Well it's not like I've watched it on tv either I remember we were supposed to watch it when we went to Canberra for our camp but our schedule went astray
Now the local magistrates court - That's where the magic happens. I was only watching there for one morning and I saw a bunch of great cases. There was a teenager who slapped a cop after they tried to bust up her birthday party There was a woman who had been arrested for trying to smuggle heroin into jail for her boyfriend (her lawyer asked the judge to go easy on her because she had two kids) Some Asian guy who'd only just gotten his drivers license back a month ago and had already lost it again.
There // On a more serious note, there was also an Aboriginal guy who touched up a kid at a library. He was only at the magistrates to enter a plea and confirm facts from the case though - I think he was going to be taken to the Supreme court for his actual trial.
Man. I wanna watch some ANIME but I told myself I wouldn't pick up any more series until I'd finished all the ones I'm part way through. But the reason that I'm part way through the half finished ones is because I've lost interest. Then I feel like I should make myself then I feel like anime is hardly a productive use of time so there's no point watching it at all unless I enjoy myself and it shouldn't be a chore.
...And then I just blogpost about it all on Doushio instead.
Yeah I can't download a lot so I can't watch a lot of stuff but even with the stuff that I have acquired it's a bit of chore. Sit down for 20 minutes and do nothing else.
Maybe six years ago there would have been a point. I could update my MAL to post on /a/ to prove how big my e-peen was with all the hours I'd sunk into watching Japanese cartoons.
>>6875 Well geez, moon. How else am I going to prove I'm hot shit? >>6876 If my old computer wasn't dead I'm pretty sure I could find a few of those somewhere on the hardrive too.
Red team are loading a gun of their own design. And they'll play it off as righteous when they pull the trigger themselves. It's either that or we actually walk the path of dismantling our virtues.
The other day, Twitter recommended me a bunch of what I assumed were like, Japanese girls that like fashion They had a bunch of pictures of them in cute outfits so I followed them Looking at my Twitter feed while waiting around there's suddenly pictures of dicks everywhere And I realize They weren't women
I'm going to miss the train. I got up pretty late. I was talking to someone early in the morning, my body feels a little sore and strained. Not enough sleep.
Everything was political from the day I learned that Chic-Fil-A meant supporting righteous beliefs. "righteous beliefs" Can't remove it from a damn thing, my friend. So it's whatever.
well my weekend has finally arrived after a big work week i got a bunch of sleep and now i dont know what to do i dont know whether to go for booze or stimulants i'm a few days off booze so maybe i should keep up the good work
it's super awful to take stimulants and then have nothing to do >>6933 oh yeah it was no trouble at all i saved it until like last weekend when i had a big job i think it didn't help me work. i'm starting to find that i can work without stims, and actually am a lot more time-efficient when i am doing so but the problem is work is a lot more agonizing eight hours of one task is a long ass time
but yeah getting things through tsa is pretty easy
ive learned something about my alcohol use, too i have no trouble being away from alcohol, at all i think the issue is i dont know how to not be on stimulants i've been such a heavy caffeine user my whole life, and on norandronergics that having a day be empty not having that kick is just an awful feeling i have to be drinking in order to coast through boring
>>6939 possibly. That would essentially be going back to my norm It might be that the alcohol has helped me cope through the last five years of tragedy and doing this would be resuming life as normal i don't think that sort of linearity has any real quality to it though, and i'm not good at telling myself platitudes (is that the right word) i'm too ingrained in my own evolution to believe silly things like that
there's a reason i continue to drink, and sooner or later the right circumstances will arise and i'll remember what it is, and wish i hadn't
>>6941 playing it by ear, probably there's a right time for things, and since i don't know what it is, i can't make some sort of claim that now is a good time for it i dont really believe in planning
Oh fuck Kirara Remember how you were like "oh, Genis' thing reminds me of the shepherd's garb " And how I thought it'd be cool if Tales game // more tales games were somehow in the same universe >Dhaos >Martel Both are the Symphonia/Phantasia universe
...Shit really seems to be going down. I think I should check out JFK.
>>6948 >>6947 Usually stuff like that is mostly references I think Dhaos isn't a demon king, he's an angel But he IS a bad dude AND Ragnarok is an event involved in Phantasia, though I don't think I posted the cap where Laphicet talks about it.
Also I'm pretty sure Aifried dies in both this game and Vesperia, so that's a bit of a paradox. Though I mean, there can be multiple super-pirate Aifrieds I guess.
But to namedrop Martel and Dhaos like this as both important things was really cool, whether it ties them together or not. (Martel is also in Phantasia, as opposed to strictly being in Symphonia)
>>6948 At JFK airport. People are protesting. I need something to go outside for and I'm not in the mood to go to church right now. So I'm going to see what's up there.
Maybe I'm thinking of a different game series
>>6950 Probably about the Iraqis There an Iraqi guy being held, he's been a translator for the US army for 10 years or something They grabbed him when he got off the plane because he was originally Iraqi or something >>6949 I don't really get it but you seem excited so it must be cool
Basically they're either making references or trying to tie universes together and both are cool to me so I'm happy. Plus I'm really liking Berseria so far.
snails of vesperia
Isn't tales the games about the world discovering some sorta magical thingie they can produce, and that rapidly improves all tech?
Vesperia has Blastia, Phantasia has Magitek, Xillia and Xillia 2 have a world based on machines more than magic, etc.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If there's something in particular you remember about it then I might be able to pick out which Tales game, but that's also a theme in JRPGS that aren't Tales too.
I didn't play them, I just read up on them
I don't know any particulars other than people discovered this magic they could harness or use via orbs or something And that leads to a lot of stuff
i slept a way long time after being up for all that work they're supposed to do some construction on my apartment today but i have no idea when and it's really annoying because it could be any time whatcha doin? have you watched paprika
When they were doing construction around my apartment they did it super early in the morning and at random times late in the evening. It was horrible.
Yep, I watched that ages ago! I love some of // most of the stuff from Satoshi Kon.
Have you seen millennium actress?
ive never seen it! i was gonna see if you wanted to
>>7039 ive seen millennium actress but i dont remember any of it at all i must have been zonked out from sleepytime meds i love satoshi kon so sad ;_; imagine the legacy he could have had if he got to spend the time in the industry that miyazaki had miyazaki didn't even debut until his 40's
That reminds me I want to watch Tokyo Godfathers at some point. >>7043 I have the dvd case of it, as a present from my big sister.
i would like to rewatch paranoia agent sometime it's such an experiential show it's totally one that you can watch again and get the full experience >>7042 tokyo godfathers is great
>>7052 no tried2record video battery immediately drops from 70 to 0 currently at 1% for the past 20 mins preventing me from using camera/video conspiracy
>>7060 >nephew has sealed in the dog >>7054 I spent most of today cleaning up , the house looks somewhat respectable now. and all things are put away tidily.
