I had to superglue one my door clover things back to the door. it keep peeling off. *cover. Right now, I am listening to music while practising drawing. I wish weekends lasted longer.
Sure! I don't have that much normal music though. >>8140 Green beans are nice, I might make some in a bit, I have some bacon. green beans, bacon and toast might be nice.
Now you have seen the king of the murians and how he had to bow before herodes and fall down on his knees before herodes and bow down his head before herodes
>>8158 I feel like "turn the other cheek" is a severely lacking foreign policy stance
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Apparently the asian thumbs up guy was actually from /pol/ the ENTIRE time and was just pretending to be on the fence and just pretending to have no idea what was going on
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh shit Kirara I just remembered this week's zesty is called "vengeance" I don't remember that being a theme in zesty It is a big theme in Berseria What if we're bamboozled
I'm like halfway through but the person I'm with in it speaks at a manic pace and I can't type fast enough while listening so I have to keep pausing to catch up.
oh no >>8191 the end times have come >>8192 I've been working on it for two hours and I'm about halfway done, but I also stop after every like 30 seconds and get distracted by something else. I can't concentrate on it at all. >>8195 Only half an hour.
hue hue now when i say i've been up 20 hours straight doing 5 hours of audio you have some understanding of how awful that is it's not quite just like having a 20-hour shift at a job
I don't think I ever want to have a full understanding of that.
I'm sure I could knock this out quickly if I could just concentrate on it but it's so boring. It's like watching a rerun of a sitcom you saw a few days ago and didn't really like.
>>8209 She got the new Resident Evil 7 game. It's really atmospheric and she's easily spooked so it is pretty fun. She would get really focused on it and tense when the music and sfx got intense and I could just blow on her and make her scream.
>>8210 Yeah, but I usually am like "ho bout to doze off, better nap a little or do something to get fresh" but now it was "huh, 50 minutes into future?
Watching her play, it felt like Soma a little bit It's definitely survival horror, though She kept running out of ammo and had to kill big spooks with a pocket knife a few times
>>8214 FEAR 1 and FEAR 2 somewhat, but not as much were amusing in one thing at normal times, you were the god of death, the reaper of battlefields and thne you get scared shitless by a little girl who didn't give a fuck. Fear 2 wasn't as good in the tension and spook faction, aside from the school map, but I think it was mostly because it tried too hard at being "more scary" than the first one. fear3 was just crap, but a fun multiplayer game with a friend while drinking beer.
>>8218 They can be fun if you like getting spooked.
>>8220 RE7 did nothing very well. It feels like you never can be sure if there's something around the corner, but monsters are actually really scarce. And if you freak out and pepper them with bullets, you end up running out of ammo before they go down but they go down easily if you aim well.
The thing that most people making horror forget, is that while many are afraid of spooks and monsters, everyone is afraid of NOTHING. Nothing just happens to be a harder thing to make scary than a spoopimonster.
>>8222 It's really great to watch someone that gets easily spooked play. Although maybe not wrapped up in a blanket with them where you can't escape if they get spooked and jerk the controller into your face in fear.
>>8225 My movement was heavily restricted due to being wrapped up with her in a blanket and I was also fucking with her so I did take one or two blows to the face. I got hit with the controller a few times. Kicked a few times. Headbutted once. That blanket is a dangerous place to be.
>>8227 When you think about it, only part of it was what I deserved, though. I got hit plenty of times when I hadn't done anything! I'm an innocent victim here! Mostly.
>>8235 wow East couldn't win anyway. But thems the breaks
oh wait haha holy shit, I didn't even look at the tiles you got put down damn son
South's life would have been all fucked up
was about to be a first round sweep i could have called on the 8 sou but that would have been such a waste
Yeah, I was looking at that thinking you might not have gotten it in time but I see.
wouldn't have been worth shit anyway all or nothin
It's still a good hand if you did. Green, White, One Suit + Honors, Aka Dora ...how does three little dragons work? No, it does. Instead of counting green and white by itself, it's 4han.
just a pair i believe doesn't have any specialness to it
home boy just grabbed a 6-dora hand for 24k and almost brought it back but it was dealt in, not a tsumo so i finished top and that other poor sucker ended up negative twenty two thousand
home stretch! i'm curious how you formatted it but it's not really important
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's just like Tx: ipsum lorem Cx: lorem ipsum (action)
We were given a crappy little transcription example and that's the format it used We don't even have to turn in the audio file wwwwww
what are tx and cx? i mean i get what they are, but what does it mean
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Honestly I have no idea I know Tx usually means treatment or therapy so I understand using that, but I've never seen Cx before I can only assume it means client
i literally use moderator and respondent for just about everything if it's market research, interviewer instead of moderator
but i'll always tailor it to customer requests and stuff like th // that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Do you feel like those relationships were the same after you realized you were going to lose your job? Did those change before you lost your job between those two times? i asked this question during the session and i don't know how my partner managed to respond so well
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because i don't know the context for the second question i don't know what those two times could possibly be she's just saying she feels like she grew distant from friends after losing her job
This reminds me, there was one bartended who couldn't reach a top shelf bottle and had to jump several times to get it inched back enough for her to grab properly hold of it. It was real cute to watch
>>8351 i think this stuff is cool and i like latex and all but it looks like a lot of integration work for a pretty niche usecase how many equations do you need to post really? just make some screenshots
>I like latex sammy 2017
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>8356 Damn I assume you also wouldn't be interested in making the site lynx/links compatible either?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>8358 umm sorry that sounds incredibly difficult i should bring /horo/ back though
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also, hypothetically if someone forked doushio and made it mathjax compatible would you add those changed into your repo? >>8359 I know, I was just wondering.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>8360 if it wasa clean integration with an option yeah it's possible
>>8359 Thanks for bringing /horo/ back I would like to make it less ded one day
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>8361 Okay, I don't really have anything to do so I might look into doing that, or paying a friend of mine who does JS backend for a living to do it. Although if I were to do it I would have to go and actually learn JS first.
