i hope you can put your mind at ease perfection is the enemy
have you ever thought of joining forces with tilde together you two would be like captain plant except for canada captain canada
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'd like to see tilde sometime haven't been to his area for a while now
but it looks like i might be returning to SF this fall
did you get a hit i'm still tryin to seek investors in palo alto i have had a few opportunities but i'm so scared of them they all have wristwatches worth more than my life i want to make sue // sure ive got something solid lined up
i found a potential investing partner but i'm not sure i agree with the way they want to go so i might pursue my own again go ahead and [insert snarky comment here] i do it all the time but hey at least it's a dream to follow
My health insurance is increasing by $300 a month starting in October. I'm expected to pay $15600 for health insurance in 2018. That doesn't even include dental.
yeah and i got scoffed at when making my appointment when i said i was paying out of pocket and didn't have insurance like how tf are we expected to pay more for insurance than the cost of healthcare
My mom was going to be employed starting in September and she'd get benefits which I was going to use, but her respiratory therapy program fucked her over and cost her a job. They told her that she could take her tests which make her employable on a certain date and then now that that date has come, they told her that she actually can't until the end of the month and they didn't know that was the policy of the school. She had been offered a tentative position at a hospital and gave that employer the dates which she would be taking the tests and when she would get her license, but now that timeline isn't going to work, and she told her potential employer who apologized and said they needed to have that position filled and would have to hire someone else.
I told my mom that she needs to throw a fit because the program chair gave her incorrect information which cost her a job and quite a bit of time, and my grandmother started lecturing me on how when something like this happens, all you can do is stay calm and ignore it because you have no power over it anyway. So I told her that if you just cower when people fuck you over, nothing will ever change, and she just kept telling me that it's wrong to speak out against it and gave me the "life's not fair" speech. That program chair fucked her student over by providing incorrect information when she should be expected to have correct information as the head of the program, and she needs to take responsibility for it, I think.
After giving me that speech, my grandmother asked to speak to the manager to complain about how she didn't think /// how she felt like her dinner was too fatty and got it taken off her bill. I guess she doesn't realize the irony of telling someone that you should just sit there and take it when something wrong happens because there's nothing you can do. Her calling the manager over was incredibly embarrassing. My mom was wearing a top that showed her bra through it very clearly.
>>246323 >>246376 not to detract from the conversation going on but here's this
I don't know why I keep agreeing to go when this shit always happens. I guess that's my rant for the evening.
>>246377 >>246323 That sounds fine, but my flight home would be leaving at 7am on the 4th, so we can't do anything before we take Jan to the airport unless you mean very early in the morning.
>>246384 The fine would be $700. Without insurance, I would end up paying about $700 a month for my medications, plus about $300 every three months for appointments with my psychiatrist, and then I have my ear-nose-throat doctor that I have to see periodically, my cardiologist that I see once every six months, my brain doctor who checks on the condition of my brain tumor periodically, and there's probably more that I can't think off of the top of my head. The brain doctor appointments are more than a thousand dollars without insurance although I only see them once or twice a year.
>>246385 this is the exact reason i fell through the cracks either pay 300 a month for insurance or 180 worth of meds a month but if i dont // if i can't afford insurance i get fined on my taxes so i have to pay more money for not being able to afford insurance?? it's so fucked up
>>246385 Well it was a little bit hyperbole, but you are also kind of approaching the level of cost at which your insurance is as much as your doctors bills.
>>246387 I don't think you'll find anywhere here who will tell you that it isn't messed up.
i need to get my heart and my neck vertebra checked out and probably my brain checked out for brain damage progression but i can't even get the meds i need to go to work to get the money to do that shit why's everything so fucked up
>>246388 Yeah. It's incredibly fucked up. I might as well just not have health insurance although if I do that, nobody will want to treat me if something happens to me.
I'm on private insurance, not Obamacare. So it's probably just going to keep increasing in price whether Obamacare gets fixed or collapses. Neither of those are likely, though. Congress won't be touching another health care repeal bill for a while because they fucked up their shit and if it's going to collapse, that'll be in a few years.
>>246393 It's in the Cthulhu OOC thread. You can go read about it there.
>>246392 I didn't just mean Obamacare, I meant the whole system. Insurance in general is messed up because everyone is expected to prop up the aging boomers. Obamacare does have an impact on the rates for people on private insurance too though. But mostly the problem is the boomers.
>>246395 There is not a good solution. The two options are: fix it and people lose coverage, or let it collapse. The government seems to have decided that the best option politically is ot let it collapse and then fix it.