Tomorrow I have no idea, as I have no idea what my mom wants to do when she comes over. or even when she comes over, which is annoying.
And here I was actually thinking "there's no way he'll have it cover even people legally allowed to enter the US already" Fuck was I mistaken
What the hell, Trump
it is easier to ban them in a large amount than to predict who you have to grant exception o to* joke here there are people who should know these exceptions who work around with him and they didnt stop shit
>>7079 He just banned it all pretty much Didn't even make exceptions
Citizens are fine though, right? There's no way it covers citizens?
It doesn't have an exception for citizens
it covers immigrants so if youre an immigrant from there who is also a citizen get fucked
the only exception is if you are not in the religious majority of tthat country
>The order, which came into force as soon as Mr Trump signed it on Friday afternoon, requires US border officials to turn away any person arriving from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen for the next 90 days, whether or not they have a green card. Green card holders are permanent residents of the United States
Hamaseh Tayari, a UK resident who holds an Iranian passport, who had been on holiday in Costa Rica, found she was unable to board her plane back to Glasgow because her flight went via New York. She found her transit visa had been revoked.
Ms Tayari, who grew up in Italy and works as a vet in the UK told the Guardian she had never experienced anything like this.
"I want people to know that this is not just happening to refugees," she said. "I am a graduate and I have a PhD. It has happened to a person who is working and who pays tax.”
Also notice there's no ban for Saudi Arabia Which the US supplies with weapons that are used to slaughter civilians in Yemen and some of which end up in ISIS hands which are likely aided by the Saudis Additionally the 9/11 attacks were done by Saudis We're banning out of fear of a new 9/11 right????
>>7131 He will probably relent to allow citizens of our country and permanent residents to actually go home and be in America where they live, and that will shut people up for a little bit
>>7139 I think it's a bit beyond that. Most of the countries banned are ones that rarely send refugees and immigrants from none of those countries have ever committed acts of terrorism here as far as I know.
I think he's gone a little bit too far.
He also gave a joint press conference today with PM May and looked really foolish the entire time. He needs to get himself in gear.
>>7143 He'll pull it back and allow legal residents, I think. I think Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Somalia are all high volume refugee countries. Yemen is currently being (unjustifiably) bombed by US allies in the area. US has a hate boner for Iran so no surprise there. I don't know much about what Sudan's deal is, maybe it's also a high volume refugee country.
That he's banned movement from these countries and not places like Saudi Arabia makes me thinks it's more about stopping potential refugees/immigrants than it is about terrorism.
I thought the point of stopping refugees was to stop terrorists but I guess there's the economic reasons and whatnot too
>>7146 He could just lower the allowance of refugees if that were the case.
The stated goal is to prevent terrorists from infiltrating us. Something interesting to note is that he didn't do anything to countries he has business dealings in!
>>7148 He's done that as well. He's suspended the refugee program for the time being, and has instructed the people handling refugees doing forward to prioritize people from minority/persecuted religions.
While it is kind of eyebrow raising that he hasn't blocked immigration from countries he has business in, I think some of that may be because the places he does business in are wealthy places like Saudi Arabia that don't really have any refugees/immigrants coming out of them. Most of the refugees/immigrants that caused the European crisis were economic refugees.
>>7150 Well, I think Trump is looking at the refugee crisis in Europe when making this decision. That was mostly driven by immigrants from the countries he banned. I think the great difficulty that Germany has had opening discourse with him is also evidence of his concern/scorn over what happened with refugees in Europe.
I don't really know what the situation in Burma/Congo is.
>>7151 Trump actually didn't even come up with the list of countries banned. They come from a bill Obama signed in which restricted visa access in those countries.
My point is that I don't think Trump is thinking things through or is purposefully making poor decisions.
Oh, I see. What's all that about the countries not banned being Trump's business partners if Obama's people came up with the list?
There's also the fact that Christians from those countries do not face the same limitations. Which is blatant favoritism and spits in the face of the "famous" American values of not favouring one religion over another.
>>7154 Trump is claiming he came up with the list. At the very least, I think it's probably a combination of not thinking it through and also protecting his business interests. However, I do think that his business interests aren't his primary motivation. I do think he wants to do good.
i don't believe in deporting people why can't he be more like obama and not deport anyone
Oh. I don't know if it's the best way of going about it, but I believe that these measures are probably an attempt to stave off a refugee crisis like happened in Europe.
Personally, if it were left up to me, I'd do so by limiting social programs/free money/etc to economic refugees, but maybe what he's done will also accomplish that goal. I think these measures are just temporary and will be rolled back, right?
>>7155 I think the rationale behind that is that Christians and a lot of other non-majority religions are persecuted in that area.
Despite that, we accept as many Christians as Muslims yearly as refugees Trump's claim that it's /// that Obama's system made it harder for Christians is factually wrong
I wouldn't complain so much about his policy if he were honest about why he's implementing it or actually tried, if he's currently being lazy
>>7159 There are a lot of those of the Islamic faith that are also heavily persecuted in those area. Coincidentally those are often the ones that are seeking immigration and refugee status in the States.
>>7160 Trump is definitely hard to read sometimes. I think he is doing this to stave off a potential refugee crisis while saying it's about potential terrorism. It's hard for me to believe he's being lazy when he's been doing stuff non-stop since he took office.
>>7162 That's true, Sunnis and Shias pretty much fight constantly. And being female in a majority muslim country is a pretty crappy existence, too.
>>7170 At first glance to me, this seems to be that Trump technique where he starts with something really extreme and then comes down on it. I think this immigration policy will be chipped away by him backing away from it a little bit and by lawsuits. I think the citizens will be able to sue and win.
>>7174 That's kind of mis-characterizing what I've said. Coming up with a ridiculous initial offer and backing down is a very mainstream business tactic and Trump's record for using it is well documented.
Isn't it in place for 3 months, I don't think he will repeal it and just put something in its place at the end of the 3 months time period. Lots of republicans want a "harsher" vetting system for anyone coming into the USA.
>>7177 It's a bad strategy He's not making deals He's hurting Americans
He needs to learn how to govern if he's doing this like a business
bang needs tires
this is really really cute https://i.imgur.com/0UJ3dOk.gifv
>>7174 can you explain i haven't heard that term before
>>7183 Whenever you claim Trump did something stupid or bad, really hardcore Trump supporters generally claim "It's 18 dimensional chess!" to claim the blunder is part of a big keikaku doori and therefore inconsistencies in his behavior or his foolish behavior is not actually related to his real performance, but rather a clever ruse Any and all blunders are simply "18 dimensional chess"
tfw getting really fuckin sick of politics every day for 6 months straight tfw can't check my news feed on my phone without seeing 60%+ articles involving trump
Well, I don't know what will happen but it is what it is. I think he'll probably back down from the line a bit.