>>8387 The one I got a year ago was too crappy and flimsy to really be very heplful. So I recently got a nicer leather one, and I'm going to try to start jump roping 15 minutes before work every day. It's hard though, because it's a less attractive prospect than just sleeping 15 minutes more every morning.
>>8394 That's a difficult question for me to answer. I think I'm more weak than I am heavy, so no matter what the exercise I don't really feel that I place a lot of stress on my joints. So jump rope doesn't really make my joints hurt, but the exercise is so difficult that a few minutes of jump roping will turn my legs to jelly for a day or two from the muscle strain.
segen baby hazi go hey hye ho ho
lol no dislike button
>>8400 jumprope is one of the hardest cardio i know
I am starting to think he has some thinktank thinking about people to add that would raise the maximum amount of controversy to his team. I am seriously starting to think that is the case. I mean isn't his whole group so ridiculously weird and controversical?
He's also been arrested for domestic abuse And is known to hate Jews quite a bit
>>8413 Eventually you can get to a place where your lungs will hold out fairly well over long runs. I think that's really the first major milestone you have to pass to get to where you can really get a lot of benefit from running and jogging.
>>8416 Why do people still hate the jews? I mean, I understand the islamic irrational hatred in middle-east somewhat or the source of it but why in the west? Why does one jew doing ill become "all jews are evil" always.
>>8417 i hope so i make the excuse that my ribs got crushed and i took lung damage on that bike slip but i don't know if that's really what's stopping me i'm probably just being lazy
>>8418 I think it's easier to hate the jews because they're an outgroup with their weird cultures and traditions whilst simultaneously blending in with the ingroup.
>>8422 If you haven't been doing cardio regularly you probably have weak baby lungs. I got a lot of pain when I was not in good shape, especially down near my lower ribs.
I'd be at Battery Park hanging out with an actually good battery this time if my throat didn't feel so shit and I wasn't fucked up by 2 hours of sleep.
>>8431 hey now who's the one who had to run all the way back through that like quarter-mile parking lot in a sprint at 2 miles altitude to get the car because you couldn't stand up boop
>>8433 It's pretty intense. Someone actually recognized me when I went even though I was only there briefly. I didnt see them but they saw me in the garage area.
>>8439 cycling is really easy that's why i did it instead of running it's way less intense on the lungs, for me at least too bad some art school motherfucker who was contracted to share the university dorms stole my bike fuckin art school kids are the worst
>>8438 best navigator >>8440 That's neat I like intense stuff
>>8442 >there's a gas station over here >we pull into an empty fucking field ok jan
>>8443 Did that really happen? Haha fuck Jan please
>>8444 yeah, he's like "there's one off this ramp up here" and i'm like i dont think so and there was this long windy road that just led to a farm field that was gated off
Wait wasn't it still going on or did it die out at some point and he ressurrected it or is this another native land fucking project? How many pipelines need to cross the reservations for fucks sake? won't cost that much to make them do a little curve would it?
Well that does suit his personality. But just killing it because it can't be built on sacred ground and protected land is stupid why not just fucking make it curve a little...
They /// Obama administration was working on doing that, giving them a new route Trump decided native land doesn't matter
Also I love how the muslim ban has been all "this is worst thing ever" but didn't USA have heavy travel bans on all communists back in the day... And so did many other european nations for that matter. >>8458 Welp we can hope he just "ressurrected it to build it elsewhere" can we.
>>8460 No he explicitly said it should follow the original plan through the reservation
Well in his defense for last time he says many things but does a compromised decision eventually But yeah, it is bit worrysome in terms of cultural history and all
I believe the issue is that it runs over or under a river near an indian reservation and could be a potential hazard if ruptured. But it's a bit of a sticky situation because the current way we run all that oil is on the railroads which is also bad. So the railroad guys have been paying a lot of the demonstrations against it and the pipeline guys are trying to get the government to do it for them so they can make money. There is a risk of environmental damage with either approach, and greedy bad actors in both sides.
https://mic.com/articles/166845/the-list-of-muslim-countries-trump-wants-to-ban-was-compiled-by-the-obama-administration >Donald Trump didn’t come up with the list of Muslim countries he wants to ban. Obama did. wow
So what are the rules about reservation land use? I mean, does USA even have "force buy" for private land owners when it comes to construction projects?
