I have eight (8) corrins. I wonder if I should make a respectable 4 star Corrin with them, or go for the gold and make a Corrin who can walk among whales.
But seriously people who go around "communismis good" even if you somehow impossibly avoid the totalitarian state you'll wound up with shit buildings and shitty looking places
>>243499 If TN complained about communism as much as sk complained about capitalism it would be a problem But he does it like less than 1/50th as much as sk complains about capitalism so its fine.
>>243506 well communism is when Only shit is built but leading architectural ideas now love building "utilitaristic" buildings or "functionalistic" not functionalism mind you, buildings things to serve the intended use and to look "stunning" without actually lookin good and that as a lover of architecture keeps offending me
especially as someone who likes functionalism, when done correct
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243507 i do complain when politics is brought into something random and it isn't relevant or wanted and i frequently tell SK to tone it down
I have played a lot of shmups but only bullet hells i have played are 2hus
I think they are the same. The only difference that I can really think of between bullet hell and shmup are the powerups.
Gradius is not a bullethell. R-type is not a bullethell. They do not flood the screen with bullets in the same way a bullet hell does. A lot of the danger in those games came from the environment and dodging pinpoint shots that react to the player dynamically. A bullethell tends to use more patterns which are less dynamic. >>243618 Are you implying that if a shmup used a ohko lives system then it would be a bullethell?
Like take Raptor series SHMUPS here they had veeery little dodging and more powerup collecting and knowing what to do with every opponent instead of dodging every bullet coming at you
that is what SHMUPS are to me Bullet Hells are "ohko" always to me
Bullet hell is just a lot of particles for a shmup
>>243623 Okay I will say that Bullet Hell is a shmup but just like in respect a hack'n'slash is a beat em up
in the end they are different in most mechanics
this is like saying souls games are hack'n'slash which they fucking ARE but they aren't
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243627 no, a beat 'em up is defined by using hand-to-hand combat and a hack n' slash game uses slashing weapons
>>243629 hacnk'n'slash uses ranged weapons and fists and anything nowadays
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoot_%27em_up#Bullet_hell_and_niche_appeal >A new type of shoot 'em up emerged in the early 1990s: variously termed "bullet hell", "manic shooters", "maniac shooters" and danmaku (弾幕, "barrage"), these games required the player to dodge overwhelming numbers of enemy projectiles and called for still more consistent reactions from players.[7][25]
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243630 if they use more than just slashing weapons, then it's an action game
>>243639 God of War is a third-person hack and slash action-adventur Devil May Cry (Japanese: デビル メイ クライ Hepburn: Debiru Mei Kurai) is a hack and slash video game series Bayonetta[b] is a hack and slash video game
>>243654 But have you played all of the titles in those series are you a big fan of Hack'n'slash genre?
>>243632 what's the point of the distinction then if the weapons are just aesthetics in the end
RPG is quite honestly a pile of trash as a genre. Not because the games are bad but because its ability to define a game is so awful.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243656 the distinction is pointless but it's still a distinction just because it's pointless doesn't mean we can just pretend the distinction doesn't exist
>>243655 i have played several of them hack'n'slash is fine i don't see how that's relevant to my ability to categorize things
I think Singularity is a good judge here that is a FPS with tiny rpg elements and if your game is more singularity than "something" than it isn't RPG and just FPS with rpg elements >>243658 I don't care how YOU categorise them the world does that different
If you want that much to be right sure feel go ahead won't help you much >>243675 I never denied that I simply said it has evolved to be called itself >>243676 Quote me, but mostliklely I ment that as "shmup feels to me one way and BH is another way"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i am right a bullet hell is a shmup
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you did say that you said a shmup was one way and a bullet hell was another way and that was it but that was wrong
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243602 this is saying that a bullet hell is not a shmup
And I went with all of my posts in this thread and yes few of them in the start imply >>243678 but that is like taking one page of a book and saying that is the whole book
what's your favourite shmup /moe/ I like Ikaruga because I think its gimmick is neat and its aesthetics are really cool I had a model of the Ikaruga once but it fell apart
>>243727 because your that has gotten worse ver the time or the timing is just bad with me over the years take it as you will but I each time you have said "I got dehydrated and shit" I have said either "take more water with you" or "drink water more before you head there or are there" or fucking whatever
>>243729 sorry I am sorry to put it this way but do you mean 2015 2016 I did not care a single fuck about you and you pretty much saying the same shit over the sumer
Lukas ended up being a really good addition. Not only does he have a soothing voice, he has 43 defense and 43 attack. As long as I keep him away from mages he is unstoppable. He even beats up most physical green units.
Deshou? I got her to level 40 today. She's so cute. I love her! Mine has a crappy IV though so I'm hoping to get another. She's really amazing even with a crappy IV, though.
>>243744 You are in the same position as me. I have mine at level 40 but her IVs are crappy. I want to get another. I am still rolling on Nohrian summer because it owes me a 5 star again soon.
Anyway, Amelia is still really good despite her crappy IVs. I need to dig up 20k feathers so I can gold Zeph to give Amelia an armor buddy.
I have an effie or two to five star as well, but she's lower priority. Amelia only needs one armor buddy for speed, and I have a somewhat decked out bridal Charlotte to do pretty much the same thing Effie does. She has draw back and brave lance+.
I just ended up spending a rreally long time looking at stuff on Twitter. I think iits a good thing that I dont actually use my account. Otherwise I'd bbe on it all day
>>243763 Isn't it? I hope they add a 4* unit with Lancebreaker 3.
We're getting Valter's GHB in two days. I hope his stats are good. He'll come with Panic Ploy which is kind of cool but it'll probably really kill bladetomes in Arena.
It can be easy to avoid, but the real problem is that it creates four lines which you can't have a blade tome user on. It drastically lowers your ability to place your units.
>>243782 Bladetomes have been the OP meta for a while. You can deal like 100 damage to an enemy without a special activating because bladetomes are so insane.
It might be easy to kill Valter, but people might start putting it on units that have a lot of survivability.
Panic Ploy is super annoying. You have to see it coming otherwise, you're screwed out of a turn. And even then, it's annoying to position and you might not have the proper range you need to end someone.
It's less annoying than 3d but it's a lot of effort. Not too fond of doing it
You ever do stop motion?
I did a lot of animation stuff in highschool, and I was thinking about it recently do I was just wondering what sort of experience you had with it. *so
Stop motion is a huge pain in the ass to do, but once you've finished shooting and editing and finally watch it, it feels really good to see it complete.
Animating was my worst subject. 2D animating was a lot easier than 3D and outside of the 2D class, and the game cycles class, I failed every animation course at least once.
>>243799 My best units are speed mages and it's hard to use threaten skills on them. I have threaten def on Lukas though. He tanks everybody out and then kills them with it.
>>243834 I have a bunch of mediocre 5* red units like Corrin, Marth, and Seliph. My good red units are Alm, Zeph, and Xander, two of which are GHB characters.