Well, I'll agree that they've decided the best option is to let it collapse, but I have doubts anyone in government honestly wants to fix it. Well, congresspeople will probably fix part of it because they need it, but they'll just keep the working parts of the system for themselves
Nobody really cares about the people. It doesn't matter if people die because there will always be more people. People like me unfortunate enough to have bad health RNG aren't really necessary for our society to continue functioning so it's fine if I die.
There are a lot of things that the government can get away with not fixing. Health care is not one of them.
People will either stick their heads on pikes or vote them out of office if it stays too bad for too long. This is why Trump backed off on repealing and replacing obamacare, the political cost was clearly too great and they realized this when people started screaming about how they would lose their coverage.
healthcare is most certainly one of them how else do you explain republican control of congress? with democrats in close second
>>246400 Just let health care collapse so that you can look like the hero who picked up the pieces and fixed it You can even blame the collapse on Obama and his system I bet people would buy it
>>246404 Well, yeah. People will always be promising to fix it. They've been promising to do that for decades and haven't because they serve big business interests, and when the people finally get fed up and vote someone else into office, they'll be voting in someone that serves big business interests because the we don't get to pick our politicians.
They haven't fixed healthcare because Americans have rights the government can't fuck with Amnerican rich people anyway, if you're poor you get fucked anyway
>>246405 They'll slap this generation's bandaid on it though. Right now young people are hurting because boomers are driving the prices up and not paying their share. That is a problem that can be fixed, either with much higher prices for boomers or less coverage for boomers.
>>246409 >>246410 I mean, that's really the way it goes isn't it? One thing that's important to understand about healthcare is that there will always be scarcity because there is no shortage of denial, people will get sick in ways they can't fix and they will throw money at the problem until they die. This is particularly true with the boomers, many of them are going to be sick in ways they can't fix over the next few decades.
The only thing to do is make them pay for it or give them less coverage. Young people won't be willing to work themselves to death for their sakes for too long.
>>246421 This is one of the reasons people who know nothing about health care should stay out of any debate involving it. You are not killing people by making decisions regarding health care. Killing people is what you want to do, taking a gun and shooting them.
Managing a person's treatment is a much more nuanced question. It is an absolute truth that everyone will die, and many of them will die to illness.
>>246424 You can't save people by pumping money into their veins. Everyone will die eventually. Health care is about finding a happy compromise between the competing interests of costs, quality of life, and length of life.
Do you honestly think an armed uprising in the US has any possibility of success?
A lot of workers and innocent people would die, martial law would be declared, the government would take away more of our rights, the economy would worsen, and the people would suffer even more than they are now.
>>246426 Let's pretend all the Nazis are now communists. Do you think an armed uprising has any chance of success?
>>246425 At the moment? hell no, the fash are winning
Why? Our police agencies have tanks and assault rifles.
>>246425 >yes support our new rightist government, you don't wanna be like those evil commies who tried and armed uprising responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans do you? This is exactly what would happen
>>246479 consider putting bowbreaker on your robin with triangle adept triangle // oh wait not bowbreaker i'm sorry gronnraven triangle adept affects colorless weapon advantage too this lets her deal with every archer except in cases where they have specials ready you may need bowbreaker for that to work i don't remember
she's really good at that i'm going to do that for one of my robins
I might do something like that with my Robin. She's pretty much just base Robin right bow though, I think she knows gronnraven, but just the normal version, not gronnraven+.
>Imouto comes and asks "do you have any Harvest Moon games? >Open desk drawer, pull out two games >Go to bedside table, grab two games >Go to cupboard, pull out four games >"I have this many Harvest Moon games"
Granted a few of them were Rune Factory games but I guess the titles really add up over the years
>>246482 i'm either doing that or paying 20k feathers to up a merric just so i can give her excalibur i thought flier emblem was dead but it's more utilized than i expected
>>246484 I have too many things I need to do to really fuss with green Robin. The next thing to do is 5 star Zeph, and then make a healer Chrom. I also might want to put renewal 3 on Amelia.
>>246488 i 5*'ed my zeph but i dont know how to make him not shit he's a great unit but i dont have the kind of teams that can utilize him for anything maybe now that i have a fae i can work him in with a summer robin +1 but i dont know
I might do Effie instead of Zeph though. One issue I have is that I have a lot of units competing for red spots. Olivia is usually my red unit, and I want to turn Chrom into a healer so he will need a spot too.