>>8476 I really have no idea if eminent domain applies to indian land or not.
It generally doesn't. The reservations are at a level of sovereignty and the government isn't allowed to take their land without a bill being passed through Congress which redefines Indian Country agreements
>>8490 Wow, the green land is native land? They have a lot more territory than I imagined they did, they have like more of the Dakotas than we do.
>>8491 Some of the land is native land but shared with whites and considered communal land But the pipeline intends to go through hundreds of miles of native land
Oh, that's pretty interesting. I'd like to see the papers and stuff for that. I wonder how eminent domain is done when the land is like that. I imagine that they do have legal standing to take the land since it's even an issue, a private company wouldn't take the risk of building a pipeline over land that they could lose control over due to pending litigation. It woudl be interesting to look at all the papers and stuff to see on what basis they're allowed to do all that.
>>8495 I'm pretty sure that eminent domain doesn't work unless the government needs to use the land I don't think they can sell it to a private company after taking it
The feds can take land, though, although the process is convoluted. Also the feds REQUIRE written consent from authority figures in the tribe.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
there seems to be a persistent community around /cards/ i just fixed a bug the other day haven't added any cards in like a year or two though
>>8503 That bug was actually really helpful in getting rid of obnoxious groups of people. One of those people made the pull request. >>8506 Oh, I was //nvm
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh that particular bug wasn't by // bugfix wasn't written by me props, blind
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sorry i was referring to adding name expiration names become unreserved after i think a week
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I was referring to the thing with people joining the game being put at the top of the list instead of the bottom. >>8509 It was the closest thing we had to moderation on there.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it's an important bugfix sorry for leaving it alone for so long
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh i see now wow you're not a fan huh
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>8510 Yes, although there is another person who dislikes it even more. I'm surprised they haven't been more vocal about it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how exactly was it used to moderate?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If there were people who were being really obnoxious or that we just didn't want on there, what people would do is join the game and be at the bottom of the player list and then wait for their turn to be judge, then they would join the game in another browser or from another device and then not pick a card after the time out that causes the card to be picked randomly they would leave the game from that browser and join again, while that happened their other player instance would become judge and then they would just do that ad infinitum until people left because it became impossible to play the game.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
not sure which is the greater evil here
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>8514 The prevailing attitude is that it's "ours", and that the other people (non regulars) are "invaders". Well, really only one person feels very strongly about it. I do agree with them though. Oh also I was the one who rigged the polls for choosing new cards last time.
>>8518 Adding moderation would probably be a good idea. There were a bunch of other random features that people came up with but I don't remember all of them. The ones I thought were particularly good involved names and also scoreboards. >>8520 No, we can't. What we do is make it impossible for them to play and then wait for them to leave. Well I only did it a few times.
that seems pretty uncool it's just a game regulars get to play it all the time, let ransoms join in
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>8522 It // We do sometimes, somce //some of the regulars are really anal about stuff. Although often a group of random obnoxious people will all join at once. >>8524 incidentally that specific person is probably in Finland right now
>>8528 They can play somewhere else. I honestly have no idea why people keep posting the link places. Luckily people don't make threads about it on /a/ anymore. >>8530 One guy did briefly. Also there are a bunch of other websites where you can play CAH for free online with other people with custom decks.
because it's a game for everyone to play, not your secret club man if you want a secret club, why don't you guys get the game going on a server? it's not really fair to hog it from other people that want to play
why is it the randoms that have to go they have as much of a right to be there as you
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I honestly don't know how it started, I really don't feel that strongly about it. >>8535 I try to tell people to not be dicks to new players. But really only a few people feel really strongly about it.
Well if you just say "don't be dicks" that won't help. You need to form an argument for new players and why it is beneficial for any community to grow and keep growing at the very least it needs to match the rate of people leaving because if you keep it stagnant it will just die out, as no new blood arrives.
My paranoia about shit atleast makes browsing hell when using any browser with my settings. I am used to it but other people whine about it always. >>8552 Who knows as far as I know, EU is still stuck in ipv4 for somereason. Despite us having best internet logistics in the world.
also NAKED SNAKE I sang Snake Eater karaoke few days back
>>8502 I think they can do eminent domain for something like the pipeline, something where the government needs it to happen but a private company does it. I think in a genera; sense, stuff like building pipelines is in the national interest. It does seem a bit wrong for businesses to benefit from government action like that, though.
Oh yeah that was the thing I wanted to add into our library bond songs those would be fun to karaoke
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>8557 The government doesn't need the pipeline The pipeline is desired by private companies for the sole purpose of increasing their profits The oil being transported through the pipeline doesn't even originate in the United States.