>>7184 i mean, i'm keen to believe that a lot of the decisions are more about managing russia's relations and that they're not surface-level politics is that what that means? is that what you're talking about
bang needs tires
>>7190 at the very least this election has "woken up" a bunch of people the more people getting involved in the system the better, probably
but i'm gettin real sick of the constant news barrage and the biased journalism
>>7192 No it's more like when he says "We're going to build a giant wall and make Mexico pay for it" and everyone calls him stupid on it. His supporters will respond "he's just playing 15-dimensional checkers! It's all a part of his genius plot!"
youre going to die of the illness
>>7192 You know the argument that we shouldn't evaluate God because He is so far above our level, we can't understand His reasonings? It's basically that, but with Trump.
It's a claim that everything is Trump's plan and that he is doing SOMETHING and we don't know what yet but that thing he did wasn't actually foolish, it was 18 dimensional chess.
>>7193 A lot of that is because the majority of the media is currently quarreling with the Trump administration. That can't go on for four years, some kind of equilibrium will be established there.
bang needs tiresSearch [iqdb](279 KB, 979x949, sa.jpg)Koi-
>>7197 you underestimate anger and ridiculousness Alex Jones still exists
Anon on cat sweaters: >Worst meme in a long time. I hated catfaggot lingerie, but that wasn't even close to THIS shit right there. An insult to sweaters. A blasphemy. A heresy. It isn't cute. It isn't sexy. It isn't practical. Fuck that thing and fuck nips for spreading it. Burgers should have bombed them harder.
>>7199 hmm I don't really think I underestimate anger, anger is kind of where we are now. Discourse in America has kind of been sick for a long time because people can't actually talk about things and just resort to hating each other instead of talking things out.
This whole immigration thing is kind of the same thing, there's a discussion about immigration that needs to happen that isn't happeninging because one side is screaming "REFUGEES WELCOME" while the other is screaming "BUILD THE WALL". There's a nuanced discussion about national identity that needs to be happening there but people are too stupid to have it.
>>7196 >>7194 i still dont understand but that's fine
>>7201 It's like if when I said >moon talking about psychology All those years ago And instead of realizing it was a stupid cocomment, everyone said "kirara said that because it's part of his plan" But nobody knows the plan
It's just the way hardcore Trump supporters defend him
This is a somewhat amusing meme amongst his supporters. Like it is almost worshipping him as super intelligent
>>7200 my point is that you believe that there is a need or rather it is evident that said event will eventually happen and calm things own down* but it doesnt have to you cant put a timer on collective anger and assume it will just work out.
>>7202 i don't see how that's that much different than when i defend him by saying that it's strategic positioning on russian relations is it just that i'm actually tying an objective to it and they're leaving it blindly open?
>>7204 Humans have a strong preference towards normalcy, because turmoil requires expenditure of energy. Attention span is also limited. The frequency and passion with which the media attacks Trump will settle down as a matter of nature because a) people will get sick of the feuding and b) the headline stops being interesting. It may be seething hatred under the surface for 4/8 years but it will be more calm.
Collective anger is also something that will always exist. Trump is a product of collective anger created by Obama.
It basically just come down to everything Trump does is according to plan.
>>7207 my defense of that was it was fucking decades ago and business back then (and honestly still now) is all about appeasing your guest
bang needs tires
his comments aren't even much of a big deal the shit i hear girls talking about on the wireless headsets at work seriously
>>7213 The argument is that he said it because it was part of his plan for presidency. For that tape, they often even argue that he had it released.
>>7209 its not a preference its a state just because things are normal doesnt mean they are good eg. all the black people commenting on the amount of people who are suddenly aware just how bad their own country can be despite calling this out for years. oppression is normal to some. which is why they arent surprised anger and normalcy are two different topics what im saying iis that there is no guarantee that after all this shit a real much needed discussion will happen that is just your personal desire
>>7214 The way women trash other women ins the workplace is always amusing to me. I talked abotu this yesterday, but a girl came in with a tiny hat yesterday and everybody in the office trashed her.
>>7217 i mean the way they talk about dudes and dicks
>>7218 >I win >no you don't look at the alternative facts
bang needs tires
i think it's fucking hypocrisy that trump is a woman hater for talking about pussy when people talk about sexual things all the fucking time
I don't really honestly believe the media cares much for morals or the far reach consequences of trumps acts but if they keep using his name in titles and page spreads they get money from it. I am pretty sure they aren't even at odds, trump keeps giving them material to work with and they probably love him for it.
>>7216 There's a need for a nuanced discussion about black culture in america and the way that blacks are treated and the way blacks treat themselves too, but that conversation is also mostly washed away in the overzealous discourse that dominates America today.
bang needs tires
I wish any of the black movements that get press coverage were about celebrating black culture instead of calling white people evil It's even looked down upon for white people to celebrate black cultural things in some cases, and that's not progress
I am kind of amused that all those black lives matter marches were tinged with fear and police responses but the march against trump wasn't treated as badly.
I don't know if I could be amused at that sort of thing.
Well there were riots and violence at the BLM one
>>7223 so you understand why this wont just happen in "four years" since the black community has had its problems for decades
>>7216 It is the best of times, it is the worst of times. This is always in effect!
People will continue wit the good and the bad and things will be much the same. All I was saying is that the current turmoil is temporary and calm will settle in further into Trump Trump's term, for better of for worse. er for better or for worse
>>7228 Yes, that's right. Certainly things won't become completely okay for black America in four years, there have been significant problems for decades and I think the unhealthiness of discourse in America will exacerbate this problem and prevent many meaningful solutions from being made. You can't just slap a bandaid on this.
>>7227 But didn't the police come out super armed for one of those marches, like snipers on roof tops and full kitted out police.
>>7227 I've seen it argued that those riots are really just what MLK was arguing for when he said that stuff about unjust laws
black people dont want white people solving their problems for them there's a discussion to be had but it's nothing we're involved in black lives matter gets a lot of hate from within black culture for this reason, because they waste so many resources on relations outside of the community instead of nurturing the community in need
>>7236 Oh yeah, I think equilibruim will definitely be established there in the next half year or so just because of how the media works. "I HATE TRUMP" articles will fall out of vogue because above all, the news must be interesting. It will probably fall to levels similar to when Bush was president, where most of the hate is restricted to late night TV like the daily show.
>>7243 This is all normal though. I'm not sure which pattern it falls into, but history is really cyclical.