My only good 5* blue units are Nowi, Azura, Ninian, and Camus. I also have my 5* Clive at level 36 and he actually is insanely good. Oh, I have a Summer Corrin, but she has a bad IV. She's usable but I mostly use her for training. I guess I /// wait, that was Summer Robin that has a bad IV. I also have a Summer Corrin that's pretty good but I don't have the resources to turn her into a real monster and I don't have a flier team yet.
>>243835 isekai Shokudou is pretty great. So is 18if and Gamers!. You also might like Princess Principal.
>>243835 I really like Knights and Magic this season. The MC is a lot of fun and has a lot of drive to him and the robot knights have some swell designs.
Knights and Magic is a bit more of a niche show. I like it, but I feel it falls a bit short of a more generalized appreciation. After all you like it because you're a robot nerd.
Like if we're talking niche shows I'd add Made in Abyss and Ballroom e Youkoso onto the pile since they're both more niche shows I really enjoy. But they also feel like shows that people that don't appreciate that specific niche would go "eeeehh" to.
>>243844 Yeah exactly, Knights panders to me. I've been super late on Made in Abyss because of reasons, but I think it's a really good show. I'm not sure what you'd say is niche about it other than maybe the loli stuff. It's a well constructed fantasy adventure.
>>243845 My friend is really into it. Did they get to ANCAP village yet in the anime?
>>243849 I dunno I've been late and missed like 3 episodes I think another friend mentioned they got there
>>243845 Fantasy adventure romance is a niche genre. Made in Abyss doesn't fit into any super-popular genre in anime right now. You're right that it's well-constructed and I think it's a really interesting show, but the genre it fits into is pretty niche.
I didn't watch the new episode of Gamers or New Game yet. I have been too caught up working on stuff and watching Fish play video games.
>>243852 I always thought adventure was a pretty commonly well liked genre Am I just not with the times anymore? I like the fact that it doesn't fit into any explicit popular genre
>>243858 Yeah. You know how I get obsessed over stuff.
>>243857 Adventure is a bit too wide-ranging. Adventure isn't a niche genre by itself, but fantasy adventure tends to be a little niche in media--though granted, it's seems to be a little more popular over in Japan than in western media. But that's also in part because fantasy adventure in Japan is usually accompanied by another genre--like isekai, or whatever you want to call "trapped in a video game".
>>243861 Trapped in a videogame is usually scifi. Unless somehow they get magically trapped in a videogame.
>>243861 It's weird how the isekai subgenre seems to be more prevalent than the straight up fantasy genre
>>243863 scifi/fantasy a fantasy story using a scifi framework
>>243864 >a fantasy story using a scifi framework ?? What makes it fantasy >>243869 They aren't transported anywhere, its vr.
>>243864 Well isekai has the popularity effect here. Fantasy is also always gonna be niche, since there's sort of a natural dismissiveness of "childish" or "corny" because of the usual elements of magic or strange creatures. It's -Even when the fantasy is well thought out and mature, it's still going to feel WEIRD to the reader/viewer because it's by nature alien and foreign to them. There's enough turn-offs of fantasy to make trying to have it appeal to a generalized audience an uphill struggle.
>>243865 You said that trapped in a video game is usually scifi BUt if you look at something like SAO, the game itself is fantasy They're transported there by science fiction vr, but the world and all its aesthetics is fantasy based >they aren't transported anywhere You know what I mean They're moved into the game via scifi means
>>243870 Yeah exactly what I mean. The world most of it is set in is fantasy based and the framework supporting their transportation there is science fiction
>>243869 It's still scifi, it just has a fantasy aesthetic.
>>243869 Transportation is a misnomer They may be experiencing a world that is "fantasy", but the fantasy isn't real. So its not actually fantasy, calling >>243872 I don't know enough about log horizon to be able to determine it. Overlord is almost certainly isekai unless in the lns it tirns out that it was another mmo all along. From what ive read (like maybe six volumes) he's transported into a fantasy setting in the form of his mmo character, so he's not actually trapped in an mmo.
>>243865 What about series like Log Horizon, where they're trapped in a video game but the method of getting there is mysterious? Or Overlord, which my understanding of -is- limited to its anime, but I think they're rather vague of how it works.
>>243867 Is that part of why isekai is so popular then. Because it grounds it to the real world and makes the other elements less foreign since it's filtered through a modern persons eyes.
>>243874 It's easy to give exposition dumps when your protag is totally new to the world
>>243871 The structure of the story and aesthetics are still fantasy. It might not actually be real, but for the purpose of the story it might as well be. Thehero still slays the fantastical beast with his swords at the end of the day. Although something like SAO is more scifi I guess since they constantly switch worlds.
>>243877 It doesn't matter if it's not real, he still dies for real if he doesn't slay it It feels like a beast, looks like a beast, smells like a beast, for the narrative it might as well fit the same role as a real beast.
>>243873 Yup, exactly! Or well you match my theory as to why it works so well exactly. The alien and the foreign seems fascinating when you get narrative of it looking through a familiar person's eyes.
>>243873 He doesn't really slay it because its not real
oh hey look at that it's 1am i can access the new fuckin thread now
>>243873 But the "fantasy story" you're talking about is a story within a story. You might say "the world most of it is set in is fantasy based" but that world is in the computers of the scifi world. The MMO they are trapped in is just 1s, 0s, electrical signals and light signals
Evening, Moon.
>>243882 Exactly. It's a story supported by the other story. The other story sets up the fantasy story. Some storys blur the lines more between the game and scifi elements of the story more than others. >that world is in the computers That's what I mean by framework. The scifi sets up the fantasy world. Those 1s and 0s set up the fantasy world and the story within it.
i'm gonna watch restaurant to another world
It's pretty great man, enjoy.
>>243886 I didn't really want to use this argument, but as any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,
isekai is the worst genre
food in other worlds must be garbo
>>243904 Especially in a world which is at the cultural level of ours during the Medieval period. The culinary world benefited immensely from the interconnectedness of cultures and ingredients from all over the world.
>>243906 Well in a lot of cultures, the taste of food was probably a lot more bland than it is nowadays. There's also stuff like how, we didn't even have potatoes or tomatoes for cooking until the Europeans travelled to the Americas. And by we here I mean Europe/Asia which is probably a little confusing. There's also spices, which were extremely hard to obtain for a lot of cultures until intercontinental sailing became commonplace.
their food is probably fine ours is just more satisfying because we don't have the socioeconomical problems their world has
i don't think socioeconomic problems flavor the food i'd say it mostly has to do with global trade at a rapid scale and the existence of a food industry in a capitalist world
>>243908 Traditional Ashkenazi food is though A lot of the recipes and stuff going back to "the old country" are all based around scarcity because life in eastern Europe (especially as a Jew) in the pre modern age fucking sucked.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243908 there are rich people in that world that have eaten food as good or about as good as the food in our world socioeconomics plays a factor err is a factor
yeah but some poorer peoples know how to make good food look at traditional mexican food from the last couple centuries
white bread was for rich folks wheat bread was for poor folks back then
>>243912 Yeah, good luck growing all those peppers in fucking russia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>243912 poorer people don't know how to make good food in that world many methods of cooking that are common here are unheard of in their world
yeah geography probably plays a lot into it as well lower-class italians had a much better time making tasty food than say finns or russians
>>243918 My dad bitches about ashkenazi food and says that sefarfic *sefardic cuisine is way better.