>>246503 you're not missing out on much tbh i feel like the kinds of people that are mindblown by a solar eclipse are so far distanced from the true beuaty of the universe it's not even amazing in comparison
>>246504 Yeah, I don't really care about it. You can't actually see the solar eclipse anyway. All you can see is a small sliver of light which you know is the sun even though you can't actually see it. I think people buy into it because the media goes around saying it's a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see it!
>>246505 Yeah. Classes start tomorrow. My schedule is kind of bothersome though.
>>246502 Lots of stuff. New Legendary Trinket mission Which a couple of us are trying to get the scavenger parts to. We're trying to get all that before the expansion releases in September.
>>246506 i'm more interested in the data that comes out of it than the event itself
>>246506 It's not once in a lifetime though There's another eclipse
solar eclipse in southern Illinois in like 2022 or something
>>246507 I don't know what those things are but I'm glad you're having fun. What class do you play?
>>246510 There will be another right across the USA sometime in the next decade too. I don't think Florida gets a very good look at either of them though.
>>246510 Well, it's not as common that the are viewable by such a large population of people.
>>246511 Trinkets add to your stats. They're rings, accessories, etc Legendary Weapons/Armor are all at the highest tier of stat selection (Ascended), but the difference between Legendary and Ascended is that you can swap the stats for free. So if you're playing a class with very different builds, you can swap the stats on a thing rather than having to swap it for another armor piece. That said, there are only a few good stat types that one would use. But if they ever come out with a new one, you don't have to do too much effort to get the new ones, just swap to it.
wow, I really have to restart my computer >>246518 I play Engineer. Primarily the Scrapper subclass. It gets to use Hammers. The next expansion gives us Swords. >>246520 Later
Engineer is the really bad class that everyone blames for everything that they don't blame Thieves on. It's the least played profession in the game. Or at least it has been for some time, the numbers might have changed since then. It started off really poorly as a profession and ArenaNet kept killing all of our good builds. But we eventually got better things. It still has some problems but it's not terrible anymore. We have the highest DPS rotation in dungeons and raids now. Although the rotations are quite... ridiculous.
Yeah, that's the thing about the Engineer. It's a piano profession. Engi and Elementalist have really high level skill rotations. Most professions just have a single weapon swap that they can do. Engi and Ele don't have that. Instead you have kits and elements. You have to choose a kit as a utility skill or an elite skill (well, you don't have to, it's optional) And that gives you another set of weapon skills. The high DPS rotation for Engineer revolves around having high condition damage so you can do lots of burning from 4 different burning skills that would be found in 3 different kits and your off-hand pistol. So you end up with a rotation that's like Pistol 4, swap to Flamethrower FT 4, swap to Bomb Kit Bomb 2, swap to Grenade Kit Grenade 2, 4, 1, 1, swap to Bomb Kit Bomb 2 is off cooldown, use that. Flamethrower, 2, 3, back to Grenade and you're rotating through all of these kits and you have to know which one is off cooldown and when before you swap to that kit in order to maintain that maximum rotation. It's a big mess
Engineer was lauded as the class that requires three buttons to accomplish the same thing that every class does in one. And it's literally the truth. But once we learned what was good and what wasn't, we just overtuned it until people cried OP. This is the rotation >>>/watch?v=z5jcpc5AOiw The biggest thing to notice here is really the skills that get swapped. It's a mess
oh yeah, it actually adds the Elite Mortar Kit into the rotation too. But it's mainly the burning from Bomb 2, Pistol 4, FT4, 3, 2, Bleeding from Grenade 2, as well as all of the explosions from bomb and grenade because of a trait and then poison from grenade 5, Pistol 2, Mortar 2 and you spam grenade 1 since it's 3 grenades at once and each apply vulnerability so you can maintain 25% extra damage on the enemy for your team. Each grenade has a chance to cause bleeding and every crit has a chance to cause bleeding So you end up working out +10k damage bleeds and +10k damage burn ticks every second at some parts
And the longest lasting launch bugs too. Lots of things just didn't work right for a while. Necros are pretty strong now though. Essentially, after they changed how condition damage worked lots of things got a lot better. Necros, Engis, and Eles especially. Ele was always good but now they have Condi as an option. So you can bleed, burn, poison people to death. Although, right NOW, the problem is that condi builds are out of control and ArenaNet is not giving us adequate ways to deal with it.
I would recommend Path of Fire but I feel like it wouldn't be as interesting if you don't know what happened in Heart of Thorns. You kill the second dragon in HoT and then the living story stuff runs you up until Balthazar shows up and now we have to kill one of the old human gods from GW1 that haven't been seen for two centuries
Kind of inrelated but because you said "Path of" I know Pan has veen playikg path of exile
The new Elite Spec for Engi is Holosmith. We convert light into energy and use it as a weapon. But if you stay in the Photon Forge mode for too long, you explode and lose like... half of your HP. It's really fun though. People who play Engineer a lot are already bracing for strong nerfs because the damage is intense.