We're either in a fairly normal cycle in American politics, where one party loses favor and the other gets too strong and then the too-strong party messes it up and the pendulum swings back the other way. Or we're in a world war cycle where people forget that violence sucks and compromise is important and society's morals run into the toilet until everyone is blowing each other up. Conditions now aren't too different than they were pre-WWI or pre-WWII.
>I'm not sure why it is, but it is!
I don't know Trump's plan but he has one and it's working
I think things are pretty different from pre-WWI I can see an argument for WWII but not really WWI
>>7248 If you were to ask me, I think that the pre-WWI era was marked by two primary characteristics which led directly to the war. They are: 1) naivety towards the nature/violence of war and a belief (based in history) that they knew how war would be conducted and what the costs would be 2) competing european hegemonies with large tangled alliances
The naivety was based on hundreds of years of warfare that preceded WWI whichm as far as war goes, really weren't that bad. They were basically just competitions where peasants died. Then WWI started and people were horrified about how bad war really is when you have decent technology.
I see that happening in society today regarding nuclear warfare. People are kind of forgetting about how horrible it is with the end of the Cold War, and doctrines like MAD are yielding to doctrines like NUTS. The US has adopted NUTS rather than MAD as our nuclear doctrine, and the other major nuclear powers (Russia, China) also have limited nuclear exchange as key parts of their military doctrine because one of the ways to hedge the advantage that the US has with such powerful army is a nuke first policy. Then you have India/Pakistan who have basically only not nuked each other yet because the rest of the world won't let them. The Pakistani Government is already a-okay with nuclear jihad and has said as much.
The competing hedgemonies in the world should be pretty easy to see, there's US/China, US/Russia, and now the EU is throwing their hat into it too. And with memories of WWII fading fast as the survivors and other people who were alive at the time passing on, and the current naivety of the world as to the dangers of nuclear warfare, I think conditions now are similar to the pre-WWI era in a lot of ways.
Oh, I forgot to add that the US is very confident in it's nuclear defense now which has also served to weaken MAD. I don't know what our nuclear defense is actually like though so it's hard to say if we're overconfident or not. But that's another contributing factor in our nuclear naivety.
>>7257 I know, item number one always comes first! That's why it's part of a cycle. I can't tell if we're just in a normal political cycle or at the end of a world war cycle, but everything is cycles in the end. I think we probably are one Franz Ferdinand away from a limited (or not so limited) nuclear war, the only real question is whether we've forgotten about war enough to be stupid enough to shoot him.
>>7262 I believe very strongly in human nature and historical cycles. People don't change. I think that western civilization is deeply naive in believing that 1) we aren't subject to the cycles of the past and 2) that western civilization can be imported to every corner of the world.
Isnt one of the things that happens is that the big country throwing weight around usually loses
>Local superpower not so mighty after declaring war
>>7266 i'd call that a transitionary phase out of localized conflict and into globalized conflict there was a time when the importance of globalized industrialization wasn't fully realized, and that national borders were more of suggestions than rules the globalization of things brought on a lot of forces that offenders wouldn't have expected at that time asking for help, and a nation's incentive to help, was a lot different in WWI and II than in earlier wars
>>7263 I was worried her arm was broken until I read the comment.
>>7266 If you look at the United States in a historical context, what we are in right now is a 200 year conflict. Great nations/conflicts usually face a crisis every 200 years. Well, around every 200 years give or take a few decades. It was during one of the 200 year conflicts that Rome made the transition from a republic to an empire. On the next one, Rome fell. I think that the US is a lot like Rome in a lot of ways, and that we are more or less on the verge of either becoming something bigger than what we are, or collapse. But that sort of thing also happens on a scale that if we are headed for collapse, most of us will probably be old or dead by the time it actually happens.
well it was nice knowing all of you
>>7269 extrapolate from the curve, not the line we're not in a vaccuum
The past is pretty useful for looking at the future though. Human nature doesn't change. I think there will probably be another world war, depending on whether people are actually correct or not in their belief that the world has changed enough for it to be possible.
And all hail the Prophet Rika, unmistaken in all her thoughtless spiels.
>>7280 im not really sure if i believe in something like human nature but even if the things in us aren't changing, our external abilities to manifest them are our need for oldschool warfare has always been a painful struggle, and we're in a world now that has a lot more natural and layered ways to manifest our intentions
if there is some sort of classic, physical warfare, it's goingt // going to be second-hand warfare, played through conflicts in developing or secondary countries china's access to nuclear power is only a threat because of who they're able to prop up using that, and whose relations with the middle east (currently) are affected i don't think you'll see any nuclear or armed conflict -- as in, people going out with guns and tanks and infiltrating -- in US, China, or Russia it's going to be mostly a war over our pawns, and the back-end threat of "if you're against us in this strife, we can commit to trade warfare with you until you cave in. oppose too hard, and cyber warfare is a promise"
there will most definitely be warfare, but it's such a layered thing that it's currently being fought 4 or 5 steps in advance, dodging points of contention and not stepping on toes. it's really all about managing everything strategically right now, so that we don't step on any toes and incite issues
>>7285 I think that human nature absolutely is a thing, and that people need to be constantly reminded that violence actually is a bad way to solve things despite how effective it looks at first glance. I think that manifests in a painful cycle of war where that lesson is pounded into people every time they forget. I think that we could possibly be at the end of one of those cycles, where people are starting to forget that violence is a bad way to solve your problems. You see it in (un)civil discourse, relations between nations, and the softening of attitudes about the possibility of limited nuclear exchange by governments all over the world. The answer to the question of whether nuclear war is something countries should resort to to achieve their agendas used to be a definite no, now it is more of a maybe not.
I don't believe that proxy wars will replace the human tendency to forget that violence is a bad answer.
Your parallel with the Roman Empire is kind of interesting, a lot of the blame for the fall of the empire was that the troops of the empire were pulled into the rome and frontiers were abandoned with few troops and all the villages and alliances they made in the furtherest corners were abandoned to pillagers and raiders. All of which eventually weakened Rome, I wonder if the US will go super insular over time and suffer the effects of going insular.
>>7287 societies and nations are a mind developing on their own they're not going to yield to what any individual feels, or to human nature they're going to feel the risk of what's lost by warring another major trade superpower before they feel the need to aggress they're very cautious creatures, like two wolves sniffing around and trying to sense hostility, making a few gestures to show defensiveness, and only going into a conflict when elimination is needed everyone's main focus is on not needing to be eliminated
>>7290 I think I disagree with you there! Societies and nations are made up of people and are the sum of their parts. They can't escape human nature.