>>243918 It also helps that Italy was one of the earlier centralizations of weath once global trade became feasible in our world. They would have had a much easier time importing foreign ingredients like tomatoes and rice and spices. Where as Europe -northern Europe probably would have had farless people who could manage to import a lot of what we consider staple ingredients. So their food would have been a lot more bland and simple.
>>243922 well yeah but i think you could link a lot of that back to geography rome/italy benefitted heavily from it's place on the map
greek cuisine always has been poor cuisine and it's pretty great mediterannean advantage
spelling is hard
yeah greek food is super dope
i think the people from the other worlds in this show just all happen to come from worlds with garbo food
Oh if anyone is interested, this is a gogood article on Jewish cuisine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_cuisine
Also modern technology and genetic modificaton means the ingredients our modern societies are going to be fresher and (for the most part) better-tasting than something a Medieval society could get their hands on. And quality of ingredients can help a lot on how a dish ends up tasting.
>>243972 I'm not 100% sure, I also don't really feel like talkibg about it. I'm just trying yo focus on finding a new one rather than than ruminating on why I lost my old one. Well, the tl;dr is that I think they just didn't like me. I won't gget into it anymore than that.
I'm a maid! It's not like janitor is any better a descriptor for what I do than maid. In fact maid is a better descriptor. Because I am cute and I don't have a janitor's cart.
yeah but a maid would also make coffee and tend to the dogs
i'm one of the least awkward people i know, i think but that comes hand in hand with being kind of a jerk
>i think everyone is awkard in one way or another
i mean, yeah, no one is perfectly capable of dodging every single miscommunicated interaction but you can around most of them by just not caring what other people think or about them at all actually
even then it's sorta awkard ownign the awkwardness iw what is key sometimes you jsut have to accept that what you did is a joke and just roll with it and become the joke itself for a bit
if you think too much about how someone is going to react or what they're going to think, you end up choking you just have to say "fuck it" and if their feelings get hurt or they think you're an asshole then so what that's their own fault
oh well yeah you can also just turn "awkwardness" into a type of comdy
You're gonna spill your spaghetti eventually. So you might as well make it the best fucking Italian spaghetti there is.
there's that one image of a really cute anime girl saying something like "you're gay!" and i could never find the source material because it was a shop
>>244018 Oh hi Dash. You should check your email more often so I can keep in touch with you!
>>244023 If you still have the first episode of Gamers!, go back and check the first two minutes. That scene is actually spoiling the events at the end of this week's episode.
oh that's dash wow i forgot about dash
oh right carrot symbol leands to uppercase shit now fug
>>244067 alright i'm used to change so being out on the country without internet for a while for some work wasn't too bad it's probalby good that i'm low key old school
long distant cousings drunk uno in the country it was pretty great i'll probaly be back there not too long from now actually
>>244089 would like to but it's in the back pocket of my mind if things go well i might get back to it seriously
>>244094 folks for now someone has to take care of the cat
>>244087 Sorry, I like to play with language but I tend to keep it in the same serious tone I type anything else in. It probably makes it a little confusing.
the first episode of gamers was alright
>>244091 You still living with folks, or is there something better going on now?
this is a really good song, don't listen to it it's not for you
>>244097 I can never be too sure! A couple /moe/ folk can usually pick up what I'm putting down but a bunch of them can't read my tone at all. I like to say once people have heard me talk audibly they usually have a better sense for it. But that's not something too easily resolved.
>>244091 >someone has to take care of the cat >the cat shit nigger you don't know how lucky you got it i've gotta take care of several dozen of the fuckers
>>244106 well if i ask for help i'll probably actually legitimately need it because i won't ask unless it's the last resorrt it's just how i am one way or another i'll break though
>>244101 "Pick up what I am putting down" is a very strange phrase. Why would you put something down if someone is going to pick it up? It would make more sense to just hand it to them.
>>244117 >talin shit about aliums okay now it isn't distnat relative that is actually aight has a thing wiht aliums and thyr'e right
>>244114 you were also talkin shit about aliums it was more likely the aliums that did it
>>244114 well ghosts don't realy you probably just got unlucky
>>244110 Dunno really, it's never something I've thrown much brainpower at. It sounds nice to say, as a phrase. I struggle to think of a comparable phrase that sounds as nice but substitutes handing over for putting down/picking up. Language in //Colloquial sayings like that one are generally less about the literal backing of the saying and more of the implicative meaning. When you're picking up what I'm putting down, you're getting the general idea of what I'm saying. That's the implicative meaning, which is pretty far off from what I'm literally saying.
aliens probably real but so do black holes and supernovas things we can think about existing but that will probably never matter to us and if they ever do matter to us, it will probably just be our end
>>244133 blackholes are first hand knowledge you dipshit
if aliens exist sure we won't really know for sure for like a billion years but the probability is high but blackholes are fucking there to see through other shit like alien planets
I don't think the argument that space is really big so there are probably aliens out there is a good argument. You could make the same argument about my closet and bigfoot.
i shaved today after i learned an important lesson about why you shouldn't wear denim without undergarments
>>244135 i don't think you know what first hand knowledge is you've seen one?
>>244135 I think the point Bang's making is that it's all real but it's so far away that it'll never directly affect us
>>244136 >try not to be such a stranger have you even been paying attention this week
>>244135 assuming they're real, how does this change my life? assuming they're not real, how does this change my life? it's also important to note that i haven't assigned myself to either belief in any of my posts and you're making an assumption based on the idea that no one would dare hypothesize
>>244140 I think I've been paying attention at a level that is average for me this week. I know Dash has dropped by once or twice before now but this is my first time seeing her in quite some time.
>>244141 what if the research into black holes leads us towards an amazing discovery that changes your life with new tech
Aliens aren't real though. People have looked at black holes.
No one has looked at aliens!
>>244146 But this is my first time seeing you! I need to make sure you don't get away.
>>244150 you still think i don't think black holes are real which means you can't fucking read nigger
>>244151 I wouldn't be surprised if there's biological life out there in the universe that doesn't exist on our planet.
>>244155 Yeah that's true. What I mean is, I doubt there's a civilized race out there with technology comparable to anything we have. But the basic beginnings of life, I think that may have begun on other Goldilocks planets out there.
"biological" what is the key difference between "biological" and say "mechanical" if mechanical creations end up attaining a complicated enough system of interactions that it can be considered "life" then wouldn't they be biological as well?
>>244168 that's what they do though its colony state is the reflection of the termite society it's a laggier process than doing it with electric signals to the brain but there's still all the systems in place
>>244170 I understand why you are interested in this, but the colonies are still not self-aware in the way people are. Recongizing a need for more termintes to eat wood is not the kind of self-reflection I am talking about.
It is interesting how certain colonies of bugs use chemical signals to organize themselves but the colonies are not introspective.