>>8562 hmm I think that what you're saying is correct, but I think it's also a matter of in what way you think of the word "need". I think that moving oil around in pipelines and stuff probably does fall into the
>>8564 It's only allowed if you can prove it furthers the economic development of the community. Since they would be taking from the native land, they'd need to show that the natives would benefit economically. That was decided in Kelo v City of New London in 2004 I think.
The state of North Dakota consented to the pipeline going through that land even though they don't have the authority to do so as dealings on native land has to be federal. Nobody really did anything about it until the protests started. Then Obama refused to do anything useful and the feds were too wrapped up with the elections to move on it. In the end, all Obama did was ask the army corps of engineers to see if they can figure out a different path for the pipeline. The land hasn't even been seized. The pipeline is just being built on that land.
>>8575 Even so. Because the Natives are powerless, they're doing it. The natives can't do anything to stop it, clearly. Their attempts to take the company to court have all been in vain because the company is too strong.
The Standing Rock Reservation is currently hosting the largest gathering of native americans in the last 100+ years because the natives of the entire country are tired of this sort of thing happening all the time. But in the end, they're powerless. There's nothing they can do because they're fighting the strongest evils in the world. And now that Trump is in charge and his administration is what it is, the natives basically have no chance of retaliating or fighting back. All they can do is continue chaining themselves to construction equipment. Not that it matters. Because the pipeline has enlisted police from local towns to go and arrest protestors for protesting on land that they are free to protest on. It's not legal for them to do that, but the natives are powerless so the company gets away with it.
I'd love for these property seizers to sometimes tackle a foe their size. See what happens when the party whose lands they are trying to infringe, has enough money and power to take them on and take them down.
>>8579 The poorest people in the country are incapable of >>8581 They have tried with some of the best lawyers the ACLU can get them pro bono, but they can't make it to court because the company is steamrolling them and has the judges /// the local judges in their pockets.
And indeed, it doesn't matter, because they will just continue construction either way.
>having better lawyers than an oil company >ever making it to court >implying they'll even wait for the court date for them to continue construction on the land
US, the land of the free where your freedom is deemd by how many and expensive lawyers you can hire.
>>8580 >they will just continue construction either way wow US is really a country of oligarchs, where money rules here if something gets taken to court like this, the project gets halted indefinitely untill sorted out
It doesn't matter how good your lawyers are if your claim is illegitimate.
>>8586 and now they can't change it again because more people complain and they build it on land that they have no right to build it on... >>8587 ´Reminder how long good lawyers lobbied an illegitimate claim of "lead is safe for humans and humans have natural levels of lead in them"
>>8589 Are native americans not american citizens?
>>8591 In this instance, keeping it out of court if they claims are illegitimate hurts the oil company. If you build the pipeline and it's later found that you had no right to do so, that's going to be a big problem.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>8593 Even poor Americans don't get fucked over like this.
>>8596 It's a seizure case, and that's fourth amendment stuff. Especially since you noted that a good bit of the property in question is privately owned. Fourth Amendment applies to everyone, there are no exemptions.
>>8599 It doesn't matter because this is in Indian Country and they aren't protected like other people.
Do you know why the fourth amendment works? Because there are protections that use the fourth amendment. Those protections don't exist for native americans.
On the reservation, these things are all handled by the grossly incompetent BIA.
>>8598 That's true, it probably wouldn't be torn down. But it would open the oil company to a lawsuit and the possibility of huge damages. It's a risky proposition for a business.
>>8600 The fourth amendment doesn't apply to native americans?
In reality, the protections that exist for us, which exist because there are agencies that uphold them, do not exist for them. So functionally, the fourth amendment isn't relevant here even though it should be.
I'm telling you that the rules are different here. They aren't enforced. They have no power.
>>8603 That seems like a very cynical way of looking at things to me. A lot of the biggest landmark fourth amendment cases are cases where someone who is extremely poor and down and out is suing the government and wins.
>>8604 That's pretty offensive. You're being very stupid right now. I'm wondering if you're not reading my posts or if you're incapable of comprehending that there is a difference in the way things are for Americans and for Native Americans.
If there is no party to enforce a rule for you, how does the rule even exits in that situation then? If no one is there or the party that is supposed to do it doesn't, to enforce the rights for the natives. How do the rules exist for them? Normal citizens have it easy if the system works as intended, but if there are groups whose rule enforcers don't give a fuck, what can they do but whine futilely?
>>8607 This is the question of personal ethics with Rule of Law. There are laws to be maintained and privileges granted for those who maintain such laws. But for what purpose does one follow the laws if they can not be certain that the privileges extend to them?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>8609 This is completely fair no matter who you are though. I do that all the time. It's just the thing you should do in this scenario. Whether Rika's right or wrong, her opponent's will not concede an inch so the best option is to stop.
Getting mad at people for leaving arguments usually doesn't end well
>>8611 If someone is right why should they concede when the opponent is clearly wrong? also admitting that you are wrong or atleast not well informed and that the opposing party of an argument has you driven to a corner, is natural part of engaging in any argument and of being adult if you can't admit that you "lost" an argument, why ever take part in one?