>>7289 You might be seeing it now, isolationism is one of the directions that Trump wants to take us in. Well, I say Trump wants to take us in that direction, but it's really a case where Trump was elected by people who want to go in that direction. Many people in America are of the opinion that it's not our place to play world police and that we should pull back somewhat.
Well I am curious if Trump will leads the US on that path, I don't know if he will achieve it in his terms considering how long it took for Rome to fall apart, it was generations of mismanagement. I don't think Trump is really the problem in a lot of ways, his ideas are shared within the republican party and if it was not trump someone else in Trumps place as a republican would advance those interests and ideals.
I don't think the people who voted for him really knew what they wanted in any particular direction.
>>7293 I don't think it's good to assume people who disagree with you are stupid. I don't think of Hillary voters as stupid, I think many of them are people who had their hearts in the right place.
>>7292 That's true, I think it takes a long time for these things to happen.
So it's fine to assume everyone is stupid? Which I'm pretty sure is an argument you've backed on before.
Besides I'm not saying they're stupid I said they didn't know what they were voting for. You can chalk that up to stupidity on some part but a lot of it is a nationwide indifference to actual matters and drastically more you fucks getting more kicks out of making politics a circus than an actual serious matter.
>>7291 what do you mean by human nature? this isn't a concept that ever really clicked with me
I can or rather I think I can get what moon means, that nations and the machine of government escapes the "humanity" of individual humans and works beyond that, I think it is a lot colder and more logical thing. Weighing the pros and cons. of course the values it feels are wins and that it feels are losses are dependant on who is in charge.
>>7296 I guess it is kind of a vague concept, yeah. But I guess it would refer to the collective tendencies of humans. I don't think people are that different from each other.
>>7295 I think there were lots of people who had good reasons for voting for Trump and knew what they were getting into. The last election was essentially about globalism, with people voting for Hillary being for it and people voting for Trump being against it. I think a good number of people on both sides knew what they were doing.
I mean you can think anything you want. I can think anything I want.
But you contain yourself within a very small bubble and I don't think I can really respect the way you interpret things very seriously.
>>7297 I don't think that's quite what i mean, but it's not totally off the mark >>7298 it's kind of like a magnetic field each election has its own intention and informational structure the field of those discrete elements forms its own independent informational system that acts as an independent unit and it's not like a discrete leap in between, any combination of information systems constructs a compound system that functions independently on some level, and only ceases to function as a whole when the informational energy is intense enough to penetrate and affect the smaller structures within
i'm of the belief that an individual human is no less alive or conscious than a team or group or society or nation, or the geopolitical forces composed in many different ways it sounds hooplah, but in my perspective there's no difference not moreso than individual components of your brains all inputting their own resolutions to form one compound thought that you feel in your reality
>>7299 I think the idea that all Trump voters didn't know what they were getting into is the more small-minded view. People vote for lots of different reasons.
>>7302 You also mentioned stuff about political circuses and stuff, yeah. But I think it's kind of dismissive to think that no one had a good reason for voting for Trump. I don't think that about Hillary voters.
I can't really understand the information theory stuff. I don't understand enough of what you said to give a meaningful reply.
Kind of offtopic but I wonder why you need to learn how to draw before you can actually draw. seeing and then drawing should be enough! >>7307 hm, there is a lot I don't understand . I think It might require more effort on my part than effort on your part to explain. I should read up about information theory and discrete informational fields. >>7308 It is far too fustrating. I draw and everything is just wrong. I can see how something looks and visualise it in my head but why doesn't come out how I want to draw it ;_;
>>7303 I'm not that kind of mad at you. This is pretty much the baseline for most days. Feel free to continue.
>>7305 would you like me to elaborate? i can't guarantee anything i think is 100% sane but i'm happy to talk as long as possible
>>7305 There's a lot that's a part of it, but two major factors are you need to understand the motor controls to recreate something you see on paper or whatnot, since fine motor skills are not as instinctual as the basics of walking and movement, and secondly, that understanding why something is, isn't the same as seeing what it is.
>>7308 it's an understanding built from practice, just like walking people who try to study before drawing will never really get there you gotta jump in and build up >>7310 drawing isn't necessary in life
Walking comes pretty easy to most people. Drawing, less so.
>>7305 Well I'm an expert on that phenomenon happening to myself. Like Moon said you can pretty much just jump into drawing and keep at drawing and that can help you develop an understanding of what you did right or wrong. But you can also bolster that practice with study and observatory research--the learning of why something is.
I have friends that practiced drawing in both aspects and have met with success with both methods.
One of the things I really am confused about is how upset I get when I can't draw. I am usually never really upset about anything but if I put time into drawing and it can't draw what I want I am unfathomably sad that I can't do it.
>>7312 when i draw, i don't draw to make a product what i come out with doesn't matter i draw to draw, so whatever i come up with is fine it's self-satisfying and relaxing it's not a chore to achieve an end
that wouldn't be the case for a cartoonist or graphic designer or someone drawing who has a specific purpose, but i think in learning to draw, doodling freely is probably the best thing you can do
I don't know if I could be comfortable in that method. I like to create art to bring to life the stuff I come up with my head; the process is very much about achieving a specific purpose. Just producing whatever doesn't really bring me much satisfaction.
I always want to draw but the practice is hard to commit to. I need to keep at it, I just feel like I will never improve sometimes. Like if my brain was wired differently and repeated practice just reinforces my failures rather than improves.
Pretty much. I know people that drew pretty much every day for five, six, seven years straight. Sure some days it might not be much, but they stuck at it.
>>7315 learning comes from play. draw to play, to have fun, until you build some basic fundamentals and intuition around it once you have some intuition developed, you'll definitely become curious about the more complex, and naturally want to investigate it shooting big from the start is really counterproductive, in my experience scribble, draw, just explore shapes and patterns and perspective as you find interesting tailor the task to your brain, not your brain to the task
i don't remember where that last line quote came from, but i remember it was in reference to people who have hemispherectomies, who have to have half of their brain removed, still being able to perform jobs and live mostly normal lives you don't force your brain to fit a task, but approach the task as it fits your brain so just fool around and let your brain take it in its own direction
The hat kind of feels like it's hovering a few centimetres above her head to me, instead of resting comfortably on top of it.
>>7324 >>7326 it looks like you're focused on detail more than form, for the face instead of trying to get great detail on the first try, just play around with some different structures until something feels natural, then do some polishing and refining and shading to make it fit you're expecting yourself to be able to construct every detail from the start, and you can't i can't either nobody can
>>7327 It does, I tried fixing it but I need to redraw I think. >>7328 I think that is exactly it, I really want to draw something with fine detail. really nicely detailed art is what I admire.
