i stay in my bed in my sleep but anything that happens while i'm asleep isn't my fault it's my sleep's fault
the 'pedes are safe though they eat spiders they can bite humans but it's really minor if they do, like less painful and shorter-lasting than mosquito bites and it's usually accident when they do i'll take the centipede and you can sleep in my room if you want
thanks when can we play D4 again i'm not in a rush but i'll plan for it to make it easier is it gon' be a while you're too busy handling strange men's packages
next weekend I should be able to I made plans for tonight already and I had to fuck my sleep schedule up so I could get some other stuff done in a couple hours
>>244875 ive run the simulations it's more likely that you've been rused and believe it's real than it actually being real
>>244877 are you asking for the link to it or something
>>>/watch?v=XnwPz5dvKH0 >work hard creating a bear mascot for your boss >some asshole names it after boipucci
>>244878 no i think it's better for my sanity if i dont it's too much
http://nxbus.co.uk/west-midlands/miscellaneous/bussy-bear too bad man
let's have kannagi go take a picture of a nendo next to bussy bear
we need a fujo character nendo though
>>244881 i'm not clicking that i don't want "bussy bear" in the browser history of my fresh new laptop
Welcome to the world of me...Bussy Bear. I'm part of The Big Sleuth to help raise money for Birmingham Children's Hospital. I'll be in Bearwood (just by the Clock Tower) for the ten eight weeks, ready and waiting for you to come and visit me.
I was designed by the talented Blake Cotterill and brought to life by the team at the bus paint shop in Walsall. I'm based on the blue and cream corporation colours, of the buses that used to be seen around the West Midlands many years ago.
the ten eight weeks
not reading it
that's as many as eight tens
no it's not you fuckin idiot
welcome to the world of me
[bussy bear looks down on his maimed victim] welcome to the world of me
at least this one's (probably) not harvesting child organs
fuck i was up drinking all night with dash and tilde and now i just drank a cup full of canola oil fuck
>if it were not for the laws of this land I would have slaughtered you where you stand >>244905 shit I only got extra virgin
wait I have coconut oil does that work?
extra virgin just like you lol rekt if only bussy bear were here to high five me
no it doesn't i guess i'm on my own that's okay
lmaoing @ my life
i went through all my bourbon all i have left is bud light and corn dogs also mashed potato mix which i was going to mix when i had a cup of canola oil set out but i thought that it was not canola oil because i forgot
>>244914 I don't think shots of straight canola oil are going to kill you mate. Probably won't be pleasant but plenty of unpleasant things don't kill people.
I can't remember why but the Batman Beyond TV movie where the Joker returns from the dead ended up on my recommended videos on YouTube. So instead of doing productive things this morning I watched through the entirety of it. I didn't even watch Batman Beyond as a kid I don't know why this came to be.
>>244936 I love that quote from Senator Weird World
>>244937 Normies like some edge It just has to be mild
>>244936 this is the antithesis to a story i wrote when i was 15 about not being able to kill the monster inside you without also destroying what makes you you
I should probably sleep since not sleeping soon means I'll probably be dead tired and therefore probably dead this evening. And that isn't an optimal path to take today. But I'm also not really tire.
>>244952 do the trumpets signify our victory or defeat at the hands of this foul demon menace
riley matthews is the new student in school. she's here to find out who put her innocent father into jail.
they signify that lelouche is alive
/a/ seems to be trying to crack down on general threads and generally trying to resist the natural inclination to aggregate topical discussion into generic threads. I wonder how long it'll last this time before they give up and let people do what feels natural.
virtual youtuber kirara is an anime girl with a male voice that talks about sad things in a happy tone that's it ive found my calling in life time to rake in money
It's funny how the confessions for the guys are just as straightforward as the girls. Grey told me I made him feel important. The whole time I was thinking about how I was thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to feeding him to Lucina.
I got another Corrin today. I guess I'm going to have to give up on my dream of making a super 5 star Corrin and just make a super 4 star Corrin. I think my plan would take 192,000 feathers, which I'm sure is more than have passed through my hands in all my time playing.