That sounds a bit up my alley. I really like it when you get to go big or go home...half dead.
The traits for Holosmith are REALLY FUN Each of them change the Heat mechanic. So you get an extra 50% to the maximum before exploding and also get stronger while above 100% Or the mode where your heat doesn't disappear even after you leave Forge mode but the explosion deals damage to enemies instead of you. And the third one is where you lose heat every time you dodge and when that happens, you burn things around you It's just damage everywhere and it plays differently depending on which of the grandmaster traits you take. The bonus explosion and never losing heat until you pass 100 is probably what I'm going to play a lot.
I'm in a bar that is showing GoT man I should catch up this shit is all different
The show's now far past the point the books were at when I read them all. And I'd kind of like to finish the books as their own entity without watching the show.
>>246595 the books will never be finished George is struck with the curse of success he'll maybe write one more book but otherwise the show is his outlet now
oh yeah, i've been hearing about that a lot i still haven't watched any of it like any at all i figure one day when it's all finished i'll sit down and watch it for a week straight
do'nt buy into the normie meme it's not worth the hype
>>246665 I'm kind of doubtful that's the exact situation. Even before the show began there was a huuuuge hiatus from the fourth book and the fifth. The fifth came out around the time the show was beginning, after the fourth was published...late 1990s? Early-2000s?
Martin seems to have just gotten lazy, and having additional revenue from the show probably doesn't help. But at the same time, imagine working on the same literary work for like, fifteen years straight. Probably gets you a little burnt out as a person.
Also I have no citation for this but I think Martin is mostly hands-off on the show's writing nowadays.
>>246680 Hey Bangu. Do you have any hairstyles you really like? I really like drill hair for example. >>246684 Yes. Do you prefer short or long fluffy though?
i don't know that i like any hairstyle specifically i just like when it fits the character and looks good
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>246676 none of what you're saying is contradicting my point
>>246685 I don't think the show's his outlet because he's not outputting much into it. He gets far more out of it than what he puts in. There's also the fact that he seems to provide evidence that he's working on the sixth book, even if he's taking forever on it.
There's two more books he's got planned for the series before it wraps up, with any luck he can finish the seventh before he croaks. Otherwise I guess the fantasy world could just get Brandon Sanderson to write the finale again.
>>246665 >struck with the curse of success J.K.Rowling finished Harry Potter. I think it's more to do with the guy being lazy. There is also probably some added stress due to the tv series making the books so popular so he might feel like nothing he writes is good enough. But considering how big Harry Potter got and the time between books before the tv series started I think it's largely laziness. His outward appearance does not help with my opinion on this.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>246689 right he's lazy and a wildly successful co-executive producer beyond anyone's wildest dreams a deadly combo >>246686 it's too late the seventh will never happen how behind will he be at that point?
actually rika reminded me of important context i was not making the effort to think about at the moment yeah basically she'd suck a dick if it looked at her friendly
>>246690 it's probably just going to be anime original ending with a much better manga ending thats finished 15 years later
>>246690 It depends on how much of the timeline the sixth book will cover really.
Also yeah I'm pretty sure the writing for the television series has started going off-plot relative to the story Martin is writing for the books. The story in Winds of Winter, when it finally comes out, might not even be the same story as what has comes to be in the television series post-book five.
Wait No I've got it Song of Fire and Ice 5: Episode 1
>WORLDS FIRST EVER no damage run in DS3 >all this fucker did was the same as previous no hit runs except he used spook to avoid taking fall damage why would you dedicate any amount of time to this shit
does it have cute girls and dorama? watching gamers has put me in a dorama kind of mood
>>246806 a mediocre show with really heavy handed psychological elements that will get ripped off for decades and worshipped by people with little actual experience watching anime?
>>246812 18if has drama kind of but it's a weird drama. It's still a good show and you should check it out some time. But Koi to Uso is pretty much as DORAMA as it gets.
>>246815 yeah this looks like it will have drama alright the name alone, jesus alright diving in
>>246828 The original ending as in episodes 25 and 26, or the original ending as in "the ending the wrote and couldn't use because it was too similar to a recent terrorist attack so they had to make up a new obe quickly"
>>246828 I wouldn't call the original ending a cop out. It still wraps up Shinjis internal dilemmas Out of what I could criticize about Eva, I wouldn't criticize the pacing I don't think I'd describe it as a show that ever wasted my time Just about every episode was pretty memorable
>>246833 it was totally a cop out they fuckin ran out of money
>>246838 My advice is all the advice you need. You probably aren't doing it right! Regulating your breathing is an important step, because if you do it right it will empty your mind and put you in a meditative state. The most common reason people have for having trouble sleeping is that they can't get their minds to stop going.