>>244168 i wasn't aware i needed a mirror to be intelligent
>>244164 what i mean is life that doesn't involve the base compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but that is organic chem "biology" is an entire other breed fo shit based off of that
>>244155 isn't life inherently biological? wouldn't "non-biological life" end up being biological because it's life
>>244167 I've been low-key following some of the lines of dialogue about Europa and it's kind of interesting, even without up-close studies of the environment there. I strongly doubt once we look closely, that we'll find some sort of ocean teeming with life, but perhaps there will be microscopic life like our planet probably had in its infantile stages. And that would be a pretty exciting discovery to find so close to home in our solar system.
>>244173 nah biological life is just a pretty good interface because there's a short I/O time with electrical signals and the nervous system
>>244175 yes but if something gained life it would be biological "the biology of fully-intelligent robotics" would be correct, i believe
>>244171 they're as // they're not as introspective as us but they're still introspective they're distanced by using the insects as functors rather than nerve endings and ganglia but the systems and refinement and reflection of the colony state are not drastically different than our systems of thought other than that we have a lot faster processing and turnaround time >>244177 naw, biology is a platform that life can exist through but it can exist through other systems as well
>>244178 They don't have "thoughts" that aren't thoughts directly related to the needs or function of the colony. I mean it's just semantics but if we're talking about aliens and intelligent life we're kinda looking for something that is more or less human level in their ability to self-introspect.
It doesn't mean a thing if there's a colony of ants on mars in a philosophical sense.
>>244176 unless he's talking about supernatural forces having sentience then i think non-biological life is actually an oxymoron
life doesn't have to be biological it can technically be mechanical in a sense mechanical doesn't have to be man made either alien life can be non biological and non man made
>>244174 It is sad that we will not learn more until the 30s. I am excited to learn more about it.
>>244181 humans are mechanical and chemical if something was mechanical and it gained life, it would be correct to describe it from then on as biological
>>244181 you misunderstand the definition of biological if there was a sentient (or even non-sentient) race of machines you would still describe them as biological
>>244179 how about if we took what i said about jupiter the other day and the self-replicating worms that harvest only the elements in the clouds needed to extend and replicate themselves and then let's assume that these are all scattered out throughout the clouds of jupiter, these cloudworms, and they can avert themselves from other cloudworms in a non-sentient way just by virtue of recognizing where trails of elements have been mined already due to the presence of new compounds formed in the prior extraction now we've got a city of cloudworms that have some mathematical, algorithmic way of distancing themselves from each other and that are altering the chemical make-up of the clouds of jupiter now what if we point our telescopes up to jupiter with spectrometry and see distinct light spectra, but it's scattered in a mathematical, non-random way throughout jupiter and emitting its own electromagnetic signature that's pretty smart for just some cloud worms
>>244188 yes i saw that post the word "life" is what allows the use of the descriptor "biological" it's not blood or flesh or plant parts, because those are all just the most common mechanical and chemical compositions that make up what things we most often recognize as "biological" but the word "biological" refers specifcally to things related to life
>life doesn't have to be biological
Speaking of biological life, some asshole biological animal has made some kind of scent-marking and it smells like they did it in my yard just outside my window. It smells kind of skunky but it might also be a fox. Really I don't care what made this stink but I wish it hadn't ever done it. It smells TERRIBLE.
biology is the study of life if it is alive, it is biological i don't think you guys understand at all
>>244187 The presence of non-sentient cloud worms on Jupiter doesn't matter one bit.
If you lock a man in solitary confinement with a fly, he is still alone for all intents and purposes. The important question is if we're alone in the universe, some random space slugs somewhere doesn't reflect on that question at all.
>>244187 are those cloud worms alive? if yes, they are biological if no, then they are not
>>244194 nah they're just little probes that aliums dropped off
>>244194 the system of worms is alive, the worms themselves are just little math machines, like ants ant colonies are probably more alive than the ants are >>244197 because now they're capable of interplanetary signalling
>>244199 This is semantics, but anything in Jupiter's atmosphere would be so unlike life on Earth that I'd be more inclined to call them machines. The radiation levels on Jupiter are insane.
non-biological life is literally a textbook oxymoron
STOP STOP STOP calling them machines does not make them non-biological your arm is literally a machine you are literally a machine not literally in the exaggerative sense i mean in the sense that according to the definition of the words most living beings are LITERALLY machiens
>>244198 That sounds smart but I do not think that it is actually smart. There are many things in the universe that are capable of that.
>>244183 On a similar note, have you heard of the Lakes of Titan? They're bodies of liquid ethane and methane that exist somewhat similarly to the bodies of water of Earth. And because of the other aspects of Titan, there's theories that complex life could possibly evolve in these lakes. Which would be interesting since this life would be evolving in a totally different base environment from the primordial aquatic life that evolved on Earth.
>>244193 if you look at the space slugs as an end-product yeah but they're part of a system of life too that's probably wholly as complicated as ours >>244199 it's not using any biochemistry it's using electromagnetic signalling
>>244207 Words become useless when you make them too broad.
>>244205 I don't care about that stuff though. For the puproses of the conversation about whether aliens exist or not, the only thing I care about is if we're alone in the universe or not. To answer that question, I'm looking for sentient life that's capable of self-reflection.
yeah but we've also changed the definition of life since then
look it's not a very difficult concept to understand but you guys don't seem to get it so i'm done
>>244212 you're right it's not a difficult concept to understand why are you having trouble with it
There could be life in the oceans of titan, but one of the concerns with titan is if the moon is capable of shielding it from the radiation to the extent necessary for life to develop.
>>244210 i don't see why the individual functors have to be capable of self reflection in order for it to have possible impact on us we're just really big systems of really tiny life that doesn't know what they're doing our functors are just dumb little things that only do what they do because it's the only thing they can do there's no reflection there
self-reflection isn't an individual thing, it's an attribute of a sufficiently complex dynamic system
the planets are big systems that revole around the sun and have no idea what they are doing the difference is humans think they know how it be, but they don't know how it does we're all fucking retarded
>>244219 what if all the little cloud worms emitted their own frequencies to signal each other directly, rather than indirectly, and jupiter's atmosphere was just one giant brain or more realistically would be gaseous space clouds the size of solar systems. there's even carbon in there and temperatures that allow for complex molecules
what if it was just a stray consciousness would that still not count
i'm not badgering you by the way i'm curious what your boundaries are or what makes it specific because i dont see it
>>244228 If that cloud-brain is sentient enough to reflect upon the nature of its own existence, then it is significant enough to be an important discovery philosophically.
>>244232 so it's about being sentient enough to reflect upon the nature of our own existence? do you think we can even do that ourselves if we're operating on the assumption that it's us as the individual doing it and not a complex system, and that our consciousness isn't a unitary thing
>>244241 It looks like a puzzle game related to mapping neurons?