I would love to build a super 5 star Corrin but I just have too much other stuff to do. I need to get my armor team up to snuff now that I have Amelia. I want to make Chrom into a healer, that will take 40k feathers. I need to 5 star Chad, too.
It seems like a lot of people use his mobility and his ability to blow almost anything up to cheese a lot of the hero challenges. He's low priority though, because I have more important things to do and I have a lot of good units. Including Delthea, who is a 10/10 blue mage.
He's just so squishy i find camus does everything i need him to and more Plus Clive is insanely good for some reason
That healing Alm is such a good build. I'm going to do the same thing to my Chrom. It would be so nice to be able to bring a healer that was also not completely useless in a fight.
I just use Pain Clarine with Pain and all kinds of stat buff skills
I need a 5* chrom so i can get aether and put it on my Alm for extra healing with his heavy sword
Threaten Atk ends up being really good for High Def characters because you can use them to body block very well and then just not worry about damage for the rest of the turns. I had to change up my Eldigan's build a lot to defeat Legion's Infernal mode. I went with Threaten Atk 1 and a Brave Sword It would have been nice if I had access to Axe Breaker
I used xander with axebreaker and Cecilia camus with b tomebreaker
Yeah, I didn't have any Axebreakers. I have RECENTLY received Lazlow for the first time. So that was nice
i had like 3 4* laslows it was infuriating
I got my first one today since you get one free summon on the new banner
oh shit i didn't notice
>Attempt free summon on Sacred World >no green orbs I guess I don't love Amelia
Fir 4* Florina 3* Corrin F 3* Chrom 4* yeah whatever
Time to just toss people around for feathers and skills because I'm running out of slots
I'm way out of slots. Having so many copies of Corrin isn't helping anything there.
I'm at 172/200 I turn a lot of people into skill fodder for camus and xander just because they have thousands of sp and it means i can just switch their skills around
>>245102 that's why it's good to make it really low concentration so you don't get too sick if you eat plenty they make marijuana edibles beef jerky did you know
they're two normal robins i think i'll keep them separate i dont want to merge them when there are so few i'm torn between leaving her with gronnwolf or saccing a dumb stupid ugly merrick and taking his rexcalibur+ it's got 13 mt instead of 10 it's not fair
i wish there was a tome that lowered special cooldown why do the fliers get that but tome users dont i think i'm gonna have to double down on her defense and play her like boey
>>245149 i dont think any ranged units get that and no magic users do they will eventually im sure
>>245151 a tanky green tome robin, a utility summer robin, a zeph with swap, and innes and probably atk/panic ploy real tight-knit formation they can handle anything and that innes bow is rad sick
or maybe ignore summer robin and use two green robins i'm not quite sure how to make use of summer robin yet then i can have one gronnraven robin and one gronnwolf/rexcalibur
I have a +atk summer robin I'm not sure what to do with. She has 1600 SP just laying there.
She doesn't really have the bulk to be a defensive unit, and I already have a brave spear+ Bridal Charlotte to be an offensive spear infantry, and she does that better than summer Robin could.
yeah dont brave spear robin her deft harpoon is already one of the best in the game. i wouldn't swap it out unlesspossibly for firesweep don't get tricked with that hp/def default skill either you need fury on her she's got enough bulk not to be a defensive unit but a hardy aggressive unit if you were lucky enough to get a bridge cordelia then i would suggest running a combo with her or young tiki for the heals people swear by renewal but i think i want lancebreaker
my bridge charlotte is plus atk minus speed so i'm probably going to brave lance her too i kind of want to give summer robin first bite+ though just because it would look really memey
lol lowering special CD? That better never become a regular skill.