>>7329 detailed art doesn't come out in one sweep it's like with writing. someone doesn't write a brilliant novel by starting at the start and going through the entire story in one conscious motion (except hitchhiker's guide, but that's because it's comedy) they put the skeleton up, add some meat after they have a rough structure, polish it up, make some refinements where it looks awkward you're putting up the expectation that you should be able to do something that nobody does -- just very experienced artists do it so smoothly that it looks easy. trust me, even for them it's not. it's a constant process. they just give the impression that it's very smooth and easy.
one suggestion i have is rough sketches. while it's still on another layer, go heavy on the lining. scribble rough ideas for the face out and the brain kind of filters out the mess and sees what looks decent, or you'll come across what you want drawing is really an exploratory process, not a planned one
I feel there is some un-justification in saying that it can't come out in one sweep. It's a long hill to climb but eventually you can develop an innate sense of what should go where and how large it should be. I've watched people draw stuff in what is basically a glorified Paint app and produce some impressive details without any back structure. I'm not saying it's easy, or immediately attainable, but it's possible.
they're all concepts they've already explored i've also had to do timed figure drawings, and have only 45 minutes to complete a full figure drawing the purpose of it was to build the motor memory around it, to practice executing the conceptualization quickly that doesn't mean it's one concept fully realized at the instant it's just quick adaptations that come from skill that's very different
>>7341 That is super impressive. >>7343 I've been in some super awesome /jp/ rooms. They draw some great NIIIPAAAHH
The old /jp/ FlockMod room from waaaay back in like 2011 is the part of the long chain of reasons I'm here on /moe/. I still talk with a bunch of friends from it pretty much daily.
>>7353 Yeah, I'm excited. I don't like mobile games or gachas but I'm a sucker for Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem characters all look so good though that it's fine if it's a gacha I guess, I'm sure to get a bunch I like.
All regions launch on the same day, so I hope that's a sign that it is like that.
>>7362 Yeah, he really liked the character designs for the show. I think at some point a gigantic majority of the fanart on 4chan boorus for drawfags for Show By Rock was done by him.
Waifu emblem
The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued an emergency stay halting President Donald Trump’s executive order banning entry to the US from seven majority-Muslim countries tonight, following widespread protests at airports around the country.
The old lady I work with asked me why I don't have a girlfriend I told her that I'm gay She said "no you're not" I guess imstraight
That's just them breaks.
>>7386 I bet dowman sayman and yoko taro would get along
Sayman seems to be a real game nerd. Half the stuff in his Twitter is whatever game he seems to be playing at the moment. I've seen stuff from Pokemon, Persona 5, aaaand other things I can't remember because I don't have his Twitter on hand.
Well shit. it is late. I don't think I can play tonight. I don't know what I am doing tomorrow. >>7401 I didn't say I was going to bed immediately. I didn't notice the time is all.
you've got form and structure down great that's a great skill tilde is doing mostly busts, and that's a lot different from your full figure they're separate processes
I am heading off to bed now moes! I'll try and pop on tomorrow and maybe do some more drawing again. It was fun moes!
Thanks for drawing with me moon and tilde even though I kept deleting my terrible artwork!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
bye bye
>>7409 Yeah the real secret is I don't know shit about the rest of the human body. If I'm not feeling adventurous I pretty much only ever stick to the bust upwards. Kannagi's sense of body is probably actually more developed than mine, hah hah.
>>7407 I know money isn't exactly a frivolity for you, but there's cheaper, decent tablets on the market. We got a drawing tablet for my sister for her last birthday that was like 80 CAD.
It's 11 PM there isn't it? That's early for me, but not so early that you'd be lame for sleeping at that time.
bang needs tires
yeah but if i sleep now i'll be awake for like 6 or so hours before work that always feel so awkward the wake cycle should always be wakeup -> work -> off time -> sleep feels weird having off time before work
>>7424 Is your brother still interested in playing Sniper in his games or has he gotten kind of frustrated with it? He might want to give the Dark Moon event a try so he can learn how heroes feel to right-click with and move about.
bang needs tires
yeah he still plays it mechanics take a little time yeah but what he really needs is game sense which also takes time everything takes time
I left early though. My phone lied to me and said it had 70% charge but it failed. And wouldn't let me use the camera. It was also cold so I just went to Brooklyn. ...The plan was to meet with my parents at church and then come back up home for free quickly but today was a church meeting which is always incredibly long and after that we waited for my brother to pick up his son from grandma's house Didn't get back until about midnight.
>>7454 That's good, we can do the movie some other time.
no we dont have to if we do the anime i think theyre basically the same unless the anime finishes before the third movie the third mo vie is coming out soonb i think
>>7456 yeah i'm pretty sure eating over a pound of aged cheeses in one day was way worse >>7460 two fat double cheeses for like three bucks i would have gotten four if i wasn't obviously there alone
>>7459 >not acting like you're making a food run for a party You casual.
You can even take a little scrap of paper with you and pretend to read off it when you order. Everyone will think it's a list. Alternatively you can pretend to take a phone call and ask your 'friends' if they want anything else with their four burgers.
>>7461 i would have had to walk back with all that food and it would have gotten cold your liter-of-milk hangover chug is probably the best advice ive ever received in my life by the way
>>7465 It's probably better to slowly wean yourself off anyway. Less shock to the body.
>>7470 yeah, plus there's that kindling effect from abrupt cessation i wouldn't say i'm consistently going 2-3 days in between, but i'm not drinking daily anymore or i'll split up a bottle between two days and then take a day off
>>7480 i dont think so the biggest worry that keeps me drinking is my mind i've never been as stable as the last year, on the booze i have no idea what my mind will do if i give it control again
>>7482 Take credit where it's due. It's still your mind even if booze diluted it a little.
The past few days have just been filled with all the busywork and chores that accumulate after being away for a while. Getting my drivers license reissued. Taking my junk out of storage. That sort of thing.
It's going to be hard to settle back into a routine after 14 months of freedom.
On the other hand, I really can't afford to put my life on hold for any longer. Almost everyone from my High School class already has their graduate degrees. It's time to face the real world again.
But I do miss the mountains.
you can always build a mountain of chicken nuggers and pretend. nobody can take that away from you.
How is your job going by the way? It's a shame my phone is out, I'd love to buy something.
Heat gives me power. During the winter I get way more lethargic and miserable than in the sun and warmth of summer.
>>7530 It's good. A few shifts ago I was the top seller in our campaign. The other day I got an Indian who swore at me over the phone. It's funny because the do not call button doesn't work.
That is why winter is OBJECTIVELY a better season than summer.
Yeah but putting on too many layers is stiffling. Stifling even. Besides I've never met a heat I couldn't tackle with a t-shirt and pants.