Because some people want all the good parts of life without the bitter seeds.
Furthermore, I wasn't even invovled in an argument. I just find it difficult to believe that there is no legal recourse available to them. I don't know a lot about the situation though so I don't really want to go any further with it.
If the gears are turning against you, there is little you can do but try to jam them and that is oft also impossible as the gears of society are infinitely larger than you
>>8633 Yeah, but do it anyway. Break glass. Punch nazis. Punch faux-nazis too.
>>8632 I kind of feel that's an unfair and tilted way of looking at situations. Spiteful and negative emotions are manufactured out of real actions as much as positive and benevolent emotions are.
I mean, we did have a similiar "culture bubble" here, but they kinda realised how out of touch they were with society when the "NAZIES" got a major victory instead of going all the way of "punch a nazi" Sure htey did have a week or two of "not our country" but then they kinda finally noticed how the general population viewed them.
>>8673 Because our country's dissolved into shit from its geographic core. It's not American celebrities who are out of it. It's America.
Like, our "general population" is quite evenly split into Fuck you/Fuck both of you/Fuck them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"i want to die" and "i want everyone to die"
So it's like What is there to go back and look at? We're all fucked up. All of us. Half the reason I want to go to my church's conference is to see how fucked up these guys are one last time. The other half is to see Piano.
Watching Twitter has been a fucking trainwreck by the way. I seriously haven't had more than 2 hours of continuous sleep in the past two days. Now my throat's kinda shit and my head feels screwy.
Yeah, protests of the unemployed. I wish I was a "failed actor" like Shia. Where I have enough to just chill and do whatever the hell I want. But today has mainly been cleaning and stuff. My sister had an accident yesterday. She fell from the stairs while I wasn't home. And you know how my phone was all fucked up and not staying on? Yeah, she couldn't call me. I went to church thinking that it'd end soon after arriving and I'd go back home easy but there was a meeting and we also had to wait for my brother to pick up his son and we didn't end up getting back home until midnight. Then i caught up on some stuff and went to bed at 4 only to get woken up at 6 because my sister was feeling even more pain in the morning and mom took her to the hospital while I watched her son. And then mom got back and there was ANOTHER church meeting thing but for the womens group so we had to clean the house and we were cleaning all the way until 1 or 2. By then, I had second wind and decided I'd just internet the rest of the way. And here I am now
I still can't sleep yet because I have to take out the garbage to be picked up lol
The immigration lawyers at the protests are like the only tinge of regret that I have about not being a lawyer. That's just so cool. They fucking brought printers and shit to an airport and just started writing documents.
Though in all fairness, for every scummy lawyer you hear of, there's another four you haven't have that work hard and long for good reasons. It's nice that the field is getting good rep for their good work this time.
>>8793 It really depends on the way the game is built, but probably not. iPhone games are pretty bad about being able to do that. Android's capablilities for that are really limited, too.
>>8795 hmm So how will it work, my game data will be different on the computer from that stuff on my phone? Even if I use the log in data on both computer and phone?
>>8797 Usually the way it works is that the game has an ID and then you can get a backup code for your ID. So when you change devices, you input the ID and the backup code, and it logs you out on the first device and logs you in on the second one.
If the game does use Nintento login or something, it's possible that you could log in on computer and phone and use the same data, though.
Most mobage just use game data like I described first, though. The only ones that don't I can think of are games hosted by Mobage (Like GBF) or Bandai Namco's games which use Namco ID.
Hmm, I do wonder when privilege of travel and such became thought as "right to travel" and same for "privilege of immigration" became "right to immigrate"
But yeah, watching the world dissolve in real time on Twitter is nothing short of an experience. It even comes with mild comedy breaks between the drama
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I'm just glad I get to watch it dissolve with friends
>I would say the dress is trash but actually its recycling you have no idea how gone my sides were
>>8875 so he had it removed right after he took office? that's so weird
and the sad thing is that nobody noticed until now
Well who ever visits federal government websites.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
y-yeah who would ever do that ha ha
Fucking NERDS that's who.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah cool guys like me wouldn't even think about it haha
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I do, I downloaded a bunch of declassified government military/aerospace research like a year and a half ago. Also I visit the national lab websites pretty regularly.
Do you intentionally play into jokes or are you just an "AHKTUALLY" kind of person.
>>8920 "If you want more of that, then please do by all means"
>>8921 Nah, not the kind that happens in west yeah but most islamic terror is islams killing islams though it does happen most in islamic countries. so yeah the >>8925 kind of stuff happens in west rarely if at all
>>8924 Yeah definitely, but because that sort of activity doesn't happen often in the West, >>8919 this is kind of premature to just go on about don't you think.
There was also the Mosque that burned down in Texas the other day
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Oh yeah, that was pretty messed up. I heard there still aren't any leads but everyone is pretty sure it was arson.
As well, the mosque that got shot up is a previous sufferer of fairly anti-Islamic sentiment. A pig's head was left on the doorstep in June, and it has commonly been vandalized with graffiti spouting stuff like "Islam out of my country". Well commonly might be a mistatement, vandal graffiti is a common affliction of mosques in the Quebec City area, but this one has suffered graffiti like it.