>>244245 yeah it's mapping the neurons of just a really small segment of eye tissue from a (mouse, i think?) it's actually WORK disguised as a GAME but it's really quite neat just to kind of experience it and aid in the research
it's a really big project and is gonna take forever but there's a lot of progress being made too >>244249 it's not much of a puzzle
it wouldn't be any fun if everything went smooth and the worms just behaved it's a way better story if we fuck it up and they don't stay in the clouds and end up taking over the entire space
>>244263 i might be trying to do some startup work on audio channel normalization i dont know if you liked comms signals and stuff i really do still have to work shit job for shit cash doe
my only experience with audio channel normalization is making shitty tape recordings louder if anything i'm sure you can just do it you're smarter than most people, especially me, when it comes to shit like this
>>244271 exactly only normalizing i've done is random mp3 editing of shitty tape recordings back in the day you're good at understanding the what i just do
>>244263 There's nothing gay about collecting cute images.
>>244268 this would be a lot more around wave mechanics normalizing the boundaries of the frequencies you'd want to isolate to make a smoother waveform and applying waveform transformations etc
>>244284 spring wasn't bloated enough to call it bloated winter was just short this event is if every last map of the previous two events were each map and then the last map is a fucking mess i did winter in litreraly 1 day and spring was that easy so whatev this event is gay though you would actually need time to bother
>>244285 It's pretty tempting to become a secondary these days because the events haven't been compelling and I am working a lot more. I will probably just do kuso mode for the foreseeable future.
i only really bothred to play again to get bep and hayashimo to 155 and max luck and then well you should know what happened with the level cap i might just clear e-1 though e06 on hard because that shit is just fee and then go easy for e-7 if i even bother e-7 just ain't worth the hassle
Plus you've got your two new significant others in your life. With GBF and FE:H, who's got time for someone old and busted like Kancolle?
FEH really upped their game it was gettin stale fast and they did some good corrective measuring to get the feathers flowing in about right there's not so much pressure on good draws now
i get notifications from FEH every goddamned day idk why i haven't uninstalled it yet i haven't opened it since it came out
>>244295 i think quarx downloaded it when he saw me playing it but i dont think he ever opened it he's like "water you playin" "fire emblem heroes" "whats that"
>>244314 night sorry for being abrasive in the other thread at the time but i figured you'd understand i should say thanks instead of sorry when i think of saying sorry
>>244335 i don't think i'm more crazy than anyone probably just more stressed so i think you might be right there
thanks for the inputs >>244334 well i'm not stressed, that's not why i'm asking the question it's just that sometimes explaining the core foundations of some of my beliefs which are the preamble to the conclusions i sometimes come to is alone so foreign to people to me they're perfectly clear and i think, or at least i try to be, fairly lucid
so i'm not sure if i'm so eccentric that i'm disjointed from how a well-rounded person's bearings about the world are or if i'm actually crazy and having delusions, such that things which have no logic bearing to each other seem perfectly logical due to brain worms
Nah man you got baited. Baited hard.
is this for real
desu desu
Eto eto
i kinda wish she didn't cut her hair
I would've rather she hit some kind of middle-ground. Neaten it up a bit, maybe cut half as much as she did or something. Not go outright tomboy cut like that.
>>244346 yeah Genshiken doesn't really have huge drama
>>244347 what i like about it is that it kind of does, but it doesn't dramatize it like, the world isn't so melodramatic most of the time that dude busting his wrist and trying to get through comiket with a swollen hand that's like real-world shit that's what people actually do they don't get all melodramatic i love it
>>244348 Yeah there's a bit of drama between the nonotaku gf and the rest of the gang but it's not melodramatic and people just talk out their problems >that dude busting his wrist and trying to get through comiket with a swollen hand I love that episode so much He just kept on slugging
>>>/watch?v=p6vY6UfO57I >>244337 if in doubt just roll with it and just call it eccentric i guess that's what i'd call the craziest of ya at lesast both are in the same vain in a way but the recent stuff is more energetic and non crazy right now i'd say it's just wanting closure and attention as if though you were a cat
>>244354 you want closure on if though you are acting crazy or not you want attention to calm you down both are fine it's the type of question that makes me want to pet you like a cat if anything
>>244349 i think the show nailed it on the head in that later episode when he's feeling uncomfortable about how he dresses so went to buy nicer clothes and then he runs into her on the street while she's with her friends and she looks at him all pissed off like for running up on her while she's with her friends you kind of feel the tension from his point of view and then he's like "Uh, werent we fighting just now" and she bursts out laughing, making fun of him for thinking that because none of it's really a big deal the show is really genius i think it's one of the best ive watched
If in doubt just keep calling yourself perfectly normal. It's worked for me all these years.
>>244351 yeah in the end none of it really matters all that much I really like watching those two interact and become friends. Two people connected by a mutual friend/lover who have zero other connections getting to know each other anyway through osmosis
>>244350 wanting attention how so? or closure on what? i'm not sure i understand
it wasn't really a loaded question, by the way. i don't really feel anxiety about being considered crazy or eccentric, or worry too much if i'm either i just kind of wanted /moe/s opinion on the matter because i know it's ubiquitous and it's just a point of curiosity in some respect >>244350 oh i dont want closure on that, i wouldn't say. i'm accepting of who i am, whatever or whoever i am. i just wanted to know how i came off to /moe/ because this is just an image platform and it doesn't convey a whole person and i'm not sure what parts of my personality can squeak through the lens of lexicon or not >>244355 i'm not a fuckin cat i just use the name renaldo moon which is from the cat returns, a studio ghibli movie about cats okay it doesn't mean anything i just use a cat's name and used to avatar with pictures of norwegian forest cats and take care of a bunch of cats and kind of a little bit look like a cat but that doesn't mean i am one stop oppressing me you fascist pizza shit
>>244354 shit I was wondering why you called yourself moon I thought it was suitable though, you seem like a guy who'd be at home on the moon
>>244359 renaldo moon, from the cat returns /moe/ just referred to me as moon but i was anon, and so i just tagged on moon at a point when it became necessary because sugoi was causing problems i would use renaldo moon but people think i'm a BR when i do that sometimes
you work in lawn care and don't have any weed? yeah right gimme a break i know how it is that's the only reason people like lawn care, and the only reason i can get up and plant turnips and rutabagas you fuckin get stoned af and just love being outside and working with the soil
heh well i'd still crave a cig and have to say no just to not get into the habit
i didn't know you smokes cigs i still do but i don't get much joy out of them i usually light one up about mid-day and have a few puffs and don't even want to finish it because it's so thick and groggy-feeling i've had the same pack for two weeks now >>244371 are you out in the country too i just made that move
like most of my family does and those out inthe country even more so i already have the itch from my grandparents like fuck it's hard being back int he second hand smoke that much
not at the moment but will probably be back there in like a month or two it might become perm in a year or so
do you want to be out there or is it out of necessity i'm mixed i kinda like it out here sometimes it's so alone and quiet but then i get really pent up after too long too
i like being out there so even if it wasnt necessary i'd do it after taking care of this old cat i'll be sad when he goes since he's so dependent on me but at the same time he's the only reason why i'm here right now it's a weird feeling
yeah a lot of the animals around here are getting old as // after going through my gma being on hospice a year and a half ago, i'm kind of different now i'm happy for the animals when they're finally ready to go it's harder on them than it is on us
I don't think I could ever fully adapt to living out somewhere more rural. Sure, given time, it would probably happen, but there would be a lot of roadblocks to clear. Urban, especially super-urban cities, are incredibly comforting for me.