>>245156 Hi Blue, a mutual friend of ours wanted to make sure you saw this post. >>244431 →
>>245155 I haven't even put death blow on her yet and she already explodes most things she touches. All I've put on her so far is the brave lance+ and draw back.
i might firesweep lance her with hit and run she's not even a glass cannon she's a pudding cannon >>245162 yeah i knew what you meant
I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't understand.
i dont know what you mean? oh you mean cancel affinity 1 2 and 3 >>245170 level one only negates weapon affinities level two negates weapon affinities and reduce color affinity bonus to some percentage level three does both of those but reduces the affinity bonus damage to 0% or something so completely nullifies the affinity
It sounds like it would cancel out or even reverse the triangle bonus But it doesn't seem to do that
Does that mean that a blue unit would get weapon advantage against both red and green with cancel affinity 3?
>>245172 it says that but that's not functionally what happens if there's a weapon affinity and a color affinity then it reverses it such that the affinity bonus is 0% >>245173 no it wouldn't i'm pretty sure and it doesn't do anything to your damage, it only effects the bonus affinity damage the enemy would receive
"If a unit with Cancel Affinity attacks/is attacked by another unit WITHOUT Triangle Adept, Cancel Affinity will have no effect."
If the Cancel Affinity user is at a weapon triangle disadvantage against the Triangle Adept user (eg. Blue CA vs. Green TA), Triangle Adept's Atk +X% is reversed and subtracted from the normal 20% gained from weapon triangle advantage. This results in: Triangle Adept 1 (+10%). 20% - 10% = +10% additional attack Triangle Adept 2 (+15%). 20% - 15% = +5% additional attack Triangle Adept 3 (+20%). 20% - 20% = +0% additional attack (This makes it as if the Cancel Affinity user is fighting an enemy of the same color). This is for CA3
the key is in the name CANCEL as in CANCEL someone elses affinity not give you affinity
So all it does is cancel triangle adept? Kinda useless.
>>245177 no, also ruby sword, sapphire lance, et cetera and then CA 2 and CA 3 also reverse the effect of that skill if they have a color advantage which means not that you've got affinity over them, but that the reversing of the 20% from sapphire lance, et cetera, negates the 20% from the color advantage
it's so that it's nullified on both fronts it's really strangely worded
Seems like the only real constructive use of it is to put it on Hector to troll people since triangle adept is a common way of dealing with him.
>>245157 Basketball has changed ever since Shaq left
>>245188 it's good for archers who have difficulty handling robin (m) and other raven tome users you're right that it's not worth a skill slot for a blue unit at least i didn't understand what it did until now either i thought it neutralized color advantage
it would possibly be good on a red-heavy team in dealing with azura but that's pretty niche
i'm not sure what to do for a c slot on bridge charlotte then she's very player-phase, so... maybe threaten speed would be good for my hit and run build but for your drag back, hmm
>>245191 what should i do with my robins rexcalibur, gronnwolf, gronnblade, gronnraven i can only pick two
If it neutralized color advantage and then punished TA, it'd be worth.
>>245192 Sounds like the sort of thing you'd enjoy.
Neutralize my color advantage onee-sama!
it feels good to finally have some 5* greens i had NONE for so long i worked my butt off to get anna there and now i've got two hardy robins and a summer xander oo though his iv is -atk +res
>>245202 The gacha was kind to me and it sucked me back in. I would not have come back if it didn't give me Bridal Charlotte, and Summer Robin and Elise.
the feather flow has been generous with tempest trials and new arena modes and things too and the daily rewards getting 150 feathers a day is helpful
yeah i used it on my bridal hector and red joshua personally those feathers were good
>>245216 I haven't been sleeping well. I've gotten between 3 and 5 hours of sleep every night this week. Last night, I slept 4 hours and the night before, I got 3.
>>245205 Friendship with Koi- ended now Yuu is my new best friend -Gacha
sky first chapter, second chapter, the third and fan translations of zero and ao now playing cold steel
more than ika de geso probablyyy
>>245217 ive been like that too i just want to sleep but ifi take stuff to sleep i won't be very productive the next day, you know and there's so much to do
I'd probably have been sleeping better the past few nights if there wasn't someone using their phone until 5am in bed with me every night this week but I don't want to point fingers or anything.
>>245224 It's more that we sleep very closely to each other so when she holds her phone in front of her face, that means it's like less than a foot from my face.