>one of the shooters is thought to be 27 year old man but no mention of race so... oh well it is wrong to presume
Because that's how we do it in Canada. When the Parliament building had a shooter invading it a year or two back, the news stations that were covering it were extremely hesitant to talk about non-essential details before the situation was wrapped up.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Only Americans are really obsessed with race in reporting
>>8951 haha yeah >>8947 I have shot at fast moving targets that were not alive and they moved in much simpler patterns than people and it was pretty difficult shooting at panicking, moving people is really difficult
>>8946 I think the point of "thought to be" establishes very clearly that there isn't certainty in this suspect.
In further examples, after the developments of the Parliament case wrapped up, the same newscaster that was intentionally vague about who the shooter was, came out and said it was an act of terrorism. But only after the situation was resolved and the details were firm. To presume before that is impolite.
Also depends on the space and the situation they put themselves in It's probably big.
>>8952 You'd think it'd be easy if they were a crowd though. All packed into that one building with nowhere to run. Really, if Islamists can pull of 9/11, then I expect more out of these people.
>>8953 Just going to go by the basic media reporting of any nation in the west in shooting cases If it is "native citizen" they usually report that as soon as they know it if it isn't they hush it up before it becomes required of them to tell details about the culprit(s)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>8956 9/11 was crashing airplanes into buildings, not unloading magazines into a large mosque with some people in it
>Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III. How the hell did we get here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There was dressed up alligator, there was cum on the piano, disco dancing neighbors who were born in mashed potatoes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Oh, there was a shooting in Myanmar too someone killed a lawyer for the ruling party
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I wonder when we reached the point where that can just be added to a conversation as an aside
We simply don't hear of most of them since "they are not news" it is not news that people die in violent areas afterall, only when it is particularly tragic or done in some new way or happens to servet he agenda of the time.
Also, I love how a 90 day ban or whatever is now the new holocaust
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>8980 i'd love to sadly these are not my cats >>8981 ah yeah right they can eat out of their own dishes i go on a little power trip and bully the bully cat by standing over him and giving him a death stare and yet he still tries to slip by and steal food while I'm doing so
>>8984 So just because it's ninety days, we should just all grin and bear it?
>>8986 Well it is wrong to detain green cards and such but travelling is not a right it is a privilege
And we call ourselves the moral leaders of the world
>>8987 And what about people that are just passing through the States on a flight layover? Sure travel may be a privilege, but what right does the States have to interfere.
Also I am not saying that the act has been done correctly or shit I am just saying that banning people from any country from entering your country is within the rights of the government and general travel to a country from foreign countries is not a right, it is a privilege.
Just because something is done shittily as fuck, doesn't mean the idea behind it is absolutely haram. >>8998 Also, amusingly no one is upset that some countries that are now on the ban list, practically if not actually too, ban travel from usa and european countries to their countries...
>>8996 The bans that those countries apply aren't in our scope as citizens to protest. It's not particularly interesting at all, really. People care about the things they care about. Why would I equate the values of a country across the ocean to mine?
Like for example, Iran has gone all "we need to counter-act" Iran, mr. has no practical following of basic human rights, here being all concerned about "right to travel"...
We know that it's happened. But in what condition are people in to protest over Iran banning them when our country banned them first. >>9006 I don't see the hypocrisy at all. Our country is literally tearing itself apart. Government branches are not listening to each other. Executive departments aren't communicating effectively. Our own people are being put in harm's way.
I just find the hypocricy just amusing beyond belief And that they raise this issue way beyond the scope and scale of it. >>9004 Iran already has banned all US >>9005 good for you
>>9016 They're still our people. People with legal permanent residency are trusted people. They go through a lot of shit just to even get that. Which is why this whole ~extreme vetting~ thing is just a nonsense term. You're barring the people who have already gone through such things for zero reason other than "Sorry, but some white people are scared"
My hispanic friend is visiting family in Guatemala and we've set up this elaborate lie to convince our friends that he's been deported We figured it would be easier to convince the friends who hated trump more
>>9027 No. I'm just saying that I don't see where the hypocrisy is. This is what people care about. >>9031 Oh. Okay. I guess I missed that then. Anyway, I'm gonna go throw out some garbage bags. And Kirara can sleep with the koi fishes.
>>9030 The hypocrisy is not in the states it is outside of it
Anyhow, I don't believe in giving residents that many rights Sure give them basic protection and same access to services as the regular citizens, but otherwise limit them. But at the same time, encourage actively integration and when deemed "integrated enough" any resident can easily apply for full citizenship and then be rewarded with full rights. Problem just is what to do with residents' offspring.
>>9038 linking to another dead facebook post we need to go deeper
This "party size limit" or "max party size" in Mount & Blade is stupid I don't agree with the devs on this one Even with max leadership you're still scraping up bits and pieces of renown so you can actually have something that resembles an army
>>9062 The spooky ones? Died off because turns out nobody gives a shit about them once they've told all their friends about how they'll violently attack the clowns if they see them
>>9064 What an anticlimatic resolution. This story arc really went nowhere.