Winter's cold isn't even the problem with the season though. The real drag of winter is how everything becomes so drab and unpleasant. Winter has the shittiest colours of all the seasons.
>>7556 >he can take his skin off I see you lizard man. I'm onto you.
>>7557 What beauty? The beauty that comes with snow? The snow that makes vehicle transit a nightmare, hides traps of ice from vision and plays havoc with any part of a house that isn't properly sealed against the elements?
>>7671 Maybe you could outsource your tagging.. Find some poor bastard stuck in the third world and pay him ten bucks to go through all fifteen thousand images and label them.
Or a libertarian The line is kinda blurred because once you go "taxes are theft, end of discussion", it doesn't matter if you WANT anarchy... you're gonna GET anarchy.
Reversed swastika is a Buddhist symbol, and feudal Japan was really Buddhist. Is still, really.
The triforce is an actual banner of a some Sengoku-era Japanese clan, but I don't know which one in particular. If you go to Japan you can see stuff that has the design on it still.
>>7776 Maybe the ancient Nips were just really big fans of Ocarina of Time.
I actually kind of wonder why they settled on a Triforce when the design is practically identical to the Hojo family crest. Like the dev team of the first Zelda game had to have been aware of it.
Apparently the crest has numerous other possible origins, from the family crest of an influential employee of Nintendo who popularized the directional control pad, to shrines dedicated to Benzaiten in Eastern Japan.
I'll make a deal with you, Rika. -- I'll never make fun of you being middle-aged ever, ever again if you spoon feed me some anime suggestions. >>7807 I might be if I knew what it was.
>>7828 We tend to call it by "3-gatsu" in the anime threads since that's how the HorribleSubs release titles it. But we've been watching it since it started airing.
I had a weird dream where I bought a LOT of bread by accident Like I was walking through the grocery store and I picked up a bread and some other stuff, but by the time I got to the cash register, I had like 5 pieces of bread, and I just kinda had to buy them because how do you go "Oh uh, I didn't... mean to bring more than one bread but somehow I brought 5."?
It was mostly bread, too, I don't know what else I bought
I'm actually really bitter that you guys have been watching it all this time and i didn't even know it was going on that's my favorite writer next to the writer of dorohedoro, and it's been ages since honey and clover just pops up out of nowhere and is such a huge surprise for me, only found out about a week ago not that it's any of your guys' faults but it makes me upset at the situation
i'm probably going to lock myself up and watch it all and if anyone spoils anything for me i'm gonna kill myself
When school tries to kick me out for failing another semester, I'll tell them that I didn't have any time for coursework because my internet friends gave me a bunch of neat anime to watch. I'm sure they'll understand.
I'd like to think that /a/'s attitude towards spoonfeeding doesn't extend to /moe/. I could have just googled it I guess. But I trust you guys more than a wiki page
>>7887 I've been watching let's plays of it, and besides some kind of bad textures here any there, it looks pretty nice. Some of the game can be a little obscure at times; like in the garage fight with Daddy I've seen a few people just run around for minutes not really knowing how to proceed. But the atmospheric design of the house is really, really well done.
>She keeps getting spooked and pausing it Sounds like her method of tanking horror games is the same as mine, hah hah.
>>7902 some people can't handle red meats well turkey bacon and chicken hotdogs and stuff can be good replacements i have seizures and trigeminal neuralgia if i eat too much red meat
>>7895 I'm starting to think this show isn't the fast paced, in depth, profound psychological thriller I was promised. They're just sucking each others' dicks on a beach.
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10123304 check out this inami
Too bad she's the worst girl
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the best girl in working was a dude
Oh yeah Marsh there was a new Working season-- Well two actually. One that wrapped up the plotlines of the first two seasons, and one that adapts the other Working restaurant.
the pure neemo dolls are kind of hit or miss the kuroneko is really great though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Do you have the Kuroneko? I don't know much about dolls.
>>7954 Oh yeah. I'd heard about that a while ago and then forgotten again. That's going on my Note list of things to download once the internet is up and running. That's for reminding me.
thanks for**
>>7956 yeah when i broke up with my ex we split our doll collection kuroneko was worth like half the collection and she had customized the others mostly herself so i was happy with that i don't know if you remember but i made a series of fish-themed items, a fish doll outfit and also made a fish scarf and fish purse if i hadn't sold them on etsy i'd let you give them to fish haha
doll clothes are super fun to make especially because the higher end dolls, people will pay thousands for them and happily shell out a few hundred on a primo outfit for them whereas actual cosplayers buying a real-sized outfit fitted to them would probably be paying less the only downsid e is that CGL FUCKING BANS YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT DOLLS FUCK
even when you've been a goddamn contributing member for five years and even have made items for cosplayers on there before fucking hell people are genuinely interested in it but a few huffy bitches say THIS ISNT COSPLAY and report it and i'm gone for a fucking month time to kill myself again
not like i can just upscale it and make a real outfit for it not like it's easy to just make a doll-sized version for display and then have people send me their measurements if they want custom-made things not that advertising is particularly encouraged but people want what they want
>>7963 I was once banned for shitposting on /an/ so I know EXACTLY how you feel.
I got banned for spamming /a/ once for making three consecutive posts even though I waited for the timer to expire before making a new post
I've never gotten banned. One of my drawfag friends--maybe more really, have gotten banned for posting completed requests in drawthreads though.
>>7975 I used to write tons of fapfiction from requests on /a/ wwwww I'd be fine with getting banned for nsfw but I obviously wasn't spamming The /ak/ guys always got a kick out of it though haha
Oh my.
>>7976 Mod-kun was doing No-Fap November and he didn't like your stories giving him a hard on.
Wayyyy back in the day Back when strangers were friendly and men wore hats
So like.. 2012. People on /a/ were having a hissy fit because janitors were deleting SFW loli threads. And people were all 'you can't ban pictures of kids if they're wearing cloths' And then people were like "well what about Yotsuba. She's the mascot. How can we not post our own mascot?' And so everyone started spamming Yotsuba Then I joined in. Then was hit with the ban hammer.
And then I came to Doushio to bitch about it and never left.
Haha I remember the loli ban Accelerator "saved" the day
SFW loli threads are always pretty much as close to the line between SFW and NSFW anyway.
i need to buy some FUCKING milk but it's 6 20 am and whole foods isnt open and kroger is a long ass walk away
I wouldn't be here if mods hadn't started enforcing the no stream rules thanks to a certain hissy fit that kicked R/a/dio off /a/. So I guess hurrah for tyrannical mods. They bring us all together.
tbqh most of original /moe/ -- me, kannagi, SS, SC, and someone else i can't remember -- were all commoners of radio
i can't remember the other dude that made up the trio from australia
Yeah, but getting booted off brought me here! I wouldn't have even known /moe/ existed for probably ever if that hadn't happened. I'm not exactly the kind of person to go through those lists of /a/ satellites like a bunch of newcomers claim to use when discovering /moe/.