>>245223 I can't wear a sleep mask to sleep, it freaks me out.
>>245233 So? It's gonna be heavy still. And it'll probably bother Fish. >>245231 idk seems useless to me i can't really imagine using a non-damage special outside of specific cases
>>245231 Delthea has miracle and it serves me well in tempest.
fury and desperation are already working out great for the long-run in trials but i'm thinking with reinhardt's ardent sac and young tiki's healio dealio then i could abuse the h*ck out of miracle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
feels a little difficult to reliably abuse a 5 turn special without heavy blade or a killer weapon
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
or quickened pulse
guaranteed four hits as long as i survive one attack then it's ready again
Works well for Delthea in tempest trials. She carries the team so I can be a little more aggressive with her since she won't die if I let one unit reach her or something.
hmm I don't really get it. It seems totally useless to me. It feels like you're using this skill to do something in a really roundabout way when you can do it in a much more simple and straightforward way that's probably more reliable.
i have arena defense in mind too i haven't gotten a single defense score in tier 19 and i'm tryin my butt off you gotta take some really extravagant measures to get through some of these teams
It's useful so you can be a little careless in tempest trials. Or for those moments where you get 3 units all up in your face and you can't kill them all in one turn.
The worst case scenario is that someone on your first team dies, and then you complete three or four more maps without them, get smashed at the boss, and then just finish it with your second team and you only lose about 50-100 points which is negligible since you can get to 40k points to get the last seal in tempest easily just by doing it a few times every day.
>>245264 Well, my tempest team is pretty much completely carried by Delthea. So it's useful that it's on her. It came with her though, I didn't spend points and characters putting it on her.
>>245264 but i have fun strategizing i think that's more rewarding than the score, to just have a fun strategy work out
I like strategizing but I don't think it's rewarding for Tempest Trials because the success of your strategy is pretty variable and based on RNG in some ways. You really just have to have general strategies that fit a wide variety of situations, so I feel like going with the plan that has the highest chance of success there is what's important.
Figuring out a strategy to beat a GHB is pretty fun, or a strategy to beat chain challenges or story chain maps can be really fun because they're things you can actually plan for.
I just don't really have fun if I put a lot of time into something only for it to be unsuccessful just because of RNG. It's really discouraging.
i mean all those things, yeah stuff like tempest trials, i was just giving an example i love these new modes they're really a lot of fun i was getting discouraged before from caring enough to build my teams because there wasn't much to do with them i wish that there was buddy support so that we could battle each other i'd love to be able to set up teams for you or yuu or blu to fight against
It is really difficult to pour water into something while sneezing. Funny though.
I'd like to be able to battle each other's teams, too.
it's so much more rewarding than just beating some random dude's team in arena it'd be challenges we specifically designed for each other that'd be lots of fun i wonder if there's a reason they haven't, or if they won't
linux does have a few drawbacks, but so far it's been alright enough I obviously can't video games, and my music is differenntly managed But otherwise it's fine
>>245294 I'm ok My mans came through so I'm about to be very OK
>>245303 You should get Aoba. Aoba is the best nendo I've ever had.
>>245305 Do you want me to preorder for you, so you don't risk missing out on getting them? Then you can just pay me back when you have disposable income or something.
Aoba primarily but the Hifumi one is tempting too.
>>245304 Heeeeughghgh. I don't know when I'll have disposable income again and I already owe you money but it's still tempting.
i was gonna offer the same thing actually that's why i asked lol
>>245307 Aoba has really good customization and it's almost impossible to find a pose that is even slightly flawed or not aesthetically pleasing. Her customization options include her ID badge, a cup of tea, a video game controller, and a text bubble that says kyoumo ichinichi ganbarezoi. She also has a special leg piece that allows her to sit down. Her hair tails are also adjustable and you can even display her without a stand using her hair and the sitting down piece. She's also the highest quality one I have, and I have quite a few, including more expensive ones! You can really see that the sculpter really put nothing but love into her.
I think whatever makes bug not like me is a protien or a chemical on my skin.