>>246846 Rika, I take a lot of meds that do things with my brain Those are why I have trouble sleeping These types of sleeping problems are not as easy to deal with as sleeping problems had by neurotypicals
>>246847 i take adderall twice daily and fall asleep within like an hour most of the time what do you take? >>246848 i was just kidding i don't deal drugs don't lynch me rika-kun
>>246850 tell that lesbo slut to button her blouse back up
>>246849 I won't lynch you if you follow my directives!
>>246849 Different people have different experiences with medicines
Anyways, I'm not gonna list them but three of my meds have insomnia as a side effect My sleeping problems seem to just get worse sometimes for no real reason, right now is one of those times
>>246863 Melatonin's done pretty well by me. Though only thing that's some times a problem is that it seems to make point where you get really close to waking up after about three hours of sleep really, really sharp for me. And some nights I end up actually fully awake way earlier than I want to be.
>>246865 i don't think i fully understand what you mean by the first part. do you mean you are easier to wake up when you take it?
There's a point for most people, after approximately three hours of sleep, that they break out of REM sleep and get closer to the sort of middling period between being awake and falling asleep. Ever since I've started taking melatonin, I feel like that point is much more distinct for me and I actually end up awake at the point. And then depending on the environment around me (light, sound, etc.) it cane some times be a little hard to fall back asleep, which sort of is detrimental to the point of taking melatonin. But in the end I don't know if this is actually caused by it, it might just be a coincidence or an indirect affect.
Going to bed Oyasumi /moe/ Hopefully I won't be killed and eaten by eclipse goblins (possibly not in that order) tomorrow in the early after noon.
i wish the eclipse wouldn't happen just to disappoint everyone looking forward to it
i hope spacetime stops right before the full eclipse
>>246867 oh, i think i get what you mean. that's happened to me a few times while using it, but not enough to be remarkable. i just passed it off as outside interference waking me up. i've never been unable to fall back asleep after waking up, either.
>>246871 I'll be very worried if it doesn't happen!
>>246873 In the end the benefits of more reliable and more satisfying sleep outweigh the costs. And really, waking up at that mid-point is arguably more "natural" sleep in some sense of the word. I've been happy with taking it regularly.
>>246874 i hope it misses by a smidgen and scares the dickens out of everyone
is rika there i have an IMPORTANT question to ask her
>>246896 i know right i think i have a few stale marlboro reds somewhere too but fuck that
marlboro reds are a case where you really don't want to taste it
they're alright i guess but not when left in some mexican's taxi cab for half a year in the california heat literally i bought them from someone who used to sell them to his customers before he moved to texas
they taste like shit but i saved some money
>>246859 but then you gotta sweep the boob or the face
>>246917 like what if there were two copies of you you felt what both felt your mind was one you simply had another naturally flexible body that existed alongside you
i want that superpower fuck invisibility or flight or mind reading or whatever i want to be multiball
I feel terrible. Doesn't help hat that it is Monday
>>246934 Light hearted you say? Reminds me of >>>/watch?v=H8qG4AlK1qk The phrase that is. If you enjoyed it then I shall give it a go. Thank you for the information.
I wanna go to space It'd be pretty peaceful Even if it got boring
>>246963 hungover af and watching the last of us longplay feels great i love hangovers
sounds pretty nice, I never played last of us but I hear it's a good movie >>246975 real space or anime space?
i wanna go to real space and be as far away from humanity as possible seeing things that only i get to see
if i don't get to do it in my lifetime shoot my corpse into space
will do capn
>>246977 Yeah either one will do nice. >>246979 This would be such a cool way to go out. Stick it in a capsual and let the cold vaccumn of space preserve your corpse.
then your corpse can land on some distant planet and cause life to flourish there
fuck why is my laptop power cable LED so bright why does it even have a stupid light
LEDs make your computer faster dude
what is it downloading more efficient gigawatts thanks to the blue LED that mildly bothers me when i'm trying to sleep
>>246982 The bacteria over there will feast off of my corpse Assuming it doesn't burn up in the atmosphere or splatter all over the ground from the impact
alright hooray I finished all the shit I needed to do now to drive for two hours before sitting on a lake and staring at the sun all day goodbye forever /moe/