>>7988 he wasn't from radio i'm talking about the SC/SS/+1 trio
I came here because I met Doge and /a/ and was invited But I thought it looked like shit so I didn't actually come and post for a few months after that
>>7990 oh. Yeah. I know who you mean actually. It was a bit like SC but...different
>>7996 and how did he meet the first posters. from r/a/dio?
tfw wasn't here for /stocking/
>>7997 he had lots of other pet projects that he put on the domain like nagashi and just stupid little things that would get passed around /a/ a lot and there was /stocking/ for the message board at that time, though the other little one-off pages were what got more attention but a casual glance and again at the message board still kept it in the common interest, enough that when there were heavy server problems for /a/ in fall 2011, a lot of people referred over to here for backup ghost archives weren't quite up at that time obviously this server can't handle too much flow, so it would get busy enough, crash, and then a few people who were particularly compulsive and really craved the liveposting environment would come back day and again to check if it was up, who was around i made a point to post flanfly daily, but when i found out it was hourly post limits, i started posting roofer hourly while i was around, just to bait out some replies it was mostly dead, but people liked the interface enough to want people to come around, so little advertising bits like that to say "i'm around, who else is" sprung into place
he also posted a link to /stocking/ on /a/ once I think
tfw wasn't here at all
>>7994 Absolutely. It's a bond that can never be broken.
tfw curled up in blanket with fish while she freaks out about getting spooked
It sounds like a pretty nice feeling, I'm jealous.
>>8003 >no capital f >not "a fish" >literally wrapped up with several dozen trouts in a blanket
Fucking hell Moon
Why this.
>>8005 That sounds like a good feel. I want to feel this.
>>8005 All these moist salmon all over my body So good >>8004 It's so warm and comfy
>>7999 I see I see. Fascinating. Thanks for the history lesson, Moon.
>>8008 Microwave a daki. It's pretty much the same thing.
>>8021 You get your hand cut off in an event that -might- be avoidable, I don't really know, shortly before you meet the family for the first time. It (or someone else's hand, it's kind of hard to tell) gets stapled back on and seems to work fine. That part was a bit unpleasant for me. I don't do well with hand injury stuff.
>>8030 I-I swear it's the room. It heated up during the day and it's hotter than the temperature listed on the weather website.
Godamnit tilde I hope trump cooks up a nice little nuclear winter just so you can suffer.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
>>8034 It's okay, I'm North of the forty-ninth parallel. Metaphorically at least, hah hah. If he gets the States nuked I can just head further up North. Plenty of land there yet.
i'm going to go to sleep i hope tonight's the night
And after I take Florida, I'll take the surrounding states as well I will become Kirara, the Bismarck of America! I'll unify the states and all will revel in the glory of the Top Idol!
But you'll ignore Canada. Because Canada is irrelevant.
Canada will become a valuable ally and source of syrup Their syrup is so numerous that it grants them the perfect protection against invasion
>>8052 Aye. Use them for their syrup. Even ally yourself with them if you must. But you would be unwise to trust them further than you have to. Canadians are cowards at heart and will desert you in times of war.
Whatcha do? Send 10 troops over to Europe in WWII?
>"I don't think those things go outside" >runs outside >they're outside
The shambling black flesh things?
Yeah the molded, the loading screen called them, I think She thought they only were inside the house and they terrify her so she was excited to leave She goes outside and the quadrupedal ones were there
>>8059 It wouldn't be much of a game if he just sat in the corner with a gun pointed at the door.
Back on topic -- Almonds should be eaten by the handful. They're delicious and packed with protein and micro-nutrients. Anyone who disagrees is a faggot.
Well since there's no other votes on the pile I'll go with what was said first. Toblerone it is.
I have an intolerance for nuts Almonds make my mouth and face in general go numb
Oh yeah how about I shove my almonds up your arse
I found out about the intolerance right before a job interview wwwww
How'd that work out?
I'm imaging something like that scene in Space Brothers where he does 400 squats the day before his NASA interview.
>>8068 I thought I was going into anaphylactic shock but I wanted the job so I tried to act normal while the terror of possibly dying slowly spread as my face grew more numb and I managed to do pretty well but apparently I looked really terrified even though I didn't sound terrified and they thought I was weird I became friends with the interviewer later and he said he thought I was afraid of him But I didn't get the job wwwwww
"I might die but I still want to try to get the job" is a really bad way to go about things
It captures lower-middle-class America pretty well though.
>>8070 Guh. That sounds awful. I'm sorry you had to go through it.
Even so. EVEN SO. Almonds are fantastic.
I didn't have that intolerance until like age 21 The human body is bizarre
That is weird. You'd think for something like that you'd either be allergic or not... not as something that develops over time.
It's not uncommon for allergies to develop at older ages. Well. Maybe uncommon (I don't know the actual statistics, but not unheard of.
My allergy doctor said that sometimes the human body basically rejuvenates the immune system ever certain amount of years and when it does whatever it does, you can get new allergies or intolerances
There's an old wive's tale of allergies running in seven year cycles. It's always kind of neat when there's some empirical data to bolster stories like that.
>>8080 Nut-free schools are pretty common here, at least for elementary and some times junior high. I think it's fine for that sort of thing to exist, since kids at that age can often have a hard time understanding the ramifications of sneaking a peanut candy bar to school.
bang needs tires
I developed an allergy to shrimp this last year and it make me wanna DIE
>>8082 It's important to weed out the weaker children from the rest of the herd. Otherwise natural selection cannot take place.
Except allergies are not necessarily genetic. My brother had an allergy to the kind of feathers that are commonly stuffed into pillows when he was younger. My parents don't share it, none of my other siblings share it. Never mind the allergy has also passed and no longer troubles him anymore. This isn't natural selection, it's literally a roulette. Well metaphorically a roulette.
That doesn't totally disprove it's genetic though. It could have been dormant in the rest of your family and only active in your brother.
I think there are genetic factors as well as environmental and biological
Yeah, I guess it would be more accurate to say allergies are not necessarily solely genetic. My point is that unless it is solely a genetic factor then there's no natural selection to take place. Luck and chaotic chance are much heavy factors in allergies--especially considering you can't really predict what you're allergic to until you experience the allergy. For all I know I'm allergic to durian.
It's all a big joke. Everyone is trying to tell you that that really shitty smelling thing is great to eat. They just want to see you put it in your mouth. If you'll actually be dumb enough to do it.