I noticed the other day when I got out of the pool a horsefly tried to bite me. Horseflies never mess with me normally. The pool water must have washed whatever it is off my skin.
And just now that mosquito bit me twice in the hand. I had just washed my hands.
Oh no. My keyboard messed up again. Sorry. Yes. It is the female mosquito that sucks blood.
>>245313 I don't know the veracity of that, but I do recall reading that larger biting bugs like horse and deerflies are actually drawn to reflective light off water on skin. They're also either smart of uncreative enough to fly in circles around where a previous target has submerged into water for a while, so trying to duck underwater to hide from them is actually a pretty backwards approach.
It would have been a lot cheaper if the only seats available weren't $38 each. seems like the ride is going to be pretty packed this time unfortunately
death to all stus
>>245483 Doubly so, since ticket pricing always seems to increase the closer you're buying to departure date. So it ends up being both paid seats and more expensive tickets. Flying is so expensive. Some day we'll have some cheap method of quickly getting from some part of the world to another.
>>245488 I don't know. Last time I flew on one of these planes it was pretty cramped and shitty. It's probably not as ghetto as Spirit though, you can at least carry luggage onboard.
Some airlines even have you paying extra for "luxury" seating in the worst possible class of seating. It's such an infuriating penny-pinching scheme. I've never had the bad luck of having to choose seating like that, but I've cut it pretty close once or twice.
>>245490 Yeah, that's what this is. It's economy class but with like 1 inch more legroom. For $38. I have only chose this when there were no other options.
I have never flown economy class. What is it like?
>>245475 thats a lot is that ok i could have bussed you but its be slow
>>245494 Really cramped. Quality of seating can change from airliner to airliner, so the cushioning can some time actually be really comfy, but it's always cramped. Once you get to Economy, the airliner is pretty much trying to cut as many corners as they can, and they'll pack people in tightly if it means even getting one more extra seat theyc -they can sel l a ticket for. Quality of service also ranges from airliner to the next, and also seems to be a bit dependent on length of flight. When I flew it to Japan for a fourteen or something hour flight, I got two full meals and two snacks, with a drink each time. I could've even had liquor each time without additional cost. But that was also flying with Delta and they seem to be a little more generous than others. On the other hand when I flew down to Florida earlier this year with... American Airlines maybe? Can't remember. The woman sitting beside me tried to get a bottle of wine with her drink and she ended up paying an arm and a leg for it.
You can some times make the flight a little more bearable by picking a seat in a decent part of the plane--such as on the aisle so you can stretch your legs out into it, or picking a seat that fits up against the side of the plane in a way that gives you more than average legspace. But at the same time smart flyers are already going to be gunning for those seats, so you gotta be fast.
>>245495 Yeah, it's daijoubu. With this I can fit two days of weekend into my schedule and only miss 14 hours of work. It also works in that I fly right after work, and after returning go back to work, so its easy to fit into the schedule for my boss.
>>245494 It's like flying except the only mandatory service you get is mini snack pretzels and water. People are really close to each other for maximum efficiency. You can usually buy booze or something or watch the free movie if you're lucky. One time my seat even had a radio with 13 stations built into the arm rest if you had headphones. I usually just get drunk and take a nap if it's long enough.
I've found that for short-ish flights (sub three hours) a bunch of airliners don't even install screens for Economy to watch stuff on. They seem to be saving costs there too by just having some sort of complimentary (or often not complimentary) entertainment on the airplane's network that you can pick up with your device.
I always fly business class unless first class is available. I would not be comfortable being close to many people!
The best solution is to just save and watch stuff on a phone anyway. Small and you aren't restricted by what the airline gives
>>245510 The first time I flew to philly I think it was, they had screens on the back of every seat and you could watch stuff for free or monitor where the plane is on the route and a bunch of other cool shit. Every other time it's either been one monitor for each 10 seats or nothing at all.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've only flown first class once, when my professor got upgraded to first class using his fbi frequent flier miles and then convinced the ticket lady that i was his cousin and got me upgraded for free
>>245511 I've never flown anything better than Economy. I'm not that good being crammed in with a lot of people, but I think I've got pretty good defensive mechanisms. Plus it's easier for me when everyone is still and not moving.
the time i was first class was really nice i got free booze so much booze and they gave me really good potato chips >>245520 i bet it was a beer or something
>>245519 no it was three small bottles of bombay sapphire
The intercontinental flight I had to and from Japan apparently offered free booze with each meal/snack. But I didn't learn that until I was halfway through my flight there.