>>9068 http://time.com/4521464/insane-clown-posse-killer-clowns/ You'll enjoy this one too
The more commie leaning part of the political spectrum are discovering ICP now and realizing they agree on a lot of things, I guess Partially due to one song which lyrics involve killing KKK members
I guess they can bond since if there's one thing the commies like, it's using violence
If someone shows up with a warrant, how do you verify it's real anyway It's all well and good to know you have rights, but if you can't tell the difference between a real or a fake warrant, it doesn't help much
>>9107 I would say no because it actually works. >>9109 The ability to more // >>9109 The inspiration for it was some EU law that did not pass that has to do with copyrighting pictures of landmarks and famous buildings. >>9110 It makes you think harder about what and where you photograph.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
What kind of function does that provide people? If the only point is to make you think "oh lol everyone has this picture", it's really just an art project
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I mean a coffee machine that bombards you with pictures of underpaid coffee farmers while making your coffee still works, but I'd class it as an art project
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Inversely you can also use it to find places nearby where many photos have been taken./ It makes geiger counter like noises based on how many pictures it can find online near where you are standing.
i watched the last resident evil movie today the evil guy was jorah
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Resident Evil movies have gotten weird
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>With 30,000 troops,[1] Yamagata, although greatly outnumbering Saigō, bided his time constructing a series of fortifications to encircle Saigō and preempt any chance of a breakout, additionally requisitioning five warships to bombard the rebels and reduce their defenses. 30k view 500 "let's get some warships in on this" Vs, not view
>The samurai, under heavy fire, charged the lines of the imperial army, which had not been trained for close-quarter sword fighting. In just a few minutes, the once organized line turned into disarray. Highly skilled samurai swordsmanship prevailed against an army with very little traditional training I like how this makes it sound like they did a lot of damage, but at the end of the battle they'd only killed 30 imperial soldiers total
Okay make thread I'm here.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
It's amazing how recent a lot of samurai stuff is Tech sure moves fast
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Like this was 150 years ago That's super recent for armorclad sword fighters
Though the Japanese also modernized in a sort of strange way. And the samurai cast existed a lot longer than similar militant classes or casts elsewhere in the world. Or existed until much more recently.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Yeah the battle I was quoting is apparently what amounts to the last 500 samurai making a final stand against the imperial army All of them died, killing 30 imperial men
I'm gonna download and read a book about the guy leading those last 500 samurai
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>9147 Saigo Takamori, I have a book about him somewhere but I never finished it.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
The Last Samurai: The Life and Battles of Saigō Takamori
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
It's interesting mostly because of how recent it all is If it was in the 1300s I wouldn't be as interested
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Do you know why the Samurai were still around in the 19th century?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I assume guns weren't exactly top notch in Japan?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>9154 Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world for a few hundred years. They did trade some with the Dutch but the Dutch were only allowed to go on one island.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Also when you hoard power as a class, you end up finding ways to keep it
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
The rest of the world had democracy and shit while Japan was like "fuckin feudal system banzai"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>9157 I'm not an expert on world history, but I'm pretty sure the US// >>9159 yeah
So anyways all the advances in technology outside of Japan did not arrive until Commodore Perry forced Japan to trade with the US and other countries. The book you're going to read shouldhave a good overview of all of this.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Well the US did anyway
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Japan's history is pretty cool because of all that stuff I'm amazed nobody did a hostile takeover
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Though I guess there's not a lot to gain from taking Japan It's like rice fields and sword smiths
>>9160 It's not like no one tried. There were two Chinese-issued invasions that failed because the Chinese were stupid and attacked an island isolated nation in the middle of monsoon season.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Is that a version of land war in Russian winter?
Both times the Chinese fleets were wrecked before the bulk of them even made land in Japan.
I think the second time was after the Mongols had taken China's capital and were hosting their brief dynasty as emperor of China. So they probably weren't all that interested in what the Chinese had done before.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Did japs just not have shields by the way? Seems odd to have a sword culture that long and nobody thought to make a piece of iron with some width, and just hold it in front to not get fucked by arrows
They weren't just a sword culture. The sword became popularized by the samurai class and ended up romanticized, but the Japanese militants used a vast variety of weapons including spears and bows.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I know they had a buncha other weapons but my question was mainly "why no shields?"
I don't know the reason there isn't a lot of shields in their weapon history. In honesty I don't even know if that's factually correct anyway. It might just be they never encountered shields and never developed them.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
The search for the head is interesting as a starting point
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
It's really funny to go from SAMURAI FINAL STAND AND HONOR to "the Japanese media" Like holy shit the tech gap between those concepts everywhere else is insane, yet in Japan they were together
>>9174 Bad weather, combined with the fact that the Mongols were good at riding hoses, not sailing boats. It led to Japan coming to the conclusion that they were blessed to always win in wars, which didn't work out so hot for them in WWII.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Tbf in ww2 they fought against someone not intent on taking the land, but stopping the japs Nukes wouldn't be on the table if the US intended to live there
Oh, we're talking about the Chinese. They got messed up pretty bad by weather too. There was an awfully suspicious tendency for attacking fleets to get destroyed by storms. But sometimes there just are coincidences.