obv i still feel sad when they go but it's more bittersweet, not tragic
so to think of him dying is really fucking hard
sorry to butt my opinions in there that's sweet to hear you've got such a connection with him i do with my kitty too, she's an old kitty now and she's basically a room kitty that stays in my room in my bed with me at all times she's so sweeto sweet* >>244380 i'm glad he kept you alive tell him thank you for me
nope i haven't really taken much pcis personally i'm not a camera person
I take a bunch of pictures of my cat. There's only one picture of the other cat we used to have that I have saved and it's not a great one. I'd like a little more to remember this one by. She's not old but she's getting to that point where you could probably call her old by some stretch.
i'll always remember him but i can understand why about pictues i still have my memory to lean on whether i want to or not
>>244387 she looks a bit like the old cat before my current one
pictures are hard i can't bear to look at most of my old pictures it's too much ive always been a live-in-the-moment kind of person, not sit behind a camera to relive it later but i like taking pictures to share the experience >>244387 daw she's a cutie there's two whole generations of litters out back that have that kind of coat pattern they're all a little different there's one indoor kitty with that pattern i could take a pic later but not now
>>244386 It's a little funny. I used to not care so much about Calico cats--I mean, more than any particular kind of cat. But after living with her for almost a decade, they're so beautiful to me now. Guess that's how things go.
calico is three colors but i guess that might be where you got confused either way tatht isn't really a calico i would say unless i'm retarded and white grey black is a thing either way femals are more likely to be calico
>>244390 hmm i learned that male calcio was REALLY rare but possible
yeah it is definitely mostly female it's like color sight for humans in a way just a sex related chromosome thingymabob
FUN FACT all calico/tortoiseshell cats are female there's a really cool biological reason behind it too
Yeah I actually knew that. There was an anime that talked about how Calico males are super, super rare. For some reason that managed to cement that factoid in my head permanently.
>>244389 yeah it's an exception there are some but it's super rare it's safe enough to say it's a female trait though just like we have guys with boobs but it's basically a female trait
>Type "anime male calico" into Google >First result is "Nyan Koi!" That's what I thought it was from but it's good to be proved right. Nyan Koi! was a fun show.
>>244389 it's actually more than that but it's really cool hold up i'll grab the video to answer a question nobody fuckin asked because that's what i do >>>/watch?v=BD6h-wDj7bw >>244395 there's about five shots left in this bottle i'll have one
haha i feel like i'm back in a genetics class i took back in 2012
>this first a hundred cells lmao
>>244398 i kind of miss school i didn't learn shit though tbh but i felt more awe and wonder now i'm learning more shit in a couple days than i did in most classes but it's just boring work to me
I'm still trying to properly experience it. Have yet to make it more than a single year through anything. If not just for the academic experience, also the environment and social components. Having a social life with more of a physical presence in my life would be really, really nice some times.
>>244402 I think I've long been pretty aware of that. At the least I've known I've always learned better from reading than listening to things. And writing is probably the only thing I have any sort of confidence in. It's a bit difficult to express why I didn't go straight into it.
i think that writing is really your path, man that seems to be your mode of learning too anyway
yeah school had a nice awe to it instead of just looking for it yourself it was sorta just put in yoru face in a way at least for me i really miss highschool for that you get that and being reatarded with friends
>>244405 i' probalby should have taken more notes on the "this is how you learn" side of things instaed of just whimsically just going oh hey here is knowledge just let me see it like may ability to do well without taking notes came back to bit me in the ass later on now i don't remember even the asy shit haha i should do more personal ersoerch stuff but i'm a lazy sack of shit
>>244401 can you take some community college writing classes? technical writing is a really fun course but it's usually junior-level i doubt they'd pitch a fit if you took it earlier though i mean it's your money
>>244403 yeah it was fun that way, but i gotta say i didn't really learn well that way i guess i need something more organic, like trying to have a project of my own and then figuring out what i need to know along the way it doesn't feel like work that way for some reason to learn, because you're already there and your brain has a lot more context than, "Okay class today we're going to introduce you to vector fields"
>>244404 I'm sort of doing something of those lines this upcoming semester. There's a university here that offers night school classes, and taking six of those classes lets you complete a certificate that's aimed to help people that are trying to enter into university in later years. It'll take two semesters before I can finish the certificate, but hopefully that can get me into a program next year for a major. I kind of want to take something in the Humanities.
night school is fuckin cool dude you get to have class with people that are working and not sheltered faggots going to school for the first time and no real world experience
>>244403 i'll tell you, i don't remember most of the shit i learned then but everything i've learned of my own research is cemented in permanently because it was my effort being put in to solve a problem i faced directly stuff like that's embedded forever i think it probably uses a different kind of memory to do that than to take in information that's in the "still needs to be processed" state i think the brain has natural tool recognition that it's like "ok this worked to solve a problem i encountered lemme just tuck that in this tool drawer for when i need it later" >>244406 >something in the humanities take an art history class they're pretty dang cool and anthropology
>>244407 the late classes were teh best at least more fun and more retaining too bad i didn't get that many of those
now i want to go back to school fuck
>>244408 I've done a bit of art history before in high school. The art teacher at my school incorporated it into a whole segment. It was probably the one part of the class I was pretty good at.
>>244411 I did beginner's hobbiest pottery once a week in middle school for a year or two. It was nice, but it wasn't exactly gripping.
if there's any entry-level pottery classes i'd suggest that too if it fills a requirement that is it's a very cool thing and it's very therapeutic for the brains
>>244409 no you don't, you've fallen back into illusion you know you don't too
down for another round of drinks boys and goys? tilde get your tea ready i hope you've got a bathroom of your own because others will be waking up and need to use it and you're gonna be like "hold up i had 11 cups of tea"
Sure, I figure I'm not sleeping tonight. >>244416 Pot's empty, sir. I'm going for some ice to make a Roman Coke.
>pottetry holy shit i remember making actually shit out of clay that was fucking great
>>244419 that's pretty much what we all did haha we were like 13/14 with no clue what to even do it all came up like a jumbled up mess
>>244418 >making actually shit >okay class here's our first project *makes clay into a literal pile of shit and bake it in the clay oven* >here's my pottery
>>244418 i did one in middle school too we were supposed to incorporate a face into a bowl somehow i don't know the purpose, i guess it was just to make it more fun everyone else put their face on the outside of the bowl but i had this big creepy fuckin face with a huge italiano moustache and i put it inside the bowl lmao so if you were eating out of it you would only notice once you got to the bottom holy shit it was so creepy
I don't think we actually baked that one though I think it was just set to dry for-fucking-ever. I used to have a bunch of leftover pottery from my middle school stuff that was baked in an actual kiln and we got to paint it with glaze paints. But I threw them all out last year.