I've never seen another Economy flight that offered free booze though.
>>245523 i don't even fucking know maybe the girl just liked my panache after i gave her my id and verified it and went to give her my credit card she like waved me away i was like wow thanks i thought maybe the airliner would charge me from my previous card info but it never happened those bottles were supposed to be $8 each lol
>>245512 I'll play games on flights some times. If it's a day-time flight I might also do some reading. But mostly I find that flights actually lull me into a really sleepy state really easily. It's not particularly deep sleep, but it does make for really easy fast-forwarding through the long process of flying .
>>245524 maybe she was just super lazy and didn't care about charging you because doing that takes effort
>>245528 Flights are good for reading. I like playing rpgs on flights >>245531 Lazy employees are the best
>>245529 In that place god bless she's the hero american airlines deserves
discord does it, why doesn't /moe/ this is TWENTY SEVENTEEN dammit
Haha you must feel SO embarrassed
like oh my gosh totally girl i cant even right now
That's fine man as long as you can odd you're good.
i don't have to odd i am already odd
oh yeah /moe/ the powerball is at $520,000,000 don't forget to go buy 50 powerball tickets
How exciting. But it wouldn't be worth it for me to cross the border to take a chance at it.
Not that I ever buy for the lottery up here either.
i was just kidding anyways gambling is very bad for you i literally sold someone 50 powerball tickets at once today though
I've bought a single lottery ticket in my life and that was like a month after I'd turned the legal age for buying them. It was more or less a "well I can do it now I might as well do it once to see what it's like". And then I didn't win anything and I figured I could be happy with ending it there.
I get scratch cards from time to time from relatives but I've never gotten anything off those either.
haha guess who got 50 powerball tickets today Gonna be rich lads
>>245553 gonna be out $150 fam make sure you bring them to me so I can let you know you won 7 bucks
>>245552 I've only bought the ones I bought in philly that one time and a $50 ticket once I won $70 on that and swore to never buy them again so I broke even overall even though we forgot the $5 winner in the hotel room
>>245566 Oh no. Well those are still relatively minimal losses.
>>245569 it was kind of fun actually unlike lottery so i don't mind i doubt i will gamble again any time soon
I can't really wrap my head around the entertainment of lottery. Sure I can understand there's the thrill of the gamble going on but it's so hand-off. I wouldn't mind being able to play a few card games at a casino for once in my life, just to experience it in all its glorious setting. Like I'd set aside fifty dollars worth of chips or whatnot and just play until I run out or get tired.
The way I see it, it's a $5 liscense to fantsize about becoming suddenly rich for 20 minutes a week My family probably should spend the money on food before tickets tho
with that much money i bet you could hire someone to shoot your relatives and friends before they come after your money
I've seen some advice before on how to deal with the aftermath of winning a lottery. It really seems inevitable to transform into a lot of stress though. I wonder how my family would be if I won a lot of money through something though. I mean I'd be giving my parents a fair chunk of it regardless since they've done so much for me. I figure my siblings aren't likely to get really greedy, but it's always al ittle hard to be sure.
But I guess it's good I don't have any friends in person anymore to worry about concerning that.
maybe i could win big and donate a billion dollars to nasa and THEN shoot myself into SPACE
what night do you guys watch gamers
Yeah I was gonna say you could just tell them all you've donated it to some respectable cause. Then if they get bitchy about you not giving them any you've got the moral high ground.
>>245593 Thursdays generally. We all like it so it's high-priority and gets watched on its airing night.
This Corrin folded seven times isn't bad. I think she's probably like a 40+1 or 40+2 5 star unit. I gave her vantage and one of my Corrins had eaten a Tiki so she has lightning breath available to her too. She's pretty good at tanking and debuffing.