Japan wasn't a very good place to invade anyway, there is nowhere near the wealth of resources you'd find in China there, and it's traditionally been a land inhabited by crazy samurai who make a career of fighting.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
It's some hand of fate shit for both attacks to get fucked before they started by force of nature
They're very good at war. I don't think they're that bad in the water, but Japan is basically the Asian World's England. They're an island nation, so they are very good at naval warfare.
chinks are good at war they just have a low budget
>>9294 Now you know how all the nerds who play Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings feel like.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
It's fun History has never been too interesting to me War is interesting but usually not in terms of individuals or anything Mostly the strategy is a little interesting to me, but this is interesting somehow
Maybe I'll stumble over it I'll probably branch out once I finish this book and go backwards and forwards in time as I expand beyond Japan
>>9302 Filthy reds. There's some insane stuff in there.
>>9303 >go backwards in time Did you invent a time machine?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Books are r Time machines
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I'm not sure if it was Tyson or Sagan who had a line in Cosmos about the first recorded writing essentially being that person's thoughts traveling through time
Wait, you mean they gave a science show to Seth McFarlane, the guy who does Family Guy? Why would you do that?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>9317 Yes Yes they did And not just any show, fucking COSMOS
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Being able to customize a troop would be cool too So you can really lead your own army
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
If nothing else, at least there won't be guns in bannerlord Thank fuck
Didn't you want them before?
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
No? There's a reason I don't play fire and sword, and that's the guns In this nippon mod, guns are sparse so it works out
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
In fire and sword, random looters and bandits will often carry guns and it's just like "oh good, I was clipped down randomly while charging 5 peasants with my army of 70
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Also npcs have unlimited ammo so good luck ranging them
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
There's just no strategy that lets you defeat fucking looters without taking losses, and that annoys me Looters are the fucking level grinding mobs
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>all this stuff about trade and politics Oh boy
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
In the nippon mod, maybe a tenth of a lord's army will even have guns, they're pretty rare Super strong though
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Also I think they adjusted the market so stuff is cheaper and money is worth more I got my first horse for like 150 mon
When I was walking past the mall earlier there was some guy swimming in the fountain. I don't know why. I think his friends dared him. He looked about high school age.
30 degree heat and Canberra boredom will do that to you.
>>9362 Bruh, you ain't thinking like a business man. Who WANTS to return their cart? No one, that's who. So you offer to be their valet. Just take it off their hands and wheel it back yourself, keep the coin as a fee. You gotta seize oppurtunity and provide these people with value.
>>9365 Yeah. Okay. Well.. The problem with that is that the customer doesn't give a fuck if the trolley goes back or not. That's why there's a coin deposit in the first place. There's no reason they'd want me to take it back. It would be easier to just leave it next to their car or dump it in the nature strip.
>An example of dishonest signalling comes from Fiddler crabs such as Uca lactea mjoebergi, which have been shown to bluff (no conscious intention being implied) about their fighting ability. When a claw is lost, a crab occasionally regrows a weaker claw that nevertheless intimidates crabs with smaller but stronger claws.[18][19] The proportion of dishonest signals is low enough for it not to be worthwhile for crabs to test the honesty of every signal through combat.[16]
Why don't you just buy some surplus mines and litter them throughout the water until no boat can ever reach the shores of the pure, pristine Australia again?
>altruism in groups may be signaling of those displaying it Biology is interesting
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>Due to the time and energetic costs of preparation, torch fishing results in net caloric losses for fishers. Therefore, torch fishing is a handicap that serves to signal men’s productivity.[ This stuff is so cool Imats is signaling theory part of your education?
no signalling theory isn't part of any mainstream education or body of thought
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well maybe they touch on it in behavior modification stuff but it's a theory without mainstream acceptance and so people generally don't care about it
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
It makes a lot of sense though
Signaling is somewhat brought up in game theory. Game theory is used in economics at least.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>9423 I think it's a different kind of signalling. Signalling theory is an evolutionary theory about behavior. >>9422 well yeah but lots of experiments into it have not achieved predicted results so people generally stay away from it
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Oh? I must have glossed over that part I'm just reading through the Wikipedia article
>>9424 Game theory is a lot about behavior as well. I had it covered in biology as well i'd say they were quite similar though game theory being close to mathematics is more strict about things.
>>9426 in a different sense the behavior in signalling theory is pretty simple generally although people have been trying to make it apply to more complex behavior But either way like I said, I don't know of anyone that really does signalling theory >>9425 I don't know if it'll be on wikipedia since if an experiment fails, it never gets published and therefore only people "in the know" actually learn about it
well from own experience with annoying renovations happening next to me do as much before it bothers and then just relax or git the hell out when the noise starts.