IVE BEEN RUSED APPLE CIDER [flavored] WHISKY fuck i hate marketing
i'm at bottom of bottle rum wiht 2 bottom of bottles of vodka to spare whoo time to bottoms up
pekka rinne is just too good right now
look at this shit >>244429 do you see that labelling also this is how much i have left TILDE DONT BE AN ASS DONT DO IT IT'S ABOUT TO LOAD JUST LET IT LOAD fuck YOUUUUUU >>244430 it's fine i got it this time can't stop me now can't stop me now
oh i meant about the posts i reserved but i got an unknown upload error so i guess i can't i was taking about a picture bottle my flavored whisky cidering apple
>>244442 you stole the fuckin prime get too you asshole at xxx29
>>244444 Shopping channel stuff is so alien to me.
But real talk one of those would be kind of nice with all the fucking hair my cat sheds everywhere. I pick her up for five minutes and I'm walking around with a chestplate of cat hair on top of my shirt.
One of these days I should really check if it's the connecting cable or the actual jack on my drawing tablet that is busted. It gets kind of annoying to reconnect it every ten minutes or so.
Though I say this knowing it isn't going to happen.
stop rolling your money with those old blimp rollers the fuck is wrong with you
drawing dicks drawing dicks who's been drawing drawing dicks dick dick dicks drawing dicks dick dick dickds drawing dicks who's been drawing drawing whos been drawing dicks
>>244453 There, here's a Dick. Coincidentally, the tablet is now working PERFECTLY. Maybe you've got the right idea.
>>244451 Also I started this video and then completely forgot I'd started it and then all of a sudden I was astounded by where the music was coming from and it was really good and help. I didn't think I was this tipsy but all of a sudden I'm buzzed.
>>244456 tell us a story about Dick What's his personality? His hopes and dreams
Dick was a pretty typical kid. He grew up in the eighties and had all the eighties dreams of getting rich and banging a bunch of really attractive women like his dad did in college. Not necessarily in that order but he wouldn't have complained if that had ended up being the case. He coasted through high school killing time with friends and ogling the girls that always look way prettier when puberty is in full swing. Dated a girl named Stephanie in eleventh grade and most of twelfth grade, and broke up when she wanted to go cross-country to attend a prestigious university after graduating, while he was happy to just go to the State university that was just an hour's drive from home. He didn't really know what he wanted to do there, but he had always gotten decent marks in English so he took a General Arts degree. During his four years in university he dated two girls, Rebecca and Amanda--not at the same time, but to him they were so similar that whenever he refers to them in memories, he always says "Rebecca and Amanda" and when he tells stories about them the names always seem to come up in the same stories. There was a position in a marketing agency in his State's largest town after he graduated from university, so now he works there. It's been two or three years since he graduated and started working full time. The thought that already, he's getting vague that it's just been two or three years bothers him some times. It makes him feel like something has passed, that his moment to make a noticable impact on the world has come and gone and it's always going to be working a nine to five job at some kind of corporation or agency for the rest of his life. Some nights he lies awake in bed, grappling with this, unable to sleep. But there's always hot coffee in the kitchen at work, and always a pile of tasks to do at his desk. There's always work to do. He takes some solace in that.
i'm aware, i'm just not at the country side right now
>>244471 alcohol is literally life that's how some of my relatives are still alive 70+ drinking a fucking case
>>244472 i'm glad somebody understands it's hard being the only alcohol on /moe/ everyone just is mad at me all the time they're never mad at you and you're not particularly well-behaved either weird
it was p nice being alcohol and playing uno with long family and other games ohly shit we played so many card games didn't play poker but we played a lot of different card games i had bad luck with rummy at first but at the end i showed them how it be
>>244476 half a year >>244478 i don't even remember new years so if i did i wouldn't know
Did you get to floor them all with your mad poker skills?
how long have you not been able to access your email? i had sent you a few things
There was a blue jay perched RIGHT on my windowsill. Like not even a metre from where I'm sitting right now. But getting my phone took too long and it flew off before my camera could come up.
>>244484 i guess that was too canadian let me reprhase moon you fucking nigger
oh i dced jokes on you this was just my pre-morning wake up drink time to make breakfast and get going on the rest of the day these beers aren't gonna drink themselves
New Years was fun. I went to a Japanese bar with friends since one was leaving Japan the day after. And then the rest of us went to a karaoke place and did a bunch of reall y drunk karaoke. And then the New Year ticked over while a friend and I were trying to find our way back to our AirBnB apartment.
Japan was fun I want to go back. I really want to go back.
>>244487 nah you weren't here >>244487 i said you weren't here someone was on another WHERES DASH spazout because it was new year and i told them you were fine and so i emailed you with a completely random tangent about how i'm sorry for the past drama and i think we coulda been friends if inaban wasn't a pizza shit and that i hope you don't feel you can't come around for whatever reason but that you're probably happier not here anyway
and no you were gone well before christmas time it was like early fall or something
oh shit did i disappear around christams then like i really fucking don't remember the end of 2016
>>244490 You were still connected around that time. Because I remember being content that I could show off those doujinshi drawn by that one guy that does a lot of Shigure drawings to you. But you might have been off doing something for New Years.
like i honestly have no rememberance of 2017 new years i don't even know what the fuck i did
A friend of mine made a really clean loop of the Shooting Star song that runs for like an hour straight or something. That song is really, really good for just spacing out and going into a fucking trance.
i was like who leaves keys under the table >>244566 what
somewhere on youtube there's a video of me playing moonbase alpha and making an extremely verbose version of chop suey i dont know where it's at though and i can't find it
>>244567 How could you make such an EGREGIOUS mistake. I'm diss appointed in you.
help i'm being oppressed someone call the end of a lacy pea
What it's cell number?
>>244568 Somewhere on YouTube there's a video of me. The real me. Or maybe it isn't there anymore. I'm not sure.
there's nothing new going on and i'm gonna be passing out soon and then making hash browns so let's just say here please that really upset me last night i was bitter all morning too
Here please that really upset me last Oh it's still going I'm sorry this is probably a bit innapropriate me I'm a bit amused by grade-schooler humour right now I guess.
i dont even get it
That's probably for the best.
Man I could kind of go for some potato something right now. Shame I'm not really hungry.
what's the point in having ambition if you're not going to use it to create a planetary brain to upload your consciousness to a galactic scale like for real what do you guys even do during the day
>having ambition i lost that years ago all i do is live during the day
>>244593 Lay in bed wracked with anxiety. Distract myself with what other people get worked up about. Come up with reasons i don't want to put work into anything. Satisfy my addiction to video games. Put off doing important things I really need to get done.
Some times actually put time and effort into creating things.
Stop giving me a fucking song queue I'm trying to get back to my shitty 00's pop music.
let my just take you somewhere secret gonna cut all the lights out
You know while I understand when someone says "cut the lights out". It's still a really weird phrase for me. I don't think anyone 'round here uses that sort of phrase.
>>244665 I think I own the first??? segment of that game. Maybe I'll give it a spin after I wrap up my fascination with Sunless Sea.