>>245600 It had also just delivered the materials for one of the atomic bombs too, so the military command was trying to be a little on the down-low about the ship, or something Sounded like it was just a bunch of bad happenstances that all aligned up together.
oh fucking hell it's happening the scene from the beginning of the first episode
Yeah. When there was that scene at the end of episode one with Tendou confronting him, I got mixed up and thought that was what the scene at the start of the episode was referencing. But I went back and checked it out and it was an exciting surprise.
>>245692 You fell on a razor. That wasn't entirely your fault but it would injure anyone! You also cooked stuff without a shirt on and got grease burns. That's probably more careless than clumsy but that would also hurt anyone
>>245698 That first one wasn't even partially my fault. Someone suddenly jumped into the shower while I was in it and fell on me which caused the razor to fall and me to step on it as I was trying to avoid falling.
Someone in this neighbourhood has their fucking car alarm constantly going off at weird times lately. Just now it honked for a moment and it's 01:15 in the morning.
>>245703 Yeah. I'm extremely careless very frequently. Whenever there's an opportunity to enjoy myself, I generally throw caution to the wind and enjoy myself to the fullest without regard for whether or not I might get hurt.
One time I unhooked the back of a trailer, one of those where the back of it is the ramp, and then for some reason expected it to stay there when I turned around. And it fell on me and caught me right on the neck and flattened me on the ground. But I got up and wasn't hurt at all.
>>245726 This is reality, Rika. Don't hide from the truth!
I dont think I would let pan in there but neither can I see myself doing the same to him, so all that leaves is frot and that's hilarious but will never happen
>>245746 Frottering is the act of rubbings the // rubbing the genitals on an object or person for sexual gratification - generally without permission when the object being used is another human.
Frottering is common at anime conventions and places like that but is generally fairly rare. In all the cases of sexual crime I've reviewed, less than five were frottering.
>without permission that sounds about right from what they talked abojt liks one of the gay fanfictions was about two fighters who just happened to be fighting naked until oh hey this suddenly turned into our dicks fighting each other oh oops gay sex
at least it wasnt the really horrible shit good god they've read some horrible shit
>>245751 No, there's a bit of a difference. Dry humping is, as you probably know, the act of just humping.
Frotteurism is explicitly rubbing. It's literally rubbing the genitals on someone until orgasm is reached. Most frotters are male, so they basically just rub their crotch area against someone when they do it without engaging in any actual humping.
like some of it is less sexual or horrid like there's this one guy who writes fanfiction almost exclusively about this one guy and it always involved wrapping them in cling wrap
Im glad my desire to say Im sore from swimming resulted in this
>>245759 Frotteurism isn't particularly common so it's probably normal to not know about it. It's considered a sexual paraphilic disorder in the DSM, though.
>>245768 You're not rubbing against your partner. You're rubbing against a non-consenting person. It's considered a disorder because it drives people to sexually assault others.
You see I didn't know that other bit from what I listened to about it so now that I know this conversation is more awk
Well, you're probably getting your information from people that are pretty lenient when it comes to stuff like that. People who do those kinds of podcasts aren't going to be sitting around laughing about people getting sexually assaulted, hopefully.
Fortunately no. With the exception of the pokemon one I think where the majority of the comedic factor came from the one pokemon fan's reactions to the content.
Yeah. When a butt is put in your face, you have to look at it. I don't really like the endcards in Gamers, though. I think they're too racy and they kind of take away from my satisfaction in the show. The swimsuits are always really boring and revealing in a stupid way.
>>245796 I'm not as much of a swimsuit connoisseur as you are though so that's not a huge deal to me.
My real gripe with the image is that the one thigh we properly see of Chiaki's is fucking HUGE. Like she'd have thunder thighs if you extrapolated its size to the rest of her body.
Most times you wear just one scrunchie. I guess if you were going for twintails you could wear two but twintails are harder to be spontaneous with because you need a mirror to make sure they are the same length and in the same spot.