>>244666 play lisa the painful ASAP joyful can wait it's like DLC
*air horns*
I'll air horns if it kills me.
in my hummah fuck gucci mane bitch ass nigga
>>244666 you need to play the painful it's right up your alley there are a lot of things people say like that i had it suggested to me on that principal and i'm like yeah okay sure dude i'll just play a fuckin RPG for 15 hours on someone's whim and then i did holy shit it's so good though
a quad core intel dual core 4 thingy from 2009 with no graphics card so runnin on internal shit shitposty face excks deee dee dee dee that's what i got i might get a thingy in a month dude i'm so intelectually out of it that i don't know my ass from a kettle
well rip evray thang i was saying cuz my post got eatin
eaten by aliums
eaten by albums
Aten by All Ben.
it weirds me out that rika believes in ghosts but not aliens lol
i don't even remember what the FUCK i was actually going to shitpost but fuck it
>>244714 Speaking from the part of me that's sober trying to fight through the fat fuck of drunk me that's probably the religious part of her speaking.
oh i am so far gone i forgot i poured tghe rest of a bottle to drink time to take it with water lol
Wat'rin' it down, huh.
>>244738 this is my justification for all my drinking churchill had the right idea tbh he was just ahead of his time
i'm extremely functional while alcohol the issue with our last generation and their alcoholism is that they sucked at alcohol and at life so alcohol made their life way worse >>244742 like, tbh, the times you guys see me and i'm acting fuckin nutty and angry, i'm not even drinking. that's usually just stress or some other bullshit i get more work done during my drinking hours than the rest of the day combined
I'm a sort of functional while alchol right now. Alcohol, even. Could probably go write something stupid and fascinating that needs considerable editing once I'm in a more sensible sense of mind. But right now I kind of just want to get more ice so I can pour more liquor and articifically-flavoured sort-of sweet flavoured sugar drink into a glass.
>>244743 Because I gotta type out everything I gotta type out before I go and do other things.
>>244741 Like, 2 B hornet's nest, I don't really figure you ever to be drink when you're angry. Maybe I've been around you enough or maybe there's some other reason but I know what drunk produces from you. And I know what stress or other bullshit produces from you.
i chastise a lot while drunk but that's different than being angry that's particular to gaming environments though i think, or to 2016-era SK i'm just a little less reserved in telling someone they're being a bitch but i mean it with the best intentions, you know >>244746 ive never heard that and neither have you i can tell when you're bullshitting you made that up you pulled that out of your butt just like dash's middle school pottery project a literal clay piece of poop except yours is lexical
>>244744 Sorry it's a mutation of "to be honest". I guess it's a bit abstract.
>>244745 Well yeah. Pretty much any nonsense I pull with language is entirely pulledo ut of my ass. It's not like I have a detailed and complex repertoire of language that I come up with these things about. Anything I come up with is pretty much entirely on the spot. It's just when inebriated I get a lot more absurd about things.
>>244747 i noy'ed the client who was asking me about neural network and machine learning stuff i just tagged a TM in superscript italics to everything that was a work in progress i think they got really confused
I probably should play Lisa huh Ive had it forever
>>244750 it's really good yeah sorry for the inappropriate comment last night i was distressed and could have been less abrasive i appreciate that input i was just bein a douche
>>244748 She's been gone for ten minutes so I dunno. Maybe she has to confront reality a bit or something.
>>244749 Are we talking "annoyed" here or "Noy'ed" here. Because I have a certain visualization of the latter and I don't know which on I should run on.
>>244753 haha that was a mistake you fuckin idiot i was just pretending to be sorry
>>244752 yeah, the latter >>244753 nah you should play lisa though it's really good >>244756 i'm not too serious even when i use harsh language i have issues with that because other people are so they think i'm angry at times when i'm not just because the harsh language but that's what i grew up around you find shit and you drill into it and that's how you show you care about people, by being passionate enough to yell at them but it doesn't really matter
It's getting to the point where I'm wondering why I'm trying to accurately measure things. Since I'm past the point where accurately measuring things is a reasonable course of action.
i shoudl tots do a mario is a drug addict run shit aint' even intended to be completed
>>244767 what are you donna do propose "do a let's play of shitty smrpg romhack" liek fuck nigger it ain't even supposed to be completed that is how shit it is
>>244766 that's a great idea mind if i copy this post and use it as a business proposal
all right who is capable of playin lisa the painful but lacks the game itself at this moment?
i'll buy yall copies yall are gonna start playin it right now >>244769 i'm not -- you -- fuck off idiot that wasn't the question you can play lisa on your shit laptop or whatever quit bein a brittle bitch back edema
>>244773 you're not getting out of this shit i see what you're doing but you're not you're playin this fuckin game whether you like it or not you'd better just get it over with now
>>244769 I feel like the last time I saw you post this comic it wasn't in English. Did you have a Japanese version of it in the past?
you're depressing you bring others down you faggot
That's my fucking job bitch. You all get so hoppy I need to level it out a bit.
they should call you all co. hall
Oh no did we lose Moon now.
>>244796 no why do you say that what kind of lightweight do you think i am >>244798 do i have to carry the thread i'm already trying to get you nerds to play lisa not my fault yall are slow af
Because nine minutes is a long time.
That's five hundred and forty seconds man. Can you imagine counting five hundred and forty seconds? It's an exhausing amount to count.
I usually get to about four hundred before I lose track.
>>244799 yeah i can on my army road marches i used to count my strides and also count the seconds that passed simultaneously
Even when the only thing I'm focused on is counting the tick-tock of seonds, getting to five minutes is an accomplishment. My attention fights to wander.
i timestamp all my transcripts at roughly every minute when you consider i do three hours of audio a day that's 180 timestamps time is always on my mind
I'm really starting to crave potatoes now. I wonder if those ones that have been sitting in the fridge are still good to cook.
why did you put potatoes in the fridge you stupid motherfucker
Because the alternative was me never been hungry or drunk enough to eat them as they slowly got worse and worse and worse in the artificial light of our kitchen.
when you put potatoes in the fridge the starches convert to sugar and they can't cook properly holy shit why i thought canadia had a good education system wtf
Like I said, the alternative was for them to FUCKING ROT in the kitchen.
This thread is fat Moon would ypu mind if I made a new one
no rin
use the 100 feature please
I'm really bad at consuming things before they begin to rot. It's part of the "out of sight, out of mind" aspect that applies, well, to pretty much anything in my kitchen. Or pantry.
I know putting potatoes in the fridge isn't good for them, but the alternative is me forgetting about them until they turn pretty much entirely green and start to become complex ecosystems of themselves.
Man I really wish I could remember about things before it's too late.
it's better to eat one potato and waste eight than to eat nine ruined potatoes
i dont know why wasting potatoes is an issue though what kind of lazy fuck are you just toss those niggers (with a hard R) in the oven or mash them up skins and all on the stovetop it's not difficult
Because I completely forget they exist since we keep potatoes in places I'm usually never actually looking at. Even our peaches, which are kept on the table in the middle of the kitchen that you loko at pretty much whenever you walk into it, I have a hard tim e eating all of before they start to get overripe.
>>244816 Out of sight, out of mind! I don't forget potatoes are a thing, I forget we have them because they're kept in places I'm not regularly looking in!
>forgot potatoes exist what
potaoooooooo po ta 8os
Boyle 'em. Mash 'em. Stick 'em in a stu.
last time i stuck potatoes in a Stu i got charged with sexual battery
I've heard of poatoes being good for some batteries but never sexual ones.